Bergecco-Parc Consulting Inc. Presents their Proposal for:From Revolution to Renewal: Exploring Historic Bergen CountyThe Historic Easton Tower Paramus, NJThe Project Proposal: “From Revolution to Renewal: Exploring Historic Bergen County NJ” A Historical Weekend Tour of Bergen County, NJWelcome Team Member to Bergecco-Parc Consulting Inc. one of New Jersey’s premier boutique marketing firms. The firm wants to welcome you to the Paramus, NJ satellite division of the company. Our New Brunswick Headquarters is excited about this opportunity to work with Bergen Community College located in Lyndhurst, NJ.History of the Company:Bergecco-Parc Consultants Inc. is a consulting company founded in New Brunswick, NJ in 1999 by a group of Rutgers Graduate Students. The students were hired by the university after their graduate project won a marketing contest for the campus’s ‘Homecoming 2000’ event. The project won over many well-known marketing firms as having the pulse of what university students need to know about the happenings on their campus. The firm has continued to grow and the headquarters is still in New Brunswick, NJ.The Consulting Team Project:The Non Profit New Jersey Historical Guild of Bergen County has hired us to develop a Historical Weekend event promoting the historic, landmark and tourist sites in Bergen County, NJ with the theme “Be a tourist in your own Town”. This promotion has been very successful in other counties in the organization (especially recently in Somerset County) wants to bring in more local tourists from New Jersey, New York, Connecticut and Pennsylvania.Status: We have just hired more people to expand our Executive Team in Lyndhurst, NJ and are looking to expand our efforts into Bergen County and by winning this bid will give us a prominent foothold into the most populated and wealthiest counties not just in New Jersey but in the entire country. This promotion with New Jersey Historical Guild is our biggest test to pany Logo:Motto: Growth comes from Within (based on the six founders of the company)Proposal: The New Jersey Historical Guild of Bergen County has hired Bergecco-Parc Consulting has been hired to put a Historical Weekend Event called “From the Revolution to Renewal: Exploring Historic Bergen County”. The event will run for three days on the last weekend in June 2021. There will a list of historic sites and homes, churches, zoos and parks, cemeteries and historic food service sites that they want to feature.The Tourism Board has proposed a $100,000 retainer for our services and the administration has proposed a series of ideas that need to be expanded upon:Ideas that have been proposed:An Opening Cocktail Party at Gallery Bergen Community College: The Guild wants to invite members of the Arts Community including Museum Directors, local artists and historians, members of the clergy of historical churches and college administration and faculty to a small reception to promote the event. The event needs a menu, invitation and food priced outA Two Day Self-Guided Tour of Sites in Bergen County: this would be manned by volunteers related to the site and group of college student volunteers in conjunction with historical site management to help man the sites for two days. There is a proposed one price ticket of $15.00 for Adults/$10.00 for Seniors/Veterans/Children over 12/Free for Children under 12. These can be bought the day of the event or a week in advance in the Bergecco-Parc Consulting Field office a week in advance. They will be available for purchase at proposed sites. We need a map and directions. We are also being asked to put a proposal for college volunteers working the event. We need to develop the ticket for the event.A Barbecue Lunch: The lunch would be held at two proposed location sites, the Bergen County Historical Society in New Bridge in Riveredge, NJ and at The Hermitage in Ho Ho Kus, NJ. A donation would be made to both sites from the Guild for their assistance with the program. The client wants a simple lunch of Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Chips, portioned cold salads, cookies and Soda. There will be a special inclusive ticket price of $20.00 for all age groups and $5.00 for Children for the tour and lunch. The price for lunch without it is $10.00 for adults and $5.00 for children.We need a poster, menu and pricing the menu out for the client. They also want to know how it will be set up at the sites.A Scavenger Hunt: To get everyone to see as many sites as they can in one weekend , the Guild has proposed coming up with a map of all the sites in Bergen County featured that can be marked off at the location once the guest finds special historical item or art piece they are looking for at the site.This is as part of the Self-guided map. We can use pictures of the sites and of items at the sites.Self-Guided Historic Food Tour: The Guild wants to point out historic eating sites in Bergen County. They want to concentrate on businesses that have been open pre-1980. This can include restaurants, bakeries, ice cream and candy stores that are popular in Bergen County (ie Barcelona’s in Garfield, Conrad’s in Westwood, Mills Bakery in Wood Ridge, The Fireplace in Paramus). We also want to try to work with these establishments to receive a discount with the price of the ticket.We need an interactive website with a listing and the locations of the restaurants with pictures and small history of the restaurant (no more than a paragraph).Divisions in the Lyndhurst, NJ Satellite campus:CEO/Co-Founder: Professor Justin Watrel is the CEO/Co-Founder of Bergecco-Parc Consulting Inc. and will be working with headquarters in New Brunswick, NJ to report all information on the proposal. He will be working with ALL members of the team with the President and Senior Vice-President of Operations reporting to him. All communications got through his campus email He will hold weekly board meeting to check on progress on the operation.Divisional President: The President runs the whole operation of the Satellite Division of Lyndhurst, NJ for Bergecco-Parc Consultants Inc. You and your Senior Vice-Present of Operations will be responsible for:*Running the Power Point the afternoon of the Presentation (gathering all the information from your teams) . *Finding our Satellite office and figuring the cost for the three months of the operation. You will work with the Talent team after location is found.*Communicating with your Divisional Vice-Presidents and Team Leaders and keep an open dialogue amongst the teams.*You will be submitting your Project to the Marketing Team in Paramus so that they can include it in the Company website. This must be done before April 24th.Divisional Senior Vice-President of Operations: The VP of Operations will be working with the President on all aspects of the Paramus Satellite including:*Working with the Vice-Presidents and Team Leaders to be sure everyone is doing their assigned work.* Working with all budgets: is the $100,000 retainer the College pays a profit to run the operation or will we have to ask for more money from the college?*Work with the President to film the presentation of the program for YouTube and work on the Power Point Presentation.Positions with the Three Teams:Vice-President of the Team: The VP of the team will run the operation of the team and work with their Team Leader and Team Members to put together their section of the proposal and the Power Point Presentation. All three Vice-Presidents will work together to make sure all the work is coordinated on a timely basis and will report this back to the President and the Senior Vice-President of Operations.Team Leaders: Team Leaders are the “Right Hand Man/Woman” of the Vice-Presidents and will assist them and their team members with whatever assistance they may need. They will assist with all budgets and creative ideas. Team Leaders from all divisions can assist each other with information another Vice-President may need.Team Members: Our life blood of the teams. You will assist in gathering information, setting up budgets and work with the Vice-President and Team Leader to promote TEAMWORK on your team. Everyone has a job to do and everyone must participate! The Divisions:The Marketing Division:The Marketing Division will be working with our Senior Vice-President of Operations on the projects two websites (which will be working in tandem with our Paramus satellite campus). The team will be responsible for filming two commercials for the Tourism Board:*The role of historical Bergen County over the years from the Revolutionary War to World War II (filmed preferably at the Baylor Massacre Site or Fort Lee Park).*An invitation to ‘Come visit Bergen County, NJ’ and all it has to offer (can be filmed at any historical site in Bergen County).You will assist the History and Museum Teams with their work where needed.Historical Museums/Parks/Zoos & Homes:They will also be responsible for helping setting up the map of the historical and tourist sites. You will be setting up the Historical website locator for the project with the Senior Vice-President of Operations. The website should contain the project, a small bio on each historical site with pictures, famous eating establishments of Bergen County and well-known historical families of Bergen County. You will also create all invitations to the Cocktail Party, creating its menu (and pricing it out) in conjunction with the Gallery Bergen Exhibition “History Upside in Bergen County”. Your team must also develop a poster promoting the event. You will be setting up the tour and the two barbecues for the sites. You will also be setting up the Cocktail Party the first night of the event with the Marketing team.Historic Restaurant Division: The Historic Restaurant Division will be putting a listing and website of historical and well-known eating establishments all over Bergen County and mapping them out similar to what the Marketing Division is doing with the site map. The Guild wants to promote restaurants that are pre-1980. They have provided a sampling of establishments. You will also be filming one commercial:*Promoting historical and well known eating establishments in Bergen County.History Division:The History Division will be researching the famous families of Bergen County and some of the famous events of the Revolutionary War Period. You should be researching battles and events that took place in Bergen County (Battle of Fort Lee and the Baylor Massacre) and famous families of Bergen County (i.e. Haring, Van Ripper, Quackenbush, Zabriskie, Blauvelt, Demarest, Terhune, Westervelts etc.) and the roles they played in Bergen County development). This should be of the historic website. You will be working with the Museum team to set up the Museum Scavenger Hunt and submitting your work to the Museum Webpage.Talent Division:The Talent Division will be working with the home office in New Brunswick and the Senior Vice-President of Operations to pay for the team in the Paramus, NJ Satellite. Team needs to help the President and Senior VP of Operations with the set-up with the Paramus office, establish salaries for all our team members, a benefits package and perks to the office space (for a three month period). They will also be organizing the ‘Wrap up Party’ after the presentation at a local restaurant. Your team will pick the menu, time, entertainment and any company ‘gifts’ to the team members and price it all out. Your team may be working with the Lyndhurst team on a similar Benefits package for both teams. *You must complete a budget to pay for the Lyndhurst operation with salaries. Benefits and perks for the office. *You also need to set up the “Wrap Up” party at a local restaurant. You will need to price everything out on a spread sheet. Please remember that the CEO, President and Senior VP of Operations are being paid by New Brunswick not by the Lyndhurst operation. *You must pick the restaurant or catering you want to use for the party, set up the invitations, set the menu and hire the entertainment. *You will also be working the College volunteer program together and giving the students a lunch pass and college credit for volunteering.All Teams will be assigned historic sites to research for the Website. This is responsibility of the VP of Marketing if needed.Budget:We are working with a proposed $100,000 budget. Will this work with the salaries and benefits needed to be paid plus our costs on campus? Should we accept the job or will we need more money to pull it off? We have to let the Tourism Board know.*The Guild wants to hear from us as well. What other ideas do the teams have to enhance, modify or add to promote the tourism? The Guild would like to hear extra proposals from the team.*All events must be priced out with food and entertainment.*Lastly, you may be asked to help contribute ideas for the Paramus project as well for extra credit. Both the Lyndhurst team and the Paramus team can earn extra bonus points for ideas for each other’s projects. This will be set by both Presidents and Senior Vice-Presidents of Operations.The Lyndhurst Satellite Executive Team:CEO/Co-Founder : Professor Justin WatrelJwatrel@Bergen.eduDivisional President:Pankti Patelppatel114557@me.bergen.eduDivisional Senior Vice-President of Operations:Maria Betancourtmbetancourt@me.bergen.eduExecutive Vice-President of Marketing:Adriana Liberatoaliberato@me.bergen.eduTeam Leader of Marketing:Pouya Najariaslpnajarisl@me.bergen.eduVice-President of Historic Parks, Museums & Tourist Sites:Leonardo Gillgil114956@me.bergen.eduTeam Leader of Historic Parks, Museums & Tourist Sites:Ahram Jeongajeong89147@me.bergen.eduTeam Member of Historic Parks, Museums & Tourist Sites:Adam Kulikowskiakulikowski@me.bergen.eduSergei Minchalasminchala@me.bergen.eduTeam Leader of History:Analix Bravoabravo107326@me.bergen.eduTeam Members of History:Ata Ozogulaozogul@me.bergen.eduVice-President of Historic Food Establishments:Samantha Hernandezshernandez111393@me.bergen.eduTeam Leader of Historic Food Establishments:Vincenzo Polizzottovpolizzotto@me.bergen.eduTeam Members Historic Restaurants: Christopher Benitezcbenitez113686@me.bergen.eduJohanna Pastuizacajpastuizaca@me.bergen.eduVice-President of Talent:Brianna Guidobguido@me.bergen.eduTeam Leader of Talent:Michael Azormazor@me.bergen.eduTeam Members of Talent:Gabriella Hartegharte@me.bergen.eduBrian Soaresbsoares@me.bergen.eduGrading: Team work is the rule of this project and is taken very seriously. Once a team is assigned, the TEAM will be dividing up their work with the VP and Team Leaders working together with their team members on their section of the project.You all will be graded as both as a team and as an individual. It will be based on:*Your Team and Your part of the Power Point Presentation*Creativity in the ideas and in the project*How you budget the operation and your part of the project*Participation in the project is critical to your grade*Your skills of Telecommunication and timing on your work*Two Papers you will be writing on the projectResearch Papers: There will be two papers due after the project is over:*Paper One: What did you learn? What did you get out of the project? How do you look at Bergen Community College differently now? What is it like to work in crisis mode? What was it like to telecommunicate your work?*Paper Two: How well did you work together with your team? We don’t pick who we work with in life so you were put with people you don’t know. How well did you get along? Did the team work effectively? What would you have done differently? What were your insights on the team itself? I want to hear your insights on teamwork. What is it like to work by Telecommunicating?These are due the evening of April 30th at 8:00pm.The Presentation: Any type of promotion you want to use to promote your areas must be approved by the President, Senior VP of Operations and the Vice-Presidents. Please consult with your CEO as well.Please read this carefully:To all Team Members, remember that we are all in the same situation. All of us have to Telecommunicate with each other:Remember to take your work with the company very seriously. Not doing your job and non-participation leads to termination from the company. Termination means you fail the project. This is almost 50% of your grade so please take your role in the company seriously.The project is going to be due Monday, April 27th at 12:00pm and the papers will be due Wednesday, April 30th at 8:00pm. The Project will be emailed to me at for grading. Failure to hand in your work on time means you failed that part of the project!To all Team Members: Now that we are Telecommuting the project, you are all on the HONOR system. You are expected to the job you have been assigned and there needs to be clear communication with your teams.If a Team Member does not communicate with their team and do their part of this project, you will receive only ONE Warning from me. The second time you will be “Pink Slipped” from the project. “Pink Slipped” means you will be terminated from the project and you will not receive a grade on the project.Please take your work on this project seriously and note the deadlines!The Historical Sites that we will covering:The African Art Museum of the SMA Fathers (Society of African Missions)23 Bliss AvenueTenafly, NJ? 07670(201) 894-8611 Open: 8:00am-5:00pm Seven Days a weekmuseumThe Arnault/Bianchi House/The Wood Ridge Historical Society111 First StreetWood Ridge, NJ? 07075 Open: For Special Events onlyThe Aviation Hall of Fame & Museum of New Jersey400 Fred Wehran DriveTeterboro, NJ 07608 (201) 288-6344 Open: Tuesday-Sunday 10:00am-4:00pm*The Baylor Massacre Burial SiteRivervale Road & Red Oak DriveRiver Vale, NJ 07675(201) 336-7267 Open: DaytimeThe Belskie Museum of Art & Science Inc.280 High StreetCloster, NJ? 07624(201) 768-0286 Open: Saturday & Sunday : 1:00pm-5:00pmThe Blauvelt Art Museum705 Kinderkamack RoadOradell, NJ? 07649Phone: (201) 261-0012(w) (e) info@The Cadmus House Borough Museum14-01 Politt DriveFair Lawn, NJ? 07410(201) 796-7692 Merritt Memorial MonumentIntersection of Knickerbocker Road and Madison AvenueCresskill, NJ? 07626bergen.nj.usCarlstadt Historical Firehouse MuseumDivision Avenue & Sixth StreetCarlstadt, NJ? 07072(201) 933-1070 Open: The last Sunday of every month from Easton TowerRed Mill RoadRoute 4 & Saddle River RoadParamus, NJ? 07652 Open: Dawn to Lee Historic ParkHudson TerraceFort Lee, NJ 07024(201) 461-1776 Open: Wednesday-Sunday 10:00am-4:45pmFort Lee Museum1588 Palisade AvenueFort Lee, NJ 07024(201) 693-2763 Open: Sunday & Saturday 12:00pm-4:00pm/Wednesday 7:00pm-9:00pmFritz Behnke Historical Museum330 Paramus RoadParamus, NJ 07652(201) 445-1804 Open: Sunday’s only 1:00pm-5:00pmGallery Bergen-West HallBergen Community College400 Paramus RoadParamus, NJ? 07652Open: Monday-Friday-10:00am-5:00pm/Closed on Saturdays and Sundays/After hours by Appointment*Garretson Forge & Farm4-02 River RoadFair Lawn, NJ 07410(201) 797-1775 Open: Open the Second and Forth Sunday 1:00pm-4:00pmGethsemane CemeteryBetween Summit Place & Liberty Street(with entrance on Summit Place north of Route 46)Little Ferry, NJ? 07643 Hours: Secured historic site: Open by appointment only.Contact: (201) 336-7267The Museum at the StationThe Glen Rock Main Line Station178 Rock RoadGlen Rock, NJ? 07452(201) 342-3268 Open: The last Sunday of each month from 1:00pm-3:00pm: GRHistoricalsociety@Hackensack Water WorksVan Buskirk County ParkElm StreetOradell, NJ? 07649A Bergen County Historic SiteThe Hermitage: A National Historic Landmark335 North Franklin TurnpikeHo Ho Kus, NJ 07423(201) 445-8311 Open: Wednesday-Sunday 1:00pm-4:00pm/Grounds from 10:00pm-4:00pmHistoric New Bridge Landing1201-1209 Main StreetRiver Edge, NJ 07661(201) 343-9492 Open: Year round Special Events/By Appointment*Campbell-Christi HouseThe Hopper-Goetschius Museum363 East Saddle River RoadUpper Saddle River, NJ? 07458(201) 327-8644John Fell House475 Franklin TurnpikeAllendale, NJ? 07401(201) 783-8754 Open: For special events and for corporate events. Please check their website for details.The James Rose Center506 East Ridgewood AvenueRidgewood, NJ? 07450Phone: (201) 446-6017 Open: Tuesday-Sunday-10:00am-4:00pm/Closed MondaysKearney House (Blackledge-Kearney House)Alpine LandingAlpine, NJ? 07624(201) 768-1360 ext. 108 Open: Most weekends & holiday afternoons from May to October: Most weekends & holiday afternoons from May to OctoberLittle Red School House Museum/Lyndhurst Historical Society400 Riverside AvenueLyndhurst, NJ? 07071(201) 804-2513 Open: Last Sunday of the month from 2:00pm-4:00pmMahwah Museum201 Franklin TurnpikeMahwah, NJ 07430(201) 512-0099 Open: September-June Wednesday, Saturday & Sunday 1:00pm-4:00pmMeadowlands Museum91 Crane AvenueRutherford, NJ? 07070Phone: (201) 935-1175 Open most Wednesdays and Saturdays from 10:00am-4:00pmEmail: meadowlandsmuseum@Website: Conveniently located near the intersection of Routes 3 & 17 in Bergen CountyThe Old Station Museum171 Old Station LaneMahwah, NJ? 07430(201) 512-0099Maywood Station Museum269 Maywood AvenueMaywood, NJ? 07607(201) 845-3323 Open: Times Vary; please check their websitePascack Valley Historical Society19 Ridge RoadPark Ridge, NJ 07656(201) 573-0307 Open: Wednesday 10:00am-12:00pm/Sunday 1:00pm-4:00pmThe Old Stone House538 Island RoadRamsey, NJ? 07446(201) 327-2655 Open: Four times a year, for special events and by special appointment only. Call for hours.Ridgewood Schoolhouse Museum650 East Glen AvenueRidgewood, NJ 07450(201) 447-3242 Open: September-July Thursday & Saturday 1:00pm-3:00pm and Sunday 2:00pm-4:00pmThe "Rock"Rock RoadGlen Rock, NJ 07452Teaneck, NJ Historical Burial Ground622 Pomander Walk RoadTeaneck, NJ? 07666The Bergen County Division of Cultural and Historic Affairs(201) 336-7267co.bergen.nj.usWaldwick Museum of Local History4 Hewson AvenueWaldwick, NJ? 07463(201) 873-8913 Open: The Museum is open one Sunday afternoon a month and for special events only Signal Tower1 Bohnert PlaceWaldwick, NJ? 07463 Open: Please note the website for when the two buildings, the tower and the railroad station museum are open.wctower@.*Washington Spring Garden/Bergen County ZooVan Saun Park 216 Forest AvenueParamus, NJ 07652(201) 262-2627 Open: 9:00am to DuskWestwood Heritage Society Museum/Westwood Train StationBroadway & Westwood AvenueWestwood, NJ 07675(201) 666-9682 Hours: The Second Saturday of every month; 10:00am-2:00 pm*Wortendyke Barn Museum13 Pascack RoadPark Ridge, NJ 07656(201) 336-7267 Open: May-October 12:00pm-4:00pm*A Bergen County Historic SiteThe Wyckoff Historical SocietyThe Shop next to the PondWyckoff, NJ? 07481 Van Allen HouseOakland Historical Society3 Franklin Avenue & Route 202Oakland, NJ? 07436(201) 337-9652Zabriskie House421 Franklin AvenueWyckoff, NJ? 07481 Open: Please check out their website for the dates when the house is open to the public.Famous Families of Bergen County Dutch History:BlauveltFellHaringGarrisonZabriskieHopperWortendykeTerhuneVan RipperVan AllenDemarestAckermanBogertWesterveltWyckoffTiceIn your research, who are these families and what was their role in the creation of Bergen County?The Meaning of “Bergen” for Bergen County:The name was originally applied to the village of Bergen, settled in 1660, which is not the area known as Jersey City Heights. Some earlier writers believed the name was derived from the City of Bergen, Norway. Others said it was named after the small town of Bergen in Northern Holland. Since Colonial New Jersey's Bergen was a Dutch town founded and governed by a Dutch colony, the name was most likely derived from a town in Holland or a geographical description in the Dutch Language.The name "Bergen", originally derived from the word for "hill" in Norway, Belgium and the Netherlands, was applied to towns located in the hills. New Jersey's Bergen, was originally a settlement on a hill. Therefore, the currently accepted theory is, that the geographical location of the original town is the most likely reason it was called Bergen The name "Bergen" was applied to the County, which was established in 1683.Disclaimer: this information is taken directly to the pamphlet from the Bergen County Division of Cultural and Historic Affairs. It tells the story of the county we live in here in New JerseyHistoric Food Establishments:Food Establishments from pre-1980 (example)Mills Bakery Wood Ridge,NJSpindlers Bakery Hasbrouck Heights, NJWhite ManaHackensack, NJBarcelona’s Garfield, NJDemarest FarmsHillsdale, NJConrad’s Ice CreamWestwood, NJBishoffs Ice CreamTeaneck, NJAlba FarmsWyckoff, NJThe FireplaceParamus, NJ ................

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