Risk Analysis, Quality Assurance, ISO 9001 and Business ...

Company name removed

AS/NZS ISO 9001:2000


Reviewed By: Approved By:

Name Name














• Employment Declaration 7

• Pay Disbursement Advice 7

• Superannuation Application 7

• New Employee Induction Checklist 7

• New Employee Orientation & Training Checklist 7


Background 8

Organisational Structure 9

Organisational Policies 9


Position Description 10

Payment Details 10

Leave 10

Conflict Of Interest 10

Duty Of Care 10

Confidentiality 10


Superannuation 11

Training & Development 11

Use Of Vehicles 11


Responsibilities 12

Business System Documentation 12

Audit Program 14

Action Requests 14


Responsibilities 15

Incident And Hazard Reporting And Prevention 15


I would like to introduce you to Company name (COMPANY NAME) and our Business Systems philosophy. .

COMPANY NAME’s focus is to better meet our customers' needs. For this, we have positioned our business specifically to offer clients the benefit of a wide range of professional services and related products.

Principally Company name provide consulting and development services in Mechanical Systems servicing the Building, Infrastructure, Power, Process, Oil, Gas, Automotive, Transportation, Mining, Defence and Aerospace industries.

Professional services provided by COMPANY NAME include:

• Machine condition monitoring and failure investigation;

• Acoustic design, modelling, occupational & noise measurement & contouring & noise quieting;

• Systems integration and trials;

• Mechanical Dynamics and Vibro-acoustics;

• Data acquisition and signal processing;

• Wind tunnel modelling and testing;

• NATA Accredited Laboratory and testing services; and

• Systems Engineering products and services.

Testing devices, monitoring devices and Computer Aided Engineering software products provided by COMPANY NAME include:

• Advanced Computer Aided Engineering software products (AutoSEA; Virtual Acoustic Prototyper; RESOUND) in use across 350 of the world’s largest product companies;

• Automated vehicle brake testers and windscreen light testers;

• Bambino, a bearing condition monitoring and fault classification instrument (AusIndustry Award Winner, 1999).

With these services and products, we provide a competitive advantage for our clients through our service delivery in a quality environment. We commit ourselves by listening to our customers, understanding their needs and matching our solutions specifically to their needs. Continually improving our customer service is a high priority. Our goal is to make this a reality through the diligent application of standardised Business Systems.

COMPANY NAME recognise that our people are our most important asset. We actively develop and train our people to improve their skills and personal performance. We encourage excellence in effort and reward achievements.

Our aim is to exceed our customers' expectations in our core business. We take pride in the history of achievements of our people in providing quality services for all past customers and look forward to extending these achievements to our future clients.

Managing Director

15 October 2001



The employee induction manual is applicable to all new employees of Company name (COMPANY NAME).


This manual has been prepared and issued to provide new employees with a sound foundation in COMPANY NAME policies and practices and a smooth employment transition.


Revisions to this manual will be authorized by the Managing Director or the Quality Manager. The content will be periodically updated as required to reflect changes in company operations.


All Managers are responsible for ensuring effective implementation in accordance with Procedure VP 6002 New Employee Induction.


This manual is intended to augment VM0001 Business Systems Manual and associated documentation, to ensure new employees can quickly become effective and efficient contributors.


The issue status of this manual is provided in the Business System Document Registers in VM0001 Business Systems Manual.


Our people will apply the following principles in their dealings with our Customers, Suppliers, Contractors, the community and ourselves.

We will:

Adopt an active approach to achieving client expectations;

Consult continuously with customers regarding their needs;

Adopt best practices and quality principles in client and employee relations;

Achieve value for money for the client;

Resolve conflicting interpretations through consultation and negotiation;

Deal fairly with suppliers in cooperative partnership;

Provide effective leadership for our people;

Apply relevant service, engineering, technical, and management standards;

Promote good health and working safety;

Promote teamwork while respecting the individual; and

Practice as a good corporate and community citizen.

Managing Director

15 October 2001


A set of forms has been supplied for new employees to complete, as appropriate to their needs. These forms include:

Employment Declaration

This form is to be completed as per the instructions provided by the Australian Taxation Office which accompany the form, and forwarded to the Adelaide Office administration section for recording and on-forwarding to the Pay Office in Melbourne.

Pay Disbursement Advice

This form (VF6002.C) allows your nett wages to be deposited in the account & bank of your choice. It also allows COMPANY NAME to deduct wages and deposit them elsewhere on your behalf.

Superannuation Application

This enables COMPANY NAME to pay a percentage of your wage as an employer contribution. Employee contributions are solely dependant on the employee. The fund may be nominated by the employee or selected by COMPANY NAME, at the employee’s discretion. Superannuation is paid annually, unless other arrangements are negotiated.

New Employee Induction Checklist

This form (VF6002.A) allows COMPANY NAME and employees to ensure all facets of the induction program are explained and understood.

New Employee Orientation & Training Checklist

This form (VF6002.A) allows COMPANY NAME and employees to ensure all facets of the induction program are explained and understood, and ensures employees have a basic grounding in local workplace practices and arrangements.



Company name Ltd (COMPANY NAME) is a wholly Australian-owned unlisted public company of professional engineers and scientists. The company was founded in 1973 and is one of the leading acoustic and vibration consultancy companies in Australia and South East Asia, employing approximately 100 staff with most involved in environmental engineering & product development with specialities in acoustics, noise & vibration, improving building designs, emissions testing, product assurance and efficiency improvement. Turnover exceeds A$12 million per annum, of which around 10 percent are derived from overseas.

Principally Company name provide consulting and development services in Mechanical Systems servicing the Building, Construction, Infrastructure, Power, Process, Petrochemical Automotive & Transportation, Mining and Defence/Aerospace industries.

Initial activities were directed at the fields of noise and vibration, particularly in the heavy industrial, mining, transport, marine and offshore industries. On the vibration/dynamics side, these areas have broadened to encompass structural dynamics including finite element modelling, fatigue analysis, field measurement studies of dynamic loads and structural modifications.

The acoustic area broadened to include Underwater Acoustics, Signal Processing, Electronics and Software Development. State-of-the-art computing, software and instrumentation facilities are maintained to provide cost effective services to clients. With increasing depth of company experience, COMPANY NAME is now involved in a greater proportion of system level projects and also manufactures, supports and distributes several of its own products.

Currently the main sources of revenue are derived from:

• Machine condition monitoring and failure investigation;

• Acoustic design, modelling, occupational and noise measurement and contouring and noise quieting;

• Systems integration and trials;

• Mechanical Dynamics and Vibro-acoustics;

• Data acquisition and signal processing;

• Wind tunnel modelling and testing;

• Laboratory and testing services where Company name has 5 NATA accreditations covering acoustic & vibration measurement (2), engineering materials testing (including plumbing products), electrical appliances and components and mechanical testing;

• Systems Engineering products and services such as RAAF aircraft dynamics and drag reduction, FedSat development and integration and RailBAM; and

• Testing devices, monitoring devices and Computer Aided Engineering software products.

Organisational Structure

The current organisational chart for COMPANY NAME is included in VM0001 Business Systems Manual, which is the primary document for COMPANY NAME’s business systems.

COMPANY NAME has it’s headquarters in Melbourne, with other Australian offices located in Sydney, Brisbane, Hunter Valley, Adelaide and Perth.

Organisational Policies

The COMPANY NAME organisational policies and procedures are provided via access to the COMPANY NAME Business Systems. Access is both hard copy and electronic.

All staff should obtain and maintain a shortcut on their computer desktop which allows them access to the business systems index.


Position Description

Your Position Description is provided at the time of offering the position to you, or can be accessed electronically via the business systems index.

Your Position Description outlines your responsibilities, authorities, objectives, lines of communication and key performance criteria.

Payment Details

Pay periods are monthly. Pay advice slips are provided following the end of the pay period. Pay normally appears in the account/s nominated by you on the next working day following the 8th day of the month.


Annual Leave: 4 weeks per year.

Sick Leave: As per employment agreement. you must give notice of at least 1 hour before scheduled commencement of duty.

Public Holidays: As detailed in the Ambulance Service (or relevant) Award.

Conflict Of Interest

Each employee is required to:

1. Serve COMPANY NAME faithfully and diligently exercise all due care;

2. Act at all times in COMPANY NAME’s best interest;

3. Refrain from acting or from being seen to act, in conflict with COMPANY NAME’s best interest; &

4. Use his/her best endeavours to protect and promote COMPANY NAME’s reputation.

An employee shall obtain written endorsement of COMPANY NAME prior to engaging in other employment or business which does, or may give rise to, a conflict of interest or which may be detrimental to COMPANY NAME or to the employee’s ability to perform his/her work for COMPANY NAME.

An employee shall not disclose any confidential or personal information relating to COMPANY NAME, its’ staff or its’ customers to any unauthorised person except where required to do so by law or otherwise with the written permission of COMPANY NAME.

Duty Of Care

A ‘duty of care’ is an obligation, recognised by law, to conform to a particular standard of conduct, for the protection of others against unreasonable risks. A breach of the ‘duty of care’ may result in an action for negligence being taken against the individual and/or their employer. An employer may take disciplinary action against an employee who fails in their ‘duty of care’.


You have a legal and ethical duty of confidentiality to COMPANY NAME and its’ customers. You are prohibited to disclose to a third person, personal identifiable material.

This obligation continues after you leave the employment of COMPANY NAME.



The Service’s superannuation body is Norwich, however you can nominate a fund of your choice. The rate of employer contribution is governed by the Commonwealth and individual employment agreements. Employee contributions are not compulsory. Contact the Pay Officer for more information.

Training & Development

All full-time staff are eligible to apply for consideration for assistance to cover the cost of registration, transport and accommodation, where appropriate, for short course and tertiary studies. The objectives and assistance guidelines are provided in COMPANY NAME Procedures.

Use Of Vehicles

Company vehicles are only to be driven by, or under the direction of, employees of COMPANY NAME. Conditions of use of vehicles are described in COMPANY NAME Procedures.




All employees are responsible for the quality of work they carry out, and for ensuring:

5. That the need for additional procedures, instructions or training is identified and brought to the attention of their supervisor or manager;

6. That when assigned to a task, they confirm that they are qualified and experienced in their technical discipline and can perform their assigned duties in a satisfactory and safe manner;

7. That they are familiar with procedures and instructions applying to their tasks;

8. Adherence to Occupational Health and Safety procedures required by statutory regulations and COMPANY NAME Policy; and

9. That they strive for excellence in their tasking and participate willingly in the improvement of business systems.

Personnel under training, including new employees, must work under direct supervision until their supervisor or manager is satisfied that the required skill and competency level is attained.

Manager And Supervisor

All managers and supervisors are responsible for the quality of work carried out by personnel within their respective areas of responsibility and for ensuring that:

10. All their employees have ready access to, and familiarity with, the relevant procedures, instructions and other workmanship standards;

11. Personnel assigned to a task are qualified and experienced in their technical discipline and have the tools and materials necessary to perform the duties of their position in a satisfactory and safe manner;

12. The administration of business systems activities that apply to their area of responsibility; and

13. For ensuring adherence to Occupational Health and Safety procedures in accordance with statutory regulations and COMPANY NAME Policy.

Business System Documentation

The business system documentation provides a clear picture of the breakdown of the sources and information that collectively describe what the system is intended to achieve, how it works, what is to be produced, by whom and when.

This system consists of five tiers of documentation.

14. The Business Systems Manual

15. Other COMPANY NAME Manuals

16. COMPANY NAME Procedures

17. Local Instructions

18. Forms and Records

The Business Systems Manual (VM0001)

The Business Systems Manual defines the organization, its policies and objectives, and outlines the directives that apply throughout COMPANY NAME. The Business Systems Manual references the procedures that have been established for the operations of COMPANY NAME and to comply with the International and Australian quality standard ISO 9001.

Other Company name Manuals (VM0002-)

The Business Systems Manual references other manuals which support arrangements intended to comply with ISO 9001, ISO 17025, COMPANY NAME and customer requirements.

They include:

• Company name Forms Manual

• Induction Manual

• Position Description Manual

• Melbourne Laboratory Manual

• Façade & Window Testing Manual

• Adelaide Laboratory Manual

• Facility Engineering Management Plan (For The RAAF)

COMPANY NAME Procedures (VP)

The COMPANY NAME procedures establish the purpose, scope, responsibilities and procedural activities to satisfy the requirements of ISO 9001, as they apply to COMPANY NAME, and to provide the standardized methodology of work practices and define the necessary requirements for systems of work within COMPANY NAME.

Procedures are numbered to provide for traceability.

The Business Systems Manual and COMPANY NAME Procedures are controlled and distributed by the Quality Systems Manager.

Local Instructions (LI)

LIs establish the benchmark or base-line for performance of all tasks that necessitate the documenting of specific local Office requirements.

Local Instructions apply to a single Office only, and provide information that is specific and peculiar to that Office. The contents of LI’s must not conflict with the requirements of a COMPANY NAME Manual or COMPANY NAME Procedure.

Identification and numbering of Local Instructions is defined in VP1001. They are identified with the prefix LI, are numbered from 0001 for each Office, and have a suffix that corresponds to the code used at airports. (e.g. BNE = Brisbane)

LIs must be registered with, controlled and distributed by, the Quality Systems Manager.

Forms and Records

Forms are a means to record data, and records provide the objective evidence needed to prove that we did what the procedure/instruction/etc prescribed the process to be. Normally only those forms listed in the COMPANY NAME Forms Manual, Local Forms (LFs) listed in the Local Manual are to be used. Templates will be controlled as VFs or LFs wherever feasible.

New Documentation

During implementation of the COMPANY NAME Business Systems, procedures, instructions and forms need to be developed, reviewed, approved, registered, distributed and controlled.

Proposal for new documents must be submitted to the Quality Systems Manager for these processes to take place.

Changes To Documentation

Any document that forms part of the COMPANY NAME Business Systems can only be altered by lodging a DRAFT copy of the “marked-up” document with the Quality Systems Manager. Review and approval of changed documents will be by the original positions where feasible.

External Documents

All external documents used as guidance for the performance of COMPANY NAME activities (Acts, Regulations, Australian Standards, etc.) must be registered to ensure that the current information is available in all work areas where it is required.

Maintaining the currency, and the list of controlled holders, of the document is the responsibility of the admin staff at each COMPANY NAME Office.

Audit Program

To ensure the continued integrity and effectiveness of COMPANY NAME’s quality policy and associated Business Systems, COMPANY NAME is implementing an audit programme designed to measure and report on the overall state of compliance.

When a company first sets up its management system the initial work to be done is concentrated on the reduction of the “gap” between the current situation in-company and the requirements of the documented system and ISO 9001.

The three main reasons for this are:

19. The lack of maturity in the management of the system;

20. The tendency to act rather than document; and

21. The limited amount of available resources.

Internal audits are the main source of documentation of these gaps, so that positive action can be taken to close the gap and avoid it re-opening in the future. The on-going audit programme monitors activities to ensure that no gaps exist (compliance). All auditing activities are reviewed by management.

Action Requests

As part of the Business Systems COMPANY NAME has put in place a reporting system encouraging all employees to document those occasions when someone identifies the opportunity to:

22. Improve the services provided;

23. Correct a service that does not meet procedural requirements;

24. Identify the need for additional procedures to be documented to ensure that a recognized and acceptable standard of service is provided uniformly across the organisation;

25. Identify additional training requirements necessary to achieve quality service; or

26. Provide innovative services to our customers.

These opportunities should be documented on a VF1003.A Action Request, and are processed in accordance with VP1003 Action Requests.



All employees shall co-operate in realising COMPANY NAME’s health and safety objectives and the creation of a safe work environment and shall:

• Take all reasonably practicable steps for their own health and safety, and of others who may be affected by their actions at work;

• Comply with the safety procedures and directions, making suggestions on where improvements can be made;

• Not willfully interfere with or misuse items or facilities provided in the interests of health, safety and welfare of other employees;

• In accordance with procedures for accident and incident reporting, report potential and actual hazards to their respective supervisor for his or her prompt action;

• Participate in establishing designated work groups at their local level;

• Nominate representatives for selection or election by nominated work groups as members of health and safety committees or working parties to investigate health and safety matters, and

• Conform to all instructions issued for personal protection and the safety of others.

Incident And Hazard Reporting And Prevention

Any accident or incident that involves an employee, or property, of COMPANY NAME shall be recorded on a VF1003.A Action Request.

Where an accident involves a fatality, an injury which requires hospitalisation, serious damage to property or equipment, or the potential for this to occur, the General/State/Operations Manager must be contacted immediately.


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