International Journal of Marketing, Financial Services & Management Research____________________ ISSN 2277- 3622 Vol.2, No. 9, September (2013) Online available at





ABSTRACT The importance of international trade in the world has been widely studied and also examines the role of international trade in the various issues. Mainly my paper focussed on the relationship between Economic Development and international trade, disadvantages of international trade also discussed. International trade is an activity of strategies importance in the development process of a developing economy. International specialization means that different countries of the world specialize in producing different goods. Trade policy formulation and implementation covering issues such as tariffs, incentives, quotas, taxes, customs and administration, subsidies, rules of origin, public procurement regimes, aid and investment, export promotion, trade facilitation and diversification. The role of foreign trade in achieving a quicker pace of economic development is thus well recognized. Hence, planning of foreign trade cannot be divorced from the strategy of overall development. The disadvantage of international trade is that the welfare of the people in nations that produce goods and services is sometimes ignored for the sake of profits. In conclusion it can be said that, international trade leads to economic growth provided the policy measures and economic infrastructure are accommodative enough to cope with the changes in social and financial scenario that result from it.

KEY WORDS: International Trade, Economic Development, Disadvantages, Economic Growth.

Introduction: In the modern world, there is mutual interdependence of the various national economies. Today it is hard to find the example of a closed economy. All economies of the world have become open. But the degree of openness varies from one country to another. Thus, in the modern world no country is completely self-sufficient. Self-sufficiency, in the sense used here, means the proportion of the goods and services consumed to their total output produced with in a country. But the degree of self-sufficiency varies from one country to another.

Equally important are the roles of the regional and international specialization. Regional specialization means that various regions or areas in a country specialize themselves in the production of different products. International specialization means that different countries of the world specialize in producing different goods. Factors which determine regional specialization are more or less the same as those which determine international specialization. A country which produces surplus of a good, i.e produces more than its requirements, will export it to other countries in exchange for the surplus produces of those countries.


International Journal of Marketing, Financial Services & Management Research____________________ ISSN 2277- 3622 Vol.2, No. 9, September (2013) Online available at

Objectives: 1. To study the importance of International Trade in the World. 2. To examine the relationship between International Trade and Economic Development. 3. To evaluate the disadvantages of International Trade.

Foreign Trade: "Trade is essentially an international transformation of commodities, inputs and technology which promotes welfare in two ways. It extends the market of a countrys output beyond national frontiers and may ensure better prices through exports. Through imports, it makes available commodities, inputs and technology which are either not available or are available only at higher prices, thus taking consumers to a higher level of satisfaction. The foremost principle of foreign trade, viz., ,,the law of comparative costs, signifies that what a country exports and imports is determined not by its character in isolation but only in relation to those of its trading partners. According to Samuelson "Foreign Trade offers a Consumption possibility frontier that can give us more of all goods than can own domestic production possibility frontier. The extension of foreign trade, according to Ricardo "will very powerfully contribute to increase the mass of commodities, and therefore, the sum of enjoyments". This will be true for each trading nation. In modern terminology, "trade is a p positive sum game". Under developed countries are concerned with their international trade position, because for all of them, international trade position, because for all of them, international trade-how, skills, capita, machinery and implements which are essential for their economic development.

The Need of International Trade: There is always a need for because the countries have different capabilities and they specialize in producing different things. To compensate for what they dont produce, then have to involve trade with other countries. For ex: not all the countries have oil resources, the rest of the countries import oil from the oil producers. Most of the oil producers on the other hand import finished goods because, they dont produce enough. So in the modern world no country is completely self-sufficient. Thus International Trade is very important for all the countries in the world.

The importance of International Trade: Economics deals with the proper allocation and efficient use of scarce resources.

International Trade is also concerned with allocation of economic resources among countries. Such allocation is done in the world markets by means of international trade under the concept of free trade, the best products are produced and sold in competitive market, and benefits of efficient production like better quality and lower price are available to all people of the world.

One fundamental principle international trade is that one should buy and services from a country which has the lowest price and sell his goods and services to a country which has the highest price. This is good for buyers and sellers and also the developed countries have the opportunities to accelerate the pace of their economic development. They can import machines and adapt foreign technology. They can send their scholars and technocrats to more progressive countries to gain more knowledge and skills which are relevant to the particular needs of their developing economies. In the final analysis, no country in the world can be economically independent without a decline in its economic growth. Even the richest countries buy raw material for their industries from the poorest countries. If every country produces only for its own needs, the


International Journal of Marketing, Financial Services & Management Research____________________ ISSN 2277- 3622 Vol.2, No. 9, September (2013) Online available at

production and consumption of goods would be limited. Clearly, such situation hampers economic progress. Furthermore, the standard of living of the people all over the world would have no chance to improve. Because of internal trade, people with money can acquire goods and services which are not available in their own countries. Hence satisfaction of consumers can be maximized.

International Trade is that kind of trade that give s rise to the economy of the world. In this the demand and supply and the prices are affected by the global; events. Global trading provides countries and consumers the chance to be exposed to those services and goods that are not available in their own country. Clothes, food, stocks, wines, spare parts etc and many more products have international market. Trading of services is also done like: banking and transportation tourism. The goods and services that are bought from the global market are called imports and the goods and services that are sold in the overseas marked are called exports. Exports and Imports are recorded in a countrys of BOP (current Account).

International trading lets the developed countries use their resources effectively like technology, capital and labour. As many of the countries are gifted with natural resources and different assets (labour, technology, land and capital) they can produce many products more efficiently. Sell at cheaper prices than other countries. A country can obtain an item from another country if it cant effectively produce it within the national boundaries. This is the specialty of international trade. Global trading allows the different countries to participate in global economy encouraging the foreign direct investors. These individuals invest their money in the foreign companies and other assets. Hence, the countries can become competitive global participates. International Trade has exerted a profound influence on the economic growth of a country. It has been observed that with the opening up of the economy and liberalization of trade restrictions, the developing countries, especially India and China, have grown over the years.

International Trade has positively influenced the economic growth of a country in the following ways:

International trade injects global competitiveness and hence the domestic business units tend to become very efficient being exposed international competition. Due to the integration with the world economy the entrepreneurs can have easy access to the technological innovations. They can utilize the latest technologies to enhance their productivity.

The developing countries have higher trade protectionism measures as compared to the developed countries. The countries that have adopted such measures are seen to reap the benefits of an open trade regime.

The products that are labour intensive like clothing, footwear, textiles etc are exported by the developing countries to both developed and underdeveloped countries. Such exports earn heavy tax revenue in countries like Mexico, India, China and many more.

International Trade has also brought in a reduction in the poverty level. India was a closed economy in the 1960s and 70s. There was not even 1% decline in the poverty level. The entire scenario changed with globalisation and international trade. According to Prof. Jagadish Bhagwati the reduction in the poverty level is due to a pull up rather than a trickledown effect. The economic growth brought about by international trade can generate financial resources. Such resources can be used to set up anti poverty programs. Better education and health facilities can also be provided to the poor.

The exclusion of all types of trade barriers in the agricultural products of the developed countries will lead to a decline and rise in production and world prices


International Journal of Marketing, Financial Services & Management Research____________________ ISSN 2277- 3622 Vol.2, No. 9, September (2013) Online available at

respectively. The developing countries profit by selling or exporting these products at escalated world prices.

International trade and Economic Growth: The issues of international trade and economic growth have gained substantial importance with the introduction of trade liberalization policies in the developing nations across the world. International trade and its impact on economic growth crucially depend on globalization. As far as the impact of international trade on economic growth is concerned, the economists and policy makers of the developed and developing economies are divided into two separate groups. One group of economists is of the view that international trade has brought about unfavourable changes in the economic and financial scenarios of the developing countries. According to them, the gains from trade have gone mostly to the developed nations of the world. Liberalization of trade policies, reduction of tariffs and globalization have adversely affected the industrial setups of the less developed and developing economies. As an aftermath of liberalization, majority of the infant industries in these nations have closed their operations. Many other industries that used to operate under government protection found it very difficult to compete with their global counterparts. The other group of economists, which speaks in favour of globalization and international trade, come with a brighter view of the international trade and its impact on economic growth of the developing nations. According to them developing countries, which have followed trade liberalization policies, have experienced all the favourable effects of globalization and international trade. China and India are regarded as the trend-setters in this case. There is no denying that international trade is beneficial for the countries involved in trade, if practiced properly. International trade opens up the opportunities of global market to the entrepreneurs of the developing nations. International trade also makes the latest technology readily available to the businesses operating in these countries. It results in increased competition both in the domestic and global fronts. To compete with their global counterparts, the domestic entrepreneurs try to be more efficient and this in turn ensures efficient utilization of available resources. Open trade policies also bring in a host of related opportunities for the countries that are involved in international trade. However, even if we take the positive impacts of international trade, it is important to consider that international trade alone cannot bring about economic growth and prosperity in any country. There are many other factors like flexible trade policies, favourable macroeconomic scenario and political stability that need to be there to complement the gains from trade. There are examples of countries, which have failed to reap the benefits of international trade due to lack of appropriate policy measures. The economic stagnation in the Ivory Coast during the periods of 1980s and 1990s was mainly due to absence of commensurate macroeconomic stability that in turn prevented the positive effects of international trade to trickle down the different layers of society. However, instances like this cannot stand in the way of international trade activities that are practiced across the different nations of the world.

Economic Development and Trade Developing countries are increasingly driving the performance of the world economy. Trade between developing countries is becoming as important as trade between them and developed economies. Moreover by growing their domestic market and pursuing regional economic integration developing countries can diversify their production away from their traditional


International Journal of Marketing, Financial Services & Management Research____________________ ISSN 2277- 3622 Vol.2, No. 9, September (2013) Online available at

export markets in Europe and North America. Economic growth depends upon enhancing productivity (of labour, capital, land and knowledge); a stable and conducive policy environment; and strong incentives for investment by individuals and businesses. For developing countries the major barriers to growth are:

regulatory, informational and coordination failures that hamper the efficient operation of markets;

Poor conditions for private sector investment (poor governance, lack of infrastructure, etc.);

limited financial services with lack of access to credit for small businesses that holds back production;

poverty which restricts the growth of internal consumer demand and encourages a large informal sphere; and

Difficulty in accessing international markets (technical barriers to trade, protectionist measures, etc.).

HTSPE has been involved in many aspects of economic development and trade facilitation from WTO negotiations and accession, through to investment promotion and enterprise competitiveness. We have the skills and ability to help governments develop and deliver on policy, and private sector companies to develop their markets. Our approach is a practical one, enabling clients to maximise the opportunities available to them. We are committed to providing hands-on training and capacity building to enable clients to promote economic development and engage with the international trade architecture beyond the life-time of the project. Specifically, HTSPE supports governments, communities and the private sector with:

Trade policy formulation and implementation covering issues such as tariffs, incentives, quotas, taxes, customs and administration, subsidies, rules of origin, public procurement regimes, aid and investment, export promotion, trade facilitation and diversification.

Export market development ? at a regional and international level, including specific expertise on access to the Single European Market.

Investment promotion, identifying the investment needs of a country, region, or business sector, and the design and implementation of strategic investment promotion programmes.

International competitiveness enhancement, including components such as: business and regulatory procedures; infrastructure; training and human resource development; improved access to markets and information; manufacturing and quality standards; the capabilities and effectiveness of export support organisations.

Global market research and studies, undertaking complex market research assignments on a world-wide basis on the binding constraints to inclusive growth.

Regional economic development - from the actual creation of Regional Development Agencies, enterprise centers and business incubators and providing institutional support, to the provision of advice to enterprises in the region with the aim of stimulating the economy through growth and job creation measures. According to Krugman "efficient employment of the production forces of the world is

a direct economic advantage of foreign trade. In recent years international trade acts as a dynamic force which by increasing the extent of the market and the scope of the division of labour, permits a greater use of machinery, stimulates innovations, overcomes technical indivisibilities raises the productivity of labour and generally enables the trading country to enjoy increasing return and economic development."



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