EVA: Ne - Preglej

Simona Semenič: 24ur


Prvi par: ONA1


Drugi par: ONA2


Spami: Spam1 – Spam16


Oder predstavlja dva prostora hkrati; sodobno hotelsko sobo in zapuščen jašek rudnika. Prostora nista drug ob drugem, ampak sta oba na istem mestu; zavzemata isti del odra.


Para se med sabo ne vidita. Nihče izmed njih ne vidi Spamov. Zaželjeno je, da se premiki prvega para pojavijo večkrat, kot so nakazani.

Spami se lahko pojavijo od kjerkoli in na kakršenkoli način, pomembno je, da s svojim telesom in glasom zavzamejo prostor.

Spami lahko direktno nagovarjajo protagoniste, lahko jih premikajo, lahko se fizično vklapljajo v dogajanje. Protagonisti nadaljujejo z dialogom in akcijami, kot da Spamov ni. Predstavljam si, da Spami delujejo kot improvizirani glasbeni koncert (jazz) – vsak glasbenik dodobra obvlada svoj instrument, na vsakem koncertu pa je skladba drugačna.

Besedilo Spamov je v originalnem jeziku (angleščini). V kolikor bi jih bilo potrebno prevesti v jezik uprizoritve, bi se mi zdelo primerno, da se predstavo opremi z originalnimi (angleškmi) podnapisi ali z adekvatno rešitvijo ohrani originalen jezik Spamov.

Ljubljana, 2006


ON2: Torej ...

ONA1: Ne.

ONA2: Ja.

ON1: Kaj?

ONA1: Ne morem več.

ON2: Ja, ampak ... Čakaj malo.

ONA2: Kaj?

ON1: Še malo, no.

ON2: Ne moreš kar ...

ONA1: Ne, nima smisla.

ONA2: Zakaj ne?

ON2: Ker ne moreš.

ON1: Še čisto malo, no.

ONA1: Ne, ne bo nič pomagalo.

ONA2: Mogoče pa lahko. Mogoče pa lahko kar ...

ON1: Moraš se potrudit.

ON2: Misliš, da kar ...

ONA2: Ja. To mislim.

ONA1: Če ti pravim, da nima smisla.

ON2: No ...

ON1: Ne moreš kar odnehat.

ONA2: No kaj?

ON2: No, potem lahko tudi. Ali kaj?

ONA1: Ja.

ON1: Ne.

ONA2: Lahko pa tudi ne.

ON2: Ja.

ONA2: No?

ONA1: Prosim, ne morem več.

ON2: Ma ne vem ... Mogoče bi bilo naboljše, da bi kar ...

ONA2: Kaj?

ON1: Uspelo ti bo. Daj, potrudi se no še malo.

ONA1: To že ves čas govoriš, misliš pa ne tako.

ON2: Saj ne vem.

ONA2: Da bi kar ostalo tako, kot je?

ON1: Ni res, uspelo bo.

ON2: Ja. Mogoče, ne vem. Kaj ti misliš?

ONA1: Jaz ne morem več.

ON1: Daj no, potrudi se še malo.

ONA1: Prosim te, pusti me tu. Pejd sam naprej. Res ne morem več. Ne morem.

ONA2: Verjetno imaš prav. To bi bilo res najboljše.

ON2: A ti bi?

ONA2: Ja.

ON1: Če bi vsaj kaj videl.

ONA2: Ja.

ONA1: Pa prižgi luč.

ON2: Ja, no, saj potem pa tudi lahko.

ONA2: Kaj?

ON2: Ja, saj veš.

ON1: Saj veš, da –

ONA2: Ne, kaj?

ONA1: Vem, pa jo vseeno prižgi.

ON1: Ampak –

ONA1: Prižgi luč.

ON1: (Prižge baterijo.)

Luč. Tišina.

ONA1 in ON1 sta v jašku zapuščenega ON2 in ONA2 sta v hotelski sobi. Intimna svetloba.

rudnika. Svetloba prihaja samo

od baterije.

ON2: Ja, se dava dol, ne.

ONA1: (Se nasloni na steno.)

ON1: (Stopi proti njej. Se ustavi.) ONA2: Čakaj, a nisi lihkar rekel, da bi bilo boljše, da ostane tako, kot je?

ON2: Ja, če si pa rekla, da bi.

ONA1: (Se nasloni z rokami na kolena.) ONA2: Ne, nisem.

ON1: (Jo opazuje.) ON2: Ja, si.

ONA2: Ne, nisem.

ON2: Ja, si. Rekla si, da bi.

ONA2: Ne, rekla sem, da bi, da ostane tako, kot je.

ON2: A.


ONA1: Najbolje neznosen od vsega je pa tale smrad. Kot da hodim po greznici.

ON1: To je od –

ONA1: Ne mi govoriti. Saj je vseeno, samo ne morem več prenašati tega smrada. In ne morem več hoditi.

ON1: Saj vem.

ONA1: Pa roke imam že čisto trde od mraza. In prstov na nogah ne morem niti premakniti več.


ONA2: Ja, kaj zdaj?

ONA1: Pusti me tu in pejd naprej. Če ti uspe, boš že prišel pome.

ON2: Ne vem, lahko še en pir.

ON1: Lahko se mi obesiš za vrat, pa te nesem.

ONA2: Daj.

ONA1: Pusti me tu. Ne morem več.

ON1: (Stopi do nje.) ON2: (Dobavi pivo.)

ONA1: (Ga pogleda.)

ON1: (Jo hoče prijeti.) ON2: (Ji ponudi pivo.)

ONA1: (Se odmakne.) ONA2: (Vzame.)

ONA1: Kar pejd. Res. ONA2: (Pokima v zahvalo.)

ON1: (Se odmakne.)


ON2: Ti, tole je malo čudno, a ni?

ONA2: Ja. Malo pa je res.

ON1: Dajva se malo odpočit.

ONA1: (Skomigne z rameni.)

ON1: (Se usede.)

ONA1: (Se usede nasproti njega.) ON2: A ti si pričakovala ...

Tišina. ONA2: Ne.

ON1: (Si ogleduje prostor.) ON2: No, saj jaz tudi ne.

ONA2: Kaj pa si ti pričakoval?

ON2: Ne vem. Da bova pač tu. Se ga malo napila, pa to.

ONA1: Saj nima smisla.

ON1: Mislim, da vem, kje sva.

ONA2: No, potem je pa tako v redu.

ONA1: A spet?

ON1: Ja. ON2: Ja. Meni je čisto fajn.

ONA1: Spet?

ON1: (Vstane.) ONA2: Meni tudi. Saj se imava skupaj zmeraj fajn, a ne?

ONA1: (Ga pogleda.)

ON1: (Pogleda v steno.)

Tišina. ON2: Ja.

ON1: (Si ogleduje prostor.)

ONA1: (Ga gleda.)

ON1: (Jo pogleda.)

ONA1: (Umakne svoj pogled,

preden lahko sreča njegovega.) ONA2: Zdaj sva vsaj sama.

ON1: (Pogleda v steno.) ON2: Ja. A ni to super?

ONA1: (Globoko vdihne in izdihne.) ONA2: Mhm.

ON2: A ti res nisi pričakovala ...

ONA2: Ne, ne, nisem.

ON2: Jaz tudi ne.


ON1: Spet. Zagotovo.

ONA1: Pa ne spet, no.

ON1: Še zmeraj.

ONA1: Mogoče pa –

ON1: Ne, ne. Je ista stena.


ONA1: (Se nasloni z glavo na kolena.) ONA2: Tukaj je prav fino, a ni?

ONA1: (Roke da pod majico na trebuh.) ON2: Mhm.

ON1: (Jo gleda.) ONA2: Pa drago tud ni.

ONA1: (Premakne glavo.) ON2: Prav poceni je.

ON1: (Pogleda stran.) ONA2: Ja. Sem mislila, da ta špas stane precej več.

ONA1: (Ga skrivaj gleda.) ON2: Jaz tudi, ja.

ON1: (Menca roke in puha v roke.) ONA2: Ti, a veš, da imajo tudi savno pa bazen?

ONA1: (Ga gleda.) ON2: A res? Ne, nisem vedel.

ON1: (Se premakne.) ONA2: Zjutraj bi lahko šla v savno. Preden se odjaviva.

ONA1: (Nasloni glavo na kolena.) ON2: To bi bilo super.

ON1: (Jo opazuje.) ONA2: A greva?

Tišina. ON2: Ja, jaz sem za.

ONA2: Zmenjeno. Greva.

ON2: A kar skupaj?

ONA2: Ja, kaj pa?

ON2: Ja, če tebi ni problem ...

ONA2: Ne, zakaj?


ON1: A slišiš?

ONA2: Saj potem je pa v bistvu v redu. Mislim, če nisi nič pričakoval ...

ONA1: Kaj?

ON2: Ja, v redu je.

ON1: Poslušaj.


ONA2: Tudi če jaz te možnosti nisem čisto izključila, če sem prav poštena.

ONA1: Kaj?

ON2: No, saj jaz tudi ne. Ne da sem karkoli izključil, ampak ...

ON1: Kot bi nekdo govoril.

ONA2: Ampak nisi pa nič pričakoval.

ON2: Ja, tako. Tako nekako.

Tišina. Tišina.

ONA1: Ne.

ON1: Poslušaj.


ONA1: Noben ne govori.

ON1: Poslušaj, no.


ONA1: Ne slišim.


ONA1: A ti še slišiš?

ON1: (Se usede.)

ONA1: Ne slišiš več?

ON1: (Nasloni obraz na dlani.)

ONA1: A?


ON2: Tudi če jaz sem v bistvu razmišljal o tem, da se bova nekako ... kaj pa vem – da se ne bova mogla lih izognit drug drugemu. A veš, kaj hočem reči s tem?

ONA2: Ne čisto natančno.

ONA1: (Vstane. Se mu približa.) ON2: No, da bova ... Ja, če ne drugega, imava samo eno posteljo.

ON1: (Si da roke na trebuh.) ONA2: Aja. Si razmišljal o tem, da bova morala spati skupaj.

ONA1: (Se usede poleg njega.) ON2: Ja. To.

ON1: (Se malo odmakne.) ONA2: Pa da se bova mogoče eventuelno morda tudi celo nekolikanj malo dotaknila?

ONA1: (Se malo odmakne.) ON2: Ja, ampak ne ... Saj veš. Nič takega. Bolj na neki prijateljski način, al kako bi rekel. Bolj ...

ON1: (Se drugače namesti, malo dlje.) ONA2: Platonično?

Tišina. ON2: Ja. Da bo vse skupaj bolj ...

ONA1: (Si da roke čez obraz, nasloni ONA2: Platonično.

glavo na steno.) ON2: Ja.

ON1: (Jo pogleda.) ONA2: Aha, razumem. Saj mene to ne bi motilo.

ON2: A ne?

ONA1: Ne. Ne. Ne.

Tišina. ONA2: Ne, ne.

ONA1: Saj se je tudi meni zazdelo, da sva že bila tu.


ON2: No, potem pa res ni nobenega problema.

ONA1: Ampak tako ali tako se mi to zazdi v vsakem novem odcepu.


ONA1: Saj sem rekla, da nima nobenega smisla hoditi naprej.

ONA2: Če želiš, lahko greva tudi že v posteljo.

ON2: Ja, kaj pa vem. A ti bi šla že spat?

ONA2: Skoraj, da bi. Sem kar zmatrana. Pa pozno je, jebenti. Jutri bo dolg dan.

ON2: Ja, saj končno bi pa res lahko šla že spat.

ONA2: Pa pejva, no.

ONA1: Ampak tako ali tako imam že ves čas občutek, da hodiva v enem in istem prostoru. Kamen je enak kamnu in šele potem ugotovim, da je povsod pravzaprav malo drugačno. Pojma nimam, kje sva. Mislim ... Mogoče pa tu sploh še nisva bila in naju ta pot kam pripelje.

ON1: Sva. Večkrat.

ON2: Samo mislim, da bo pametneje, če se uleževa kar tako ... Brez pižame.

ONA1: Ne. Ne.

Tišina. ONA2: A kar takoj?

ONA1: Ne.

ON1: Ja. ON2: Ja.

Tišina. ONA2: Čakaj, to pa ne vem. Zakaj pa?

ONA1: (Vstane.) ON2: Ja, da bova bolj sproščena, ne.

ONA1: (Hodi.) ONA2: Aja. Prav.

ON2: Za vsak slučaj.

ONA2: Kaj, če bi se nama zaluštalo fukat, al kaj?

ON2: Ja. Preventiva pač.

ONA2: Aha. Ampak a ne bo čudno?

ON2: Ne, zakaj bi bilo čudno?

ONA2: Ja tako malo brezosebno, pa to.

ON2: Zakaj brezosebno?

ONA2: A se tebi ne bi zdelo malo brezosebno, če bi jaz to predlagala?

ON2: Ne, sploh ne.

ONA2: A ne bi imel občutka, da hočem kar na hitro opraviti s tabo?

ONA1: (Se usede nasproti njega.) ON2: Kako na hitro opraviti z mano?

ON1: (Jo pogleda.) ONA2: Ja kar brez slačenja.

ONA1: (Ga pogleda.) ON2: Čakaj, na kaj misliš?

ONA2: Ja, na kaj? Brez pižame. Na kaj bi lahko mislila?

ON2: Jaz sem mislil, da bi se ulegla kar tako oblečena kot sva zdajle. Da se ne bi preoblačla v pižame. Samo to. Preventiva pač. A ne?

ON1: / ONA1: (Povesita pogled.) ONA2: Aja, to. Ja, loh. Meni je v redu.

ON2: Na kaj si pa ti mislila?


ONA1: In zdaj? Kaj bova zdaj?

ON1: Dajva se za začetek malo odpočit, no. Bom razmislil.


ON2: No?

ON1: (Ugasne baterijo.)

ONA2: Greva?

ON2: Ja, pejva.

ONA1: Daj, prižgi jo nazaj, prosim te.

ONA2: No, daj.

ON1: Crknila nama bo.

ON2: Okej. (Stopi proti postelji.)

ONA1: Naj crkne.

ONA2: (Stopi proti postelji.)

ON1: Mogoče jo bova kasneje bolj rabila kot zdaj.


ON2: Kaj zdaj?

ON1: Saj veš, da že crkuje.

Tišina. ONA2: Kako kaj?

ON1: Slaba luč pač.

Tišina. ON2: Na kateri strani boš?

ON1: Malo denarja, malo muzike.

Tišina. ONA2: Meni je vseeno. Kjer hočeš.

ON1: Saj veš.

ONA1: Ja, saj vem.

Tišina. ON2: Meni je tudi vseeno. Ti povej.

ON1: (Prižge baterijo.)

ONA1: (Se nasmehne.)

ON1: (Skomigne z rameni.)

ONA2: Kjerkoli.

ON2: Dobro, bom jaz na levi. V redu?

ONA1: Saj ni treba.

ON1: Saj je v redu.

ONA2: V redu.

ON2: (Se namesti na posteljo.)

ONA2: A odgrnil je pa ne boš?

ONA1: Kje smo imeli pamet priti ON2: Aja. (Se dvigne, odgrne posteljo, se namesti.)

sem noter

Tišina. ONA2: (Se namesti na posteljo.)


ON2: Kaj, a je v redu?

ONA2: Jaz bi bila pravzaprav raje na levi.

ON2: Ja, v redu. Ni problema, zamenjajva se. (Se

ONA1: Čigava ideja je sploh bila? dvigne, obhodi posteljo.)

ON1: Simonina, mislim. ONA2: (Se prestavi na drugo stran postelje.) Hvala.

Tišina, ON2: (Se namesti na desno stran postelje.) Ni za kaj. A je boljše?

ONA2: Ja, boljše.

ONA1: Kaj pa naj bi bilo tako zanimivega v tej luknji?

ON1: Jaz še nikoli prej nisem bil v rudniku. Sem hotel pogledat.

ONA1: Ja, saj jaz tudi.


ONA2: A lahko zamenjava blazini?

ONA1: (Se drugače namesti.) ON2: Ja, seveda. Ampak saj sta isti.

ONA2: Nista isti. Tvoja je malo večja.

ON2: Ne, isti sta.

ONA2: Nista. (Pavza.) Mislim, saj če bi rad imel tisto ...

ON2: Ne, ne, meni je vseeno. Samo sta isti.

ON1: (Se drugače namesti.) ONA2: No, saj v bistvu je res vseeno.

ON2: Ne, če hočeš, ti lahko dam to.

ONA2: Ne, kar imej.

ON2: Saj ti jo lahko dam. Meni je res vseeno.

ONA2: Ne, saj meni je tudi vseeno.

ON2: Na, kar mej jo. (Ji ponudi blazino.)

ONA1: (Se drugače namesti.) ONA2: Ne, ne, saj mi je vseeno. Res.

ON2: Vzemi, no.

ONA2: (Vzame blazino.) Hvala, res ne bi bilo treba.

ON1: (Se drugače namesti.) ON2: Ni za kaj.

ONA2: (Mu da svojo blazino.)

ONA1: (Se drugače namesti.) Tišina.

ONA2: Ti, veš kaj ...

ON1: (Se drugače namesti.) ON2: Kaj?

ONA2: Pa sta res isti.

ONA1: Zmatrana sem od tega. Tišina.

ON1: Poskusi malo zaspati.

ONA1: (Se nasmehne. Skrči kolena in nasloni glavo nanje.)

ON1: (Jo gleda.)


ONA2: Napaka je bila.

ONA1: (Dvigne pogled.)

ON2: Kaj?

ON1: (Umakne pogled.)

ONA2: To, vse to.

ON2: Daj, no.


ONA1: Ne morem.

ON1: (Jo pogleda.)

ONA1: (Se nasmehne.)

ON1: (Se nasmehne. Skrči kolena in nasloni glavo nanje.)

ONA1: (Ga opazuje.)

Tišina. ONA2: Kako sva lahko mislila, da to, kar je že leta zavoženo popraviva v enem samem dnevu

ON2: Pa saj ni nič zavoženo.

ONA2: Ah daj, lepo te prosim. Zavoženo.

ON2: Jaz sem mislil, da bo po temle kaj boljše.

ONA2: Jaz tudi. Oprosti.

ON2: Kaj?

ONA2: Oprosti, ne.

ON2: Za kaj?

ONA2: Za to.

ON2: Saj nisi ti –

ONA2: Moja ideja je bila.

ON2: Ne, splet naključij je bil.

ONA2: Ja.


ON1: Kruli mi.

ONA1: Slišim.

ON1: Ne morem spat, če sem lačen.


ON1: (Začne dvigat glavo.)

ONA1: (Nasloni glavo na kolena.)

ON1: (Jo opazuje.) ONA2: Ne bi te smela zvleči sem. Kako bedasto. Bedak ti, bedak jaz. Ti zato, ker počneš stvari kar tja v en dan, jaz pa zato, ker to sem.

ON2: Pa kaj blebetaš? Saj me nisi zvlekla. Saj veš –

ONA2: Ja, vem.

ON2: Kaj?

ONA2: Vem, da si hotel.

ON2: Nisem nameraval tega reči.

ONA2: Ne?

ON2: Ne.

ONA1: Zunaj je krasno. Tišina.

ON1: Ja.

ON2: No?

ONA2: Kaj?

ONA1: Sonce sije.

ON1: Ja.

ON2: A me ne boš vprašala?

ONA2: Kaj?

ONA1: In diši po pokošeni travi.

ON1: Po pečenih ribah.

ONA1: (Se nasmehne.) ON2: Kaj sem hotel reči, ne.

ON1: (Se nasmehne.) ONA2: Ja. No?

ONA1: Solati iz svežih paradižnikov, kumar in paprik.

ON1: Bevandi.

ONA1: (Ga pogleda.) ON2: Ja vprašaj, ne.

ON1: (Se nasmehne.) ONA2: Saj sem te.

Tišina. ON2: Nisi.

ON2: Ne. Nisi. Rekla si »no«.

ONA2: No?

ON2: Ja, kaj? A je to kako vprašanje? »No?«

ONA2: No, kaj si hotel reči?

ON2: Nič. Sem blefiral.

ONA2: A.

ONA1: Kako se nama je lahko to zgodilo? Tišina.

ON1: Neprevidna sva bila.

ONA1: A misliš, da bova ...

ON1: Ne. Uspelo nama bo.

ONA1: Ampak a niso rekli, da v 24urah ...

ON1: Vse bo v redu.

ONA1: To ni fer.


ON2: Sem hotel reči, da te imam rad.

ONA1: (Vstane. ) ONA2: A.

ONA1: (Se pretegne.) Tišina.

ONA2: A še zmeraj?

ONA1: (Se sprehodi gor in dol.) ON2: Mhm.

ON1: (Jo opazuje.) Tišina.

ONA1: (Pogleda v njegovo smer.)

ON1: (Umakne pogled.)

ONA1: (Ga skrivaj opazuje.) ONA2: A se še nisi naveličal?

ON2: Ne. Nikoli.

ONA2: (Se nasmehne.)

ON2: (Se nasmehne.)

ON1: (Gleda v tla. Zase.) To ni fer. To ni fer. To ni fer. To ni fer. To ni fer. /

ONA1: Ej.

ON1: / To ni fer. To ni fer. To ni fer. To ni fer. To ni fer.

ONA1: Nehaj, no.

ON1: Oprosti. Razmišljam.

ONA1: (Se usede.) ONA2: Saj jaz tudi ne.

Tišina. ON2: Vem.

ON1: (Vstane, se sprehaja gor in dol.) ONA2: Ampak to ni dovolj.

ONA1: (Ga opazuje.) ON2: Sem imel priliko opazit, ja.

ONA2: In kaj bova zdaj?

ON2: Ne vem, kaj bova. Vem samo, da te imam rad.

ON1: (Si menca roke in puha vanje.) ONA2: A bi rad ...

ONA1: (Se skrči, roke da pod majico.) ON2: Kaj?

ON1: (Jo pogleda.) ONA2: Pridi sem.

ONA1: (Pogleda stran.) ON2: Ne, saj ...

Tišina. ONA2: Kaj?

ON2: Nočem, da misliš, da ... Saj veš ... Nočem na tak način.

ONA2: Pridi sem, no.

ON1: (Se sprehaja gor in dol.) ON2: (Jo gleda.)

ONA2: (Se nasmehne.)

ON1: (Zase.) To ni fer. To ni fer. ON2: (Se približa.)

To ni fer. To ni fer. To ni fer. To ni fer.

To ni fer. To ni fer. To ni fer. To ni fer.

ONA1: Prosim te, nehaj. Živčno me delaš. Tišina.

ONA1: Usedi se. ON2: (Jo poboža po laseh.)

ON1: (Se namesti na drugem koncu ONA2: (Se nasmehne.)


Tišina. ON2: (Jo prime za dlan.)

ONA1: Lačna sem. In žejna. ONA2: (Ga poboža po dlani.)

Tišina. Tišina.

ONA1: Mogoče pa zunaj dežuje. Mogoče pada topel prijeten dež.

Tišina. ONA2: Kaj pa zdaj?

ON2: Nič.

ONA1: Kaj bi dala, da bi se zdaj lahko Tišina.


Tišina. ONA2: (Se odmakne.)

ONA1: In zebe, jebenti, kako me zebe.

ON1: Zebe pa res ko svinja.

ONA1: Noge imam čisto trde od mraza.

ON1: Ja. Pa roke tudi.

ONA1: In trebuh. Trebuh imam že čisto leden od tega, da si stalno tlačim roke nanj.

ON1: Tudi jaz.

ONA1: Se mi zdi, da mi bodo tudi ritnice kmalu primrznile druga ob drugo.

ON1: (Se nasmehne.)

ON2: Kaj je?

ONA1: Čisto zares.

ON1: (Se nasmehne.) ONA2: Nič.

ONA1: Res, no.

ON1: Saj vem. Ampak nimava kaj, ne.

ONA1: (Ga pogleda.)

ON1: (Jo pogleda.)

ONA1: (Umakne pogled.)


ONA1: Zmrznila bom. Ne morem več.

ON1: Saj bo. Še čisto malo in bo, boš videla.

ONA1: Nehaj že govoriti, da bo, non stop govoriš, da bo. Kaj bo? Nič ne bo.

ON2: Nič?

ONA2: Nič.

ONA1: Stegnila se bova tule. Če ne od tega smrada, pa od mraza. Ti pa ves čas govoriš, da bo. Bo. Nehaj me že imeti za norca.

ON1: Saj te nimam –

ONA1: Potem pa nehaj imeti za norca sebe. Nič ne bo.

ON1: Vse bo v redu. Res.

ONA1: Res?

ON1: Res.

ONA1: Potem ni res tisto 24ih urah?


ONA1: A?


ONA1: A mi lahko odgovoriš?

ON1: Je res.


ON2: Kaj je, no?

ONA2: Nič. Pozabi.

ON2: A sem kaj ...

ONA2: Ne, nisi. Pozabi. Oprosti.

ON2: Saj je v redu. Saj razumem.


ON1: Ampak bo vseeno vse v redu. Dajva se vsaj poskusit malo odpočit.


ON1: Prav?

ONA1: Prav.


ONA2: Meni se zdi, da bi bilo najboljše, da kar zaspiva.

ON2: Dajva, ja.


ON1: (Vstane, se sprehodi gor in dol.)


ON1: (Zase.) To ni fer. To ni fer. To ni fer. To ni fer. To ni fer. To ni fer. To ni fer. To ni fer. To ni fer. To ni fer.


ON1: (Se ustavi. Jo pogleda.) Pejva od tod.

ONA1: Kam?

ON1: Pejva ... Pejva na sprehod.

ONA1: Na sprehod?

ON1: Ja, sam pejva.

ONA1: (Ga pogleda.)

ON1: (Jo gleda.) ON2: Trdega imam, oprosti. Ne morem spati.

ONA1: (Se zasmeji.)

ON1: (Se nasmehne.) ONA2: Ne bi ti bilo treba reči tega.

ON2: Saj ti ne težim, okej? Samo rekel sem.

ONA2: Vem. Zmeraj samo rečeš.

ONA1: To ni fer.


ON1: (Se usede nasproti nje.) ON2: Kaj? A sem ti kaj težil?

Tišina. ONA2: Ne, nisi. A sem jaz tebi?

ON2: Tudi ne.

ONA2: No, potem pa ni nobenega problema. Al kaj?

ON2: Ne. Ni problema. Razen ...

ONA2: Dobro, če zanemarimo to malenkost ...

ON2: Malenkost?

ONA2: Mhm.

ON2: Hvala.

ONA2: Ni za kaj.


ONA1: Kako dolgo, misliš, da je, odkar sva se izgubila?

ON1: Ni tako dolgo.

Tišina. ONA2: Se spomniš takrat –

ON2: Ja, se spomnim.

ONA2: Saj niti –

ON2: Sigurno se spomnim. Daj, ne začet s temi sentimentalnimi reminiscencami, prosim te. Zdaj pa res ni niti čas niti kraj za to.

ONA1: Meni se zdi zelo dolgo.


ONA2: Nikoli ni niti čas niti kraj za to. Kdaj pa je zate čas in kraj za to? Kdaj pa je bil čas in kraj za to? A mi lahko poveš, kdaj je bil zate čas in kraj za to? Za se karkoli pogovorit?

ONA1: Če smo šli noter zjutraj in sva se izgubila, recimo kako uro potem ...

ON1: Prej dve.

ONA1: No, od takrat je pa recimo minilo petnajst ur ...


ON2: Ne gre za ...

ONA2: Za kaj pa gre? Kdaj pa si me poslušal?

ON2: Ah dej, zmeraj te poslušam.

ONA2: A ja, a da me?

ONA1: Ali pa mogoče dvajset.


ON2: Pa saj sva že neštetokrat vse premlela. Ne vem, če bo zdaj kam pripeljalo. Oziroma, če bo kaj pomagalo.

ONA1: Vsaj približno lahko uganeva, koliko je ura.

Tišina. ONA2: Oprosti, ker imaš trdega. Oprosti, ker ti ne nudim optimalne oskrbe.

ON2: Daj, no. Saj je v redu.

ONA1: Ali misliš, da ne?


ON2: Kaj si hotela reči?

ONA2: Ma nič. Brezveze. Saj ne bi nikamor pripeljalo.

ONA1: A misliš, da sta že zunaj?

ON1: (Jo pogleda.)


ON2: A kaj o zabavi?

ONA2: A misliš, da bo kaj pomagalo?

ON2: Kaj o zabavi?

ONA1: A res nimaš več nobene Tišina.


Tišina. ON2: A kaj, kar še nisem slišal?

ONA1: Niti koščka? Tišina.

ON1: (Jo pogleda.) ON2: Dobro, a zdaj imava tlele konflikt, al kaj?

Tišina. ONA2: Kakšen konflikt?

ON2: Ja, ne vem. Zgleda, kot da je konflikt.

ONA2: Nobenega konflikta ni, no. A misliš, da rabiva konflikt?

ON2: Mogoče bi bilo pa potem kaj boljše.

ONA1: Mogoče pa lahko kje najdeva vsaj kaj za pit.

ONA2: Meni se pa zdi, da nama nič več ne more pomagati.

ON1: Poskusi zaspati. Tišina.

ONA1: (Nasloni glavo na kolena.) ON2: O kateri zabavi?

Tišina. ONA2: (Se nasmehne.)

ONA1: Mogoče je pa zunaj noč.

Tišina. ON2: A o ta prvi?

ON1: Sigurno je noč, ja. ONA2: (Pokima.)


ONA1: Ne morem, preveč zebe. (Vstane in začne hoditi gor in dol.)

ON1: Rajši počivaj.

ONA1: Zebe me.

ON1: Po mojem je pametneje, da se ne premikava preveč. Da šparava z močmi.

ONA1: Zebe me, ti pravim.

ON1: Ja.

ONA1: (Hodi gor in dol.) ON2: In?

ONA2: Ma nič.

ON2: No, povej zdaj.

ONA2: Ma nič, sem se samo spomnila ... A ti se še spomniš, kako je bilo?

ON2: Kot da je bilo včeraj.

ONA2: Ja, a ni to smešno? Meni se tudi zdi, kot da je bilo včeraj. Še zdaj natančno vem, da je bil petek in da je bilo dopoldne oblačno in grozno. In da zjutraj nisem spila kave in sem bila potem tečna.

ON2: Mhm.

ONA2: Popoldne je bilo pa prekrasno. Sončno in toplo. Spomnim se, da sem se spraševala, če se boš zvečer pojavil na zabavi. In si se, zagledala sem te takoj, ko sem prišla noter. Se spomniš?

ON1: (Vstane.) ON2: Ja, seveda.

ONA1: A misliš, da naju iščeta?

ON1: Seveda naju iščeta.

ONA1: Kaj pa, če sta tudi onadva kje zaglavila?


ON1: (Stopi proti njej.) ONA2: Cel večer sem te buljila. Kako grozno od mene.

ONA1: (Hodi mimo njega gor in dol.) ON2: Ja, pa saj si imela kaj videt.

ON1: (Se nasloni na steno.) ONA2: No, takrat sem si rekla, da se bom enkrat poročila s tabo.

ON2: In poglej, kako daleč sva prišla.

ONA2: Res. Ti me še opazil nisi, jaz pa sem si rekla, da se bom enkrat poročila s tabo. Kar naenkrat me je prešinilo: S tem moškim se bom jaz poročila.

ON1: (Se usede.)

ONA1: Hoditi pa sploh ne morem več. Pa še glava me je začela bolet.

ONA1: (Se usede. Nasloni glavo na kolena. Si masira sence.)

ON1: (Jo opazuje.) ONA2: Ne na primer: S tem moškim bi se poročila. Ali pa: S tem moškim se hočem poročiti. Ne. S tem moškim se bom poročila.

ONA1: (Se premakne.)

ON2: Po katerem piru je že bilo to?

ON1: (Se premakne.)

ONA2: Ti me pa niti opazil nisi.

ONA1: (Se premakne.)

ON2: Seveda sem te opazil.

ON1: (Vstane.)

ONA2: Niti besede mi nisi rekel.

ONA1: (Se premakne.)

ON2: Ja, pa sem ti. Lahko noč.

ON1: (Naredi nekaj korakov ob steni.)

ONA1: (Ga pogleda.) ONA2: Ja pa lahko noč, no.

ON1: (Pogleda stran.) Tišina.

ONA1: (Pogleda stran.) ON2: Sem rekel.

ON1: (Se usede.) ONA2: Kaj?

ONA1: (Nasloni glavo na kolena.) ON2: Rekel sem: »Lahko noč.« Takrat, na tisti zabavi.

ON1: (Jo opazuje.) ONA2: Aja. Saj res.

ON2: Ja.

ONA2: Ne da bi me opazil.

ON2: Seveda sem te, ves čas sem te gledal.

ONA2: In kaj sem imela oblečeno?

ON2: Spomnim se, da si plesala. Tega se spomnim, ne spomnim se pa, kaj si imela oblečeno.

ONA2: No vidiš, jaz pa še zdaj vem, da si imel uno ta razvlečeno plavo majico. Ki je bila predolga, če mene vprašaš. In svetlo plave kavbojke, ki so ti obupno stale.

ON2: Spomnim se, da si imela spuščene lase in da so se ti lepili na obraz. Pa da si norela na plesišču.

ONA2: Ja, nekaj sem morala početi. Sedel si in pil in kadil in kot da me ni. Bolj ko sem plesala, bolj sem vedela, da se bom enkrat poročila s tabo. Rekla sem si, da se bom poročila s tabo, čeprav se mi je že takrat zdelo, da nisva za skupaj. In potem sem pomislila na to, da mi je čisto vseeno, da se hočem poročit s tabo za vsako ceno. Bedak jaz. Ti si pa sedel in pil in kadil.

ON2: Gledal sem, kako plešeš.

ONA2: In?

ON2: Opazoval sem, kako se premikaš. Kako si brišeš znoj s čela.

ONA2: Ja?

ON2: Kako si oblizuješ ustnice. Kako si popravljaš lase.

ONA2: In to je vse?

ON2: Kako vrtiš boke. Kako migaš z ritjo. Kako ti skačejo joški. To. Zadovoljna?

ONA2: In potem?

ONA1: Ne morem. Ne hoditi, ne spati, ne sedeti, nič. Nič več ne morem. Kako se je to lahko zgodilo? Zakaj se je moralo to zgoditi, ne razumem. A mi lahko, prosim, razložiš, kako sva lahko obtičala tu? Kam sta izginila onadva? Kako sva ju lahko izgubila?

Tišina. ON2: Potem ... Potem sem si predstavljal, kako te fukam do onemoglosti. Kar tam, na plesišču. Bend je nabijal do konca, jaz pa tudi. Bila si voljna, mehka, topla.

ONA1: Mogoče sta že zdavnaj našla pot ven, mogoče sva samo še midva ostala tu noter, živa zakopana. Mogoče naju nikoli ne bosta našla, mogoče naju niti iščeta ne. Mogoče jima še mar ni. Briga ju, samo, da sta na toplem, pa tudi če midva zgnijeva tule.

Tišina. ON2: A je zdaj v redu?

ONA2: Ja, super je.

ONA1: A mi lahko razložiš, kako se je to zgodilo?

Tišina. ONA2: Daj, no. Jaz ti čisto resno govorim. A veš, da sem takrat prvič pomislila na to, da mogoče poroka iz ljubezni celo obstaja? Res. Prav tisti petek. Na tisti zabavi. Tam si sedel in meni se je zdelo, da vem, da sva ustvarjena drug za drugega. Kljub temu, da me nisi niti pogledal. Ko si šel, me je dejansko začelo bolet v prsih. Natančno tukaj. Fizično bolet, zares. Ne lažem. Res me je bolelo v prsih. Tiščalo.

ON2: Na, pa mi je uplahnil. Viš, na koncu koncev mi pa le nudiš optimalno oskrbo.

ONA2: (Se nasmehne.)

ON2: Kdo je že rekel, da noben ne zna moškega tako temeljito spravit ob erekcijo kot poročena ženska?

ONA2: Verjetno kakšna poročena ženska.

ON2: Čisto mogoče.

ONA2: Lahko noč.

ON2: Lahko noč.

ONA1: A lahko vsaj kaj rečeš? Tišina.

ON1: Kaj bi rada, da rečem?

ONA1: Ne vem, odzovi se. Pogovarjaj se z mano. Saj si živ, ali nisi?

ON1: Ne vem. Ne vem, kako se je lahko to zgodilo. In nimam pojma, kam sta izginila. Tavata nekje, tako kot midva. Ali pa sta našla pot ven in zdaj jesta pečene ribe in pijeta bevando. Ne vem. Ne vem niti, koliko je ura. Nič ne vem.

ONA1: A vsaj približno veš, kako globoko sva?

ON1: Niti približno.

ONA1: Nič potem?

ON1: Nič.

ONA1: A je res tisto o 24urah?

ON1: Ja.

Tišina. ONA2: Ej, a ti je res uplahnil?

ON2: Ja.

ONA2: Jaz tudi ne morem spat.

ON2: Pa ne da imaš trdega?

ON1: (Vstane in stopi proti njej.)

ONA1: (Vstane.)

ON1: (Se nasloni ob njej na steno.)

ONA1: (Se nasloni na steno.)

ON1: Vse bo v redu.

Tišina. ON2: Al misliš na to, kako bi se poročila z mano?

ONA1: Ja.

Tišina. ONA2: Ne bi se več poročila s tabo.

ONA1: Samo če me ne bi tako zeblo.


ON2: Sem te pa lihkar hotel zaprosit.

ONA2: Ne bi se poročila s tabo.

ON2: Viš, jaz bi te pa še zmeraj fukal do onemoglosti. Toliko o stanovitnosti.

ONA2: Nagraužen si.

ON2: Ne, zvest.

ONA2: A daj?

ON2: Mhm.


ONA1: A tebe zebe?

ON1: Ja.

ONA1: Samo nimava kaj.

Tišina. ON2: Dotikaš se me.

ONA2: Oprosti. A sem te res...

ON2: Spravila ob erekcijo?

ONA2: Ja.

ON2: Ja. Čisto.

ONA2: Kaj pa tisto do onemoglosti?

ON2: Saj sem te. Takrat na plesišču.

ONA2: Aja.

ON1: O, glej. Tišina.

ONA1: Kaj?

ON1: Kovanec.

ONA1: Kje.

ON1: Tule, glej. (Pobere kovanec. Ga čisti.) U, še ta star dinar. Na.

ONA1: Ne, ti ga imej. Ti si ga dobil. Za željo.

ON1: Za kaj?

ONA1: Za željo. Primi ga v roko, zamiži, zaželi si željo in ga odvrzi.

ON1: In potem se mi bo želja uresničila?

ONA1: Ja, seveda.

ON1: A.

ONA1: Odvržeš ga pa zato, da ga lahko še kdo drugi pobere in tako grejo želje naprej. Želje moraš podariti naprej.

ON1: A.

Tišina. ONA2: Kako dolgo bo še tole trajalo?

ON2: / ONA2: Do onemoglosti. / Do onemoglosti?

ONA2: Potem mi res ne misliš dat?

ON2: Nehaj. Zdaj pa res nehaj.

ONA2: Lahko noč?

ON2: Ja.

ONA2: Nimaš trdega?

ON2: Imam.

ONA2: A potem boš lahko spal?

ON2: Bom poskusil.

ONA2: Lahko noč.

ON2: Lahko noč.

ONA1: Daj no. Tišina.

ON1: Kaj.

ONA1: Željo.

ON1: Aja. (Zamiži in odloži kovanec.)


ONA1: (Se usede.)

ON1: (Jo gleda.)

ONA1: (Nasloni roke na kolena, glavo pa na roke. Gleda predse.)

ON1: (Jo gleda.)

Tišina. ON2: Ti ...

ON1: (Se obrne s hrbtom proti njej in ONA2: A?

sprehodi do stene.)

ONA1: (Ga gleda in hitro pobere kovanec.)

ON2: A spiš?

ON1: (Se obrne.) ONA2: Ja.

ON2: A.

ON1: (Počepne.) ONA2: Ne. Saj ne.

ON2: A.

ON1: Jaz bi vseeno poskusil iti še malo naokoli.

ONA1: Pa da spet prideva sem?

Tišina. ONA2: No?

ON1: (Se usede na tla.)

ON1: (Iztegne noge.) ON2: Kaj?

ON1: (Nasloni glavo na zid. Zamiži.) ONA2: Kaj si hotel?

ONA1: (Ga pogleda.) ON2: Ah, nič. Nič pomembnega.

ONA1: (Zamiži, odvrže kovanec, ki zažvenketa.)

ON1: A si slišala?

ONA1: Kaj?

ON1: (Posluša.) A nič.

Tišina. ONA2: Kaj, no?

ON2: A se res ne bi več poročila z mano?

ONA2: Ja. Ne. Ne vem. Ne vem, če se ne bi. Če bi se.

ON2: Potem res misliš, da je zavoženo?

ONA1: (Vstane.)

ONA2: Ne vem. Ti res misliš, da ni?

ONA1: (Začne poskakovati.) ON2: Jaz upam, da ni.

ONA2: Res?

ON2: Res.

ONA1: Zebe, zebe, zebe. ONA2: (Se nasmehne.)

ON1: (Jo gleda.) Tišina.

ONA1: (Menca dlani in puha vanje.)

ON1: (Vstane in stopi proti njej. ) ON2: (Jo poboža po laseh.)

ON1: (Prime njene dlani v svoje roke in jih podrgne.)

ONA1: (Se nasmehne.) ONA2: (Se nasmehne.)

ON2: Kaj pa, če bi vseeno...

ONA2: Ja, ne vem. Lahko bi. Končno ljudje to počnejo, al kaj?

ON1: (Spusti njene roke.) ON2: A si prepričana?

ON1: Boljše?

ONA1: Ja. ONA2: Ja.

Tišina. Tišina.

ONA1: Hvala.

ON1: Ni za kaj.

ONA1: Še noge.

ON1: (Se nasmehne.)

ONA1: Ne, sem mislila ... Nisem mislila, da mi ... Sem hotela reči, da si moram zdaj ogreti še noge.

ON1: Aja.

ONA1: Ja, ja.

ON1: Sicer bi si začel še kaj domišljat.

ONA1: Ne, ne.

ON1: (Se usede.) ONA2: A si ti prepričan?

ONA1: (Se usede.) ON2: Ja. Mislim, da ja.

ONA1: (Se sezuje.) ONA2: Kaj potem?

ONA1: (Si masira noge.) ON2: Lahko poskusiva, no.

ON1: (Jo gleda.) ONA2: Ne moreva poskusiti, če nisi prav prepričan.

ON2: Pa saj sem. Dajva se dol.

ONA2: Ja. Dajva. Kako pa bova?

ONA1: (Si masira noge. Ga pogleda.) ON2: Ne vem, bova improvizirala.

ON1: (Se premakne.) ONA2: Okej. Potem pa dajva, no.

ON2: A kar takoj?

ONA2: Ja, al kaj?

ON2: Ja, lahko tudi.

ONA2: Al ti bi raje, da še malo počakava?

ON2: Mogoče. Malo.

ONA1: (Hitreje masira noge.) ONA2: Okej.

ON1: (Jo pogleda.) Tišina.

ONA1: (Še hitreje masira noge.) ON2: Ti...

ONA2: Nisi več prepričan?

ON2: Nisem.

ONA1: Tako. Zdaj bo boljše. Kaj bi lahko še naredila, da se ogrejem?

ON1: Sezuj si nogavice in jih daj na trebuh ali pa pod pazduho, da se ogrejejo. Potem pa se obuj nazaj.

ONA1: Super ideja.

ONA1: (Si sezuje nogavice.) ONA2: A misliš, da bi to kaj spremenilo?

ONA1: (Jih da pod majico pod pazduho.) ONA2: Da bi bilo potem jutri kaj drugače?

ON1: (Jo gleda.) ON2: Ne vem.

ONA1: U, jebenti, so mrzle. U jebenti.

ON1: (Se nasmehne.)

ONA1: (Ga pogleda.)

ON1: (Se zresni. )

ONA1: (Se nasmehne.)

ON1: (Se nasmehne.)

ONA1: (Si masira noge.) ONA2: A je to tebi sploh pomembno?

ON1: (Jo opazuje.) ONA2: A si želiš, da bi se kaj spremenilo?

ON2: Zakaj misliš, da sem tu?

ONA2: Zakaj si tu?

ON2: Če bi mi bilo vseeno, ne bi bil. Seveda mi je pomembno.

ONA2: Kaj pa najini otroci? So ti pomembni?

ON2: Ko ti začneš ... Seveda so mi pomembni. Čez vse so mi pomembni. Kaj imajo otroci zdaj s tem?

ONA2: Tako. Samo vprašam. Men se zdi, da majo otroci vse s tem.

ON2: Pozabi. Dajva spat.

ONA2: Po mojem ne bova več spala.

ON2: Lahko pa tudi kakšno rečeva, no.

ONA2: Ja, lahko bi se kaj pogovarjala.


ONA1: A tebe ne zebe?

ON1: Me.

ONA1: Zakaj pa ...

ON1: Pa saj ni tako hudo.

Tišina. ON2: No?

ONA1: Zdaj menda bo.

ONA1: (Se obuje.) ONA2: Se ne morem spomniti nič pametnega.

ON2: O čem bi se pa rada pogovarjala?

ONA1: (Se skrči.)

ON1: (Jo opazuje.) ONA2: Ne vem. Ti izberi.

ON2: Meni je vseeno.

ONA1: (Ga pogleda.)

ON1: (Vstane. Se obrne proti steni.) ONA2: Meni tudi. Ti povej.

ONA2: (Ga opazuje.) ON2: Kaj pa vem. Kaj si nazadnje videla v kinu?

ON1: (Nasloni roke na steno, ONA2: Ah daj, lepo te prosim, o filmih pa se že

glavo na roke.) ne bova pogovarjala. Bova takoj v konfliktu.

ONA2: (Ga opazuje.) ON2: Imaš prav. Pa ti izberi, no.

ONA2: A res lahko?

ON2: Ja, seveda.

ONA2: Karkoli?

ON2: Samo ne o otrocih.

ONA: Zakaj ne?

ON2: Ja, ne bova o otrocih. Sem sva prišla, da bi si vzela čas za naju dva, dajva se pogovarjat o naju dveh, ne o otrocih.

ONA1: (Vstane.) ONA2: Daj, no.

ON2: Karkoli drugega.

ONA2: Karkoli?

ON2: Ja, karkoli.

ON1: (Se obrne.)

ONA1: (Stopi proti njemu.) ONA2: Bi te pa res nekaj rada vprašala. Mi boš odgovoril?

ON2: Vprašaj že.

ONA2: Veš, kaj me že dolgo zanima? To, s tvojo ljubico.

ON2: Daj, no.

ONA2: Si rekel, da –

ON2: Kaj z njo?

ONA2: Kako si lahko to tako zlahka počel?

ON2: Saj ni tako zlahka. Logistika mora šibat tristo na uro. Ni zlahka, verjemi.

ON1: Je boljše?

ONA1: (Prikima.)

ONA2: Daj no, saj veš, kaj sem mislila.

ON2: Pa ne vem. Zgodi se in potem ...

ONA2: A te nič ne peče vest?

ON2: Ja, saj se bičam ob vsaki priliki. A misliš, da tu notri nič ne bije, al kaj?

ONA2: Zakaj pa si to počel?

ON2: Ne vem, zakaj. Zato, da mi ni dolgcajt. Zakaj misliš?

ONA2: A ne moreš biti preprosto zvest?

ON2: Kdo pa pravi, da nisem zvest?

ONA2: Čakaj zdaj ... Resno te sprašujem.

ON1: Kaj pa glava?

ONA1: Glava boli. Vedno bolj, se mi zdi. To bo od lakote in žeje.

ON1: (Se nasloni na steno.)

ON2: Kako moreš postavljati tako neumna vprašanja?

ONA2: No, če je tako, potem mi pa, prosim, povej, zakaj ti je zdaj nenadoma –

ON1: Saj bo, boš videla. Vse bo v redu.

ONA1: (Se usede.) ON2: Nehaj. Nehaj zdaj.

ONA2: Povej mi.

ON2: Preveč premišljuješ o teh stvareh. Ne smela toliko razmišljati. Resno mislim. Stvari pridejo in grejo. Vzemi jih take, kot so.

ONA2: In kaj delava tukaj?

ON2: Jemljeva stvari take, kot so.

ONA2: Aja.


ONA1: Kaj zdaj?

ON1: Daj se še malo odpočij in potem greva naprej.

ONA1: Prav. Če misliš ...

ON1: Ja. Jaz bi šel ta cajt malo pogledat naokoli.

ONA1: Ne!

ON1: Pa saj se ne bom ...

ONA1: Ne! Ne hodi, prosim te.

ON1: No, bom tu počakal. Ampak bi vsaj ugasnil luč.

ONA1: No, prav.

ON1: (Ugasne baterijo.)

ONA2: Ne bi smela priti sem.

Tišina. Tišina.

ONA1: Ej.

ON1: Kaj?

ONA1: Jaz ne morem počivat.

ON1: Kaj je?

ON2: Želim si te.

ONA1: Strah me je.

ON1: (Prižge baterijo.)

ONA2: Vem.

ONA1: Ne, pa saj ni to.

ON1: (Ugasne baterijo.)

ONA2: Tudi jaz si tebe želim.

Tišina. Tišina.

ONA1: Bojim se, da bi zaspala. Da bi zmrznila. A ne ljudje zmrznejo v spanju?

ON1: Ne boš zmrznila.

ONA1: Ampak ni nič boljše. Zmeraj slabše je, se mi zdi.

Tišina. ONA2: Samo ne moreva. Res ne moreva. Ne bi bilo prav.

ON2: Ja, saj vem.

ONA2: Res ne smeva. Ni prav.

ON2: Vem, vem. Oprosti, ker sem spet načel.

ONA2: Saj je v redu. Ti oprosti, ker jaz težim.

ON2: Saj ne težiš, saj imaš prav.

ONA1: To ni fer. Tišina.


ON1: (Prižge baterijo. Vstane. Stopi proti njej.)

ONA1: (Se še bolj skrči.)

ON1: (Se ustavi. Gre v drugo smer.)

ONA1: (Gleda za njim.) ON2: A misliš, da onadva vesta?

ON1: (Se s čelom nasloni na steno.) ONA2: Ne vem. Ne razmišljam o tem.

ONA1: (Ga opazuje.) ON2: Meni se zdi, da on ve.

ONA2: Mogoče. Meni se zdi, da tudi ona ve. Saj verjetno oba vesta.

ON2: Najbrž res, ja.

ON1: (Se obrne.) Tišina.

ONA1: (Pogleda v drugo smer, preden jo on opazi.)

Tišina. ONA2: Kako je sploh prišlo do te ideje? Kdo se je prvi spomnil teh 24ur?

ON2: Ti.

ONA2: Ne, ti si takrat rekel, da razmišljaš, kako bi bilo, če bi ukradla življenju 24ur. Natančno tako si se izrazil. Ukradla življenju 24ur.

ON2: Ja, samo ti si pa za hotel kriva.

ONA2: Ne, splet naključij je kriv za hotel.

ON2: Ja, no.

ONA1: Res neznosno smrdi. Tišina.


ON1: (Se prestopi.)

ONA1: (Vstane.)

ON1: (Počepne.)

Tišina. ONA2: A ti kdaj pomisliš, kako bi se počutil, če bi zvedel, da se gre tvoja žena kaj takega?

ON2: Ona se ne bi šla kaj takega.

ONA2: Ja. Ona bi se dala dol, pa bi bilo rešeno.

ON2: (Se nasmehne.)

ONA1: In glavobol kar ne neha.


ONA2: Kaj, a misliš, da ne?

ON2: Kaj pa ti misliš? Za tvojega?

ONA2: Ne vem. Ne razmišljam o tem. Če pa že razmišljam, mislim, da se tudi on ne bi šel kaj takega. Kaj pa naj drugega mislim? A ni vseeno, kaj mislim?

ON2: Ja, saj v bistvu je prav vseeno.


ONA1: (Ga pogleda.) ONA2: Mogoče bi pa kljub vsemu ... Če sva že tu ...

ON1: (Pogleda v tla.) ON2: Ne.

ONA1: (Vstane.) ONA2: Ne?

ON1: (Dvigne glavo.) ON2: Ne bi bilo prav. Res ni prav.

ONA1: (Se pretegne.) ONA2: Ja, ja. Oprosti


ONA1: (Se pomasira po hrbtu.) ONA2: Ampak ... Zakaj sva sploh prišla sem?

ON1: (Jo gleda.) ON2: Ne vem, saj ne vem. Pusti pri miru. Pozabi.

ONA1: (Počepne.) ONA2: Ja, imaš prav. Pozabiva.

ON1: (Vstane.) Tišina.

ONA1: (Ga pogleda.)

ONA2: Samo vseeno ne razumem. Okej, razumem pri sebi. Recimo. Ampak ti si nekako vajen tega, zakaj ...

ON1: (Hodi gor in dol.) ON2: Nisem vajen. Tole je drugače. Ni vsako varanje varanje. In ja, po mojem bi bilo jutri vse drugače.

ONA1: (Ga pogleda.)

ON1: (Gleda predse.)

ONA2: Misliš, da zdaj ne bo drugače?

ON2:Ja, saj imaš prav, ja.

ONA2: In kje je potem tu problem?

ON2: Ja, saj ga res ni. Saj v bistvu sploh ni problema.

ON1: (Se usede.)

ONA1: (Se usede.)


ON2: Samo vseeno ...

ONA2: Kaj, no?

ON2: Saj vem, da ni nobene logike. Ampak v bistvu si imela prav. Ne bi bilo pošteno. Zaradi nje in zaradi njega, predvsem pa zaradi otrok. In zaradi naju dveh tudi. Saj verjetno se bom jutri tolkel po glavi in si dopovedoval, da sem butelj, ampak zdaj, ta moment, se mi zdi res narobe, no.

ONA2: Kaj pa vse tisto prej? A tisto je bilo prav?

ON2: Kaj?

ONA2: Ja, vse. Vse, kar naju je pripeljalo do tega, da sva se zmenila za teh 24ur. A to ni bilo narobe?

ON2: Ja pa ne. Odvisno s katerega vidika gledaš.

ONA2: S katerega vidika ti gledaš?

ON2: Lej, saj ne mislim, da bom zdaj s tem karkoli popravil, ampak vsaj slabše ne bo. Vsaj ne bom še bolj zajebal. To je pa tudi nekaj. Al kaj?

ONA2: Ma veš kaj, bolj kot si, sploh ne moreš več zajebat.

ON2: Kaj pa vem, pusti me pri miru.


ONA1: To ni fer. To ni fer. To ni fer. To ni fer. To ni fer. To ni fer. To ni fer.

Tišina. ONA2: A greva domov?

ON2: Kaj me zdaj zajebavaš?

ONA2: Saj te ne zajebavam. Lahko bi šla domov in vse lepo po pravici povedala in bi bilo prav. In pošteno, nenazadnje.

SPAM15: We are heading into an interesting week.

ON2: Ja, lahko bi naredila tudi to.

ONA2: Ampak, če sva že tu ...

ON2: Ja. Če sva že tu, lahko vsaj še en pir rukneva.

ONA1: Smrt upihne svetilko.

ON1: Kaj?

ONA1: Smrt upihne svetilko.

ON1: Vžigalico.

ONA1: Tudi.

Tišina. ONA2: Ja, pa dajva, no.

ON2: / ONA2: A boš ti šla ... / A boš ti šel ...

ONA1: Kaj zdaj? ON2: (Se nasmehne.)

ON1: Nič. ONA2: (Se nasmehne.)

Tišina. ON2: / ONA2: Daj ti.

ONA2: (Se smeji.)

ON2: (Se smeji.)

ONA2: Bom jaz.

ON2: Prav.

ONA2: (Dobavi pivo.)

ON2: Na kaj bova nazdravila?

ONA2: Ja, dajva na naju.

ON2: Na prijateljstvo?

ONA2: Ja. Na prijateljstvo, kaj pa drugega.

ONA1: (Vstane.) ON2: (Se nasmehne.)

ON1: (Položi dlan na tla.) ONA2: (Mu ponudi pivo.)

ONA1: (Si drgne dlan ob dlan in ON2: (Vzame pivo in jo poboža po roki.) Hvala.

piha vanje.)

ON1: (Kroži z dlanjo po tleh.) ONA2: Ni za kaj.


ONA1: (Drgne z dlanmi po bedrih.)

ONA2: Bedno. Kako si beden.

ON2: Kaj?

ONA2: Beden si. In jaz sem tudi. Oba sva.

ON1: (Vedno počasneje kroži z dlanjo ON2: Bedak ti, bedak jaz. Al kako že gre tista tvoja?

po tleh in opazuje svoje početje.)

ONA2: Za kaj sploh gre tukaj?

ONA1: (Vedno hitreje drgne z dlanmi po bedrih.)

ON2: Ne vem. Sam ... Je pa dobro vedeti, da nismo živali.

ONA2: (Se nasmehne.)

ON2: Tak patetičen bednež sem, res ne vem, kaj vidiš na meni.

ONA2: Ja, kaj? Telo, ritko ...

ON2: Ja. Paše. Še dej.

ON1: (Vstane.)

ONA1: (Hodi.)

ON1: (Hodi v drugo smer.) ONA2: In oči. Sploh ne švoh. In te tvoje roke ... In veš kaj me naredi vso voljno, mehko in vlažno?

ON2: Misliš - toplo?

ONA2: Ja, no. Veš kaj?

ON2: Ne.

ONA2: Te zanima?

ON2: Seveda me.

ONA2: Gubice ob ustih.

ON2: A ja?

ONA2: A veš, takrat, na zabavi?

ON2: Ja?

ONA1: (Se nasloni na steno.)

ON1: (Se nasloni na steno na drugem koncu prostora.)

ONA2: Tri dni nisem mogla spati.

ON2: Ja, si rekla.

ONA2: Samo veš, zakaj?

ON2: Saj se redno gledam u špegu, kaj ne bom vedel.

ONA2: Samo veš, zakaj?

ON2: Saj se redno gledam u špegu, kaj ne bom vedel.

ONA1: (Z nogo zarisuje v tla in opazuje svoje početje.)

ONA2: Sem mislila samo na to, kako se dotikam tvojih gubic ob ustih. Kako božam tvoje lice s svojim. Kako poljubljam te tvoje gubice. Ne, da se poljubljava. Da jaz tebe poljubljam po obrazu. Še in še.

ON2: A dej no? Ti prasička. Medtem ko si ležala zraven njega?

ONA2: Ne, medtem ko sem drkala v kopalnici.

ON2: Saj jaz tudi.

ONA2: Si drkal v kopalnici?

ONA1: (Počepne.)

ON1: (Jo pogleda.)

ONA1: (Ga pogleda.)

SPAM7: Not too happy with your life recently?

ON1: (Pogleda v tla.)

ONA1: (Pogleda v tla.)

ON2: Kakorkoli, zdaj je itak prepozno.

ONA2: Kaj?

ON2: Rekel sem, da je itak prepozno.

ONA2: Prepozno za kaj?

ON2: Prepozno za fukat. Nimava zadosti cajta.

SPAM7: Just how often did you recall the times of youth when you could do anything with equal enthusiasm?

Če bi se te zdaj dotaknil, se te ne bi nehal dotikati dolgo dolgo dolgo. Nimava zadosti cajta. Škoda.

ONA2: In kaj vse bi še počel z mano?

ON2: Kaj bi ti, da počnem s tabo?

ONA2: Nič. Jaz bi s tabo počela.

ON2: A daj? In kaj bi počela z mano?

ONA2: Najprej bi se te dotaknila.

ON1: (Se prestopi.)

ON2: Kje?

ONA1: (Vstane.)

ON1: (Počepne.)

ONA2: Najprej bi te pobožala po obrazu.

ONA1: (Se prestopi.) ONA2: Po gubicah.

ON1: (Vstane.)

ONA2: Potem bi božala tvoje lice s svojim.

ONA1: (Se nasloni z rokami na kolena.)

ONA2: Potem bi te poljubila. Po gubicah.

ON1: (Se obrne s hrbtom proti njej.)

ONA1: (Gleda njegov hrbet.)

ONA2: Potem bi prijela tvojo roko in se z njo pobožala po svojem licu. Po ustih. Potem bi te poljubljala po prstih.

ON1: (Se nasloni z glavo na steno.) ON2: In?

ONA1: (Gleda njegov hrbet.) ONA2: Potem bi te začela lizat. Najprej po prstih, pa po roki, potem bi ti slekla majico.

ON1: (Si položi roke pod majico ON2: Ja?

na trebuh.)

ONA1: (Se mu začne približevati po robu prostora.)

ONA2: Potem bi te lizala po trebuhu. Po prsih. Po bradavičkah. Potem pa spet po trebuhu. Po popku, pa malo nižje. Potem bi ti odpela hlače. Počasi bi ti jih slačila in te grizljala po stegnih in mečih.

ON1: (Se obrne.)

ONA1: (Se ustavi.)

Tišina. ON2: In potem?

ON1: Kaj bova?

ONA1: Nič. (Se usede.)

SPAM10: Everything that had seemed like nonsense and the delirious ravings of a purple lights were fluttering.

ON1: Nič. (Se usede.)

Tišina. ONA2: Potem bi šla počasi nazaj gor in bi te še kar lizala in grizljala. Medtem ko bi te lizala čisto pri vrhu stegna, bi ti šla z roko počasi čez gate. In potem še enkrat. In potem ...

ONA1: Kaj bi pa lahko?

ON1: Nič.


ON2: Ja?

ONA2: Potem bi ti dovolila, da me malo ljubkuješ. Čisto malo.

ON2: Bi mi?

ONA2: Mhm. Po trebuhu. In vratu. In joških. In potem bi te poljubila na usta. In te ne bi spustila, dolgo, dokler se ti ne bi prisesala na tiča. In potem bi dolgo dolgo dolgo sesala tvojega tiča.

ON2: Dolgo dolgo dolgo?

SPAM4: Gluttony kills more than a sword.

ON1: Čeprav ...

ONA1: Kaj?

ON1: Ma nič.

Tišina. ONA2: Dolgo dolgo dolgo.

ON2: In?

ONA2: In potem bi se usedla nate. In bi te čisto počasi vlekla vase. Dokler se ti ne bi začelo mešat od tega. In potem ... Potem bi bil pa ti na vrsti, da kaj počneš z mano.

SPAM4: Her feet go down to death; her steps take hold on hell.

ON2: A.

SPAM12: Why should you join the fastest growing dating site around? If over 13,000,000 members with photos do not grab you, does this: Free to - contact members, Free to - receive and read e-mails from members, Free to - reply to e-mails from members, Free to - create your own personality profile, Free to - use the compatibility matching system and view photos. No credit card required.

ONA2: Mhm.

ON2: Kaj pa, če ne bi hotel?

ONA2: Nič, potem mi ne bi preostalo drugega, kot da ti ga še malo povlečem. In da se spet malo usedem nate. In ga spet malo povlečem.

SPAM4: A Good Example is the Best Sermon.

In tako naprej do onemoglosti. Dokler me ne bi prosil, naj te pustim pri miru.

ONA1: Oprosti, ker tečnarim.

ON1: Ti oprosti, ker ne znam pomagat.

ONA1: (Se nasmehne.)

ON1: (Se nasmehne.)

Tišina. ON2: Aha. Samo nimava več cajta, ne?

ONA2: Nimava. Človek si mora za te zadeve vzeti cajt. (Pavza.) Saj vendar nismo živali, al kaj?


SPAM4: Better to aim high and miss, than to aim low and reach target!

ON2: A se nimava fajn?

ONA2: Ja.


ON1: Ampak je bila res bedasta ideja.

SPAM14: Dear Simona! A secret conduit of magic, miracles and protection that very few can access is just a step away from you! Your life is going to change within seven days if you forward this to seven different persons within 24hrs. If you don’t follow our directions, your luck will turn against you.

ONA1: (Si drgne roke in piha vanje.) ONA2: Kaj si pričakoval, da se bo zgodilo tukaj?

ON1: Priti v ta rudnik, mislim.

SPAM4: He that stays in the valley shall never get over the hill!

ONA1: (Nasloni glavo na kolena.) ON2: 24ur nenadjebivega fuka.

ON1: (Jo opazuje.) ONA2: No, nekaj ur pa vseeno še imava.

Tišina. ON2: Ja. Imava.


SPAM15: AGAO Volume Jumps 500 % In Trading Today!

SPAM4: A fair exchange is no robbery.

ON1: Gremo za zaključek pogledat še zapuščen rudnik.


SPAM15: Recent news releases are generating growing interest in AGAO!

ON1: Vrhunec vikenda, res.


SPAM16: Should we leave Iraq? Dear Simona, tell us your opininon and receive $500 cash!

Participation required.

SPAM4: A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

ON1: Ona je govorila tako suvereno, jaz sem mislil, da res pozna tole katakombo.


SPAM1: Do you remember all the times when you said to yourself you would do anything to get rid of this horrible fat? Fortunately, now no major sacrifice is necessary. With Anatrim, the ground-breaking pound-melting blend, you can get a healthier lifestyle and become really thinner.

ON1: Ti tudi?


ON1: Al ne?


ON1: A?


ON1: [Ime igralke, ki igra njo.]?


ON1: [Ime igralke, ki igra njo.]?


ON1: Ej!


ONA1: Kaj?

ON1: Zakaj mi pa ne odgovarjaš?

ONA1: Zadremala sem.

SPAM2: Good day to you, Sir! Younger and older males face this difficulty. Whatever your age, you have the answer. Results are guaranteed with Extra-Time, the number one solution for any male. Imagine how your life will improve if you stopped being reproached for premature creaming once and for all. Make your equipment suit the task - and she'll worship you for that!

ON1: A. Oprosti.

ONA1: Nič. Saj ...

ON1: Joj, oprosti.

SPAM5: In our store you can buy replicas of watches and other brands. They look and feel exactly like the real thing. Get the Finest Replicas - All Time Classics, Exquisite Rolex Replica, Superb Quality watch.

Kar spi naprej.


ONA1: (Nasloni glavo na kolena.) ONA2: Ti, dajva spat. Vsaj za kako uro. Jutri bo naporno.

ON1: (Jo pogleda.) ON2: Okej.

SPAM7: Increased weight, less energy, bad mood and wrinkles on your face? Regenesis HGH is here to help you give your body a youth bonus. Smoother skin, thicker hair and better life. Everything in you will improve with growth hormone.

ONA2: Ajde, lahko noč. Zdaj pa zares.

ON2: Ne morem spat, saj sem ti rekel.

ONA1: (Se premakne.) ONA2: Pa zdrkaj si ga, no.

ON1: (Vstane.) ON2: Ja, to bi pa res lahko.

ONA1: (Se premakne.) ONA2: V kopalnici, sem mislila.

ON1: (Stopi k njej.) ON2: A ne bi poskusila vsaj zvadit scenarija?

SPAM3: Enjoy! Take control over your male body image. This delivers amazing results and makes your dearest limb bigger and better-working!

ONA1: (Ga pogleda.) ONA2: (Se nasmehne.)

ON1: Oprosti še enkrat. ON2: (Se nasmehne.)

SPAM4: Distance makes the heart grow fonder.

ONA1: Saj ... ONA2: Saj ...

SPAM4: Better to live on a corner of the roof than share a house with a quarrelsome wife.

ON1: (Začne počasi hoditi ob steni.) ON2: Kopalnica?

ONA1: (Ga gleda.) ONA2: Mhm. Zdaj boš vsaj lahko.

SPAM3: Act while others wait! Increase your confidence to enormous levels! Our product gives you noticeable increases in month or even weeks. Just think how you would enjoy the new-found confidence and the feeling of power. Are you ready to become king among all the males around? You will right after the results come! Put aside any doubts and stuff, this terrific product for smart males really does what you need!

ON1: (Se obrne, hodi ob drugi steni.) ON2: A misliš, da prejle ne bi mogel?

ONA1: (Nasloni glavo na kolena.) ONA2: Ja, ampak zdaj boš lažje, ne.

ON1: (Hodi in jo gleda.) ON2: Čisto vseeno je.

SPAM5: We only sell premium watches. There's no battery in these replicas just like the real ones since they charge themselves as you move. The second hand moves JUST like the real ones, too. These original watches sell in stores for thousands of dollars. We sell them for much less.

ONA1: (Se premakne.) ONA2: Kako čisto vseeno?

ON1: (Se obrne, hodi ob drugi steni.) ON2: Ja, ne rabim kakšne posebne spodbude.

ONA1: (Ga gleda.) ON2: A ti jo rabiš? (Pavza.) Aja. Ne, jaz ne rabim misliti na nič. Pr ženskah je to verjetno drugače.

ONA2: Kaj - to?

ON2: To, z ...

ONA2: Drkanjem?

SPAM4: Charity begins at home.

ON2: Ja. Z drkanjem.

ONA2: Zakaj?

ON2: Ja, zato pač.

ON1: (Se ustavi. Jo pogleda.) ONA2: Povej mi, no.

SPAM6: Need the software but hate the full retail price? OEM and DSP software will help your situation! We have all you need!

ONA1: (Nasloni glavo na kolena.) ON2: Jaz ne rabim misliti na kaj. Je bolj, kako naj se izrazim, fizično. Tako.

ON1: (Se usede.) ONA2: Kako fizično? Seveda je fizično, ampak na nekaj pa moraš misliti, al kaj?

ONA1: (Se premakne.) ON2: Ne, ni treba. Samo roka na ...

ON2: / ONA2: - tiču -

ON1: (Se premakne.) ON2: - ja, ki se premika gor pa dol in to je to.

SPAM12: More marriages than any other dating company. Proprietary compatibility matching technology. Takes less than 30 seconds to create an account.

SPAM10: CHICAGO, Illinois (AP) -- Teens whose iPods are full of music with raunchy, sexual lyrics start having sex sooner than those who prefer other songs, a study found

SPAM2: Have you ever wished to have more intense final? Show your girl a huge explosion as I used to do. Worried it won't work? The prices are the cheapest on the market and the quality is really high!

ONA2: A ja?

ON2: Ja. Pri moških je to drugače. Mogoče tudi pride z leti, kaj pa vem.

ONA1: (Se premakne.) ONA2: Potem ti nič ...

SPAM4: A penny saved is a penny earned.

ON2: Ne. Ni potrebe.

SPAM13: Want today's hottest ring-tones? Sick of the way your phone sounds? Choose from thousands of the hottest ring-tones we offer you!

Še posebej pa ne gre za kakšna čustva pa to. Ni potrebe po fantaziranju. Po razmišljanju. Stvar fizisa ... mehanike, a razumeš?

SPAM14: Dear Simona, on Tuesday next week everything changes for the better in your life! Money, love, bussines. Total success and satisfaction in everything within the reach of your hand!

ON1: (Se premakne.) ONA2: A.

Tišina. Tišina.

ONA1: Ne morem spat.

ON1: Oprosti.

ONA1: Ja.

ON1: Res nisem hotel.

ONA1: Ja.


ON1: (Si menca roke.) ON2: Mislim, da tudi na splošno moški gledamo na seks drugače. Seks je bolj kot ... šport. A veš, kaj mislim?

SPAM2: Have you ever wanted to impress your girl? But some of us think it’s impossible. Buy it now – and this night will be the best in your life. My penis is always hard and is able to move without interruption!

ONA2: Se mi zdi, da se mi svetlika, ja.

ON2: No. Vznemirljiv je, fajn, koristen, ča lahko to rečem. Ampak je podobno kot s fuzbalom. Če v sredo zvečer ne morem it, pač ne grem. Škoda, ampak, tako je.

SPAM1: Achieve picture perfect weight and enjoy life!

ONA2: No, potem pa sploh ni problema.

ON2: Ne. Ni problema, saj ti pravim, da ga ni.

ONA1: Neznosno smrdi. Tišina.

ON1: Mhm.

Tišina. ONA2: Pri ženskah pa ne gre toliko za šport, se mi zdi.

ON1: (Puha v dlani.) ON2: Ja, vem. Saj to pravim.

ONA2: Ja. Pri ženskah je bolj stvar ... Kako bi se izrazila ...

ON2: Saj vem. Saj to je čisto naravno.

ONA1: Slabše kot v greznici.

SPAM4: If you lie down with the dogs, you'll stink in the morning.

ONA2: Kako misliš?

SPAM4: The nearer the bone the sweeter the meat.

ON2: Ja, ženska na drugačen način funkcionira, ne.

ON1: (Se drgne po bedrih.) ONA2: Ja. Pri ženskah je seks bolj stvar osebne higiene.

ON2: Kako to misliš?

ONA2: Ja, enkrat na dan se pač moraš stuširat, ne? Saj razumeš?

ON2: Ne prav.

ONA1: No, saj v bistvu ne vem, kako smrdi greznica.

Tišina. ONA2: Ja, treba je poskrbeti zase, za osebno higieno. Ne moreš zanemariti svojega telesa. In ne smeš.

SPAM1: Amelia B., San Diego: I hate to admit it but I was a junk food addict. I ate all this trash and just could not stop. This misery stopped when I started taking Anatrim! God, my appetite decreased, mood improved and I really started losing weight within first 24 hrs! I can tell you now I'm a happier person!

SPAM4: Time is a great healer.

SPAM1: Maria H., Chicago: I hate to admit it but I was a junk food addict. I ate all this trash and just could not stop. This misery stopped when I started taking Anatrim! God, my appetite decreased, mood improved and I really started losing weight within first 24 hrs! I can tell you now I'm a happier person!

SPAM12: This is a commercial offer.

Victoria K., New York: I hate to admit it but I was a junk food addict. I ate all this trash and just could not stop. This misery stopped when I started taking Anatrim! God, my appetite decreased, mood improved and I really started losing weight within first 24 hrs! I can tell you now I'm a happier person!

ON2: Aja.

ONA2: Ja.

ONA1: A ti veš?

ON1: Kaj?

ONA1: Kako smrdi greznica.

ON1: (Odkima.) ON2: Kaj hočeš reči s tem?

ONA1: (Si menca roke.) ONA2: Nič, samo povedala sem ti.

ON1: (Se drgne po bedrih.) ON2: Prav, hvala za informacijo.

ONA2: Ni za kaj.


ONA1: Od česa si že rekel, da prihaja ta smrad?

ON1: Ja, od –

ONA1: Ne, ne. Saj je v redu, ne mi govorit.

ON1: (Jo pogleda.)

SPAM10: At the end of busy days in his New York production office, Tad Low will sometimes crank the music loud for his staff to take a dance break. One day someone observed, "How hilarious would this be if we did this in the nude?"

ONA1: (Pogleda stran.)

ON1: (Jo gleda.) ON2: Al si hotela kaj namigniti?

ONA1: (Gleda stran.) ONA2: Ne.

Tišina. ON2: Nisi hotela reči, da bi midva potem lahko ... Samo tako, zaradi osebne higiene ...

ONA1: (Vstane. Poskakuje, si drgne ramena in roke.)

ON1: (Puha v dlani in jo gleda.) ONA2: Ne.

ON2: Res?

SPAM10: “Shut up, stupid” she hissed.

ONA2: Res.

ONA1: (Se masira po bedrih in zadnjici.) ON2: Okej.

ONA1: Brrrrrrrrr. Tišina.

ON1: (Vstane. Se razmiguje.) ONA2: Kaj, a bi rad, da bi hotela to namigniti?

ON2: Ja. V bistvu ja.

ONA2: Tako za šport?

SPAM15: Company: AGA RESOURCES NEW. Stock: AGAO. Current Price: $1.95. Buy: Strong.

SPAM2: Wow, you used to cum within 5 minutes!

SPAM4: Lil boy nah climb ladder to turn big man.

ON2: Ja. Zaradi osebne higiene.

ONA1: (Poskakuje, puha v dlani.) ONA2: Ja saj to bi pa mogoče res lahko. Saj s tem ni nič narobe, ne?

ON1: (Se prestopa, menca dlani.) ON2: Mislim, da ne. Če gre res samo za šport, ne.

SPAM15: This one has had nice returns for investors over the summer, and now shows promise to begin a second wave of returns. Positive news releases during the month of June concerning the acquisition of drill sites in British Columbia for precious minerals and the purchase of additional equipment to drill deeper and explore further the drill site potential drove investors to climb on board and pushed this from the $1.20 mark to well over $3.

ONA1: (Poskakuje vedno intenzivneje.) ONA2: Po mojem tudi ne.

SPAM1: Become fit and happy again!

ON1: (Se prestopa, dlani pod pazduho.) ON2: V kolikor gre res samo za to.

SPAM3: Feel Pleasure! You are just a step away from something which will eliminate your most distressing trouble.

ONA1: (Se ustavi.)

ON1: (Se ustavi.)

ONA2: Ja, pa dajva pol.

ON1: (Začne narahlo poskakovati.) ON2: Prav.

ONA1: (Zamahuje z rokami.) ONA2: A misliš, da bo funkcioniralo?

ON2: Po mojem bo, zakaj pa ne bi.

SPAM3: This costs much less than a luxury car - but makes you a lot more confident and attractive. Put aside any doubts and stuff, this terrific product for smart males really does what you need! Up to 3-4 inches of extra length and more pleasure in bed in just a few days!

ONA2: No, pa dajva.

ONA1: Zebe, zebe, zebe, zebe. Tišina.

ON1: (Menca dlani.) ONA2: Kaj zdaj?

ONA1: (Menca dlani.) ON2: Ja, dajva.


ON1: (Puha v dlani.)

SPAM1: Mike Brown, Las Vegas: I had weight problems since a boy. You can't imagine how I hated being mocked at school. I hated the weight and I hated myself. After trying this and that I found out about Anatrim. This stuff literally pulled me out of this nightmare! Thanks and thanks and thanks to you, guys.

Mikkey Fox, San Francisco: I had weight problems since a boy. You can't imagine how I hated being mocked at school. I hated the weight and I hated myself. After trying this and that I found out about Anatrim. This stuff literally pulled me out of this nightmare! Thanks and thanks and thanks to you, guys.

Serge Smith, Bellevue WA: I had weight problems since a boy. You can't imagine how I hated being mocked at school. I hated the weight and I hated myself. After trying this and that I found out about Anatrim. This stuff literally pulled me out of this nightmare! Thanks and thanks and thanks to you, guys.

ONA1: (Puha v dlani.)

ON2: Kaj, a bova?

ONA2: Ja, a boš?

SPAM4: The early bird catches the worm.

ON2: Ja, a ti boš?

ONA2: Ja, ne vem.


ONA1: Zmrznila bom.

SPAM5: Replica Rolex. Full 18K Gold Daytona - $269.00. Yes it's our real prices, over 1000 models just for you! Visit our shop. Satisfaction is guaranteed.

ON1: (Naredi korak proti njej.)

SPAM3: She certainly has fantasies about a large-sized man pleasing her to the full. You'll be dazzled to last for hours and hours with your new stronger, longer bed tool. Visit us!

ONA1: (Se usede. Se skrči.)

ON1: (Se prestopa, dlani pod pazduho.)

SPAM6: These types of software are distributed to manufacturers and system integrators. By purchasing it from us you get the application and the serial number without the retail packaging. Don't be silly to pay thousands or hundreds - you can have the same application for a reduced price!

SPAM7: Feel young again with Regenisis HGH! Human Growth Hormone is produced naturally by your body with the purpose of keeping your system fine and fit. With age the production of this hormone declines. You can stimulate the release of this wonderful hormone into your body with Regenesis HGH! It's natural, safe and effective! Visit us to learn more about the amazing chance to get young again!

SPAM8: upcome

SPAM6: Are you sure that your computer is free from Spyware? Make sure by getting a second opinion with Panda spyXposer, Panda Software's new free online tool for detecting spyware. Even though you may think that your computers are well protected, a second diagnosis is always worthwhile. The new Panda spyXposer® detects spyware that could be hidden on your computers. Totally FREE and as often as you want!

ON2: A se nimava fajn?

SPAM13: Dance to the beat of your cell phone. Choose from the Charts Top songs! Act Now!

ONA2: Ja.


ONA1: Res bom zmrznila.

ON1: (Stopi do nje.)

SPAM4: A crowd is not a company.

ONA1: Nimaš kaj.

ON1: (Začne hoditi gor in dol.)

ONA1: Ne, saj nisem –

ON1: Kaj?

SPAM14: As you already know, there are specific energies and advantages associated with your inner self. You will be very surprised and delighted to find out that you can take advantage of the blessings with a little help of a secret doorway, which connects people to the heavens. It is through this door that certain people, like you, can gain this special power and energy. All you have to do is just to order this amazing Pure 24-karat Gold Key for only four easy installments of $14.95. World wide shipping within 24hrs.

ONA1: Ma nič.


ON1: (Hodi, roke pod pazduho.) ON2: Veš, saj te zadeve v bistvu samo ... kaj bi rekel ... zamegljujejo, ja, zamegljujejo stvari.

SPAM16: Let us pay for a trip to Las Vegas! $1500 Value: $500 Plane Ticket, 2 night hotel stay, 2 show tickets and $250 Cash Card! Participate Now and Vegas is on us! To claim your reward you must participate in our program and meet all of the offer eligibility requirements as outlined in the Terms & Conditions before you can receive your FREE reward. Eligibility requirements include signing up for at least two Silver, Gold and Platinum offers.

ONA2: Katere zadeve misliš?

ON2: Pa to. Nagoni. Telesnost.

ONA2: Kaj hočeš reči s tem?

ON2: To, kar sem rekel.

ONA2: Kaj zamegljujejo?

ON2: Vse. Da si začneš domišljat, da je za tem, da bi nekoga dal dol še en kup enih stvari.

ONA2: A.

ON2: To sem mislil. Dokler si to samo želiš, ne. Saj razumeš, kaj hočem povedati?

ONA2: Potem misliš, da bi bilo boljše, če bi se kar dala dol?

ON2: Ne, mislim, da je najboljše, če to kar odpraviš. Odmisliš, skanaliziraš.

ONA2: Fuzbal v sredo zvečer, misliš?

ON2: Ja.


ONA1: Poskusi še ti narediti isto, kot sem jaz prej.

SPAM5: Do you want a watch? We have 100+ different brands in our selection. Best prices on the market Just For You. Great Discount Live Support Extended Warranty. Free shipping if you order 2 or more. Save up to 85% compared to the cost of other replicas. Standard Features: Screw-in crown, Unidirectional turning bezel where appropriate, All the appropriate Rolex logos, on crown and dial, Heavy weight.

SPAM1: Introducing Anatrim, the ultimate product for weight loss. The greatest thing is that Anatrim improves the quality of your life, making you crave food less, giving you better mood and eliminating the extra weight.

SPAM11: JULIETTE. Age: 20. Height: 1,60. Kg: 50.

Program - Anal: Yes. Oral: Yes. Vaginal: Yes. Kiss: Yes. Realizing fantasies: Yes. Does it with couple: Yes. Place: Hotel. Price: 2400 USD (for 24hrs).

SPAM1: Lean and mean is in!

SPAM10: Blood first welled between lips and then gushed down her chin.

SPAM1: Control your weight and apetite!

ON1: Narediti kaj?

ONA1: Sezuti nogavice pa to.

ON1: Aja. Ja.(Se usede.)

ONA1: (Ga pogleda.) ONA2: Jaz sem enkrat.

ON1: (Se sezuje.) ON2: Kaj?

ONA2: Masturbirala pod tušem.

SPAM2: How to save money? - A woman at the jeweller's: "Sorry that the banknotes are so wet...

My husband was crying hardly when he gave them to me." - Don't give them any money,they are immoderate! You better order Viagra and give her some unbridled sex. Follow my advice, all of them want only wild sex! Visit our pharmacy and make your choice.

ON1: (Si sezuje nogavice.) ON2: Ne? Ti prasica umazana.

ONA2: Mislim ... Ah nič. Pozabi.

ON2: Kaj?

ON1: (Jih da pod majico pod pazduho.)

SPAM12: Are you over 30? Looking for a serious relationship? We can help!

SPAM4: Where there's a will, there's a relative.

ON1: (Si masira noge.) ONA2: Ma brezveze.

SPAM14: Simona, this is your chance to enjoy the benefits of an enormous reserve of extraordinary power, energy and opportunities you'll be able to use to get almost anything you want.

SPAM8: apparent telescopic cursory

SPAM14: For example, you will be able to use this incredible Power and Energy to: Renew and regenerate your body, mind and spirit, Attract money, good fortune and opportunities, Build your luck into great material and financial prosperity, Make sure nothing corrupts or interferes with the prosperity and luck that will come your way, Add richness, meaning and happiness to your life, Eliminate chaos and deceit, by making lies and trickery transparent, Repel and eliminate danger and bad karma, Enjoy a future filled with tons of good fortune and plain old fun. Pure 24-karat Gold!

ON2: Kaj?

ONA2: Enkrat v kopalnici in sem mislila nate.

ON2: A, to.

SPAM14: I'm sure you know, 24-karat Gold is one of the most rare and valuable materials on earth. However, you may not know it is also considered the purest and most magically potent of all metals. It is said that it greatly enhances the magical and spiritual powers of priests, shamans and magi, which is why they have adorned themselves with it since the dawn of history. Pure 24-karat Gold is also one of the basic elements, and cannot be corroded or corrupted in any way and thought of as the most protective.

SPAM8: grandniece fiancee

It is for these reasons, as well as for its incredible beauty that Gold was the material of choice for crafting sacred objects, such as chalices and crosses. This is also why it has been, and continues to be, used in religious ceremonies to this day. But perhaps the greatest reason for acquiring Gold over the last four thousand years is that people wear Gold to increase their own personal power, courage, confidence and willpower. It also has the power to attract wealth. In fact, the expression, 'money attracts money', started out as 'Gold attracts Gold'.

ONA2: Ja, to.

ONA1: Lahko te jaz malo zmasiram. Tišina.

ON1: (Jo pogleda.)

SPAM15: Now in the last week we have had to new releases concerning marketing expansions with New-Element Co. Ltd. one of China's most successful marketing groups, and the appointment of the Mr Wei former CEO of China Mobility Solutions Inc., as the new Chairman Of The Board, and Mr John Hui as the new Vice Chairman.

ONA1: Če hočeš, mislim ...

SPAM8: fogging

ON1: Ne, saj je v redu, bom že.

Tišina. ON2: In kako je bilo?

ONA2: V redu.


SPAM9: You will receive the lowest rate possible in your special circumstance. You can fill out this quick form and be approved within 24 hours!

ONA2: Rabila sem te. Ni te bilo. To je bilo takrat, ko se dolgo nisva videla.

ON2: (Se nasmehne.)

ONA2: (Se nasmehne.)

ON2: Saj jaz sem tebe tudi pogrešal.


ON1: (Se obuje.) ONA2: Jaz ne morem več. Saj nič nočem, ampak ... Samo dotaknila bi se te rada.

ON2: (Se nasmehne.)

ONA2: Ne me napačno razumeti. Res ne morem več.

SPAM1: Tom, Illinois: You know what? Anatrim saved my marriage! I got into this circle, depression - eating more - more depression. My wife was about to leave the overweight psycho I was turning in. One of my friends pointed to your site, and I ordered my pack of Anatrim right away. The results were great, my appetite became normal, I was in a good mood oftener, and of course I went some belt holes back. And you know, the sex became fantastic, too!

Luis, Los Angeles: You know what? Anatrim saved my marriage! I got into this circle, depression - eating more - more depression. My wife was about to leave the overweight psycho I was turning in. One of my friends pointed to your site, and I ordered my pack of Anatrim right away. The results were great, my appetite became normal, I was in a good mood oftener, and of course I went some belt holes back. And you know, the sex became fantastic, too!

Jack, San Francisco: You know what? Anatrim saved my marriage! I got into this circle, depression - eating more - more depression. My wife was about to leave the overweight psycho I was turning in. One of my friends pointed to your site, and I ordered my pack of Anatrim right away. The results were great, my appetite became normal, I was in a good mood oftener, and of course I went some belt holes back. And you know, the sex became fantastic, too!

ONA1: A je boljše? Tišina.

ON1: Ja. Malo. ON2: (Se ji približa.)

Tišina. ONA2: (Se nasmehne.)


ONA2: (Ga poboža po gubicah ob ustih.)

SPAM2: You crave to shoot like a film star. I have done it and I am the best lover for my girl now!

SPAM4: Accidents happen.

SPAM8: fogging

ON2: (Približa svoj obraz njenemu.)

SPAM3: Women say size does not matter, only not to upset you. In fact, it matters a lot! Just imagine your new happy life with more size, more adoration from females and more self-assurance. Visit us!

SPAM8: designate

ONA1: Se mi zdi, da sem malo omotična.ONA2: (Boža njegovo lice s svojim.)

SPAM4: Caught between a rock and a hard place.

ON1: Kako omotična? ON2: (Jo z eno roko boža za ušesom in po vratu.)

ONA1: Tako, ne vem. A misliš, da je od mraza?

ON1: Ne, ni od mraza. ONA2: (Ga poljublja po gubicah ob ustih.)

Tišina. ON2: (Približa svojo drugo roko njeni drugi roki.)

ONA2: (Z drugo roko prime njegovo roko in se z njo poboža po licu, po ustih.)

ONA1: A misliš ...

SPAM7: There is nothing bad in growing older - except for the reduced body resource, declining health and wrinkles. Don't miss your ticket to the train which will drive you to your best years of health and energy! Science has a way to improve your vitality. Feel young again with Regenisis HGH.

ON1: Ja.

Dolga tišina.

ON1: In glavobol ni od lakote. ON2: (Ji gre z roko čez obraz.)

ONA1: Vem. ONA2: (Ga poljublja po prstih.)


SPAM10: It was adrift in a strange strange sky, forgetting, remembering, forgetting; figure out, at any cost, what made one of those empties tick--eat through perfection in that which they most loved to do, and that was to fly.

ONA1: Kako si pa ti?

ON1: Malo se mi vrti.

ONA1: Glava.

ON1: Zaenkrat še ne.


SPAM1: Linda F., Boston: This is wonderful! Instead of watching TV and stuffing myself with food I became more interested in exercise. Anatrim got me on the right track. I am more fit now, and there are lots of men around me!

SPAM8: gendarme clamber chantilly agitation residual incomparable

SPAM1: Tania M., Connecticut: This is wonderful! Instead of watching TV and stuffing myself with food I became more interested in exercise. Anatrim got me on the right track. I am more fit now, and there are lots of men around me!

SPAM4: All you need is love.

SPAM1: Angelina G., Washington: This is wonderful! Instead of watching TV and stuffing myself with food I became more interested in exercise. Anatrim got me on the right track. I am more fit now, and there are lots of men around me!

ONA1: A potem ne bova šla nikamor?

SPAM4: All you need is love.

ON2: (Začne kašljati. Kašlja.)

ONA2: (Ga potolče po hrbtu.)

ON2: (Kašlja. Se davi.)

ONA2: (Ga tolče po hrbtu.) Ej, ej. Kaj je zdaj?

SPAM8: radiometer pier amperage prologue barrack whitetail nursery trilogy hoagy luxuriant.

ON2: (Kašlja.)

ONA2: (Ga tolče po hrbtu.)

ON2: (Kašlja.)

ONA2: A bo? Ej.

ON2: (Kašlja.) Oprosti. (Kašlja.)

ONA2: Saj je v redu.

ON2: (Neha kašljat.)


SPAM9: You can now get $325,000 for as little as $23,6 in 24hrs at as low as 3.75%! We realize many homeowners struggle and that makes it difficult to maintain good credit. But we specialize in poor credit cases- helping you to refinance even with bad credit, helping you lower your monthly burden and build back your credit.

ONA1: A?

SPAM10: He set up the glasses, quickly opened the bottle, and turned to Noonan. Back to back for warmth in a tortured half-sleep on top of the hill, waiting.

ON1: Ne vem.

SPAM11: DENISE. Age: 20. Height: 1,62. Kg: 50.

Program - Anal: Yes. Oral: Yes. Vaginal: Yes. Kiss: Yes. Realizing fantasies: Yes. Does it with couple: Yes. Place: Combinations. Price: 3000 USD (for 24hrs).

SPAM4: Experience is better bought than taught.

Ne vem.

SPAM13: Hi Simona! How much is your trade-in worth? Get a fair trade-in quote for your used car. The new cars are here for 2007 and it’s time to trade your old car in. Find out how much your trade is worth before you visit the dealership. Our trade-in quote is FREE and you're under no commitment to buy or sell.

Mogoče je res najboljše, da počakava kar tu.

SPAM4: No pain, no gain.

ONA1: Ampak če je tu res od povsod, kjer sva bila, najboljši zrak, potem mora biti tudi kak izhod blizu, a ni to logično?

SPAM3: Sensational revolution in medicine! Enlarge your penis up to 10 cm or up to 4 inches! Its herbal solution without side effect, but has 100% guaranteed results! Don’t lose your chance. You will be impressed with results!

ON1: Ja. Ampak saj sem vse pogledal. Ne vem, po mojem je tu v bližini samo kak manj zapacan prezračevalni jašek ali kaj takega.

ONA2: Si v redu?

ON2: Ja, Oprosti, me je kar ...

ONA2: Ja, saj je v redu.


ONA2: Si v redu?

ON2: Ja.


ON2: Ti?

ONA2: Ja.


ONA1: Se pravi, da bova tu mogoče eventuelno morda tudi celo ostala živa nekolikanj malo dlje kot 24ur?

ON1: Ne, ne verjamem. Rekli so, da maksimalno 24ur. Po mojem je ta maksimalno v tej luknji tule.

ONA1: A hočeš reči, da midva zdaj tule počasi –

ON1: Ja.


SPAM14: An Opportunity To Use Your Unique Abilities, Talents and Energies To Reshape Your Future and Destiny. Order Pure Sterling Silver Medallion to fuel its amazing power! Pure Sterling Silver is the most mystically and spiritually powerful material on Earth. It is also the second most protective. In fact, because of Silver's amazing ability to protect and heal, hospital dressings containing silver are used on burns to prevent infections. Pure Sterling Silver also magnifies and intensifies psychic abilities and intuitive perception. Just think how useful this could be to you, Simona, especially if you're looking to live and fulfill your dreams and desires. And, Simona, I am also giving you my lifetime personal guarantee. In order to get this piece into your hands as quickly as possible, just send in $6.95 for shipping and handling and we will send you your Pure Sterling Silver Medallion so you can examine and use it Obligation and Worry Free for 30 days. Then after those 30 days, and only if you choose to keep your Pure Sterling Silver Medallion, your credit card will be billed in four easy installments of only $14.95.

ON2: A misliš ...

ONA2: (Se mu približa.)

ON2: (Se nasmehne.)


ONA2: (Ga poboža po gubicah ob ustih.)

ON2: (Približa svoj obraz njenemu.)

ONA2: (Boža njegovo lice s svojim.)

ON2: (Jo z eno roko boža za ušesom in po vratu.)

ONA2: (Ga poljublja po gubicah ob ustih.)

ON2: (Približa svojo drugo roko njeni drugi roki.)

ONA2: (Z drugo roko prime njegovo roko in se z njo poboža po licu, po ustih.)

ON2: (Ji gre z roko čez obraz.)

ONA2: (Ga poljublja po prstih.)

ON2: (Jo začne božati po telesu.)

ONA2: (Ga začne lizati po prstih.)

ON2: (Jo poljublja po vratu.)

ONA2: (Ga liže po roki.)

ON2: (Jo poljublja za ušesom.)

SPAM16: Simona, you have been chosen! You are the one, you have been chosen, you have earned the right to participate in the official - American Green Card Lottery program. Your name came up in our database as someone who is interested in moving to America. USAFIS Organization is offering an opportunity to participate in this US Government program. More about the Program: Official US Government program, Congress approved, 50.000 people and their families will live and work in the USA, Your chance to become American, Easy online registration and assistance in every step, Double chances for married people. Visit us to register with Usafis organization and be included in this year’s program!

ONA1: Saj mogoče naju pa pobere prej od mraza.

ON1: (Se zasmeji.)

ONA1: (Se zasmeji.)

SPAM4: To the victor go the spoil.

ONA2: Au, au, au, au, au. Au.

ON2: (Se odmakne.)

SPAM7: SAY NO TO DRUGS! If you are always in good spirits, have devoted and cool friends, stunning girlfriend, huge salary, if you never have hang-over and you've never visited a dentist - SAY NO TO DRUGS! It's a joke of course. Our offer is the following: cheap medications, wide range of anti-depresants, 1 minute of your time, full privacy, 100% results! That's all we offer you!

ONA2: Auuuuuuu.

SPAM9: Better Success, wedding day! $200,000 Refinance Home Loan for only $30,5/24hrs! Bad Credit OK!

ON2: Kaj pa je?

ONA2: Krč, krč.

ON2: Kje?

ONA2: Noga, noga.

ON2: Kje?

SPAM10: Headline New from around the world

LEESBURG, Virginia (AP) -- Officials notified parents of nearly 1,000 Girl Scouts that their daughters may have been exposed to rabies at a Virginia camp.

SPAM8: radiometer pier amperage prologue barrack whitetail nursery trilogy hoagy luxuriant

ONA2: Au, au, au.

ON2: (Jo poboža po roki.)

ONA2: Joj, oprosti.

ON2: Boljše?

ONA2: Joj, oprosti.

SPAM1: Brian Depp, Seattle: I tried some passive weight losing, you know, but with little result. This terrible appetite would just kick in and spoil everything. Once I heard about Anatrim in the media, and I rather liked the information. I tried using it, and my wife said I'm a different person now. 30 pounds off and I keep losing them! And you know, the bedroom thing is cool, too.

ON2: Saj je v redu. Je boljše?

SPAM1: Steve Doubt, Boston: I tried some passive weight losing, you know, but with little result. This terrible appetite would just kick in and spoil everything. Once I heard about Anatrim in the media, and I rather liked the information. I tried using it, and my wife said I'm a different person now. 30 pounds off and I keep losing them! And you know, the bedroom thing is cool, too.

ONA2: Ja.

SPAM1: Tony Roberts, Portland: I tried some passive weight losing, you know, but with little result. This terrible appetite would just kick in and spoil everything. Once I heard about Anatrim in the media, and I rather liked the information. I tried using it, and my wife said I'm a different person now. 30 pounds off and I keep losing them! And you know, the bedroom thing is cool, too.

ON2: No, potem je pa v redu.

ONA2: Joj, oprosti.

ON2: V redu je no, nehaj se opravičevat.

ONA2: (Se uleže.)


ONA1: (Počepne.)

SPAM2: Good day Bro, You gape for shooting like you had seen in those films… Become stronger – show your volume. We have all you need. Don’t trust me? Just check yourself!

Masculine performance has never been so easy to increase with these products.

ON1: (Se prestavi.)

SPAM5: Replicated to the Smallest Detail. 98% Perfectly Accurate Markings. Signature Green Sticker w/ Serial Number on Watch Back. Magnified Quickset Date. Includes all Proper Markings. We only sell premium watches.

ONA1: (Puha v roke.)

SPAM6: What IS 0EM Software And Why Do You Care? More than 200 software titles from world leading manufacturers: MS Windows XP Professional with SP2 for only $49.95, Adobe Photoshop CS2 V 9.0 for only $69.95, Microsoft Office XP Professional for only $49.95, Adobe Acrobat 5.0 for only $39.95.

ON1: (Počepne.)

SPAM13: It's fast and easy to get today's top ring-tones! Visit us and get a ring-tone for free!

SPAM8: tremendous bottleneck

ONA1: (Vstane.)

ON1: (Se ziblje v počepu.) ONA2: Si v redu?

ONA1: (Nalahno zamahuje z nogo.) ON2: Ja.

ON1: (Skoči na noge.) Tišina.

SPAM16: Receive a Complimentary $500 GiftCard and purchase any items you wish by participating in our special promotion! Select from Apparel, Jewelry, Home Fashions, Kitchen & Housewares, Furniture, Appliances, Electronics, Baby and Kids, and much more - all with your $500 Gift Card.

ONA1: (Položi nogo na tla.) ON2: Ti?

ON1: (Se s hrbtom nasloni na steno.) ONA2: Ja.

ONA1: (Naredi počasen korak naprej.) Tišina.

ON1: (Se pripogne.) ONA2: Ne bo nič s tem.

ONA1: (Počasen korak naprej.) ON2: Ne.


ONA2: Pa malo sva že dolgočasna.

ON2: Ja.

SPAM16: To claim your reward you must participate in our program and meet all of the offer eligibility requirements as outlined in the Terms & Conditions before you can receive your reward.

SPAM8: warning

Eligibility requirements include signing up for at least two Silver, Gold and Platinum offers. Our company is an independent rewards program and is not affiliated with any of the listed products or retailers.

SPAM8: irruption

Trademarks, service marks, logos, and/or domain names (including, without limitation, the individual names of products and retailers) are the property of their respective owners, who have no association with or make any endorsement of the products or services provided by our company.

ON1: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Tišina.

ONA1: (Počasen korak naprej.) ON2: Mogoče bi se pa zdaj moralo kaj zgoditi.

ON1: (Se objame čez kolena.) ONA2: Kakšna naravna katastrofa, misliš?

ONA1: (Se objame čez kolena.) ON2: Ja, potres al kaj takega.

ON1: (Počepne.) Tišina.

SPAM8: clamber chantilly agitation residual incomparable

ONA1: (Počepne.)

ONA2: Mogoče bi bil pa samo cajt, da se dava dol.

ON1: (Se objame čez kolena.)

ONA1: (Se objame čez kolena.)

ON2: Če bi se zdaj dala dol, bi bilo to res že v razsežnosti naravne katastrofe.

ONA2: Ja, se bojim, da imaš prav.

ON1: (Jo pogleda.) Tišina.

ONA1: (Ga pogleda.)

ON1: (Vstane.)

ONA1: (Se usede.)

Tišina. ONA2: Mislila sem, da se bo drugače izteklo.

ON2: Kako?

SPAM15: Go read these releases and the amazing track records of New Element and Mr. Wei. You will understand why we are so excited about these releases, and why we are issuing an alert. We expect to see the second wave on this company and watch it climb well over $3 again.

Don’t let this one slide, read the releases, see what it did back in June and get on it first thing tomorrow morning. Lots of people make a huge mistake by not focusing on this very stock. Good luck to you – and remember that luck favors the prepared!

SPAM4: A crowd is not a company.

ONA2: Da... Ne vem, da bo lažje.

ON2: Kaj, si mislila, da me boš?

ONA2: Ne.

SPAM4: There are two sides of every question.

ONA2: Ja.

ON2: Da se bom vdal?

ONA2: Ja.

ON2: Saj jaz tudi.

SPAM14: Enrich and enhance any and every area of your life easily, quickly and effectively! We have what you need! The awesome power in the Tree of Life Medallion we offer you, fueled by ancient symbolism will enable you to open a pathway to many advantages and opportunities. The Tree of Life Medallion is also a beautifully created work of art, and one that will be noticed, admired and respected by anyone who sees it. And to see for yourself what this amazing piece can do for you - Just Pay for the Shipping and Handling and we will send you your Tree of Life Medallion so you can examine and use it Obligation and Worry Free for 30 days. Then after those 30 days, and only if you choose to keep your Tree of Life Medallion, your credit card will be billed in four easy installments of only $14.95. This means even after you say yes, you are still under no commitment whatsoever to keep the incredible piece, so use it, wear it and experience it completely without fear. Yes, you can keep it for a month, two months, one year, ten years or more. If you are not 110% satisfied with this remarkable piece, at any time, or if you feel it didn't help you attract the opportunities and advantages I said it would, or even if you just change your mind, just return your Tree of Life Medallion and I will make sure you get an immediate and complete refund, including the cost of shipping and handling...no explanation necessary!

ONA2: Vem.

ON1: Greva.

ONA1: Kam?

ON1: Kamorkoli. Izgubit nimava kaj.

ONA1: Utrujena sem, zebe me, glava me boli,

SPAM14; But there’s more!

SPAM8: oligarchic

vrti se mi, zakaj bi se zdaj še matrala naprej?

SPAM14: You will also get 3 Free Gifts that will help you take advantage of this pieces' beauty and power. But most importantly, one of the Free Gifts includes a secret prayer that will invoke the power of each magical symbol on this extraordinary piece.(Just promise me you will keep this prayer secret.)

ON1: Pejva.

ONA1: (Ga pogleda.)

SPAM14: Your First FREE Gift! A 20" 18-karat Gold plated Rope Chain. Exquisitely crafted in 18-karat Gold, this sparkling, 18k Gold plated 20" long rope chain is the perfect match for your exquisite medallion. It features a large, easy to use "lobster claw" clasp for complete security. But that is not all...

ON1: (Jo pogleda.)

ONA1: (Pogleda v tla.)

ONA2: In kje se je zalomilo?

SPAM14: Your Second Free Gift! A Black Velvet Presentation Box. This handsome, velvet, presentation box is satin lined and features a precisely angled, felt covered "display stand" that has been custom fitted to your Medallion.  This will allow you to dramatically show off your finely crafted medallion, when you are not wearing it. In addition, it has a spring-loaded hinge that instantly snaps shut with a distinctive muffled click, so you can keep this masterpiece safe and totally secure. But there's more...

ON2: Ne vem. Kje se je zalomilo?

ONA2: Ne vem.

ON2: Vem samo, da sem ponucal vse patrone.

ONA2: Ja.

ON2: In kaj zdaj?

SPAM14: Your Third Free Gift! The Secrets Behind and Uses of Your Medallion. You'll learn that this special medallion was first consecrated by ancient priests and used for thousands of years to attract wealth and good luck to specially chosen individuals. You'll also discover how its powers are generated by the tree of life at its center and protected and enhanced by the magical hieroglyphs that surround it. Most importantly, you'll understand how it can help focus, and direct the magic, miracles and protection it will make available to you. Lastly, you'll learn how you can empower your talisman with a secret prayer.

ONA2: Nimam pojma.

SPAM13: Get ready for spring with new ring-tones from 50 CENT, THE KILLERS, GWEN STEFANI, KELLY CLARKSON, KANYE WEST, and hundreds more. Visit us and find your favorite tones today!


ON1: Prosim te, pejva.

ONA1: Saj bova šla, samo da se še malo odpočijem.

ON1: Saj veš, da ...

SPAM15: AGAO Volume Jumps 500% In Trading Today! Recent news releases are generating growing interest in AGAO!

ONA1: 24ur.

ON1: Ja, ampak ...

SPAM16: You are invited to receive a $500.00 Cheese Cake Factory Gift Card. We are trying to reach you in order to deliver your $500.00 Cheese Cake Factory Card. Thank you. To claim your reward you must participate in our program and meet all of the offer eligibility requirements as outlined in the Terms & Conditions before you can receive your FREE reward. Eligibility requirements include signing up for at least 1 Silver, 3 Gold and 2 Platinum offers. Available offers will vary and some offers may require a purchase to qualify.

ONA1: Ni še 24ur.


ON2: A to zdaj definitivno pomeni, da nehava?

SPAM13: Personalize your phone with ring-tones right now! Choose your favorites from thousands of tones, from hip-hop to rock to country to TV and movie themes. Visit us today, and start downloading in seconds! No credit cards required! Just pick your tone, enter your phone number, confirm your download, and you're ready to go!

ONA2: Ja. Najboljše. Saj vidiš, da nikamor ne pelje.

SPAM12: Over 30? Single? If this describes you, then ThirtyPlusSingles is for you.

If you are ready to meet "The One" and want to establish a relationship, then please visit us. Serious Singles only!

SPAM8: bagatelle syrupy geyser fourth also radiometer pier amperage prologue barrack whitetail nursery trilogy hoagy luxuriant show

ON2: Kar tako?

ONA2: Ja, kaj pa? Saj nama ne preostane nič drugega. Razen, če hočeva to početi do onemoglosti.

SPAM14: Be careful and cautious!

SPAM8: lens inceptor room capita crossword

ON2: Ja. V bistvu imaš prav.


ON1: Poslušaj. Bom šel sam. Samo pogledat. Mogoče, kaj najdem.

SPAM14: Yes, dear Simona, BE CAUTIOUS. Be on a sharp lookout in the days coming ahead... Indeed I advice the utmost caution because mysterious decisive events are about to occur in your life... I must warn you immediately, while there is still time, read my letter NOW!

SPAM8: scenic gendarme clamber chantilly agitation residual incomparable oligarchic enfeeble dodecahedral alum bergman clamber nest seq air-hol

ONA1: Ne, prosim te. Ne pusti me same. Saj bom šla. Samo še malo.

ON1: Prav.


ON2: Kaj pa bova? Se pogovarjala o otrocih?

SPAM4: Children Have Wide Ears and Long Tongues.

ONA2: Daj, lepo te prosim.

ONA1: A tebi se fejst vrti? Tišina.

ON1: Ne, ni hudega.

Tišina. ONA2: Jebenti, res sem mislila, da bo lažje. Prepričana sem bila, da se boš na eni točki predal.

ON2: Zakaj se pa ti nisi?

SPAM8: stupidity

ONA2: Ti bi se moral.

ON2: Pa ti še zmeraj misliš, da sem večji slabič kot ti. Po vsem tem cajtu.

SPAM15: ASI Entertainment. Cell phones on airplanes! Symbol: A-S-I-Q. Price: $0.27. Check out these stock highlights which promise a handsome return in just weeks. Check it out right now! Look at the chart!

ONA1: Malo bom zaspala.

SPAM14: Dear Simona, I see you receiving a fabulous sum of money within the next 123 days!

ON1: Prav.


SPAM8: stupidity

SPAM15: A- S-I-Q Invention Makes Cell Phones Safe for Use In-Flight and No Annoying Voice Calls- Applied for a patent for a new concept that allows cell phones to be operated in-flight, without interfering with the aircraft's avionics and the ground networks and eliminates the problem of annoying voice calls. Is this the one you have been waiting for? Could you be printing profits off A.S.I.Q this week? Decide for yourself!

ON2: Čakaj malo, no, a sem kdaj kaj takega naredil, da bi lahko to mislila? Kako lahko to misliš?

SPAM15: Information within this report contains forward looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21B of the SEC Act of 1934. Statements that involve discussions with respect to projections of future events are not statements of historical fact and may be forward looking statements. Don't rely on them to make a decision. Past performance is never indicative of future results. We have received two hundred fifty thousand free t r a d i n g shares from a third party, not an officer, director or affiliate shareholder. We intend to sell all two hundred fifty thousand shares now, which could cause the s t o c k to go down. This company has: negative cash flow from operations, no revenues in its most recent quarter, an accumulated deficit, nominal cash, a going concern opinion from its auditor, nominal net worth, and a reliance on cash advances from related parties (related party transactions). A failure to finance could cause this company to go out of business. This report shall not be construed as any kind of investment advice or solicitation. This is a penny s t o c k and is a high risk security. URGENT: Please, Please Read the Company's SEC filings before you invest .

ONA2: Zato, ker si moški, ne.

SPAM11: BABY. Age: 26. Height: 1,75. Kg: 62.

Program - Anal: Yes. Oral: Yes. Vaginal: Yes. Kiss: Yes. Realizing fantasies: Yes. Does it with couple: No. Place: Hotel. Price: 3000 USD (for 24hrs).

SPAM8: crafted piece another stupidity Evil true attention surethat textmode presence item form.Its intrinsic calling routine performs proceed orstops warning sucha script optional

ON2: No, tole posploševanje te je pa daleč pripeljalo.

SPAM10: Whatever the reason, something had disturbed the dream, something was whittling away the circumference of that hole in the paper through which he saw.

ONA2: Ja.

ONA1: Jaz sem se pa tako veselila tega izleta.

SPAM9: We sent you a message a while ago, because you qualified for a much lower rate based on our records from a national database. Why is this? Because currently it is a buyers market with the lowest rates in years.

ON1: Saj vem.

ONA1: A glava te že kaj boli?

SPAM7: Stop feeling your body lose energy! Visit us to view special offers ending soon!

ON1: Malo.

ONA1: Ni hudega.

ON1: Ja.


ON2: In na kakšno predajo bi gospa pristali?

ONA2: Popolno.

ON1: Dajva poskusit iti, no.

ONA1: Ja, saj bova, samo še malo.


ON2: Se pravi, da bi poleg tega, da sem ti zatrdil, da te imam rad pa vse to, moral pasti še pred noge. In te prositi. Predvsem prositi, ne? In potem bi mi ti vsaj sedemkrat rekla, da ne želiš biti okrutna.

SPAM8: syrupy geyser fourth also radiometer pier amperage prologue barrack whitetail nursery trilogy hoagy luxuriant

ONA2: Ja, tako nekako. Mogoče ne ravno s temi besedami. Ampak se pa fino sliši. Ne želim biti okrutna. Ne, čakaj. Ne želim biti okrutna. Ne želim biti okrutna. Ne želim biti okrutna. Ja, tako. Ne želim biti okrutna. Fino. Dobra ideja.

ON2: Kaj pa bova, če sva res nehala?

ONA2: A se dava dol?

ONA1: Ej, a slišiš?

ON1: Kaj?

ONA1: Poslušaj!


ON2: Ne želim biti okruten.

ONA2: Čakaj, zdaj ne velja več.

ON2: Kdo je to rekel?

ONA2: Ah, daj, no. Ne obnašaj se kot otrok, te lepo prosim.

ON2: Al bi res rada, da bi bil tvoj ljubček?

ONA2: Veš kaj, jaz ne rabim ljubčka, jaz rabim prijatelja.

SPAM6: Protect yourself from fraud with the new Platinum 2006! Perhaps you might think you are on your bank's website when really you are in an exact copy, as a fraudulent email has taken you there (phishing) or buying on a spoofed online store because somebody is redirecting the address you have entered (pharming). These types of threats are spreading at an alarming rate, and using increasingly sophisticated techniques, such as keyloggers, programs designed to access, without you knowing, confidential data such as passwords, usernames, pin numbers...

But don't worry! Now you have the latest protection against online fraud: the new PLATINUM 2006 INTERNET SECURITY, which includes features to protect against a range of fraudulent activities: Antiphising, Antipharming, Protection against keyloggers. What's more, the new PLATINUM 2006 offers complete protection against the other Internet threats: Antivirus, Antispyware, Personal firewall, Privacy control, Intrusion blocking, even in Wi-Fi networks, Antispam, Web content filtering. BUY THE NEW PLATINUM NOW FOR ONLY $ 24.99!

ON1: Nič ne slišim.

ONA1: Poslušaj, no.


ON2: Ti, nekaj bi te vprašal.

SPAM5: Why spend the thousands when you can have exact high quality replicas for a fraction of the price? We have all you need. We offer a free gift box with every VIP watch ordered. You can use it as a lovely gift for your friends or relatives or keep your gorgeous watch there. No matter what you do with your watch, you will enjoy it. Check out our gift boxes that will make the present even more glamorous.

ONA2: Vprašaj.

ON2: Tisto s kopalnico. Je res?

SPAM4: Any port in a storm.

ONA2: Kaj?

SPAM1: Did you know obesity kills more and more people every year? We know you hate the extra pounds, the ugly look and the social stigmata attached to fat people. Moreover, you can barely do anything about the terrible eating habits of yours. This all sounds familiar? Then we have something for you.

SPAM16: Should we leave Iraq? Dear Simona, tell us your opininon and receive $500 cash!

Participation required.

ON2: Saj veš.

ONA2: Misliš, če sem res ...

ON2: Masturbirala. V kopalnici. Ja.

ONA2: Sem, večkrat.

ON2: Saj veš, kaj mislim.

ONA2: Te zanima, če je bilo v tistem, kar sva se prej pogovarjala, kaj resnice?

ON2: Ja, no.

ONA2: Nekaj jo je bilo. Ne, da ne.

ON2: Potem si me takrat, ko se dolgo nisva videla, res pogrešala?

SPAM1: There are loads of testimonials happy people leave after trying Anatrim. Why don't you join the tens of thousands of slim men and women and try this all-natural, appetite-suppressing energy boosting product now.

ONA2: Sem te, ja.

SPAM1: This is wonderful!

SPAM5: All brands of watches, Pens, Cufflinks, Key chains, Lighters and Jewelry. They look and feel exactly like the real thing. Safe, Quick and Dependable shipping within 24hrs.

SPAM2: Good day to you, Sir! Younger and older males face this difficulty. Whatever your age, you have the answer. Results are guaranteed with Extra-Time, the number one solution for any male. Imagine how your life will improve if you stopped being reproached for premature creaming once and for all. Make your equipment suit the task - and she'll worship you for that!

SPAM15: Recent Announcements Indicate Climb. Pay Attention. We are on the down side of the wave and on the way up again

ON2: Saj jaz tebe tudi.

ONA2: Saj vem.

ON2: A potem si res ...

ONA2: Ja. Včasih mi je prišlo, samo če sem dovolj intenzivno mislila nate.

SPAM7: Human Growth Hormone was created to slow down your aging process and make you feel and look a lot better. From smoother skin and thicker hair to better cardiac function and even improvements in your intimate life. Rejuvenation has never been more real.

SPAM10: COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) -- Former senator and astronaut John Glenn and his wife, Annie, were discharged Sunday from a hospital where they had been recovering from what he called a "very serious" car accident.

ON1: Pa res nekaj slišim.

ONA1: Nekdo trka.

ON1: Ne, ne, nekdo se pogovarja.

ONA1: Trka, a ne slišiš?

ON1: Meni se zdi, da se nekdo pogovarja.


SPAM11: ANITA. Age: 25. Height: 1,70. Kg: 55.

Program - Anal: Yes. Oral: Yes. Vaginal: Yes. Kiss: Yes. Realizing fantasies: Yes. Does it with couple: Yes. Place: Combinations. Price: 4200 USD (for 24hrs).

SPAM13: It's fast and easy to get today's top ring-tones! Visit us and get a ring-tone for free!

ON1: Pejva od tod. Meša se nama od tega plina, pejva od tod.

ONA1: Ne, ne. Nekdo trka.

ON1: Pejva, me slišiš, pejva, dokler ne bo prepozno.

ONA1: Prepozno za kaj?

ON1: Saj veš, zakaj.

SPAM3: We’re introducing a great product which will make you a better, more confident man! This is what you always needed to lead a happier, more fulfilling life. You are about to gain inches in months or even less - get ready to have more fun!

ONA1: Ne, ne. Nekdo trka. Po naju so prišli.

ON1: Blede se ti, tebi se že blede.

SPAM2: Dear customer. Fill up your supplies with our secure ordering, cost saving and fast delivery. World’s greatest brands produce these goods in top class labs with latest technologies. Rock hard manhood, multiple explosions and several times more semen volume.

ONA1: Nič se mi ne blede, kaj ti je. Samo zebe me.

SPAM4: You cannot run with the hare and hunt with the hounds.

ON1: Pejva.

ONA1: No, prav.

Baterija se ugasne. Tišina.

ONA1: Smrt upihne svetilko.

ON1: (Trese baterijo.)

ONA2: Ampak moram reči, da se na nek način počutim poražena. Ni fajn občutek.

ON1: (Prižge baterijo.)


SPAM1: This is wonderful! Instead of watching TV and stuffing myself with food I became more interested in exercise. Anatrim got me on the right track. I am more fit now, and there are lots of men around me!

ON2: Saj jaz tudi. Ni fajn, ne. In tolikokrat sem mislil, da te imam. Da si podlegla. Kurc, vse skupaj.

ON1: (Se nasmehne.) / ONA1: (Se nasmehne.)

ON1: (Nakaže z glavo, da gresta.) ONA2: Ti, če sva že tako iskrena pa to, bi mi lahko po pravici povedal, zakaj si me varal.

ONA1: (Prikima.) ON2: Zakaj si pa ti mene?

SPAM2: Even if you have no erectoin problems SOFT CIALIS would help you to make BETTER SEX MORE OFTEN and to bring unimagnable plesure to her. Just disolve half a pil under your tongue and get ready for action in 15 minutes. The tests showed that the majority of men after taking this medication were able to have PERFECT ERECTION during 24 hours! VISIT US, AND GET OUR SPECIAL 70% DISCOUNT OFER!

ONA2: Čakaj, kako pa veš ...

Baterija ugasne.

ON2: Daj, no ...

ON1: (Trese baterijo.) ONA2: A ti si cel cajt vedel?

Baterije se prižge.

SPAM10: But there were times when a kind of reverse effect obtained — these were times when he had gone to the work not just because the work ought to be done but because it was a way to escape whatever was upsetting him.

ON2: Seveda sem vedel. A misliš, da si ti edina, ki ve?

SPAM14: Simona, this is your chance to enjoy the benefits of an enormous reserve of extraordinary power, energy and opportunities you'll be able to use to get almost anything you want. For example, you will be able to use this incredible Power and Energy to: Renew and regenerate your body, mind and spirit, Attract money, good fortune and opportunities, Build your luck into great material and financial prosperity, Make sure nothing corrupts or interferes with the prosperity and luck that will come your way, Add richness, meaning and happiness to your life, Eliminate chaos and deceit, by making lies and trickery transparent, Repel and eliminate danger and bad karma, Enjoy a future filled with tons of good fortune and plain old fun. Pure 24-karat Gold!

Baterija ugasne.

SPAM6: Are you absolutely certain your PC is not infected? Get a second opinion using the best malware scanner on the market, totally free.

ON1: (Jo trese. Jo poskusi prižgati.) ONA2: Jaz sem pa mislila, da ...

SPAM4: A fool will laugh when he is drowning. All you need is love. Take heed of reconciled enemies and of meat twice boiled.

ON2: Vem, saj to je bilo še najbolj zabavno. Ko si se delala nedolžno in me obkladala z vsem mogočim. Takrat je bilo v bistvu zabavno.

ONA1: Smrt upihne svetilko.

ON1: (Vrže baterijo ob steno.)


ONA2: O ti prasec.

SPAM10: In those days the after-glow of Cecil Rhodess spellstill lay on Africa, and men could dream dreams. You cant stop what is to be by saying that itwont be. They offered me a knighthoodtoo, but my firm thought Id better stand out.

ON1: (Se usede.)

SPAM2: Dear customer. Go and tell her you're not among those who try to combat this for years. Safe, efficient and covering all aspects, Extra-Time will help you forget the premature nightmare. Want to make your intercourse lasting and rewarding than ever before? She won't want to get out of your bedroom, hoping other girls don't find out about you.

ON2: Kaj, a tebi ni bilo zabavno?

ONA2: Ja, je bilo, ampak jaz sem mislila, da te nategujem.

ON2: Pa me nisi.

ONA2: Niti takrat?

ONA1: Poslušaj!

ON2: Ne želim biti okruten.

ONA1: A ti res nič ne slišiš?

ONA2: O ti prasec. Zakaj pa si se sploh poročil z mano?

ONA1: Slišiš?

ON2: Sem hotel videti, kako daleč lahko grem. Pa ker mi je bilo dolgcajt. Pa ker sem mislil, da te bom končno dobil. Ti?

ONA1: Ej!

ONA2: To v grobem. Pa splet naključij.

ONA1: Ej!

ON2: Ja, pa zato.

ONA1: [Ime igralca, ki igra njega.]!

ONA2: In?

ON1: Kaj?

ON2: In nič. Ti?

ONA1: Nič. ONA2: Nič.

ON2: Ampak zdaj ne vem, če ti prav verjamem. A nisi vsaj malo ... Niti za par dni ... Niti za trenutek ... A nisi?

SPAM4: There are two sides to every question. Do not wear out your welcome.Time is a great healer. A penny saved is a penny earned. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. To the victor go the spoils.Any port in a storm. Accidents happen.

ONA2: Ne vem. A misliš tiste par dni, ko sva kampirala? Joj, kako sva takrat uživala.

SPAM4: There are two sides to every question. Do not wear out your welcome.Time is a great healer. A penny saved is a penny earned. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. To the victor go the spoils.Any port in a storm. Accidents happen.

ON2: Ja. Takrat je blo pa res dobro.

SPAM10: Everything that had seemed like nonsense and the delirious ravings of a purple lights were fluttering.

ONA2: Takrat je bilo ...

SPAM12: This is a commercial offer.

Joj, koliko sva se prerežala.

ON2: Predvsem ti si se režala.

SPAM8: bagatelle syrupy geyser fourth also radiometer pier amperage prologue barrack whitetail nursery trilogy hoagy luxuriant show

ONA2: Če pa nisi znal šotora naštimati.

ON2: Ja. Prav res sva se imela super.

ONA2: Al pa takrat pozimi. Ko sva samo spala in jedla in fukala.

SPAM16: To claim your reward you must participate in our program and meet all of the offer eligibility requirements as outlined in the Terms & Conditions before you can receive your reward. Eligibility requirements include signing up for at least two Silver, Gold and Platinum offers. Our company is an independent rewards program and is not affiliated with any of the listed products or retailers. Trademarks, service marks, logos, and/or domain names (including, without limitation, the individual names of products and retailers) are the property of their respective owners, who have no association with or make any endorsement of the products or services provided by our company.

ON2: Ja.

SPAM14: An Opportunity To Use Your Unique Abilities, Talents and Energies To Reshape Your Future and Destiny. Order Pure Sterling Silver Medallion to fuel its amazing power!

ONA2: Ampak je bilo fino, a ne?

SPAM14: Pure Sterling Silver is the most mystically and spiritually powerful material on Earth.

ON2: Ja.

SPAM14: It is also the second most protective.

A ti niti takrat nisi ...

SPAM14: In fact, because of Silver's amazing ability to protect and heal, hospital dressings containing silver are used on burns to prevent infections. Pure Sterling Silver also magnifies and intensifies psychic abilities and intuitive perception. Just think how useful this could be to you, Simona, especially if you're looking to live and fulfill your dreams and desires. And, Simona, I am also giving you my lifetime personal guarantee. In order to get this piece into your hands as quickly as possible, just send in $6.95 for shipping and handling and we will send you your Pure Sterling Silver Medallion so you can examine and use it Obligation and Worry Free for 30 days. Then after those 30 days, and only if you choose to keep your Pure Sterling Silver Medallion, your credit card will be billed in four easy installments of only $14.95.

ONA2: Takrat je bilo pa res lepo.

SPAM14: $14.95.

ON2: Potem si vsaj takrat ...? Ker meni se zdi, da takrat ... Kaj pa vem. Saj zdaj sva iskrena, a ne?

SPAM12: This is a commercial offer.

ONA2: Ja, jaz sem.

ON2: Jaz sem tudi. Meni je bilo takrat res lepo. In jaz sem ... Saj veš ... A ti nisi niti takrat ...

ONA2: Ja, saj takrat je bilo pa res lepo.

SPAM6: WebAdmin Antivirus, a gift for your security! WebAdmin Antivirus is the ideal security solution for you, as it provides maximum protection, ease of use and a light client.

ON2: A potem si vsaj takrat čutila ...

SPAM9: We have what you need!

ONA2: Ne vem, no. Mogoče. Saj ... Saj se niti ne spomnim prav. Verjetno nekaj sem že ... Kaj pa vem. Res sva se imela večkrat lepo. Enkrat se spomnim, da si mi izklesal pesmico v marmor, se spomniš tega? Ja, saj verjetno takrat sem pa nekaj ... Bil si tako ljubek, ko si se trudil. Ja. A ti si vsaj takrat ...? No, saj veš.

SPAM8: scenic gendarme clamber chantilly agitation residual incomparable oligarchic enfeeble dodecahedral alum bergman clamber

ON2: Ne želim biti okruten.

ONA1: A to si slišal?

ONA2: O, kurba. O, ti kurba.

ON1: Ne. ON2: (Se smeji.)

SPAM8: adrian grandniece fiancee sought chaos irruption agitation residual incomparable oligarchic enfeeble dodecahedral alum wool dentifrice heusen townsend

ON1: Pejva.

ON1: (Vstane.)

ONA1: (Ga gleda. Poskusi vstati, ne gre.)ONA2: Ti prasec. Zdaj si pa me. Kako si me. Pa sem mislila, da te imam. Pa sem mislila, da mi boš zdaj končno priznal. Ti prasec, kako si me. Ko sem lih mislila, da bom jaz tebe ... O, ti prasec. Zdaj si pa komot lahko pišeš piko.

SPAM2: Even if you have no erectoin problems SOFT CIALIS would help you to make BETTER SEX MORE OFTEN and to bring unimagnable plesure to her. Just disolve half a pil under your tongue and get ready for action in 15 minutes. The tests showed that the majority of men after taking this medication were able to have PERFECT ERECTION during 24 hours! VISIT US, AND GET OUR SPECIAL 70% DISCOUNT OFER!

SPAM1: I tried some passive weight losing, you know, but with little result. This terrible appetite

ON1: (Jo prime za roko in ji

pomaga vstati.) ON2: Slepariš, ljubica, slepariš. Kdor drugemu jamo koplje, sam vanjo pade. Nisva se tako zmenila, sva rekla, da nehava. A nisva? Slepariš.

ONA1: Saj bo šlo. Saj gre. Saj bom sama.

ON1: Prav. Pejva.

ONA1: Kam?

SPAM6: We provide authentic OEM software and competent customer

ON1: Pejva že.

SPAM1: would just kick in and spoil everything. Once I heard about Anatrim in the media, and I rather liked the information. I tried using it, and my wife said I'm a different person now. 30 pounds off and I keep losing them! And you know, the

SPAM6: support. Check out our offers

Naredita par korakov. ONA2: O, ti prasec, kako si me. Čakaj, saj ti vrnem. Čakaj malo.

ONA1: (Se usede.)

ON1: (Jo poskusi dvigniti.) ON2: Ne, no. Dajva se obnašat kot dva odrasla, prosim te.

SPAM1: bedroom thing is cool, too.

SPAM14: But there's more! You will also get 3 Free Gifts that will help you take advantage of this pieces' beauty and power. But most importantly, one of the Free

ONA1: (Vstane.) ONA2: Ja. Drugače bo ratalo spet tako hudo kot takrat.

SPAM14: Gifts includes a secret prayer that will invoke the power of each magical symbol on this extraordinary piece.(Just promise me you will keep this prayer secret.) Your First FREE Gift! A 20" 18-karat Gold plated Rope Chain. Exquisitely

SPAM6: now! Satisfaction Guaranteed!

Naredita par korakov.. ON2: Ne me niti spominjat.

ONA2: Ampak zakaj misliš, da je bilo tako?

SPAM6: Satisfaction Guaranteed!

ON2: Ne vem. Na začetku je bilo zabavno. Ampak tik preden sva se ločila ...

SPAM15: A- S-I-Q Invention Makes Cell Phones Safe for Use In-Flight and No Annoying Voice Calls- Applied for a patent for a new concept that allows cell phones to be operated in-flight, without interfering with the aircraft's avionics and

ON1: (Se usede.)

ONA1: Kaj je?

SPAM8: irreparable cling couch

ON1: Nič.

SPAM9: We have what you need!

Nič ni.

ONA1: (Se usede.)

ON2: Ne vem, kje se je zalomilo. Ne vem, kaj se je zgodilo.

SPAM14: crafted in 18-karat Gold, this sparkling, 18k Gold plated 20" long rope chain is the perfect match for your exquisite medallion. It features a large, easy to use "lobster claw" clasp for complete security. But that is not

ON1: (Se usede bliže k njej.)

ONA2: Na noben način se nisi hotel predati in to me je spravljalo v blaznost. To se je zgodilo.

SPAM15: the ground networks and eliminates the problem of annoying voice calls. Is this the one you have been waiting for? Could you be

ONA1: (Zamiži in se nasloni na zid.) ON2: Enkrat sem te gledal, ko si spala, najraje bi te kar zadavil.

SPAM6: Satisfaction Guaranteed!

Tako, na hrbtu si ležala, pa mal hrkala. Gledal sem te in sem že videl svoje roke na tvojem vratu in kako tiščim.

ON1: (Se usede bliže k njej. Se je dotakne.)

ONA1: (Se zdrzne.)

SPAM15: printing profits off A.S.I.Q this week? Decide for yourself!

SPAM8: geyser fourth also radiometer pier amperage prologue barrack whitetail nursery trilogy hoagy luxuriant show checkbook surethat textmode presence item form.Its intrinsic calling routine performs proceed orstops warning sucha script

ON1: Oprosti. / ONA1: (Se nasmehne.)

SPAM9: We have what you need!

ON1: (Se odmakne.)

ONA1: (Se nasmehne.)

ONA2: Ne mi niti govorit. Tisočkrat na dan sem si rekla, da mi bo enkrat ratalo, da te bom enkrat dobila, da se boš predal, da boš klonil. Samo to me je držalo pokonci. Sicer bi res zagrabila uno tvojo sekiro in sam mahala po tebi.

SPAM14: all.


ON2: Dobro, no, saj nekaj lepih momentov je pa bilo. Tako grozno pa spet ne.

ONA2: A midva govoriva o istem razmerju?

ON2: Čakaj, kaj pa najini spleti naključij? To je pa ja lepo.

SPAM4: For the lips of a strange woman drop as an honeycomb, and her mouth is smoother than oil.

ONA2: Ja, no. Do ene mere že.

SPAM14: Your Second Free Gift! A Black Velvet Presentation Box. This handsome, velvet, presentation box is satin lined and features a precisely angled, felt covered "display stand" that has been custom fitted to your Medallion.  This will allow you to dramatically show off your finely crafted medallion, when you are not wearing it. In addition, it has a spring-loaded

ON2: Kaj, a da to ni lepo?

SPAM4: The tongue that brings healing is a tree of life, but a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit. Better to live on a corner of the roof than share a house with a quarrelsome wife. If yuh plant plantain yuh can't reap cassava. Every fowl feed pon he own craw. Children Have Wide Ears and Long Tongues. Caught between a rock and a hard place. He that stays in the valley shall never get over the hill! When I turned myself over to God, i took my life out the hands of an idiot . Absence makes the heart grow fonder. The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world. When Mumma dead family done. No pain, no gain.

ONA2: Ampak ne moreš lih reči, da mi je z njimi ratalo, al kaj?

ON2: Čakaj ... Kaj hočeš reči s tem?

ONA2: Ja, kaj?

SPAM3: Women say size does not matter, only not to upset you. In fact, it matters a lot! Just imagine your new happy life with more size, more adoration from females and more self-assurance. Visit us!

ON2: A res? Ne.

ONA2: Pa ja. Seveda.

ON2: Čakaj, a hočeš reči, da si rojevala samo zato, da bi ... Ne. Samo zato?

ONA2: Ne želim biti okrutna.

ONA1: Tudi zdaj nisi slišal?

ON1: Zdaj sem.

SPAM14: hinge that instantly snaps shut with a distinctive muffled click, so you can keep this masterpiece safe and totally secure. But there's more...

ON2: Saj ne morem verjeti.

ONA2: Kar verjemi.

ON1: Zdaj bom vstal.

ON2: To je pa višek. To je pa res višek.

ONA1: Prav.

ONA2: Ja, kaj pa naj bi? Saj mi ni preostalo nič drugega.

ON1: Samo še malo.

SPAM3: Give her a chance to climax from penetration - increase your tool once and for all! Longer, better, more enjoyable - start expecting the fun you will have right now! We have what you need! If you thought getting more size and girth was impossible, take a look at this.

ON2: Na to ne bi nikoli pomislil. Kako si lahko tako zlahka ...

ONA1: Prav.

ONA2: Saj ni bilo tako zlahka, verjemi.

ON2: To je pa res od sile. Viš, tukaj si bila pa najbližje. Tukaj pa ti je skoraj ratalo.

SPAM14: Your Third Free Gift! The Secrets Behind and Uses of Your Medallion. You'll learn that this special medallion was first consecrated by ancient

ONA2: Samo mi ni, ne?

ON2: Na to pa ne bi nikoli pomislil. Tukaj si pa lahko ti komot pišeš piko. Meni ne bi niti na kraj pameti padlo. Samo okej, a veš, tukaj ste ženske v prednosti. Jaz tega ne bi mogel narediti, tako da v bistvu ne šteje. Ker pravzaprav nimam niti možnosti pomisliti. Ampak je pa res od sile. Si pa carica.

ON1: (Vstane.)

ONA1: (Ga gleda.)

ON2: Zdaj pa res ne razumem, kako da nama ni šlo. Midva sva ustvarjena drug za drugega.

SPAM14: priests and used for thousands of years to attract wealth and good luck to specially chosen individuals. You'll also discover how its powers are generated by the tree of life at its center and protected and enhanced.

SPAM6: Satisfaction Guaranteed!

ON1: Pejd.

ONA1: Ja.

ONA2: Kaj je pa zdaj to? Ustvarjena drug za drugega? Lepo te prosim.

ON2: Daj no. Saj veš, kaj sem mislil. Ne na tak način. Drugače ... Tako ...

ONA2: Duhovno?

SPAM14: by the magical hieroglyphs that surround it. Most importantly, you'll understand how it can help focus, and direct the magic, miracles and protection it will make available to you. Lastly, you'll learn how you can empower your talisman with a secret prayer

ON2: Ne, bolj, kaj bi rekel ...

ONA2: Intelektualno?

SPAM11: DENISE. Age: 20. Height: 1,62. Kg: 50.

Program - Anal: Yes. Oral: Yes. Vaginal: Yes. Kiss: Yes. Realizing fantasies: Yes. Does it with couple: Yes. Place: Combinations. Price: 3000 USD (for 24hrs).

ON2: Ne, sem mislil ...

SPAM11: BABY. Age: 26. Height: 1,75. Kg: 62.

Program - Anal: Yes. Oral: Yes. Vaginal: Yes. Kiss: Yes. Realizing fantasies: Yes. Does it with couple: No. Place: Hotel. Price: 3000 USD (for 24hrs).

Kurc, saj ne vem, kaj sem mislil. Tako pač. Da sva ustvarjena drug za drugega.

ON1: Pejva, no.

ONA1: Zdaj grejo. Jih slišiš?

SPAM9: We have what you need!

ON1: Ja.

ONA1: Pa ribe nama nosijo, po ribah diši.

ON1: Ja.

ONA1: Tu sva! Tu sva! Tu sva!

SPAM6: Satisfaction Guaranteed!

ON1: Pejva jim nasproti.

ONA1: Prav, pejva.

ON1: (Jo vzdigne.)

ONA2: A ti še zmeraj upaš, da me boš prenesel okoli?

SPAM8: fiancee sought chaos irruption lens inceptor room capita crossword designate guano capistrano pusey scenic gendarme clamber chantilly agitation residual incomparable oligarchic enfeeble dodecahedral alum bergman clamber nest seq air-hole crafted piece another stupidity Evil true attention surethat textmode presence item form.Its intrinsic calling routine performs proceed

ON2: Ne, to sem mislil čisto resno.

ONA1: Saj gre, bom zmogla.

ONA2: A daj? In misliš, da ti bom kar nasedla?

SPAM8: nest

ON1: Ja.

Počasi hodita. ON2: Poglej, meni se zdi, da z nobeno žensko nikoli nisem in nikoli ne bom mogel najti ... kaj naj rečem ... skupnih interesov. Midva sva rojena drug za drugega.

SPAM10: “Shut up, stupid” she hissed.

ONA1: (Se opoteče.) ONA2: A res to misliš?

ON1: (Jo poskuša prijeti.) ON2: Iskreno. Iz srca.


ONA1: (Pade.) ONA2: Zdaj? Ko sem končno začela verjeti, da nisi zguba?

ON1: [Ime igralke, ki igra njo.]!

SPAM7: If you are always in good spirits, have devoted and cool friends, stunning girlfriend, huge salary, if you never have hang-over and you've never visited a dentist - SAY NO TO DRUGS! It's a joke of course. Our offer is the following: cheap medications, wide range of anti-depresants, 1 minute of your time, full privacy, 100% results! That's all we offer you!

ONA1: V redu je.

ON1: (Se usede zraven nje.) ON2: Hotel sem samo reči, da sva na isti valovni dolžini. Kaj je to takega?

ONA1: V redu je.

ONA2: V bistvu nič. Če nimaš namena nadaljevati.

SPAM15: Let us pay for a trip to Las Vegas! $1500 Value: $500 Plane Ticket, 2 night hotel stay, 2 show tickets and $250 Cash Card! Participate Now and Vegas is on us! To claim your reward you must participate in our program and meet all of the offer eligibility requirements as outlined in the Terms & Conditions before you can receive your FREE reward. Eligibility requirements include signing up for at least two Silver, Gold and Platinum offers.

ONA1: Ne bi nadaljevala.

ON1: Moraš!

ONA1: (Odkima.) ON2: Kaj, da nadaljujem s tem, da te imam rad? Saj te imam. Sem te imel in te imam še zmeraj in ... To ni nič takega.

ON1: Te bom nesel. Daj no.

ONA1: (Odkima.) ONA2: Saj imam tud jaz tebe rada. Saj smo vendar ljudje, al kaj?

ON1: (Jo prime, da bi jo vzdignil.) ON2: Ampak jaz vseeno mislim, da sta dva lahko ustvarjena drug za drugega.

SPAM4: Promises are like babies - easy to make, hard to deliver.

ONA1: Ne. Saj jih ni res. Nobenega ni.

SPAM8: townsend opinionate irreparable cling couch ibid flip fogging darkle honeysuckle pluto carboy

Dajva se vsaj malo odpočit.

ON1: So, so, prihajajo, res. S pečenimi ribami pa vsem.

ONA1: (Se nasmehne.)

ONA2: A še zmeraj misliš, da me boš prenesel okoli? Pa ne morem verjeti.

ON2: Ne, saj te ne bom. Bom kar odnehal. Ne bo več šlo skozi, vidim. Res sem ponucal vse patrone.


ONA1: Dajva počakat kar tu.

ON2: A potem se zdaj lahko dava dol?

ON1: Ne.

ONA2: A misliš, da je zadosti?

ONA1: Samo še matrala se bova.

ON1: Ne, pejva.

ON2: Reciva, da je. Kar dajva.

ONA1: Prav. Pa dajva, no.

ON1: Dajva. ONA2: Dajva.

ON1: (Počasi vstane.) / ONA1: (Počasi vstane.)

SPAM9: We have what you need!

ON2: A potem res misliš, da sva že zaslužila tale fuk?

ONA2: Saj sva dovolj predebatirala, al kaj?

ON2: Ja, kaj pa vem. Saj nenazadnje sva se kar spodobno upirala.

Hodita proti izhodu.

ONA2: Ja. Po mojem zdaj ne bi bilo nič narobe, če se dava dol.

ON2: Čeprav bi jaz lahko bil še bolj načelen.

ONA2: A misliš, da bi začela od začetka?

SPAM6: Satisfaction Guaranteed!

ON2: Ja. V bistvu ja. Lahko pa tudi kar odnehava.

ONA2: Odnehava?

ON2: Ja.

ONA2: Lahko tudi.

ON2: Torej ...

ONA1: Ne.

ONA2: Ja.

ON1: Kaj?

ONA1: Ne morem več.

ON2: Ja, ampak ... Čakaj malo.

ONA2: Kaj?

ON1: Še malo, no.

ON2: Ne moreš kar ...

ONA1: Ne, nima smisla.

ONA2: Zakaj ne?

ON2: Ker ne moreš.

ON1: Še čisto malo, no.

ONA1: Ne, ne bo nič pomagalo.

ONA2: Mogoče pa lahko. Mogoče pa lahko kar ...

ON1: Moraš se potrudit.

ON2: Misliš, da kar ...

ONA2: Ja. To mislim.

ONA1: Če ti pravim, da nima smisla.

ON2: No ...

ON1: Ne moreš kar odnehat.

ONA2: No kaj?

ON2: No, potem lahko tudi. Ali kaj?

ONA1: Ja.

ON1: Ne.

ONA2: Lahko pa tudi ne.

ON2: Ja.

ONA2: No?

ONA1: Prosim, ne morem več.

ON2: Ma ne vem ... Mogoče bi bilo naboljše, da bi kar...

ONA2: Kaj?

ON1: Uspelo ti bo. Daj, potrudi se no še malo.

ONA1: To že ves čas govoriš, misliš pa ne tako.

ON2: Saj ne vem.

ONA2: Da bi kar ostalo tako, kot je?

ON1: Ni res, uspelo bo.

ON2: Ja. Mogoče, ne vem. Kaj ti misliš?

ONA1: Jaz ne morem več.

ON1: Daj no, potrudi se še malo.

ONA1: Prosim te, pusti me tu. Pejd sam naprej. Res ne morem več. Ne morem.

ONA2: Verjetno imaš prav. To bi bilo res najboljše.

ON2: A ti bi?

ONA2: Ja.

ON1: Če bi vsaj kaj videl.

ONA2: Ja.

ONA1: Pa prižgi luč.

ON2: Ja, no, saj potem pa tudi lahko.

ONA2: Kaj?

ON2: Ja, saj veš.

ON1: Saj veš, da –

ONA2: Ne, kaj?

ONA1: Vem, pa jo vseeno prižgi.

ON1: Ampak –

ONA1: Prižgi luč.

Tema. Tišina.



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