September 2019 - Vermont

 292100431800292100431800Staff/Parent HandbookSeptember 2019One Planet Afterschool ProgramHandbook – 2019-2020Mission Statement & GoalsMission StatementOne Planet’s mission is to create a dynamic learning environment that inspires and supports students in becoming compassionate global citizens and passionate lifelong learners.One Planet Program GoalsProvide a safe, supportive environment that encourages intellectual, physical, social and emotional development.Provide activities that encourage participants to learn new skills & gain confidence, to problem solve, to try new things, and to become a responsible citizen of the local and global community.Increase student ability to use information and communication technology.Improve physical health and nutrition among our students.Improve academic performance of regular attendees.Build strong relations between One Planet and its community.Elements of High-Quality ProgramsThe Vermont Department of Education has identified ten elements of high-quality afterschool programming. One Planet uses the following ten elements to guide our programming, structure and evaluation strategies:Strong and Effective Afterschool Program LeadershipLinkages to the School DayHigh-Quality StaffSafe and Appropriate EnvironmentsHigh-Interest ProgrammingSchool Leadership SupportAttention to Serving Regular AttendeesStrong Instructional LeadershipFlexible Structures and Student ChoiceEffective Community PartnershipsOne Planet strives to provide a safe, supportive environment that encourages physical, intellectual, social and emotional growth and development. Children are expected to behave appropriately, respectfully and responsibly, to learn and play, problem solve both independently and cooperatively, and become interested in exploring and learning new things from available activities. School rules will be followed and enforced in order to provide consistent messages about appropriate behavior. With the support of the WRVSU’s Special Education Department, we strive to serve and support all children, including those with special needs and disabilities. Schedules & StructuresSchool Year Session DatesOne Planet Afterschool Program is open most full school days from September through the 1st week of June. The program begins at the end of the school day and runs until 5:30pm.2019-2020 Program Dates: (does not included GAP Sessions)Session I: September 16 – November 26 Session 2: December 2 – February 21Session 3: March 4 - May 29School Year Daily Schedule (varies by site)2:30*-3:10Recess & Supervised Play3:10-3:30Snack3:30-4:15Daily Special Activity for K-2; Homework Club 3-64:15-5:00Daily Special Activity for 3-6; Active Learners K-25:00-5:30Free Time & Pick Up*Whenever school day has ended Summer Program DatesOne Planet Summer Program runs 4-6 weeks in the summer, depending on the site. The program is open Monday-Friday, 7:30am-5:30pm.TENTATIVE 2020 Summer Dates:Bethel: June 29 – August 8Newton: June 29 – July 25Rochester/Stockbridge: July 6 – August 1Sharon: June 29 – August 8South Royalton: June 29 – August 8Tunbridge/Chelsea: July 6 – August 8 (@ Tunbridge)NO PROGRAMS ON JULY 4THSummer Daily Schedule7:30-8:30Early Bird8:30-8:45Morning Meeting8:45-9:00Snack9:00-10:00Theme Activity 110:00-11:00Theme Activity 211:00-12:00Theme Activity 312:00-12:30 Lunch12:30-1:00Free Time1:00-2:00Reading/Journal2:00-3:00Sports3:00-4:00Arts & Crafts4:00-4:30Snack4:30-5:30Night OwlProgram ClosedSchool HolidaysFriday Nov. 2nd - Vermont Afterschool ConferenceSchool Recess including Thanksgiving, December, Winter, Spring & Summer breaks (excluding Summer Program weeks)In-service days Any unexpected snow day or emergency closingProgram DescriptionWe have four basic programs: Daily One PlanetDaily One Planet runs after school until 5:30pm, Monday-Friday. The program is designed for students in Kindergarten through sixth grade and has three main components: recreation (snack, recess), academic (homework help), social emotional learning and enrichment (theater, cooking, etc). Our enrichment activities are intended to be dynamic, engaging, hands-on and interactive. Our students are usually broken into two age groups (K-2, 3-6)* and we select activities appropriate for the age groups. * Varies slightly by siteWe do provide some homework assistance on an as needed basis. However, our program’s focus is not on or around homework, homework completion or checking children’s assignments. Parents and teachers should not expect One Planet staff to be responsible for ensuring all homework assignments are completed to a high degree of satisfaction. Homework help is offered more as a service to parents, whenever possible, not as a programmatic element.Middle School ClubsSome of our sites offer Middle School Clubs (i.e. CC Skiing, Art Club). These clubs are specifically for students in 5th-8th grade. Clubs run after school once or twice a week for 1-2 hrs. Clubs are student-oriented and student directed. One Planet TutorialOne Planet works in coordination with the school faculties to target elementary students in need of academic remediation. One Planet provides students with a tutor 1-2 hours weekly (and more intensively during the summer) until the student has reached certain academic goals.Summer ProgramOne Planet offers 4-6 weeks of summer programming at the Bethel, Newton, South Royalton, Sharon, Rochbridge (Rochester and Stockbridge Combined camp is at Stockbridge bussing provided for Rochester students) and First Branch (Tunbridge and Chelsea combined camp switches sites in a two year cycle - camp is planned for Tunbridge this year transportation provided) sites. Summer programs run for ten hours daily, Monday-Friday. The programs are designed for students having completed K-6th grade and include the following components: weekly thematic enrichment programming, healthy snacks and lunch, daily sports activity, reading/journal time, field trips and swimming lessons. Hiring Procedures & PaperworkNew Employee ProceduresPlease see Addendum 1. Staff are not permitted to work until they have completed the entire hiring protocol. Other Employee PaperworkTimesheets: Staff must fill-in their hours on a timesheet provided by the Site Coordinator every time they work. At the end of the pay period (every two weeks), staff must check over their hours and sign their timesheet. All timesheets will then be reviewed and signed by Site Coordinators. Staff will receive their paycheck by the Friday following the end of the pay period. Record Check Authorization Form: In accordance to child care licensing regulations, all staff must undergo a record check through the Vermont Criminal Information Center. Confidentiality Form: Staff must complete a confidentiality form prior to their first day of work.Mandated Reporting Form: Staff must complete a mandated reporting form prior to their first day of work.Staff PositionsPosition DescriptionsThe One Planet Staff consists of the following positions:Program Director—responsible for overall management and administration of the One Planet programAssistant Director-- responsible for overseeing all general operations including continuous improvement of sites, staff and programming to provide, maintain, and advance high quality programming in all areas.Site Coordinator—responsible for site management and daily supervision of the program and staffProgram Leader—responsible for preparing and teaching daily activitiesHomework Supervisor or Head Teacher—responsible for supervising and directing Homework Club and/or leading programming Teaching Assistant—responsible for assisting with daily activities, including but not limited to specials, snack, recess, and homework.VolunteersOne Planet welcomes the involvement of parents, students, and community members as volunteers. Individuals can help with activities, lead an activity, chaperone field trips, or help with a special event. If you are interested in being a volunteer, please contact the Site Coordinator to complete necessary volunteer forms. To ensure quality and consistency with One Planet policies and procedures and child care licensing regulations, all irregular volunteers must remain under the direct supervision of a One Planet employee at all times, and all regular volunteers must undergo a background check. Staff ExpectationsStaff MeetingsSite Coordinators meet at least once a month with the Program Director to discuss programming, budget, sustainability, events, and other pertinent topics. The Director will generate a list of discussion topics, but Site Coordinators are encouraged to bring topics and questions of their own.Site Coordinators will meet regularly with their core staff, at least once a session. Site Coordinators will be responsible for scheduling and organizing these meetings. All staff are required to attend. If a staff member cannot make the meeting, please notify the Site Coordinator ahead of time. Meeting notes will be supplied to the missing staff. Professional DevelopmentIn accordance to child care licensing regulations, all One Planet core staff must undergo at least 8 hours of professional development each year. Site Coordinators must undergo 12 hours of professional development. One Planet will cover the cost of workshop(s), time and mileage for the required hours. If a staff member would like One Planet to cover the cost of professional development beyond the required hours, they must ask the Site Coordinator for approval. In some cases, we will pay for the cost of the workshop. We typically will not pay for time spent attending extra workshop. CPR/First Aid Training DOES NOT count towards the 8 or 12 hour requirement.To maintain our Specialized Child Care Provider status, Site Coordinators need to attend 6 additional hours of advanced specialized services trainings.Tracking Professional Development In order to maintain our STARS status, we must track all professional development hours through the Bright Future Informational System credential accounts. This is an educator professional development managing and tracking system. Each staff is responsible for submitting documentation of professional development, IPDP, educational transcripts and other documents need to prove he/she meets the qualifications needed for their position, as defined by the Vermont Licensed Childcare Regulations.EvaluationThe Lead Site Coordinator and Site Coordinators are responsible for implementing the Youth Program Quality Initiative Assessment annually to assess the program’s quality and effectiveness. This process involves forming an evaluation team, observing program in action, and meeting to score program in variety of areas. The Program Director will evaluate each Site Coordinator annually. See Addendum for Evaluation Form.The Site Coordinators are responsible for evaluating each of their core staff annually (usually in January). The Site Coordinator will meet with each staff member and discuss the results. See Addendum for the Evaluation Form.AbsencesWhen a One Planet employee is unable to be present for work, the employee must notify the Site Coordinator of the impending absence. At least 24 hours prior notice is requested. In cases of sickness or emergency, the Site Coordinator is to be contacted as early as possible in order to make the necessary arrangements to cover responsibilities.Employee Child Care BenefitOne Planet staff may receive a scholarship for their elementary school age children to attend One Planet programs where and when their parents are working provided that, if applicable, the family has applied for and been denied child care subsidy, and the program is not at capacity. When utilizing this benefit, staff members enroll their child into programs following the standard One Planet enrollment procedures.Cell PhonesCell Phones are not to be used during program hours for personal phone calls. Employees are expecting to be working with the children and attending to their needs at all times. Site Coordinators may decide to use cell phones as a means of communication during the program between staff, rather than using 2 way radios.OvertimeOne Planet employees are not to work over 40 hours/week. In order to avoid overtime, it is the Site Coordinator’s responsibility to ensure that there are enough staff on-duty to maintain licensing requirements for staff:child ratios. See page 9 for staff: child ratios.Program Policies & ProceduresRegistration & EnrollmentRegistration is required for program participation and is ongoing as slots are available. Parents/guardians are required to complete a General Registration Form for their child prior to enrollment in any One Planet program. The form needs to be completed only once each school year. The following information is required on the form: Student InformationParent/Guardian InformationPick Up Permissions & InformationEmergency Contact InformationMedical Information Permission for field trips, pictures, medical care, surveys, bug repellant/sunscreen, Tylenol/Ibuprofen.The One Planet Program relies on medical information provided for each child. If any medical information changes, parents are asked to notify One Planet immediately to provide the necessary revisions.A program packet is distributed to students in K-6th grade at each site approximately 1 week prior to the commencement of the next programming session. Enrollment forms must be returned with 50% of the session fee to secure a slot for the child.Permission and ReleasesWhen completing the One Planet General Registration Form, parents/guardians give One Planet the following permissions and releases:Permission for the child to participate in One Planet activities.Permission for the child to receive emergency medical treatment deemed necessary during One Planet activities.Permission for photographs and/or videos to be taken of a child as part of the program for newsletters, the media or any other positive and wholesome portrayal of the program to the public.Permission for the child to participate in field trips offered by One Planet in conjunction with programs the child is enrolled in.Permission for surveys to be given to a child and family for purposes of program evaluation.Permission for One Planet staff to apply bug repellent & sunscreen.Permission to administer Tylenol, Ibuprofen and other over the counter topical agents such as antibiotic ointment, anti-itch cream, sunblock etc..Fee Policy—Daily One PlanetFees are an essential part of our sustainability and will be charged for the Daily One Planet Program. Each site has a fee structure unique to its site based on how long the site has received 21C funding and the demographics of the community50% of entire session fee is due with enrollment forms. The other 50% is due mid-session. Absence does not result in fee rebate due to the already low fee schedule and the fact that each registrant fills a slot that may not be filled by another child. Payment is required for the number of days enrolled, not the number of days attended. It is One Planet’s intent to make every effort to minimize barriers to participation. If the fees are prohibitively high, we strongly encourage families to apply for subsidy. In some circumstances, we may also offer partial and full scholarships for families in need. Fee Policy—Summer ProgramFee Options include:$125/week-$150/wk. 50% due with enrollment forms to secure slot.If a family qualifies for Free or Reduced Lunch, they may opt to either:Apply for subsidyApply for a One Planet ScholarshipDrop-In Policy (School Year Program Only)Drop-ins are welcome providing there are slots open. Drop-in daily rates are priced higher than the enrollment rates. Drop-in rates may vary from site to site. One Planet must have a current General Registration Form with medical and contact information on file. Please contact One Planet 24 hours in advance.Taking AttendancePrior to the start of the program (snack/recess), the start of homework, and the start of the daily activity, staff takes attendance. The attendance list is marked with one of the following:√ Student in attendanceAB Student Absent from schoolEXStudent Excused from programIf a student is scheduled to attend but is not at the program and has not been excused by a parent, staff must let the Site Coordinator know immediately. The SC will contact the parent immediately to notify them their child did not come to the One Planet program. Every attempt will be made to contact parents/guardians and alternative contacts to make sure the child is safe. Recurrence of this situation may result in the child being prohibited from future program participation.Late Pick-upOver the last few years this has been an increasing problem at all our sites. Parent should note the changes below for this procedure.Parents/Guardians or their designee are required to pick up their child between 5:15pm and 5:30pm during the school year program, and as indicated for the summer program (4:30 pick up for Newton School). Parents should expect to pay an additional $5 fee for up to the first 15 minutes they are late and $20 every 15 minutes thereafter. After 30 minutes, the emergency contacts will be called to pick up the child. In addition, if a child is picked 30 minutes late or more, we are required to report this to the Vermont Department of Children and Families. If a parent/guardian knows that he or she will be late due to an unexpected emergency he or she should contact the site coordinator immediately. Although the site coordinator may choose to waive late fees in this instance parents should still expect to pay for additional time their child is at program as One Planet is still paying its staff that stay late.One Planet reserves the right to discharge a child from the program if picked up late three times.Daily Pick-upEvery day when a parent picks up a child from the program, the parent must see a staff member and sign the child out in person. This is for the safety of the child. Staff may refer to the General Registration Form to verify who is authorized to pick-up a child. If that person’s name does not appear on the pick-up list, they may not remove the child from the program. Written authorization regarding alternative arrangements if a parent/guardian is unable to pick up their child must be provided to Site Coordinator in advance. Written or Verbal Notifications The One Planet staff, the school and parents need to know at all times where the child is. Written notification (email or other letter) or verbal notification (in person or via phone call) is required for the following situations:Your child is participating in another school function prior to completion of One Planet program (i.e. Chess Club, Basketball, Soccer, etc). Your child is dismissed at the completion of One Planet in an alternative manner. For example, if a child normally is picked up by a parent but you would like them to go home with a friend’s parent.Your child is withdrawing from the One Planet program.Your child will not attend a day when he/she is scheduled to attendHomework Club PoliciesOne Planet will work to provide some time and homework support for students Monday-Thursday. We do not guarantee that a child will complete his/her homework at the program, so we encourage parents to check with their children daily for homework completion, and we encourage staff to let parents know if a child’s homework is not complete.Homework Club Expectations:Students come prepared—they should bring their homework assignments and any necessary materials, along with a reading book.Students must be respectful of others and work quietly (not silently, but quietly) during Homework Club.Field tripsA roster, student emergency contact numbers, first aid kit, and cell phone are to be taken on all field trips. In our summer registration form, parents will be asked if they give permission for child(ren) to go on field trips and participate in swimming activities. One Planet will notify parents of field trip details including location, date and time.. If field trip changes are made due to weather or other unpredictable circumstances, parents will be notified as soon as possible.Program Closing due to WeatherIn the case of inclement weather, the Site Coordinator will do their best to make a decision by 12pm whether the afterschool program will run that day. Site Coordinator will send out an email and/or call parents. Program will provide supervision until the last child is picked up. TransportationOne Planet will provide transportation to and from off site field trips. Students will be transported by a bus service and not an individual staff for the most part. If a student is to be transported by a staff, the staff must provide a copy of his/her auto insurance to Site Coordinator and the parent must sign a permission slip stating that the parent understands the child will be transported by a staff member.Behavior Expectations & GuidanceOur expectations for One Planet program participants closely mirror the schools’ expectations for conduct of students during the school day. We expect students, staff, and parents to follow five basic rules:We respect and are considerate of the rights and property of ourselves and others.We are polite to all staff and all students.We cooperate and support each other while we learn and teach together.We follow our schedules and arrive on time ready to participate.We respect the rules of the school and specific areas.We intend to create a safe learning environment. This means that the staff and director establish clear expectations at the beginning of the school year and work hard with our students to create a program culture that promotes respect. When kids break rules, we will respond by 1) redirecting them, 2) getting down to their level and speaking privately with the child, 3) if necessary, having a private conversation with them to ask more questions to determine what kind of support they need. If a child continues to break rules after efforts to redirect, gently remind and provide positive feedback, a staff should complete an incident report and ensure the site coordinator is aware of the issue so she/he can appropriately follow-up.. For repeated minor or single major infractions, an “Incident Report” will be completed. A copy will be given to the guardian(s) of the child(ren) involved in the incident and a copy will be put in the student file. In the case of repeated minor infractions, the Site Coordinator may establish an Individualized Behavior Plan (IBP) for the student based on input from parents and school staff. This plan will or be communicated to the student, the student’s parents, and the staff. The plan will outline reasonable strategies for leading a student to success in the program. As a staff member, we expect that you will follow and support the guidelines and procedures established by an IBP, so that we can provide the student with a consistent message.Students with an IEP or 504 who are assigned a one-on-one aide during the school day may have a need for special accommodations during the afterschool program. If it is suspected that a child needs a 1:1 or other reasonable special accommodations to participate successfully in One Planet, the parents, SPED teacher or 504 team leader and Site Coordinator will need to meet and create a plan. Only after the meeting has taken place will One Planet provide a 1:1 aide or other accommodation. In the meantime, the student will not be able to attend until a 1:1 has been hired or special accommodation have been put in place. The program will make every effort to do this in a timely manner. If appropriate accommodations are made for a student with special needs, but the student is still unable to participate successfully, it may be determined by the IEP or 504 team that the program is not a good fit for the student.Because our program is not mandatory, but voluntary, we have a “no tolerance” policy for serious infractions such as fighting, gross disrespect, the use or possession of weapons, use/distribution/possession of drugs or alcohol, consistent refusal to participate in program activities, harassment, willingly damaging school property or personal property of others, truancy, stealing, and hazing. The Site Coordinator reserves the right to suspend a student from the program due to these offenses. The suspension can be for one day or for the rest of the year. We do not have in-school suspension, so if a participant is suspended they will not be allowed to attend the program.Playground RulesThe same rules that apply to the playground during the school day apply to recreation time at One Planet. Please refer to the school handbook for playground rules/policies or consult with appropriate personnel at school as to their written and unwritten playground rules.Purchasing Supplies & ReimbursementSuppliesEach site has a supply budget for the year for general program supplies and for specific supplies needed for special activities. It is the Site Coordinator’s responsibility to purchase general program supplies (i.e. paper plates, markers, glue, etc.); staff are encouraged to notify Site Coordinators when these supplies need to be replenished. Program Leaders are responsible for buying the supplies needed specifically for their activity and for submitting their receipts for reimbursement. Program Leaders should discuss with their Site Coordinator how much money is available for supplies before making a purchase, as this may vary throughout the year.ReimbursementProgram Leaders and other staff who have purchased program supplies can submit their receipts for reimbursement. Receipts need to be printed (not handwritten) and have to be itemized to ensure reimbursement. Receipts received after the change in fiscal year (July 1) may not be reimbursed. Receipts should be given to the Site Coordinator. The Site Coordinator will submit the receipts to WRVSU with the proper paperwork. Depending on when receipts are submitted, staff will receive their reimbursement within 1-3 weeks. SALES TAX IS NOT REIMBURSABLE.Staff: Child RatiosIn accordance to child care licensing regulations, we must maintain the following staff:child ratio at all times: 1:13 There must be a minimum of 2 staff on duty when the number of children in attendance exceeds 8.Mandated Reporting PolicyVermont child care providers are required by law to report suspected child abuse and neglect. If you suspect or have reason to believe a child may have been abused or neglected, you are ethically and legally required to report the information. This report needs to be made to an intake worker at the Agency of Human Services, Department for Children and Families, at (800) 649-5285.Usually reporters must supply the following information: Child’s name, age and address. Child’s present location (i.e. at school, daycare, etc.). Parents’ names and address. Nature and extent of the injury or condition observed. Reporter’s name and location (not required, but extremely useful to the agency conducting the investigation).If you do make a report, please notify your Site Coordinator that you have done so.ConfidentialityAs an employee of the program, you will be privy to sensitive information regarding students and their families. In recognition of the program’s philosophy, as well as the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), you are required to maintain student confidentiality including the following:Financial information such as Free/Reduced lunch status or family income.Data pertaining to behavior, school attendance, grades, or test scores.Any Special Education or IEP information.Any other information that might be considered sensitive.Confidential information may not be shared with anyone who does not have a “need to know.” People who “need to know” may include classroom teachers, counselors, special educators, bus drivers, other school staff, and administrators. Each child has a different team and therefore who “needs to know” may vary from student to student. Please check with the principal or director if you have any questions on sharing information. If you fail to observe confidentiality, you may put your job at risk.Due to your “duty to warn” as a child care provider, you should breach confidentiality in the cases of suspected child abuse or neglect, a child’s intent to harm him or herself, and/or a child’s intent to harm another person. In this case, speak directly with your Site Coordinator municationOne Planet Program InformationOur program makes every effort to keep the families and community informed about One Planet programs and activities. We will send home quarterly program brochures with students approximately 2 weeks prior to the beginning of a new session. Program information is also available via the One Planet link on the WRVSU website. Individual sites have their own system of add’l communication strategies, including Facebook pages, blogs, electronic newsletter, email updates and more.ConferencesThe One Planet staff is happy to discuss issues regarding a child’s participation in One Planet. Parents should contact the Site Coordinator to schedule a convenient time to meet for a plaint ProcedureIf at any time a parent/guardian is concerned about the welfare of a child while in One Planet care, they are strongly encouraged to contact the Site Coordinator or Program Director immediately.ContactPlease see last section of handbook for contact phone numbers and emails.Childcare LicensingLicensing RegulationsThe One Planet Program is a licensed School Age Care provider and is overseen by the Child Development Division (CDD) of the Agency of Human Services. Therefore, it is critical that all staff members read and adhere to the licensing regulations.Annual Renewal and Site VisitsEach site is required to apply for licensing renewal on an annual basis. As a licensed provider, One Planet shall permit visits, inspections, and examinations of the facility, its records, equipment, and materials by representatives of the CDD to ensure compliance with the regulations. These visits can be unannounced.Background ChecksWhen re-applying for license renewal or as staff changes occur, each staff member (paid or volunteer) is required to complete and submit a “Records Check Authorization for Licensed Child Care Programs” supplied by the Child Development Division.Contamination Clean-upDisposable gloves shall be worn while handling any bodily fluid contamination and discarded after each use. Contaminated surfaces shall first be cleaned with hot, soapy water and then disinfected with a solution of 5.25% bleach diluted 1:10 to 1:100 with water (1/2 oz bleach to a quart of water) prepared daily or other acceptable disinfectant solution. Hand washing with soap and water shall occur after the cleaning. Each site shall follow the school’s protocol for contamination clean-ups and consult a custodian on duty if and when available.Hand WashingStaff shall wash hands with soap under warm running water:before preparing or serving food.after cleaning up after a sick child or contamination clean-up.after toileting.after handling animals.Children must wash hands with soap under warm running water:before they eat.after they use the toilet.after handling animals.Applying for SubsidyAs a licensed childcare center, we may collect childcare subsidies from the state for children whose parents/guardians have applied and are eligible for assistance. They can apply by contacting The Family Place at 802-649-3268.Record KeepingSite Coordinator will have on file for each staff:-Resume/Work History (unless on BFIS)-Statement stating staff have read the licensing regulations-Statement acknowledging Mandated Reporting duties-Job description & start date (unless on BFIS) Site Coordinator will have on file for each student:-Signed and dated Registration Form-Copy of Immunization RecordsAfterschool Snack ProgramNutritious SnacksAs part of the afterschool program, One Planet will provide a nutritious snack daily that meets U.S. Department of Agriculture meal pattern and nutritional requirements. Snacks will be supplied in conjunction with school vendors, local farms and other sources. Donations of fresh produce are always welcome. Please refrain from sending your child with a snack unless you’ve made special arrangements with the Site Coordinator. If there is a participant with a peanut or nut allergy, we will operate as a peanut and/or nut-free program. Our snack program shall reasonably accommodate children with disabilities but does not accommodate lifestyle choices.AdministrationThe Afterschool Snack Program provides reimbursement for snacks (and lunches during summer) served to children who are participating in afterschool/summer care programs. The program is funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and is administered by the Vermont Department of Education, Child Nutrition Programs. It is designed to give children a nutritional boost and draw them into supervised after school/summer activities that are fun, safe and educational.SanitationAll food shall be transported, stored, prepared, and served in a sanitary manner. All readily perishable food shall not be kept at room temperature for more than 1 hour while being prepared or served.Snack CountStaff members are responsible for serving snack to the students each day at One Planet. Staff is responsible for counting and recording the number of snacks served. Most importantly, the number of snacks served must match the number of students in attendance on any given day. Emergency ProceduresThe safety and security of the children attending One Planet is of utmost importance. While all staff members share this responsibility, the Site Coordinators are ultimately responsible. Therefore, the Site Coordinator is responsible each day for ensuring that students arrive and depart as designated by parents and that the school site is secured according to local procedures.Illness and Medical EmergenciesOur policy regarding infectious diseases is the same as the school’s policy. If your child is either too ill to attend school, or has been sent home due to illness or disciplinary action, they cannot attend the after school program. A child will not be admitted to One Planet with any of the following symptoms: severe cold, sore throat, harsh cough, fever over 100, inflamed or matted eye(s), vomiting or diarrhea, undiagnosed rash, head lice.Parents/guardians need to notify One Planet of any contagious disease such as strep throat, viral infections, chickenpox, ringworm, pinworms, pink eye or lice. A child will be readmitted only after all signs of the disease are gone. In the case of lice, a child must have undergone treatment before returning to the program. When a contagious disease or lice is reported, a confidential notice will be dispersed to current One Planet families.If a child becomes ill during the One Planet program, parents/guardians will be notified and requested to pick up the child as soon as possible. If there is a medical emergency or accident, the One Planet staff will attend to the child with First Aid measures. Unless it is a life-threatening emergency, the staff will first attempt to contact parents/guardians or emergency contacts. If the parents/guardians cannot be reached, the staff will take whatever measures are necessary for the care and protection of the child. If necessary, 911 will be called and the child will be taken by ambulance to the hospital. In this instance site coordinator shall ride with the child to the hospital and remain with the child until parents/guardians arrive.MedicationsProcedures to administering medications:One designated staff person, usually the Site Coordinator, must dispense all medicine. Students may not give medicine to themselves or to other children.All medicine must be stored out of sight in a locked container/cabinet.All prescription medicine must come with a copy of the doctor’s instructions.All medicine must be clearly labeled.Parents/guardians must sign a special permission slip for students needing medications to allow staff to administer prescription medication.In case of fever or headache, One Planet must have parent permission to administer either Tylenol(Acetaminophen) or Ibuprofen. One Planet will refer to the General Registration Form Permission section before administering these medications. Accidents & InjuriesA general protocol for responding to all levels of injury is as follows:Child’s immediate condition is assessed.Appropriate first aid measures are taken.Site Coordinator will assess degree of severity for next steps.The staff who witnessed the accident/injury will complete an “Incident Report” which will be filed in the office and also given to the child’s parent.If warranted by the severity of the injury:The child’s parent will be called.The child’s doctor will be called.The emergency response unit will be called.If necessary, the Site Coordinator will accompany the child to the nearest medical facility for assessment and treatment. Site personnel will continue to attempt to contact a parent/guardian to update them on the situationSite Coordinator will remain with the child until a parent/guardian arrives at the medical facility.Site Coordinator will follow-up after the incident within 24 hours.Incident ReportsIf a child is injured while at the program or if there is a behavioral incident, the Site Coordinator must complete a “Incident Report” which will include date of incident, student(s)’ names and description of incident. Site Coordinator must have the parent/guardian sign the report and then 2 copies will be made—one for One Planet to file and one for the parent.TICK SMARTMost of the tickborne diseases in Vermont are caused by bites from the blacklegged tick during early spring and late fall. The best way to prevent tickborne diseases is to prevent tick bites. Take these steps to protect yourself and your family from the diseases ticks spread:- Use an EPA-registered insect repellent: - Walk in the center of trails to avoid contact with overgrown grass, brush and leaf litter. - Wear long pants and long sleeves. - Check your whole body after being outdoors. - If you spot a tick on your body, remove it using fine-tipped tweezers and pull straight up. Flush the tick down the toilet. -Complete an incident report for any child who has been bitten by a tick and give a copy to the parent.- Advise parents to contact health care provider if child has any of these symptoms after a tick bite: fever, headache, joint pain, muscle aches, fatigue, or rash. Symptoms can start 3 to 30 days after a tick bite. Learn more at . CPR & EPI PenChildcare licensing requires at least one staff per site to be CPR certified. One Planet will sponsor an annual CPR/First Aid training.If a participant requires an EPI Pen, the Site Coordinator needs to be trained on how to use the EPI Pen and the parent MUST provide the Site Coordinator with an EPI pen for his/her child.Emergency Response PlanEach One Planet Site has an Emergency Response Plan that will be followed for Fire, Bomb Threat, Hazardous Material, Intruder, Missing Student, Natural Disaster, Fight/Riot/Illness.If the designated Pick Up person shows signs of being under the influence of drugs or alcohol:1. Pull the person aside and ask him/her if he/she is under the influence2A. If the person admits to being under the influence, ask him/her who can be called to transport the person and children home. Call alternative pick up person. Let original Pick Up person know that if they arrive to school under the influence again, you will be forced to call the State Police immediately.2B. If the person does not admit to being under the influence, tell them that you are required to contact the state police due to your suspicions. Request them to wait until state police arrive. Contact state police at 234-9933. Allow police to handle situation once they arrive. If the Pick Up person insists on leaving with children, call State Police immediately and provide Pick Up person’s name and address.3.Report situation to Program Director immediately.Emergency DrillsEmergency drills are to be practiced four times throughout the year and recorded. Fire drills are to be completed and recorded each month. Three types of emergency drills are to be practiced:Evacuation - Exit the building as if it were a fire drill. Fire exit procedures are posted in each room used by One Planet. Students line up in a designated outside area and attendance is taken. Students wait for instructions to return or relocate.Lock Down - Secure the exterior of the building, close blinds/shades, stay in classrooms, shut and lock sliding doors and/or windows, “business as usual” unless told to Clear the Halls.Clear the Halls - Students should go to the nearest room with an adult, close and lock or block door(s), shut off lights and close blinds/shades, move to a safe place within the room, use “no voices”, do not leave the room unless it is unsafe to stay there, do not open the door for anyone or answer the telephone. Emergency InformationStudents’ names and contact information will be maintained at each site. This information is to be easily accessible in the event of an emergency and taken with One Planet on fieldtrips.Contacting One PlanetBethel Site Coordinator: Amy Gray, 234-6607 or agray@Chelsea Site Coordinator: Leila La Rosa:889-3310 or llarosa@Tunbridge Site Coordinator: Lindsey Cole: 889-3310, ext 2012 or lcole@Newton Site Coordinator: TBDRochester Site Coordinator: Jola Labejsza: 802-989-1819 or jlabejsza@Sharon Site Coordinator Jackson Howe: 763-7425, ext 18 or jhowe@South Royalton Site Coordinator: Tara Tucker: 802-236-4882 or ttucker@Stockbridge Site Coordinator: Blythe Bates: 234-9428 or bbates@One Planet Assistant Director: Bill Bonsignore: 763-7775, ext 5 or bbonsignore@One Planet Director: Carrie McDonnell: 763-7775, ext. 4 or cmcdonnell@ADDENDUM 2WHITE RIVER VALLEY SUPERVISORY UNION461 Waterman RoadRoyalton, Vermont 05068 Bruce C. Labs, Superintendent Telephone (802) 763-8840 INSTRUCTIONS for NEW WRVSU JOB APPLICANTS STEP #1: CALL TO SET UP APPOINTMENT WITH KRISTY WHITE TO COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING FORMS Complete Hire FormsA. Vermont Criminal Information Center/National Child Protection Act ProgramB.Agency of Human Services – Consent for Release of Registry InformationC. WRVSU Application FormD. Fingerprint Authorization Certificate (FAC)2. Contact ID Center for Criminal Record Check (NOTE: You will need to call the ID center for an appointment, Due to time considerations, fingerprints must be done electronically at one of the following centers listed below: ID Centers for ELECTRONICALLY SCANNED FINGERPRINTSCITY or COUNTY ID CenterTelephone NumberBennington Sheriff 442-4900Burlington / Chittenden County Sheriff863-4341Chelsea / Orange County Sheriff685-4875Windsor Police Dept674-9042Lamoille County Sheriff (Hyde Park) 888-3502Montpelier: Washington County Sheriff 223-3001Rutland City Police Dept. 773-1838St. Johnsbury Police Dept. / Caledonia County748-2314Swanton Police Dept. / Franklin County 868-1400Windham County Sheriff (Newfane)365-4942 3. AT THE ID CENTER: The ID Center will instruct you on what you need to bring for appropriate I.D., as well as acceptable forms of payment for the fingerprinting (the fee is $25.00 which you will be reimbursed for)At the ID Center: You must have your completed FAC form signed by Kristy WhiteThe ID Center should fill out a receipt confirming that you had the fingerprints done. You must bring this receipt back with you and present to Liz during step #2 (see below). The ID Center will submit the prints electronically to the Vermont Criminal Information Center (VCIC). STEP #2: CALL TO SET UP APPOINTMENT WITH ANNE SIMONI TO COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING FORMS: PAYROLL FORMS A. Bring the Fingerprint Receipt, completed by the ID Center to the appointment with Liz to confirm that you were fingerprinted. You will need to also bring 2 forms of identification (Liz will explain what you need when you call to set up the appointment). B. Complete Your Benefits/Payroll Paperwork: You will be considered eligible to be placed on payroll 10 business days from the date of fingerprinting. Site CoordinatorPosition Name: Site CoordinatorSupervised by: Lead Site Coordinator and Program DirectorPosition Objectives:The Site Coordinator at Bethel is responsible for overseeing and maintaining a quality afterschool program by equipping staff to provide excellent levels of service to the program’s participants. Qualifications:5+ years of experience working in field of education or other related fieldMust be kind, confident and assertiveDetail oriented Must have or be willing to obtain necessary employment qualifications as stated in Vermont State Child Care Licensing RegulationsMust be willing to complete with approval One Planet hiring protocolPossess experience and credentials for assessing teaching/working with school age childrenAssess staff and programsBuild upon individual and group strengthsFocus on growth, moving forward, efficiency and excellenceEssential Duties:Serve as the overall program leader for the siteEquip staff in actively supervising program participantsEquip staff to ensure programming is safe, caring, involved and responsive to child needsEnsure program areas are consistently designed, set-up, maintained and staffed correctlyEquip staff to conduct meal/snack preparation and service in line with SFSP and NSLP guidelinesFacilitate and assess the “flow” and quality of the program on a daily basis and course correct as neededCreate a culture of encouragement, enthusiasm, responsibility, honesty, learning and growingCollaborate with school principals to maximize program effectiveness including space and schedules, and other linkages to the school dayBalance level of hands-on involvement with the attention to “big picture” Communicate clearly and regularly to all stakeholders to ensure unity and program qualityComplete all assigned/required administrative tasks in a timely fashionBuild a sense of team among the staff.Foster a sense of ownership of the program among the studentsMaintain schedule and structures to maximize recipient’s benefitsEquip and maintain strict confidentiality of student information in line with HIPPA and FERPA regulationsMeet regularly with and support program staffParticipate in required trainings Other duties as assignedPhysical Demands:While performing the duties of this job, the employee is regularly required to stand; walk; be physically active, talk and listen while remaining focused.?The employee frequently is required to reach with hands and arms.?The employee is occasionally required to sit.?The employee frequently must squat, stoop or kneel, reach about the head and reach forward.? The employee will frequently bend or twist at the neck and trunk more than the average person while performing the duties of this job.?The employee may be required to lift and/or move up to 25 pounds such as food, cleaning supplies, chairs, tables and program materials. The employee will sometimes push/pull items such as tables, chairs, bleachers, While performing the duties of this job, the employee will be exposed to both cold and hot temperature extremes both inside and outside the building. As well as being both on the school campus as well as offsite locations for field trips, enrichments or special programs.One Planet Program LeaderOverall DescriptionResponsible for planning and implementing activities for One Planet after school program. Teach 10-20 children daily in K-2nd grade and/or 3rd-6th grade in a manner that contributes to their care, growth, and academic development. Develop and execute program curriculum and activities with the help and support of other One Planet staff.Requirements/QualificationsPreferably have Teacher certification.Must have experience developing and executing clear, complete curriculum plans.Must have experience working with K-6 grade children.ResponsibilitiesDevelop and execute activities with academic, enrichment, technological and/or physical/recreational focus. Should provide choices, should be developmentally appropriate for students served and fit the interests and learning styles of plete an Activity Outline for each session and return to Coordinator by first day of activity.Meet regularly with One Planet staff for program planning, strategy and issue resolution.Follow procedures established in Staff Handbook.Assure that program operates in conformity with standards for physical safety and well being of attendees.Submit timely and accurate reporting, including time sheets, incident reports, etc.Responsible for arrangement, appearance and respectful use of program space.Perform other responsibilities as assigned by One Planet Site Coordinator.One Planet Homework SupervisorOverall DescriptionResponsible for day to day operation of the One Planet Homework Club. Supervise 10-20 children daily in 3rd-6th grade in a manner that contributes to their care, growth and academic development. Requirements/QualificationsPreferably have teaching certificate.Must have experience working with 3-6 grade children.Dependable, self-motivated, enthusiasticResponsibilitiesAssist with transitioning students from snack to Homework Club.Keep track of Homework Club supplies, including pencils, paper, books and other materials. Communicate with teachers on a daily basis about students’ homework assignments.Assist students with homework by offering helpful questions and suggestions, but make sure they do their own work.Establish a quiet, structured environment for students to work in. Follow procedures established in Staff Handbook.Submit timely and accurate reporting, including time sheets, incident reports, etc.Responsible for arrangement, appearance and respectful use of program space.Build positive relationships with students.Perform other responsibilities as assigned by Site Coordinator.One Planet Active Learners Teacher K-2Overall DescriptionResponsible for the day-to-day operation of the K-2 program. Supervise 10-20 children daily in K-2 in a manner that contributes to their care, growth and development. Plan and execute an academic activity for Active Learners. Requirements/QualificationsPreferably have teaching certificate.Must have experience working with K-2 grade children.Dependable, self-motivated, enthusiastic.ResponsibilitiesDevelop and execute activities with academic focus, 30 minutes daily Monday-Thursday. Activities should be developmentally appropriate for students served and fit the interests and learning styles of attendees.Assist students with homework by offering helpful questions and suggestions, but make sure they do their own work.Follow procedures established in Staff Handbook.Submit timely and accurate reporting, including time sheets, incident reports, etc.Responsible for arrangement, appearance and respectful use of program space.Build positive relationships with students and staff.Perform other responsibilities as assigned by One Planet Site Coordinator.One Planet Teaching AssistantOverall DescriptionResponsible for day-to-day operation of the One Planet afterschool program. Serve 25-45 children daily in K-6 in a manner that contributes to their care, growth, and development.Requirements/QualificationsMust have experience working with K-6th grade children.Dependable, self-motivated, enthusiastic.ResponsibilitiesParticipate in the execution of programs with academic, physical and/or enrichment focus. Assist with instruction and supervision of students as directed by Program Leaders and Site Coordinator.Provide set-up and snack preparation prior to end of school day. Ensure classrooms are returned to school readiness by performing clean-up, following agreed upon standards.Assist with attendance, snack, recreation time, transitions, and signout.Follow procedures established in Staff Handbook.Submit timely and accurate reporting, including time sheets, incident reports, etc.Responsible for arrangement, appearance and respectful use of program space.Build positive relationships with students.Perform other responsibilities as assigned by One Planet Director.One Planet Afterschool ProgramStaff EvaluationStaff member: ________________________Site:_________________________________________Date: ________________________Job KnowledgeExcellentAbove AverageAverageNeeds ImprovementDoes not applyDemonstrates a clear understanding of the responsibilities of the job.?????Performs job tasks with a minimum amount of supervision?????Demonstrates professionalism in all job tasks.?????Develops effective lesson plans to accomplish program goals (Activity Leaders only)?????Comments:?????Quality of WorkExcellentAbove AverageAverageNeeds ImprovementDoes not applyPays attention to accuracy and detail?????Performs work according to job requirements?????Recommends creative, innovative and practical solutions?????Is Prepared to teach activity (Activity Leaders only)?????Is flexible and accepting of changes?????Completes written reports as needed?????Manages time effectively?????Comments:?????Interactions with ChildrenExcellentAbove AverageAverageNeeds ImprovementDoes not applyShows enthusiasm and interest when working with children?????Demonstrates the use of effective behavior management skills.?????Demonstrates use of respectful and appropriate communication skills?????Treats all children in a fair and consistent manner?????Demonstrates an understanding or each child as an individual?????Comments:?????Cooperation/CommunicationExcellentAbove AverageAverageNeeds ImprovementDoes not applyAccepts guidance?????Works with others to accomplish tasks?????Demonstrates concern for the rights of others?????Gains respect and confidence of others?????Relates in an appropriate and productive manner to subordinates, associates, superiors?????Communicates effective and respectfully with families?????Employee Comments:Future Goals:The following signatures indicate that the employee has read and understood the assessment and has discussed it with the evaluator. They do not necessarily imply agreement.125400125400205740075565Staff Handbook & Licensing Regulations AcknowledgementOnce you have read the One Planet Handbook and the Child Care Licensing Regulations, please sign and return this form to the One Planet Site Coordinator. Please keep the Handbooks for reference. Thank you.I have read the One Planet Handbook & the Vermont Child Care Licensing Regulation and agree to follow the policies and procedures as noted.Staff Signature _______________________Date _________Please feel free to contact the One Planet staff at any time if you have questions about or ideas for the program. ................

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