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Environmental and Social Review SummaryCountry: ChinaProject Name: Chuzhou-Nanjing Intercity Railway PPP ProjectProject Number: P168181Environmental Category: AProject Description Chuzhou Municipal Government seeks to develop Chuzhou-Nanjing Intercity Railway PPP Project in China. The proposed project is to improve connectivity between Chuzhou Municipality and Nanjing Municipality and to demonstrate an innovative Public-Private Partnership in China. This – along with Sichuan Water Supply and Sanitation PPP - would be the first PPP projects in China financed by an IBRD loan.In sum, the proposed Chuzhou-Nanjing Intercity Railway project consists of a new 54 km passenger railway line with 16 stations which is to be operated seamlessly by a single operator. The railway line is divided into three segments, two in Chuzhou and one in Jiangbei District (in Nanjing jurisdiction). Segment 1 will be implemented as a PPP concession to design, build, maintain, operate and finance a 33km elevated railway line. This PPP segment is to be delivered by Wantong SPV which is a project company set up to deliver this segment as a 30-year concession. Segment 2 consists of a 13km line with some underground construction in Chuzhou, to be implemented as public procurement. Segment 3 is an 8-kilometer line at-grade section in Jianbgei District in Nanjing and will also be implemented as public procurement. Since the project includes both private sector for the PPP under segment 1 as well as publicly funded activities for segments 2 and 3, both the WB Safeguard Policies and World Bank Performance Standards (OP 4.03) apply. The construction work of segment 1 is already underway.Key Issues The following key environmental issues have been identified: Issues related to civil works construction (noise, vibration, dust generation, solid wastes, soil erosion, disturbance to existing utility infrastructure (e.g. water, electricity, gas, cable and wastewater)), disturbance to local traffic, construction safety, issues relating to the labor camp management during construction;noise, vibration, wastewater, solid wastes, induced and cumulative impacts such as changes to the distribution of traffic and access arrangements, property and land use impacts during operationThe following key social issues have been identifiedLand acquisition and resettlement is unavoidable based on findings of the social impact assessment. This will be the responsibility of the public sector and is being managed by local governments in Chuzhou and Nanjing.Capacity in management of labor and working conditions of the participating private sector has been assessed as part of the social assessment, and related risks on labor and working conditions is included in the ESMS. No ethnic minority presence is identified in project areas.The Chuzhou-Nanjing Intercity Railway PPP Project is a Category A because the project has the potential for the significant adverse environmental and social impacts and triggers several policies and standards. In brief, some of the responsibilities for safeguards are with the public sector project clients and other safeguards issues are the responsibility of the private sector; hence the performance standards. There is therefore a blend of public and private safeguards instruments. For the public sector obligations, an EIA report, an ESMP, and EA Executive Summary covering all three segments has been prepared. For Segments 1, 2 and 3 safeguards instruments were appraised against WB Safeguards policies as the relevant public entities in both Chuzhou and Nanjing are responsible for managing E&S risks and impacts. In addition to the public sector instruments, for segment 1, which is a PPP, the private sector activities were benchmarked against the Performance Standards where Wantong SPV (the PPP concessionaire) has the responsibility for the management of the E&S risks and impacts. An Audit Report on the Environment, Health, and Safety was prepared for the two locations on Segment 1 where the construction has started. The following Performance Standards apply to the project: PS 1: Assessment and Management of Environmental and Social Risks and Impacts PS 2: Labor and Working Conditions PS 3: Resource Efficiency and Pollution Prevention PS 4: Community Health, Safety, and Security PS 5: Land Acquisition and Involuntary Resettlement (to be managed by Public Sector client following OP 4.12) PS 8: Cultural Heritage. Performance Standard PS 6: Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Management of Living Natural Resources, PS 7: Indigenous Peoples are not applicable to this project because the selected alignment utilizes the central island of the existing corridor (i.e. existing urban and State Road#G104), and connect urban built-up areas, industrial parks, suburban development areas, and the SA concluded no ethnic minorities are present in project locations. Key Information Sources The key documents reviewed by the World Bank team included:Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), dated May 2019, prepared by China Railway Siyuan Survey and Design Institute (SSDI); The Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP), dated May 2019, prepared by the SSDI and the client;Audit Report on the Environment, Health, and Safety of the Sections First Commenced of the Chuzhou-Nanjing Intercity Railway, dated May 2019, prepared by the SSDI;Resettlement Action Plan, dated April 2019, and Resettlement Policy Framework dated April 2019, due diligence report dated October 2019 prepared by consultants commissioned by Chuzhou government;Feasibility Study Report of the Chuzhou-Nanjing Intercity Railway, dated Oct 2017, prepared by China Railway Survey and Design Institute; andAs part of the due diligence process, social and environmental specialists visited the project sites and proposed resettlement areas in March 2018. Based on this review and due diligence, the project is expected to comply with Bank Performance Standards, WB safeguard policies and relevant WBG Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines (EHSGs).PS1: Assessment and Management of Environmental and Social Risks and Impacts A detailed Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA – dated May 2019), Environmental and Social Management Program (ESMP), Audit Report on the Environment, Health, and Safety of the Sections First Commenced of the Chuzhou-Nanjing Intercity Railway, and a Resettlement Action Plan (RAP), were prepared by qualified independent consulting institutions. In identifying, assessing, and managing environmental risks and impacts, the EIA covers the whole line (54 km) of the railway and its areas of influences, and takes into consideration both local laws and regulations, WB Safeguard Policies and the Bank Performance Standards. The site visit by the Bank team’s environmental and social specialists confirms that the EIA has adequately identified likely impacts and risks in the project’s area of influence. As currently proposed and designed, the project does not involve either associated facilities or third-party obligations for significant project components or for environmental aspects of the project. The EIA, ESMP, and RAP are designed at a level commensurate with the high-risk classification. For the 33 km segment 1, the SPV Company (Wantong Intercity Railway Corporation) has developed an Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS). It is structured on a risk-based assessment of project-related activities and tasks, identifying appropriate risk mitigants and management actions for each activity or task, as well as assigning responsibilities for implementation. It also includes a grievance tracking and management system. The SPV Company has a Safety and Quality department for EHS management under the supervision of a Deputy General Manager of the Company. Project Deputy Managers are responsible for EHS management at construction sites. It has engaged two civil work contractors (i.e. China Railway 12 Bureau Group Co. Ltd, and China 4 Bureau Civil Engineering Group) for construction. Both contractors are shareholders of SPV company, and have established adequate EHS system, including ISO14001 and ISO45001 certification. The project enterprise’s organogram shows clearly delineated responsibility for environment, health and safety. It established a set of environmental, health and safety rules and regulations, including risk emergency management plan. The ESMS, as noted above, identifies responsibilities for managing identified risks for each of the specified tasks and activities. This has allowed the project enterprise to identify training needs for all staff, either at the “awareness” or “competency” level and develop training schedules. During operation, environmental management responsibilities will rest with an O&M Company to be established at a later stage for the operation of the inter-city railway. The negative impacts of the project (all three segments) during construction are mainly the environmental issues related to noise, vibration, dust generation, solid wastes, soil erosion, disturbance to existing utility infrastructure (e.g. water, electricity, gas, cable and wastewater), disturbance to local traffic, construction safety, camps management. Other impacts during operation include noise, vibration, wastewater, solid wastes, induced and cumulative impacts such as changes to the distribution of traffic and access arrangements, property and land use impacts. The project has integrated the mitigation measures into the project design, construction phase and operational phase respectively. These environmental and social impacts are addressed by the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report, and preventive and mitigation measures have been developed in the ESMP. A detailed Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) was prepared. It addressed all the environmental and social issues identified in the EIA (i) organizes all measures to mitigate environmental impacts during the construction and operation; and (ii) establishes an organizational structure, procedures, institutional responsibilities for implementation, and a budget and source of financing for each activity. The ESMP also includes environmental monitoring and capacity building programs. Bank review has concluded that these adverse environmental and social impacts can be adequately avoided, minimized and mitigated with good management practice and mitigation measures, as developed in the EIA/ESMP. For the construction works in segment 1 that have been already undertaken, an environmental audit report has been prepared, which concluded the two contractors have sound occupational health and safety system in place and implemented all the mitigation measures stipulated in the EIA/ESMP. Environmental Approval Process. The Audit Report on the segment 1 concluded the EIA on Chuzhou section (46 km) of the project has been completed in 2016 and approved by Chuzhou Environmental Protection Bureau in Jan 2017. The two contractors have complied with both domestic and WB requirements, the mitigation measures have been sufficiently taken to avoid, minimize or mitigate the environmental and social impacts during the construction, and the two contractors also have a sound occupational health and safety system in place which can effectively prevent, control and manage the health and safety issues during the construction process. The preparation of the domestic EIA of the segment 3 (8 km) in Nanjing has not started.Regarding livelihood impacts caused by land acquisition and resettlement, this is the responsibility of the public sector. Social and economic surveys were carried out in March 2019 by Hohai University (social safeguards consultant hired by the client) to establish a baseline data. Scoping analyses were carried out in March 2019 by the same consultancy commissioned by Chuzhou government to identify local stakeholders in both Chuzhou and Nanjing sections. Resettlement sites were also identified based on project feasibility study report. This project will use a proportion of land acquired by Chuzhou government as part of an overall urbanization plan. A RAP and RPF has been prepared to guide land acquisition and resettlement work. Local disclosure (in local languages) of the RAP started on April 23, 2019 for 60 days. In addition, information about the project was communicated during consultation meetings of the social assessment. Project information has been posted at the public information center of affected villages with contact details of the PIU staff, who would receive and manage complaints/enquiries from affected communities. Environmental and Social Specialists from the World Bank team met with several project affected communities and some residents during the various site visits. These meetings confirmed that local people are well informed about the project impacts and the resettlement packages. Community consultation during the exploration and preparation of the EIA/ESMP and RAP stages has been sufficiently and culturally appropriate. The project is broadly supported by the local communities and residents. The project enterprise is committed to ongoing communities’ engagement during construction and operations, and to annual reporting to the local communities on the project’s social, economic and environmental impacts by disclosing the environmental and social external semi-annual monitoring report. PS2: Labor and Working ConditionsThe social assessment consultants reviewed the policy framework of the parent companies of Wantong (SPV) on labor and working conditions. Findings of the assessment has been included in the SIA report, which concludes that the parent companies of the SPV have robust systems managing labor and working conditions. PS3: Resource Efficiency and Pollution PreventionPollution Prevention and Resource Conservation. Noise and vibration pollution during the construction will have impacts on the environmental sensitive receptors especially residential communities. All the sensitive spots have been identified by the EA, and relevant mitigation measures specified in the ESMP, including installation of fence along the construction sites, banning or limitation of construction at night, and optimizing sequence of construction activities etc. The operation of the inter-city railway has the potential to increase noise and ground-borne vibration in nearby sensitive land uses. Such increases can cause undesirable effects on people, and structures. Noise and vibration pollution control measures (noise barriers, use of sound-absorbing materials, use of low noise equipment and carts, and rubber floating slab track, vibration damping track with rubber pad etc.) have been identified in all critical sensitive points along the line. These measures will be complemented with Right-of-Way zoning restrictions which will be enforced by cities. These measures have been incorporated in project design and budget (total RMB 255million for noise management). With the implementation of noise mitigation measures, noise level at sensitive sites will either stay at current noise baseline level or meet relevant noise standards. Soil erosion. Assessment of soil erosion caused by the project has been conducted. The volume of new soil erosion is 17,408 tons. The measures for water and soil conservation include mainly (i) engineering measures: topsoil stripping, topsoil backfill, field leveling and storm water drainage; (ii) vegetation measures: integrated greening; and (iii) temporary measures: temporary drain, temporary sand basin, mud settling sump, waste pit and dense meshes covered on the exposed surfaces. Monitoring on soil erosion will be conducted during and after construction.Ambient air pollution. The air pollution on the construction site mainly comes from construction machinery, transportation vehicles, excavation and backfilling, and the stacking, loading, unloading and transport of powdery building materials. The main pollutant is fugitive dust. The main pollution prevention measures include: dust control net to cover temporary piled soil; water spraying regularly; installation of automatic sprinkler system on the top of the construction enclosure for water spraying; timely sprinkle with recycled water in the sedimentation tank, and re-vegetation. Waste Management. The solid wastes produced on the construction sites are mainly the spoil from excavation and the domestic wastes from construction workers. Waste recycling will be undertaken as much as possible. Based on the design, one borrow pit at Hucaoxiang and two spoil disposal sites (i.e. Eelangshan, and Guanshan) have been identified. The sites were screened for environmental and social issues (not in protected areas, not in scenic areas, not on flood plains, unstable areas) and mitigation measures identified. All sites will be enclosed with retaining wall, proper drainage and re-vegetated. The domestic wastes will be collected and transported by specialized cleaning company to the designed landfill for disposal. The lubricating oil and hydraulic oil will be stored at temporary places with seepage-proofing measures. The construction workers will be trained to transport and handle fuel and chemical properly and take correct actions in case of leakage. Waste produced during operation phase includes domestic waste (approximately 344 tons/year) and some industrial waste (e.g. spent oil, battery). All the waste will be collected and sent to the designated sites (e.g. sanitary landfill, and licensed hazardous waste management companies) for final disposal Wastewater. The main wastewater on the construction sites include muddy water from cast-in-situ bored piles, water for dust removal, wastewater for washing vehicles and equipment, and domestic sewage from camps and canteens on the construction sites. The wastewater will be reusedafter sedimentation in the tertiary sedimentation tank on site. The domestic sewage will be treated by the septic tank. Wastewater to be generated from 13 stations and the maintenance yard during operation will be collected and discharged to municipal sewers or treated for reuse.PS4: Community Health, Safety, and Security Traffic Safety. The project will require the transportation of construction materials and equipment, and other supplies to the construction site. The roads are paved and in very good condition all the way. To avoid adverse impacts on the traffic, traffic management plan has been prepared by contractors and approved by local traffic management department. Traffic safety control measures, road signs, and signals will be set outside construction sites to warn pedestrians and vehicles of the potential risks.Construction Safety. The safety of passersby and construction workers has been carefully considered throughout design and construction of the system. Worksites will be fenced off and detours marked so that pedestrians cannot wander into the construction zone. In addition, the sequencing of construction activities, proper design and support of temporary works, and training and staffing of workers will be planned to ensure the safety of workers. Laborers at the site will receive training to be aware of any risks associated with their own tasks and will be equipped with proper personal protection gear. On site engineering supervisor will be in place to monitor and correct any environmental and safety issues for both workers and residents during construction. Impact on Community Infrastructure. Some of the construction will take place in populated urban areas of Chuzhou. construction in these urban environments can interfere with existing utility infrastructure (e.g. water, electricity, gas, and wastewater); and can cause disturbance to local traffic around the construction site. These negative impacts will be minimized by elevated or underground alignment. Overall, there will be 7.788 km underground segment and 46.378 km elevated segment. In addition, tunneling shied method will be used in sensitive areas to reduce negative construction impacts, together with the optimizing the sequence of construction works. Community Health and safety during operation phase. 99.6% of the alignment are tunnel and elevated bridges. With these designs, the impact on local traffic, community severance, and agricultural irrigation systems will be effectively avoided or minimized, and the potential accidents of random railway crossing will be effectively avoided. In addition, the reliable intercity rail service will improve road safety by attracting people from private vehicles.Emergency Response Plans. Emergency response plans and teams have been established to handle with the emergency incidents or accidents on the construction sites, including the incidents related to environmental pollution, construction safety, traffic safety and accidents requiring medical attention. PS5: Land Acquisition and Involuntary ResettlementLand acquisition and Resettlement. This is the responsibility of local governments in Chuzhou and Nanjing, following World Bank OP4.12 policy on Involuntary Resettlement. All required instruments have been prepared including RAP, RPF, and due diligence report on land acquisition and resettlement activities that have started. PS8: Cultural HeritageThe project site, including the project infrastructure areas and the resettlement sites, were studied by two local EA and RAP team. A cultural property survey along the whole line has been conducted for all project sites as part of the EA process, including consultation with local cultural property management authorities and the public. The survey concluded that no cultural heritage would be affected by the project activities. However, it is found that the project will lead to the relocation of approximately 152 graves. Consultation was carried out and compensation plan was included in the RAP. “Chance Find Procedures” of PS8 have been included in the ESMP and will apply during the construction phase and will be incorporated in contractor and subcontractor bidding documents. Access to Client DocumentationThe EA documents were locally disclosed at the website of Chuzhou Ecology and Environment Bureau () on May 10, 2019, with a notice published at Chuzhou Daily and Nanjing Morning Post. Social assessment report, RAP, and RPF were disclosed locally on April 23, 2019. ................

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