Science Grade Level 6 Unit Topic: Vertebrates and ...

Science Grade Level 6 Unit Topic: Vertebrates and Invertebrates See Teacher Notes Big Idea(s):

Timeline: 10 to 15 Instructional Hours

Animals adapt to their environment. SC Academic Standards for Science: SC Academic Standards for Science: 6-3.1 Compare the characteristic structures of invertebrate animals (including sponges, segmented

worms, echinoderms, mollusks, and arthropods) and vertebrate animals (fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals). 6-3.2 Summarize the basic functions of the structures of animals that allow them to defend themselves, to move, and to obtain resources. 6-3.3 Compare the response that a warm-blooded (endothermic) animal makes to a fluctuation in environmental temperature with the response that a cold-blooded (ectothermic) animal makes to such a fluctuation.

Essential Questions:

? Why do some animals have spines and others do not? ? What are different ways animals defend themselves? ? Why are some animals endothermic whereas others are ectothermic? ? What are the different ways animals move to react to their environment? Learner Expectations (Summative Assessment): The learner will:

? Compare/illustrate/classify the characteristic structures of vertebrates and invertebrates ? Summarize/identify/classify basic functions of structures for defense, movement, and resource

obtainment ? Compare responses of cold-blooded (ectothermic) and warm-blooded (endothermic) organisms to

their environment that occur due to changes in the environment.

Vertebrates and Invertebrates

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Instructional Strategies:

A. Invertebrate animals animals (6-3.1)


Formative Assessment:

vertebrate A. Invertebrate animals and vertebrate animals (6-3.1)

1. Discussion- Explain Review classification by discussing how things are classified in daily life. (how things are sorted at the supermarket, video are sorted in a movie rental store, or clothes sorted in a department store.) Students will explain how these classification are helpful. Another suggested activity for classification is the AIMS- Assorted Sea Life.

1. Teacher Observation Students will create a classification sheet with at least four sections on the supermarket, movie rental or department store items and place in notes or journal.

2. Discussion- Explain Explain- Introduce vertebrates and invertebrates by showing examples of invertebrate animals (including sponges, segmented worms, echinoderms, mollusks, and arthropods) and vertebrate animals (fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals). Students will view Power Point on standard 6-3.1. (See animal activity appendix for thumbnails of teacher created Power Point and teacher created notes)

2. Teacher Observation Students will record information about the various vertebrates and invertebrates in their notes or journal.

3. Vertebrate/Invertebrate Activity- Explore Focus: Identification of vertebrates and invertebrates. Strategy: Students will identify vertebrates and invertebrate from a teacher created list of animals.

3. Students will create a t-chart in their journals and record their findings.

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4. Animal Sort- Explore Focus: Classification of vertebrates and invertebrates including sponges, segmented worms, echinoderms, mollusks, arthropods, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. Strategy: Student will sort vertebrates and invertebrate using the AIMS Activity sheet from Animal Antics.

4. Students will place activity sheet in journal and teacher will check journal for understanding.

5. Animal Study Guide- Engage Focus: how to classify animals Strategy: Student will complete teach created study guide. (See animal activity appendix)

5. Students will place study guide in journal and teacher will check journal for understanding.

6. AIMS Activity- Animal Antics Focus- Classifying animals Strategy: Students will review animal classification using the Animal Antics game.

6. Teacher observation

Vertebrates and Invertebrates

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7. Promethean Planet- Engage Focus: interact with the different animal classification Strategy: Students will interact with the following sites from Promethean Planet: Mammals Vertebrate Flip Chart Vertebrates and Invertebrates (Assessment included) Animal Classification

7. Teacher Observation Complete assessment from sites.

8. Video- Engage Focus: Visually view the various classifications of animals. Strategy: Students will view several of the United Streaming Videos below (teacher option). United Streaming The Mammal Story- Animals with Backbones: The Vertebrate Story Animals without Backbones: The invertebrate Story Fish and Amphibians- Animals with Backbones: The Vertebrate Story Reptiles and Birds- Animals with Backbones: The Vertebrate Story The Classification of Living Things The Basic of Biology: The Kingdom of Animals: From Simple to Complicated Biology: The Science of Life: The World of Animals

8. Exit Slip- "Why do some animals have spines and others do not?"

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B. Animal functions for defense, movement, B. Animal functions for defense, movement,

and obtaining resources.(6-3.2)

and obtaining resources.(6-3.2)

1. Discussion- Explain Explain structures for animal defense, movement, and obtaining resources Students will view Power Point on standard 6-3.2. (See animal activity appendix for thumbnails of teacher created Power Point)

1. Teacher Observation Exit Slip- "What are different ways animals defend themselves?"

2. Animal Survival Game- Explore (See animal activity appendix) Focus: how do animal defend themselves, move, and obtain resources Strategy: Students will participate in a survival game.

2. Teacher Observation Students will record their thoughts and observations from this activity in their notes or journal.

3. Eat and Run Game- Explore (See animal activity appendix) Focus: how do animal defend themselves, move, and obtain resources Strategy: Students will participate in a survival game.

3. Teacher Observation Students will record their thoughts and observations from this activity in their notes or journal.

4. Bird Beak Activity- Explore (See animal activity appendix) Focus: how do animal obtain food Strategy: Students will use various instruments to obtain food to simulate how birds' gather food.

4. Teacher Observation Students will record their thoughts and observations from this activity in their notes or journal.

Vertebrates and Invertebrates

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