Performance Assessment Task

Performance Assessment Task


Directions to Learner:

For this performance assessment you will create a Venn Diagram (graphic organizer) to compare and contrast [TOPIC].

1. Identify the two events or concepts that you will compare and contrast.

2. Identify the characteristics that are unique or important for each concept or event.

3. Record your findings in a Venn diagram. Show characteristics that are unique to each and characteristics that are shared by both.

4. Prioritize the information within the diagram by ordering the lists.

5. Prepare a written summary of your findings. Reflect on the meaning of the diagram.

6. Participate in a peer assessment of your draft copies. Use the scoring guide to assess another learner's work.

7. Revise your work based on the feedback you received.

8. Submit a final copy of your Venn diagram, your written summary, and the scoring guide to your instructor for feedback and evaluation. 

Directions to Evaluator:

In this performance assessment learners will create a Venn Diagram.

1. Revise the Directions to Learner to include specific information for your course assignment.  Include specifics regarding the content that must be included on the diagram.

2. Revise the criteria on the scoring guide if necessary.

3. Provide additional copies of the scoring guide for peer assessment. 



You must achieve a rating of at least "2" on each criterion to demonstrate competence. 

Scoring Guide Criteria and Ratings

| |Venn diagram clearly compares and contrasts two events or concepts |3       2       1 |

| |Venn diagram includes a list of characteristics for the first event or concept |3       2       1 |

| |Venn diagram includes a list of characteristics for the second event or concept |3       2       1 |

| |Venn diagram shows characteristics common to both events or concepts |3       2       1 |

| |Venn diagram shows characteristics unique to both events or concepts |3       2       1 |

| |Venn diagram shows a priority within each list |3       2       1 |

| |Venn diagram is neat and presentable |3       2       1 |

| |written summary provides a reasonable interpretation of the diagram |3       2       1 |

| |written summary compares and contrasts the events or concepts |3       2       1 |

| |written summary is concise |3       2       1 |

| |written summary evidences correct grammar, punctuation and spelling |3       2       1 |


Rating Scales

1 Did not meet criterion

2 Met criterion adequately

3 Exceeded criterion in terms or accuracy, completeness, thoughtfulness, or attention to detail 



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