Chapter 13 – Psychological Testing- What You NEED To Know

Chapter 13 – Psychological Testing- What You NEED To Know

1. reliability-

2. test-retest reliability-

3. interscorer reliability-

4. split-half reliability-

5. validity-

6. standardized-

7. norms-

8. intelligence-

9. two-factor theory-

10. Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence Theory

11. Linguistic/Verbal Intelligence

12. Logical-Mathematical Intelligence

13. Spatial Intelligence

14. Musical Intelligence

15. Body-Kinesthetic Intelligence

16. Interpersonal Intelligence

17. Intrapersonal Intelligence

18. Naturalist Intelligence

19. Emotional Intelligence (4 aspects)

20. Stanford-Binet test-

21. IQ (intelligence quotient)-

22. Wechsler Test-

23. heritability-

24. cultural bias-

25. aptitude tests-

26. achievement tests-

27. interest inventory-

28. personality tests-

29. objective tests-

30. MMPI-

31. projective tests-

32. Rorschach test-

††† Bonus Question-

Which theory of intelligence do you think is correct? Why?


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