Mauna Loa Helicopter Training

Study Questions 1Stage 1What is the danger of flying over gross weight?What is the danger if you overspeed the main rotor?What is the danger if you overspeed the engine?What is the danger of exceeding manifold pressure limits?What does the redline on the MAP guage represent?What is the danger of exceeding Vne?Why are the RPM limits of the main rotor different with power off than power on?Why is the R-22 engine derated?What is the danger if you engine oil overheats?What is the danger if CHT overheats?Why is there a minimum gross weight in the R-22?Can you fly solo from the left seat? Why or why not?What is the danger of using low octane fuel (80 grade)?What is the “full throttle” line on the MAP chart mean?Why do you never pull down on the main rotor blades on a R-22 during preflight checks?Explain Settling with power?What flight maneuvers or conditions could lead you to get into settling with power?What does the H-V diagram tell you?What is the danger if your engine fails while flying in the upper shaded area of the H-V diagram?What is the danger if your engine fails while flying in the lower shaded area of the H-V diagram?Is it legal to fly in the shaded area of the H-V diagram?Why does it take more power to hover down-wind?What is retreating blade stallWhat are the indications of it and corrective actions?Can you experience retreating blade stall at 70kts in the R-22?What are factors that affect performance?How does humid air affect aircraft performance? Why?At high density altitude is the performance of the helicopter hampered by less density of air for the rotor blades or because of less density of air for the engine?Using your POH, determine if we can make a landing at max gross weight +20C ALT 29.42 at 6,000 MSL.How should the carburetor heat be used?What does the magneto do?What kind of main rotor system does the R-22 have?How is it different from others of the same type?What is the purpose of the coning hinge?What causes water to gather in the fuel tank?Explain dissymmetry of lift.What is dynamic rollover?What is the best glide airspeed and RPM configuration for the R-22 in autorotation?What is the best range airspeed in the R-22?What is the best clime rate airspeed in the R-22?What is mast-bumping?What flight conditions should be avoided to prevent mast-bumping?Is a helicopter with a fully articulated rotor system susceptible to mast-bumping from Low-G conditions?Explain Ground Resonance?Can the R-22 get into ground resonance?What is sympathetic resonance?Where does sympathic resonance cause stress to the aircraft?What are the colors and grades of AvGas?What grade of fuel can we use?Can we use autogas?What type of airfoil is the MR blade on the R-22? TR Blade?Explain LTEWhat are the corrective actions for an uncommanded yaw in a hover due to LTE?Why not perform a hover-auto for LTE?Do we get translating tendency during forward flight?How much does avgas weigh?How could carbon monoxide poisoning occur in an aircraft? How do the fumes get into the cabin?How many gallons of fuel does the R-22 burn per hour?Does the tail rotor also experience dissymmetry of lift? How does it compensate for it?What is the purpose of the delta-hinge?What happens to lift when the critical angle of attack is exceeded? What percent Rotor RPM does rotor stall occur?How many spark plugs are on the 0-320 engine?What do magnetos do?Where are the RPM sensors located? Rotor. Engine. Low RPM sensor.Why is there unusable fuel in the R-22?Define basic empty weight.What is blade twist?Define coning?What is Bernouilli’s principle?What is Boyle’s gas law?Explain Isaac Newton’s law of rigidity in space.What would occur if you attempted a OGE hover when you didn’t have enough power available?What is the recommended hover height? Why not closer to the ground where you would get better performance?What is a secondary indication that carb heat is working while testing it during run-up?What is the procedure if the low RPM warning light and horn come on in flight?In flight you notice fire coming from the engine. What are the procedures?In flight you get smoke coming from the instrument panel. What are the procedures?MR chip light illuminates in flight. What do you do?What is the best glide configuration for the R-22 in autorotation?What are the indications of an engine failure in flight?What are the indications of a tail rotor failure in flight?Your chart departs the aircraft inflight, you hear a bang and aircraft yaws. Which direction would the aircraft yaw, and what are the emergency procedures? How about if this occurs while mid-channel between Maui and the Big Island?What do you do if you have an alternator light come on in flight?Define the followingAirfoil-Chord Line-Relative wind-Pitch angle-Angle of attack-Lift-Drag-Stall-Torque-Gyroscopic Precession-Dissymmetry of lift-Coriolis effect-Translating tendency-Ground effect-Translational lift-Transverse flow effect-Autorotation-Effective Translational Lift-Settling with Power-Retreating Blade Stall-Blade flapping-Mast Bumping-Loss of Tail Rotor Effectiveness-Ground Resonance-Sympathetic resonance-Dynamic rollover-Stage 2 Explain class B airspace (ceiling, visibility, clearance requirements, aircraft equipment)Where do you find information regarding services available, procedures for airports?Can a student pilot solo in Class C airspace? What is a restricted area? Where do we get information regarding a restricted area?What is a prohibited area?What is the difference between blue and magenta airports on a sectional chart?Explain class G airspace (distance from clouds, visibility, equipment requirements)What is pressure altitude?What is density altitude?What is MSL altitude?What is AGL altitude?How can we obtain weather information?What information is given in the Area Forecast?How long is the TAF valid for?What kind of weather can you expect if the forecast contains a temperature / dewpoint spread that is very close together?You are inbound to KOA when radio fails prior to entering class D. Explain your actions.What is the standard temperature lapse rate?What is the standard pressure lapse rate?Explain SIGMETExplain AIRMETExplain Convective SIGMETWho can you make a PIREP to?What is the emergency VHF frequency and transponder code?What is the radio failure transponder code?What color is a heliport beacon?What color are taxiway lights?What is advection fog?What is radiation fog?Explain Notams D, FDC.What are the basic VFR weather minimums for an airport?Define MVFR conditions.Define VFR conditionsDefine IFR conditionsYou make an initial call to Kahului tower, and tower says “helicopter 18A standby”. May we enter the airspace?Stage 3What are the contour lines on the sectional chart for?When does the sectional chart you have expire?Can you use an expired chart for navigation?Where can you legally land a helicopter?What documents are required onboard the aircraft?Which document must be visible in the cockpit?Do maintenance logs have to be carried in the aircraft?What inspections / items do you look for to determine that the aircraft is legal for flight?Does the R-22 require a 100hr inspection , for private use?What does TBO mean? Can you under part 91 fly with parts past TBO?Can you fly with parts on helicopter that are past life-limit?What are ADs?What are SBs?When does the airworthiness certificate expire?When does registration expire?What are the aeronautical experience requirements for the rating you are pursuing?Visibility at Kona is ? sm and celing 300’. Can you depart under special VFR? How about at night?Who is responsible for making sure an aircraft is airworthy?How do you maintain currency in the R-22?When will you require a BFR?What does it mean when the airport beacon is on during the day?What does VOR stand for?How do you open your VFR flight plan while inflight?What happens if you forget to close your flight plan?What must be included in a passenger briefing?What is the minimum safe altitude in helicopters?What documents must you have with you to be PIC?Is it permitted to purposely drop objects from an aircraft?When must you use your position lights?Does the strobe light always have to be on?What is an accident?What is an incident?When must you notify NTSB if you were to have an accident?How long do you have to submit a written report?What are the symptoms and corrective action for:Hypoxia (histotoxic, anemic, stagnant)HyperventilationCarbon Monoxide PoisoningMotion sicknessMiddle ear and Sinus problemsSpatial DisorientationNitrogen NarcosisWhat maintenance are you allowed to perform? Can you safety wire a gearbox if you have never done it before?Full moon night. Can you fly VFR on top of an overcast layer at night in the R-22 on a flight over the water from HNL to KOA.How many gallons of fuel must be onboard the helicopter after landing?What is the procedure for overtaking a slower aircraft?What is the rule with flying and drinking of alcohol?When must your Mode C transponder be on?If a pilot were to land with the low fuel warning light on, is that pilot breaking the law?If the clock were not working in the R-22, can we fly it? What do we have to do?What items must be mentioned in a standard passenger briefing?Explain spatial disorientation ................

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