Bee Waggle Dance Game

Bee Waggle Dance Game


Bees are amazing pollinators. Most bees are solitary, but honeybees are social insects that live in hives. If a honeybee finds

flowers that are a great source of nectar and pollen they go back to

their hive and tell the other bees. How do they do this? They do a

¡°waggle dance¡± to tell the others which direction and how far away

a delicious bed of flowers is located. Here¡¯s how the waggle dance


The worker bee dances on the honeycomb. She dances in a

straight line at the angle the flowers are compared to the sun (with

the top of the hive representing the sun.) While moving in that direction, she waggles her stinger end back and forth. The more

times she waggles, the

farther away the flowers are.

She then loops back

around, waggles again,

loops the other way (making

a figure 8), waggles again,

and so on. After watching

the dance, and feeling the

vibrations with their

antennae, the other bees

can find the flowers. This

picture shows what the

dance looks like.

Bee Waggle Dance Game

The Game

Now let¡¯s try it! Shake your stingers and find some flowers!

Cut out the shape of a sun and the shape of a flower out of paper. There are stencils below if you want to color them and cut

them out!

Put the paper sun in the room to show the direction of the


Be the bee! The bee hides the paper flower anywhere in the


Do the waggle dance to show adult or friend helpers where

to look for the flower. Remember to do the waggle dance based

on where the paper sun is.

Helpers watch the dance and then can start to look for

the flower.

Switch roles ¨C the helper

can be the dancing bee, and

the dancer can be the helper!

Move the sun to see how the

waggle dance changes! And

remember, the more you

waggle ¨C the farther away the

flowers is.

Bee Waggle Dance Template

Did you have fun talking through dance like a bee? Was it hard to communicate

without talking? Tell us about it and/or send us a picture of your game by

emailing us at campoffice@!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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