Agenda for the meeting of the Senate of

Agenda for the meeting of the Senate of

California State University Channel Islands Student Government

A meeting of the Senate will be held on Wed, October 19th, 2011 at 4:30 P.M. at California State University Channel Islands located in the Student Union Building Conference Room, to consider and act upon the following matters:

I. Call to Order

Meeting called to order at 4:30 pm

II. Attendance

Christine Thompson, Vice President Jason Barnes;

Executive team: Kurt Harris, Kyle Harris, Steven Jordan, Liz Anson

Senators: David Seery, Jillian Glassett, Mason Randall, Dave Ashley, Bianca Vega, Ben Wilson, Olivia Zolfaghari

III. Approval of the Agenda:

a. October 19th, 2011

b. Motion to approve the agenda by Mr. Ashley second by Ms. Glassett

c. Motion carries by unanimous vote

IV. Approval of the Minutes:

a. October 12th , 2011

b. Motion to approve the minutes by Ms. Vega second by Mr. Randall

c. Motion carries by unanimous vote

V. Public Forum:

Public Forum is intended as a time for any member of the public to address the Senate on issues affecting any student(s) and/or organizations of California State University Channel Islands.

Kilusan Pilipino

i. Jerry Fernandez: Kilusan Pilipino is going to the Friendship Games this Saturday. We were looking for student government to help us with goodies and school info so we can give them to other schools. We hope to expand our network and give them info. We are trying to give others school things to know who we are and what CI is all about.

ii. Ms. Glassett: Are you looking for money or little items?

iii. Jerry Fernandez: We are looking for little free stuff to give out in mass. We are trying to give out stuff to the other schools and to get our name out there on the programs we offer and the things that CI does.

iv. Mr. Barnes: We have some t shirts but we do not have any small give away items

v. Mr. Ashley: How many goodie bags are you looking for?

vi. Jerry Fernandez: 50 or sixty one per school.

vii. Mr. Barnes: Any more questions, Jerry I will be in touch later this week to see what we can do.

Master Dining Committee

i. John: I am the campus architect and we have been doing plenty of planning in our growth. There has been a lot of growth and a great deal needs to be down in order to keep up with it. Three years ago we wanted to go into another phase of housing however that was put on hold till now. As we are growing we have found that we need more dining option. Susan Wilkie is a consulate who is working on the web to help us in the find out the needs. But since you are the people who eat here more than any other group on campus we would like you feed back on what you would like to see on campus.

ii. Susan Wilkie: I would first like to see what you think is the future for food on campus. You all represent a great deal of opinions on campus.

iii. Kurt Harris: I would like to see more food vendors, more variety instead of just subway. I feel like it would help us meet the needs of the campus.

Ms. Glassett: from a resident’s perspective I remember going to the café and I would lose the taste or want for it because it gets old fast. I think that I enjoyed eating at the student union because it is not the same every day. I understand the business needs however I think it would be beneficial to look into other options of food. Currently if you go to the café on the same day you get the same food.

iv. Mr. Wilson: I know that they have been trying to get more option but I agree it needs to help. But something we need to work on is the meal plan. My idea is to make a three prong deal and the students would be allowed to choose what plans they wanted . They could choose whatever plan they want every year.

v. Kyle Jorgensen: I would like to see some healthy option. I would say there are only ever two different styles of salads, so there is not a great deal of variety. I understand that the unhealthier options are the easiest to make but I think it would be better to have healthy option.

vi. Mr. Jordan we have a pretty good culture of food but I would like to keep this going. And again with the healthier food I know it is more pricy but I think we should try. Also the cost I know that I do not eat at the café anymore because it is just a swipe to enter and that swipe is so expensive that I just go to the lighthouse café.

vii. Mr. Kurt Harris: I think that it is not that there is not a demand but I think that those dishes stay out awhile and that they are not fresh.

viii. Suzan Wilkie: Can you be more specific?

ix. Kyle Jorgensen: Living there it was out of the way so I would get the stuff that would get done the fastest. Then I would go with the pizza and fried chicken because they take very little time to get done. However the stuff at the salad bar and off to the side the food just does not look fresh so I do not get it.

x. Ms. Glassett: I agree if you go during peak hours it will be good but if I do not go then it just does not look that great. And if I am going in fast I get the quicker stuff so that I can go back to studying. And they changed the to go pokily so I do not go in anymore

xi. Mr. Wilson: I understand why they changed it. People abused it last year. I would love to see more variety. For instance, today they had this pan pasta thing and it was great. I would love to see that happen more often.

xii. Mr. Randall: I think that the café only attracts students on campus. I am a commuter and I do not go to the café anymore.

xiii. Ms. Vega I know the concern with the to go thing is that they cannot go and eat outside. It is too expensive and if you want something small there is no want to eat there.

xiv. Kyle Jorgensen: I would love the buffet and but then I would love to sit outside. Do you have any hopes of us expanding?

xv. Susan Wilkie: I think we would like to grow because they needed to be bigger

xvi. Mr. Ashley: I did not like the old system they would good noodles in different sauces and call it chow Mein. I think we should also look into different locations around campus

xvii. Mr. Jordan: I would like to look into a drive and bike through. Also I would like to see a make a salad help. I would love to see them teaching us stuff so we can learn how to cook as well. Most students don’t know how to cook or make salads

xviii. Mr. Seery: this is my fourth year and I think it is nice to have options. However with the meal plans you can only use a limited number of flex dollars.

xix. Mr. Wilson: I know one of the problems I heard last year in Santa Cruz was they cannot swipe in a friend with your meals that is why I think the three options would be great and you would be able to go all over campus

xx. Ms. Vega: I know when I go to the lighthouse they are very strict about what size to do. I would love to see different sizes. Also I think a sushi bar would be great since it seems in high demand for us.

xxi. Kyle Jorgensen: I think we should maybe look into cooking school.

xxii. Ms. Zolfaghari: in the lighthouse café I would like to see more options for soups.

xxiii. Mr. Ashley: I think that another way to go for variety is a daily special

xxiv. Mr. Jorgensen: I think having clubs fundraise would be great for the club. I think having a buy a cup of coffee and give 50 cents to the club.

xxv. Ms. Glassett: is there any way to balance out the amount of meals between the two villages. The difference is a lot. I know that there are plenty of my friends that used a lot less. I would like to see a smaller option that offered more dollars for the union

xxvi. Suzan Wilkie: You ideas are great and they will be able to give them to the school. Every food service in the state has to be self-supportive. I think we have to remember that with our small student bodies that some of these are not possible but we will look down the line.

xxvii. Ed Lebioda: there is a lot of stuff that students want and they usually do not go with it. So we have to go with what sells. There are reasons why I think this happen and it is because people rip off the services. Students would go outside and feed three students and come back in for more. These ideas we are looking at are great however they are from schools that are bigger and have more freedom then us.

xxviii. Suzan Wilkie: We will however try and find out how to do all the things you would like to see on campus.

VI. Special Presentations:

Advising appointments: Sue Saunders

Powerpoint attached below is the discussion after

i. Mr. Kyle Harris: I think we definitely need to change the perceptions of walk ins until now even I thought of it as the not important

ii. Mr. Jordan: The impression I got is that I would run out of time and then I would get shooed but if I have that hour I would know I would have enough time

iii. Sue Saunders: I think that we need something that would be catchier. What about a hybrid. Someone always on walk ins and some on appointments.

iv. Ms. Glassett: I was thinking about my busy schedule and I may not have time to go often I have to go when I can. I also think that a half hour would help because I do not use all my time

v. Kyle Jorgensen: Do you have some commonly asked questions. I think it could help if we post that somewhere.

vi. Sue Saunders: We have that on our website and we also have a quick little list that we can give you when you are waiting for the meeting. It tells us all this stuff for what we need to do. It will help you when we do not have time. I just hired a graphic designer and he is going to help us make a video about maybe the top five questions and put that on line.

vii. Mr. Kyle Harris: maybe I’m off my hinges but maybe we could have an academic advising appoints as an event. And maybe help them so that we can educate them.

viii. Sue Saunders: We do give options for advising on the go for housing. The library one was not as great. But in the office we have access to anything we need. I like the opportunities it gives us and so we can help serve all their needs. I am looking into other schools to help. What we have found is that booking far in advance does not work. Maybe only the last week of the month you can start for the next month

ix. Ms. Vega: I think we definitely need both because we have different needs and it would not help us if I need a quick appointment and I would take a long one and I may need a lot of time and a walk in would not do it.

x. Sue Saunders: I think going to half hours would help us meet the needs of everyone but I do not think going to all walk ins would not be the way to go.

xi. Mr. Jordan: Is there a way we could help you. Give you the exact questions we are going to ask because they would get in and out quicker so they would be prepping. I think it would be beneficial

xii. Sue Saunders: we give everyone two hours of prep a day. Also we try and do a good job with screening in order to help us with things they do not need an appointment for.

xiii. Mr. Ashley: is there a wait list for appointments for when someone cancels. I think we should do waitlist instead of going to walk ins. I think it would better serve the students.

xiv. Mr. Seery: So you have walk-ins and are students not coming in?

xv. Sue Saunders: I think it would depend on the day from 12 to 2 is when we do walk ins. The other thing that can happen is that students will cancel and come in the next day. If for say an advisor does not come, in the walk in person would take care of those students in order to make sure they are still taken care of when they made an appointments. This helps so that we do not reschedule a student for months after they have waited months.

xvi. Ms. Vega: Do you have a reminder system for advising?

xvii. Sue Saunders: We do send out emails 48 hours in advance. We used to call students the week before as well. Please let us know if you cannot make the appointment so we can give it to someone else. Also what is the best way to remind you of the appointment?

xviii. Ms. Glassett: I think a phone call would help and I think we should ask them to reply back. That way we know if they are coming or not. And I think the phone call would help us in planning

xix. Kyle Jorgensen: I think we should use woofoo which has been a great option that we have been using often. I could help you to use this so we can make it happen

xx. Mr. Wilson: I think the best way is through a text. Because I think a lot of people end up getting a text and they look at it no matter what they are doing so it would be great. And their phone is always on hand always with students.

xxi. Kyle Harris: What happened with the phone calls?

xxii. Sue Saunders: I think it was great but it got hard to make sure we were doing it and if we missed a day students would not have that notification. You can see we care and we want to keep this system because it is so important. We want to make sure they are going to graduate. I think we need to make sure they are taken care of from start to finish. We have people who love working with students and who are passionate. We are trying to keep this great for the students. We care and we appreciate what you have said. We might look into making a survey for you all.

xxiii. Mr. Jordan: Who created your system?

xxiv. Sue Saunders: I did. I think working at so many different systems this makes me knowledgeable and I have looked into what works and what does not. This is something I wanted to do so that our students are taken care of. They told me to do whatever I can to make sure our students have access to the help. Teachers do not have the time to focus on the details so it makes sense that a center will be able to do this.

xxv. Mr. Randall: How will students know when these appointments are available?

xxvi. Sue Saunders: I do not know but we will market them greatly.

VII. Action Items:


VIII. Discussion Items


IX. New Business


X. Reports:

a. Advisor, Christine Thompson

The student union is looking into making a website and we are looking into finding out what student want to see. If you can notify me through email your thoughts that would be great.

b. President Dulce Lopez ( no report given)

c. Vice President Jason Barnes (see below)

d. Executive team

i. Lobby Corp Director: Kurt Harris( no report)

ii. Chief Justice: Kyle Harris (see below)

iii. Communication Officer: Steven Jordan

a. Projects: student government grubbing- the idea why is that I want to have us show up during peak hours to talk to students to show unity and be there for the student s

b. I met with Darius Riggins ??? About the campus tour guides. If the senate would like him to come he can give a presentation would be interested in giving tours of the campus and talking about the school.

c. United Students of California I have been working on further.

iv. Student Organization Outreach Officer: Liz Anson( see below)

v. Technology Officer: Ryan Hunnewell (no report)

e. Senate:

i. David Seery (see below)

ii. Jillian Glassett (see below)

iii. Mason Randall (see below)

iv. Dave Ashley (see below)

v. Bianca Vega (see below)

vi. Ben Wilson

a. Meeting with Dr. Sawyer. He wanted an update on commencement. I did mention that people are leaning more towards having two ceremonies. We talked about sustainability and he said if it is something brought up by a lot of students he can look into it.

b. Something that was brought up by the business club was the lack of variety at the bookstore. I will try and look into talking with Fah at the book store and see what will happen. I am still talking with the students who brought up this issue.

c. As far as tabling for the block party I spoke with Jay Derrico and he was wondering who was going to be working it that day. He gave me the time frame and the second band ends at 1045. That is the best time to do the costume contest. We are looking into who wants to work it.

vii. Olivia Zolfaghari ( see below)

XI. Adjournment at 6:23 p.m.

a. Motion to adjourn the meeting by Ms. Vega second by Ms. Glassett

b. Motion caries by unanimous vote


Jason Barnes

Vice President

Senate Meeting



• Speaking at Freshman Reunion

• Assignments are finalized

o Proposals from senators

• Senator One- on One meetings

o Sending out a doodle

• Working with David Seery on involving commuter students more on campus

• Sending out Homework assignment number 2

• Setting up working meetings with senators

o Either once a month or bi-weekly


• Freshman Reunion October 21st

• Block Party Friday October 21st

• Score for the cure on October 29th

Chief Justice Report

Kyle Harris

Senate Meeting



1. Listing important assembly bills for United students of California

2. In the process of studying bylaws for the duties of Chief Justice



Upcoming Meetings and Events:

• Working on future meetings with Dr. Gregory Sawyer about our website.

• Kurt and I would like to make an appointment for the senate to go through parliamentary procedure training with us.

Important Dates:

• October 26, 2011 Donuts with Doc

• October 29, 2011 Score for the cure

Student Organizations Outreach Officer

Elizabeth Anson

Senate Meeting



• SABUL- Student advisory board of university life.

• Relay For Life- looking for more people to help run it. Next meeting is Friday October 21st if you are interested

• Appointed to University Glen Corporation's Board of Directors and possibly budget allocation committee

• Score for the Cure

• GPA requirements update


• Dr. Jaimie Hoffman October 13th – biweekly meeting to go over new student organization developments and SABUL progression

• Relay for life meeting: October 21st. 11:00-12:00

• How to maximize your effectiveness in serving on a University committee: October 20th 1:00-1:30

Important Dates:

• October 29th Score for the Cure event

• October 28th meeting with Dr. Sawyer, Dr. Hoffman, and Breana Christie

Senate Report

David Seery

Senate Meeting



• Analyze data from Wheelin' Wednesday surveys. Data from September and October has been input. Starting to interpret data now.

• Meeting with constituency to determine their feelings on graduation changes. Encouraging participation in the survey.


• Met with Sue Saunders on Monday to discuss her presentation today.

• Met with Dulce to discuss AAUW opportunity for Business & Economics majors.

• Discussed plans for commuter student recognition with Jason and Olivia.

Important Dates & Events:

• MVS Business Club is doing 2nd annual Spooky Scavenger hunt on Monday, October 24th at 6pm.

• Peace by Piece is on Tuesday, 10/25 from 8-9:30pm in Anacapa Commons will focus on conflicts around the world and how they affect us here in the US.

• Donuts with Doc is Wednesday, October 26 from 9-11am at the Treehouse Courtyard

• Business Advisory Council (BAC) speaker Michael Powers who is the County Executive Officer, County of Ventura. Powers oversees a budget of $1.7 billion and over 8,000 employees in 25 agencies and departments. The event will take place from 12-2 PM in Malibu 100.

• CI Bike Kitchen scavenger hunt meeting in front of the gym at 3:30pm and finished by 6:30pm on Friday, 10/28.

• Haunted Hoedown on Friday, October 28th in Anacapa Commons from 7-10pm.

Senator: Life Sciences and Mathematics

Dave Ashley

Senate Meeting



1. University Controversy – Data Mining Issue

a) I sent an email out to Lt. Morris and have received a response. He would be more than happy to meet with us to discuss this issue. Please let me know if anyone else is interested in meeting with him. Also, awaiting clarification as to whether I should meet with him as a small group only or have him come in to make a presentation to the Senate.

2. Graduation Survey

a) I have been advertising this in my classes, on Facebook, and by word of mouth.

b) I have been asking as many people as possible about the graduation issue. I have STILL been encountering an overwhelming amount of support for splitting the ceremony into two.


Upcoming Meetings/Events:

1. Rotaract Fundraiser for the American Cancer Society

When: Tonight! Goes until they close at 9p.

Where: Tortillas in the Town Center.

2. Rocky Horror Night

When: Thursday, October 20th.

Time: 8p-10p.

Where: Student Union Dining Area.

3. Block Party

When: Friday, October 21st.

Time: 9p-12a

Where:Ventura Street.

Note: Halloween themed.

4. Third Annual Science Carnival

When: Friday, October 21st.

Time 4p-8:30p.

Where: University Preparatory Middle School in Camarillo.

Note: Volunteers are (still) needed to help run booths. Please contact Dr. Phil Hampton or the Free Radicals Chemistry Club for more information (

4. Score for the Cure

When: Saturday, October 29th.

Where: Ventura College

Note: 6 on 6 soccer tournament. $15/person to play. Contact SPB for more information.

Important Dates:

Senate Report

Jillian Glassett

Senate Meeting




• Meeting with Mr. Dave Chakraborty

• Possibly meeting with the Sustainability Task Force at one of their meetings

Important Dates:

• Science Fair Oct. 21st

• Freshman Reunion Oct 21st

• Curse of the Block Party Oct 21st

o Who can make it? It’s from 9-12. I don’t know at what time the costume contest will be, and afterwards, if people need to leave they can. Remember, we are trying show our support and represent SG.

• Donuts with Doc Oct. 26th

• Score for the Cure Oct. 29th

Senate Report

Mason Randall

Senate Meeting



• Bylaws Committee: Currently updating and evaluating the present Bylaws

• Helping distribute online Commencement Survey (in addition to online, should other types of marketing be used like tabling, etc?)

Upcoming Meetings/Events:

❖ 10-19-11: CI Alumni Panel- 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the Career Development Center, Bell Tower 1548

❖ 10-20-11: 1:00-1:30 How to sit on a Committee in the Coville Conference Room.

❖ 10/21/11: Going to Anacapa Island in Channel Islands National Park with the National Park Service to learn about the islands unique ecosystem and volunteer

❖ 10/25/11: 1:00-2:00 Meeting with Jonathan Neira and Jason Barnes to discuss the Alumni and Friends Committee.

❖ TBA: In the process of scheduling a meeting with Dean Peña about how to succeed on the New Transfer Orientation Committee.

Important Dates:

❖ Donuts with Doc Oct. 26 9:00-11:00

Bianca Vega

Constituency: Languages

Senate Meeting



▪ Setting up appointments with chairs/faculty/staff/Student orgs associated with my constituency: languages.

▪ Assignment: Multicultural Awareness

▪ Multicultural Caucus


• Commencement Survey:

Began: 10/17/11

Where: Facebook, Business Club, Spectrum, etc.

A few concerns.

Upcoming Meetings/Events:

• Drop, Cover, and Hold On!

When: 10/20/11, 10:20am

Where: CI

• Curse of the Block Party

When: 10/21/11, 9pm-12am

Where: Ventura St. Between Anacapa and Santa Cruz Village

Important Dates:

• CI Committee appointment meeting

When: 10/20/2011, 1pm-1:30pm

Where: SUB 1080

Commuter Students

Olivia Zolfaghari

Senate Meeting



• Marketing for “Donuts with Doc”

• Outlining resolution for Skateboarding/scootering on campus; waiting response from Chris.


• Ms. Michelle Miller and Dulce Lopez, “Donuts with Doc”

• Relay for Life

• Talent Show

Upcoming Meetings/Events:

• Awaiting response from Dr. Wm. Gregory Sawyer to discuss his upcoming event, “Donuts with Doc”.

Important Dates:

• MVS Business Club Scavenger Hunt October 24th 6-7:30pm (everywhere on CI campus).

• “Donuts with Doc” October 26th, 9am-11am at Student Union Tree House Courtyard.

• Score for the Cure October 29th

• United Blood Services Blood Drive, November 9th in South Quad.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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