



February 2004

Table of Contents

| |Page |

|What is VTAG? |3 |

|Logging onto the Web |3 |

|Login Error Screen |4 |

|VTAG Welcome Screen |5 |

|VTAG Main Screen – Menu Bar Selections |6 |

|Tool Selections |10 |

|Work List Filter |11 |

|Trouble Ticket Create |13 |

|Premise Access Hours Screen |16 |

|Information Message |18 |

|Trouble Ticket Create Successful Response |20 |

|Trouble Ticket Modify, Quick Status, and Request to Cancel Screen |22 |

|Quick Status Request Screen |24 |

|Quick Status Error Response |27 |

|Request to Cancel Trouble Ticket Request Screen |28 |

|Trouble Ticket History Request Screen |30 |

|Test a Circuit |32 |

|Look Up Circuit ID |34 |

|Look Up Circuit ID Successful Request and Response |35 |

|Request Escalation | 37 |

|Cleared Tickets Awaiting Repair Verification | 41 |

|Repair Verification | 44 |

What is VTAG?

Verizon Trouble Administration Gateway (VTAG) is a Web Graphical User Interface (GUI) that allows Access Customers to use the Internet to submit a trouble report; obtain a report status; obtain a circuit trouble history; and test a circuit.


All the VTAG screens are best viewed on the Windows platform in Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5.x/6.x and Netscape 4.7 or higher with JavaScript enabled. The optimal screen resolution is 1024x768.




• Enter your VTAG Login ID (User ID) and Password (both lower case)

• Click OK

The Login screen includes the software recommendations for the screen view.

Click the here hyperlink to view the proper browser and workstation settings.

Logon Error Screen [pic]

If you enter an invalid User ID, VTAG displays the Logon Error screen. You may click on the VTAG Login Page hyperlink to re-enter the User ID.

VTAG Welcome Screen


When you have successfully logged onto the Verizon Enterprise Services logon screen, the VTAG Welcome Screen is displayed.

The VTAG Welcome Screen includes the following notices:

• Authorized usage of system notice

• VTAG Helpdesk contact number

The Verizon VTAG Administration Team will provide customer information and notices that will be displayed to all users on this page.

To launch the application, please click on the here hyperlink. After doing so, you will receive the VTAG Main Screen.

VTAG Main Screen


The VTAG Main Screen provides a menu bar that includes the following:

• Help

• What’s New

• Contact Us

• Personalize

• Tools

• Administration (for System Administrator users only)

• Sign Out

The VTAG Main Screen will display your name, your account number, and either your company’s name in bold text or your company’s logo.

Help Menu


You may select from the Help Menu selections when the cursor is positioned over the Help Menu tab.

The Help Menu selections include the following:

• VTAG Help

• User Guide

• Error Messages

• Frequently Asked Questions

• VTAG Administrator Access Form

• Cause and Disposition Codes

• VTAG Data Dictionary

Personalize Menu


You may select from the Personalize Menu selections when the cursor is positioned over the Personalize Menu tab.

The Personalize Menu selections include the following:

• Update Personal Information

• Change Password

Update Personal Info screen


Although the System Administrator will initially enter all User Profiles, you may update certain profile information through the Update Personal Info screen.

You may update the following fields:

First Name, Last Name, Phone No., Fax No., Email ID, Work Site, Mail Stop, Company Address 1, Company Address 2, City, State, Country, and ZIP

Required fields are indicated by [pic] (red star) at the beginning of the field.

The VTAG Web provides you with a warning message listing the fields that you may not change on the UPDATE PERSONAL INFO Screen.


Change Password Screen


The VTAG Web provides the CHANGE PASSWORD screen to allow you to change your password.

The application encrypts the old password and compares it with the encrypted password in the user profile database. If the encrypted passwords are equal, the application will display an information message stating that your password change request has been submitted and will be effective tomorrow. Otherwise, the information message will state that the old password does not exist.

• Click on the [pic] action button to send the change password request. Your new password will be effective on the next business day.

• Click on the [pic] action button to clear your data entries without saving your input.

Required fields are indicated by [pic] (red star) at the beginning of the field.

Tool Selection Menu


You may select from the Tools Menu selections when the cursor is positioned over the Tools Menu tab.

The Tools Menu selections include the following:

• Trouble Ticket Create

• Trouble Ticket Modify

• Quick Status

• Request to Cancel Trouble Ticket

• Trouble Ticket History

• Extended Trouble History

• Test a Circuit

• Look Up Circuit ID

• Request Escalation

• Tickets Awaiting Repair Verification

Work List Filter


The Work List Filter will be displayed to you after a successful login. This is where you will view the Requests and Responses of your selected transactions.

The current date is displayed by default in the For fields. You may select the current date or a past date. If the date is blanked out, the work list will include transactions for the past 30 days. A search cannot be performed for transactions that are beyond the 30-day period.

You can select to view Requests and Responses on the Work List Filter by: Specific Transaction Type (Show box), Circuit ID, Verizon Trouble Ticket Number, Customer Reference Number (Search box), and a VTAG User ID (Requested By box).

The Requested By box is for use by a Supervisor or System Administrator user to view the work list of individual users within their supervisory group. If you are a Normal user, you may enter your Supervisor or System Administrator’s User ID in the Requested By box to view the work list of all users within the supervisory group. You may request the work list of another user within your supervisory group by entering that user’s ID in the Requested By box.

If you choose to leave the Requested By box blank, the application defaults to the user logged in and will retrieve all the work list transactions submitted by you, matching the criteria you selected. If the Requested By User ID of another user is supplied and is NOT related to the user’s System Administrator/Supervisor group, VTAG will provide the following error message: “User is not authorized to retrieve the requested records.”

When you click on the Refresh action button, the Work List Filter displays the transactions meeting the criteria you requested.

Work List Filter Requests and Responses


The Work List Filter Screen displays the total number of records found matching the criteria of the request. The record range for the page is also displayed.

The following columns are displayed in the Work List Filter response:

• Transaction Type provides the name of the transaction.

• Circuit ID or 2-6 Code is the specific Verizon Circuit Identification Number or Code.

• Transaction ID is the identifier for the request. In the case of Test a Circuit, this represents the Verizon Test ID Number.

• Requested Date provides the date and time of the request. You may view the request by clicking on the [pic] hyperlink.

• You may view on the response by click on the [pic] hyperlink.

• The [pic] hyperlink is provided on unsuccessful requests.

• Pending will be displayed when a response has not been received from the backend systems.

You may view the next page of the Work List Filter by clicking on the [pic] hyperlink or the next number ([pic]). When the page displayed is greater than page 1, a Previous hyperlink is displayed, allowing you to go back to the previous page number.

NOTE: All times displayed on this page are in Eastern Time.

Trouble Ticket Create Request Screen


The Trouble Ticket Create Request Screen appears when Trouble Ticket Create is selected from the Tools Menu on the VTAG Main Screen. This screen allows you to report a trouble for a specific circuit or 2-6 Code. The Circuit Type defaults to Serial Number.


1. Select the Circuit Type (Serial Number, Telephone Number, Message Trunk By Circuit ID, Message Trunk By 2-6 Code, or Carrier Facility) from the drop down list provided.

2. Enter the Circuit ID or 2-6 Code (ex: 78/abcd/123456/pa or ab123456).

3. Select the State where the circuits resides from the drop down list provided. If you enter a Serial Number Circuit with an Ambiguous Company Code (ex: 78/abcd/123456//gten/) see the Appendix for the Ambiguous Company Code Table.

The following action buttons are provided on the request screen:

• Click on [pic] to begin the process. Once the request is validated (for Circuit ID/2-6 Code format and Circuit ownership by your company) the Trouble Ticket Create Request Details Screen appears. You will enter the details of the trouble report on this screen.

• Click on [pic] to clear fields/reset to opening screen defaults.

• Click on [pic] to cancel the request.

Trouble Ticket Create Request Details Screen


The Circuit Type and the Circuit ID or 2-6 Code fields are populated from the Trouble Ticket Create Request Screen and cannot be modified.

The Customer Reference Number or your internal tracking number must be provided.

You must select a Trouble Type Code that best describes the problem from the selections provided in the drop down list.

A drop down selection is provided for Severity, either Affecting Service or Out of Service. Select the most appropriate severity for your problem.

If the Trouble Type Code and the Severity are not compatible with the indicator recognized in the Verizon systems for the trouble type you selected, a warning message will be displayed and your request will be submitted.

“The Trouble Type you selected is an Affecting Service (or Out of Service) trouble type”

You must enter text in the Additional Info text box. You should enter additional information details pertinent to the trouble resolution.

Your Callback Name and Your Callback TN are populated from the information retrieved from the User Profile and cannot be modified from this screen. Updates may be made on the Update Personal Info screen (Name and Phone No.) accessed from the Personalize Menu. This update is immediate, but you must log out of the application and log back in to see the changes the next time you access the Trouble Ticket Create Details Screen.

The “No” radio button is selected by default in answer to “Do you authorize dispatch to end user premises?” Your company may request a blanket dispatch authorization of “Yes” by advising the Verizon System Administrator who will update the Company Profile in VTAG.

End Customer Name, End Customer Address, and End Customer TN fields are populated from the Verizon system records, if available, and these fields are modifiable. You are required to populate any information that has not been provided.

Click [pic]to enter Premises Access hours. This action is required if Authorize Dispatch is “Yes”. Once selected, the Premises Access screen will appear. You will need to enter the days and hours when a Verizon technician can access the End Customer premises to work on the trouble.

Click the [pic] checkbox in Premises Access Hours to default to 24 hours/7 days a week premises access. The Premises Access Hours [pic]button will be disabled when 24 Hours Access is checked.

Click [pic]to enter Circuit Access hours. You will need to enter the days and hours when a Verizon technician can test the circuit.

Required fields are indicated by [pic] (red star) at the beginning of the field.

Conditional fields are indicated by [pic] (black star) at the beginning of the field.

Click on [pic] to send the trouble report to Verizon.

Click on [pic] to refresh the screen prior to submitting the trouble report.

Click on [pic] to close the Trouble Ticket Create Screen. The request will not be processed.

When the [pic] action button is selected, an Info Message will appear informing you that the request is currently being processed.

Premises Access Screen (input from the Create and Modify Screens)


Premises Access default hours are 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Sunday (Eastern Time).

Click on [pic] to send the access hours.

Click on [pic] to cancel the request for access hours.

Click on [pic] to refresh the screen to the default days and times.

Circuit Access hours are 12:05 am to 11:55 pm Monday through Sunday (Eastern Time).

You must provide circuit access information if the circuit is not available at all times. If no Circuit Access times are specified, Verizon assumes access is available 7 days per week and 24 hours per day.


To Change a Day, select the appropriate day from the drop down selection. To change the Hours, Minutes, and AM/PM, select the appropriate hour, minute, AM/PM from the drop down selection.


Minutes are displayed in 5-minute increments.

Select AM or PM for the time of day.

To eliminate an entire row, click on the blank on each the drop down selections across the row.

Information Message when request is submitted


The transaction name will be named in the Info Message. The Info Message is displayed when you submit the following requests:

• Trouble Ticket Create

• Trouble Ticket Modify

• Quick Status

• Trouble Ticket History

• Request to Cancel Trouble Ticket

• Look Up Circuit ID

• Request Escalation

Clicking on [pic] will return you to the VTAG Main Screen.

View Trouble Ticket Create Request


The Trouble Ticket Create Request created by you may be viewed by clicking on the [pic] hyperlink on the Work List Filter.

Click on the [pic] action button to return to the VTAG Main Screen.

View Trouble Ticket Create Successful Response


The Trouble Ticket Create Successful Response may be viewed by clicking on the [pic] hyperlink on the Work List Filter.

This is an example of the Trouble Ticket Create Successful Response Screen.

The Response Code will be “0000” and the Response Description will state “Transaction completed successfully.”

Trouble Ticket information will include the Verizon Trouble Ticket Number, the Received Date and Time (Local Time), and a Chronic Indicator. Trouble detail information that you entered on the request will be echoed on the response.


You will receive the Trouble Ticket Create Request Details Screen upon successful circuit validation.

Step 01 – Enter your Customer Reference Number. (required field)

Step 02 – Select the Trouble Type Code that best describes the problem. (required field)

Step 03 – Select the Severity that best describes the problem.

Step 04 - Enter Additional Info details pertinent to trouble resolution. (required field)

Step 05 - Select “Yes” or “No” to authorize Verizon to dispatch a technician to the End Customer premises. (required field)

If you select ‘Yes’ for dispatch authorization, you must provide Customer Premises Access days and times.

Step 06 - Enter End Customer Name, TN, and Address data that is not pre-populated by VTAG.

Step 07 – Specify Premises Access Hours, if applicable, and save changes. (conditional field)

Step 08 - Specify Circuit Access Hours, if applicable, and save changes.

Step 09 - Click on the Submit action button to send the trouble report to Verizon.


The Modify by/Status by/Cancel by fields provide a drop down menu for you to select Circuit ID, 2-6 Code, Customer Reference Number, or Verizon Trouble Ticket Number.

You may select to Modify By Circuit ID, 2-6 Code, Customer Reference Number, or Verizon Trouble Ticket Number. You will enter the Circuit ID, 2-6 Code, Customer Reference Number, or the Verizon Trouble Ticket Number in the input box to the right of the Modify By field.

If you select to enter by Circuit ID, the Circuit Type (Serial Number, Telephone Number, Message Trunk, or Carrier Facility) is required.

The Circuit Type selection is required if the request is made by Circuit ID. If you select to enter by 2-6 Code, the Circuit Type must be Message Trunk.

If you reported your trouble manually, you will be able to Modify by/Status by/Cancel by Circuit ID or Verizon Trouble Ticket Number.

Trouble Ticket Modify Request Screen



1. Select the Modify By from the drop down list provided.

2. Enter the Circuit ID, 2-6 Code, Customer Reference Number, or the Verizon Trouble Ticket Number in the input box.

3. Select the Circuit Type from the drop down list provided.

4. Select the State from the drop down list provided.

Click on [pic] to begin the process. The request is validated for Circuit ID/2-6 Code format, circuit ownership by your company, and existence of a pending trouble ticket. Once the request is validated, the Trouble Ticket Modify Request Details Screen appears. You will enter the details on this screen.


Step 01 - Populate the fields to be added and/or edited.

Modifiable fields:

• Customer Reference Number

• Severity

• Additional Information

• End Customer Information

• Premises Access Hours

• Circuit Access Hours

Step 02 – Click on the Submit action button to send the request.

Quick Status Request Screen



1. Select the Status By from the drop down list provided.

2. Enter the Circuit ID, 2-6 Code, Customer Reference Number, or the Verizon Trouble Ticket Number in the input box.

3. Select the Circuit Type from the drop down list provided.

4. Select the State from the drop down list provided.

Click on [pic] to begin the process. The request is validated for Circuit ID/2-6 Code format, circuit ownership by your company, and existence of a pending trouble ticket.

View Quick Status Request


The Quick Status Request you created may be viewed from the Work List Filter by clicking on the [pic] hyperlink.

View Quick Status Successful Response


The Quick Status Successful Response may be viewed by clicking on the [pic] hyperlink on the Work List Filter.

This is an example of the Quick Status Successful Response Screen.

The Response code will be “0000” and the Response Description will state “Transaction completed successfully.”

The response includes the following:

• Status Inquiry information

• Trouble Ticket Close Information

• Trouble Ticket Status Progression

• Technician’s Notes to the Customer

When the trouble ticket has been closed within the last 72 hours, the response includes:

• Trouble Cause Description

• Trouble Disposition Description

View Quick Status Error Response


This is an example of the Quick Status Error Response Screen.

The Error Code, Error Description, and Additional Error Information will be provided when a Quick Status Request was not successfully processed.

Request to Cancel Trouble Ticket Request Screen


The Request to Cancel Trouble Ticket Request Screen appears when Request to Cancel Trouble Ticket is selected from the Tools Menu on the VTAG Main Screen. This screen allows you to request that a trouble ticket be cancelled.

A manual telephone call to the Verizon maintenance center is still required when the "Request to Cancel Trouble Ticket" function is used in VTAG. The information sent to the center is in the form of a "note" being logged into the notes section of the trouble report. Current Verizon system limitations require the manual call because the note cannot be dynamically displayed to a technician position for immediate action.

The Cancel By and Circuit Type fields default to Circuit ID and Serial Number.

You may Cancel By Circuit ID, 2-6 Code, Customer Reference Number, or Verizon Trouble Ticket Number. You will enter the Circuit ID, 2-6 Code, Customer Reference Number, or the Verizon Trouble Ticket Number in the input box to the right of the Cancel By field.

If you select to enter by Circuit ID, the Circuit Type (Serial Number, Telephone Number, Message Trunk, or Carrier Facility) is required. If you select to enter by 2-6 Code, the Circuit Type must be Message Trunk.

If you select to Cancel By Customer Reference Number, VTAG will provide a Circuit ID or a selection of Circuit IDs and Verizon Trouble Ticket Numbers associated with the Customer Reference Number. You must click on one of the Circuit ID hyperlink and the system will display the most recent Trouble Report information for the Circuit ID selected.


1. Select the Cancel By from the drop down list provided.

2. Enter the Circuit ID, 2-6 Code, Customer Reference Number, or the Verizon Trouble Ticket Number in the input box.

3. Select the Circuit Type from the drop down list provided.

4. Select the State from the drop down list provided.

View Request to Cancel Trouble Ticket Successful Response


The Request to Cancel Trouble Ticket Successful Response may be viewed by clicking on the [pic] hyperlink on the Work List Filter.

Trouble Ticket History Request Screen


The Trouble Ticket History Request Screen appears when Trouble Ticket History is selected from the Tools Menu on the VTAG Main Screen. This screen allows you to request the history of trouble reports for a specific circuit or 2-6 Code. The Circuit Type defaults to Serial Number.

Trouble Ticket History will present the closed trouble report history on the 5 most recent troubles that occurred in the past 45 days on any Verizon access circuits.


1. Select the Circuit Type (Serial Number, Telephone Number, Message Trunk By Circuit ID, Message Trunk By 2-6 Code, or Carrier Facility) from the drop down list provided.

2. Enter the Circuit ID or 2-6 Code (ex: 78/abcd/123456/pa or ab123456). If you enter a Serial Number Circuit with an Ambiguous Company Code (ex: 78/abcd/123456//gten/) see the Appendix for the Ambiguous Company Code Table.

3. Select the State where the circuit resides from the drop down list provided.

View Trouble Ticket History Successful Response


This is an example of the Trouble Ticket History Successful Response Screen.

The Response code will be “0000” and the Response Description will be “Transaction completed successfully.”

The Extended Trouble History Request Screen appears when Extended Trouble History is selected from the Tools Menu on the VTAG Main Screen. This screen allows you to request the extended history of trouble reports for a specific circuit or 2-6 Code. The Circuit Type defaults to Serial Number.

Extended Trouble History provides you with the Trouble Ticket History on a circuit for the past 12 months for Verizon East circuits and for the past 90 days on Verizon West circuits.

The response includes the following:

• Trouble History information for closed trouble reports

• Trouble Report received/closed date and time

• Trouble Type Code (see Appendix for List of Trouble Type Codes)

• Trouble Disposition and Cause Code (see Appendix for List of Disposition and Cause Codes)

• Final Status and Severity

• Trouble Report Category: CR–Customer Report and AT–Test Assist

• Closeout Narrative

Ten histories will be displayed per page. If more than 10 histories exist for the requested Circuit ID or 2-6 Code, a NEXT action button is enabled. When NEXT is selected, you will be presented with the next group of 10 histories. When the page displayed is greater than Page 1, a PREVIOUS action button is enabled and you may view the previous group of 10 histories.

Test A Circuit Request Screen


The Test a Circuit request screen appears when Test a Circuit is selected from the Tools menu. This screen allows the user to request a test on a Verizon Serial Number or Telephone Number type circuit.

Use Test a Circuit to initiate a test on a DS0 or non-channelized DS1 Special Access Circuit. VTAG Test a Circuit will only work if the circuit routes through locations with remote test access capability.

The VTAG test logic performs a loopback test for 15 seconds from the first access point closest to the POP to the loopable equipment at the network interface on the customer premises; it then looks for any alarm indications. It is not an exhaustive test, but rather a quick test that attempts to isolate the fault to the customer premise equipment or the Verizon network. A return of test information can take up to 45 minutes.


1. Select the Circuit Type from the drop down list provided.

2. Enter the Circuit ID (ex: 78/abcd/123456/pa). If you enter a Serial Number Circuit with an Ambiguous Company Code (ex: 78/abcd/123456//gten/) see the Appendix for the Ambiguous Company Code Table.

3. Select the State where the circuit resides from the drop down list provided.

When the Submit action button is selected, an Info Message will appear informing you that the request is currently being processed.

If your request is not successful, VTAG responds with an error message explaining the reason it cannot process the request.

View Test a Circuit Successful Response


The Test a Circuit Successful Response may be viewed by clicking on the [pic] hyperlink on the Work List Filter.

This is an example of the Test a Circuit Successful Response Screen.

The Response code will be “0000” and the Response Description will state “Transaction completed successfully.”

The response includes the following:

• Test ID

• Test Diagnosis Summary

• Test Details

• Additional Test Results Analysis

Click on [pic] to return to the VTAG Main Screen.

Look Up Circuit ID Request Screen


The Look Up Circuit ID Request Screen appears when Look Up Circuit ID is selected from the Tools menu. This screen allows you to enter a partial Circuit ID for Special Serial Number and Special Telephone Number format type of circuits.


1. Select the Circuit Type from the drop down list provided.

2a. If you select Serial Number Circuit Type, you will need to provide the Serial Number component* of the Circuit ID (ex: 123456 for Circuit ID 78/abcd/123456/pa).

2b. If you select Telephone Number Circuit Type, you will need to provide the NPA, NXX, and Line Number component* of the Circuit ID (ex: 412 123 4567 for Circuit ID 78/abcd/412/123/4567/t1).

3. Select the State where the circuit resides from the pull down list provided for the Serial Number search.

*Serial Number component – a six-digit portion of the Serial Number Circuit ID

**NPA, NXX, and the Line Number component – the Area Code or NPA, telephone exchange or the three-digit portion of a Telephone Number Circuit ID (The NXX follows the NPA), and the four-digit portion of a Telephone Number Circuit ID (The Line follows the NXX)

View Look Up Circuit ID Request


Click on [pic] to return to the VTAG Main Screen.

View Look Up Circuit ID Successful Response


VTAG returns a list of matching Circuit IDs for your company’s Primary ACNA and/or associated sub-ACNAs.

Click on [pic] to return to the VTAG Main Screen.

View Look Up Circuit ID Error Response


This is an example of the Look Up Circuit ID Error Response Screen.

The error code, error description, and additional error information will be provided when a Look Up Circuit ID request was not successfully processed.

Click on [pic] to return to the VTAG Main Screen.

Request Escalation Entry Screen


The Request Escalation Request Screen appears when Request Escalation is selected from the Tools Menu on the VTAG Main Screen. This screen allows you to submit an escalation request on Verizon East circuits. The Escalation By and Circuit Type fields default to Circuit ID and Serial Number.

You may select Escalation By Circuit ID, 2-6 Code, Customer Reference Number, or Verizon Trouble Ticket Number. You will enter the Circuit ID, 2-6 Code, Customer Reference Number, or the Verizon Trouble Ticket Number in the input box to the right of the Escalation By field.

If you select to enter by Circuit ID, the Circuit Type (Serial Number, Telephone Number, Message Trunk, or Carrier Facility) is required. If you enter a Serial Number Circuit with an Ambiguous Company Code (ex: 78/abcd/123456//gten/) see the Appendix for the Ambiguous Company Code Table.

If you select to enter by 2-6 Code, the Circuit Type must be Message Trunk.

If you request to escalate a trouble ticket by Customer Reference Number, VTAG will provide a Circuit ID or a selection of Circuit IDs and Verizon Trouble Ticket Numbers associated with the Customer Reference Number. You must click on one of the Circuit ID hyperlinks and the system will display the most recent Trouble Report information for the Circuit ID selected.

The State field is required and you must enter the State in which the circuit resides. The State drop down list selections include Verizon East states only. If you enter a Serial Number Circuit with an Ambiguous Company Code (ex: 78/abcd/123456//gten/) see the Appendix for the Ambiguous Company Code Table.

If the Escalation Request has been submitted and a circuit has been identified as a Verizon West circuit, VTAG will display the following error message:

“Escalation is not supported for Verizon West circuits”

Once you have submitted the escalation request and the request has been validated, the Request Escalation Details Screen appears.


1. Select the Escalation By from the drop down list provided.

2. Enter the Circuit ID, 2-6 Code, Customer Reference Number, or the Verizon Trouble Ticket Number in the input box.

3. Select the Circuit Type from the drop down list provided.

4. Select the State from the drop down list provided.

Click on [pic] to begin the process. The request is validated for Circuit ID/2-6 Code format, circuit ownership by your company, and existence of a pending trouble ticket. Once the request is validated, the Request Escalation Details Screen appears. You will enter the details on this screen.

Request Escalation Details Screen


The Request Escalation Details Screen will display the status information that is displayed on the Quick Status Successful Response Screen.

The Escalation Request section includes the following:

• Provided Escalation Level

• Escalation Person

• Escalation Phone

• Requested Escalation Level

• Remarks

To request an escalation on a trouble ticket, select the Requested Escalation Level, (1 or 2), and enter your specific escalation remarks in the Remarks text box then click the Submit action button.

Upon your return to the Request Escalation Details Screen, you will see the following Escalation Request information populated: Provided Escalation Level, Escalation Person, and Escalation Phone

When the current status of the trouble ticket is Closed or Restored, the Submit action button and the Requested Escalation Level and Remarks fields will be disabled.

Request Escalation Successful Response


The Request Escalation Successful Response may be viewed by clicking on the [pic] hyperlink on the Work List Filter.

• Response Code and Description

• Circuit ID, Verizon Trouble Ticket Number, and/or Customer Reference Number

• Requested Escalation Level and Escalation Remarks

Cleared Tickets Awaiting Verification Work List


The Cleared Tickets Awaiting Repair Verification Work List appears when Tickets Awaiting Repair Verification is selected from the Tools Menu on the VTAG Main Screen.

This Work List will contain any trouble tickets with a Trouble Ticket Status of Cleared and Awaiting Repair Verification.

You can select to view the Tickets Awaiting Repair Verification on the Work List Filter by specifying the Search Criteria, Search, and Requested By information:

Search Criteria: Circuit ID, 2-6 Code, Customer Reference Number, or Verizon Trouble Ticket Number

Search: Enter the Circuit ID, 2-6 Code, Customer Reference Number, or Verizon Trouble Ticket Number

When you request to Search by Customer Reference Number and VTAG is unable to provide the data, an error message will be displayed.

“The Customer Reference Number is not unique. Please search by Circuit ID or Verizon Trouble Ticket Number.”

Unique meaning the Customer Reference Number is associated with multiple Verizon Trouble Ticket Numbers.

The Requested By box is for use by a Supervisor or System Administrator user to view the work list of individual users within their supervisory group. If you are a Normal user, you may enter your Supervisor or System Administrator’s User ID in the Requested By box to view the work list of all users within the supervisory group. You may request the work list of another user within your supervisory group by entering that user’s ID in the Requested By box.

If you choose to leave the Requested By box blank, the application defaults to the user logged in and will retrieve all the work list transactions submitted by you, matching the criteria you selected.

If the Requested By User ID of another user is supplied and is NOT related to the user’s System Administrator/Supervisor group, VTAG will provide the following error message: “User is not authorized to retrieve the requested records.”

When you click on the [pic] action button, the Work List Filter displays the transactions meeting the criteria you requested.

You will need to select the Verizon Trouble Ticket Number hyperlink to receive the Repair Verification Screen.


Verizon will also attempt to deliver a voice mail notification regarding Cleared Tickets Awaiting Repair Verification.

The Repair Verification Screen will display the appropriate voice mail notification message. See the examples below:

“This report is cleared and is awaiting customer verification. Please verify and indicate below whether you accept or deny the trouble clearance. This trouble will be closed 24 hours after notification if no confirmation is received.”

“This report is cleared and is awaiting customer verification. Three attempts to send a voice notification on the contact number provided failed. Please verify and indicate below whether you accept or deny the trouble clearance. This trouble will be closed 24 hours after notification if no confirmation is received.”

Repair Verification

This report is cleared and is awaiting customer verification. A voice notification was sent to the contact number provided. Please verify and indicate below whether you accept or deny the trouble clearance. This trouble will be closed 24 hours after notification if no confirmation is received.


This screen is displayed when a voice mail notification has been successfully left at the user’s company contact telephone number.

The Repair Verification Screen displays the following information:

• Circuit ID

• Customer Reference Number

• Verizon Trouble Ticket

• Cleared Date and Time

• Closeout Narrative

• Trouble Found

• Additional Comments (Conditional field)

You will need to accept or deny the closure of the trouble clearance by selecting:

Yes. I concur. This trouble is cleared.


No, this circuit still appears to be in trouble.

If you select ‘No’, you will be required to enter Additional Comments.

The trouble ticket information will remain on the Cleared Tickets Awaiting Repair Verification Work List until you verify or deny the fix on the Repair Verification Screen. If you haven’t responded to the trouble clearance notification within 24 hours, the trouble ticket will be removed from the Work List.

View Repair Verification Response


The Repair Verification Response may be viewed by clicking on the [pic] hyperlink on the Work List Filter.

This is an example of the Repair Verification Response Screen.

The Response code will be “0000” and the Response Description will state “Transaction completed successfully.”

The response includes the following:

• Response Code and Description

• Circuit ID

• Verizon Trouble Ticket Number and Customer Reference Number

• Repair Verification

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View Repair Verification Error Response


This is an example of the Repair Verification Error Response Screen.

The Error Code, Error Description, and Additional Error Information will be provided, if available, when a Repair Verification request was not successfully processed.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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