The Libido Boosting Cookbook

[Pages:58] The Libido Boosting Cookbook

By: Mike Geary, Certified Nutritionist, Best-Selling Author

DISCLAIMER: The information provided by this book and this company is not a substitute for a face-to-face consultation with your physician, and should not be construed as individual medical advice. If a condition persists, please contact your physician.

This book is provided for personal and informational purposes only. This book is not to be construed as any attempt to either prescribe or practice medicine. Neither is the book to be understood as putting forth any cure for any type of acute or chronic health problem. You should always consult with a competent, fully licensed medical professional when making any decisions regarding your health.

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? Irollie Publishing

Libido BOOSTING Recipes


Table of Contents

Introducing Maca Root ..................................................................................................................... 6 Using the recipes throughout this cookbook....................................................................................9 Recipes ........................................................................................................................................... 11 Roasted Chestnuts with Maca Butter............................................................................................................................................ 11 Porterhouse Steaks with Rosemary & Balsamic Vinegar ................................................................................................... 12 Spiced Stewed Apples with Coconut Kefir ................................................................................................................................. 13 Steak with Honey, Mustard & Maca Sauce.................................................................................................................................. 14 Libido Boosting Banana Bread ......................................................................................................................................................... 15 Fresh Blackberry & Pistachio Chocolate ..................................................................................................................................... 16 Lovers Chocolate ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 17 Pan Seared Flank Steak with Maca Mushrooms ...................................................................................................................... 18 Banana, Lacuma & Hemp Smoothie............................................................................................................................................... 19 Creamy Vanilla Milkshake ................................................................................................................................................................... 19 Chia & Maca Pudding............................................................................................................................................................................. 20 Coffee Chocolate Smoothie................................................................................................................................................................. 21 Lamb Cutlets with Parsnip Mash & Red Onion Sauce .......................................................................................................... 22 Good-morning Granola......................................................................................................................................................................... 23 Coconut Kefir with Honey................................................................................................................................................................... 24 Coconut & Banana Cookies................................................................................................................................................................. 24 Spiced Grilled Chicken Breasts......................................................................................................................................................... 26 Ginger Men Cookies ............................................................................................................................................................................... 27 Chocolate Aphrodisiac Balls .............................................................................................................................................................. 28 Lemon & Maca Chicken ........................................................................................................................................................................ 29 Watermelon & Vanilla Ice-Cream with Maca ............................................................................................................................ 30 Shredded Chicken with Pine-Nuts, Maca & Bacon ................................................................................................................. 31 Pesto & Maca Chicken with Red Cabbage ................................................................................................................................... 32 Chai Tea with Maca................................................................................................................................................................................. 33 Beef Goulash .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 34 Lotus Chips with Maca Salt ................................................................................................................................................................ 35 Capsicum & Olive Dip or Spread...................................................................................................................................................... 35 Beef Bolognese ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 36 Salty Beef with Greens .......................................................................................................................................................................... 37 Pumpkin Soup........................................................................................................................................................................................... 38 Nettle Mead & Nettle Wine ........................................................................................................... 39

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Libido BOOSTING Recipes


Nettle Wine .................................................................................................................................... 41 Nettle Wine................................................................................................................................................................................................. 41 Nettle Mead ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 42

Horny Goat Weed ........................................................................................................................... 43 Horny Goat Weed Tea............................................................................................................................................................................ 44 Liquorice, Fennel & Horny Goat Weed Tea................................................................................................................................. 44 Lemon Balm, Jasmine Blossom & Horny Goat Weed Tea .................................................................................................... 45 Lavender, Couch Grass & Horny Goat Weed Tea...................................................................................................................... 45 Velvet Bean (The Next Main Stream Superfood?) .......................................................................... 46 Velvet Bean Tea......................................................................................................................................................................................... 47 Velvet Bean Thickshake........................................................................................................................................................................ 48 Velvet Bean Chocolate Smoothie ..................................................................................................................................................... 48 Velvet Bean Carrot & Ginger Juice .................................................................................................................................................. 49 Pine Pollen: Nature's Natural Testosterone Booster ...................................................................... 50 Macadamia & Cocoa Nib Granola .................................................................................................................................................... 52 Nutty Crunchy Granola with Pine Pollen .................................................................................................................................... 53 Fresh Orange & Carrot Juice with Pine Pollen Tincture ...................................................................................................... 54 Berry & Coconut Smoothie................................................................................................................................................................. 54 Vinaigrette with Pine Pollen .............................................................................................................................................................. 55 Paleo-Friendly Greek Salad ................................................................................................................................................................ 55

Mike Geary Bio:..............................................................................................................................56

? Irollie Publishing

Libido BOOSTING Recipes


Here it is!

The cookbook almost every Paleo follower (and non-Paleo follower for that matter) has been waiting for...

A cookbook that consists of recipes that will help boost your libido naturally and without having to take supplements!

Not only that, but here is a solution to creating recipes that will not only blow your mind but also your taste buds! Not literally of course. The flavors that will come from these recipes will be something you enjoy time and time again, and the positive effects on your sex life are an additional benefit.

If you're like most people, swallowing tablets and remembering to do so is not the most enjoyable thing to do everyday. Chances are there are some supplements that you take regularly, possibly fish oil and some greens supplements, possibly even supplements to help your exercise recovery such as BCAA's and L-Glutamine. The benefit of being able to reduce additional supplements to swallow in your diet will make increasing your libido even easier!

Lets get started

It's of no intention to bore you with the same things that you have likely heard time and time again. But it is of utmost importance that you understand that a reduction in your libido can be a sign of health issues that need attention and not supplementation. If you're unable to feel horny at all without supplementation then it is a true sign that you need to see somebody to help figure out what is the likely cause, often being an imbalance in your hormones which if unattended to can result in far more detrimental health problems than that of being unable to have an enjoyable sex life.

Taking supplementation or boosting your recipes with libido enhancing foods should only be something that you do if you want to enjoy a higher state of libido than you currently have.

With that being said, one of the libido boosting foods used in this cookbook is Maca, the information below will go into how this superfood is known to help in supporting a natural balance of hormones. Still, again, don't use this cookbook as any form of treatment for any sexual issues that you may have (or relationship issues for that matter), it is not meant to be a solution to any problem in anyway state or form.

Of course, if you want to increase your libido the best place to start is improving your diet and making sure that you exercise regularly. This primarily comes back to ensuring that your hormones are balanced. Consuming the wrong foods can cause a terrible imbalance on hormone levels. Following the Paleo diet is one of the best recommendations that can be passed on, it avoids all unnatural foods including grains, dairy, processed sugar and processed foods. Therefore, throughout this cookbook all the recipes are Paleo friendly.

Exercising is important as well, and a lack of it in addition to holding additional body fat can contribute to a lowered libido. Both diet and exercise should be the primary areas you look at for a solution if you do find that your libido is on the low side.

? Irollie Publishing

Libido BOOSTING Recipes


Introducing Maca Root

If you haven't heard of Maca root, then you would likely be happy to hear that it is also known as "nature's Viagra". That may speak for itself in regards to its ability to naturally assist in boosting libido, but the benefits of Maca root are far greater and far more diverse. Maca is known as being a superfood. Superfoods are referred to as such, because they're so incredibly nutrient-dense and are packed full of so many nutrients that the body thrives upon.

Because it is so healthy and beneficial, Maca root powder is one of the most popular health supplements on the market, and is popular in countries all over the globe. Researching into the benefits of Maca root can yield you some pretty amazing facts. However, for this cookbook the introduction will be short.

So, what is Maca? ? Maca is a plant root that has been consumed for literally

thousands of years for medicinal and sexual health purposes by natives in Peru. Maca is a root, which thrives at high altitudes in the mountains. It possesses numerous health qualities and is packed full of natural goodness. As mentioned, it is also referred to as Nature's Viagra so naturally, as you can probably imagine, it does possess a number of sexual health benefits for both men and women.

Increases energy ? One very popular benefit associated with Maca root is the fact that

it has been found to increase natural energy supplies and production within the human body. Studies have revealed that within as little as two days of Maca consumption, natural energy and stamina levels increased noticeably. People suffering from a lack of energy and motivation to help provide them with a natural burst of energy, making it much safer than caffeine, often use Maca.

Improves general health and well-being ? Another fantastic benefit of Maca is the

fact that it helps to improve our general health and well-being in a number of different ways. To begin with, as Maca is so incredibly nutrient-dense, it is jam-packed full of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. As it is a great natural source of the mineral Iron, it is very beneficial for the blood, playing a key role in the production of haemoglobin and red blood cells. This in turn helps to prevent anaemia and strengthens the cardiovascular system.

As it is packed full of vitamins and antioxidants, the immune system also benefits heavily as the immune system absolutely thrives upon these very nutrients. The immune system is the body's natural defence against illness and disease and so naturally the stronger the immune system the healthier the individual will be and the less likely they will be to find themselves unwell.

Improves fertility ? Individuals looking to increase their chances of having a baby often

consume Maca as it has been found to help improve natural fertility levels in men and women of all ages. In men, consumption of natural Maca root has been found to improve the quality of their semen, the volume of their semen, the mobility of the semen, and indeed natural semen count.

Helps improve women's mood during and after menopause ? Going through

menopause is not a pleasant experience for women, which is another great reason why menopausal and post-menopausal women tend to use Maca supplements to help them

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Libido BOOSTING Recipes


cope with the condition. Studies have found that Maca could help to reduce stress, depression and anxiety in menopausal and post-menopausal women. It also helps to reduce hot flushes, sweating at night, disrupted sleep and other common symptoms associated with menopause. Maca has also been found to help reduce menstrual cramps and mood swings in women during their menstrual period.

Great for the skin ? As Maca is so jam-packed full of healthy vitamins, minerals and

antioxidants, the bodies skin also benefits greatly and can begin to look smoother, softer, and healthier than ever. Maca can help to reduce spots and blemishes and nourish the skin, improving natural collagen synthesis, which makes the skin firmer, fuller, and more radiant and healthy looking.

Improves brain function and capability ? Maca root is able to not only create

physical energy, it is also able to increase mental energy and health. Maca has been found to not only improve brain function and capability, increasing memory and reaction times, but it also improves mental health in general.

A study that was published within BMC Complimentary and Alternative Medicine that looked at the effects of natural Maca root extract in rats, specifically cognitive function and depression levels were monitored. Each rat was provided with a number of different tests which indicated various cognitive activities and found that depression-like symptoms were all greatly reduced. Not only that, but black Maca was found to greatly increase cognitive function as well as improved learning. Maca has found to potentially help in reducing the likelihood of degenerative diseases later in life, such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

Balances hormones ? A study published within the International Journal of Biomedical

Science also noticed that Maca could have potential anti-depressant qualities on rats. What's interesting is that they became sedated slightly, yet their cognitive functions remained as sharp as ever and were therefore not affected. Scientists attributed this to the fact that Maca has a balancing effect of sexual hormone levels. They were able to note that the rats provided with Maca had lower levels of adrenalin and cortisol, both of which have been linked with increases in stress.

Recent research has found that Maca is able to boost as well as stabilize hormones within women, especially estrogen. Scientists found that Maca was able to stimulate the production of estrogen, reduce menopausal symptoms and lower follicle stimulating hormones. In males, Maca was able to increase natural sperm count in as short a period of time as just 1 ? 3 days.

Boosts the immune system ? Our immune system is what helps to protect us

against illness and disease, as it is the body's natural defence mechanism. So, because of this, the stronger a person's immune system is, the healthier they will become. This means they will be less likely to suffer from common ailments such as the common cold and flu viruses, and if they do, they will be able to recover much quicker and won't feel anywhere near as ill as somebody with a weaker immune system.

What does all this have to do with Maca? Well, it's simple really. The immune system thrives upon vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, so the more that is consumed, the stronger our immune system becomes. Maca is an incredibly nutrient dense ingredient that is jammed full of beneficial nutrients that strengthen and boost the immune system. Not

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Libido BOOSTING Recipes


only that, but the potent antioxidants can also help to protect against a variety of different cancers. When toxins and free radicals enter our bodies, whether from pollution in the air or from foods or drinks we consume, they can attack our bodies on a cellular level, attacking our cells and causing oxygen molecules to bind to them, which in turn leads to oxidation. Oxidation can then cause our cells to mutate and turn cancerous, or precancerous, putting us at risk at a later date.

Lowers blood pressure ? Hypertension (high blood pressure) is one of the leading

causes of death in the modern world, and on top of that it has also been linked with a variety of other very serious health conditions including strokes, renal failure, and heart attacks. Studies have found that individuals that regularly consume Maca or Maca supplements are far less likely to suffer from abnormal blood pressure levels. One reason for this is that it is rich in potassium, a mineral that has been proven on numerous occasions to prevent high blood pressure and lower blood pressure levels.

Another way that Maca is able to lower blood pressure is that it is rich in phenolic compounds, which can inhibit enzymes that contribute towards hypertension. In simple terms, the properties Maca consists of can lower blood pressure and can prevent enzymes within the body from increasing blood pressure.

Strengthens the bones and can help prevent osteoporosis ? Maca

supplements have also been found to be very beneficial when it comes to bone health, particularly for protecting against osteoporosis. As we become older, our bones begin to grow weaker and weaker with each passing year. Experts have linked menopause and andropause (male menopause) with increases in brittle bones. Bones are only able to become stronger and grow if old bone is replaced by new bone. When bones stop growing and when bone is no longer able to be replaced with healthy new bone, the result is osteoporosis. For strong and healthy bones minerals and calcium are vital.

The main causes of brittle bones include not receiving enough calcium, low testosterone levels in men, low estrogen levels in women. Maca however, is ideal for strengthening the bones and preventing osteoporosis because it boosts estrogen levels in women, it increases testosterone levels in men, it is a natural adaptogen and it is rich in calcium and other vitamins and minerals that assist in calcium absorption and uptake by the body.

Rich in minerals ? Maca is incredibly rich in minerals with the four main being:

Calcium Zinc Magnesium Iron

Calcium strengthens teeth and bones, whilst zinc also helps to strengthen the immune system and also helps increase testosterone and libido. Magnesium also plays a role in bone health, as well as cardiovascular health. Iron is essential for the blood as it increased blood cell counts and haemoglobin production, which is responsible for oxygen levels found within the blood. There are many other minerals found within Maca, though the aforementioned four are considered to be the most potent.

Now for the part you are really wanting to read!

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Libido BOOSTING Recipes



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