Verilog HDL

Lecture 4 - Finite State Machines (FSM) in Verilog

Combinational always Block (review)

• Inputs:

o The Sensitivity List (follows always @ ) should include ALL inputs separated by or.

• Outputs:

o Must be assigned a value under ALL conditions.

▪ if/then/else or case statements cover all possible combintations of condition. (Mux2To1 from Verilog HDL Introduction, page 2).

▪ Default value assigned at top of always block. (Mux2To1 from page 9).

o Type reg.

o Use = for assignments.

• Simulation Model – Code executes from top to bottom sequentially whenever an input in the sensitivity list changes.

Sequential always Block (review)

• Always needs an always block.

• Use ................

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