Pennsylvania Dental Association

Board of Trustees

June 14, 2014

Pennsylvania Dental Association

Radisson Hotel, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

Present Consultants/Staff/Guests Present

Dr. Anand V. Rao (1) Thomas J. Weber, Legal Counsel

Dr. Ronald K. Heier (2) Camille Kostelac-Cherry, Esq., CEO

Dr. Eli Stavisky (3) Kelly M. Wagner, Executive Assistant

Dr. Frederick S. Johnson (4)

Dr. James M. Boyle III (5)

Dr. Cynthia A. Iseman (7)

Dr. Thomas C. Petraitis (8)

Dr. Joseph E. Ross (9)

Dr. Herbert L. Ray, Jr. (10)

Dr. Stephen T. Radack III, President

Dr. Wade I. Newman, President-elect

Dr. Samuel E. Selcher, Treasurer


Dr. Nicole M. Quezada (6)

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 8:19 a.m. by Dr. Stephen T. Radack III, president.

Community Dental Health Coordinators (CDHC) Ad Hoc Committee

Dr. Bernie Dishler emailed an invitation to the board to attend a meeting on September 3, 2014, with Dean Ismail and other interested parties, to evaluate the position of the CDHC in Pennsylvania. Having the CDHC as a dental navigator may be more acceptable to the dental community. Dr. Heier volunteered to attend the meeting; all board members were encouraged to attend the meeting.

The board discussed recent occasions where ADA leaders held meetings in Pennsylvania without PDA’s knowledge. Dr. Radack agreed to speak to Dr. Kwasny to request that the ADA include PDA in events held in Pennsylvania. (06/14/BTDA06)

PDA Programs

The board needs to review PDA programs to sunset those that no longer work and reallocate the funds to new programs.

Board Committees

PDA’s current strategic plan expires in 2015. In the past, the Strategic Planning Committee was a committee of the board. With the new governance structure, it may be advantageous to have input from other members. The trustees were asked to submit names for the committee to Dr. Radack. In light of his previous service, it was recommended that Dr. Peter Korch be invited to serve on the Strategic Planning Committee.

Dr. Radack appointed the entire Board of Trustees as members of the Budget, Finance and Property Committee. Dr. Joseph Ross was appointed chair of the Bylaws Committee with Dr. Peter Korch III, Mr. Thomas Weber and Ms. Camille Kostelac-Cherry as members. The Executive Committee includes Drs. Radack, Newman, Petraitis, Rao and Selcher.

Election Process

The GTF 3.0 will be assigned to work out the details of the election process. (06/14/BTDA07) Currently, ties in the ADA delegation election are resolved alphabetically by last name. The board would like to utilize a more impartial method for determining the winner of a tie.

Board Member Responsibilities

The board has a fiduciary responsibility to know what is happening at PDA. Dr. Johnson asked Ms. Kostelac-Cherry to share her insight from her many years of experience to prepare the board to successfully complete its duties. Ms. Kostelac-Cherry recommended that the board orientation session for new trustees be mandatory. During the session, items that are covered include the board’s fiduciary responsibility, how to read financial statements, frequently used acronyms, various policies that are already in place, legal and financial obligations that PDA is in compliance with, job descriptions, staff manual, CEO succession plan and board procedures. Ms. Kostelac-Cherry was asked to post in the board library a list of items the board should be aware of as well as a list of frequently used acronyms. (06/14/BTDA08) Ms. Kostelac-Cherry stated that board members are always welcome to visit the central office and view any PDA documents. It is vitally important that board members read information that is provided and ask questions to clarify any areas of uncertainty. It is also essential that board members understand PDA’s financials. The board unanimously voted to require board members to attend an orientation session.

Resolved That PDA trustees must attend a board orientation program before

06/14BT15 he or she may vote.

Dr. Johnson requested more time to review material before making decisions at a board meeting. Therefore, any action items received after the due date, which is two weeks prior to the board meeting, will be listed under new business. The board may decide to accept the new business and discuss it at the meeting, or may decide to discuss it online between meetings.

Dr. Heier requested that a list of PDA staff with job titles be posted in the board library. (06/14/BTDA09)

State Public Affairs (SPA) Grants

In May, the Pennsylvania Dental Foundation donated $25,000 to MOM-n-PA. Recently, MOM-n-PA asked PDA to use SPA funds in the amount of $5,000 to cover services by the Bravo Group for the 2014 MOM-n-PA event. The board discussed the issue online and decided not to divert funds from PDA’s issues to cover the 2014 event. While PDA endorses and funds MOM-n-PA, it is not a PDA project. Nevertheless, for the SPA grant request for January through June 2015, the board directed Ms. Kostelac-Cherry to include an additional amount in PDA’s SPA application to cover the Bravo Group’s fee for MOM-n-PA in 2015. (06/14/BTDA10)

The board also discussed district requests to use SPA funds by utilizing the Bravo Group and/or Winter Group for various issues. The board agreed that SPA funding could be used for legislative issues with statewide impact only. Ms. Kostelac-Cherry may verify use with the board when requests are made by districts.

CEO Report

Ms. Kostelac-Cherry is preparing CE courses and informational webinars as an additional value for members. In addition to the radiology course and HIPAA webinar already available on PDA’s website, topics will include infection control, insurance related issues, employment laws and child abuse. The board was asked to submit additional topics of interest. Dr. Boyle suggested checking with the ADA for funding for online CE.

ADA has notified PDA of a significant action being taken by CIGNA in early July which will affect dentists operating in Pennsylvania. The ADA will release the information from CIGNA to Ms. Kostelac-Cherry and Mr. Thomas Weber. Ms. Kostelac-Cherry will notify the board when more is known.

There is a ripple effect caused by the governance changes to policies and procedures. Staff is examining policy and procedure manuals for updates. Board members were asked to alert Ms. Kostelac-Cherry of any issues that arise from governance changes.

Legal Counsel Report

The State Board distributed anticipated revisions to the dental regulations. Comments for consideration by the State Board may be submitted until the end of June. Mr. Weber provided a brief list of some of the revisions. There are changes with fictitious name requirements that Mr. Weber plans to address. There is a new inactive license category which needs to be defined. After a license is inactive for five years, it will be mandatory to retake the licensure exam. There are changes in regard to electronic advertising, as well as advertising as a specialist. Every office will be required to have an AED in it. The State Board is recognizing that dentists may now practice as a professional corporation, with other licensed individuals such as social workers. There will be content requirements on CE certificates.

Dr. Stavisky made the following comments on the proposed changes to the dental regulations:

• Regarding fictitious names, the State Board of Dentistry’s (SBOD) intent is to eliminate fictitious names that place one practice above another by using terms such as “advanced.”

• Dr. Stavisky recommends keeping the SBOD’s original language regarding licensure and certification by criteria approval, because it is important that other states provide reciprocity for Pennsylvania dentists. It also prevents dentists being sanctioned by other states from applying for licensure in Pennsylvania prior to their hearing in the state where they are licensed.

• Dr. Stavisky recommends defeat of non-dentist ownership of dental practices to ensure that dental hygienists, among others, cannot own the practice.

Mr. Weber suggested that board members review the regulations as they exist now, to suggest additional changes that may be necessary, in addition to evaluating the proposed revisions. The board agreed to discuss the regulations in an online forum to provide Mr. Weber with comments to submit from PDA.

Mr. Weber will present a one-hour webinar on Thursday, June 19, regarding legal aspects of practice transitions. The recording will be available on PDA’s website. Mr. Weber is also willing to speak during district or local meetings on legal topics of interest.

Day on the Hill Update

Approximately 130 members, spouses and dental students attended Day on the Hill. Legislators were receptive to PDA’s message and appreciated the dental students’ perspective as part of the team. The dental students enjoyed the career expo which was held in the afternoon.

MOM-n-PA Update

As of June 14, MOM-n-PA had 295 volunteers registered. It needs a total of 1,000 volunteers. Board members were asked to promote the event.

Access to Oral Health Care Initiative

Dr. Heier will post the Access to Oral Health Care action item for discussion and a vote in the online forum. (06/14/BTDA11)


The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 a.m.


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