Curricular - Archdiocese of GlasgowReligious Education ...

Month/Season: Lent/Easter Class: Primary 5 Level: Second

|Strands of Faith : | | | | |

|Experiences and Outcomes |Core Learning |Learning & Teaching |Resources |Assessment |

| | |Class/School/Home/Parish | | |

|In the image of God |GLP | | | |

| |I recognise that I am created in the|Class: Teacher explains to the class that when God created man, he created him |Bible |Children demonstrate |

|RERC 2‐02a I know that God |image of God and have many talents |in His own image. Teacher asks the children to close their eyes and imagine |Picture of Michelangelo’s God giving |understanding that God |

|wants me to develop my |which I can use to build |what God looks like. Teacher explains that over the years many painters have |life to Adam (attached to planner) |created man in His own |

|God‐given gifts and I have |relationships. |created images of God. One of the most famous is a painting by Michelangelo |Internet |image. |

|reflected on how I can use | |which is painted on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in The Vatican in Rome. |GLP | |

|them for the common good. | |Michelangelo painted this interpretation of God giving life to Adam between1 508|Pupils create an Individuals’ Wall - | |

| | |and 1512 and thousands of visitors a year travel to The Vatican to admire it. |identifying relatives and | |

|GLP | |Teacher shows the children a picture which displays God giving life to Adam |friends, sportspeople, members of | |

|HWB 2-10a | |(attached to planner). Who is in the picture? What is God doing to Adam? What|local community, (non | |

|I recognise that each | |does God look like? What does Adam look like? Do you think Michelangelo has |political) campaigners who work to | |

|individual has a unique | |painted Adam in God’s image? Does God look like the picture you had in your |improve the lives of others | |

|blend of abilities and | |imagination? |in the local community, Scotland, the | |

|needs. I contribute to | |Children should complete their own image of God. |wider world. Each | |

|making my school community | |Useful Website |biography should describe an | |

|one which | | |individual’s abilities and skills | |

|values individuals equally | | |and examples of how they have used | |

|and is a | |Class: Teacher explains to the class that God has given us many talents and if |these to improve life for | |

|welcoming place for all. | |we use them wisely we can use them to help others. What are you good at? Did |others. | |

|HWB 2-16a | |anyone teach you? How could you use this talent to help others? How do other |Pupils create a PowerPoint | |

|I am learning to assess and | |people feel towards you when you use your talent to help them? How do you feel |presentation for Assembly and | |

|manage risk, to | |when other peoples use their talents to help you? |children from other stages describe | |

|protect myself and others, | | |how their school values | |

|and to reduce the | |Class: Teacher divides the class into small groups and gives each group a copy |everyone in their school community. | |

|potential for harm when | |of ‘Using Your Talents’ Discussion Points (attached to planner). Children |Diocese of Motherwell exemplars | |

|possible. | |discuss the characters in the scenarios and come to an understanding of how the |.uk/p5-calling-o| |

|HWB 2-45b | |characters are using their talents to help others. The group then come together|ld-testament.html | |

|I am aware of the need to | |as a class and report back their findings. |.uk/p5-calling-d| |

|respect personal | | |isciples-of-jesus.html | |

|space and boundaries and can| | |Generic approaches to safety – | |

|recognise | | |personal safety, safe travel, | |

|and respond appropriately to| | |stranger danger, internet safety. | |

|verbal and | | |Quality Circle Time: Discussing | |

|non-verbal communication. | | |different forms of abuse | |

|HWB 2-49a | | | | |

|I know that all forms of | | | | |

|abuse are wrong and | | | | |

|I am developing the skills | | | | |

|to keep myself | | | | |

|safe and get help if I need | | | | |

|it. | | | | |

|GLP | | | | |

|HWB 2-01a | | | | |

|I am aware of and able to | | | | |

|express my | | | | |

|feelings and am developing | | | | |

|the ability to talk | | | | |

|about them. | | | | |

|HWB 2-02a | | | | |

|I know that we all | | | | |

|experience a variety of | | |Using Your Talents Discussion Points | |

|thoughts and emotions that | | |attached to planner | |

|affect how we | | | | |

|feel and behave and I am | | | | |

|learning ways of | | | | |

|managing them. | | | | |

|HWB 2-04a | | | | |

|I understand that my | | | | |

|feelings and reactions | | | | |

|can change depending upon | | | | |

|what is | | | | |

|happening within and around | | | | |

|me. This helps | | | | |

|me to understand my own | | | | |

|behaviour and the | | | | |

|way others behave. | | | | |

|HWB 2-08a | | | | |

|I understand that people can| | | | |

|feel alone and | | | | |

|can be misunderstood and | | | | |

|left out by others. | | | | |

|I am learning how to give | | | | |

|appropriate | | | | |

|support. | | | | |

|Strands of Faith : | | | | |

|Experiences and Outcomes |Core Learning |Learning & Teaching |Resources |Assessment |

| | |Class/School/Home/Parish | | |

| | |Class: Teacher reads to the class from the Bible Genesis 1:26- 27 and discusses| | |

| |I know that, when I use my God‐given |God creating man with the children. Why do you think God created man? Why do |Bible |Children demonstrate |

| |gifts, I can live in harmony with God|you think he wanted man to be in control over all the creatures on the earth? |Growing More Like God worksheet |understanding that we can |

| |and with other people, and so I grow |Teacher explains to the class that God wants us to use our talents well. Using|(attached to planner) |use our talents for the |

| |in the likeness of God (Genesis 1: |our talents well will help us to live in harmony with God and with other |GLP |good of others and to grow |

| |26-27). |people. We will also grow to be more like God. Teacher leads the children |Diocese of Motherwell exemplar |in the likeness of God. |

| | |in a prayer time reflecting on how we could use our talents to help us to grow |.uk/p5-pentecost| |

| | |in the likeness of God. |-holy-spirit-and | |

| | | |prophecy.html | |

| | |Class: Children complete ‘Growing More Like God’ worksheet (attached to |Focus on Sacrament of Reconciliation | |

| | |planner). |and its purpose in helping to seek | |

| |GLP | |forgiveness and to heal broken | |

| | |Class: Teacher explains to the class that just like the first man and woman we |relationships |Children demonstrate |

| |I can acknowledge however that, like |all have the ability to hurt each other and when we hurt someone it is |Discussion of choices made by |understanding of accepting |

| |the first man and woman, I have the |important that we ask for forgiveness. Have you ever hurt someone? Did you |characters in fiction: |responsibility and asking |

| |ability to hurt others and I see the |say sorry? Has anyone ever hurt you? Did they say sorry? Teacher explains |• Why does the character |for forgiveness when they |

| |importance of accepting |that sometimes rather than accepting responsibility for hurting others and |feel/behave/answer this way? |hurt others. |

| |responsibility and asking for |asking for forgiveness, we sometimes cover up what we have done or blame |• What is making her/him feel/behave | |

| |forgiveness for doing so, rather than|someone else. Teacher reads to the class from the bible Genesis 3:12-13 and |like this? | |

| |covering up or blaming others. |discusses Adam and Eve blaming others and not accepting responsibility. Can |• How might the character feel/behave | |

| |(Genesis 3: 12‐13). |you remember what they had done? Who did Adam blame? Who did Eve blame? How |after . . .? | |

| | |should they have acted? Have you ever tried to blame someone else? What |Confidence to Learn approaches | |

| | |should you have done instead? | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Class: Children complete ‘Accepting Responsibility’ worksheet (attached to | | |

| | |planner). | |Children demonstrate |

| | | | |awareness that the |

| |I can hear, read and recall |Class: Teacher explains to the class that the scriptures can help us to | |scriptures show us the |

| |narratives in the scriptures which |understand the importance of friendship. Teacher divides the class into small | |importance of friendship. |

| |show the importance of friendship |groups and gives each group one of the following scripture readings to study: |Bible | |

| |e.g. |Ruth and Naomi |Accepting Responsibility worksheet | |

| |Ruth and Naomi |(Ruth 1: 16‐18) |(attached to planner) | |

| |(Ruth 1: 1-6 & 14‐18) |David and Jonathan |Art materials | |

| |David and Jonathan |(1 Sam 19:1-7) | | |

| |(1 Sam 19:1-7) |Jesus and his disciples (John 15: 12‐17). | | |

| |Jesus and his disciples (John 15: |The children are given a sheet with questions- Importance of Friendship | | |

| |12‐17). |Worksheet (attached to planner) to help keep them keep focused on the | | |

| | |importance of friendship and how their scripture reading displays this. The | | |

| | |groups are then brought together to share their findings with the rest of the | | |

| | |class. | | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Importance of Friendship Worksheet | |

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|Strands of Faith : Experiences| | | | |

|and Outcomes |Core Learning |Learning & Teaching |Resources |Assessment |

| | |Class/School/Home/Parish | | |

| | | | | |

| |I recognise that, in any family, school |Class: Teacher explains to the class that we are all part of different friendship | | |

| |or friendship group, it is important to |groups e.g. home, school, family, clubs and it is important to try and get on with | | |

| |respect the views, feeling and wishes of|the other members of the group. Would a good friend help you when you are finding | | |

| |others and not always to get my own way.|something difficult? Would a good friend always want to choose what game you were | | |

| | |playing? Would a good friend walk away when you wanted to tell them something | | |

| | |important? Through discussion the teacher emphasises that in any friendship group, | | |

| | |it is important to respect the views, feeling and wishes of others and not always get| | |

| | |your own way. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Class: Children work with shoulder partner to complete What Makes a Good Friend? | | |

| | |Activity (attached to planner). Children cut out the statements and stick all the |What Makes a Good Friend? |Children are developing |

| | |statements which are qualities of a good friend on the left hand side of a sheet of |Activity |understanding that in any |

| | |paper and all the qualities of a not so good friend on the right hand side of the | |friendship group the friends|

| | |page. Class comes together and discusses why they placed a statement on a particular| |must respect the views, |

| | |side of the paper. | |feeling and wishes of others|

| | | | |and not always get their own|

| | |Class: Teacher reminds the children that Jesus set us a good example of how we should| |way. |

| | |behave towards everyone we meet. Jesus was friends with sinners and showed kindness | | |

| |I can accept that everybody faces |and compassion to everyone he met. Can you remember any scripture readings that show| | |

| |different limitations and challenges and|Jesus being kind? Can you remember any scripture readings that show Jesus showing | | |

| |that, when I respond in kindness, |compassion? Can you remember any scripture readings that show Jesus spending time | | |

| |compassion and service to others’ needs,|with sinners? | | |

| |I am following Jesus’ way. | | | |

| | |Teacher explains to the class that everybody is different and we are all good at | | |

| | |certain things but find other things difficult. How can we help those who find | | |

| | |things difficult? Sometimes people need our help through difficult times e.g. | | |

| | |illness, bereavements, losing their jobs. How can we help those going through | |Children demonstrate |

| | |difficult times? Teacher encourages the children to suggest other times people face| |understanding that by |

| | |different limitations and challenges. Teacher explains to the children that when we |I am Following Jesus’ Way |responding in kindness, |

| | |respond in kindness, compassion and service to others’ needs, we are following Jesus’|worksheet |compassion and service to |

| | |ways. Class complete ‘I am Following Jesus’ Way’ worksheet (attached to planner). |Art materials |others’ needs, they are |

| | | | |following Jesus’ way. |

| | |KEY VOCABULARY: God‐given talents, image and likeness, responsibility for actions, | | |

| | |respect for others. | | |

|Strands of Faith : Experiences| | | | |

|and Outcomes |Core Learning |Learning & Teaching |Resources |Assessment |

| | |Class/School/Home/Parish | | |

| | | | | |

|Son of God | |In Mark’s account of the Passion, Jesus’ true identity is hidden in suffering on the | | |

| | |cross, but the centurion expresses the faith of the Christian community: “Truly this | | |

|RERC 2‐07a I have explored the|I can recall that Peter denied Jesus |man was Son of God” (Mark 15:39). This is revealed in his Resurrection. | | |

|events of the Passion, Death |three times. (Mark 14: 66‐72) and I can |Class: Teacher shows the class a liturgical calendar and reminds the children that |Liturgical Calendar |Children can recall Peter |

|and Resurrection of Jesus and |identify occasions when we may not be |the liturgical colour for Lent is purple and the colour white for Eastertide. |Purple altar cloth |denying Jesus three times. |

|I have reflected on the |faithful to Jesus. |Children help to dress the class altar with a purple cloth. | | |

|Catholic meaning of eternal | | | | |

|life. | |Class: Teacher reads to the class from the bible Mark 14: 66‐72 and discusses with | | |

| | |the children Peter denying Jesus three times. Why do you think Peter denied knowing | | |

| | |Jesus? How many times did he deny knowing Jesus? What sound reminded him that he | | |

| | |had let Jesus down? What had Jesus predicted would happen? Why do you think Peter | | |

| | |denied knowing Jesus? How do you think he felt when he realised what he had done? | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Class: Children are given the opportunity to take part in a play called ‘Peter Denies| | |

| | |Jesus’ (script attached to planner). The rest of the class are members of the jury |Script of play - Peter | |

| | |with yes and no cards. |Denies Jesus | |

| | | |Yes and no cards | |

| | |Class: Teacher discusses with the children occasions when they may not have been | | |

| | |faithful to Jesus? Do you think it is hard to remain faithful to Jesus? Would | |Children develop |

| | |anyone like to share with us an occasion when they did not remain faithful to Jesus? | |understanding of occasions |

| | |How did you think they felt afterwards? How could you tell Jesus you are sorry for | |when they may not have been |

| | |not remaining faithful to him? Teacher leads a prayer time asking Jesus to help us | |faithful to Jesus. |

| | |to always remain faithful to him. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Class: Teacher divides the class into small groups and gives each group one part of | | |

| | |the events of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus as it is told in Marks | | |

| |I can hear, read and recall the events |Gospel (Mark 14‐16) to read. | | |

| |of the Passion, Death and Resurrection |Judas agrees to betray Jesus (Mark 14:10-11) |Bible | |

| |of Jesus in the account from Mark’s |The Last Supper Jesus (Mark 14:22-26) |Mark’s Gospel worksheet | |

| |Gospel (Mark 14‐16). |Jesus predicts Peter’s Denial Jesus (Mark 14:27-31) |(enlarged to A3 size) | |

| | |Jesus prays in Gethsemane Jesus (Mark 14:32-41) |Art materials | |

| | |The arrest of Jesus (Mark 14:43-51) | | |

| | |Peter denies Jesus (Mark 14:66-72) | | |

| | |Jesus is sentenced to death (Mark 15:6-15) | | |

| | |The soldiers mock Jesus (Mark 15:16-20) | | |

| | |Jesus is crucified (Mark 15:21-31) | | |

| | |The death of Jesus (Mark 15:33-41) | | |

| | |Jesus is buried (Mark 15:42-47) | | |

| | |The Resurrection (Mark 16:1-8) | | |

|Strands of Faith : Experiences| | | | |

|and Outcomes |Core Learning |Learning & Teaching |Resources |Assessment |

| | |Class/School/Home/Parish | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Each group completes ‘Mark’s Gospel’ worksheet (attached to planner) by writing about| | |

| | |the events of the scripture reading and drawing an illustration in the box. These | | |

| | |sheets could be enlarged to A3 size. Children then prepare a presentation of the | | |

| | |Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus from Mark’s Gospel which could be presented | | |

| | |to parents at a Lenten Prayer Service or to the school at assembly. | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Class: Teacher discusses with the class their concept of love and what it means to | | |

| | |love members of their family. How do you know your family love you? How do you show|Bibles | |

| | |your family you love them? |Religious jotter | |

| | |What sacrifices do your parents make for you? Do they love you even when you are | | |

| | |naughty? Do they always forgive you? Do you miss members of your family when they | | |

| | |go away somewhere? | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Teacher explains that God Our Father’s love is so great that His only Son Jesus died | | |

| |I know that Jesus died on the Cross for |on the cross for us. Teacher reads to the class from the bible Mark 10: 45 and John | |Children can recall the |

| |me, and that this is the greatest |15: 13 and asks the children to reflect on these words from the scriptures. Why did | |events of the Passion, Death|

| |demonstration of God's love for me (Mark|Jesus die on the cross? What does redeem mean? What is the greatest love a person | |and Resurrection of Jesus in|

| |10: 45; John 15: 13). |can have for another? | |the account from Mark’s |

| | | | |Gospel. |

| | |Class: Bibles are distributed and children choose one of the scripture verses - Mark | | |

| | |10: 45 or John 15: 13 and copy it into their religious jotter. | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| |I understand that the liturgical season |Class: Teacher explains to the class that during Lent and Holy Week we are given the | |Children develop |

| |of Lent and Holy Week provides the |opportunity to reflect prayerfully on the meaning of the Passion and Death of Jesus |Bible |understanding that Jesus |

| |opportunity to reflect prayerfully on |and our journey towards the Resurrection. Lent starts on Ash Wednesday when we are |Cross template |dying on the cross was the |

| |the meaning of the Passion and Death of |asked to “Repent and believe the gospel” (Mk 1:15). During Lent we commit ourselves |Art materials |greatest demonstration of |

| |Jesus and our journey towards the |to prayer, fasting and almsgiving. We are also given the opportunity to pray the | |God's love for them. |

| |Resurrection. |Stations of the Cross at Church or in school. The stations of the Cross are fourteen| | |

| | |picture representing the Passion and Death of Jesus. Some Churches even have a | | |

| | |fifteenth station depicting the Resurrection. At each station, we reflect on the | | |

| | |Passion and Death of Jesus and pray. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Useful Websites | | |

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| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Internet access | |

|Strands of Faith : | | | | |

|Experiences and Outcomes |Core Learning |Learning & Teaching |Resources |Assessment |

| | |Class/School/Home/Parish | | |

| | |Class: Each child makes a small cross (template attached to planner) and draws a figure of | | |

| | |Jesus on it. All the crosses are joined up to make a large cross for display around the | | |

| | |class altar under the heading ‘Jesus loves us. Jesus died for us’. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Parish: Children visit their Parish church to pray the Stations of the Cross. | | |

| | |School: Children participate in praying the Stations of the Cross at school prayer | | |

| | |services. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Class: Teacher explains that Holy Week is the most important week of the Church year. | | |

| | |Liturgical services are held at Church to help us reflect prayerfully on the meaning of the| | |

| | |Passion and Death of Jesus and our journey towards the Resurrection. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Palm Sunday: We remember how the people cheered and welcomed Jesus as he came into | | |

| | |Jerusalem. Palms are distributed at Mass. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Holy Thursday: We remember how Jesus gave himself to us as the Bread of Life at the Last | | |

| | |Supper. At a special Church service the priest washes the feet of 12 people to commemorate| | |

| | |Jesus' washing the feet of his disciples. It is also the day when a special Chrism Mass | | |

| | |usually takes place. At this Mass a supply of anointing oil to be used in ceremonies during| | |

| | |the year is consecrated. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Good Friday: We remember how Jesus died on the cross and gave himself completely to his | | |

| | |Father. A special service called Veneration of the Cross takes place between midday and | | |

| | |3pm. In kneeling before the crucifix and kissing it we are paying the highest honour to | | |

| | |Our Lord Jesus Christ. | |Children develop |

| | | | |understanding that the |

| | |Holy Saturday: The Easter vigil service is the first Easter service and takes place on the | |liturgical season of Lent |

| | |night of Holy Saturday. The Paschal Candle is lit during the service as a symbol of the | |and Holy Week provides the |

| | |risen Christ. | |opportunity to reflect |

| | | | |prayerfully on the meaning |

| | |Easter Sunday: Easter Sunday is the culmination of Holy Week. Easter commemorates the | |of the Passion and Death of|

| | |resurrection of Jesus Christ and is celebrated with the greatest joy. Through his death, | |Jesus and our journey |

| | |Jesus saved mankind from sin and He destroyed the hold that death has on all of us. His | |towards the Resurrection. |

| | |Resurrection gives us the promise of new life, both in this world and the next. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Home: Children complete ‘Holy Week” worksheet as homework. | | |

| | |School/Parish: Children participate in Lenten and Easter prayer services | | |

| | | |Holy Week worksheet | |

| | | | | |

|Strands of Faith : Experiences| | | | |

|and Outcomes |Core Learning |Learning & Teaching |Resources |Assessment |

| | |Class/School/Home/Parish | | |

| | |School/Parish: Children work in groups to make Easter banners to be displayed in the | | |

| | |church. They could contain messages such as He is risen, Alleluia, Hosanna etc. | | |

| | |Examples attached o planner. | | |

| | | |Collage Materials | |

| | |Class: Teacher explains to the class that the Death and Resurrection of Jesus in Holy| | |

| | |Week and Easter are also known as the Paschal Mystery. Paschal means relating to | | |

| | |Easter. These events are the central events of the Christian story and are at the | | |

| |I can recognise that the Death and |heart of the Christian life. Christ's experience of suffering, death, and new life | | |

| |Resurrection of Jesus in Holy Week and |has forever changed us and given us a different way of living. We learn from Jesus | |Children develop |

| |Easter (also known as the “Paschal |that new life can come from death and death no longer has the last word. This is | |understanding that the |

| |Mystery”) are the central events of the |what we celebrate at the Eucharist at Mass. | |Death and Resurrection of |

| |Christian story and are at the heart of | | |Jesus in Holy Week and |

| |the Christian life. I know that this is |What does the word Paschal mean? What is a mystery? What is the Paschal Mystery? | |Easter is what we celebrate |

| |what we celebrate at the Eucharist on a |Can you think of anything in nature that goes through the process of dying and rising| |at the Eucharist at Mass. |

| |Sunday. |each year? What do we learn about dying from the Paschal Mystery? What do we | | |

| | |celebrate at the Eucharist at Mass? | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Class: Children complete ‘The Paschal Mystery’ worksheet (attached to planner) | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Class: Teacher explains that we too are offered the promise of eternal life and can | | |

| | |regularly pray for this. Every time we celebrate Mass we pray The Nicene Creed which| | |

| | |is a message of hope encouraging us to “look forward to the resurrection of the dead |The Paschal Mystery |Children know the words to |

| |I know that we too are offered the |and the life of the world to come.” Teacher leads the children in praying The Nicene |worksheet |The Nicene Creed and |

| |promise of eternal life and can |Creed (words attached to planner). |Art materials |understand that we too are |

| |regularly pray for this, which is a | | |offered the promise of |

| |message of hope encouraging us to “look |Home: Children learn the words of The Nicene Creed for homework. | |eternal life. |

| |forward to the resurrection of the dead | | | |

| |and the life of the world to come” |The following core learning was covered in the November Planner and should be revised| | |

| |(Nicene Creed). |during Lent and Easter. | | |

| | |Class: The teacher explains to the class that during the month of November a Book of |Words to The Nicene Creed | |

| | |Remembrance containing the names of our family and friends who had passed away was | |Children know that we should|

| | |set up. During Lent we also remember those who have died and especially those | |pray for those who have |

| |I know that we should pray for those who|awaiting eternal life. Teacher asks the children to close their eyes and think of | |died, and especially for |

| |have died, and especially for those who |those who have died. The teacher leads the children in praying The Eternal Rest | |those who have died and are |

| |have died and are awaiting eternal life.|(attached to planner). | |awaiting eternal life. |

| | | | | |

| | | |Words to The Eternal Rest | |

|Strands of Faith : | | | | |

|Experiences and Outcomes |Core Learning |Learning & Teaching |Resources |Assessment |

| | |Class/School/Home/Parish | | |

| | |Class: Teacher reminds the class about the care shown to Jesus’ body by Joseph of Arimathea| | |

| |I have reflected on the care shown to|and by the women who followed Jesus. Teacher reads to the class from the bible Mark 15: |Bibles | |

| |Jesus’ body by Joseph of Arimathea |42‐47. Who was Joseph of Arimathea? What did he do with the body of Jesus? How did he |Internet access | |

| |and by the women who followed Jesus |treat the body of Jesus? Who were watching him? |Image of The Lamentation | |

| |(Mark 15: 42‐47). | |Over the Dead Christ by | |

| | |Teacher shows the children an image of the painting by Pietro Perugino entitled The |Pietro Perugino | |

| | |Lamentation Over the Dead Christ available at: |Joseph of Arimathea | |

| | | |worksheet | |

| | |An image of the painting is attached to the planner. |Art materials | |

| | | | | |

| | |Who are all the people in the painting? Who do you think is Joseph of Arimathea? What is | | |

| | |he doing? How do you think the people in the painting feel? What do you think is going to| | |

| | |happen next? | |Children demonstrate |

| | | | |understanding on the care |

| | |Class: Children complete ‘Joseph of Arimathea’ worksheet (attached to planner). | |shown to Jesus’ body by |

| | | | |Joseph of Arimathea. |

| | |Class: Teacher explains to the class that the respect and care shown to the body of Jesus | | |

| | |is shown in the funeral rites of the Church to the bodies of those who have died. Teacher | | |

| | |should discuss with the children the following terms- vigil, liturgy, eulogy, music and the| | |

| |I recognise the respect and care |rite of committal. | | |

| |shown in the funeral rites of the |Useful Website | | |

| |Church to the bodies of those who | | | |

| |have died. | | | |

| | | |Internet Access | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Class: Teacher explains that the prayers and scripture readings used at a funeral are not | | |

| | |only for the deceased but also console the bereaved and remind them of the promise of | | |

| | |eternal life for their loved one. Teacher prays The Eternal Rest with the class. Teacher | | |

| | |reads Psalm 23 from the bible to the class and explains to the children that this prayer is| | |

| |I have explored the prayers and |often read or sung at funerals. Teacher explains how the use of metaphors builds up a | |Children demonstrate |

| |symbols used in the funeral rites of |picture of God as a shepherd caring for His sheep, Where does God lead us to rest? Where | |understanding of the |

| |the Church for those who have died |does He guide us? What does He use to protect us? What does He prepare for us? Where | |respect and care shown in |

| |(contained in the Order of Christian |will our home be? |Bible |the funeral rites of the |

| |Funerals used in Scotland). | |Paper |Church to the bodies of |

| | |Class: Children are asked to paint a picture of the imagery contained within Psalm 23. |Art materials |those who have died. |

| | | | | |

|Strands of Faith : Experiences| | | | |

|and Outcomes |Core Learning |Learning & Teaching |Resources |Assessment |

| | |Class/School/Home/Parish | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Class: Teacher teaches the class the hymn The Lord is my Shepherd (lyrics attached | | |

| | |to planner). | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Teacher explains the meaning of some of the symbols used in the funeral rites of the |Funeral Rite Symbols | |

| | |Church. |worksheet | |

| | | |The Lord is my Shepherd | |

| | |Paschal Candle- The Paschal Candle reminds us of the presence of Jesus Christ among |lyrics | |

| | |us and how he rose from the dead. | | |

| | |Holy Water- Holy Water reminds us of the saving waters of baptism. | | |

| | |Incense: Incense is used during the funeral rites as a sign of honour to the body of | | |

| | |the deceased | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Class: Children complete ‘Funeral Rite Symbols’ worksheet (attached to planner). | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Parish: Parish priest is invited to attend a question and answer session on the | | |

| | |funeral rites of the Church. Children prepare questions to ask him. | |Children demonstrate |

| | | | |awareness of the prayers and|

| | |KEY VOCABULARY: Peter’s denial, Passion, Death, Resurrection, Paschal Mystery, | |symbols used in the funeral |

| | |eternal life, Joseph of Arimathea, funeral rites, Order of Christian Funerals | |rites of the Church. |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Class: Teacher names and discusses with the class the Seven Sacraments. | | |

|Signs of God | | | | |

| |I know and can name the Seven |Baptism – The Sacrament of Baptism is the first sacrament you can receive. When we | | |

|RERC 2‐09a |Sacraments: Baptism, Confirmation, |are baptised, we become children of God, members of the church, and are given eternal| | |

|Through my study of the Seven |Eucharist, Reconciliation (Penance), |life. Baptism washes away original sin. Original sin is the sin we inherited from | | |

|Sacraments I have developed a |Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders, |Adam and Eve when they disobeyed God. | | |

|deeper understanding of them |Marriage. | | | |

|and I have reflected on how | |Confirmation – The Sacrament of Confirmation increases and deepens all of the graces | | |

|they strengthen my | |granted at Baptism. Through the Gifts of the Holy Spirit we develop a deeper | | |

|relationships with | |understanding of how we should live our lives as followers of Christ. | | |

|God and others. | |Eucharist – The Sacrament of the Eucharist was initiated at the Last Supper by Jesus | | |

| | |himself who said ‘Do this in memory of me.’ As Catholics we believe that when the | | |

| | |priest consecrates the host it becomes truly the Body of Jesus. This is called The | | |

| | |Mystery of Transubstantiation. Receiving the Sacrament of the Eucharist unites us | | |

| | |with Christ and intensifies our love for God and for our neighbour. | | |

| | |Reconciliation (Penance) - In the Sacrament of Reconciliation, we confess our sins, | | |

| | |that is times when we refuse to love God our father and to love others as Jesus | | |

| | |taught. God our father forgives us through the words and actions of the priest. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Anointing of the Sick – The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is administered to| | |

| | |bring spiritual and even physical strength during an illness, especially near the | | |

| | |time of death. The sick person is anointed on the forehead and the hands as the | | |

| | |priest prays for them. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Holy Orders – In the Sacrament of holy Orders priests are ordained by the Bishop and | | |

| | |receive the power and grace to perform their sacred duties. The Sacrament involves | | |

| | |the laying on of hands by the bishop and the anointing of the hands. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Marriage - Through the Sacrament of Marriage, a husband and wife receive graces which| | |

| | |join them in the bonds of mutual love. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Class: Children complete The Seven Sacraments worksheet (attached to planner). | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Class: Teacher discusses with the class times within their own experience when they | | |

| | |have witnessed the healing process. Have you ever cut yourself? What helped the | | |

| | |wound to heal? Have you ever fractured a bone? What helped the bone to heal? Have | | |

| | |you ever fallen out with someone? What helped to heal your friendship? Teacher | | |

| | |explains to the class that the Sacrament of Reconciliation and the Sacrament of the | | |

| | |Anointing of the Sick are called the ‘Sacraments of Healing’. Teacher discusses with | | |

| | |the children the example given by Jesus when he cured the sick and forgave sinners. | |Children know and can name |

| | |Can you remember who Jesus cured? Can you remember who Jesus forgave? Teacher |The Seven Sacraments |the Seven Sacraments. |

| | |explains that Jesus helped people to stay healthy both in body and soul. Teacher |Worksheet | |

| | |reads to the class from the bible Mark 2: 1‐12 when Jesus healed a paralysed man. | | |

| | |Teacher discusses the miracle with the children. What important words did Jesus say | | |

| |I recognise that two of these sacraments|to the paralysed man? Why do you think Jesus wanted to forgive his sins? What | | |

| |‐ the Sacrament of Reconciliation |question did he ask the teachers of the law? What do you think is more important | |Children know that the |

| |(Penance) and the Sacrament of the |forgiving sins or making a paralysed person walk? |Bibles |Sacrament of Reconciliation |

| |Anointing of the Sick ‐ are called the | |Jesus Heals the Paralysed |and the Sacrament of the |

| |‘Sacraments of Healing’. |Class: Children are asked to locate Mark 2: 9-11 in the bible and copy the words of |Man Worksheet |Anointing of the Sick are |

| | |the scripture into Jesus Heals the Paralysed Man worksheet (attached to planner). | |called the ‘Sacraments of |

| | |Class: Teacher explains to the class that we too can experience the healing mission | |Healing’. |

| | |of Jesus today. This healing mission is continued by the Church through the power of | | |

| | |the Holy Spirit. Teacher discusses with the children that a doctor helps us to stay | | |

| | |healthy. Why do you go to the doctor? What does he give you when you are sick? Do| | |

| | |you think he cares for you and wants to make you better? Teacher explains that Jesus| | |

| | |helps us to stay healthy in body and soul through the Sacraments of Healing. Can you| | |

| | |remember how the sacrament of Reconciliation heals us? Can you remember how the | | |

| | |Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick heals us? Do you think Jesus cares for you | | |

| | |and wants to heal you? | | |

| | | | | |

| |I know that Jesus helped people to stay |Class: Children write a thank you letter to Jesus thanking him for the Sacraments of | | |

| |healthy in body and soul, and healed |Healing. | | |

| |them e.g. the healing of the paralysed |Class: Teacher explains to the class that when we sin we distance ourselves from God | | |

| |man (Mark 2: 1‐12) and that the healing |but we can have a change of heart and turn back to God. We can receive his healing,| | |

| |mission of Jesus is continued by the |mercy and forgiveness through the Sacrament of Reconciliation. This change of heart | | |

| |Church, through the power of the Holy |allows us to become closer to God and the healing Sacrament of Reconciliation calls | | |

| |Spirit. |us to make peace with others. Teacher discusses the Sacrament of Reconciliation. with| |Children demonstrate |

| | |the children. Have you ever distanced yourself from God? How did you feel? Have| |understanding that Jesus |

| |I understand that, just as a doctor |you ever had a change of heart? Did you feel closer to God again? Why do you think | |helps us to stay healthy in |

| |helps us to stay healthy, Jesus helps us|the Sacrament of Reconciliation calls us to make peace with others | |body and soul through the |

| |to stay healthy in body and soul through|Class: Children complete The Sacrament of Reconciliation Worksheet (attached to | |Sacraments of Healing. |

| |the Sacraments of Healing. |planner). | | |

| | | |Writing materials | |

| |I know that, when I sin and distance |Parish: Children are given the opportunity to receive the Sacrament of | | |

| |myself from God, I can have a change of |Reconciliation. | | |

| |heart, turn back to God and receive His | | |Children demonstrate |

| |healing, mercy and forgiveness through |Class: Teacher explains that when someone is sick they can receive the Sacrament of | |understanding that we |

| |the Sacrament of Reconciliation. |the Anointing of the Sick. The priest anoints the sick person with holy oil and lays| |receive God’s healing, mercy|

| | |his hands on them, to strengthen, heal and forgive them. Teacher reminds the | |and forgiveness through the |

| |I know that this change of heart allows |children that Jesus helps us to stay healthy in body and soul through the Sacraments | |Sacrament of Reconciliation.|

| |me to become closer to God and that the |of Healing. How does the Sacrament strengthen the sick person? How does the | | |

| |healing Sacrament of Reconciliation |Sacrament heal the sick person? How does the Sacrament forgive the sick person? | | |

| |calls me to make peace with others. | | | |

| | |Class: Children complete The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick Worksheet | | |

| | |(attached to planner). | | |

| | | | | |

| | |KEY VOCABULARY: Seven Sacraments: Baptism, Reconciliation, Confirmation, Eucharist, | | |

| | |Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders Marriage, Sacraments of Healing, change of heart, | | |

| | |sin, forgive |The Sacrament of | |

| |I know that, in the Sacrament of the | |Reconciliation Worksheet |Children demonstrate |

| |Anointing of the Sick, the priest | | |understanding that in the |

| |anoints the sick person with holy oil | | |Sacrament of the Anointing |

| |and lays his hands on them, to | | |of the Sick, the priest |

| |strengthen, heal and forgive them. | | |anoints the sick person with|

| | | | |holy oil and lays his hands |

| | | | |on them, to strengthen, heal|

| | | | |and forgive them. |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | |The Sacrament of the | |

| | | |Anointing of the Sick | |

| | | |Worksheet | |

The Sistine Chapel Ceiling

Painted by Michelangelo between 1508 and 1512

Using Our Talents

Discussion Points

1. Frances is a nurse. She works in a hospital. One of her hobbies to do in her spare time is to grow and care for plants. Once a month, on one of her days off, she works with elderly people, teaching them how to grow and care for plants at the local senior citizens centre.

2. Joe loves the game of football. Every year, he volunteers his time to coach an under-twelve year’s football team for the local church. They practice three evenings a week, and Joe is at all the games on Saturdays.

3. Julie loves to read. She is retired and has twelve grandchildren. She is very good at telling stories. Twice a week she volunteers for story hour at the library. She tells stories and reads poems to young children. She shares her love of reading with others.

4. Patrick loved to write stories as he was growing up. He entered many writing contests and won several awards. He is now an editor of a large-city newspaper. He goes to the high school in town every month talk to students about his job and to teach them skills to improve their writing.

5. Dan listens to public radio every day. He loves to hear the news and the talk shows that teach about issues and events around the world. He wants to support the programming and hopes that everyone will have the chance to listen to public radio. At the weekend he volunteers to work for a local hospital radio station.


Name: ____________________________ Date: _______________

Growing More Like God

Write in the clouds around the tree, different ways you could use your talents to help you grow more like God.

Name: ____________________________ Date: _______________

Accepting Responsibility

Who did Adam blame for eating the fruit?

Who did Eve blame for eating the fruit?

What should they have said?

What should you do when you hurt somebody?

Names: _____________________ ____________________

_____________________ ____________________

Importance of Friendship

|Book: Verse: |

|Characters in the scripture reading: |

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|Summary of the main events in the scripture reading: |

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|How does the scripture reading make the reader appreciate the importance of friendship? |

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What Makes a Good Friend?

|sharing your sweets |

|punching your friend in the stomach |

|calling someone a bad or silly name |

|taking turns with others |

|telling someone to shut up |

|giving a compliment |

|leaving someone out of a game |

|picking on someone because they are different |

|helping someone who is finding something difficult |

|visiting someone when they are ill |

Name: ____________________________ Date: _______________

I am Following Jesus’ Way

Jesus set us a good example of how we should behave towards everyone we meet. Jesus was friends with sinners and showed kindness and compassion to everyone he met.

Write about a time you lived in Jesus’ way.

Peter Denies Jesus

Characters: Narrator, Peter, Jesus, a servant girl, a man, a cock. Everyone else is a jury with cards with yes on one side and no on the other.

Narrator: Jesus and his friends had a special meal together called The Last Supper. After they had finished they all went out to a garden called Gethsemane.

Jesus: Soon all of you will run away and leave me.

Peter: I would never do that. Even if everyone else left I would not go.

Jesus: I warn you, Peter, before you hear a cock crow twice you will have said three times that you have never met me.

Peter: I would never do that.

Narrator: Shortly after this the soldiers came and arrested Jesus. Sure enough all the disciples ran away. But Peter decided to follow secretly to see what happened. He sneaked into the courtyard outside the place where Jesus was being held prisoner.

Peter (talking to himself): He is in this building – I wonder what is happening?

Servant girl: Who are you? I think I have seen you with Jesus.

Peter: No I wasn’t!!

Narrator to the jury: Was he telling the truth? [They vote with their yes/no cards]

Servant girl: I am sure you were with Jesus. You talk like him.

Peter: No, I am not. I have never been with him.

Narrator to the jury: Was he telling the truth? [They vote with their yes/no cards]

Servant girl: Perhaps I was wrong. What do you others think?

Man: I think you are right. I remember seeing this man with Jesus too. You are one of his friends.

Peter: No! You are all wrong. I am not one of his friends.

Narrator to the jury: Was he telling the truth? [They vote with their yes/no cards]

The Cock crows two times.

Narrator: Peter remembered what Jesus had said. He ran away crying because he had lied about being Jesus’ friend.

Mark’s Gospel


Chapter: _____________________ Verse(s): ________________

Write the events of the scripture reading here.

Cross Template

Name: ____________________________ Date: _______________

Holy Week

Holy Week is the most important week of the Church year. Complete the sentences in the table below.

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|On Palm Sunday |

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|On Holy Thursday |

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|On Good Friday |

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|On Holy Saturday |

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|On Easter Sunday |

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Name: ____________________________ Date: _______________

The Paschal Mystery

What is the Paschal Mystery? Answer in your own words using the words provided below.

Death resurrection Jesus Christian

Eucharist mass celebrate

Nicene Creed

I believe in one God, the Father almighty,

maker of heaven and earth,

of all things visible and invisible.

I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ,

the Only Begotten Son of God,

born of the Father before all ages.

God from God, Light from Light,

true God from true God,

begotten, not made, consubstantial

with the Father;

Through him all things were made.

For us men and for our salvation

he came down from heaven, (all bow)

and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate

of the Virgin Mary,

and became man.

For our sake he was crucified

under Pontius Pilate,

he suffered death and was buried,

and rose again on the third day

in accordance with the Scriptures.

He ascended into heaven

and is seated at the right hand of the Father.

He will come again in glory

to judge the living and the dead

and his kingdom will have no end.

I believe in the Holy Spirit,

the Lord, the giver of life,

who proceeds from the Father and the Son,

who with the Father and the Son

is adored and glorified,

who has spoken through the prophets.

I believe in one, holy, catholic,

and apostolic Church.

I confess one baptism for the forgiveness of sins

and I look forward to the resurrection

of the dead and the life of the world to come.


Eternal Rest

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord,

and let perpetual light shine upon them.

May the souls of the faithful departed,

through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

Lamentation over the Dead Christ

By Pietro Perugino

Name: ____________________________ Date: _______________

Joseph of Arimathea

Read Mark 15:42-47 and write a character sketch about Joseph of Arimathea. What position did he hold? Did Pilate respect him? Was he a kind person? How did he treat the body of Jesus?

Name: ____________________________ Date: _______________

Funeral Rite Symbols

|The Paschal Candle is a symbol of |

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|Incense is a symbol of |

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|Holy Water is a symbol of |

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The Lord's My Shepherd

1. The Lord's my Shepherd, I'll not want;

  He makes me down to lie

In pastures green; He leadeth me

  The quiet waters by.

1. My soul He doth restore again,

  And me to walk doth make

Within the paths of righteousness,

  E'en for His own name's sake.

1. Yea, though I walk in death's dark vale,

  Yet will I fear no ill;

For Thou art with me, and Thy rod

  And staff me comfort still.

1. My table Thou hast furnished

  In presence of my foes;

My head Thou dost with oil anoint,

  And my cup overflows.

1. Goodness and mercy all my life

  Shall surely follow me,

And in God's house forevermore

  My dwelling-place shall be.

Name: ____________________________ Date: _______________

The Seven Sacraments

Read each statement carefully and write the name of the Sacrament described in the correct box.

| | |

|Sacrament | |

| | |

| |God our Father forgives our sins through the words and actions of the |

| |priest. |

| | |

| |Priests receive the power and grace to perform their sacred duties. |

| | |

| |Given when we are in danger of death from |

| |sickness, accident or old age. |

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| |A husband and wife receive graces and enter a lifelong commitment. |

| | |

| |The first Sacrament we receive. |

| | |

| |We receive the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. |

| | |

| |We receive the Body of Christ. |

Baptism Reconciliation Confirmation Eucharist

Holy Orders Marriage Anointing of the Sick

Name: ____________________________ Date: _______________

Jesus Heals a Paralysed Man

Copy the words of Mark 2: 9-11 in the box below.

Name: ____________________________ Date: _______________

The Sacrament of Reconciliation

Name: ____________________________ Date: _______________

The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick


Easter Banner[pic][pic][pic]



1. God Given Talents

2. Responsibility

3. Friendship

4. Reconciliation

5. The Paschal Mystery

6. The Seven Sacraments

The priest anoints the sick person with

The priest lays his

The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick gives

When we sin we distance ourselves from God. This makes us feel

We can have a change of heart and

In the Sacrament of Reconciliation we receive

The Sacrament of Reconciliation calls us to


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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