HARFORD COUNTY MEMORIAL VFW POST 53373705 PULASKI HIGHWAY, ABINGDON MARYLAND 21009410-676-4456 Email – vfwpost5337@306932514123548704531750Commander’s MessageComrades and Sisters,3409950828040-952518415Time is really moving as we get Into our 2011-2012 year! On August 5th our Auxiliary President, Auxiliary Treasurer, and I joined others from Department, D5 and D10 and worked the 20th Support Command Joint Event on APG. We cooked beef, ham, hamburgers, hot dogs and served salads, desserts and drinks to approximately 500 soldiers and their families. . 1676400603259810758572521907557785Folks, this is what it is all about! Supporting our Troops!We had our joint Bull Roast & Shrimp Feast on August 20th. A good time was had by all who attended. Thanks to everyone who pitched in to make our first major event of the year a success? I look forward to working together on our other events throughout this year to make our Post and Auxiliary stronger.2514600116840September 201164770210820Our Annual Family Picnic is coming up on Saturday, September 24th. The post will supply the “meat” and we are asking for salad & dessert donations. This is a great time to get together to see old friends and make new ones, so I hope you will come out and join us! There will be a sign-up posted in the hall so we will know how many to plan for and what you might be bringing.3818255177800On October 22nd, we are planning an “October Fest”. This is something new we are trying and are open to ideas and recipes that would give this a true “German” feeling. Please contact myself or Madam President with your input.-8255186690Watch the monthly calendar that is included in this newsletter as well as on our new website: . At our August meeting, it was unanimously endorsed to post the newsletter on the website in lieu of mailing to curtail rising costs. If you have no way of getting a copy of the newsletter, please let us know and we will make arrangements to get you a copy. I would like to thank Pete Bogdan for all of his hard work in getting Post 5337 “online”. He has developed the new website and works hard to keep it up to date and informative. 27940177165Our Youth program is off to a great start! We have delivered 26 fully loaded backpacks to two local elementary schools and provided extra school supplies as well. This effort was valued at over $1500. We have also initiated our annual needy family program talks for Christmas.3851275175260Chuck Merritt is heading up a Buddy Poppy drive on September 2nd & 3rd at two sites in Joppatowne. He is asking for volunteers to help distribute Buddy Poppies. Even if you only have an hour or two, all help is appreciated. Chuck has sign up sheets in the Post or you can call the post at 410-676-4456 and leave him a message. Remember, all donations from Buddy Poppy events go into the Relief Fund and helps our military and veterans. This is one of the VFW primary programs.On a sad note, Dick Miller, our Chaplain, has tendered his resignation for health reasons. Dick will be sorely missed. I will be opening nominations at the September 8th meeting to fill this position. Anyone interested should be in attendance or provide a signed letter accepting the nomination if put to the rades and sisters it is going to be a very busy year with many events. I am asking for your help either as a volunteer to work or by your attendance at these events. Remember, there is nothing stronger than the heart of a volunteer.Lyn & I will be attending the National Convention in San Antonio, TX. We will update everyone on changes made to our organizations at the September meetings. Speaking of meetings, it would be great to see you there!In closing, please remember our veterans who are ill and our military, both home and abroad in harm’s way and their families who are left behind.Yours in comradeship,Doug MacArthur-10477522225SistersI would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for your support on the Bull & Shrimp Feast. We had a great turn out and great team work.I am looking forward to our next 2 events being our Annual Family Picnic and our first annual Oktoberfest. On September 1st a couple of the Ladies and I will be lending a hand to the Department of Maryland for another send off for the Maryland National Guard units. They are anticipating over 1,000 people at this event.We had a great meeting in August and want to thank all of my chairpersons for their dedication on the programs and reporting in a timely manner. During the meeting it was decided to postpone the Luau to a later date. As the calendar changes we will keep everyone informed. The first of the two Boy Scouts breakfasts will be held on Sept. 5th please come and enjoy your breakfast. We will continue to collect donations as all of this will go towards the wonderful programs we support. 3851275175260I would like to reiterate that Chuck Merritt is heading up a Buddy Poppy drive on September 2nd & 3rd at two sites in Joppatowne. He is asking for volunteers to help distribute Buddy Poppies. Even if you only have an hour or two, all help is appreciated. Chuck has signup sheets in the Post or you can call the post at 410-676-4456 and leave him a message. Remember, all donations from Buddy Poppy events go into the Relief Fund and helps our military and veterans. This is one of the VFW primary programs.As always, we continue to have Shrimp on Wednesday nights and Tacos on Thursdays. We are working hard to come up with ideas for the kitchen on Friday nights and Pit Beef will be available on alternate Saturdays when there is no post event scheduled. Thank you again for allowing me this great opportunity to work with you and I look forward to a great year. Becky Hanner ________________________________________SERVICE OFFICERI want to remind all VFW members of the benefits of the VFW State Service Office. The MD Service Officer is Philip S. Medlin Sr. His office is in room 1226, Fallon Federal Building, 31 Hopkins Plaza, Baltimore, MD 21201. The Service Office can represent Veterans in working with the VA. Please call Mr. Medlin’s main office at 410-230-4480 to set up an appointment and/or to obtain the required forms Al Fidler Service Officer________________________________________CANTEEN CORNERPlease join us Wednesday Evening’s for Shrimp (5 – 7 PM).Planning a Party?Don’t want the fuss in your home?Remember we rent the hall and porch for your special occasions. Call me at 410-676-4456. Val Canteen Steward________________________________________Newsletter Article DeadlineArticles for the October Newsletter are due on September 15th. Please forward articles (Word Doc’s) by email to PLBLMB@ or leave an envelope at the post marked:Newsletter Reserves the Right to Edit all Information added to the Post Newsletter and Web SiteNEWSLETTER – ATTN Pete Bogdan, Editor.________________________________________POST EVERLASTING247650-3175Frank M. Johnson July 1, 2011_________________________________________AUXILIARY MEMBERSHIPSisters,Congratulations! As of this writing, we are at 93.72% paid membership for 2012. We need only 12 more members paid to reach our 100% goal. I know we can make it! Department is offering monetary awards to those Auxiliaries who reach 100% by pre-determined deadlines. Please help us put some needed monies into our treasury! Pay your dues TODAY. We need your help to sustain our programs. Your dues do make a difference.I’d like to welcome our newest member, Wilma Vice, to our Auxiliary. When you see her at the post, please say hello and welcome her. We look forward to seeing you at our meetings.If you know of a member who has not paid their 2011 dues, remind them that as of December 31, 2010 they are no longer eligible for their LAVFW benefits to include the Cancer Grant program. It is not too late; remind them to pay their 2011 & 2012 dues today.IT’S NOT TOO LATE! YOU CAN STILL WIN A LIFE MEMBERSHIPThe Department of Maryland is also holding a Life Membership raffle. All Continuous members whose dues are received by Department by November 25th, 2011, will be included in this drawing. So for those of you who did not win our Life Membership raffle, you get a second chance! Those of you, whom have not yet paid your dues, do so today so you will be included in the Department Raffle.Annual Dues: $15.00 Application Fee: $7.00LIFE MEMBESHIP FEESAGE as of December 31st of Year of ApplicationAgeFeeAgeFee16-20$22056-60$15021-25$21061-65$14026-30$20066-70$13031-35$19071-75$11536-40$18576-80$ 9541-45$17581-85$ 7546-50$17086-90$ 6051-55$16591+$ 50Lyn MacArthurTreasurerMembership Chairman 2010-11lindamac55@ / 410-459-1149 AUXILIARY VETERANS & FAMILY SUPPORT PROGRAMSisters,As we kick off a new Auxiliary year I would like to provide you with information on programs we will be supporting during the year. Each newsletter will provide information on a different program under Veterans & Family Support.NATIONAL HOME FOR CHILDRENThe IdeaThe idea for the National Home was first planted in 1923 when the Military Order of the Cootie presented the concept to the VFW at its national convention. Members of the VFW embraced the idea of a home for the children and families of veterans, and the VFW National Home for Children was born.The BeginningThe beginning of today’s VFW National Home for Children lies with a poignant story of a young girl named Amy Ross. On a cold February day in 1922, 23-year-old Amy Ross walked into the office of Dr. Clarence L. Candler, the VFW Department of Michigan Commander with the idea to find jobs for the thousands of veterans who were walking the streets of Detroit looking for work.While the task seemed insurmountable, Dr. Candler turned over the limited facilities of the VFW to Miss Ross, and she went to work. “What followed is history (over 9,000 veterans were found employment),” he wrote in the Nov. 1924 issue of the Golden Stripe, Michigan’s VFW Newspaper. “But not all of you know that the present high standing of the VFW in Michigan, our wonderful headquarters in the General Motors Building, the Yanks Convalescent Camp, Inc., our 300-grave burial plot at Roseland Cemetery, and our new $500,000 VFW National Home, Inc. all came as a direct result of Amy Ross’ sacrifices for the veterans of this community.”Through Amy Ross’ efforts, millionaire cattleman Corey Spencer came to meet with Dr. Candler in the summer of 1924. Having learned of Amy’s great work and the needs of the VFW, Mr. Spencer had an idea. He had 472 Acres of land near Eaton Rapids, Michigan, known as the Grand River Stock Farm, and he wanted to make it a gift to the VFW. Spencer’s offer was presented to the 1924 Convention in Atlantic City, where the Commander-in-Chief appointed a committee to investigate the offer and report back to the National Council of Administration.Tragically, Amy Ross never lived to see the VFW National Home became a reality. After her untimely death in 1924, the VFW gave Miss Ross a military funeral. Dr. Candler was quoted as saying, “Amy Ross dead? No, she has just commenced to live...When that new little city arises out of the ground near Eaton Rapids called the VFW National Home, you will hear Amy singing a lullaby to some veteran’s orphan.”On December 6, 1924, the National Council of Administration approved the idea of the VFW National Home. Articles of Incorporation were prepared, and on January 7, 1925, the dreams of Amy Ross, Corey Spencer and the Military Order of the Cootie had at last come true. The Veterans of Foreign Wars had taken a giant step forward in fulfilling its pledge to “Honor the Dead by Helping the Living.”The December 1924 issue of the Gold Stripe devoted all of its content to the sad parting of Amy Ross and the great news of the VFW National Home. The editor wrote, “This VFW National Home is the greatest objective ever placed before any veterans’ organization. It will give each and every post something tangible to work for.”First Children1270343535On March 2, 1925, Sgt. Edward Pollett, Ret., 48, traveled from Halfway, Michigan, to pick up his retirement check at Ft. Wayne in Detroit. While crossing the street in Detroit, he was hit by a street car and later died at a nearby hospital. Twenty-four hours after his death, Mrs. Pollett identified her husband at the county morgue and then found that she and her 6 children, ages 2 to 15 were left destitute since Sgt. Pollett’s retirement pay stopped upon his death. The Halfway, Michigan VFW Post 1146 appealed to Dr. Candler, State VFW Commander, on behalf of the family, and arrangements were made immediately to send the family to the VFW National Home.On March 9, 1925, Mrs. Pollett and her 6 children entered the VFW National Home as the first residents. The first Matron of the Home, Nora M. Abbott, and first supervisor, Roy Williams, supervised the housing of the Polletts in an old frame farmhouse. In June of 1925, Nora Abbott wrote, “Maybe you would like to hear how things are going for the Polletts. My little mother and her children are settled and seem to be happy. She tells me how thankful she is that she could come here and have a home with her children. . . .”Through the YearsSince its founding, the VFW National Home for Children has grown from an old frame farm house to a sprawling campus with playgrounds, park areas, and multiple buildings, including single-family homes, a community center and gymnasium, child care facility, guest lodge, chapel and administrative offices.Over the years, the National Home has evolved to meet the changing needs of America’s military and veterans’ families. Through it all, one thing has remained constant: the National Home’s commitment to honor our nation’s veterans and active-duty military by providing help and hope for their children and familiesNATIONAL HOME FOR CHILDREN – Life Membership3219450153035Join the VFW National Home for Children family! Become a Life Member or an Associate Life Member and create a lasting bond between yourself and the mission of the National Home.There are two types of membership:VFW and Ladies Auxiliary members and organizations are eligible to become Life Members. Life Members may vote for the trustees who represent their National Home District and approve any proposed changes to our bylaws and articles of incorporation.Any individual or organization wishing to support the National Home’s mission can become an Associate Life Member. Associate Life Members do not have voting privileges.???Both member types receive a membership certificate and wallet card.?Life Member Pins?can also be purchased for an additional $5.?I have Life Member applications available so don’t hesitate to ask. OR just send your check for $35.00 to me and I will complete and submit the paperwork for you. If you would like a Life member pin, make your check for $40.00. Your card and pin will be sent directly to your home address.Help us grow our?National?Home Life Member family Become a National Home Life Member todayLyn MacArthurAuxiliary Chairman 2011-2012Current Auxiliary & Post 5337 Life MembersVFW Aux 5337Jessica BaileyLeola BogdanBetty EikensAlice FidlerBetty GehrPenny GodfreyDoris GoinsBarbara HarringtonNora HarrisTammy KempistyMarilyn KoppMargie LoweLinda MacArthurFrances MooreUrsula SnappPatricia StackhouseSally VoelkerBrenda WileyNancy ZuberVFW Post 5337Sam BarbourFrank BellArt CantlerAl FidlerBob GehrRay GodfreyCharles HopkinsDoug MacArthurRon OwensJoe RolandEmilio ValdiviaRoy ZuberAssociate MemberBob Adkins________________________________________VFW MembershipIf you are an annual member, please forward your dues payable to the VFW Post 5337 to the Post Home at 3705 Pulaski HighwayAbingdon, MD 21009Attn: MembershipBy paying your dues, you help support the programs and activities of the VFW Post Home, even if you cannot physically volunteer________________________________________Comrades:Join with us in supporting our troops and Veterans as they have, and continue to support our country and communities by supporting the Post Activities and Programs________________________________________Help to protect the environment and the Post funds. If you have email, allow us to email you the Post Newsletter. Just email the Post email address located on the front page with your name and we’ll take it from there.________________________________________Pete Bogdan, Chuck Merritt, Bob Gehr on recent visit to Marine Corps Memorial at Quantico, VAAnnett Merritt, Pete Bogdan, Chuck Merrittat one of the many realistic displaysLeola Bogdan and Annett MerrittREPLACING DD FORM 214 OR LOST AWARDSPlease write to the following address:National Personnel Records CenterATTN: Army Reference Branch (NCPMA) if 214s/ (NRPMA-M) if awards9700 Page AvenueSt. Louis, MO 63132-5100ORGo on-line to (Make sure you include your name, rank, SSN and dates you were in the service)Tickets Available in the Post CanteenDonation$1.00 each or 6 for $5.00Drawing at the Post Christmas Party Dec. 17, 2011 Take a Bite out of Cancer Help Support this Auxiliary ProgramPins Available for $3.00 eachContact Pat GiesendafferJust email the Post and we’ll forward your email to Patvfwpost5337@We want to try something NEWAs a service to Post members, if you have something to sell the Post will place you item on the Post Web pageJust email the information to the Post and we will put on the Post Web Site. Web Administrator reserves the right to edit all information.Post Email Address - vfwpost5337@Harford County MemorialVFW & Ladies Auxiliary Post 53373705 Pulaski Highway, Abingdon, MD 21009CHICKEN BAR-B-QSaturday, October 1, 201111am until sold outFeaturing:? BBQ Chicken,Corn on the CobAnd Baked BeansDonation: $8.00Eat in OR Take out Benefits Troop Programs Call 410-676-4456 to order aheadHarford County MemorialVFW & Ladies Auxiliary Post 53373705 Pulaski Highway, Abingdon, MD 2100968103751762125OKTOBERFESTSaturday, October 22, 20114-7pm Food / 6-10pm MusicFeaturing: Assorted GermanDishes, Salads and DessertsWith Draft Beer & Set-upsDonation: $20.00All tickets sold in advanceFirst come, first servedCall 410-676-4456 for ticket or additional information Commander Doug MacArthur Auxiliary President Becky HannerVFW Officers2011-2012Ladies Auxiliary Officers2011-2012CommanderDouglas MacArthurPresidentRebecca HannerSr. Vice CommanderKenneth BeroSr. Vice PresidentHelen CardenJr. Vice CommanderCharles MerrittJr. Vice PresidentBetty GehrQuartermasterEmanuel AndersonSecretaryBrigette GriffinChaplainTreasurerLyn MacArthurJudge AdvocateRueben SwordsChaplainMary RaceySurgeonRobert GehrConductressMary Swords1st Year TrusteeSam BarbourGuardPat Geisendaffer2nd Year TrusteeFred Cholette1st Year TrusteeMary Racey3rd Year TrusteeAlan Fidler2nd Year TrusteePat GeisendafferAdjutantEmanuel Anderson3rd Year TrusteeHelen CardenService OfficerAlan FidlerPatriotic InstructorAnnette MerrittSgt at ArmsEmilio ValdiviaHistorianLeola BogdanOfficer of the DayRueben Swords ................

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