Counting Story Performance Task

Counting Story Performance Task

You will re-write or create a children’s story, fairy tale, nursery rhyme, cartoon, movie, or TV show so that it includes probability and counting concepts and principles. The mathematics you introduce in the story must connect to the context of the story, and provide opportunities for decision making on the part of the characters within the story. The mathematics may be complex but try to keep the story simple. The evaluation of this assignment will focus on the mathematics within the storyline and the integration of narrative and mathematical forms in the story.

You story must include the following:

1. You must use the following concepts/principles to describe the decisions that the character(s) are asked to make.

• experimental probability

• theoretical probability

• trials

• sample space

• outcomes

• events

• complement / indirect method

• subsets

• fundamental counting principle/multiplicative counting principle

• additive counting principle

• independent events

• dependent events

• conditional probability

• mutually exclusive events

• non-mutually exclusive events

• permutations

• combinations

• Pascal’s triangle

2. You must use appropriate organizational tools, e.g. Venn diagrams, charts, lists, tree diagrams.

3. You must integrate diagrams, words, pictures, and calculations appropriately to illustrate the choices available to the character(s) and the decisions they make.

Before your story is evaluated, you will receive feedback from your peers. Each student will critique two stories, selected by random draw. The following rubric will be used for both feedback and evaluation.

In addition, Ms. Timson will provide feedback if you hand in your story three days before the due date. The feedback will be in the form of questions to prompt you to think more deeply about the concepts in your story.

Counting Story Performance Task Rubric





|Problem Solving |

| |Level 1 |Level 2 |Level 3 |Level 4 |

|Applying mathematical |" several errors in the |" correctly applies |− several errors in the |− correctly applies |

|processes and |application of the |the |application of the |the |

|procedures correctly to |mathematical |mathematical |mathematical |mathematical |

|solve the problems in the |processes and |processes and |processes and |processes and |

|story. |procedures |procedures with |procedures |procedures with |

| | |some er | |some errors |

| | |procedures correctly to | | |

| | |solve the problems in the | | |

| | |story. | | |

|Selecting Tools, Selecting Computational Strategies |

| |Level 1 |Level 2 |Level 3 |Level 4 |

|Selecting and using |− has used |− selects and applies |− selects and applies |− selects and accurately |

|tools and strategies to |counting |counting |counting |applies |

|organize the |organizers (Venn |organizers (Venn |organizers accurately, |the most |

|mathematics presented |diagram, charts, |diagram, charts, |e.g. Venn |appropriate |

|in the story. |lists, tree diagrams), but|lists, tree diagrams), but|diagram, charts, |counting organizers e.g. |

| |with some significant |with minor errors |lists, tree diagrams |Venn diagram, |

| |errors |or omissions | |charts, lists, tree |

| |or omissions | | |diagrams |

|Connecting |

| |Level 1 |Level 2 |Level 3 |Level 4 |

|Connecting the |− incorporates |− incorporates |− incorporates |− incorporates |

|concepts/principles of |permutations, |permutations, |permutations, |permutations, |

|counting and |combinations, and |combinations, and |combinations, and |combinations, and |

|probability to the story |probability, but with weak|probability with |probability with |probability with |

|line. |connections |simple connections |appropriate |strong connections |

| |to the story line |to the story line |connections to the |to the story line |

| | | |story line | |

| | | | | |

|Representing |

| |Level 1 |Level 2 |Level 3 |Level 4 |

|Creating an appropriate |− few representations |− some |− an adequate variety |− an extensive variety |

|variety of mathematical |are embedded in |representations are |of representations |of representations |

|representations within the|the story |embedded in the |are embedded in |are embedded in |

|story | |story |the story |the story |

| | | | | |

|Communicating |

| |Level 1 |Level 2 |Level 3 |Level 4 |

|Using mathematical |− some significant |− some errors/omissions in|− consistently uses |− consistently uses |

|symbols, labels, units |errors/omissions in the |the use of mathematical |mathematical |mathematical |

|related to counting and |use of mathematical |symbols, labels, and units|symbols, labels, and units|symbols, labels, and units|

|probability |symbols, labels, and units|related |related |related to counting |

| |related |to counting and |to counting and |and probability correctly |

| |to counting and |probability within the |probability |and meticulously |

| |probability |story |correctly within the |within |

| |within the | |story |the story |

| |story | | | |

|Integrating narrative |− either |− both mathematical |− both mathematical |− a variety of |

|and mathematical |mathematical or |and narrative forms |and narrative forms |mathematical and |

|forms of |narrative form is |are present in the |are present and |narrative forms are |

|communication in the |present in the story |story but the forms |integrated in the |present and |

|story |but not both |are not integrated |story |integrated in the |

| | | | |story and are well |

| | | | |chosen |

Due Date: ______________________________________


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