Bible Application Class

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|Pray |Observe |Interpret |Apply |

Lecture Review – Please share thoughts or challenges you received from the last summary lecture.

Summary Statement - Make one concise statement summarizing this passage.


1. In Hebrews 2:5, what does the writer state as the topic about which he is speaking? _______________________________

2. What do the following verses reveal about the creation of man and his God-given place on earth?

Genesis 1:26-30 _____________________________________________________________________________________


Psalm 8:3-8 ________________________________________________________________________________________


Hebrews 2:6-8a _____________________________________________________________________________________


Has man maintained this position? Why or why not? Genesis 3; Romans 5:12; Hebrews 2:8b _________________________


3. What is Jesus’ past position? Hebrews 2:9a _______________________________________________________________

In regard to the order God set in his creation, what does “lower than the angels mean”? Heb. 2:14a ___________________

What evidence do the following verses give to support Hebrews 2:9a and explain why Jesus took this position?

John 1:1,14 ________________________________________________________________________________________

Galatians 4:4-5 _____________________________________________________________________________________

Matthew 20:28 ______________________________________________________________________________________

Philippians 2:7 ______________________________________________________________________________________

2 Corinthians 8:9 ____________________________________________________________________________________

Luke 19:10 _________________________________________________________________________________________

Romans 5:6-8 _______________________________________________________________________________________

By Jesus taking this position, what does man gain (or regain)?

John 3:16-18 _______________________________________________________________________________________

Romans 5:9-11 ______________________________________________________________________________________

Revelation 1:5b-6 ___________________________________________________________________________________

Revelation 5:9b-10 __________________________________________________________________________________

4. What is Jesus’ current position? Hebrews 2:9b ____________________________________________________________

What action led to Jesus’ current position? Hebrews 2:9-10 _________________________________________________

5. What is Jesus’ relationship to those who experience the salvation he gives? Hebrews 2:11 __________________________

Hebrews 2:12 quotes Psalm 22:22 and reminds us that Jesus sang worship to His Father among his brothers and sisters. Hebrews 2:13a quotes Isaiah 8:17. Hebrews 2:13b quotes Isaiah 8:18 and shows that Jesus’ brothers and sisters are precious to him.

(Opinion) What does it mean to you to be considered a brother or sister of Jesus Christ?

6. What was accomplished in Jesus’ death? Hebrews 2:14 _____________________________________________________

What effect did Jesus’ death have on those who fear death? Hebrews 2:15 ______________________________________

(Opinion) Read the following verses and describe how the knowledge of Jesus’ death affects you. John 5:24-25; 11:25-26

7. To whom is the writer referring when he says Abraham’s descendants? Heb. 2:16 _________________________________

In your own words, why did Jesus Christ have to become human? Hebrews 2:14-18

8. What makes Jesus especially qualified to help Christians when they are being tempted? Hebrews 2:18 ________________


(Application) What are some areas in which you are tempted?

(Application) How do you think Jesus understands your temptations? How does Jesus help you when you are tempted?

9. Read Matthew 4:1-10 and Luke 4:1-13 (two records of when Jesus was tempted) and record Jesus’ responses to Satan’s temptations.

Matthew 4:4/Luke 4:4

Matthew 4:7/Luke 4:12

Matthew 4:10/Luke 4:8

What do Jesus’ responses have in common?

How do the following verses help demonstrate how Jesus’ responses set an example for us in fighting temptation?

Matthew 24:35 ______________________________________________________________________________________

Mark 13:31 _________________________________________________________________________________________

Luke 21:33 _________________________________________________________________________________________

Ephesians 6:10-17 ___________________________________________________________________________________

What happened after Jesus used the Word of God to fight temptation? Matthew 4:11; Luke 4:13

(Application) What comfort, strength, encouragement and/or hope do you receive from the verses and examples in question 9?


Read and meditate on Revelation 21:1-4 and Isaiah 65:17-25. Record the verses that stand out to you and record your thoughts. What verses give you hope?

How would you explain the person and work of Jesus Christ to someone who has never heard of Jesus?

Complete this statement: This lesson causes me to ________________________________________________________



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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