Government of New Jersey

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Vaccines for Children

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The Vaccines for Children (VFC) program is a federally funded, state-operated vaccine supply program that began nationally in October 1994. The program is intended to help increase childhood immunization levels by providing vaccines to eligible children. The program supplies vaccine at no cost to all public providers and private care providers who agree to administer federally purchased vaccine.

The benefits of the VFC program:

❖ Provides publically purchased vaccine for eligible children at no cost to public and private providers

❖ Automatically provides all ACIP recommended vaccines for Committee on Immunization Practice (ACIP)

❖ Eliminates out of pocket expenses for Parents and enrolled Providers

❖ Reduces the practice of referring children from private offices to public health centers for vaccination, keeping children in their medical home

❖ Provides a ready inventory of federally purchased vaccine to the provider and eliminates up front costs in providing vaccine to eligible children

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|A physician does not have to be a Medicaid provider in |

|order to participate in the VFC program. |

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The VFC program was created to meet the vaccinations needs of children from birth through 18 years of age. Children eligible to receive VFC provided vaccines include the following:

❖ Children enrolled in Medicaid or

Medicaid Managed Care

❖ Children enrolled in NJ FamilyCare

(Plans A, B, C, D)

❖ Children who do not have any health insurance

❖ Children who are American Indian or Alaskan Native

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|Children who have health insurance that does not |

|cover the cost of vaccines can only receive |

|VFC-provided vaccine at Federally Qualified Health |

|Centers (FQHC’s). |

Participation Requirements

Providers participating in the VFC program must agree to comply with the following:

❖ Screen the parent/guardian of the child to determine VFC eligibility

❖ Maintain records of all children immunized with VFC vaccine (these records must be made available to public health officials upon request)

❖ Comply with the recommended immunization schedule as established by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practice (ACIP) and state law

❖ Not charge for VFC-supplied vaccine

❖ Not impose a fee for administration of the vaccine that is higher than the fee cap established by the Center for Medicaid and Medicare (CMS) ($16.34-NJ)

❖ Not deny service if the administration fee cannot be paid

❖ Provide vaccine information materials and maintain records in accordance with the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Act

❖ Comply with state ordering, accountability or quality assurance requirements

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|A private health care provider is not required to |

|accept a child into his or her practice or clinic |

|merely because the child is eligible for Immunization|

|through the VFC program |

Provider Enrollment

Each provider will need to complete and submit the following forms to the VFC Program annually:

The “Provider Enrollment Form” (IMM-25) lists the requirements for participation in the VFC Program. This form needs to be submitted at the time of enrollment and the physician in charge or equivalent may sign for all physicians in the practice. This form will be on file with the New Jersey Health and Senior Services (NJDHSS).

Private health care providers will also have to complete a “Provider Profile” (IMM-26). This profile, which will be retained by the New Jersey Health and Senior Services (NJDHSS), is used to determine the number of patients expected to be seen for immunization services and the percentage of patients in the provider’s practice that may be eligible for immunizations through the VFC program.

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|The national goal to adequately vaccinate 90% of |

|2-year-old children depends on the support of private |

|health care providers. The New Jersey Vaccines for |

|Children program contributes to this goal by removing |

|vaccine cost as a barrier to immunizing eligible |

|children in the care of private health care providers |

Vaccine Ordering and Supply

The vaccines and combination vaccines currently offered by the NJVFC program are:





Hib/Hepatitis B

Hepatitis B (3 dose)

Hepatitis B (2 dose)




Pneumococcal Conjugate

Td (Adult)



Hepatitis A (Pediatric)*

Hepatitis A (Adult)*

Hepatitis B (Adult)*

Pneumococcal Polysaccharide*

Meninogoccal Conjugate

Brand choice available for most vaccines

*These vaccines are available in limited quantity and may not be routinely available are subject to approval by the NJDHSS Immunization Program.

As new vaccines and vaccine combinations are recommended by the ACIP, they will be made available through the VFC program to the participating providers.

For additional information and questions regarding the NJVFC Program call the New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services, Vaccine Preventable Disease Program at (609) 588-7520.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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