Appendix A:Minimum Specifications for Bid 03910APPENDIX A SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL TERMSOVERVIEWThese specifications define the Contractor’s responsibilities for conducting vehicle emission tests and managing all test data including that received from the Authorized Testers.1.1Required FeaturesThe Contractor shall perform the following services:Conduct motor vehicle emissions tests.Provide testing equipment to the Authorized Testers.Collect and manage test data in a Vehicle Inspection Database (VID) for all the tests conducted by the Contractor and the Authorized Testers.Provide Ecology access to all data stored on the VID. Electronically transmit to the Department of Licensing, within ten minutes of test completion, the VIN of each vehicle that has passed an emission test or been waived from further testing.Transfer the State’s portion of the collected fees to the State General Fund.Assist with Ecology’s public information and auditing activities.The State of Washington, Department of General Administration intends to issue a contract that will, to the extent possible, maximize public convenience, ensure test result accuracy, and minimize the State’s administrative costs. The requirements of this RFP take precedence over all previously published documents, except for Washington State and federal laws and their associated rules. Potential proposers are encouraged to ask for clarification or to comment on contract requirements prior to submitting a proposal.1.2Optional FeaturesIn addition, a Bidder may also propose one or more optional features and show how they would recover their cost for each feature. Depending on how a feature would be funded, the State may include one or more optional features in the contract at the time of award or at a later date reach mutual agreement as to the extent an optional feature could be implemented. Examples of optional features that could be included are those intended to:Reduce testing fraud. For example, the use of an independent anonymous shopping company to monitor the testing conducted by the Contractor and the Authorized Testers.Assist vehicle owners who are having difficulty getting their vehicles ready to be OBD tested. For example, offering readiness alert devices or operating the vehicle on a dynamometer to set OBD monitors to ready. Ecology approval would be required for any customer charges and deposits.Increase testing convenience. For example, additional testing locations or operating hours that could be instituted on a trial basis.Add diagnostic capabilities to the test equipment provided the Authorized Testers. For example, by providing OBD mode 1-9 diagnostic data requests.APPENDIX A cont SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL TERMS2 VEHICLE TESTINGVehicles to be TestedA test is required every other year for the vehicles specified in the proposed Chapter 173-422A Washington Administrative Code. An exception to biennial testing is that state and local government vehicles test annually. A test may also be required when there is a transfer of vehicle ownership between private parties and for vehicles operated on a federal facility. The table below identifies the vehicles that will require a test during the contract period:Year License ExpiresModel Year of Vehicles Needing Test20121988, 1990, 1992, 1994, 1997, 1999, 2001, 2003, 2005, 200720131989, 1991, 1993, 1995, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 200820141990, 1992, 1994, 1997, 1999, 2001, 2003, 2005, 200720151991, 1993, 1995, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 200820161992, 1994, 1997, 1999, 2001, 2003, 2005, 200720171993, 1995, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008The Contractor is not guaranteed a minimum number of paid tests nor will the Contractor’s compensation be adjusted based on the number of paid tests performed by the Contractor. Contractor Operated Testing LocationsProposals may include any combination of locations where various types of tests can be performed. However, each county must have at least the following number of locations where gasoline OBD/TSI or diesel SNAP tests are available.Clark and Spokane Counties - Two gasoline OBD/TSI and one diesel SNAP.Pierce and Snohomish Counties - Three gasoline OBD/TSI and one diesel SNAP.King County - Six gasoline OBD/TSI and three diesel SNAP. The proposal may include additional testing locations including OBD only locations and temporary or mobile test units. Ecology recognizes that not all proposed testing locations may be able to be in operation on July 2, 2012, therefore each proposal must include:A schedule of the tasks (including all permits and approvals) needed before testing can start at each proposed testing location.Contingency provisions such as temporary testing locations and extended hours of operation for the available testing locations to offset the loss of testing capacity due to a delay in the opening of a proposed testing location.Testing ProceduresThe specifics of how vehicles will be tested are in the proposed Chapter 173-422A Washington Administrative Code (WAC), the applicable portions of federal regulations 40 CFR Part 51 Subpart S Test/Maintenance Program Requirements, sections 51.357- 51.363, and these Specifications. APPENDIX A cont SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL TERMSIn summary one or more of the following three tests may be performed at a testing location:Downloading information from a gasoline vehicle’s on-board diagnostic (OBD) system;Analyzing the vehicle’s exhaust emissions during a two-speed idle (TSI) test; or Measuring a diesel vehicle’s exhaust opacity during a snap-acceleration (SNAP) test. Changes to Emission Standards or Test ProceduresThe Contractor shall accommodate changes in standards without additional cost to the State. The emission standards may change with regard to the number and types of vehicle classifications and emission levels. These changes may include changes to the vehicles that are given an OBD test and changes to the OBD test procedures such as disregarding certain diagnosis trouble codes or the readiness status of some monitors on certain vehicles. The proposers may suggest changes for Ecology’s consideration. Incomplete or Denied Tests Reasons for denying or not completing a test include:In the Contractor’s judgment there is a safety hazard or other problem preventing a test from being completed. Examples include:Missing or unverifiable VIN (Vehicle Identification Number)Continuous fluid leaks (Other than condensation water from air conditioning units)Missing or inaccessible exhaust system componentsAnimals in the vehicleUncooperative vehicle owner Vehicle’s engine stalls repeatedly. At least two engine restarts must be attemptedThe testing software has prevented a test from being completed because the results may not be valid. Examples include: I.During a TSI test:The engine idle speed is greater than 1100 rpmThe engine speed at the high speed idle remains greater than 2750 rpm or less than 2250 rpmThe sum of CO and CO2 readings falls below six percent. An exception is when the HC reading is 1800ppm or greater, then the vehicle failsII.During an OBD test when: The engine idle speed is less than 250 rpm or greater than 1100 rpm No or low (less than 10 volts) voltage is detected on pin 16 of the DLCThere are not enough monitors ready to report for a passing test result During a retest the monitor(s) that caused the previous test failure are “Not Ready “APPENDIX A cont SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL TERMSIIIDuring a SNAP test when:The engine idle speed is greater than 1100 rpm If the testing process is stopped or not started:The customer will be given a form, approved by Ecology, that includes why the test was not started or completed; No fee will be collected or retained; and The following Information will be stored in the VID:The reason and the person who stopped or did not start the test;The vehicle’s license plate and VIN and Any other information that was collected. Authorized Testing EquipmentAll official tests conducted by an Authorized Tester must be done with the testing equipment in communication with the Contractor’s VID. Offline testing will not be recorded in the VID. Prior to starting an official test the testing equipment needs to verify communication with the VID.Once the test is completed all test records will need to be transferred within five (5) seconds to the VID and a confirmation returned from the VID that this data has been received.An official TSI test must be automatically prevented from being performed until after the tested vehicle’s engine has operated at 2500 (+300) rpm for 90 seconds. A failing official TSI test must automatically and immediately require that the vehicle be retested following 180 seconds of operation at 2500 (+300) rpm.Testing Equipment FailureA testing equipment failure occurs when Department of Ecology orders, in writing, that designated equipment not be used for all or certain tests because of:Equipment failure or malfunction; orEquipment miscalibration or not having undergone a required calibration. In such cases, the Contractor shall notify the appropriate Ecology staff when the testing equipment is put back into service. Notifying Testers of Testing Equipment FailureThe Contractor’s data handling system will need to inform the Authorized Testers when their testing equipment is not ready to be used and the reason. The off line reasons include:The Authorized Tester has chosen to use the testing equipment off line.The Contractor has prevented the use of the testing equipment because of:Nonpayment of fees or charges; orThe equipment has failed to meet a quality control requirement; or A request to do so by Ecology; or The need to install software upgrades. APPENDIX A cont SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL TERMSApproving Testing Equipment and Software Programs Ecology must approve all software and testing equipment used by the Contractor or provided the Authorized Testers and their modifications prior to use. Within ninety days of being awarded the contract the Contractor shall establish a Change Management internet site accessible to Ecology that contains the following information for Ecology’s approval:The process for introducing and tracking requests (either by the Contractor or Ecology) for software and hardware changes, including bug corrections, enhancements or upgrades. All software and hardware revisions other than program enhancements (not required by the contract) shall be done without cost to Ecology.A step by step flowchart of each test procedure including data handling procedures. Variations for specific vehicles or conditions and the procedures for authorizing and tracking the manual input of information must be identified.A data dictionary and the change process for the VID.Minutes of all meetings between the Contractor’s staff and Ecology’s staff related to software or hardware.Verifying Contract Compliance Ecology will conduct announced or unannounced audits at all testing locations and the Contractor’s administrative offices. These audits may include, but is not limited to:Contract performance, including testing procedures, equipment calibration, operation, and data handling. Ecology staff will perform routine equipment checks at the testing locations during operating hours without the aid or participation of Contractor’s employees except they may be required to manage vehicles waiting to be tested.Fiscal and administrative procedures. Ecology or its representative may audit the Contractor's records and record keeping system and procedures to verify that all fees have been accurately collected and accounted for. 3CONTRACTOR EMPLOYEES3.1 Test Station Operating Procedures The Contractor shall develop an Operations Manual, subject to Ecology’s approval, that describes all policies and procedures related to the Contractor staff performing their duties. Revisions require Ecology approval. New or revised policies and procedures must be added to the manual on or before their effective date. Each of the Contractors employees needs to be given a copy of the changes and sign an electronic log that they have received and understand the changes. This log shall be remotely accessible by Ecology staff. A copy of the Operations Manual shall be used in training all Contractor staff and a copy available to each employee while on duty at a testing location.APPENDIX A cont SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL TERMS3.2 Staff TrainingContractor staff performing tests must annually pass (with a score of 80 percent or greater) an Ecology-approved test that deals with the types of tests that they may perform. All new testing staff must initially have qualified Contractor staff working directly with them while they test at least 30 of each test (Gasoline OBD and TSI, Diesel SNAP) prior to conducting that type of test unassisted. Ecology staff may request verification of Contractor staff training and certifications at any time during operating hours. The testing location manager or assistant manager must participate in the testing of all diesel vehicles.3.3 Staff ClothingWhen in contact with the public at a testing location, Contractor staff shall wear only standardized uniforms and visible nametags (first name only) and an employee identification number. Except for gloves, shoes and socks, employees are not to wear any additional visible clothing or other items. The Contractor shall supply and maintain clean employee uniforms appropriate for the weather conditions. These shall include caps, jackets, vests, shirts, pants or overalls. All employee attire is to be worn consistent with the Operations Manual directions.3.4 Staff Eating and Drinking Contractor’s employees shall not have food (except for beverages) in the vehicle testing area or in a public service area.4COMMUNICATIONCommunications with EcologyStarting within 45 days of contract award, the Contractor shall provide monthly activity reports to Ecology by the 15th of the following month that summarizes the Contractor’s activities for the preceding month including: Indentifying all Contractors’ staff and subcontractors, their assignments, any personnel changes, and recruitment of new staff. Indentifying any delays in meeting the schedule in the Contractor’s proposal.The status of all Authorized Testers orders and their accounts. The Contractor shall provide Ecology staff with:Electronic mail and telephone access (during operating hours) to all of the Contractor’s Washington State office and testing location management staff including their business cell phones. Web-based access to the VID that will include:The time a vehicle waited to be rmation on why and who determined that a vehicle could not be tested by the preferred test or authorized bypassing obtaining a vehicle’s engine speed during testing.The ability to change the final result of a test to pass, waiver or extension.The ability to perform data analysis and ad hoc reporting. APPENDIX A cont SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL TERMS4.2Data Handling The Contractor’s data handling system will need to provide:Ecology access to all data in the Contractor’s VID. The Contractor shall provide Ecology electronic access within five minutes to the data from all testing locations including the Authorized Testers. Ecology staff shall without assistance from the Contractor’s staff have the ability to:Perform data analysis and ad hoc reporting. Change a final test result to “pass”, “waive” or “extension.” To download the views of the waiting area at a Contracting testing location posted on the public website during the last 30 days. In addition to the test records the VID shall also include:How long a vehicle waited to be tested at a Contractor staffed testing location. Who tested the vehicle and who determined that a vehicle could not be tested using the preferred test or authorized bypassing obtaining a vehicle’s engine speed during a test.The results of the automatic calibrations checks and those manually initiated along with the date and time. The Contractor or Ecology staff ID when calibration checks are manually initiated. The Ecology assigned number of the Ecology Authorized Emission Specialist recorded on the previous test report provided by the vehicle operators. Providing the Department of Licensing the VIN of vehicles that have passed an emission test or been waived from further testing. The Contractor is responsible for any costs of establishing, maintaining, and revising this data transfer process including satisfying software encryption or other requirements of the Department of Licensing.4.3Reporting Equipment Failure to EcologyThe Contractor shall report to designated Ecology staff by email any equipment failure at a Contractor operated testing station that cannot be immediately corrected. The Contractor shall maintain an equipment repair log on an internet site that is remotely accessible by Ecology staff. The Contractor shall update the log whenever there is an equipment failure. The updates to the log shall include, but is not limited to, the following information:The time the equipment failure occurred; The time Ecology staff was notified;The arrival time of the Contractor repair technician;Diagnosis and repair information; andThe time the equipment was returned to service.4.4Communicating with the PublicThe Contractor shall provide 24 hour telephone service to each testing location for inbound public use exclusively (except for self-service OBD kiosks) that provides a pre-recorded message. APPENDIX A cont SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL TERMSThe text of the pre-recorded message must be approved by Ecology for each testing location. The pre-recorded message shall include:Directions to the testing locationHours of operationThe test fee and acceptable payment methods How to contact the Contractor using a local or toll-free numberEmergency information that can be remotely updated by both the testing location staff and the Contractor’s Washington State office personnelThe Contractor shall maintain a public internet site approved by Ecology that includes:Telephone numbers and locations by county, city, and map of all testing locations including those operated by an Authorized TesterThe test fee and the payment methods accepted at the Contractor’s testing locationsA view (updated at least every five minutes during operating hours) of the vehicle waiting area of each Contractor staffed testing locationHow to locate, by county, city, (including telephone number) a repair business with an Ecology Authorized Emission Specialist and the Authorized Testers Assistance for vehicle owners who are unable to renew a vehicle’s license following a testAccess to test records by VIN or license plate number including the ability to print out test reportsLinks to the Ecology and Department of Licensing public internet sitesThe Contractor shall order or print and distribute to all testing locations (Contractor’s and Authorized Testers) the information given operators of vehicles that failed a test or whose vehicle was unable to be tested.The Contractor shall distribute Ecology provided public information materials to vehicle operators at the Contractor testing locations. The Contractor shall respond, within five business days, to written requests from vehicle owners seeking compensation for unnecessary tests or repairs including vehicle damage that may have resulted from a test performed by the Contractor. The Contractor will provide a copy of the request to Ecology when it is received and a copy of the Contractor’s response when it is available. Compensation for the cost of vehicle damage, diagnosis or repair cost incurred by vehicle owners due to improper or incorrect tests conducted by the Contractor are the Contractor’s responsibility and are to be reimbursed to the vehicle owner from the Contractor’s funds. Ecology’s contract representative may also direct the Contractor to provide compensation to a vehicle owner from the State’s portion of the fees collected for any reason. APPENDIX A cont SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL TERMS5CUSTOMER SERVICE AT CONTRACTOR OPERATED TESTING LOCATIONS Test StationsThe Contractor shall assure that each Contractor operated testing location:Conforms to all applicable state, local, or federal requirements.Has the operating hours posted. Vehicles may be tested earlier and later than the posted hours and by appointment. All vehicles waiting to be tested at closing time shall be tested and completely processed, prior to closing.Operates the posted hours. Testing locations may be closed on the following days: January 1; Martin Luther King, Jr. Day; Presidents' Day; Memorial Day; July 4th; Labor Day; Veterans' Day; Thanksgiving Day; and December 24th and 25th. During the posted hours a public entry door must be unlocked, lights on in the office areas accessible to the public and the doors of all test areas open. In order to provide prompt assistance to walk-in customers, there shall be a system in place to notify Contractor staff of customer arrival. Examples are a bell at the customer desk or a front door buzzer.Maintains and operates the testing and data handling equipment according to the manufacturer’s specifications, including operating temperature. The testing equipment needs to be able to maintain normal operations without being influenced by other equipment failures including not being able to communicate with the VID.Test ResultsAll Contractor operated testing locations shall provide the vehicle operator of a vehicle that fails a test a completed test form. All test forms must be approved by Ecology. Within ninety days of contract award, the contactor shall provide Ecology a draft copy of each of the different test report formats. The operator of a passing or waived vehicle shall receive a receipt that includes the vehicle’s VIN and license plate. Operators of vehicles that cannot be tested or have the test completed shall be notified in a manner approved by Ecology.In addition, each Contractor staffed testing location shall be able to provide, free of charge, a copy of the most recent test report or passing receipt by the Contractor or an Authorized Tester.WaiversThe conditions required by Chapter 173-422A WAC and the Operations Manual must be met before a waiver from further testing can be issued for a vehicle that failed an emission test. Prior to issuing a waiver the Contractor staff must complete an Ecology approved checklist that all of the required conditions have been met. These conditions will include:All emission control components including the OBD system installed by the vehicle manufacturer or a replacement acceptable to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency appear to be intact and operational.The person has provided original receipts for emission repairs or diagnosis signed by an Ecology Authorized Emission Specialist working at Ecology listed business(s) that total at least $150.APPENDIX A cont SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL TERMSThe checklist and the accompanying repair receipts used to document the vehicle’s repairs and their costs must be kept on file at the testing location for Ecology staff to review or obtain. The original repair receipts are to be returned to the customer if they request them. Then a copy of the returned receipts with who accepted them noted on the copies shall be kept on file at the testing location. Test Station Staffing LevelsEach staffed testing location shall have at least two persons available to perform their functions at all times during operating hours, including a manager or an assistant manager. The Contractor shall maintain adequate staff to meet these staffing requirements regardless of employees being unavailable due to authorized or unauthorized leaves, breaks, or mealtimes. There are no staffing requirements for an unstaffed OBD kiosk. However, a toll-free telephone or local telephone number needs to be posted on or next to the kiosk. At this telephone number the customer must be able to speak to Contractor personnel when a nearby staffed testing location is operating. During the times that a nearby staffed testing location is not operating the customer shall reach Ecology approved recorded message that will include when Contractor personnel will be available.Customer FeedbackThe Contractor will provide Ecology-addressed and approved forms to register comments at each Contractor testing location. Ecology will forward Contractor-specific complaints to the Contractor. The Contractor shall respond to the customer, in writing, within five working days, with a copy to Ecology’s designated staff. The Contractor’s internet site shall also provide the public the ability to ask questions, obtain assistance, or make comments to the Contractor with a blind copy to Ecology.5.6 Install Directional Signs The Contractor shall arrange for the installation and maintenance of directional signs to each of their testing locations. If arrangements cannot be made with local government agencies for the installation of signs on public right-of-ways, Ecology may waive this requirement or require the Contractor to arrange for the installation of signs on private property. 5.7Customer Parking The Contractor shall have at least two parking spaces for customer use only. The parking space closest to the public office entrance shall be posted with an "handicap symbol of accessibility” sign and have at least an 8 foot wide access aisle on the passenger side. Contractor staff shall not park a vehicle in the space posted for customer use, in a testing area or in an area next to the testing area that is not a marked parking space.5.8Emergency Assistance to Customers. The contractor staff will assist customers by inflating tires, jump starting their vehicle or adding engine coolant when this is needed for the vehicle to safely leave the testing location. 5.9Other Businesses at the Contractor’s Testing LocationsThe Contractor may operate or arrange with another party to provide services or space for other services at a testing location when approved by a contract amendment.APPENDIX A cont SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL TERMS6FEESTest FeesThe Contractor shall collect a $15 fee from the operator for each vehicle test they conduct with the exception of a vehicle:Licensed to a State agency or to a local government;Being retested for the first time within twelve months after failing the initial test of a test cycle; and Requested to be tested by Ecology staff.The vehicle operator may pay the fee using cash, personal or business checks, American Express, VISA, MasterCard, or Discover Card credit and debit cards or by charging to a Contractor established business account. The Contractor will not be required to make change for bills larger than $50. The Contractor is not required to accept any card that requires a PIN/code. An unstaffed OBD only testing location need not accept cash or checks. Collecting Fees from TestersThe Contractor will collect the following fees from an Authorized Tester:A $3 fee due the State.A one and one-half percent fee due The Department of General Administration An equipment charge per test, when an Authorized Tester leases testing equipment from the Contractor on a monthly basis. These charges will cover any needed upgrade, replacement and repairs (not including the repair or replacement costs of damaged equipment) of the testing equipment. In addition to the per test equipment charge, the Contractor may require an installation charge (not to exceed $200) and a deposit of (not to exceed $5000) as a credit toward the equipment charges for the next twelve (12) months.If an Authorized Tester chooses to terminate the lease before twelve months have elapsed and the full deposit has not been used a prorated portion of the unused deposit shall be credited to the Authorized Tester account.There shall be no per test equipment charges or deposit requirements for state agencies and local governments. However, the installation charge will still apply.The lease agreement shall include provisions for a $40 a day credit to the Authorized Tester account whenever the Authorized Tester is unable to conduct a test due to:A delay in installing the Contractor’s testing equipment at an Authorized Tester location before June 1. 2012 or thirty (30) days after the Authorized Tester has completed a lease agreement; whichever is later; or for any reason that an Authorized Tester cannot test vehicles for longer than 24 hours except when this is due to an action or inaction of the Authorized Tester.APPENDIX A cont SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL TERMS Depositing Collected FeesAll fees collected by the Contractor shall be deposited, at least weekly, into a federally-insured and state-approved financial institution. No later than Friday of each week, three dollars for each paid tests conducted by the Contractor and for each test conducted by the Authorized Testers through the previous Sunday shall be transferred via electronic fund transfer to the State Treasurer for deposit in the State General Fund. (See Section 12 Payment Adjustments) Ecology will provide details on how to process an electronic funds transfer.A summary of all test fees and other fees collected by the Contractor and any adjustments shall accompany each transfer of funds. Also, each year in January and July, a summary of the disposition of all fees collected by the Contactor from vehicle operators and all funds received from the Authorized testers during previous six months will need to be provided Ecology.How the Contractor is PaidThe Contractor will be paid by retaining $12 of the test fee they receive from vehicle operators and from fees received from the Authorized Testers. A proposer shall include in their proposal:A transaction fee, not to exceed $2 for each test conducted by an Authorized Tester.An equipment charge per test, not to exceed $10, when an Authorized Tester leases testing equipment from the Contractor on a monthly basis. These charges will cover any needed upgrade, replacement and repairs (not including the repair or replacement costs of damaged equipment) of the testing equipment. A draft lease agreements between the Contractor and an Authorized Tester using testing equipment provided by the Contractor shall be included in the proposal. For those tests performed of a State or local government vehicle, the Contractor shall withhold from the fees to be transferred to the State Treasurer, an amount equal to what they would have collected if the test fee applied to tests of state and local government vehicle tests. ($12 for the initial test and the second or more retest of vehicles that failed the initial test during a 12 month period)7PAYMENT ADJUSTMENTS7.1State Portion of Collected Fees The weekly transfer of the State’s portion of the fees collected by the Contractor will be reduced by the following amounts:Refunds requested by Ecology; and Payment for all tests of state or local government vehicles.No adjustment shall be made for bad debts or any expenses associated with them.7.2Contractor Portion of Collected Fees The weekly transfer of funds to the State will be adjusted as follows: The Contractor shall not retain any fees collected for tests performed at the Contractor’s testing locations or by the Authorized Testers inconsistent with Chapter 173-422A WAC or the Operations Manual. This includes tests:Without test data that is within the range needed to confirm that a test is valid; or Using testing equipment which Ecology has ordered not to be used; orAPPENDIX A cont SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL TERMSWithout the identity of the person(s) that tested the vehicle or authorized a modification of the test procedures being accurately recorded in the VID; and Without an associated wait time being accurately recorded in the VID; (Only applicable for tests done at a Contractor staffed testing location).The Contractor’s portion of the test fees collected at the Contractor’s staffed testing locations will be reduced by the result of multiplying the sum of all wait times greater than ten minutes (truncated to a whole number) times the 2010 Washington State minimum hourly wage.For example, using the 2010 Washington State minimum hourly wage of $8.55, if there were seven wait times that exceeded ten minutes; 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 20, and 22 (sum equals 120 minutes or 2 hours) in the week for which funds were being transferred then an additional $17.10 ($8.55 times 2) would be transferred to the State. 8REQUIRED SUBMITTALS8.1Test Station DesignsThe Proposal must include for each proposed testing location: A detailed description of the emission testing and data handling equipment (including the manufacturer and model number) to be used. Previously used equipment must be identified and its age or hours of use provided The location (address and a site and building plan that includes the vehicle traffic flow), and testing equipment locations. Each Contractor staffed testing location shall maintain an office that includes a customer service area with space for Ecology-approved public information materials and a restroom available to customers without charge. These requirements do not apply to any proposed OBD self-testing only locations. The testing locations for diesel vehicles shall have at least one testing area that will accommodate the entry, exit and test of vehicles up to 14 feet high, 9 feet wide and 40 feet long.A schedule of needed tasks to start testing and the contingency measures if the testing location is not ready to test on July 1, 2012. 8.2Test Station Hours of OperationProposals must include the operating hours for each Contractor operated testing location. All testing locations shall be open from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday and at additional times so that the total scheduled hours of operation are at least 44 hours per week. The opening and closing times for each test location may vary between the days of the week, month and during the year and between testing locations. However, any operating time prior to 7 a.m. or after 7 p.m. will not apply toward meeting the 44 hour weekly requirement.8.3 Relationship with Authorized Testers Proposals must include a draft lease agreements with the Authorized Testers and government fleets. This agreement must include all charges to and credits due the authorized testers. APPENDIX A cont SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL TERMS8.4 Testing Software and Data Handling Proposals must include a description of all testing and data handling software and hardware to be used by the Contractor. This description must identify the developer or manufacturer and the version of the Operating System Interface for all software and data handling equipment to be used and a data dictionary, flow charts, and High Level Entity-Relationship diagram for each test method. The proposed Data Dictionary shall include the following test and calibration data:Test Identification Number. A unique number that includes the VIN, test location, test date/time, tester. Test LocationTesting Software Version NumberWhen Software Version was installed. Date/TimeTester ID Test Start Date/TimeTest End Date/TimeWait TimeTest NumberVINVIN Input MethodLicense Plate NumberLicense Plate StateModel Year from VIN DecodingMake from VIN DecodingModel from VIN DecodingGVWR above 8500 pounds from VIN DecodingFuel from VIN DecodingEntered Model Year If Different from VIN Decoding Entered Make If Different than from VIN DecodingEntered Model If Different than from VIN DecodingEntered GVWR above 8500 pounds If Different than from VIN Decoding GVWR input method. VIN decoding, e-VIN, VID, Manual Entry Entered Fuel If Different than from VIN DecodingVLT Row NumberPrescribed Emission TestEntered Emission Test Selection if different from prescribed testWho Authorized Test Selection Change Initial Overall Test Result - Pass/Fail/AbortedDate/Time Overall Test Results were changedFinal Overall Test Result - Waived, Pass, Aborted, Extension Who Authorized Overall Test Result Change Test fee. Paid/FreeWho authorized changing a paid test to a free test. APPENDIX A cont SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL TERMSTest fee payment method. Cash, Check, Credit Card, Coupon, .Exempt, FreeAuthorized Emission Specialist number for retests. OBD Test result Pass/Fail/AbortedOBD Test Idle RPM Reading OBD Test Voltage Reading OBD Test Communication ProtocolOBD Test PID Count OBD Test PCM Module ID OBD Test Calibration Identification Number OBD Test Calibration Verification Number OBD Test e-VINOBD II Misfire Ready/Not SupportedOBD II Fuel System Ready/Not SupportedOBD II Comprehensive Component Ready/Not SupportedOBD II Catalyst Ready/Not SupportedOBD II Heated Catalyst Ready/Not SupportedOBD II Evaporative System Ready/Not SupportedOBD II Secondary Air System Ready/Not SupportedOBDII Air Conditioning System Ready/Not SupportedOBD II Oxygen Sensor Ready/Not SupportedOBD II Oxygen Sensor Heater Ready/Not SupportedOBD II EGR System Ready/Not SupportedOBD II MIL Readiness Result/Not SupportedOBD II MIL Command OnOBD II Fault Codes commanding MIL on.TSI Test Result - Pass/Fail/AbortedTSI Test SequenceTSI HC Standard TSI CO StandardTSI RPM Collection Method TypeTSI Idle RPM ReadingTSI Idle HCTSI Idle COTSI Idle CO2TSI 2500 rpm Reading TSI 2500 rpm HCTSI 2500 rpm COTSI 2500 rpm CO2Diesel SNAP Test Result Pass/Fail/AbortedDiesel SNAP Opacity StandardDiesel SNAP RPM Collection MethodAPPENDIX A cont SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL TERMSDiesel Idle RPM ReadingDiesel SNAP Number of SnapsDiesel SNAP Opacity Pipe1 Final Results RPMDiesel SNAP Opacity Pipe1 Final Results. Pass/Fail/AbortedDiesel SNAP Pipe1 Opacity1Diesel SNAP Pipe1 Opacity2Diesel SNAP Pipe1 Opacity3Diesel SNAP Pipe 2 Opacity Final Results RPMDiesel SNAP Pipe 2 Opacity Final Results. Pass/Fail/AbortedDiesel SNAP Pipe2 Opacity1Diesel SNAP Pipe2 Opacity2Diesel SNAP Pipe2 Opacity3Automatic calibration Test Equipment/Date/TimeManual calibration Test Equipment/Date/TimeAutomatic calibration Test Equipment/Date/TimeManual calibration Test Equipment/Date/TimeWho performed the manual calibrationWhat testing equipment was locked outWhy was testing equipment was locked outHow testing equipment was locked out. Auto/ManualWho manually locked out test equipment.When was testing equipment unlocked. Date/timeWho unlocked test equipment. When testing equipment when out of service. Date/timeReason for testing equipment going out of service.When testing equipment came back into service. Date/timeWhen data transfer equipment when out of service. Equipment/Date/timeReason for data transfer equipment going out of service. Date/time When data transfer equipment came back into service Date/timeCaution: Material deviations from the Purchasing Activity’s requirements may lead to your proposal being disqualified. ................

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