Vol. 29, No. 10October 2020FROM THE PASTORWhat Have We Learned during this Pandemic?As we gathered via zoom for a conversation about what COVID-19 has taught us and what it means to be church in a new way, we listed both positive and negative experiences. Perhaps the most prevalent experiences were loneliness and fear. We miss being with people, sharing conversations and smiles. We are terrified of what might be coming. We miss terribly seeing our families and comradery with friends and fellow parishioners.We have learned to take one day at a time, to work through the struggles, to be a rock for others when they face challenges, to offer our thanks and deepest respect for health care workers and those on the front lines. Sometimes we are completely overwhelmed. It is exhausting staying home and not doing anything! We miss hugs and singing and coffee hour. We have begun to realize everything that we have taken for granted for much of our lives. We miss interacting with children. And yet, we can give thanks for the things we have learned. What would this pandemic be like if we did not have technology? What would be happening to us? People would not be able to work remotely. We would not be able to gather via zoom for meetings, social gatherings or to connect to worship online.We realized that we have so much to be thankful for. We are in a relatively safe place in the US. People are generally good about wearing masks and social distancing and though none of us like it, we are thankful for the willingness of the community to work together to keep everyone safe. People are thankful for the ability to keep connected through live streaming. They expressed thanksgiving for the creativity and extra effort of all those who are putting together church services to keep us connected. Another person talked about values and how this experience of pandemic has helped her to solidify what is important. She identified relationships as most important: church, family, neighbors, etc. We talked about what it is like being at church in person with COVID guidelines. The thought and care put into keeping us safe was lifted up. For some, these six months represent the longest time that they have ever not been in a church building. We recognized that the church is not the building, it is the congregation, but also talked about the importance of sanctuary. There is something about being in the church sanctuary that makes us feel peaceful and safe, even if we can’t sit in our usual spots or sing as a part of worship. The image that one person offered is that the church is an anchor in the community. It holds us together and keeps us from being tossed in the stormy sea. Another image expressed is that the church feels like a family. We talked about reaching out and caring for others. And we named the church as a place to be refreshed, a place where we get life giving spirit that encourages us to go out into the world refreshed. We realized that we appreciate people more and that we actually need much less than we thought we needed. People talked about being grateful for what we have and each morning thanking God for another day. Someone who is staying home talked about the phone as a connection to the outer world. She calls people each day who may feel alone just to let them know she’s thinking about them. Others talked about how important cards and letters have become especially when people cannot gather around a death or a tragedy. Those notes have helped to make it through the hard times. And as much as we are “zoomed out” we are thankful for the ability to continue Sunday School via zoom and to see faces and hear voices of people we miss and love!As we look toward the future we talked about the importance of story and telling our stories. We reviewed the challenges of not having visitors and new families walking in the door during COVID and realized that it is up to each one of us to find new ways to reach out to invite others to be a part of this community. We need to tell our neighbors and friends what we have found in this church community and do what we can to help them connect either in person or online.We ended with a deep hope for new life and affirmation of the ways we are working to stay connected. Together we hope to help others to know that we are here and that we want for all people to be welcome in our community. Thanks to all who offered their words of wisdom! Rev. DawnFROM OUR MODERATORStaying ConnectedI was hoping, as I’m sure many of you were, that by now we would be congregating like the good old days. While the church is open, sadly, it is far from normal. Many committees continue to meet, either virtually or masked and socially distanced, planning ways to keep our church family connected. COVID has challenged us all to come up with new and innovative ways of staying connected and practicing our faith. We’ve met some of those challenges, but I’m certain there is more we can do.I serve on the Nominating committee with Debbie Wilbur, Jean Ingalls, Kathy Nacca, Don Raw and Reverend Dawn. We’ve been meeting to fill openings on the vibrant committees that help our church stay connected. And this is where I’m asking for your help. We know that there are people who want to help or play a role in our community, but it’s challenging to know who you are since we don’t see as many people on Sunday. We are looking for people with ideas and those who are doers to lend their talent to various committees. If you have been waiting for an opportunity to get involved, now is the time. Please reach out to any one of us on the nominating committee. If you don’t know where you want to serve, that’s fine. We can talk with you about options. Hannah MorganChurch ModeratorPrayer ListMuriel Allemand (Jim & Connie Malone’s friend); Steve Beck (Heidi Schwarz’s brother); Keith Blaker; Brad Bliss; Marjorie Case; Cheryl (Dennis Maxfield’s sister-in-law); Cathy Coots; Peggy & Bob DeSantis (Dorice & Don Raw, Sr.’s friends); Julie English (Janet & Kim Tenreiro’s friend); Brian Fuscaldo (Mara Huberlie’s nephew); Jerry Gomez (Kathi Nacca’s friend); Carin Herren; Jim and Carolyn (Amy Ogden’s friends); Barb Kutner; Jim Kolesar (George & Carin Herren’s friend); Sue Kotalik;?Michelle List (JoAnn Reed’s friend); Loren (Meg & Jack Radley’s friend); Lynn (Joan Ryan’s friend); Eileen McCarthy (Carla DeMeco & Betsy Dresser’s friend); Sally Mueller; Liz Nelson (Kathy Ward’s friend); Andy Platou; Chris Pritchard (Rick, Cindy Mullen & George Herren’s friend); Jack and Meg Radley; Sara (Meg & Jack Radley’s granddaughter); Scott and Amanda (nephew and niece of Don & Marilyn DeSmith); John Paul and Pat Smith; Smith/Dworetsky Family (Okke & Kathy Postma’s friends); Sally Stowell (Alice Berry’s mother); Walker (Don & Dorice Raw’s friend); Gordon Wenner (George & Carin Herren’s friend); Merle Winn (Amy Ogden’s friend); Josh Yeo (Barb Stahl’s friend); Jason Zeller (Kathy Ward’s son); Linda Zeller (Kathy Ward’s daughter in law)Happy Birthday!Oct. 1: Carrie IedaOct. 17: Sally Alling Oct. 22: Carol BennerOct. 3: Fred MooreOct. 18: Samantha Lupton Oct. 24: Isabella PiorkowskiOct. 3: Bennett PiorkowskiOct. 19: Mary Lou Mees Oct. 25: Barry McFaddenOct. 8: Everett DayOct. 19: Betsy Gillim Oct. 27: John MillerOct.10: Elaina Harris-MaxwellOct. 20: Cindy Mullen Oct. 28: Harry MooreOct. 11: Christine McCauslandOct. 21: Donna Mabie Oct. 29: Don BennerOct. 13: Jack McAlpinOct. 22: Jay Garrett-Larsen Oct. 29: Cindy BrownOct.14: Nancy Ward Oct. 22: Barb Kutner Oct. 14: Jack BobseinCelebrating Alicia Francis’ 10th AnniversaryWe have been blessed to have Alicia Francis on staff at the First Congregational Church for ten years. The first two years Alicia was the Christian Ed director and for the past eight she has been the Church Office manager. Note new date: We will give thanks for Alicia and her ministry among us on Sunday, Nov. 22nd during worship. Spotlight: Curt and Molly Bailey Curt and Molly Bailey are relatively new to our Finger Lakes Canandaigua area. They arrived in 2015. Home for them was Elmira, and in looking for a retirement destination settled on this area after extensive research by Molly of the many potential options. She spent a great deal of time on the Internet and Canandaigua Lake and Bristol Harbor rose to the top. (A very interesting note was that she had come to Canandaigua Schools several years before for an educational conference and was extremely impressed with the area!) Fortunately, we in the First Congregational Church now have the honor of their “retirement presence.” Both of them grew up in Elmira. They went to different public schools so didn’t meet each other until after graduation when they worked at the same bank. Even then, because of their different educational and career paths, it was a few more years before they met again. However, that time when they met, it wasn’t long until they were married in 1987. Curt’s career had always revolved around banking and financing. His last position for twenty-three years was as Director of Finance and Administration for the Southern Tier United Way based in Corning.Molly’s career centered on Human Resources Management positions. Also beginning her career in the Elmira area, she has been involved in many aspects including delivering character education to children, involvement in the Big Sister Program, and consulting for insurance companies. Before her recent retirement, she was working on prevention for the Council on Alcoholism and Addictions of the Finger Lakes out of Geneva, while specifically serving the Bloomfield and Honeoye Schools. They haven’t any children, but declared they have nieces to dote on, and in fact, one is moving nearby.Curt is a new member of the church’s Resources Committee.Molly’s favorite thing to do is read and is very much enjoying retirement for the reading time it affords. Curt has found a lot of camaraderie while playing golf, and before the pandemic enjoyed the church’s men’s breakfasts. They spoke of the difficult time this pandemic has presented for Reverend Dawn, and that her efforts to keep the church family connected have been remarkable. They each commented on the addition of the new camera and the ability to stream the church services live. They have enjoyed attending the services online.When asked what drew them to the First Congregational Church in Canandaigua, both Curt and Molly responded that the inclusiveness, culture, and welcoming attitude of the church family very quickly made one turn to the other and say, “This is home.”~ Submitted by Barb StahlSo Many Ways to Worship!In Person Worship: Come join us in the sanctuary at 10:30. Everyone answers the COVID questions, wears a mask, sanitizes hands, signs in, sits socially distanced, doesn’t sing, and that, as a couple of people have said to me “It feels safer than going to Wegmans.” We will keep the windows open for as long as possible into the fall. After the service people have the opportunity to see one another and chat on the front sidewalk.How to Watch Live Stream Worship on Sunday: We are live streaming the worship service for those who are not comfortable coming in person. You can access the live stream on the website (). On the websites home page there is a box in the center that says “Worship with us Online.” After you click that box you will find simple instructions on that page. There is an active link to the YouTube live stream and an active link to the bulletin. The live stream link will take you to our YouTube channel even if we are not live streaming, but it will take you to the live stream on Sunday mornings from 10:15 until the service is finished.How to Access the Recording of a Worship Service:If people miss church on Sunday morning the streamed service is recorded and available on Monday for viewing. Alicia deletes the first 15 minutes of live streaming which consists of the 15 minutes before worship starts and then she posts the recording on the website at the bottom of the “Worship with us Online” page. There are also previous week’s services and bulletins.Lay ReadersWe are looking for lay readers for November. If you are interested in helping to lead in person worship this fall please contact Dawn. Anyone is welcome to be a lay reader, even if you’ve not done it before. We would love to have you participate!THANK YOU!We are so thankful to Henrietta UCC’s Scott N. who helped us to move to live streaming worship. Steve B. and Don R. Jr. spent an incredible amount of time and energy getting the live steam up and running, and now they are training the rest of the Trustees to run the camera. Thank you to the staff and all of the volunteers who have helped us to move to this new way of worshipping as we face the challenges of COVID-19. ~ Rev. DawnConnie Fredericks Malone’s Solo ConcertPresenting: “Alone with My Music”Join us via Live Stream on Sunday, Oct. 25th at 1:00PM for Connie’s Solo Concert to benefit Light Hill and Gleaners. Streaming will be live at .This one-woman show will be accompanied by digitally mastered backing tracks with songs made famous by Billie Holiday, Ella Fitzgerald, Nina Simone, Louis Armstrong, Dakota Staton, Nancy Wilson, Nat King Cole, Patsy Cline and many, many others. Please join us for this wonderful event! You can make a donation to support Gleaners and Light Hill on the church website by using the paypal button in the top right corner of the home page, or you may send a check to the church with “Connie’s Concert” in the memo line. Donations will be split evenly between the two organizations. Please tell your friends and relatives about this unique opportunity to hear Connie’s fabulous voice and to support two wonderful local programs.Veterans Day RecognitionOn Sunday November 8th we will be recognizing our veterans for their service. We realize that many of our veterans are choosing to worship from home rather than in person. If you are a veteran please send to the church office your name and the branch of service in which you served. If you know of other veterans in the congregation, give them a call and invite them to send us their information as well. We would also love to put together a slide show with our veterans in uniform as well as a current photo. If you have a digital photo, you can send electronically that would be the easiest, but we also realize that not everyone has the capability to send a digital picture. If you have a print photograph we can scan it for use in the slide show. We, of course, also request your permission to use these photos in a slide show to be played during the service on November 8th. Thank you so much for helping us to compile a list of veterans and photos of each! ~ Rev. DawnChristian EducationDespite consistent rain and winds, we had a wonderful Rally Day picnic in the park! We stayed (mostly) dry under the pavilion but were all willing to get wet for the Scoops Ice Cream Truck!320040011366500016256000right19685000421005012890500Congratulations to our 4th graders who now finally have their Bibles! We missed the opportunity to honor them at the Church Picnic in June, so we now are pleased to give Bibles to Nora Kogut, Javery Hey, Ava and Aiden Ieda. May your Bibles serve as a guide to you for many years to come! 398272013970001238251397000In Sunday School this year we will work onbuilding a firm foundation. We will fill our tool belts with our Bibles, hearts, open minds, and faith!While we wait to find out how the school reopening goes, we will proceed with Zoom Sunday School and Youth Group at 11 a.m. Sunday mornings. We will reevaluate every few weeks, to make a plan to move forward. For now, most group activities are on temporary hold. Many blessings on our teachers, children, and parents as they negotiate the challenges of the school year!______________________________________________Online Giving OptionsAs you have heard, the Resource Committee is setting up PayPal as an online giving option. This is NOT intended to be a way to pay pledges because there is a fee associated with each transaction. If you would like to set up a monthly Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) that sends funds directly from your bank to pay your pledge, there is no fee associated with that service. You’ll hear more about setting up Electronic Funds Transfers next month from the Resources Committee. If you are interested in setting up EFT please notify Alicia in the office. The PayPal option for online giving on the website is intended to be for special one-time gifts, events, and/or for people who do not pledge but want to support the church. For these type of donations, you will need to set up your own Paypal account, and use our email address of firstcongregationalcanandaigua@ in order to send the donation to the church. (Click on “Send money”) It is important to have an option for online giving but we encourage you to pay your pledge with Electronic Funds Transfer or by check. Thank you so much for your support!~Barb Stahl, Resource Committee Co-ChairAttention, ALL Voters!COVID-19 is providing unique challenges for the election this November.Ontario County is providing several options to vote:· Absentee ballot (postmarked by Oct 27, or deliver in person by Nov 3)· Early Voting starting October 24 (one location each in Canandaigua, Victor, and Geneva)· In-person voting on Nov 3 (regular locations)We all know how important it is to vote, and we don’t want anyone to be excluded because of a desire to stay safe during the pandemic. If anyone needs help in voting, please contact Debbie Lyon at ce@. I will put you in touch with someone who can drive you to a polling place, or deliver your absentee ballot for you.Also - please contact me if you would like to assist in this effort!Dear Church Friends:How very kind of you to send so many blessings my way during my hip recovery. The cheerful dish garden was such a welcome surprise. And I have been appreciative of my weekly calls each Monday. Jim DeMay and I have shared so many stories. Pastor Dawn’s deck visit was such a pleasant treat to become more acquainted. My thank you’s are endless as I continue the healing process.Regards,John MillerSacred Conversation on RaceThe SCR Planning Team’s initial meeting was held, by zoom, on Monday evening, September 21. All who requested to be part of this group were in attendance including: Jesse Garrett-Larsen, Betsy Gillim, Stu Gillim, Jim Hilton, Elaine Hilton, Carla DeMeco, Lin Case, Sue Hawkes, Deb Lyon, Don Raw, Jr., Cathy Brooks, Steve Brooks, Gloria Jackson (from MLK Comm.), Rev. Dawn Garrett-Larsen, Jim Malone (content/diversity), Connie Fredericks-Malone (content/diversity) and Nancy Parsons (organization). We recently added Samaya Morse, a youth member, to the group.The group agreed to honor a covenant that states “We covenant together to deal with our differences in a spirit of mutual respect and to refrain from actions that may harm the emotional and physical well-being of others.”Jim Malone explained a Five Step Approach to addressing our Sacred Conversation on Race.Building Trust and synergy within the groupExamining and exploring the issues we face within ourselves and in our communityEstablishing goals that guide us to address these issuesWorking towards achieving established goalsCreating follow-up structure for ongoing support, communication, evaluationConnie Fredericks-Malone explained how when we share our stories, we build trust. The group shared stories that touched on cultural background, types of neighborhoods we grew up in, and family and upbringing. We talked about our personal spiritual journeys and how the First Congregational Church is important in our lives. Each shared something personal that others may not know. In this way, we are preparing to undertake a topic and journey together that will delve into difficult history and current upheaval in our country.Two meetings are planned for the month of October as we step off on our journey into a Sacred Conversation on Race. Through the newsletter, we will keep our church family informed. ~ Nancy Parsons“What If” we could not hold a Formal Coffee Hour?Folks, we are sorry to inform you that this year’s formal coffee hour will not occur due to the pandemic and worries of spreading the COVID virus. That being said, there is still a way to participate in a formal coffee hour. Grab the family and put on your Sunday best. Bake some goodies or grab them from your local bakery. Break out your best china. Pour a hot beverage of your choice, gaze upon this picture and enjoy. Remember to keep your pinkie finger pointed out! And while you are enjoying your impromptu coffee hour, please remember the real reason for this occasion, the children of Haiti. The need for funds to feed and educate these children is greater now than ever before. It is impossible to social distance when living in the squalor of a carboard and tarp slum. Proper sanitation and clean water are only a dream, and maybe your only meal this day will come from the food program at the Father Jeri School.The solution is educating these children to become the next generation of teachers, doctors, lawyers and leaders of this impoverished nation. The What If Foundation, by funding the Father Jeri School, will continue to feed 1,000 children a day and educate the children of Haiti. They can only do this with the financial help from congregations like ourselves. So, let’s make October “What If” month. Any donation will be a Godsend to these children. We are always held in awe by the generosity of our congregation. We know this will continue again this year. Please place your donations in the offering plate ( Marked “What IF”), mail them to the church office, or make your donation online at . Please make out checks to the church and put “What If” on the memo line. On behalf of the Congregational Life Committee, the children of Haiti and the “What IF Foundation, we wish to thank you in advance for your continued generosity.~ Jim and Karen DeMayKiwanis Spaghetti DinnerElection Day! Tuesday, Nov. 3rd from 4-7:00 pm. American Legion, 454 N. Main Street, Canandaigua. Drive-thru Take out Service only! Tickets $10/each! Advanced sale tickets available at Canandaigua Bank, Lyons National Bank, Wolfe Insurance, or any Kiwanis member. Tickets also sold night of the event or buy online at: . Contact Karen Maxfield if you need tickets or have any questions!The Nominating Committee Needs Your Help! As a follow-up to the Interests Form that church members were invited to complete last year, The Nominating Committee would love to hear from you again! Given the changes in our life styles and altered schedules due to COVID-19, The Nominating Committee is once again inviting anyone and everyone to submit updated information regarding your personal strengths and your interest in serving on any new or different committees. We will soon be working to fill vacancies due to term completions and having your updated interests will be most helpful. Please complete the brief form below and either drop into the collection plate, mail to the church office, or e-mail your interests to me, Debbie Wilbur at: deborah.wilbur@ Also, feel free to contact any member of the Nominating Committee to share your information. On behalf of The Nominating Committee and with many thanks, Debbie Wilbur, Nominating Chair Don Raw, Kathi Nacca, Hannah Morgan, Jean Ingalls, Rev. Garrett-Larsen Name: ____________________________________________________ E-mail: ____________________________________________________ Phone: ____________________________________________________ Strengths/Interests: __________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________OCTOBERThurs. Oct 1 - Adult Ed inside social rooms 10Sun. Oct. 4 – Worship & Sunday School, World Communion SundayMon. Oct. 5 – Study Group 9 Chapel; Adult Ed zoom 2; Sacred Conv. On Race 7 Zoom Tues. Oct 6 – Study Group 9 Chapel; Rughooking 10 Dining Room; Pastor Parish 5Wed Oct 7 – Study Group 9 Chapel; TOPS Basement 10; Dawn offThurs Oct 8 – Adult Ed inside social rooms 10 Sun. Oct. 11 - Worship & Sunday School; Formal Coffee virtual fund raiser for “What If?”Mon. Oct. 12 - Indigenous Peoples’ Day – Office ClosedTues. Oct 13 - Study Group 9 Chapel; Rughooking 10 Dining Room; Adult Ed 2:30 Outside at Dawn’sWed. Oct 14 - Study Group 9 Chapel; TOPS Basement 10; Dawn offThurs. Oct. 15 - Adult Ed inside social rooms 10; Weathervane DeadlineSun. Oct. 18 - Worship & Sunday School; Social Action 12:30 zoomMon. Oct. 19 - Study Group 9 Chapel; Adult Ed zoom 2; Trustees 4:00Tues. Oct. 20 - Study Group 9 Chapel; Rughooking 10 Dining Rm; Adult Ed 2:30 Outside at Dawn’s; Council 7Wed. Oct 21 - Study Group 9 Chapel; TOPS Basement 10; Dawn offSun. Oct 25 - Worship & Sunday School; Connie’s Concert 1:00 Live StreamMonday Oct. 26 – Study Group 9 Chapel; Adult Ed zoom 2; Sacred Conv. on Race 7 zoomTuesday Oct. 27 - Study Group 9 Chapel; 9 Nominating Comm. Hayes Room; Rughooking 10 Dining Room; Adult Ed 2:30 Outside at Dawn’sWed. Oct 28 - Study Group 9 Chapel; TOPS Basement 10 Thurs., Oct. 29 - Adult Ed inside social rooms 10Friday, Oct. 30 - Prayer Shawl 2:00 Sally Mueller’s ................

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