Extracting Vegetable Oils

Extracting Vegetable Oils

Read the following information and answer the questions

1. Name three sources of vegetable oils

2. Name two ways of removing oils from plants

3. Which two elements are in vegetable oil molecules?

4. What is meant by an unsaturated oil?

5. Describe the test for unsaturated hydrocarbon.

6. Here is a diagram of apparatus to remove oil from an oil-water mixture.


a) What is the name given to the process used to remove the oil?


b) What is being boiled off? _______________________

c) What is being left behind? _______________________

7. Here is method to remove oil from olive plants


What is this process called? _______________________________

8. Here are three types of oil molecules


How many double carbon-carbon bonds are in the following oils

1. Saturated ? _____

2. Monunsaturated ? ___

3. Polyunsaturated ? ____

9. Here is a test for an unsaturated oil ……


What chemical is being used for this test? ________

What has happened to the chemical? _______________

What would happen if the oil was replaced by an unsaturated oil ? ________


Some seeds, nuts and fruits are rich in vegetable oils. The oils can be extracted by pressing and then removing water and other impurities.

Another way that plant oils are removed is by distillation. The oils are mixed with water, then boiling off the water to leave the pure oils.

Vegetable oils are made from hydrogen and carbon chains.

Oils with double carbon-carbon bonds are said to be unsaturated.

These are called ALKENE molecules.

Polyunsaturated molecules have more than one double carbon-carbon bonds.

Unsaturated oils will react with the chemical bromine. Bromine is normally yellow-orange in colour. When it reacts with unsaturated hydrocarbon it turns colourless.


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