Newsletter #2


Volume XXV, Number 4 October/November 2009

News of the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Unit of the N.C. Retired School Personnel

President’s Message

If the September meeting with over 100 attendees is any indication, we can look forward to an exciting 2009-2010 membership year. I will be approaching this year with an eye out for new leadership among our active RSP members as I complete my second and final year as your president. When I agreed to run for president, I had no Executive Board experience; therefore, I attended N.L. Shearouse's last 2 board meetings to get a better understanding of my duties. I have been relying on the combined experience of the Executive Board to keep me on course ever since. If you are interested in running for President or Vice President with "ascendancy" in July of 2010, please let me know. I also have nomination forms for the NEA-R convention delegates (due Nov. 3) and for state offices (due Feb. 15).

Janet Cowell, our State Treasurer, sent a very nice card thanking us for the opportunity to come to our September meeting to connect with retirees across the state. Her visit reminded me of how fortunate we are to have Bob Severs who does an excellent job of keeping us informed of all legislative action and of changes in the State Health Plan.

While I am expressing gratitude, I want to thank Gwen Andrews who gave a lengthy report at our October board meeting, because she does so much so well-planning for the luncheons, keeping the membership records, preparing the financial report and a myriad of other things in service to our organization. Thankfully, she's agreed to continue to serve as our Treasurer next year.

Janice Imgrund and Debbie Keller have been helping with the door prize tickets and drawings. Janice approached me at the end of the last meeting with an offer to make new nametags after several members requested a more professional-looking nametag. If you would like her to make a new insert for your nametag sheath, call me at 784-9615. I will e-mail the list to her on October 30.

Our next membership luncheon is November 11, which is Veterans' Day, and I wanted our meeting to honor veterans in some way. I became aware of the plans for the "Flight of Honor" organized through the efforts of WXII and the Rotary Club Kim Ballard of WXII gave me the names of the 2 flight directors, Mitzi Ellis and Jeff Sims. I've contacted Mitzi, and she's agreed to arrange for some of the veterans who experienced the WWII Memorial as part of the "Flight of Honor" to speak to us at the November meeting.

The door prizes for our next meeting are: 2 Christmas towels; a humorous Christmas sign; holiday magnets and sticky notes; a Christmas coaster set; a Hallmark Christmas ornament; Christmas towel and computer paper; a hand-painted wooden Nativity; a Christmas dish; a Christmas towel and a Fossil journal; and a book, The Christmas Box. Bring a potential new member and join us for a fabulous lunch on November 11.

Please remember to return your recycled Christmas cards (with new messages on the back) to the meeting. We'll start distributing those to nursing homes in late November. Gene Perryman asks that you record your volunteer hours for this project and any others. Volunteer hours will be due to Gene at the January meeting or sent to him at the end of this year.

I look forward to seeing you on November 11! Be sure to vote on November 3!

Reba J. Smith, President



Mark your calendar for Membership Meetings at Quality Inn & Suites:

November 11, January 13

March 10, May 12


Minutes of September 9th RSP Meeting

The Winston-Salem/Forsyth County unit of Retired School Personnel met Wednesday, September 9, 2009, at noon at Quality Inn & Suites. President Reba Smith called the meeting to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Rabbi Mark Strauss-Cohn, of Temple Emanuel, gave the invocation.

RSP members and guests enjoyed a delicious lunch. Hospitality Chairperson Gwen Andrews reported that 101 reservations were made and 99 people were checked in. She announced that we can pay today for the November 11 RSP meeting/lunch, which will be $11.00. The cost for the meal will probably be higher in 2010.

The program was presented by North Carolina Treasurer Janet Cowell. Ms. Cowell reminded us that NC has the best pension plan, but we must make sure that it remains sound. She shared many activities of the Treasurer’s Department and answered members’ questions.

RSP Treasurer Gwen Andrews gave out copies of the financial report and the proposed 2009-2010 budget. As of 6/30/09, our income was $4594.26 and our expenditures were $4191.86. Our Scholarship Fund balance is $3262.00. We have paid one $1000 scholarship and will pay the other one when we hear from the recipient’s school. Mrs. Andrews discussed moving our CD ($2551.81) to the checking account and asked what our wishes are. This discussion was tabled for now and we will vote on it at our November meeting. Peggy Hawkins moved, and Donna Staley seconded, that we accept the budget as presented. The motion carried. The Treasurer’s Report and the Budget will be in the next HARVEST TIME.

Gwen Andrews reported that we had several new members present. We welcomed them and presented each with a gift. Mrs. Andrews strongly urged everyone to pay dues through payroll deduction. She asked that we send any member updates or addresses to her or to NCRSP.

President Reba Smith recognized special guests: Jeanne Carter, Amy Bridges, Tripp Jeffers, Mildred Griffin and Marjorie Cassidy. She also announced that two of our members, JoAnne Goetz and Robert Dockery, are recognized in the September Our State magazine.

Necrology Chairperson Donna Staley reported that we have lost one member, Irene Jenkins, since our last meeting. She asked us to continue to help her stay informed of any member deaths.

Pen Pals Project Chairperson Rita Taylor reported that our project will begin after the students get “settled in” school. She asked us to let her know if we still want to participate and to give her our e-mail addresses. Mrs. Taylor also asked for new participants in the Pen Pal Project. We want to have a pen pal for every 5th grader at Speas Elementary School. Mrs. Taylor shared that we may want to have a different activity at the end of the year because of expenses.

Community Participation Chairman Eugene Perryman reminded us that our pen pal participation counts as community participation and adds to our volunteer hours. Mr. Perryman asked us to keep up with our volunteer hours. We should report all of our volunteer hours. When we volunteer in schools, we save the state money and our lobbyists point this out to the legislators. Mr. Perryman has more Volunteer Hours Report forms if we need them.

President Smith reported that we will continue with the Christmas Card Project this year. Christmas cards and markers are available today for us to take home and bring back in November.


1. Tripp Jeffers asked for volunteers to help recruit NCAE members in the schools. Membership is down throughout the state. He also asked us, retired educators, to consider running for WS/FC School Board.

2. Flu shots will be given October 6, 7 and 20, 7:30 a.m. – 7:00 p.m., at Central Office.

3. E-mail addresses, for receiving the HARVEST TIME newsletter via e-mail, can be put in the designated box.

4. There is a box for delegates to the NEA-Retired Annual Meeting in New Orleans, June 26-July 6, 2010. Contact President Reba Smith for a form.

Door Prizes were given to Marjorie Cassidy, Linda Morton, Maurice Johnson, Eugene Perryman, Hazel Mitchell, Phyllis Rogers, June Ward, Harvey Rorie, Diane Powell, and Roxie Williams. The meeting was adjourned after the door prize drawings.


October 2009

Where To From Here – State Legislative Committee To Adopt Priorities for 2010

On November 20, the State Legislative Committee of NCRSP will begin its work of preparing legislative recommendations for the second year of the 2009-2011 biennium. The “long session” of the General Assembly adjourned in early August, and the “short session” will not convene until May 12, 2010. A complete summary of legislation from the “long” session” that impacts retirees is contained in both the last issues of Panorama and Harvest Time newsletters.

Given the volatility in the economic landscape, it is expected that the “short session” of the General Assembly will convene next year facing challenges no less daunting than those of the previous session.

One of the intractable problems facing legislators is the crisis in the State Health Plan. The nature of this problem is addressed in the following article by Brian Balfour. Although this piece was written more than a year ago, the problem is no less severe today than it was then. Indeed, the unfunded liability in the system is even greater.

Retirement Health Benefits At Risk

by Brian Balfour 

Shortsighted lawmakers, more concerned with funding pork projects and winning the next election, have put healthcare benefits for future state retirees in jeopardy. Consider that since the inception of the current system in 1978, the state has increased spending by more than 720 percent. Yet during the same period, the General Assembly refused to set aside any funds for future state retiree health benefits. The result has been an ever-mounting unfunded liability that now stands at $23.8 billion.

How Did this $24 Billion Liability Come About?

• In 1978 the state began fully financing the premium costs for current and retired state employees enrolled in the state health plan. This group includes public school teachers and public college and university employees.

• North Carolina finances retiree health premiums on a pay-as-you-go basis, which means that each year the state allocates funds sufficient only to pay the premiums for currently enrolled retirees, with no extra funds set aside for future obligations.

• From FY1978-79 to FY2007-08, state spending increased by nearly $18.2 billion dollars; yet during the same period legislators failed to save any funds to pay for retiree health insurance premium obligations.

• Until recently, state workers needed only five years of state service to be eligible for free enrollment in the state health plan upon retirement.

• Thanks to the passage of legislation in 2006 (S.L. 2006-174), future retirees are now required to accumulate 20 or more years of “retirement service credit” to be eligible for fully subsidized health insurance premiums. State employees with 10 to 20 years of service will have half of their insurance premiums covered by the state. State workers retiring with 5 to 10 years of service will still be able to enroll in the state health insurance plan, but will be fully responsible for their own premium payments. Employees with less than 5 years of service are not eligible for the state retiree health plan.

What Are Other States Doing?

• New standards established by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) in 2005 called for states to calculate and disclose the total costs – in today’s dollars – of financing the accrued health benefits for current and future state retirees.

• GASB is a private, nonprofit organization that sets standards for public agencies to meet Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). States tend to comply with GASB standards, not because of any legal obligation, but because such unfunded liabilities are used by bond rating agencies to determine the credit risk of state bond obligations.

• In 2007, 12 states passed legislation establishing an account or fund in which money is to be set aside to pay for future retiree healthcare costs (as compared to North Carolina’s practice of capturing unused contributions from our pay-as-you-go system).

What Can Be Done?

• In 2007, Representative Dale Folwell (R-Forsyth) introduced legislation (HB 1987) that would have required each state agency to increase the level of payroll contributions dedicated to state retiree health benefits. Folwell’s bill died in committee.

• Many other Southeast states – South Carolina, Virginia and Tennessee – already require state retirees to pay a portion of their health insurance premiums, with contributions based on years of service.

• Once the state is forced to shift to a cost-sharing plan, the transition could be made easier by permitting retirees to use pretax income to pay for their share of retiree health benefit premiums, similar to state workers now using the NC 401(k) Plan to save for their own retirement.

• Lawmakers must prioritize spending commitments and begin to aggressively contribute to a retiree health benefit fund. In Alabama, legislators did just this – contributing $417 million to the state’s fund in 2007 alone, thus reducing Alabama’s unfunded liability from $14.6 billion to $12.5 billion.


In spite of four straight years of budget surpluses totaling roughly $3.5 billion, North Carolina has done virtually nothing to address the nearly $24 billion shortfall it is facing. As a growing number of state employees enter retirement, the financial burden will only escalate – bringing about a self-induced “crisis” that will lead to tax increases or a reduction in benefits or both. By aggressively saving for the future, state lawmakers can ensure that they deliver on the promises they have made to our public school teachers and state employees.

Bob Severs, Chair

NCRSP Legislative Committee


Janet Cowell, the new State Treasurer, addresses our RSP Members



July 1, 2009 – September 30, 2009

Checkbook Balance 6/30/09 $ 402.40

Membership Dues (Cash Pay) 7,911.00

Membership Dues (Payroll Deduction) 339.22

Membership Meeting Reservations 1,177.00

Refund – Bank Service Charge 11.00

Transferred Certificate of Deposit 2,551.81

Total $12,392.43


Membership Meeting – 9/9/09 1,111.00

NEA-R/NCAE Membership Dues 3,460.00

NCRSP Membership Dues 2,640.00

District #5 Membership Dues 301.00

PO Box 30462 Yearly Rent 60.00

Postage/Mailings 221.86

Total $7,793.86 -$7,793.86

Checking Account Balance –9/30/09 $4,598.57

Scholarship Fund Balance 6/30/09 $3,262.00

Interest Earned .77

Deposit 200.00

Payment to Appalachian State -1,000.00

Payment to Salem College -1,000.00

Scholarship Fund Balance 9/30/09 1,462.77

Total of All Funds through 9/30/09 $6,061.34


Please remember to keep me informed of any member whom you might know who passes during this year. Please refer to your Harvest Time membership list to assure their membership in our organization. Membership is a requirement for reporting at all three levels (local, district and state) and for the memorial service at our May banquet. Your help is appreciated because often the obituary may not include acknowledgement of their membership in our organization. I would rather receive several calls than for you to assume someone else will call. Together we can make sure no one is overlooked.

Donna L Staley (336) 788-7060

Hospitality Report

Our next WSFCRSP membership meeting will be on Wednesday, November 11th, 2009, at Quality Inn and Suites on Hawthorne Road. Please check your calendar and mail your reservation now. Mail your reservation and a check for $11.00 per person by Thursday, Sept. 3, so that I may receive it by Saturday, Nov. 7th, 2009. I must commit to a definite head count on Monday morning. If it becomes necessary for you to cancel, a refund or credit will be given only if notification is received by Sunday, Nov. 8th.

Please Note: If you make a “Pay at Registration Reservation” and do not attend, you will be billed for that amount. We have to pay for the number of reservations to which we commit.

You may arrive as early as 11:15 a.m. to complete all business before the meeting starts at 12:00 p.m., giving you time to visit with your friends. The buffet will be ready at 11:40 a.m. I look forward to seeing you on Nov. 11th.


There will be a price change for our membership luncheon meetings beginning with the January 13, 2010, meeting. The price will be $12.00 instead of $11.00. Please make a note of this change.

You are always welcome to attend the meetings without having lunch. Please let me know if you wish to do this so that I can arrange seating.

“Happy Veterans’ Day” to all of our veterans. To everyone, have a safe and happy Halloween.

Gwendolyn D. Andrews - (336) 924-8772

Hospitality Chairperson


“Thank You” for your donations that make it possible for us to support future educators. Donations have been made as follows:

In Memory of the following friends:

Raymond Sarbaugh

By: Nancy Fisher

Marvin Ward

By: Mary Jo Brewer

Nancy Fisher

Reba Smith

Dorothy Vernon

Helen H. Nichols

By: JoAnne Goetz

Dorothy Vernon

Irene H. Jenkins

By: Mary Jo Brewer

Carolyn Tilley

In Honor of the following friends:

Darryl Hunt

By: JoAnne Goetz

WSFC RSP Organization

By: Larry and Ann Councilman

To the General Scholarship Fund:

By: Allice J. Allen

Amy Bridges

Nancy Broadway

Robert & Temple Halsey

Debby Keller

Rita Taylor

Janice Weeks

Donations have been made from cookbook sales and raffles. Plaques for the scholarship recipients were donated by Douglas Broadway.

PLEASE NOTE: When making a CASH donation, please include your name and address, if not on file. There will be envelopes available for your donation at registration. Designate the category (In memory of, In honor of, or General Fund). Receipts will be mailed.

Florence Wiley

Scholarship Committee Chairperson



(as of 9-9-09 Membership Meeting)

Actual Proposed

7/01/08 - 7/01/09-

6/30/09 6/30/10

Checking Acct. Balance 7/01 1,356.32 402.40

Revenues 3,237.94 3,500.00

Contingency Fund (CD0 2,551.81

INCOME AVAILABLE 4,594.26 6,454.21


Postage 1,158.34 1,200.00

Supplies 514.14 500.00

Donations/Gifts/Awards/Flowers 897.87 900.00

NCRSP Delegates/Workshops 1,621.51 500.00

TOTAL EXPENDITURES 4,191.86 3,400.00

Checking Acct. Balance at 6/30 402.40 3,400.00

Certificate of Deposit at 6/30 2,534.55 -0-

Scholarship Fund at 6/30 3,262.00 1,262.00

Total All Funds at 6/30 6,198.95 4,316.21

Members come early to chat with old friends.


President Reba J. Smith


Vice-President Jo Anne Goetz


Past President Dr. Nelson L. Shearouse


Secretary Mary Jo Brewer


Treasurer Gwendolyn Andrews


Assistant Treasurer Stephen Danner


Historian/Parliamentarian Walter R. Wiley, Jr.


In Memoriam

Irene Hall Jenkins

August 18, 2009

Please consider making the WSFCRSP Scholarship Fund your choice as a memorial gift in your final wishes. We need additional resources to continue to support our high school seniors who commit to teaching as a career.


Budget & Finance Gwendolyn Andrews

Stephen Danner


Legislative Robert Severs


Membership Ann K. Councilman


Necrology Donna L. Staley

Retirement Planning/Photography John Shore


Public Relations and

Community Participation A. Eugene Perryman


Newsletter Dr. Lee Beall


Hospitality Gwendolyn Andrews

Nominating Julia L. Johnson

Scholarship Florence G. Wiley


Pen Pal Coordinator Rita Taylor


Website Evan Herreid

Visit our web at or go to state web () and click on Winston-Salem/Forsyth County.

  Reservations for November 11th Meeting

To register, complete and cut out the form below and mail with your check for $11, payable to WSRCRSP by November 5th, 2009. Please mark your calendar and plan to attend.

Yes, I _________________________ would like to


make reservations for ________, on Nov. 11th, 2009

(# of people)

I have enclosed a check for $______, which is

$11.00 per person. Make check payable to WSFCRSP and mail to: Gwendolyn Andrews

3550 Stimpson Drive

Pfafftown, NC 27040-8609

Make checks payable to: WSFCRSP


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