Acceleration Problems - Neshaminy School District

Acceleration Problems



Use this formula to help you solve the following problems:

Acceleration = change in velocity = final velocity – initial velocity

change in time final time – initial time

Solving for Acceleration

1. An automobile manufacturer claims that its latest model can go from 0 to 90 km/hour in 7.5 seconds. What is the car’s acceleration in m/s2? (Be careful, watch your units!)

|Given |Equation |

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|Plug-in |Answer with UNITS!! |

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2. A fighter jet landing on an aircraft carrier’s flight deck that has a length of 300.0 meters must reduce its speed from about 42.5 m/s to exactly 0.0m/s in 2.0 seconds. What is the jet’s acceleration?

|Given |Equation |

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|Plug-in |Answer with UNITS!! |

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3. A runner whose initial speed is 29 km/hour increases her speed to 31 km/hour in order to win a race. If the runner takes 5.0 seconds to complete this increase in her speed, what is her acceleration? (*HINT* start by changing km/ hour to meters/ second)

|Given |Equation |

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|Plug-in |Answer with UNITS!! |

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4. A car is merging onto the expressway with an acceleration of 1.77 m/s2. When it begins down the ramp the car is traveling at a speed of 40 km/hour (11.1 m/s). How long will it take for the car to reach a speed of 88.0 km/hour? (24.4 m/s)

|Given |Equation |

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|Plug-in |Answer with UNITS!! |

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Solving for velocity

5. A bicyclist accelerates at 0.89 m/s2 during a 5.0 second interval. What is the change in velocity of the bicyclist?

|Given |Equation |

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|Plug-in |Answer with UNITS!! |

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6. A freight train traveling with a velocity of 18.0 m/s to the south begins braking as it approaches the train yard. The train’s acceleration while braking is -0.33m/s2. What is the train’s speed after 23 seconds?

|Given |Equation |

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|Plug-in |Answer with UNITS!! |

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7. The elevators in the Landmark Tower in Yokohama, Japan are among the fastest in the world. They accelerate upward at 3.125 m/s2 for 4.0 seconds to reach their final speed. If these elevators start at rest, what is their final speed?

|Given |Equation |

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|Plug-in |Answer with UNITS!! |

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Solving for time

8. A child sleds down a hill with an acceleration of 2.82 m/s2. If her initial speed is 0.0 m/s and her final speed is 15.5 m/s, how long does it take her to travel from the top of the hill to the bottom?

|Given |Equation |

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|Plug-in |Answer with UNITS!! |

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9. The car with the fastest acceleration is the Tempest. It has an acceleration of 6.89 m/s2. Suppose the car accelerates from rest to a final speed of 26.8 m/s (about 96.5 km/hour). How long does it take the Tempest to reach this speed?

|Given |Equation |

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|Plug-in |Answer with UNITS!! |

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10. The Impact is the first electric car ever developed. During tests in 1994, the car reached a top speed of nearly 296 km/hour (82.2 m/s). Suppose the car started at rest and then underwent a constant acceleration of 1.6 m/s2 until I reached its top speed. How long did it take Impact to reach its top speed?

|Given |Equation |

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|Plug-in |Answer with UNITS!! |

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