Los Mandatos Formales con Verbos Reflexivos

Los Mandatos Formales con Verbos Reflexivos

With reflexive verbs, the reflexive pronoun is attached to the affirmative command and there is an accent mark on the next to last syllable of the verb. In negative commands, the reflexive pronoun precedes the verb.


Siéntense Uds. – Sit down.

No se sienten Uds. – Don’t sit down.

Levántense Uds. – Get up./Stand up.

No se levanten. – Don’t get up./Don’t stand up.

Despiértese Ud. – Wake up.

No se despierte Ud. tarde. – Don’t wake up late.

Acuéstese Ud. – Go to bed.

No se acueste Ud. – Don’t go to bed.

Los Mandatos con Pronombres de Objetos Directos y Objetos Indirectos

I. Object pronouns (including reflexive pronouns) are attached to affirmative commands. An accent mark is required if the original stress was on the next to last syllable. In negative commands, object pronouns precede the verb.

1. Ayúdele Ud. – Help him.

2. No le ayude Ud. – Don’t help him.

3. Dígame Ud. – Tell me.

4. No me diga. – Don’t tell me.

5. Ábranla. – Open it. (it=la caja)

6. No la abran. – Don’t open it. (it=la puerta)

II. When there are two object pronouns, the indirect object precedes the direct object. The negative No precedes all pronouns.

1. Enséñenmelo Uds. – Show it to me. (lo=el libro)

2. No me lo enseñen Uds. – Don’t show it to me.

3. Cómprenoslos Ud. – Buy them for us. (los=los chocolates)

4. No nos los compre. – Don’t buy it for us.

5. Escríbamela Ud. – Write it for me. (la=la carta)

6. No me la escriba Ud. – Don’t write it for me.

III. When both indirect and direct object pronouns are in the 3rd person, the indirect object “le” becomes “se”, whether it is singular or plural. The “se” comes before the “lo/la/los/las”.

1. Déselo Ud. – Give it to them. (it=lo, se=them)

2. No se lo dé Ud. – Don’t give it to them.

3. Explíquenselo Uds. – Explain it to him/her/them.

4. No se lo expliquen Uds. – Don’t explain it to him/her/them.

5. Hágaselo Ud. – Do it for her. (lo=el trabajo)

6. No se lo haga. – Don’t do it for her.


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