October 09, 2013 - Ventura County, California

ADDENDUM NO. 3toCOUNTY OF VENTURA REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL #5695TRAINING AND CERTIFICATION MANAGEMENT SOFTWAREOctober 09, 2013Prospective Offerors are hereby notified of the following:Questions and AnswersPlease elaborate on the use of barcodes? What kind of barcodes/numerology? What is the goal of using barcodes?Reference Addendum 1, Requirements: Key Requirements, Item 31; Section 3 Internal Administrator Activities, Class Administration, Item 3.3.23; Section 4 Instructor Activities, Item 4.4Example use case: When standard 2D bar code or magnetic stripe exists on employee ID card encoded with employee ID number, allow student to check in to field training class/activity by scanning or swiping employee ID card. Classroom scan/swipe may also be desired.2. Source Code - as a SaaS company, it is our policy to not disclose proprietary source code information. Can this item be satisfied through other means?May be determined at award of contract3.Please elaborate on the use of waiting lists? Can class availability/enrollment deadline notifications eliminate the need for waiting lists?In response to RFP submit details of product capabilities for evaluationSUPPLIER’S signed addendum is due on the RFP due date & time.____________________________Ernie Griego, Principal BuyerSUPPLIER’S ACKNOWLEDGMENT:I hereby acknowledge this Addendum No. 3___________________________ ___________________________Company Name Authorized Signature_______________________ ________________________Date TitleSr. No.SectionParagraphPage numberRequirementQueryCounty of Ventura’s ResponseSection 1 – 1.1. -Introduction / Purpose1ST ParagraphPage number 1Interface with the District’s existing Personnel Database, Telestaff and IQSWeb systems.Interfacing is required with these Fire systems: * Telestaff – Current - One Way - scheduled qualified work hours to maintain certifications sent to LMS * Telestaff – Future - Possible Two Way - roster and training data integrated for management dashboard view of staff on duty with expired/expiring skills training * Personnel db – Current - One Way - employee person information sent to LMS * Future HRMS – Future – Two Way - employee person information sent to LMS and training, Certs & Quals sent from LMS * IQSWeb – Two Way - ICS Certs & Quals sent from LMS and incident experience sent to LMSWhat are the exact data fields for each of these systems that have to be pulled into the LMS? Also we would need to understand the exact data that has to be pushed back from the LMS in some of these systems?Request you to share the details.This would help us to scope out the integration and share the exact efforts for the integration.Data to be exchanged is described at a high level in the requirements statements. Further details would be defined in the design/configuration phase of the project.Refer to RFP Attachment 1, Section 1 General Requirements, Items 1.3 and 1.3.1Section 1 – 1.1. -Introduction / Purpose4th paragraphPage number 1Fire District staff, and non- Fire District staff.Safety - Firefighters, Engineers, Battalion Chiefs, etc: 395 Non-Safety - Fire Prevention, Fleet Maint., Admin., etc: 158 Total Allocated Positions: 574Fire Stations: 32 Administration and Support Facilities: 4Does this refer to external and internal learners? If not kindly share your thoughts.Are safety and non safety two separate user groups? If not kindly explain.There are various roles mentioned within Safety and Non Safety, are these learner roles? If not, kindly explain.Is this the total number of user licenses County is looking for?Kindly explain the scope of Fire station and its system implication.Does this mean there will be four different Admin roles? If yes, will they have same set of rights and privileges? If not, kindly explain the difference in their rights and privileges.YesPotentiallyAny role may be in either a Safety or Non-Safety organizational unitYes, currently 521Information provided simply as indication of organization sizeNo but may need to define business user admin and IT system admin with different authority levels to be determined (TBD) in the design/configuration phase of the projectSection 1 – 1.1. -Introduction / Purpose5th paragraph – 2nd pointPage number 1Retire and replace all local MS Access training and certification databases Convert existing data from five MS Access databases into the new system. For this particular requirement we would like to understand the scope of data migration of every element mentioned. It is only after understanding the complexity of database we can provide you with the migration time.Request you to provide the exact scope.These are relatively simple MS Access databasesSection 1 – 1.1. -Introduction / Purpose5th paragraph – 6th pointPage number 2Web and mobile access, workflow. Mobile.UpsideLMS is a Web Application and can be accessed by learners via Web browsers on Desktop, Laptop, Mobile and Tablet Device. Having said that, the system is not designed for optimal Mobile and Tablet viewing.As a solution, we suggest a Unified System. This is Integration between UpsideLMS and our Revolutionary Mobile Learning Platform "Upside2Go". Request you to please let us know if you would be interested in a Unified System.In response to RFP submit details of product capabilities for evaluationSection 3 – 3.4. –Source CodeParagraph 1Page number 19Source code Policy. If the source code is not available, the Offeror must be willing to escrow the source code in a manner and location acceptable to county.Do you want the client to escrow the source code on the first day itself or on eventuality of the contract? Kindly share your thoughts.May be determined at award of contract.Attachment 1 - Section Key RequirementsPoint number 4Page64Role Based Security.We assume roles here refer to different roles that are mentioned in the later part of the RFP - (Student, Supervisor, Manager, Executive, Instructor, Admin, etc.). Kindly confirm.If not kindly share your thoughts.Actual role names and role definitions TBD in the design/configuration phase of the projectAttachment 1 - Section Key RequirementsPoint number 5Page64Hierarchical User Groups (e.g., Organization, Bureau, Unit, Rank, Seniority, Certs & Quals).Request you to share the detailed hierarchy, how section under each hierarchy gets associated to the user role and the relationship schema.TBD in the design/configuration phase of the projectAttachment 1 - Section Key RequirementsPoint number 6Page64Support Internal and External Students Do internal and external students mean county and non county personnel? If not kindly share your thoughts.Apart from separate catalog, what are the differences in the rights and privileges of Internal and External Students?YesRefer to RFP Attachment 1, Section 2 Requirements Student Activities, for uses by internal and external studentsAttachment 1 - Section Key RequirementsPoint number 8Page64Support Online, Classroom and Field Based Training. Request you to elaborate more on the workflow associated with the field based training.TBD in the design/configuration phase of the projectAttachment 1 - Section Key RequirementsPoint number 11Page64Master Training Calendar Integrated with Enterprise Calendaring System Request you to explain each of these calendars and the scope of integration in a bit more detail.TBD in the design/configuration phase of the projectAttachment 1 - Section Key RequirementsPoint number 17Page65Role Based Learning Paths with Rules and Pre-Requisites What are the different learner roles? Does this mean different learning paths for internal and external students? Kindly share your thoughts.Also, what are the rules and pre-requisites associated to each of the roles based learning path?TBD in the design/configuration phase of the projectTBD in the design/configuration phase of the projectAttachment 1 - Section Key RequirementsPoint number 19Page65CEU and College Credit Tracking Request you to share the CEU workflow that county of Ventura envisions to follow.TBD in the design/configuration phase of the projectAttachment 1 - Section Key RequirementsPoint number 20Page65Configurable User Defined Fields, Business Rule Driven Processing We are not very clear with this requirement. Request you to elaborate it in a bit more detail.Require ability to define custom fields; require ability to set business rules that affect, for example, approval workflowAttachment 1 - Section Key RequirementsPoint number 22Page65Detailed Data Auditing In our system, we have three audit reports namely learner audit data report, curriculum audit data report and learning content audit data report. Details on the fields that are present in these three reports are as follows: The learner Audit data report provides information such as Learners name, his/her actions, logged On date for the respective action that the learner undertakes and learner status. The Curriculum Audit data report provides information such as Curriculum name, actions undertaken such as insertions, updations and deletions and respective learner and content assignment. The Learning Content Audit data report includes information on the contents, its type (type of learning content), and actions whether inserted, updated or deleted along with the date of action and the details. Along with this there are 26 standard reports.We would like to understand if this would suffice County of Ventura’s requirement? If not, kindly share your thoughts. In response to RFP submit details of product capabilities for evaluationAttachment 1 - Section Key RequirementsPoint number 27Page65Integrate with Internal and External Data Sources What are these internal and external data sources? What is the exact data and fields that has to be pulled from these sources? Also, do we need to push any data from LMS back to these sources?Data to be exchanged is described at a high level in the requirements statements. Further details would be defined in the design/configuration phase of the project.Yes, need the capability for two way interfaceRefer to RFP Attachment 1, Section 1 General Requirements, Items 1.3 and 1.3.1Attachment 1 - Section Key RequirementsPoint number 29Page65Brandable UpsideLMS will be implemented with client’s branding requirements i.e. logo, corporate colors.Currently our system’s Learner Home Page includes Web 2.0 dashboard features with Widgets functionality where the Learner can move them around to configure their dashboard as per their preference. The system also provides 3 Skin option for the users to choose from. This helps in personalizing the views at the user level.We would like to understand if our current offering suffices County of Ventura’s requirement? If not, request you to share the exact elements that you are looking for in Brandable.In response to RFP submit details of product capabilities for evaluationAttachment 1- Section -General Requirements - The system shall: Point number 1.1. and 1.1.1Page 65Incorporate requirements of and replace all legacy training tracking systems including: * Training Classes & Certs db * Special Ops db * HIRT db * ICS db * EMS Training db * Driver Training db (if implemented) We would like to understand the scope of each of these databases and the associated workflows with each of these systems.This would help us in analyzing the impact of these workflows on the LMS workflows and custom create functionalities as needed.These are relatively simple MS Access databases; workflows TBD in the design/configuration phase of the projectAttachment 1- Section -General Requirements - The system shall: Point number 1.3Page 65Include the ability to securely connect to and interface inbound/outbound with approved internal and external data sources. Interfaces will primarily be developed by the Fire IT Application Development team with some technical assistance required from the vendor. Documentation must include a well described schema, entity relationship diagram and data dictionary. We would like to understand the systems with which this integration has to be done.Also we would like to understand the scope of this integration in terms of the data fields. Data to be exchanged is described at a high level in the requirements statement. Further details would be defined in the design/configuration phase of the project.Attachment 1- Section -General Requirements - The system shall: Point number 1.6Page 66Provide user definable fields Are you open for us to define fields during implementation or you want the users to have an ability to do so? Kindly share your thoughts.Both are needed; definition of custom fields at implementation and fields to be defined by users in the future to accommodate growth and business process changesAttachment 1- Section -General Requirements - The system shall: Point number 1.14Page 66Provide a method for non VCFPD personnel to register and enroll for classes NOTE: Must include external learners Kindly elaborate more on this requirement.System must support access for students outside the County networkAttachment 1- Section -General Requirements - The system shall: Point number 1.21Page 67Track instructor schedules.Is this requirement for the classroom sessions? If not, kindly share your thoughts.Yes and may include non-classroom training as wellAttachment 1- Section -Student Activities - The system shall provide: Point number 2.1Page 67Student portal configurable to user security/access level Is this requirement same as the requirement mentioned in the section "user management" - Configurable user portals based on security/access level (Student, Supervisor, Manager, Executive, Instructor, Admin, etc.). If not kindly share your thoughts and elaborate on this requirement.System should provide capability for configuration of user portals based on user security/access levelAttachment 1- Section -Student Activities - The system shall provide: Point number 2.5Page 68External learners and Internal learnersThe RFP mentions two different terminologies “learner and a student”. We assume both are same. Kindly confirm.We understand there are different roles like - Student, Supervisor, Manager, Executive, Instructor, and Admin. Is there an internal and external sub role associated to each of these roles? If yes, request you to elaborate on each of them.“Student” and “Learner” are used interchangeablyExact role naming and role definition TBD in the design/configuration phase of the projectAttachment 1- Section -Student Activities - The system shall provide: Point number 2.13.1Page 69Data fields given for student profile.Request you to mention the required data fields.In response to RFP submit details of product capabilities for evaluationAttachment 1- Section -Student Activities - The system shall provide: Point number 2.24Page 70Method for students to report classes completed at VCFPD or elsewhere NOTE: Student for themselves only, not for others Notification to student when completed class is verified by Admin NOTE: Admin verification adds class to student training record as completed Will students at VCFPD have different rights and privileges? If yes, kindly explain.VCFPD is the Ventura County Fire Protection District (Fire Dept.) and refers to internal students. Refer to RFP Attachment 1, Section 2 Requirements Student Activities, for internal students useAttachment 1- Section -Student Activities - The system shall provide: Point number 2.27Page 70Ability for student to scan documents to their own records NOTE: Admin verification required Will these documents be specific to a course or a program? If not, kindly explain.Some will; some may be more general items such as student’s work commendations, for exampleAttachment 1Section 3.1 -User Management: Point number 3.1.1Page 71Configurable user portals based on security/access level (Student, Supervisor, Manager, Executive, Instructor, Admin, etc.) Internal Supervisors need a dashboard view for oversight of their subordinates’ status including expiration alerts, assignments, enrollments, progress, completions, etc. External Training Officers need a view of their subordinates class enrollments and completions.Ability to create and maintain hierarchical student groups Is there any other role apart from the ones that are mentioned? If yes, kindly share. Explain in detail the rights and privileges associated to each and every role i.e. the Student, supervisor, manager, Executive, Instructor and the Admin.Also, share a matrix based on roles and their associated portal based security/access levels.TBD in the design/configuration phase of the projectAttachment 1Section3.2-Curriculum Management: Point number number 71* Class Code * Class Name * Class Description * C51 Class Type * JAC Code * Pre-Reqs Req'd * Self enroll or Admin enroll * Course Relationship * Program Relationship.Request you to elaborate this requirement in a bit more detail.These are some of the fields expected to be needed when defining courses; further details TBD in the design/configuration phase of the projectIn response to RFP submit details of product capabilities for evaluationAttachment 1Section3.2-Curriculum Management: Point number 3.2.3Page number 72License or certification program is a group of specific classes or courses required to obtain or renew a professional certification or license. Method to create and configure license and certification programs, to include: * Setting certification and recertification periods for each course Request you to elaborate more on your CEU workflow i.e. define stages for 1st certification 2nd certification and so on.TBD in the design/configuration phase of the projectAttachment 1Section3.2-Curriculum Management: Point number 3.2.4Page number 72Ability to configure tracking of CEUs and College Credits Request you to explain your CEU workflow in detail.TBD in the design/configuration phase of the projectAttachment 1Section3.2-Curriculum Management: Point number 3.2.5Page number 72Capability to create and configure hierarchical relationships among classes, courses and programs.Kindly explain the content structuring hierarchy that County of Ventura envisions to follow.TBD in the design/configuration phase of the projectIn response to RFP submit details of product capabilities for evaluationAttachment 1Section3.2-Curriculum Management: Point number 3.2.6Page number 72Capability to create and configure pre-requisites for classes, courses and programs NOTE: Pre-requisites or “per-work” currently managed with informal and/or paper processes (e.g., field drills, manipulative tests, etc.) will be converted to classes and exams/tests/grading sheets in the new system. What would be the pre-requisites for classes, courses and programs? Request you to explain the pre-requisite workflow that you envision to follow in a bit more detail.Also, request you to explain your content structuring in a bit more detail.TBD in the design/configuration phase of the projectTBD in the design/configuration phase of the projectAttachment 1Section3.2-Curriculum Management: Point number 3.2.12Page number 73Ability to create and maintain online and printed Class Schedules, to include: * Class Code * Class Name * Class Description * C51 Class Type * JAC Code * CEs (college credit) * Date / Time * Location * Instructor * Deadline to complete class OR last date class is offered - if applicableDo you want this in a calendar format or just in form of a list? Kindly share your thoughts.Also, what is C51 Class type?In response to RFP submit details of product capabilities for evaluation Custom user defined data field that may be requiredAttachment 1Section3.3-Class Administration: Point number number 73Details of the class:* Class code * JAC Code * Description * Location * Date and Time * Deadline to complete class OR last date class is offered - if applicable The RFP mentions refer JAC code list, but does not provide one. Request you to provide the JAC code list and elaborate on it.Provided in the design/configuration phase of the projectAttachment 1Section3.3-Class Administration: Point number 3.3.5 and 3.3.6Page number 73 Automated validation of student qualification for a class Automated notification to Admin and student when minimum qualification/pre-requisites is not met on attempt to enroll including specific qualification not met.Are they prerequisites for enrollment? If not, kindly share your thoughts.What is the criterion to check student’s qualification for the class? Kindly elaborate more on the workflow associated with this requirement.Yes in some casesTBD in the design/configuration phase of the projectAttachment 1Section3.3-Class Administration: Point number 3.3.7Page number 73 Method to override pre-requisites at enrollment.What are the pre-requisites that the students needs to complete before they enroll?Various; TBD in the design/configuration phase of the projectAttachment 1Section3.3-Class Administration: Point number 3.3.13Page number 74Automated notification to Admin when a class is dropped.Does this mean when a student is absent then the absence notification should be delivered to the Admin? If not, does this refer to cancellation of the class?If this refers to class cancellation, who would have the rights to do so? This refers to the need for automated notification to admin when student voluntarily un-enrolls or “drops” a classTBD in the design/configuration phase of the projectAttachment 1Section3.3-Class Administration: Point number 3.3.15Page number 74Method to review student certifications to include: * Expiration/Renewal dates * Status Request you to elaborate this requirement in a bit more detail.Requirement is for Admin to track and view expiry and status of certifications for any studentAttachment 1Section3.3-Class Administration: Point number 3.3.18Page number 74Capability to create and maintain online and printed Class Rosters Kindly elaborate more on the elements that a Roaster should display.TBD in the design/configuration phase of the projectAttachment 1Section3.3-Class Administration: Point number 3.3.22Page number 74Capability to scan and store documents to student records.Whose ability does this refer to; student’s or Admin’s or Supervisor’s? Kindly clarify.Also, if this refers to student’s ability then is there any approval process associated with this requirement? Kindly share your thoughts.RFP Attachment 1, Requirements, Section 3 Internal Administrator Activities, refers to required Admin capabilities. The section includes sub-sections 3.1, 3.2, 3.3. and 3.4. Refer to RFP Attachment 1, Requirements, Section 2 Student Activities, for required student capabilities.Approval workflow, if any, TBD in the design/configuration phase of the project.Attachment 1Section3.3-Class Administration: Point number 3.3.23Page number 74Ability to use card reader to scan bar code or swipe magnetic stripe on employee ID card to capture Person ID and/or other relevant identifying information (non-sensitive).Does this refer to integrating/interfacing scan reader with the LMS? If yes, what are the exact data fields that are to be pulled from the scan reader to the LMS?Yes or suggest alternativePerson ID and/or other relevant identifying information (non-sensitive); further detail TBD in the design/configuration phase of the projectAttachment 1Section 4.0 Instructor Activities - The system shall provide: Point number 4.1Page number 75Ability to create Instructor account NOTE: Admin verification required.As per our understanding the Admin would be the one who will create Instructors. We would like to understand the purpose behind Admin verification in this case. Request you to share your thoughts.Refers to self service account creation by instructor; Admin must verify/approve user who self creates account with instructor role if such self service capability is provided/configuredAttachment 1Section 4.0 Instructor Activities - The system shall provide: Point number 4.2Page number 75Capability for Station Captains, Training Captains & Cadre Leaders to create classes NOTE: For field ad hoc training, e.g., hose & ladder drills. Other Instructors who likely won’t create classes are: Training Chiefs and Contractors What are these roles; a learner role or an instructor role or an Admin role? Request you to clarify.We have not really understood “NOTE”. Request you to elaborate more on it.InstructorsRefers to possibility of limiting scope of classes this group of instructors will be authorized to create (may only be non-classroom)Attachment 1Section 5.0 - Security and Auditing Features - The system shall provide: Point number 5.2Page number 75Role based security manageable by internal system administrator.Ability for internal Admin to define features available to learners, instructors, supervisors, administrators based on security roles (view or update mode, feature sets, etc.).Request you to share a matrix based on roles and their associated portal based security/access levels. TBD in the design/configuration phase of the projectGeneral questionsHostingHosting.Our system can be deployed on Client Server. We also provide both, Shared and Dedicated hosting environment. We have our servers placed in USA, UK and India and any preferences can be accommodated.We would like to understand County of Ventura’s preference for hosting.In response to RFP provide details and pricing of available options for evaluationGeneral questionsContent SizeContent SizeWhat is the size of your learning content? Does the learning content include videos? If yes, kindly mention size of individual videos as well as number of such videos.TBD at the appropriate point in the project ................

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