Neshaminy School District / Overview

8th Grade ReviewGeology on Mars Key Conceptsevidence geologic models natural systems1. Earth, Mars, and other rocky planets can be thought of as__________________. These systems are made up of interacting spheres that can include the geosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere.2. When landforms on different rocky planets look similar, it is evidence that they may have been formed by the same ___________________ process.3. Scientists can use _________________ to test their ideas and get evidence about processes in the natural world that are difficult to observe.4. Landforms can provide ____________________ about the past because they remain after the geologic processes that formed them stop happening.5. Models represent the __________________ processes being investigated in important ways, but they are not exactly the same.Natural Selection Key Conceptsadaptiveenvironmentmutations adaptive inherit offspringchange less commonpopulation distribution more common 1. A _________________________ can be described by the traits present and by the number of individuals who have each trait.2. The number of individuals with each trait in a population can _______________ over time.3. Over many generations, individuals with ____________________ traits become more common in a population, while individuals with non-adaptive traits become less common.4. The traits that exist in a population determine which traits can become _______________________________ over many generations.5. Whether or not a trait is adaptive depends on the_______________________.6. Biologists analyze data about environmental conditions (the causes) to explain changes in the __________________________ of traits in populations (the effects).7. Individuals ___________________ their genes from their parents, and these genes determine their traits. Therefore, traits in a population are passed down from generation to generation.8. Individuals with adaptive traits are more likely to live longer and have ________________; individuals with non-adaptive traits are more likely to die without having offspring.9. _________________________ can sometimes introduce new traits into a population.10. A new trait will only become more common in a population if it is ___________________.131826087630120735930792355359405015865Natural Selection Crossword-1017905144145Across6. a group of the same type of organism living in the same area9. a trait that makes it less likely that an individual will survive in a specific environment10. a group of organisms of the same kind (in one or more populations) that do not reproduce with organisms from any other group12. a long piece of DNA that contains many genes14. a characteristic that all members of a species have16. the number of individuals with each trait in a population17. everything (living and nonliving) that surrounds an organism18. a specific characteristic of an individual organism19. a graph that uses bars to show how characteristics or values are distributed within a group20. the process by which the distribution of traits in a population changes over many generations21. an idea about what might happen that is based on what you already know24. an instruction for making a protein molecule25. an event or process that leads to a result or change26. a random change to a gene that sometimes results in a new trait27. to receive genes from a parent28. an organism produced as a result of reproductionDown1. the process in which two parents pass on their genes to create offspring2. a trait that makes it more likely that an individual will survive in a specific environment3. living things, such as plants, animals, and bacteria4. a related organism from a previous generation5. a young insect that looks somewhat different from the adult6. an animal that is hunted or killed by another animal for food7. something in the environment that affects an individual’s chances of surviving8. a group of individuals born and living at about the same time11. to stay alive13. an animal that hunts and kills other animals for food15. any difference in traits between individual organisms16. a type of molecule that genes and chromosomes are made of22. a result or change that happens because of an event or process23. a way of hiding by looking the same as the backgroundEvolutionary History Key Conceptsancestor natural selectionshared evidence recently stablelarge ??1. Species inherit their body structures from their ___________________ populations.2. Body structures that are shared between two species are evidence that these two species inherited the ________________ structures from a common ancestor population3. In populations separated into different environments, ______________________________ causes different changes to happen to each population. This causes descendant species to end up with differences in their shared structures.4. When the environment is mostly the same over time, body structures stay_________________. When the environment changes over time, body structures may change due to natural selection.5. Over many generations and very long periods of time, many small changes can build up to ________________ differences in body structures.6. Among any three species, the two species that separated most ________________ are the most closely related to each other.7. When two species share a structure that is not shared with a third species, this can be ___________________________ that the first two species are more closely related to each other than to the third species.1035427524800081804327129413012717626436-338060885825-11493570104013335013519153219458858253683001633220-70485683895136525106172022225850900200025Evolutionary History Crossword-687705198755Across4. to receive genes from a parent9. a specific characteristic of an individual organism10. when something stays mostly the same over time12. the very long time that spans the history of Earth, from the very first cellular life to the present16. living things, such as plants, animals, and bacteria19. having died out completely and no longer alive anywhere on Earth21. a random change to a gene that sometimes results in a new trait26. an older population from which two or more newer species descendedDown1. a more recent species that evolved from an ancestor population2. a group of the same type of organism living in the same area3. to classify based on scientific examination5. the process by which the distribution of traits in a population changes over many generations6. a scientist who studies fossils in order to understand the ancient history of life on Earth7. sharing a common ancestor population8. a graph that uses bars to show how characteristics or values are distributed within a group11. a part of an organism (for example, one or more bones)13. the process by which species adapt to environmental changes over a very long time14. evidence of life from the past, such as fossilized bones, footprints, or leaf prints15. everything (living and nonliving) that surrounds an organism17. a body structure in two or more species that features the same parts (for example, the same bones)18. a related organism from a previous generation20. a group of individuals born and living at about the same time22. a trait that makes it more likely that an individual will survive in a specific environment23. an organism's arm, leg, or wing24. a group of organisms of the same kind (in one or more populations) that do not reproduce with organisms from any other group25. the process by which one population evolves into two or more different speciesForces and Motion Key Conceptsforceinfer more masscollideless mass velocityforce massesvelocity 1. A __________________ is required to change the velocity of an object.2.?How an object changes ______________________ depends on the direction of the force exerted on that object.3.?A stronger ________________can cause a greater change in_________________.4.?Understanding a causeandeffect relationship can help you _____________what led to a particular result.5.?If the same strength force is exerted on two objects but the objects have different masses, the object with _________________________will have a greater change in velocity.6.?When two objects__________________, a force is exerted on each object. The two forces are exerted in opposite directions, but they are the same strength.7.?Even though the force exerted on each object in a collision is the same strength, if the objects have different_____________________, their changes in velocity will be different.-27353322860033356559525?-50803224530383794032131003107055263525-1885954349754082415357505-398145357505-4235452630805363093025539703630295-46355-379095-134620Forces and Motion CrosswordAcross1. anything that has mass and takes up space5. a push or a pull that can change the motion of an object6. a force between an object and the surface it is moving over10. an event or process that leads to a result or change11. the amount of matter that makes up an object12. to apply a force13. the moment when two objects hit each otherDown2. a result or change that happens because of an event or process3. a self-contained unit on an aircraft, spacecraft, vehicle, or vessel that can be detached for a particular function4. speed in a particular direction7. to reach a conclusion using evidence and reasoning8. acting or going in the reverse direction9. how fast an object is moving12. the same in quantity, size, degree, or valueThermal Energy Key Conceptscoldermolecules temperature equilibriummolecules thermal energyfaster slower totalfaster movingslowermovingtotal kinetic temperature1. Things are made of __________________(or other types of atom groups).2. When a thing gets hotter, its molecules are moving __________________ and have more _____________________ energy.3. When a thing gets_______________, its molecules are moving _________________ and have less kinetic energy.4. ______________________is a measure of the average kinetic energy of the molecules of a thing.5. When two things are in contact, their molecules collide, and kinetic energy transfers from the ____________________molecules to the _____________________ molecules.6.?Energy isn’t created or destroyed. Therefore, as energy transfers, it increases in one part of the system as it decreases in another part of the system. The ____________ energy of a system doesn’t change.7. The molecules of a system will transfer energy until the system reaches a stable state known as___________________________, in which all of the molecules are moving at about the same speed.8. For things at the same temperature, the thing with more molecules has more _____________ kinetic energy (thermal energy) than the thing with fewer molecules.9. At equilibrium, the average kinetic energy (___________________) of the molecules in the system is the total kinetic energy (___________________________) evenly divided by the number of molecules in the system.10. When a thing gains or loses energy, the energy gained or lost is divided among all the __________________ of the thing.center120center3242379center1460501161415-70485center167640center2222509036053048011461750832639106232669540311785-46418520955069215875665Thermal Energy CrosswordAcross4. anything that has mass and takes up space6. to reach a conclusion using evidence and reasoning7. the energy that an object has because it is moving8. a set of interacting parts forming a complex whole10. to move from one object to another or one place to another11. when something becomes different over time12. water that is underground13. the ability to make things move or change14. a group of atoms joined together in a particular wayDown1. when something stays mostly the same over time2. the moment when two objects hit each other3. a measure of how hot or cold something is5. a balanced state in which a system is stable, such as when two or more samples are at the same temperature9. a heating unit that stores and warms waterabsorbed decreasing increasesmethane redirecting carbon dioxide decreasing increasesmore reduce decrease energy increasing out of removing decreasesincrease intodecreasesincrease less ?Earth's Changing Climate Key Concepts1. Although there are many fluctuations, there is a trend toward _________________ temperatures and __________________________ ice on Earth since about 1880.2. Global average temperature increases when energy ______________________ by the surface increases.3. When the amount of ______________________or ___________________ in the atmosphere changes, the amount of energy absorbed by the surface also changes.4. When the amount of carbon dioxide or methane increases, energy absorbed by the surface__________________________.5. When the amount of carbon dioxide or methane____________________, energy absorbed by the surface decreases.6. A system can be stable, even as something flows _______________ and ______________ the system. If this balanced flow is disrupted, there may be changes to the system.7. A change to either the amount of energy entering or exiting the Earth system affects how much _______________ is absorbed by the surface.8. Temperature increases if ____________ energy enters than exits.9. Temperature decreases if _______________ energy enters than exits.10. If there is an __________________in the amount of carbon dioxide or methane, the amount of energy leaving the Earth system_______________________, so more energy enters than exits.11. If there is a ______________________in the amount of carbon dioxide or methane, the amount of energy leaving the Earth system__________________, so less energy enters than exits.12. Carbon dioxide and methane stop energy from leaving by _________________energy that would have exited the system.13. Carbon dioxide and methane in the atmosphere _________________as a result of human activities, such as combustion.14. Some ways to stop the increase of carbon dioxide and methane include ________________combustion and ________________ these gases from the atmosphere.15. Humans can take actions in their daily lives that will _________________the amount of carbon dioxide and methane in the atmosphere.16. While human activities are causing the current long-term trend of increasing temperatures, other factors can have smaller effects on the climate in the short term.-76202501900-5554345162306052705034925491490313055605790237490605790100330Earth’s Changing Climate CrosswordAcross2. the process of making clear how your evidence supports your claim4. a molecule made of carbon and oxygen atoms7. variations in a set of data8. the ability to make things move or change9. the living and nonliving components of Earth, including the water, land, and atmosphere11. general weather patterns over a long period of time14. overall tendency (for example, a consistent increase) in a set of data over time15. a proposed answer to a question about the natural world16. information collected in an investigation20. to bounce off without absorbing21. the process of clearing trees from land22. a measure of how much light is present24. the sudden pushing out of something, such as lava from a volcano25. a molecule made of carbon and hydrogen atoms26. a molecule made of sulfur and oxygen atoms27. the mixture of gases surrounding a planetDown1. a measure of how hot or cold something is3. an object, diagram, or computer program that helps us understand something by making it simpler or easier to see4. when something becomes different over time5. to send to a new or different place6. a claim supported by evidence10. overall tendency (for example, a consistent increase) in a set of data over time12. information about the natural world that is used to support or go against (refute) a claim13. when something stays mostly the same over time17. to take in18. changes in climate over a long period of time that can be caused by natural events or human activities19. the process of burning fuels, which produces carbon dioxide23. things people do that affect the Earth systemLight Waves Key Conceptsabsorb energy reflected allenergy some alllight straight changemattertransmitted different one wavelengths1. The movement of energy can be tracked by observing the changes the energy causes to_______________.2. ___________________carries energy that causes materials to change.3. When light hits a material, the material can ___________________ energy from the light.4. When a material absorbs energy from light, the energy causes the material to __________________.5. There are ______________________ types of light that can change a material in different ways.6. A light source can emit more than ___________ type of light.7. Different types of light have different__________________________.8. A material absorbs _________________ from some types of light and not others.9. Light travels in a ___________________ line.10. When a light wave hits a material, the light can be absorbed by the material, ___________________ through the material, or _______________________off the material.11. A material transmits or reflects __________________ types of light and not others.12. When light is transmitted through or reflected off a material, the _______________ is not absorbed, so the material does not change.Light Waves CrosswordAcross4. a type of invisible light that is beyond violet on the spectrum5. to form a mental picture of something that cannot be seen7. an object that emits light9. how often or fast something happens11. the maximum height of a wave12. anything that has mass and takes up space15. to give off16. to bounce off without absorbing17. a range of wavelengthsDown1. a group of atoms joined together in a particular way2. a curved line that shows the characteristics of a wave3. the number of peaks of a wave that pass in a second6. to take in7. a type of wave that carries energy from one place to another, even through empty space8. the ability to make things move or change10. to pass through13. the distance from one peak of a wave to the next14. a pattern that describes how energy is carried from one place to another ................

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