Ringing World


Index 2008

acronyms & abbreviations: .. BR Bell Ringers; .. CR Change Ringers; AGM Annual General Meeting; A Alliance; anniv anniversary; ANZAB Australia & New Zealand Association of Bellringers; Assoc/s Association/s; augm augmentation; B Bob; C century; CA County Association; Capt captain; cent centenary; ch church; contrib contributor; corr corrections; D Delight; DA Diocesan Association; Dep Deputy; DG Diocesan Guild; Ed Editorial; fnt fortnight; Hon Honorary; illus illustration; LB Little Bob; let letter/s; LS Little Surprise; Membs Memberships; Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun; obit obituary; P p peal; photo photograph; QP qp quarter peal; quarter/s quarter peal/s; Revd Reverend; S Surprise; Socs Societies; TB Treble Bob; TP Treble Place; w/e weekend

filing: Mc filed as Mac; St filed as Saint

page numbers: bold for major items; italics for illustrations; suffix for corrections (corr), Editorial (Ed) letters (let), illustrations (illus) (drawing) etc.


'A Grandisson* Day Out' 665–666

'A is for ALPHABET' 1078

A-Z of ringing see individual letters A to Z new series

Abbey Guild of Ringers, Tewkesbury 404

Abbotskerswell, Devon, Avery family win prizes 277

Abel ringing simulator software: Denmisch, simulated campanile 80; Devon Young Ringers 1268; Keele Ringing Centre 28; Teaching Centre, Worcester Cathedral 156, 1293, 1296

Aberdeen, Marischal College, 'What's up...' 1049

Abergavenny area, Kids.Ring.Out 104

Abingdon, Oxon, St Helen, new type of clapper 713–714, 766 (let), 818, 862 (let), 887 (let), 1004

About Bells 656

accidents 885

An Account of Church Bells (1857) 810

Accounts (CCCBR): 2006 462; 2007 467–469, 986

accounts, charitable, important changes 304

acoustics see also sound; tunings 961 (let), 1083, 1132 (let); frames lowered 1154 (let); improving, Englefield example 714; research at Open University 615, 668

Adams, David (contrib) 1081–1082

Administrative Committee, CCCBR 470, 987

Advice Centre, Ringing Roadshow 2008 909

Advisory Board for Redundant Churches 79

Africa see also Ghana, Woji; South African Guild; Zimbabwe Guild

Africa, Taylors Eayre & Smith Ltd report 897

'After Trinity' 861 (poem)

age profiles, ringers 544, 1082 (graph)

Aggregate Levy Sustainability Fund 689

Ainsworth, Marion & Alan, Golden Wedding 1087, 1097, 1099

Airy, George (Astronomer Royal) 377–378

Alan Regin (contrib) 1173–1175

Aldbourne, Wilts, 'Chimers' board 495 (let), 590 (let)

Alderney, Channel Islands

Annual Channel Islands District Striking Comp 1054

ringers tour New Forest 783

tours 1039

ale see beer; 'Beer Matters'

Alexander, FM (author) 620

Alexander Technique 742 (let)

'Alfred W Grimes and his historic handbells' 489, 492, 566 (let), 743 (let)

Allchurches Trust Ltd (grants) 591

Allexton, Leics, qp reports 790 (corr)

Alloa Surprise Major (composition) 592

alphabet of ringing see A-Z of ringing

Alvaston, Derby, bell work 903

Amber Valley Surprise Major (composition) 592

Ambridge, Borsetshire, St Stephens (fictitious) see also The Archers

augmentation? 494 (let), 542–543 (let), 567 (let), 619 (let), 676, 743 (let)

band of ringers 856, 859 (Ed), 880

conductor writes 839 (let)

Grandsire Doubles 543 (let), 839 (let)

installing simulator 1055 (Ed)

mystery 676

American tuning method 84

Among the Bells 935

'An ABZ of Sacred Cows' 283–284, 358 (let)

ancient places of worship, Egloskerry 308

Ancient Society of College Youths see College Youths, Ancient Society of

Angelici, Fabio (automated ringing) 979

Angrave, Richard J (composer) 816, 1084

anonymous letters 543 (let)

Ansell, Julian (contrib) 409

Anthony Short & Partners (architects) 54

ANZAB see also Australia

annual report, Taylors Eayre & Smith Ltd 897

ANZAB 2008, 'Perthect!' 669

ANZAC Day peal 569

'the bell tower' 688

Central Council 2008 645

e-list activity 19, 80, 211, 264, 535, 591, 656, 768, 790, 851, 885, 912, 1033, 1059, 1154, 1178

Goulburn, NSW 1200–1201, 1299 (let)(corr)

Lismore, NSW 52

Orange, NSW 199

Perth, WA 56, 75, 115–119, 120, 975

Sydney, NSW: Cathedral Church of St Andrew 897; St Paul, Burwood, 50 peals in 45 years 723

update 436

websites, visit .au 436


ANZAB peal 569

at Harefield, Gr London 83 (let), 159 (let)

appeals see also augmentations; fund raising; grants & loans; restoration projects: Bath & Wells DA, Bridgwater Branch 960, 1244; Bromsberrow, Glos, St Mary 1230; Builth Wells, Powys, Wales 330; Dereham, Norf, St Nicholas 1151; Hartington, Derbys 55; 'Help for Heroes' 856; Hillsborough, Co Down, St Malachy 77–78; John Barry Memorial Bell 77–78; London, City of, St Katharine Cree 282, 643 (Ed), 662, 1325; Poole, Dorset, St James 328; printer cartridge appeal 1151; Scilly Isles, St Mary 407; Southwell DG, Bingham D 227; Tewkesbury Abbey, Glos 404; West Kirby, Mers, St Bridget 104; Whittington, Staffs, St Giles 258

Archdeacon's Certificate 79

The Archers see also Ambridge, Borsetshire 494 (let), 542 (let), 567 (let), 743 (let), 766 (let), 861, 1003

at the Roadshow 856

architects: Anthony Short & Partners 54; Butterfield, William 332; Middleton, John 182; Wilson, James (19C) 129

archives see also 'From the Archives': College Youths, Ancient Society of (ASCY), library 255, 810, 812; London, Clerkenwell, Metropolitan Archive 188 (let)

Armistice, 90th anniv see also World War I 1257

arms, effects of ringing on 1303

Arnold, Edward of St Neots (bellfounder) 695 (let)

Arnold, Richard, Hon Life Memb, Salisbury DG 808

Arnold & Ludlum tuning see also acoustics; tunings 84

'Around & About' see individual place names

Around Downham Market 695 (let)

arson attack 904

art, performing 109

'The art of bellfounding & value for money' 456, 566 (let)

arthritis 1303

Arts & Crafts church, Roker, Tyne & Wear

Arundel Castle, Sussex, ring of three recovered 1028, 1108 (let)

ASCV see Associazione Suonatori di Campane a Sistema Veronese

ASCY see College Youths, Ancient Society of

Assay Office, Birmingham (bell donor) 835

Association & Guild News see Guilds/Associations by name

Association fees see subscriptions debate

Associations & Guilds, list of 280

Associazione Suonatori di Campane a Sistema Veronese (ASCSV) see also Italy

Vatican, Rome, St Peter's Basilica, visit 277, 335 (let)

audibility 108

augment?, 'To or not to - augment' 541, 743 (let), 789–790 (let), 839 (let)

augmentations see also new ring projects 898–899

Ambridge (fictitious) 494 (let), 542–543 (let), 567 (let), 743 (let)

Barrow-upon-Humber, Lincs 328, 898, 933–935

Birmingham, W Mids: St Giles, Sheldon 898; St Paul, Jewellery Quarter 120

Charminster, Dorset 898

Cheltenham, Glos, St Mark 181–185, 898

Clifton, Notts, St Francis 899, 1177 (let)

East Rudham, Norf 898

Egloskerry, Cornwall 308

Flookburgh, Cumbr, St John the Baptist 788

Liverpool, Mers, Our Lady & St Nicolas, Pier Head 939 (let)

Lundy Island, Devon 120

Michaelston-y-Fedw, S Glamorgan 898

Orton-on-the Hill, Leics 898, 914

Otterham, Cornwall, St Denis 561–562, 611 (corr), 903

Perth, WA, Swan Tower 120

Ripon Cathedral 509, 524, 898

Scarrington, Notts 363, 899

Sibson, Leics, St Botolph 541, 544

South Petherton, Somerset 898

Southampton, Bitterne Park 537–538, 540

St Sepulchre without Newgate, Holborn Viaduct, London 120

Towcester, Northants 120

Waverton, Ches 898

Wellow, Notts 899

Whittington, Staffs 257–258, 898

Australia see also ANZAB

Bath & Wells DA tour 499–500

Keech, Thomas (9), visit 260

automated ringing 979

Avery family, NAIT shield & Ralph Gardner ... 277

Avington, Hampshire, bells return 1097

Aylesbury, Bucks, bells ringing across the world 152

Ayres, Ray (contrib)

'The art of bellfounding and value for money' 456, 566 (let)

'Memories of P.L.T ...' 84–85, 136–137

obituary : announcements 643 (Ed), 660, 676; an appreciation 852; peals rung 844; quarter peals rung 849



Bacon, Bob (obit) 1120

Bagley, David (dumb bell design) 1294

Bagley simulator 156

Baker, Godwin (1615 bellfounder) 1268

Baker, Philip (obit) 954

Baldock, Les & Elaine, Golden Wedding 1311

Baldwin, John (Steward) see 'Dove's Guide ...'

Ballard, Derek (contrib) 884–885

Baltonsburgh, Som, restoration 903

bands, congregational 382 (let), 439–440 (let)

banned from conducting 878–879

Barber, Alan (composer) 1225 (corr), 1267 (corr)

Barclay, Robert (author) 106

Barker, Arthur D (Tales..) 791–792, 813, 983

Barnes, John (bell restoration), 'The Work of the Bell Restoration Committee' 125

Barnes, London SW13

Barnes Ringers & Friends w/e 1046–1047

QP tour 530

quarter peal day 683

Barnsley, Glos, village festival 783

barometer inscription 695 (let)

Barraclough, Joan M, first peal 675

Barrow & District Society, clears first HLF hurdle 328

Barrow-upon-Humber, Lincs, augmentation 328, 898, 933–935

Barry, Revd Canon John ('Cromlyn'), (19C) 77–78

Barry, Sir Charles (architect 19C) 377, 614

Barwell, Leics, ting-tang quarter bells 835

Barwells of Birmingham (bellfounder) 329, 330

Basford, Maureen, 70th birthday 1092

Basingstoke, Hants, All Saints, quarter peal w/e 705

Basingstoke District, quarter peal week 370–371


quarter peal trip to Derbys (wet, wet, wet) 369–370

St Stephen, Lansdown 3, 129–132; 1st peal on the bells 389

Bath & Wells, Bishop of (19C) 129

Bath & Wells DA 180

8-bell Striking Comp 1172

Australia tour 499–500

Bridgwater Branch, appeal 960, 1244

'From the Archives' 348

new Master 404

Somerset, Wilts & Dorset, peal week XXXII 943

Taunton Branch: 6-bell contest 256; AGM 161, 1204

'The Battle of Lincoln' see National 12-Bell Striking Contest

Batty Charitable Trust (bell donor) 328, 934

BBC see broadcasts

Beacham, David (booklet production) 301

Beard, David W (composer) 592

beards, prejudicial remarks 887 (let)

Beckett, Sir Edmund (19C clockmaker) see Grimthorpe, Lord

Bedford, Vernon (contrib) 214, 219

Bedfordshire Association

Bedford District, QP week 634

news 720

Young Ringers, 2008 event 1276

young ringers, Melville Cup 720

Bedwellty, Gwent, refurbishment 899

beer see also pub names: Black Jack's centenary 40; mats, Bell's Whisky 1275 (let); 'real ale and ... bell ringing' 696; Tadcaster 1029; Worcester Cathedral, Bells & Beer Festival 806

'Beer Matters' 357, 696, 1011, 1203 (let)

belfries, noisy 158 (let)

belfry prayers 212 (let), 237, 310 (let), 544

Belfry Reform 283–284

'Belfry reform today?' 235 (Ed), 236–237, 259 (Ed), 264, 283 (Ed), 286–287 (let), 310 (let), 334–335 (let), 358–359 (let), 382–383 (let), 410 (let), 439 (let), 491 (Ed), 494–496 (let), 518 (let), 544, 1151 (Ed), 1298 (let)

a follow-up article 1151 (Ed), 1153–1154

'ringing-chat' e-list 298

'Belfry Stories': 'Nutcrackers' 372

Bell, Claire (contrib) 107–108, 857–858

Bell Club Awards 232, 456, 664, 832, 1076

'bell historians' e-list

activity 19, 47, 73, 80, 151, 203, 240, 264, 298, 322, 438, 491, 535, 544, 567, 591, 635, 656, 696, 790, 815, 851, 861, 886, 912, 937, 961, 1003, 1033, 1059, 1083, 1107, 1131, 1154, 1178, 1201, 1226, 1267, 1275, 1325

origins of 1300

bell maintenance 79

The Bell News 268, 283, 305, 306, 354, 413, 811, 840, 1027

The Bell News and Ringers Record (1908) see 'From the Archives'

bell profiles 84

Gillett & Johnston (G&J) 844

Watts & Eayre 84

Bell Projects, Delivering Successful 115–124

1000 Bell Pub Tour 1132 (let)

Bell Restoration Committee 125, 472–473, 644, 987

Bell Restoration Fund, CCCBR see also grants & loans 125, 901, 1035

bell tone combinations (scales) 540 (table)

'the bell tower', Australia 688

Bell Towers and Bell Hanging: An Appeal to Architects 125, 667, 669

bellfounders see also Gillett & Johnston; Johnston, Cyril F; Taylor, John & Co; Taylors Eayre & Smith Ltd; Warner, John & Sons; Whitechapel Bellfoundry Ltd: A; Arnold, Edward of St Neots 695 (let); B; Baker, Godwin (1615) 1268; Barwells of Birmingham 329, 330; Billington & Newton 55 (table); Bond, Anthony (17C) 844; Bowditch & Higby 308; Brasyers, Norwich 84; D; Dobson, William 695 (let); Downham Market 695 (let); E; Eayre, Joseph of St Neots 695 (let), 738; Eayre, Thomas 84; G; Graye, Miles (17C Colchester) 1152; H; Hutton, Paul 55 (table); L; Lewis, TC 31 (let), 58 (let); Llewellins & James 129; M; Martin, John (1693) 1268; McShane Bellfoundry, Baltimore, Maryland 896; Mears, Charles & George 129, 614, 1197; Mears, Thomas 55 (table), 695 (let), 810, 1197; Mears & Blews 305; Mears & Stainbank Founders, London 349, 585; N; Newcombes of Leicester 84; Noone, William 55 (table); O; Oldfield, Henry (17C) 695 (let); Osborne, Thomas of St. Neots 695 (let); R; Rudhall, Abraham of Gloucester 1021; Rudhall, John of Gloucester 329; W; Watts & Eayre 84, 136

bellfounders, general: conservation & restoration, role in 108; Dutch 84

bellfounding: art of & value for money 456, 566 (let); origins of 616; transformed 301

bellfoundry museums 229

bellframes: cast iron frames 667; CCC Code of Practice 107; composite frame, early example 332; conservation 108; lowered 1083 (let); painting metal 1108 (let), 1132 (let), 1155 (let), 1177 (let); Romsey Abbey, Hants 125–127

bellhangers see also Hayward Mills Associates: Nicholson Engineering 104; Whites of Appleton 1, 130, 180

'Bellnav', e-list: activity 438, 851; origin of 1300

Bellringer's Early Companion 83 (let)

The Bellringers' Handbook being replaced 644

bells see also Big Ben; Church, calling people to; inscriptions: & the Council for the Care of Churches 106–107; association with Christian Faith 103; Bells of Old Bailey see London, City of, St Sepulchre ...; as channels of love 327; in Christmas cards? 1059 (let); in Country Life 807; door 211; Emille, Gyeongju, South Korea 612; Great Peter 379; horse bells 1177 (let), 1274 (let); John Barry Memorial Bell 77–78; key points of view 109; largest 49, 408–409, 612, 781; largest swinging 1083; listing 1298; male or female? 637; sixteen 211; tubular 381; unusual 1248; in worship, prayer, and reunion of spirit 75, 78, 106

The Bells 1324

'The Bells' (poem) 1228

Bells & Bell Ringing (CD) 1032–1033

Bells Across the Meadow 1324

The Bells and Belfries of Dorset 844

'Bells in motion', Illinois 712

Bell's Life in London 7, 1034

Bells of the Church (1872) 414, 810

Beltower 2008 see also simulators 884–885, and visit beltower.co.uk

Bence, Toby (8), first quarter peal 736

Bentley, Donald (obit) 1192

Berry, Alan (Director of Taylors Eayre & Smith Ltd) & wife Chris, accident 581

Berwick-upon-Tweed, Nhmbld, Town Hall 232

Best Boy, Continuity Girl 903

Beta blockers 31 (let)

Betjeman, John (poet) 1291, 1335


'From the Archives' 444

Queen Elizabeth II, 80th birthday peal board 376

Beverley & District, QP week 2007 398

Beverley Surprise Major (composition) 592

Big Ben: April Fool? 360, 518 (let); 'Big Ben Doubles' 549; Big Ben II 657 (photo), 657–658; BIG BEN - the bell the clock and the tower 80, 379 (Ed); gender? 637; its engineering past present & future 927; 150th anniv 79 (Ed), 377–381, 512; prototype claims 1036

'Big Ben' (Hall, Sir Benjamin) 380, 614

'Big Ben I and his large little sisters' 613–615, 617–619, 647–648, 657–658; Acknowledgements 658; Aftermath 657–658; Enter Sir Benjamin 614–615; Experimental Bells 617–618; The First Big Ben 647; John Warner 615, 617; A Journey and a Name 647–648; The Office of Works 614; poor Mr Warner ... 613–614; Quarter Chimes & a Crack 648; Two More Bells 648, 657

Big Wilf's Muffles 1121

Bill, Peter (contrib) 936–937, 944

Billinge, Sue & Ian, Golden Wedding 1215

Billington & Newton, bell founders 55 (table)

Bilton, Warw, restoration 898

Bingley, Yorks, Young Ringers invade 373

Biographies Committee, CCCBR 473–474, 987, 1270

Birchington, Kent, Waterloo Tower, Quex Park 827

birds: peregrine falcons 544; swifts 213 (let)

Birmingham, Alabama, new bells 384

Birmingham, Lord Mayor of 838

Birmingham, W Mids see also St Martin's Guild

Methodist Church, Cradely Heath, redundant 834

St Laurence, Northfield, Rector retires 891

St Martin: 1,000 peals of Surprise Maximus 993; Grandsire Triples (1753) 834

St Paul, new ring 833–835, 837–838

Birmingham Gazette 834

Birmingham Municipal Buildings, clock 661

birthday peal, April 16th 1202 (let)

Bishop's Stortford, Herts, 200 peals 1281

Bitterne Park see Southampton

Black Jack's centenary 40

Bladon, Brian

60th anniversary of first peal 723

4500 peals 889

Blair, Alan (contrib)

'A present day monastic bellfoundry' 616

'Lichen Stary - Poland's largest church and heaviest bells' 408–409

'New Heavy Zvon in the Solovetsky Monastery' 1217, 1219

'The World's Largest Bells' 781

Blakemore, Reeves & Jones (18C authors) 809–812

Blakemore, Thomas (author 18C) 809, 812

Blandy, Simon & Sarah, Silver Wedding 560

Blease, John Henry of Croydon (19C ringer) 938 (let)

Blight, Peter (contrib) 1221–1222

'blindfold conducting' 273

Blitz see World War II

'blue print' for teaching centres? see Teaching Centre for Bellringing, Worcester Cathedral

Blythe, Brian, seriously ill 1004

Blyton, Enid 1132 (let)

Bob Cater's, USA tour 682

Bob Doubles: haircut 1172, 1172 (photo), 1195 (cartoon); learning 158 (let)

Bognor Regis, Sussex 1312–1314

Bologna ringers in Suffolk 453, 455

Bond, Anthony (17C bellfounder) 844

'Book Review'

English Bells and their Tuning: A Historical Sketch 301

The Learning Curve Volume 4: 2006-2007 687

New Buckenham Church 429

Why Bells Sound Out of Tune 301

books, warning to collectors 812

Border Life 232

Borsetshire Assoc (fictitious) see also Ambridge, Borsetshire; The Archers

8 bell striking contest 880

Boston, USA, tour 572–573

Bosworth, Philip (obit) 1266

Bow Bells see London, City of, St Mary-Le-Bow, Cheapside

Bowden, Richard W (contrib) 1180

Bowditch & Higby (bellfounder) 308

Bowtell, John (bookseller) 809

Bowtell of Ipswich, (clappers) 713

Bradfield College, Berks 1319–1320

Bradshaw, Graham M (composer) 592, 816

Braithwaite, Ian J (contrib) 1303–1304

Bramshott, Hants, quarter peal w/e 730

Brasyers, Norwich (bellfounder) 84

Bratt, Daryl, Bob Doubles haircut 1172, 1172 (photo), 1195 (cartoon)

breast cancer 48, 1172

Bredon, Worcs 111

Bredwardine, Herefs, first peal on the bells 1306

Breslain, Lynda M (obit) 508–509

Brett, Ruby R (obit) 276

Bridges, Geoffrey (obit) 954, 1048

Brighton, E Susx, St Paul 1314

Bristol Cathedral bells, .. events of 50 yrs ago 1180, 1208

'Bristol Surprise' 148 (poem)

Bristol Surprise Major (compositions) 816

Bristol Surprise Royal (compositions) 1084

Bristol University Society (UBSCR), 'Day Out in London' 1113

The British Library 811

British Standards

BS EN-62305, lightning protection 1009

guidelines on noise 201

broadcasts: BBC, Worcester television & radio 1268; BBC Inside Out 351, 1178; BBC London 619 (let); BBC Look East 1091; BBC Look East News 944; BBC Look North 881; BBC News 24, Horsell 232; BBC Points West 132; BBC Radio 3 1027; BBC Radio Nottingham 562; BBC Songs of Praise, Isleworth 703; BBC1 News at 10 o'clock, Horsell 183 (Ed), 207 (Ed), 232; BBC1 Sunday Life, Nat 12-Bell Contest 715 (Ed), 760; BBC2 Scotland, Landward 76; bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode0cgpm6 webcast 760; internet radio 152; Radio Nottingham's Breakfast Show 491; "Suggs' Survivors" 81; YOUTUBE Nat 12-bell 'preview' 711

anticipated 739, 784 (photo)

Brock, Dennis, 90th birthday 1309

Bromfield, Geoffrey (obit) 684, 707

Bromsberrow, Glos, fundraising for new ring 1230

Brooks, Frank (retired captain), 98th birthday 1021

Brown, David C, 4,000 peals 217

Brown, Michael (contrib) 1125–1126

Brown, Robert DS (composer) 592, 816

Brownedge, Lancs, restoration 585–587, 589

Bryant, Clive G, memorial peal 90

Buckland-in-the-Moor, Devon, St Peter, bell work 899

Builth Wells, Powys, M Wales, St Mary 329–330

Bullen, Mike (author) 695 (let)

bunker 1171

Burbage, Derbyshire, Christ Church, bell work 899

Burghill Valley Alliance Major (composition) 592

Buswell, Alan (contrib)

Isle of Man 359 (let), 410 (let), 544 (let), 590 (let)

QP report and analysis for 2007 323, 350 (corr)

'To or not to - augment' 541

Butler, David, 50th birthday 1040

'The Butlers' Tour invades the Antipodes' 1071, 1073

Butterfield, William (architect) 332

Byrd, William (composer) 1324


'C is for COMIC' 1243

Cadbury charity, Birmingham (bell donor) 835

Calendar, The Ringing World 3

call to worship see also Church, calling people to 495–496 (let)

Callinan, Margaret (contrib) 957–959, 984 (let) (corr), 1010 (let)

calling people to Church see Church, calling people to

Camberwell, Surrey, St Giles 40


Christmas quarters 2007 397

(RC) Our Lady & English Martyrs 1–2

Run & Ring Marathon 1167

SS Mary & Michael, Trumpington, 50th anniv of aug 149

Cambridge Chronical and Journal (1788) 809

Cambridge Surprise Major: compositions 816; slowest ever peal? 1256

Cambridge Surprise Maximus: anniv of first ever peal 840; centenary festival 981–982, 993, 1012 (corr); compositions 840; peal board 981

Cambridge Surprise Minor: quarters 1068; Univ 800th anniv 1292

Cambridge University, 800th anniv 1271 (Ed), 1292

Cambridge University Guild, Guild Week, Cornwall 1113


Histon & Friends quarter peal day 683

Hunts district quarter peal day 347

QPs 22/12/2007 398

Cambridgeshire & Essex, 'Five in a day', quarter peals 683

Camp, John (contrib) see also 'From the E-Lists' (FTEL) 383 (let), 1121 (photo)

Campanalogia (1677 Stedman's) 413

Campanalogia, (Shipway's) 810, 811, 812

Campanalogia Improved 809, 834

campaniles: Denmisch, simulated 80, 1268; Druim Croft 76; Loughborough 243, 687; Torcello 409

Campanophile 59 (let)

Campling, George H (composer) 1084

Campling, P, 1000 peals 1230

Campsea Ashe, Suffolk, ringing festival 808

CAMRA, 'real ale and ... bell ringing' see also beer; 'Beer Matters'; pub names 696

Canada see also North American Guild

Toronto: ringing on holiday 731; wedding in the ringing room 401

tour 1136

Cannon, Freda (Ladies' Guild): 80th birthday 1191; long service presentation 1028

Cannon, Liz (Team Vicar), Blyth Valley Team, Suffolk 736

Canterbury, Archbishop of (Williams, Rowan)

controversial remarks 183 (Ed), 232

visit to Leeds, Kent 24

Caption Competition 1337

car drivers, old 759

Cardiff, Llandaff Branch, QP fortnight 2007 371

Carillon Instituut Nederland, 't Klockhuys, official opening of the Dordrecht bells 1129

carillonneurs: in Dordrecht, Netherlands 1125, 1127; famous names, list of 514; Workman, Trevor (UK) 881; Zwart, Boudewijn (Netherlands) 664, 909, 1123, 1129

carillons 85; Bournville, Birmingham 664; Carillon clavier 84 (photo), 1121 (photo); Carillon Instituut Nederland, 't Klockhuys 1129; dates and locations 517; Dordrecht Cathedral, Netherlands 1125; England's Child 513–514; Foundry Focus 924; Parkgate, Ches, Mostyn House School 1081; Perth, Western Australia, Swan Tower 1269–1270; Rochester, Minnesota 516; Taylor Aeolian Carillon Autoplayer 85 (photo); Taylors Eayre & Smith Ltd 1268; York Minster, new 881–883

Carlisle DG

AGM 536

striking competition 757

Carlisle Surprise Major (composition) 592

Carr, Jessie E (obit) 291

Carter, Jennie (poem) 1203

Carter, Richard JP (contrib) 1145

Carter Ringing Machine Collection, CCCBR 375, 485, 989

cartoons: 'Belfry Reform I' 330; 'Gay Gathering at Uxbridge' 792; 'get well soon!!!' 1203 (let); 'More tea Vicar!' 760; 'ooooh I see she ...' 467; Roadshow 1001; 'Tales from The London County Crypt!' 983; traces of banned substance 373; 'Will that be all sir?' 1195

Carveth, Alan C (obit) 455, 510, 624, 636–637

Castor, Camb, 'Help for Heroes' appeal 856

Cattermole, Paul (author & contrib) 107, 356–357, 429

Caveat emptor 439 (let), 519 (let), 567 (let)

Cawley, David (contrib) see also 'Big Ben I and his large little sisters'

'The lost seaside towers ...' 1312–1318

CCC see Council for the Care of Churches

CCCBR see Central Council ...

CDs: Bell Towers & Bell Hanging: An appeal to architects 667, 669; Bells & Bell Ringing 1032–1033; The Craft of Bellringing 1196; Fens Surprise Maximus recordings 104; Lost and Found No 2, Record peals on tower bells 452

Central Council (CCCBR)

AGM 1954 440

AGM 2008 see also Central Council Committees: Supplement 457–488; Accounts 2007 467–469, 986; Agenda 459–460; Annual Report 2007 466–467, 986; Minutes 2006, amendment 462; Minutes 2007, 3rd session 461–466; Minutes 2008, 1st Session 985–989, 995, 1059 (let); RW report 641–645, 656, 686 (corr); T-shirt 672 (let), 672 (photo); voting, endless? 667 (Ed), 672 (let); Welcome to Newcastle 563

Bell Restoration Fund 125, 901, 1035

Bells & Bell Ringing (CD) 1032–1033

external meetings: Council for the Care of Churches (CCC) 79; English Heritage 490, 1204

Librarian 1034

object of CCCBR? 672 (let)

Rescue Fund for Redundant Bells 486–487, 989

Ringing Foundation 462–463, 587 (Ed)

Ringing Roadshow 2008 457–458

Stewards: Carter Ringing Machine Collection 375, 485, 989; Dove Database, Steward's Report 486, 645, 989; Rolls of Honour 485, 989, 1175 (Ed)

Central Council Committees

Administrative 470, 987

Bell Restoration 125, 472–473, 644, 987

Biographies 473–474, 987, 1270

Education see Education Committee

Information & Communications Technology 474–475, 644, 988

Library 475, 644, 988

Methods 82 (let), 475, 644, 658, 988

Peal Compositions Committee 475–476, 645, 988; falseness 1202 (let)

Peals Analysis 476–478, 988; merged with Records 587 (Ed)

Public Relations see Public Relations

Publications 481, 645, 988; list 97, visit also .uk/pubs

Records 479–480, 645, 988; merged with Peals Analysis 587 (Ed)

Redundant Bells 481–483, 645, 988; abolition of Committee 463–464

Ringing Centres 483, 645, 988; new chairman 832

Ringing Trends see Ringing Trends Committee

Tower Stewardship 471–472, 644, 987

Towers and Belfries 125, 471, 644, 987

The Central Council Memorial Book for Ringers - the Great War 1914 - 1818 557–559

Champion, James (contrib) 953, 955

change ringing, earliest evidence 1323–1325

Change Ringing in Scotland 1007

Change Ringing Theory 309

Change Ringing (Troyte) 860

Change Ringing:The History of an English Art, Vol I (1987) 414

'change-ringers' e-list

activity 19, 47, 73, 80, 151, 203, 211, 240, 264, 298, 322, 438, 491, 535, 544, 567, 591, 635, 696, 744, 768, 790, 815, 851, 861, 885, 937, 961, 1003, 1033, 1083, 1107, 1131, 1154, 1201, 1226, 1267, 1275, 1325

origins of 1300

Changeringers Wiki, new 886

Channel Islands see also Winchester & Portsmouth Guild

tours 1039, 1225

Chapel St Leonards, Lincs, unusual bell 1248

Chapman, Vicki (contrib) see Ringing Around the Olympics

charitable accounts, important changes 304

charities, registered, and ringing societies 862 (let)

Charity Commission 304

Charity Gift Aid scheme see Gift Aid

Charlbury, Oxon, rope accident 563 (Ed), 567, 584

Charleston, South Carolina, 2 little trebles 1203 (let)

Charmborough Bell Trust 1222

Charmborough Ring see also mobile towers 153–154, 533, 1221–1222

Chediston, Suffolk, gets Heritage Lottery Fund grant 539 (Ed), 560

Cheltenham, Glos, St Mark, augmentation 181–185, 898

Cheltenham Examiner 182

Cherry Orchard works, Loughborough 332

Chester, Ches, St John Bapt, "lost ring" 874–875

Chester Cathedral 874 (etching)

Chester DG

6-bell striking competition 904

Chester Branch: Listening Skills Course 785–787; quarter peal fnt 849–850

East Branch QP festival 2008 604

e-list activity 744, 768, 886, 1033

Guild news 1081

The Irish Question 1081–1082

Mid Cheshire Branch, QP fortnight 2007 196–197

Chesterfield, Derbys 59 (let)

Chigwell, Essex, first peal on the bells 441

Chilcott, Kath and Mike, Golden Wedding anniv 748

Child Protection in towers 79, 154, 322, 1271 (Ed)

2006 Act Update 962–963

the new regime 491 (Ed), 493–494, 542 (let), 565 (let)

'Children in Need' 1333

Childs, David (contrib) 329–330

Childwall, Mers, outing 385

Chiltern Mid-Week Group

quarters 1069

spring tour 606

'From chimer to change-ringer: Paul de Kok's story' 1125–1129


Bognor Regis, Sussex 1313–1314

Chimes and Chime Tunes 413

Cranfield, Beds 201, 440 (let)

'Memories of P L T' 85

Taylors Eayre & Smith Ltd, report 924–925


Anglican church in 349

largest bells 781

Peking (Beijing), a bell for 223

Chord, housing dev (bell sponsor) 835

Christchurch, Dorset, frame repairs 903

Christmas see also 'Forty something ringing Christmases'

cards, with bells on 1059 (let)

messages 1295, 1295 (Ed), 1298, 1340

poems: 'Christmas' 1335; 'Christmas is done' 1318

Puzzle solutions 231

Church, calling people to see also Mothering Sunday peals; 'Thought for the Week' 75, 77–78, 103, 236–237, 329, 375, 439 (let), 495–496 (let), 563, 663

church, fellowship & companionship 735

The Church Bells of Breconshire 330

Church Bells of Buckinghamshire 203

Church Bells of Cheshire (1948) 874

Church Bells of Devon (1872) 414

Church Bells of Gloucestershire (1881) 414

Church buildings, attacks upon 55, 904

Church Converts consortium see also redundant churches 739

Church Law in relation to bells 79

Church Lawford, Warw, first peal on the bells 1254

Church mission, and ringing 237

Church of Ireland Gazette 77

The Church Times 55, 77, 544

Churchwardens, line of authority 79

CID see Channel Islands District

Cinderey, Francesca, 16th birthday 1208

Clague, Bethany: IoM charity walk 1160; London Marathon 429

clappers: Bowtell of Ipswich 713; decorated 664; Matthew Higby & Co 537; plastic shaft 713–714, 766 (let), 818, 862 (let), 887 (corr)(let), 1004; Probell research project 896

Clark, Geoff (auditor), retires 536, 559 (corr)

Clatworthy, James, 1000 peals 35

Clavis Campanologia or a Key to the Art of Ringing (1788) 809–812, 852 (corr)

clergy, relations with ringers see relations between ringers and clergy

clergy, relationship with ringing see also 'Thought for the Week': 'Oxbridge clerics & early ringing in South Africa' 1101–1103

'clergyperson' 1003

Clerical Ringers, Guild of

1st 8-bell peal by Canons and Prebendaries 1063

Belfry Reform today? 411 (let), 440 (let), 491 (Ed), 495 (let)

clerical titles in peal reports 1203 (let)

clerical titles in peal columns 1156 (let), 1203 (let), 1247 (Ed), 1251 (let), 1274 (let), 1275 (let), 1298 (let); RW policy 1247 (Ed)

Clifton, Colonel (19/20C Clifton Hall) 1177 (let)

Clifton, Notts, St Francis, augmentation 899

Clifton, Sir Clifford (Master ASCY) 1076

climate change?, Australia 52

Clist, Jean (obit) 454

clock bells see also Big Ben; 'Big Ben' (Hall, Sir Benjamin); chimes, clock: Birmingham Municipal Buildings 661; Clock Tower of the New Palace of Westminster 617; Dent's Great Clock 613, 614; Hampton Court Palace, London 923; Old Warden, Beds 737; Royal Exchange Clock 617; Turret Clock Forum 742 (let)

clockmakers see also Grimthorpe, Lord: Dent, E J, (19C) 617; John Bull of Bedford 738; Thomas Cooke & Sons of York 737; Vulliamy, Benjamin Louis (Queen's clockmaker) 613, 614, 617, 657

Clocks, Watches and Bells 657

clothes, ITV seeks lady ringers ... 663

Clue Deficit Disorder (CDD) 1219

Coe, Mary (contrib) 1022

Coleman, Denis (obit) 710

Coleman, Steve, (author & contrib) 83 (let), 285, 303, 1323–1325

Collection of Doubles & Minor Methods 1202 (let)

Collection of Minor Methods 307

collective name for ringers? 212 (let)

College Youths, Ancient Society of (ASCY)

Country Meeting 2008 1209

Dinners: 2007 167, 177, 179; 2008 1280, 1289, 1291

elected officials for 2008/9 1220

e-list activity 861

'Ghostly goings-on..' 1076, 1177 (let)

library 812; moving 255; rare ringing book 810

National 12-Bell Striking Contest, runners up 765

newsletter 688

Pitman Peal Day 90

record length peal, Spliced TDM 548

The Society of College Youths 1637-1987 812

Colley families of Castor and Grasby (bell donors) 934

comic see also The Ringing World 1243

'Comment' see also debates: 'The art of bellfounding and value for money' 456, 566 (let); 'Belfry reform today?' see 'Belfry reform today?'; Child Protection - the new regime 491 (Ed), 493–494, 542 (let), 565 (let); Striking competitions 912

Commonplace Book, Phillip Powell's 412–414

Communication, Perspectives Conference 2007 110–115

competitions see also National 12-Bell Striking Contest

Annual Channel Islands District Striking Comp 1054

Bath & Wells DA, 8-Bell 1172

Bedfordshire Assoc, Melville Cup 720

Borsetshire Assoc (fictitious), 8-Bell 880

Chester, 6-Bell 904

Chester, 8-Bell 1081

Daventry Branch, Peterborough DG 582, 863

Devon Assoc, National Call Change Comp 1055

Essex Association 805, 808

Flixton Ringing Contest, Lancs, 200th Anniv 1112

Guildford's "Far East Devon" Striking Comp 1339

Middlesex, 8-bell 741

Ridgman Trophy - 2008, ten bells 757

Roses Trophy 1148

Scottish Assoc of Change Ringers 103

Soc of Royal Cumberland Youths 867

Swansea and Brecon 838

Tewkesbury Shield No.36 693

'Thought for the Week' 559

Wirral Branch, Lancashire Assoc 611

Worcester Cathedral, UK08 informal comp 871

Worthington Cup 2008 1104–1105

competitions, RW see also 'Puzzle Corner' 1336–1337

competitive ringing, views on 912

competitive tender, effect on industry 456, 566 (let)

composers: Angrave, Richard J 816, 1084; Barber, Alan 1225 (corr), 1267 (corr); Beard, David W 592; Bradshaw, Graham M 592, 816; Brown, Robert DS 592, 816; Campling, George H 1084; Constant, Benjamin D 333, 592; Fielden, John H 840; Ivin, Stepen J 333; ladies 80; Mason, Paul M 592, 816; Morrison, Donald F 592, 816; Mountjoy, Brian V 333; Reading, Alan G 340, 816; Sheppard, Peter WJ 1084; Shipway, William 816; Stokoe, Jonathan JF (arranger) 816; Whiting, Brian E 840

compositions 1202 (let); Alloa Surprise Major 592; Amber Valley Surprise Major 592; Beverley Surprise Major 592; Bristol Surprise Major 816; Bristol Surprise Royal 1084; Burghill Valley Alliance Major 592; Cambridge Surprise Major 816; Cambridge Surprise Maximus 840; Carlisle Surprise Major 592; Didcot Surprise Major 592; Double Bob Major 340; Falmouth Surprise Major 592; Grandsire Caters 333; Kingsteignton Surprise Major 592; Law-James, H 32; Lessness Surprise Major 592; London Surprise Major 816; Premiership Rams Delight Major 592; Pudsey Surprise Major 816; Quedgeley S Maj RW 07:788 1225 (corr); Rams Return Delight Major 592; Rutland Surprise Major 816; Spliced Surprise collection 1997 359 (let); St Brannock's Delight Major 592; Superlative Surprise Major 816; Wingfield Surprise Major 592; Xepri Surprise Major 592; Yorkshire Surprise Major 692, 816

submitting 814 (let)

computer games 104

computer software see simulators


banned from 878–879

blindfold 273

theory 309

conductor milestones

1st peal as conductor: Arrowsmith, H 291; Austin, OM 497; Bale, MJ 387; Ball, AH 1253; Bosworth, WT 915; Cresshull, ID 794; Dickinson, K 941; Eagle, KJ 364; Hall, MR 771; Hodgkin, VS 497; Hutchieson, E 1206; Jeffrey, MB 770; Johnstone, V 593; Ladd, A 1182; Ledger, TC 1111; Lock, T 1134; Longridge, TN 497; Melvin, SJ 793; Pascovitch, M 747; Percy, SA (17) 388; Pirie, JD 967; Potter, JH 415; Prabhakar, AA 60; Preston, DA 60; Pym, EL 140; Rogers, H 244; Sloane, JR 793; Smallwood, JF 340

100 peals as conductor: Carey, BJ 140; Daw, RH 189; Edwards, RH 190, 697; Larter, PH 522; McClean, DR 995; Pascoe, PJ 1277; Peachey, BF 389; Pick, SG 794

150 peals as conductor: Hardy, RE 1306

200 peals as conductor: Reading, AG 38

250 peals as conductor: Carter, RPJ 1278; Reading, AG 795

300 peals as conductor: Andrews, JE 569; Hilling, MJ 915; Randall, GW 1183; Wells, EJ 499

350 peals as conductor: Sibson, AD 594

400 peals as conductor: Croft, WS 499; Hilling, DP 721; Mayle, AP 942; O'Mahony, CD 499

500 peals as conductor: Roulstone, I 548

600 peals as conductor: Allton, RI 217

800 peals as conductor: Ridley, JR 990; Shallcross, F 916

850 peals as conductor: Graves, RP 191

1500 peals as conductor: Salter, DG 363

1900 peals as conductor: Morton, FR 915

2000 peals as conductor: Brown, DC 794

2050 peals as conductor: Dove, CB 571

conductors: are they needed? 1178; Hector, Samuel J, remembered 886–887 (let), 939 (let)

congregational bands 382 (let), 439–440 (let)

Connett, Don (obit) 176

conservation see Perspectives Conference 2007

Constant, Benjamin D (composer) 333, 592

Constructive Conscious Control of the Individual 620

contests see competitions

converging verticals see also perspective correcting lenses 1 (photo), 129 (photo)

Cook, Tina (athlete) double bronze in Beijing 2008 Olympics 977

Coombe, Terry, 50 years as ringing master 967

Cooper, Verger Jamie E (author) 938 (let)

Cooper, Yvonne & Tony, Ruby Wedding 531


Cathedral Church of St Fin Barre 896–897, 1035 (let); first peal since augmentation 1085

Shandon bells 298

Corke, Rex, 60 years of belfry service 180


Barnes Ringers & Friends w/e 1046–1047

The Fire Ring 1239

half day call change ringing 972, 1287

quarter peal w/e 730

tour 706

'Corrections & Clarifications' see also individual entries (corr); 'Peal Corrections & Amendments': RW 2007 19; RW 2008 151, 179, 203, 255, 279, 350, 611, 686, 783, 852, 903, 1012, 1075, 1099, 1180, 1201, 1243

naughty mouse 559

Costello, Richard (illus) 429

Cotton, Rosemary ('Tales..') 263

Council for the Care of Churches (CCC)

'Bells and ...', Perspectives Conference 2008 106–107

Hartington, Derbys 53, 54

meeting with CCCBR Sep 2008 79

website, churchcare.co.uk 107

Council's Code of Practice on bells and bellframes 107

Country Life: feature 1195; noise pollution 807


Crowthorne Ringing Course, Berks 1319–1320

Harrogate 637

Hereford 711

Keele Summer Schools 2008 25–28

Listening Skills 785–787

Worcester Ringing Courses 938 (let)

Coventry Guild see also Warwickshire Guild

centenary 340

Cowbridge, Glam, school

400th anniv 1084

reunion 411 (let)

The Craft of Bellringing (CD) 1196

Cranfield, Beds, clock chimes 201, 440 (let)

Craycroft-Eley, Bridget K

appointment as Commander of the Royal Victorian Order (CVO) 76

obituary 976

Crescent Foundry 615

crib board at Darrington 30 (let), 158 (let)

Criblines 292

Criddle, Robert (contrib) 1129

crimes 691 (Ed), 1052, 1244, 1271 (Ed), 1274 (let), 1299

Crimplesham, Norf, 5 bells reaches 100 peals 549

Crocker, Adam R (17), 250th peal 290, 335 (let)

Crofton, W Yorks, thieves used ropes 691 (Ed)

'Cromlyn' (Barry, Revd Canon John) 77–78

Cromwell, Oliver 5 (let)

'Crooked Spire', Chesterfield 59 (let)

Cross, Eric (obit) 351

crossword puzzles 1336

Crowhurst, Revd Preb David, retires 432

crown staples 108

Crowthorne Ringing Course, Berks 1319–1320

'Croyden foundry' see Gillett & Johnston; Johnston, Cyril

Cubitt, David (contrib) 589

Cubitt, Martin, (obit) memorial 1145

Cumberland Association, St Bees Priory 1198

Cuzco Cathedral, Peru 49


'D is for DOVE' 1291

DAC see Diocesan Advisory Committee

DAC Bell Advisor 107–108

Daily Mail 1035

Dale, Jean (obit) 1334

Dale, Peter (contrib) 1057

Dalton, Christopher J, obituary : announcements 155 (Ed), 180, 203; The Bells and Belfries of Dorset 844; 'Christopher Dalton 1941 - 2008' 433–435, 438; peals & quarter peals rung 444; what generosity 590 (let)

Dalton in Furness, Cumbr 689–690

Dancey, Roger A (obit) 1074

Darmon, Jean A (obit) 978

Darrington crib board 30 (let), 158 (let)

databases see also Dove's Guide ...; websites

bells and bellframes churchcare.co.uk 107

Daventry complimented and complemented 135 (let)

Davidson, Pat, 40th anniv of 1st peal 1280

Davies, Jane (contrib) 785

Davies, Peter G (contrib), RW Diary 1031

Davies, Philip G K (contrib) see 'The Teaching of Handling Revisited'

Davis, Gilian, 75th birthday 880

Dawson, George (CD producer) 667, 669

de Kok, Paul (chimer, change-ringer) 1125–1129

Dean Close School 182

Dearnley, David J, 4,000 peals 1079 (Ed), 1087, 1093 (photo), 1107

'Deaths' see obituaries

debates see augment?; 'Belfry reform today?'; clerical titles in peal reports; 'Comment'; 'Let Bells Ring' petition; 'Live with it' petition; open days; 'Putney Debates'; subscriptions debate; 'The Teaching of Handling Revisited'; 'Writtle' TB controversy

Debenham Rumsey family, Ipswich, handbells 743 (let)

Debussy, Claude (composer) 1324

decline of ringing? see also age profiles, ringers 111, 544, 643 (Ed), 646 (let), 814 (let)

Deeping St Nicholas, Lincs

cracked bell frame 1053–1054, 1108 (let)

refurbishment 899

Defence Medical Rehabilitation Centre 856

Dempster, Deacon Adrian, ordination 855

Denison, Edmund Beckett (19C clockmaker) see Grimthorpe, Lord

Denmisch simulated campanile 80, 1268

Dent, E J (clockmaker, 19C) 377, 617

Great Clock 613, 614

Great Exhibition Clock see also Big Ben 1036

Derby, St Michael (Alvaston), bell work 903

Derby Cathedral, Open Day 917

Derby DA

Central & Southern Districts quarter peal day 197

Channel Islands tour 1039

e-list activity 1033

Peal Week 63

Peal Week 2008 1281

quarter peal day 683

Dereham, Norf, spent cartridge appeal 1151

Devenish, Peter (obit) 710, 900


6-bell quarter-peal day 683

Christmas in Devon 371

Easter Young Ringers' outing 591

half day call change ringing 972, 1287

QP tour 1091

quarter peal day 346, 530, 1046

quarter peal tour 507

quarter peal w/e 730

ringing weekend 1239

tour 706

Devon Association

National Call Change Comp 1055

quarter peal week, (nearly!) 825

'DevonRinging', e-list activity 203, 912, 937, 1033, 1107, 1154, 1178, 1201, 1275

Devonshire Ringers, Guild of, Quarter Peal Week 274–275

Dew, Ellen (contrib) 1129

Dewbys bells, Hooe, E Sussex 76, 1114, 1226 (let)

'Diary of an Indexer' 85

Dibden, Hampshire, All Saints, restoration (historical) 690

Dictionary of Campanology 1078

Didcot Surprise Major (composition) 592

Dines, Ryder (contrib) 785–786

Dinn, Margaret, 80th birthday 973

Diocesan Advisory Committee (DAC) 54, 107–108

Dioceses and Pastoral and Mission Measure legislation see also legislation 79

Dirksen, Rick, heart bypass 1055

disabled ringers: one leg 885; pace-makers 939 (let), 961 (let); spinal injuries 784

Diserens, Jim (contrib) 1008

Diss, Norfolk, Tebble, Kathleen, 60 years 357

Doar, Tamsin (aged 11) (contrib), outing report 149

Dobson, William (bellfounder) 695 (let)

Dodd, Harriet J, first peal 873

Dogsmersfield, Hampshire, ring of three recovered 1028

Dolley, Stephen (contrib) 308

donations see grants & loans

donors, bell see also Fund Finder program 835, 934; Batty Charitable Trust 328; Colley families of Castor and Grasby 934; D'Oyly Carte Charitable Trust 328, 934; Garfield Weston Foundation 934; quest for, Scilly Isles 406; Toppesfield, Essex 560

donors, historical 182

Fryer, Gen 844

Younger, Robert KC 1005–1006

door bell, 2.5cwt! 211

Dordrecht, Netherlands

Cathedral 1125, 1127, 1129, 1130

't Klockhuys bells 1129; 1st peal 1159

Dorset, ringing weekend 1239

Dorset, Wimborne Minster see Wimborne Minster, Dorset

Double Bob Major (composition) 340

Double Bob Major, longest peal in the method 340

double three legged gravity escapement 1036

Doubles Collection see 'Methcom Sketch'

Doubles Peals 2007 411 (let)

'doughty eight', fictional band 859 (Ed)

Dove, Barrie, new president of Yorkshire Assoc 688

Dove's Guide ... (database): accuracy, ringing time 158–159 (let); Dove Database, Steward's Report 2007 486, 645, 989; Visit .uk/home.php

Dove's Guide ... (policy): 'D is for ...' 1291; rationalising counties 832; simulators? 323; weights in metric? 1059 (let), 1083 (let)

Dover, Kent, The Seage Silent Ringing Apparatus 543 (let)

Downham Market, Norf, bell foundry 695 (let)

D'Oyly Carte Charitable Trust (bell donor) 328, 934

Dr Who 807, 855

dreams, oiro, and Guide Price 1195

dress sense 359 (let)

Drew, Shirley (obit) 179, 428

'drivel list' e-list, origins of 1300

Driver, Albert (93), ringing 80 years 1091

Druim Croft Campanile 76

Drury, Janet (RW Admin), retires 376


National Cathedral of St Patrick 897

tour 609

Duckworth, Richard (17C ringing author) 413, 1323–1325

Duke of Kent KG 180

dumb bells see also simulators 835; de Kok, Paul 1127 (Ed); Jim Wheeler's 156 (photo); Okehampton, Devon 1268; Worcester Cathedral 156–157, 1293, 1294

Dumb Practice Apparatus see Seage Silent Ringing Aparatus

Dunbavin, Mary E, 1,000 peals 747

Dunblane Cathedral, Perthshire, Scot, centenary 1005–1007

Dunedin, New Zealand, ringer convicted of rape 1052

Dupre, Veronica ('Tales..') 964

Durham, Bishop of, CCCBR Welcome 563

Durham & Newcastle DA see also Central Council 2008

30 years of Kris King 1091

131st AGM & Festival 507, 563

Gateshead-on-Tyne 273

Northern District, QP day 1238

Durrant, Roger (mini-ring builder) 253, 255


'E is for Editor' 1304

EACR see Essex Association ...

Earl Stonham, Suff, refurbishment 899

East Devon quarter peal tour 227, 507

East festival, 2008 233–234, 533, 619 (let), 635

East meets West peal tour 548

East Raynham, Norf, Millennium Bells Project 123

East Rudham, Norf

augmentation 898

first peal on the bells 1306

Easter, 'Thought for the Week' 351

Easter ringing: Bologna ringers in Suffolk 453; Good Friday, fully muffled 579; peals rung 389, 390, 417, 546; St Paul's Cathedral, London 259

Eayre, Joseph of St Neots (bellfounder) 695 (let), 738

Eayre, Thomas (bellfounder) 84

Ecclesiastical Committee, redundant Churches legislation 79

Ecclesiastical Insurance Group, CCCBR 859, 885

The Ecclesiologist 358 (let)

Edgeware, Middx, 'From the Archives' 375

Edinburgh, Lothian, Cathedral Ch of St Mary 101

Edington, Wiltshire, Imber bells 262 (let), 311 (let), 383 (let), 519 (let)

editor 1304

education see courses; learning to ring; 'NRT'; ringers, young; silencing bells ...

Education Committee, CCCBR

new series of articles 563 (Ed)

AGM 2008 Report 474, 644, 987

Calling Plain Bob Triples 803, 807

First quarter of Plain Bob Minor 568, 590 (let), 646 (let)

Teaching Unravelled 932

Yorkshire beyond a standard composition 692

Edwards, Gordon (obit) 732

Eele, Eva (obit) 75

Egloskerry, Cornwall, St Keri with St Petroc, festival and dedication 308

Egypt, Western Desert, St Samuel Monastery 862 (let)

1812 Overture, bells section 56, 938 (let), 1024

Eire see Ireland

Eisel, John C (contrib)

The Church Bells of Breconshire 330

'Clavis Campanalogia' 809–812, 852 (corr)

in the first half of the 19C: part 1 19 (corr), 30 (let); part 2 3, 7, 16–18

Giants of the Exercise II 981

'Newspaper extracts' 1034

'Phillip Powell's Commonplace Book' 412–414

elbow problems 1303, 1304

"Eleanor Spriggs" hoaxes 6, 29, 57, 81

Eling, Hants, refurbishment 903

e-lists see 'From the E-Lists' (FTEL); individual Guilds/Assocs/Socs

Ellacombe, Revd HT (19C compiler of works on bells) 810

Ellisdon, Dennis, 70th birthday 1052

Elmley Foundation 157

Ely, Cambs

bell work 902–903

swifts in the tower 213 (let)

Ely DA

all ladies peal 289

Ely District, quarter peal w/e 730

Training Conference 612

emergency access to towers 563 (Ed)

Engels, Friedrich (philosopher) 1199

England's Child: The Carillon and the Casting of Big Bells 203, 513–515, 517, 790 (let), 844

Englefield, Berks, improving acoustics 714

English Bicknor, Glos 897

1st peal on augmented bells 673

loss of sound 1083 (let), 1132 (let), 1154 (let)

English Heritage see also Historic Scotland 53, 54

'... & St Mary's Parish Church, Dalton-in-Furness' 689–690

meetings with Central Council (CCCBR) 490, 1204

Perspectives Conference 2007 108

Epaphras Seage & Son 354

epoxy resin heads 137

equal temperament 566 (let)

The Era 1034

Erdington, West Mids 213 (let), 262 (let), 311 (let), 383 (let)

Essex & Cambridgeshire, 'Five in a day', QPs 683

Essex Association (EACR)

NE District, London outing 1058

NE District, quarter peal month 69, 1189

Northern District, quarter peal festival month 347

NW District, QP week (and a bit!) 399

SE District, Diamond Wedding Anniv of Queen & Duke of Edinburgh 99

SE District, quarter peal fnt 704

striking competition 805, 808

Esther from Wethersfield, Young Ringer of the Year 877

Eurydice Doubles 82

Euston, Jack, Streatham, recalled 335 (let)

Evans, Ellen (obit) 976

Evans, Leslie (ringer, author, trophy donor) 956

Everdon, Northants, harvest time reunion 1064

Everest, Edna (obit) 1072

Eversholt, Beds, 'What's up ..?' 1152

Every Fourth Tuesday Assoc (EFTA), visit to France 829, 831

Exeter, Devon, QP day 578–579, 605

Exeter Cathedral, Stedman Cinques, SRCY ladies 1040, 1051

Exonian Society, annual tour 1069–1071

expertise, and how we learn? see also learning to ring; 'The Teaching of Handling Revisited' 239 (let)

extension questions, twin hunt see also 'Writtle' TB controversy 261


Faircloth, John D (obit) 782

Fairhead, Bernard (Colchester), poorly 1107, 1299 (let)

Falkner, John Meade (author) 860–861

Falmouth Surprise Major (composition) 592

false peals 1202 (let)

Grandpont 789 (let), 1132 (let), 1156 (let)

falseness 1202 (let), 1232, 1267 (corr)

family networks 455, 1077–1078

Faraday Guild, ringing holiday, Channel Islands 1225

Farleigh Hungerford, Som, first peal on the bells 389

Farmer, Margaret E (obit) 428–429

fashion see clothes

Faulkner, Glenys, 49 years to first peal 719 (let)

Faull, Sue, ill 714

Fay, Prudence, retiring director of The Ringing World 645

Fellows, Martin D (obit) 510, 708–709

Fellows, Michael, remembered 63

Fens Surprise Maximus CD 104

festivals: Bath, St Stephen, Lansdown 3; Cambridge S Max centenary 981–982, 993, 1012 (corr); Campsea Ashe 808; Chester DG East Branch 604; Durham & Newcastle Guild 507; East Festival 233–234, 533, 619 (let), 635; Egloskerry, Cornwall 308; Essex Assoc 347; Gloucester & Bristol Assoc 198–199; GoSouthGo 956; Hereford District Quarter Peal Festival 718 (let), 850; Lamberhurst, Kent, 1010th Patronal Festival 851; London Bell Festival 2009 234; Lynhydrock, Corn, Diocesan autumn 1196; Peterborough DG 582, 1275; South London Cultural Festival 1148; Swansea & Brecon 1069; Truro DG, Northern District 308; Worcester Cathedral, Bells and Beer 806

fictional bands of ringers see also Ambridge, Borsetshire 859 (Ed)

Field, Giles see also clerical titles in peal columns; hoaxes 440 (let), 543 (let), 1010 (let), 1156 (let), 1251 (let), 1298 (let); strangely silent 411

"Field, Martin" 440 (let), 543 (let)

Fielden, John H, (composer) 840

Finedon, Nhants, refurbishment 899

finger problems 1303, 1304

fire regulations 79

fire risk assessment 79, 154, 331 (Ed)

Fire Service Guild, news 787

fires in 2008 307 (Ed), 330, 352, 491

'First Peal Congratulations': A; Arkless, JPT (12) 770; Arkley, L 722; Atkinson, D 991; Awkati, DJ 747; B; Barraclough, JM 675; Bateman, LJ 770; Bayliss, PH 1184; Beavis, RC 966; Blandy, HG 941; Boddington, L 1013; Bonell, J 10; Bowles, D 215; Boyce, C 1159; Bragg, F 721; Bray, M 389; Britten, T 1135; Brock, M 1306; Brown, P 1158, 1180 (corr); Bumstead, EWR 242; Butler, MJ 1206; C; Cade, J 1306; Campbell, MWR 1305; Campion, WA 61; Carr, LJ 140; Cermak, D 1230; Chamberlain, V 497; Champion, JA 64; Chevis, BK 441; Childs, TR 746; Clark, Beth 941; Clark, LJ 1159; Clark-Maxwell, MK 363; Coates, AS 1013; Coates, BBJC 217; Coates, MS 1013; Convey, RA 673; D; Daniel, L 523; Daniel, S 363; Davey, PM 1136; Davey, RA 1158; Denny, CP 86; Desbottes, KJ 315; Dexter, TL 391; Dickinson, PA 793; Dodd, HJ 873; Dodds, SH 1306; Drysdale, H 1158; E; Eddis, SMD 547; Edwards, JM 441; Eldred, N 770; Evans, B 917; Evans, L 917; Evans, SA 363; Everitt, T 748; F; Faulkner, G 722; Fowler, G 546; Fowler, J 546; Franklin, DS 1305; Fry, HA 941; G; Gajdus, J 819; Gentile, M 1181; Gigiel, A 1181; Glazebrook, N 1230; Glover, M 1205; Green, K 61; Green, TB 569; Griffin, JN 415; Griggs, CI 941; Groves, A 769; Guyatt, CN 1184; H; Hadcroft, S 1013; Hall, LJ 242; Halstead, G 841; Harris, ML 890; Harris, T 1181; Harris, VU (12) 1085; Hasman, CH 722; Hasman, I 722; Hayes, MD (10) 189; Heath, E 339; Hewitt, M 265; Hill, BD 10; Hill, GF 61; Hine, J 363; Hodgkin, KE 497; Hodgkin, LJ 497; Holmes, IE 698; J; Jackman, K 571; Jackson, AM 722; Jasper, LDE 842; Jones, AJ 1205; Jopling, P 191; Jordan, MSL 265; K; Keech, TAF 1305; Kefford, R 391; Kipling, GC 1038; Kirton, PG 722; L; Lane, RJ 87; Lawley, RA 747; Lawrence, PH 34; Lawton, RDC 415; Lees, R 675; Lewis, ODH 1037; Lipscombe, S 1279; Lloyd, AG 547; Lock, J (67) 1134; Looper, CR 1305; M; McDonald, MA 1230; Marsh, EK 913; Matheson, LM 650; McEndoo, G 1182; Mills, JL (11), tower bells 675; Mottram, DE 1305; Murphy, KR 532; N; Noble, R 1157; Nunn, CM 162; P; Pagdin, RJ 1135; Palmer, Saskia E 622; Palmer, Sophie E 722; Pan, W 570; Parfrey, RK 1279; Park, SA 34; Patrick, LM 1306; Peel, GD 190; Pitman, MJA 966; Pratt, CG 621; Price, F (74) 1134; R; Rainsbury, S 1159; Ratcliffe, JA 191; Ratcliffe, N 793; Rayns, KM 416; Rayns, PJ 416; Reeds, SW 546; Rees, A 138; Richardson, DG 1039; Ringrose, HJ 794; Roberts, CE 314; Ross, MH 842; Russell, KE 390; Rustell, LJ 267; S; St Leger, G 621; Salter, MR 63; Sandalls, J 889; Sawbridge, P 315; Slack, A 416; Smith, C 61; Smith, DL 914; Smith, NJ 364; Stokes, J 866; T; Tarbox, M 1306; Taylor, CL 498; Thompson, AC 770; Thrush, J 139; Todd, R 86; Tracey, HL 1307; Turrell, SJ (13) 819; Tyler, A 163; W; Waldron, G 8; Walker, LD (13) 1085; Weatherby, RTW 1013; West, T 1029; Whyte, CH 1254; Whyte, MH 546; Wilby, C 1134; Williams, GP 441; Wrigley, J 166; Wyer, F 865; Y; Young, AM 441; Young, JE 88; Young, KE 1306

First Peal in the Method see Methods Named in 2007; Methods Named in 2008

'First Quarter of Plain Bob Minor' 568, 590 (let), 646 (let)

Fitzroy barometer 695 (let), 766 (let)

flamingoes 742 (let), 790 (let)

Flavell, Paul (contrib) 305–307

Fletcher, Bryan (obit) 780

Flixton Ringing Contest, Lancs, 200th Anniv 1112

floods in Gloucester, effects of 258

Flookburgh, Cumbr, St John the Baptist, augmentation 788

floor beams, old 108

'FODS' (Friends of Dorothy Society) e-list

activity 19, 47, 80, 151, 203, 211, 240, 298, 438, 656, 696, 744, 851, 861, 937, 961, 1003, 1059, 1083, 1107, 1131, 1154, 1178, 1201, 1226, 1325

origin of 1300

Forster, Arthur and Barbara, Diamond Wedding 633

Fortey, Ashley C (contrib) 1245–1247, 1252

'41 spliced surprise minor ..' 292

'Forty something ringing Christmases': back to university - and "The Lads" 1249–1251; home & away 1272–1273; Millennium, back to the Midlands 1301–1302; signs of change 1273; stability & socials 1271; teens, gap year & university 1227–1228

43ers reunion 1008

Foster, John (18C ringer), 'shadowy, if not shady' 589

Foundation for Sport & the Arts (grants) 934

founders see bellfounders

Founders' Company prizes 157; 1st Ringing Centre to receive 25; Encouragement of Young People.. 658; Ringing Centre greatest contrib to teaching 658; Ringing Centres Prize 2007 235–236

Foundry Focus, Dec 2006-March 2008, Taylors Eayre & Smith Ltd 896–899, 902–903, 923–925

frames see bellframes

France, 'Sampling a new 'mini' ring in France' 936–937, 944

Franks, Clemmie (contrib), East festival report 233–234

Fred Dukes' International Bell Fund 125, 1076

'Fred Hutt's Little Book' 2, 29

Freeman, Brian FG (obit) 148

Friends of St Paul's (bell donor) 835

'From chimer to change-ringer: Paul de Kok's story' 1125–1129

'From the Archives': Bath & Wells DA 348; bell for Peking 223; The peal at Beverley 444; Black Jack's centenary 40; blindfold conducting 273; Camberwell, Surrey, St Giles 40; Durham & Newcastle DA, Gateshead-on-Tyne 273; Edgware 375; Henry Johnson Anniv Commemoration Dinner 309; noisy belfries 75; noisy bells 103, 174; ringing large bells 399; Shandon bells, Co Cork 298; Silverdale, Staffordshire 135; Wolverhampton, W Mids, St Luke 251, 298; The Yorkshire Assoc 414

'From the E-lists' (FTEL) see also 'bell historians'; 'change-ringers'; 'DevonRinging'; 'FODS'; 'Merseybells'; 'nabbers'; 'nag-talk'; Network for Ringing Training; 'ringing-chat'; 'ringing-theory': 'Bellnav' 438, 851; 'drivel list' 1300; Guilds/Assocs/Socs see individual Guilds/Assocs/Socs; 'Life among the E-lists' 1300, 1304; '3&4bell' 211, 298, 1201

Frye, Chris (contrib) 1005–1007

Fryer, Gen (bell donor, historical) 844

FTEL see 'From the E-Lists'

'full circle' bell ringing 1010 (let)

fund raising see also appeals; Gift Aid; grants & loans; Keltek Trust; open days; restoration projects; 'Ringing and Money'; subscriptions debate: abseiling 960; Campsea Ashe ringing festival 808; compulsory charitable giving 382 (let); disappearing funds 520; English Heritage 689; fund raising evenings 835; FunderFinder 54, 125; Organising a Bell Restoration Project 125; SACR events 103; Tower Funds 285, 303; tubular bells restoration 381; Young Oxford DG ringers 581

FunderFinder.co.uk 54, 125

Funtington, Sussex, first peal on the bells 391


G&J see Gillett & Johnston

Game, Keith ('Tales..') 716–717

Gardiner, Jocelyn B (obit) 995, 999, 1000

Garfield Weston Foundation (bell donor) 934

Garlick, Cliff, 50th anniv 706

Gateshead-on-Tyne 273

Gay, Philip (ringing tutor) 26–27, 28, 637

30 years service in N Staffs 349

hanging light rings 1126 (let), 1155–1156 (let)

Gay, Rowena (contrib) 25–28, 85, 912

Gay, Thomas 28

Gay Gathering at Uxbridge 792 (cartoon)

Geldrop, Guild of St Brigida, Netherlands 436–437

gender of bells 637

Germany, Eifel Region, Benedictine Abbey of Maria Laach, bellfoundry 616

Ghana, Woji, Church of St Nicholas 897

'Ghost Hunting' 229

'Ghostly goings-on..' 1076, 1177 (let)

Giants of the Exercise II 981

Gibbons, Hazel (obit) 304, 391

Gibbons, William (Bill) F (obit) 710, 875–876

Gibson, W Stewart (obit) 47, 142, 243, 252

Gift Aid 125, 285, 307 (Ed), 933, 1252

important changes 304

Gillett & Johnston (G&J) (bellfounder) see also Johnston, Cyril: Big Ben 657; Birmingham Municipal Buildings 661; Dogmersfield, Hants 1028; England's Child 513–514, 517; experimental tuning 668; G&J profiles 844; Roker, Tyne & Wear (1947/48) 1149; true-harmonic bells 301, 517; Wimborne Minster, Dorset 712, 719 (let)

Giona, Fabio, president of ASCSV 277 (photo)

Gipson, John, 1500th peal on Meldreth bells 944

Look East News 760

Gloucester & Bristol DA

6-bell quarter peal day 704

Independent Examiner retires 536

quarter peal & peal festival 198–199

regulations 911 (let)

Tewkesbury Shield No.36 winners 693

three peals in a day 729

Good Friday, fully muffled 579

Goodwin, Peter G (obit) 23, 176

Gooneratne, Margaret (obit) 228

gossip in ringing circles 760

Goulburn, NSW 1200–1201, 1299 (let)(corr)

Gozo, Maltese Island, help needed for teaching handbell ringing 1154

Grandsire Caters, compositions 333, 410 (let)

Grandsire theory 309

Grant, Thomas (13) 850

grants & loans see also fund raising; Keltek Trust 77–78; Allchurches Trust Ltd 591; Bell Restoration Fund, CCCBR 125, 901, 1035; Council for the Care of Churches (CCC) 107; Elmley Foundation 157; English Heritage 689; Foundation for Sport & the Arts 934; Founders' Company 157; Fred Dukes' International Bell Fund 125, 1076; Funder Finder 54; Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) 79, 112, 560, 1270; Landfill Community Fund 539; list of bodies 185; list of sources 54; Manifold Trust, The 125; Rescue Fund for Redundant Bells 486–487, 989; Sharpe Trust 587, 591; West Kirby, Mers, St Bridget 591; Weston-super-Mare list of donors 180

Grasby, Lincs, bicentenary of Turner, Revd Charles Tennyson 963

gravity escapement, double three legged 1036

Graye, Miles, of Colchester (17C bellfounder) 1152

Great Clock at Westminster see also Big Ben; 'Big Ben' 1036

Great Ellingham, Norf, 1st peal since augmentation 165

'Great Expectations' ringing tour 141

Great Stanmore Parish Magazine 188 (let)

Great War see World War I

Green, Gillian M (obit) 48

Green, Keith (obit) 806

Green, Philip N (contrib) 1053–1054

Greenland, Qeqertarsuaq, Disko Island, bell tower 719 (let)

Griffiths, Revd George Pruen 182

Grimes, Alfred W (handbells) 489, 492, 566 (let), 743 (let), 819

Grimmett, Richard (Nat 12 Bell Committee) 886 (let)

Grimthorpe, Lord (19C clockmaker): Big Ben I 614, 617, 657; Big Ben's 150th anniv 378–381; biography 927; Great Clock at Westminster 1036; true-harmonic tuning 301; verb 'to Grimthorpe' 1035 (let)

Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, The New 1324

Guernsey, tours 1039

Guild of ... see Clerical Ringers, Guild of; Devonshire Ringers, Guild of; Fire Service Guild; Ladies' Guild; North American Guild; Peterborough DG; Railway Guild

Guild/Assoc old reports, reflections from 826, 1178

Guildford Cathedral, shooting outside 1267

Guildford DG

'Far East Devon' competition 1339

Guildford District: annual meeting report 256; QP day 1287

'The peal at Guildford' 185

QP fortnight: 2007 71; 2008 1238

Guilds and Associations, list of 280

Guilsborough, Northants, Vicar retires 417

Guilsfield, Montgom, N Wales, first peal on the bells 34

Gujarati highlight 495 (let)

Gwent 2008, quarters 531


'H. Law-James's 7-part' 32 (poem)

Hackney, Gr London, 50th anniv of reconsecration 256

hail stones, giant 52

haircut, Bob Doubles 1172 (photo), 1195 (cartoon)

Hall, Mac & Sylvia, remembering 895

Hall, Mac, and the 5-min bell 695 (let)

Hall, Revd W N 839 (let)

Hall, Robin O (contrib) 179, 761–765

Hall, Sir Benjamin (Chief Lord of the Woods & Forests) see 'Big Ben'

Hampshire, peal & QP weekend 597

Hanbury, Worcs 887 (let)

Ambridge bells 542 (let), 567 (let)

Handbell Ringers of Great Britain (HRGB)

40th anniv and origin of the name 11, 59 (let)

handbells: 'Alfred W Grimes and his historic handbells 489, 492, 566 (let), 743 (let), 819; 'Bells in motion' visit London 712; compositions 619 (let); Foundry Focus 925; Handbell Day, Oxford DG 605; in Hong Kong 1333; at the Roadshow 873

Handel, GF (composer), on the sound of bells 456, 1152

handling see also 'The Teaching of Handling Revisited'

the basics of bell handling 1051

early stages of handling a bell 303

One Way to Teach Bell Handling 620

Harare Cathedral, Zimbabwe, news & appeal: background & appeal 792, 807; perspectives 831; summary 787 (Ed); thank you 1108 (let); update 811 (Ed)

Hardwick, Peter JW (obit) 854, 1024, 1047, 1048

Hardy, Bob (contrib) 1032

Hardy, Thomas (author) 1274 (let)

Harefield, Gr London, ANZAC Day 83 (let), 159 (let)

Harper, Andrew (contrib) 1032

Harper, Revd Alan, Archbishop of Armagh, and Primate of all Ireland 78

Harrington & Latham (tubular bells) 381

Harris, Roy T (obit) 64

Harris, Wilfred G (obit) 710, 804

Harrison, John (contrib) 1131

Harrison, Mike, leaves Glasgow 1220

Harrogate, N Yorks

course 637

refurbishment 899

Hartington, Derbys

new ring project 53–55, 897

overwhelmed 263 (let)

Peak District outing 859

Hatchett, Michael, 1,000 peals 772

Hatchett, Mike (contrib) 235

Hawkins, Sarah (contrib) 1297

Hayler, Samantha, 21st birthday 611

Hayward Mills Associates (bellhangers): Brownedge, Lancs 587; Cambridge, (RC) Our Lady & English Martyrs 1; Hartington, Derbys, St Giles 54; Hillsborough, Co Down 78; Ringing Roadshow 2008 1121; Southampton, Bitterne Park 538; 't Klockhuys bells 1128, 1155 (let)

Hazell, Gillian N (obit) 63, 72

health and safety see also child protection in towers; fire safety in towers; lightning protection systems 154, 491 (Ed), 563 (Ed), 1303–1304

hearing the bells 1296

Heathrow Terminlnal 5, opening 388

heaviest 8 bell peal 1242 (Ed), 1256, 1267

Hector, Samuel J (conductor), remembered 886–887 (let), 939 (let)

Hedley, Aidan (contrib) 1009

'Hell Fire Corner' 19 (Corr to 07:1280)

Helmholz, Hermann (author) 84

'Help for Heroes' appeal 856

Henchman, David (obit) 100, 188 (let)

Henley, Robert (19C) 737

Hereford DG

Church Stretton District, QPs 1287

Hereford Course 711

Hereford District, outing to Brecon 1093

Hereford District Quarter Peal Festival 718 (let), 850

Hereford Journal 1034

A Herefordshire Life 956

heritage, buildings and structures 106

'Heritage issues' see also English Heritage 207 (Ed)

Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) 79, 112, 560, 1270

Heritage Protection White Paper 79

Herme, tours 1039

Herschell, David J (contrib) see 'From the Archives'

Hertford CA

Bishop Stortford District, Quarter Peal Day 1142

holiday peals 1038

quarter peals 704

Watford District, quarter peal w/e 729

Western District 161, 167

Western District, QP day 531

Hewelsfield, Glos, refurbishment 899

Hewitt, Len (obit) 828, 876–877, 887 (let)

Heydour, Lincs 89

Heywood, Sir Arthur Percival (author) 32, 136, 667

Heywood locos 744, 783 (corr)

Hibbert, Bill (contrib) 438, 668

awarded Doctorate 615

Hibbert, J (contrib) 1196

Higby, Clare (obit) 11, 20–21, 23

Higson, Andrew (handbell donor) 835, 838

married 571, 977

Hill, Norah, 100th birthday 536, 559 (corr)

Hilling, Margaret (obit) 326

Hillsborough, Co Down, Ireland, St Malachy 77–78

Hilltown, Co Down, Ireland, St John 77–78

Historic Scotland see also English Heritage 1007

The History of the Ladies' Guild of Change Ringers 1912-2000 187 (let)

HLF see Heritage Lottery Fund

hoaxes: "Eleanor Spriggs" 6, 29, 57, 81; 'Giles Field' see also clerical titles in peal reports 411, 440 (let), 1251 (let), 1298 (let); "Martin Field" 440 (let), 543 (let); performances 59 (let); Runciman, Ernie 862 (let), 887 (let); 'Tiffany (P.) Stedman' 188 (let)

Holborn, London WC2, St-Giles-in-the-Fields, Stedman Triples, first true peal 1077–1078

holidays, ringing 957–959; Boston & Toronto 731; Channel Islands 1225; France, 'Sampling a new 'mini' ring in France' 936–937; Hertford CA 957–959; King, Martin Luther, weekend 604; Worcestershire 960

Holland see Netherlands

Holland, Rose & Fred, Diamond Wedding 607

Hollis, John, warning to book collectors 812

Holmer, Herefs, St Bartholomew

day out in Liverpool 284

tour Upton on Severn 1058

Holt, Norfolk, great fire of 1708 676

Hong Kong, handbells in 1333

Hooe, E Sussex, Dewbys bells 76, 1114, 1226 (let)

Hope2008, how can it help ringing? 304

Hopkins, John (early collector) 1034

Horological Journal (1902) 1036

horse bells 1177 (let), 1274 (let)

Horsell, Surrey, ringers speak out 183 (Ed), 207 (Ed), 232

Horton Kirby, Kent, first peal since aug 62

Hough, Ronald (obit) 902

House of Commons 691 (Ed)

House of Commons, bell ringing raised 707

'house rules' 955

Houses of Parliament

Big Ben 377

redundant Churches legislation 79

HRGB see Handbell Ringers of Great Britain

Hucknall Torkard, Notts, 50th anniv 549

Hughes, Alan & Kathryn (contribs) 512

Hughes, Alan (bellfounder), conservation, 'The role of the Bellfounder' 108–109

Hughes, Alan, Whitechapel Bell Foundry 235

Hughes, Florence (obit) 304

Hughes, Kathryn (contrib) 1321–1323

Hughes-D'Aeth, JN, 1,000 peals (tower bells) 241

Hulme, William H (obit) 756

Humphreys, Peter (contrib) 325

Huntsham, Devon, Founders' Company Ringing Centre Prize 2007 235–236

Huskar Pit Disaster, 150th anniv 952

Hutchinson, Ruth see Harare Cathedral, Zimbabwe

Hutt, Fred (contrib) see 'Fred Hutt's Little Book'

Hutton, Paul (bellfounder) 55 (table)

hymn, Jubilee of St Bees Bells 1908 1200


Illinois, USA, 'Bells in motion' group visit London 712

The Illustrated London News 379, 613 (illus), 657

illustrations see also cartoons: Big Ben 377–381, 613 (illus), 617 (engrav), 647 (drawing), 657 (photo); Bob Doubles haircut 1172 (photo), 1195 (cartoon); 'converging verticals' 1 (photo), 129 (photo); Cuzco Cathedral, Peru 49 (illus); dilapidated bells 1021 (photo); early ringing books 809–812; Great Exhibition, exhibit inventory 929; Greenland, Qeqertarsuaq ... bell tower 719 (photo); Jim Wheeler's dumb bell 156 (photo); Mears & Stainbank certificates 929; Perth, WA, Swan Tower 119 (photos and drawings); 'spider' 1145 (photo); Taylor ring of 12 1293 (photo); Waterloo Tower, Quex Park 827 (drawing)

Imber bells see Edington, Wiltshire, Imber bells

Index, The Ringing World see also Gay, Rowena

'Goodbye to all that ... 85

new indexer appointed 885

thank you to Rowena Gay 26 (Ed), 27

India, Bell Metal Industry of Assam 839 (let)

Information & Communications Technology Committee, CCCBR 474–475, 644, 988

Inge, John, Bishop of Worcester 1295

inscriptions 188 (let); barometer case 696 (let); 'Big Ben' I 647, 657; Bognor Regis, Sussex 1313; Brighton, E Susx, St Paul 1316, 1317; Brownedge, Lancs 586; Builth Wells, Powys 330; Chapel St Leonards, Lincs 1248; Cheltenham, Glos, St Mark 185; Churchill, Som 637; Colton, Staffs 1203 (let); Cuzco Cathedral, Peru 49; Dunblane, Perthshire, Scot, Cathedral 1007; Dunkerton, Som 637; Great Somerford, Wilts 637; Lansdown, Bath, Som, St Stephen 131, 432; Luton Town Hall 516; Nangouyan, Beijing 349; Salisbury, Wilts, St Martin 637; Southampton, Bitterne Park 540; Warminster, Wilts 637; Yarkhill, Herefs 1246

insurance 79, 859, 885

international bell projects 121

International Standard Pitch see also tunings 84

Inveraray, All Saints 52

Ipswich, Suffolk

BBC1 Songs of Praise 760

St Mary-Le-Tower 840


Chester DG 8-bell comp? 1081

Co Down 77–78

Cork, Co Cork: Cathedral Ch of St Fin Barre 896–897, 1035 (let), 1085; Shandon bells 298

Dublin, National Cathedral of St Patrick 897

Dublin tour 609

Irish Association, update 436

websites, visit 436

Isle of Man (IoM)

Clague, Bethany, charity walk 1160

We do exist 359 (let), 410 (let), 544 (let), 590 (let)

Isle of Wight (IoW), outings 950–951, 1142

Isleham, Cambs, tower cleaned 1220

Isles of Scilly see Scilly Isles

Isleworth, Gr Lon

Songs of Praise 703

teenagers' peal of Plain Bob Royal, 50th anniversary 238 (let)

Italy see also Associazione Suonatori di Campane a Sistema Veronese (ASCSV)

Bologna ringers in Suffolk 453, 455

Scuola Campanaria Roncobello visit Suffolk 1060

Torcello bells 409

Ivin, Stephen J (composer) 86, 89, 333


'Jack' 1078

Jackson, Derek (contrib) 331–332

Jackson, Frederick J (obit) 1146

Jacot, Mark (poem) 1228

James, PD (author) 204

Japan, largest bell 781

J.C.E (contrib) 372

Jeffrey, Brian E (obit) 852

Jeffrey, Elizabeth AM (obit) 1288

Jeffrey, Terry R (obit) 580

Jersey, St Helier, St Mark 839 (let)

Jewellery Quarter, Birmingham 834

jig-saw puzzles 180, 901, 1035

John, Graham AC (composer) 692

John Bull of Bedford (clockmaker) 738

John Pritchard Ropes 717

John Taylor & Co (bellfounder) see Taylor, John & Co

John Taylor Bellfoundry Museum 229

visit taylorbells.co.uk

Johns, Phyllis (obit) 780

Johnson, Henry, Dinner 2008 385

Johnson, Lynn (contrib) 1297

Johnston, Cyril F (bellfounder) see also Gillett & Johnston (bellfounder) 517, 657, 719 (let), 790 (let)

'Rogue or Pioneer?' 844

Johnston, Jill (author) 203, 513–515, 517, 790 (let), 844

Joiner, Tim (contrib), 'Peals on Wheels' 153–154

Jones, Griff Rhys (TV presenter), joins training session 739, 784 (photo)

Jones, Hugh (obit) 392

Jones, Jeffrey L (obit) 176

Jones, Linda (contrib) 1022–1023

Jones', Matthew J (ringers) 1028

of York, 50th peal 316

Jones, Reeves & Blakemore (18C authors) 809–812

Jones, Revd Timothy (Tim) (contrib) see 'Belfry reform today?'

Jones, Thomas (author 18C) 809, 812

Joyce, Rita (obit) 417

jugs, Black Jack's centenary 40

'Julian Litten looks at ... St George, Jesmond ...' 564


KAFFRIN (contrib) see Tester, Katherine

KCACR see Kent CA

Keech, Thomas (9), first quarter peal 260

Keele Ringing Centre 25–28, 51

Kelly, David J (contrib) 129–132

Keltek Trust (bell rescue)

Activities 2007 205–210

Bath, St Stephen, Lansdown 130

Birmingham, W Mids, St Paul 834, 835

Otterham, Cornwall 561, 903

Perry Hill, Gr London 1169

Sibson, Leics 541

Waresley, Cambs 332

Kenrick, Ronald (obit) 1170

Kensington, London, 31st Ringing Week 994–995

Kent, Duke of 180

Kent CA

Devon 2008 tour 676

East Kent, Every Fourth Tues Assoc (EFTA), visit to France 829, 831

Tonbridge District, quarter peal week 226

Kenya, any news? 1132 (let)

Kershaw, Marjorie (obit) 391

Ketélbey, Albert W (composer) 1324

Ketteringham, John R (contrib) 1023, 1248

A Key to the Art of Ringing 810, 811 (illus)

Keyes, Tim (contrib) 1298

Kids.Ring.Out 104, 1241, 1297–1298

Kilsby, Nhants, refurbishment 899, 938 (let)

Kimber, Jean, 50 years with Beddington, Surrey 1004

Kineton Bells Project, Warw, Open Day 663 (advert)

King, Kris, 30 years in Durham 1091

King, Martin Luther, holiday weekend 604

King, Roger (contrib) 353–356

King's Lynn, Norfolk, wrong grouting spec 883

King's Norton, W Mids, Saracens Head 733

Kingsteignton, Devon, young ringer 850

Kingsteignton Surprise Major (composition) 592

Kingston upon Thames, The Strutts of 305–307

Kintbury, Berks, ringer convicted 1244, 1271 (Ed), 1274 (let), 1299 (let)

Kippin, Chris & Heather, farewell evensong 203

Kippin, Jessie M (obit) 444, 652, 659–660, 742 (let)

Kirby, RS (publisher 18C London) 809–811, 812

Kirkby in Ashfield, Notts, new Deacon 855

Kirkby Underwood, Lincs, first peal on the bells 865

Knaresborough, Bishop of 347

Knaresborough, new school 347

Knight, David (CCC, conservation), Bells & CCC 106–107

Knight, Walter (contrib) see 'Tail Ends'

Knighton, Leics, Tour 2008 879

Knights, Donald ER (obit) 902

de Kok, Paul (chimer, change-ringer) 1125–1129

Korea, South, largest bells 612, 781

Kortright, Clifford (obit) 1074, 1240, 1243

Kunonga, Nolbert, former Bishop of Harare, Zimbabwe see also Harare Cathedral, Zimbabwe, news & appeal 792, 811 (Ed), 1108 (let)


La Cathédrale Engloutie 1324

ladies see also Ladies' Guild; Womens Institute: all ladies band, Ely 289; Best Boy, Continuity Girl 903; body profiles 1099; calling Bob Minor 590 (let); composers 80; Faulkner, Glenys, 49 years to first peal 719 (let); ITV seeks lady ringers for new makeover series 663; Parker, Edith K 212 (let); pioneers 83 (let), 187 (let), 212 (let); 'The sight of Gentle Maiden...' 1123; Stedman Caters, first time peal 185; Stedman Cinques, SRCY ladies 1040, 1051; Steele, Evelyn 212 (let); 'that woman who...' 85

Ladies' Guild 187 (let)

Cannon, Freda, long service tribute 1028

Higby, Clare, memorial tribute 21, 23

Lake District, tour 578

Lamberhurst, Kent, 1010th Patronal Festival 851

Lancashire Association

Christmas quarters 2007 398

Peal Week 2008 192, 995

Preston Branch, QP week 849

Roses Trophy 1148

Wigan Branch, QP day 606

Wirral Branch: QP fortnight 1191; ringing walk 715; striking comp 611

Landfill Community Fund (Tax Credit Scheme) 539

Langton by Spilsby, Lincs, restoration 1013, 1023

Lanhydrock, Corn, rededication & autumn festival 1196

large bells, ringing 399

largest bells in the world 781; Peru 49; Poland 408–409; South Korea 612; swinging 1083

'The Last Conductor' 1171

Lates, John (19C composer) 3

Law James, H, Stedman Triples 31–32

Lawrence, Julie (contrib) 1296–1297

leading peal ringers 335 (let)

Leading quarter peal ringers 2007 259–260

Leamington Spa, Warw, St John 926

'Learners abroad' 950–951

learners who can't learn 635

The Learning Curve

compilation review 687

Vol 4: 2006-2007, book review 687

learning to ring see also A-Z of ringing; courses; Education Committee, CCCBR; handling; 'NRT'; ringers, young; silencing bells for instruction ...; simulators; teaching: 'A physical approach' 1033, 1034; change ringing theory 309; Charmborough Bell Trust 1222; 'Don't give up' 597; expertise, and how we learn? 239 (let); 'full circle' bell ringing 1010 (let); method learning 612; metronomes 213 (let); mistakes, recovering from 51; Proper Ringers 51, 83 (let); Rhodes University student 741; Ringing Practice Toolkit (website) 496 (let), 539, 619 (let); 'ringing-chat' e-list 1275; ropesight, improving 1156 (let); sequences 31

Lechlade, Glos, refurbishment 902

Lee, Colin (contrib) 588–589

Lee, Walter A (Dick) (obit) 608; announcements 75; peals rung 163, 364, 596; quarters rung 371

Leeds, Kent 24

Leeds, W Yorks, ringing tour 853–854

Leeds Northern University Association (LNUA), meeting 1309

Leeds University Society (LUSCR), 50th anniv 1310–1311

Lee-Nicol, Tracy (contrib), 'A lesson in more than just bells' 741

left-handed ringers 718–719 (let), 789 (let), 815 (let), 863 (let), 939 (let)

legislation see also British Standards; child protection in towers: 2006 Child Protection Act Update 962–963; Church Law in relation to bells 79; fire regulations 79; legal position on funds 285, 303; The Regulatory Reform Fire Safety Order 2005 331 (Ed); White Paper, Heritage Protection 79

legislative bodies, list of 79

legs, effects of ringing on 1303

Lehr, Andre, of Eijsbouts, (software dev) 84

Leigh, Peter J (obit) 928, 973

Leonard Stanley, Glos, QP day 398

Lessness Surprise Major (composition) 592

Lester, Ray (obit) 435 (Ed), 451

'Let Bells Ring' petition 1151 (Ed), 1156 (let)

letters see also 'Comment'; debates are filed by subject with page numbers suffixed (let)

Lewis, Colin A (author & contrib) 887 (let), 1101–1103, 1105–1107

Lewis, Mike, receives Swansea and Brecon Leslie Evans trophy 832

Lewis, Robert L (RW Editor) 641–645, 656

Lewis, TC (bellfounder & organ builder) 31 (let), 58 (let)

Liberty Bell 136

Librarian, CCCBR 1034

Library Committee, CCCBR 475, 644, 988

Lichen Stary, Poland 408–409

Life of Alphage 432

light rings, hanging see also mini-rings 130, 1128, 1155–1156 (let), 1226 (let)

Lighthorne, Warw, 1st peal since augmentation 189

lighting tower steps 325

lightning protection systems 1009

Lincoln, Lincs, St Giles, 70th anniv of bells 1030

Lincoln DG

Lincoln Cathedral see also National 12-Bell Striking Contest: 3 unusual bells 1248

AGM 712, 855

Central Branch, quarter peal month 251

Heydour 89

Lindsey Branch, Founders' Prize 658

Northern Branch outing 639

West Lindsey Branch, quarter peal month 706

West Lindsey Branch, Young Ringers' Day 280

Lincolnshire, Spire & Steeples walk 1179

Lincolnshire 2008, tour 1118–1119

Lincolnshire Day 1100

Lindsay, Sue (contrib) 1320

Linford, Simon (contrib), Education Committee articles see also A-Z of ringing

Calling Plain Bob Triples 803, 807

First quarter of Plain Bob Minor 568, 590 (let), 646 (let)

Ringing Practice Toolkit 539

Yorkshire beyond a standard composition 692

Lipscomb, Elizabeth, tribute 1200–1201, 1299 (let)

listening 1296

Listening Skills Course 785–787

listing bells 79

Litten, Julian WS (writer & historian), '.. St George, Jesmond ..' 109–110

Little, Amy (11) 827 (poem)

Little Horkesley, Essex, St Peter & St Paul, 50th anniversary of church dedication 729

'Live with it' petition 935 (Ed), 939 (let), 984 (let), 1166

Liverpool, Mers

European Capital of Culture Year 167, 1247 (Ed), 1256, 1267, 1298–1299 (let)

new Dean 90

Our Lady & St Nicholas, Pier Head 939 (let)

St Bartholomew, Rainhill 322

Livingston, David (obit) 1266

Llandaff & Monmouth DA, Monmouth Branch

peal weekend 1207

QP fortnight 2007 68

QP fortnight 2008 1239

Llanfair ym Muallt see Builth Wells

Llanfyllin, Powys, refurbishment 899

Llantwit Major, Vale of Glamorgan, Wales, St Illtud, centenary of re-hanging 1021

Llewellins & James (bellfounder) 129

LNUA see Leeds Northern University Association

London, City of

Cathedral Church of St Paul see St Paul's Cathedral, London

St Katharine Cree, restoration project 281–282, 1325

St Magnus-the-Martyr, London Bridge, bell project, EC3 154

St Mary-Le-Bow, Cheapside: on BBC Radio 3 1027; Fire Services Memorial Trust 787; Johnston, Cyril 844; 'Olympic artist at Bow' 204

St Sepulchre without Newgate, Holborn Viaduct 120; 1690 Plain Bob Triples 80

St Vedast, Foster Lane, broadcast 619 (let)

London, East Festival launches with bells 233–234

London, Lord Mayor's Office 233

London Bell Festival 2009 234

London County Assoc 840 (let)

appeal for missing peal books 188 (let)

reflections see also 'Tales from the London County crypt' 58 (let)

London Ringers

Advent Carol Service 1035

Christmas Social 23

London Surprise Major (composition) 816

Longridge, Christopher F (obit) 175–176

Look East, Driver, Albert, ringing 80 years 1091

Look East News, Gipson, John's 1,500th peal on Meldreth bells 760

Look To! My Ringing World 887 (let)

Lost and Found No 2, Record peals on tower bells (CD) 452

The Lost Stradivarius 860

Lott, John ('Tales..') 133, 311 (let), 964, 983

Lott, Veronica ('Tales..') 983–984

Loughborough, Leics

Bell Foundry Campanile, commemorative peal 243

tour 916

'Loughborough foundry' see Taylors Eayre & Smith Ltd

Loughborough University, paper on 'Wobble' 84

Loughton, Bucks, 100 yrs of back 4 1046

Lovell, Alan (obit) 137

Lucas, Eileen (obit) 556

Lukis, Revd WC 810

Lundy Island, Devon

augmentation 120

birthday party 525

trips to 579, 771, 858, 1046, 1308

Luton Town Hall 516–517

Lymington, Hants, Christmas lights 1276

Lyndhurst, Hants 1132 (let)

Lyne, Brigit (ringer), farewell 404

Lynsted, Kent, mini-ring outing 1169


McDonald, John, recalled 134 (let), 218

McDonald, Peter (author) 379 (Ed)

McFarlane Feeney, Isabella, 100th birthday 71

McKay, Chris (contrib) 927, 1036

McNutt, Paul, 1,000 peals 265

McQuitty, Derek, 60th birthday 250

McShane Bellfoundry, Baltimore, Maryland 896

Maddison, Terry & Ann, Ruby Wedding 1112

'Maids in White Aprons..' 281–282

maintenance, routine 79

Major, Martin (contrib), 'Don't Give Up' 597

Major, Richard, broken ankle 1203 (let)

Making Music 1131

Malta, Valetta, Co-Cathedral of St John 896

management seminars 831

Mann, Colin D (obit) 1146

mantel clocks 1123

Manx Bells see also Isle of Man 544

marathons, Run & Ring 1167

market research 1075

Marlborough Grammar School 49

marriages ladies first, last names only

[?]/Hinder 401

Eastburn/Young 401

Foster/King 547, 709

Gilbert/Self 174

Green/Hilling 1064, 1073

Griffiths/Harvey 1265

Harris/Ash 856

Harter/Cook 977

Hughes/Smith 73

Hunter/Walters 1097

Knox/Brown 992, 1001

Lonsberry/Durham 219

mascots 731

Matthews/Swain 781

Moran/Bahr 401

Moss/Hastilow 781

Nice/Herbert 1333

Pascovitch/Haseldine 1184, 1193

Paul/Higson 571, 977

Payne/Browning 729

Pond/Pierce 685

Radford/Boylan 733

Roberts/Vaughan 1241

Rogers/Mather 699, 709

Thompson/Warford 1025

Troupe/Rapior 1086

Utting/Bateson 531

Wade/Harrison 190, 581

Whiteley/Thompsett 676, 685

Yorath/Chant 901

Marshall family, double 'first' 100 peals 362, 583

Martin, John (17C bellfounder) 1268

Martin, Monica (obit) 1266

Martin Bellringers 1179

'Martin the pig' 376, 731

Mason, Paul M (composer) 592, 816

Mason, Philip (obit) 1194

Matthew Higby & Company Ltd (Church Bell Engineers) 537, 539

Maybrey, John (contrib) 405–407

meals on wheels 1027

Mears, Charles & George (C&G) of Whitechapel (bellfounder) 129, 614, 1197

Mears, George (bellfounder) see also Whitechapel Bell Foundry Ltd 379, 380, 613, 614, 657

Mears, Thomas (bellfounder) 55 (table), 695 (let), 810, 1197

Mears & Blews (bellfounder) 305

Mears & Stainbank Founders, London (bellfounder) see also Whitechapel Bell Foundry Ltd 349, 585

medieval bells, casting techniques 84

Meldrew, Victor, spirit of 159 (Ed)

members of CCCBR 642–643

'Memories of P L T' 84–85, 136–137

memory aids 31–32, 158 (let); Suzy sells ... 1142

'Merseybells' e-list

activity 47, 203, 544, 567, 790, 815, 851, 937, 961, 1003, 1083, 1131, 1154, 1267, 1325

origin of 1300

metal, painting 1108 (let), 1132 (let), 1155 (let), 1177 (let)

'Methcom sketch' 658

'special': 'Odds and Ends' 607; 'Some Answers' 618; 'Twin Hunt Extensions' 261; 'The Writtle TB Controversy' 261, 307, 359 (let), 383 (let), 618

methods: construction theory 309; extensions 4–5 (let), 82 (let), 134 (let); learning 612; naming conventions 82 (let); notation 187 (let); structure 214, 219; websites, methods 203

Methods Committee, CCCBR 82 (let), 475, 644, 658, 988

methods named in 2006

Minor: Holne Bob 06:457, 08:1099 (corr)

methods named in 2007

Minor: Gillian's D & Oxford TB (QP) 47; Noxious Bob (QP) 13; Sally and Bob (QP) 47; Stutton S (QP) 13; Verity and Stuart's Wedding TB (QP) 47; Wing Commander Hampton's D (QP) 47; Yule D (QP) 47

Triples: Withycombe Pl Triples (QP) 47

methods named in 2008

Doubles: 1260 (9m/v) (QP) 1234; Alvaston 289; Beazley End 289; Blackmore End 289; Borrowash 289; Botstone 289; Buckland 289; Buxhall (QP) 1326; Chester Green 289; Chipping 289; Cornish Hall End 289; Dane End 289; Draycott 289; Earin 1051; Eastwick 289; Elkstone 289; Elvaston 289; Fairlands Valley 289; Gosmore 289; Grasby, Lincs, various (QP) 797; Great Finborough (QP) 1326; Handsacre 289; Harleston (QP) 1326; Haultwick 289; Hawksyard 289; Ickleford 289; Joshua Differential (QP) 318, 351 (corr); Jump Stedman 1051; Kelshall 289; Little Eaton 289; Luffenhall 289; Mapperley 289; Meesden 289; Nuthampstead 289; Oakwood 289; Ocean Finance (QP) 598; Odsey 289; Panshanger 289; Red Square Hybrid (QP) 1234; Rotten End 289; Seedcroft 289; Shelland (QP) 1326; Stanley 289; Stanley Common 289; Swarkstone Bridge 289; Tuppenhurst 289; Weag's Bridge 289; Wiggle 1051

Minor: All Square S 865; Alton Water S (QP) 1258; Ashford in the Water TB (QP) 68; Baughurst S 267; Belper Bob (QP) 179; Belstead S (QP) 700; Big Ben D (QP) 501; Bishop Michael's D (QP) 341; Black S 866; Bratislava S 522; Bretford S 673; Cortyton S (QP) 1138; Dunton S (QP) 1282; Erwarton S (QP) 945; Farthingstone S 1254; Funtington D 391; German Bight D 265; Girrawheen D (QP) 1162; Great Berry S (QP) 1041; Holbrook S (QP) 169; Jolly D (QP) 1282; Kitty Tor D (QP) 193; Longtimber Tor D (QP) 526; Maryland D 570; Mis Tor D (a 720) 1124; Monday Morning Bob (QP) 179; Nacton S (QP) 625; Narra Tor D (QP) 1114; Neath TP 33; New B 942; Off Your 'Ead Backwards B (QP) 1326; Offley TP 33; Openwoodgate Place (QP) 179; Peter's Tree S (QP) 1258; Pew Tor (QP) 1326; Pin Mill S (QP) 820; Rio Grande do Sul S 991; Shotley Gate S 1210; Shotley S (QP) 1041; Simpson S 673; Single Toton B (QP) 1162; St Martin's B 942; St Simon's B 942; Staverton Brige S 521; Staverton S 521; Tattingstone S (QP) 269; Tattingstone Wonder S (QP) 501; Ting Tong S 162; Uluru D (QP) 1186; Upham TB (QP) 1162; Wilby D 1278; Witten S 890

Triples: Huntspill B 189; Little Orchard B 649; St Thomas's B 389

Major: A; Aardvark S 38; Aardwolf S 37; Abel Magwitch S 141; Adnams Broadside D 1306; Ajax S (QP) 269; Albert Road S 267; Alnwick Castle S 1158; Alston D 38; Anode S 38; Apoplexy S 37; Armagh S 1255; Arthur Phillip S 1133; Arthur Phillip S (QP) 1088; Ashmere S 746; Asti D 622; B; Ballistic S 37; Barbaresco D 1061; Barleycroft TB 570; Beckhampton S 841; The Bench S 363; Billy Mill S 621; Bleaklow D 1207; Bolonium S 594; Bon Jovi D 391; Brownie Dyke S 443; Burderop S 314; Bushey and Oxhey A 966; Buxton D 88; C; Cameron D 965; Canal Street D 62; Cathode S 38; Celebration S 523; Centenary D 36; Chafy Crescent S 390; Chattahoochee S 192; Chatto Chesnaie S 944; Cherry S 889; Chippinghurst S 522; Christ Church Primary School 300 D 817; Cold Fish S 163; Coterie S 1206; Courage Directors S 794; Coventry A 1205; Cranborne Chase S 915; Crayfish S 38; D; Darlaston LB 1206; Devenish S 796; Dewbys Bells S (QP) 1114; Didcot S 86; Dodd Fell D 819; Dordrecht S 1159; Double Dordrecht S 1159; E; Earthworm S 37; East Crompton S 674; Eastcott S 545; Easterton S 1061; Elegy S 86; Elstow L 1038; Eton College B 390; F; Flamenco S 37; Flowers Manchester S 266; Folly Hall S 1307; Freeschool S 966; Freshbrook S 521; G; Garsden S 545; Gibside D 622; Gimpanzee S 38; Giraffe S 37; Golden A 1087; Grace D 192; Grantley Hall S 443; H; Hackpen S 387; Hackthorn S 1062; Hainton D 416; Harlech S 190; Helsinki S 697; Henlow D 241; High Neb S 140; High Willhays S 265; Holdcroft S 649; Hollinside D 795; Humber Bridge S 1229; Hyperion A 1307; I; Inmarsh S 697; Intercalary S 337; Isla Negra S 61; J; Jasonville S 913; Jaundiced TB 817; JB D 497; Jellied Eel S 266; K; Kabenhavn S 793; Kakapo S 266; Kirkby-in-Ashfield S 1111; Knighton S 1109; Knoxville S 913; Kornwall S 266; Kunzite S 289; L; Ladyville S 913; Leavesden S 652; Liechtenstein S 37; Lockeridge S 522; Lothario S 37; M; Madrassa S 914; Manton S 746; Marlborough D 1158; Marley's Ghost S 571; Monkey S 38; Monksville S 990; Moonville S 1061; Mrs Trellis of North Wales S 1014; Mullah S 38; Muppet Show S 442; Muriel D 1184; N; Nashville S 1133; Nether Hornpot Lane D 1279; New Bridge D 795; Nomansland S 965; Northgates S 1086; O; Oakville S 1133; Oare S 241; Octarine S 697; Old Codgers S 649; Old Kea S 1064; Old Moore's S 498; Once Brewed D 1014; Orsett D 363; Oslo S 497; Overtown S 189; P; Perryville S 1181; Perscoran D 38; Piddinghoe S 363; Pit Bull S 523; Princess Pocahontas S 141; Q; Quandary S 139; Quarryville S 1229; Quicklime S 388; Quintessential S 387; R; Ragged Staff D 1133; Rainsville S 1229; Ramsbottom No S 593; Rev Dordrecht S 1159; Rider D 721; Rising Sun S 1085; Round Bush S 1307; Roundway S 889; Rushall S 36; S; St Crewenna S 315; Sammy D 1062; Savernake Forest S 314; Scunthorpe S 217; Shefford S 387; Sheila Parry S (QP) 193; Sourpuss S 140; Spin Dryer LA 698; St John the Baptist S 162; St Nicholas' Warwick S 1253; Starshine D 1085; Steventon S 1306; Stilton S 916; Stockholm S 1229; Stourhead S 163; Stretton S 442; Stroxton S 1110; Sublime S 88; Sulby S 842; Swallow S 416; Swervin' Mervyn's D 441; T; Terrible Towel TB 338; Theobald's Green S 621; Thetford Forest S 37; Tonelessness S 995; Toppesfield S 337; Trentino D 62; Trowse D 992; Turners Hill S 595; V; Vale of Evesham S 88; Vallum D 88; Vienna S 913; W; Walford S 1038; Warsaw S 1013; Wessex S 1307; Westrop S 1013; Winchmore Hill S 217; Windsor Castle S 165; Windy Gyle D 1086; Winford S 1206; Woodhouse S 442; Woolly Jumper Hybrid 1062; Xagar S 794; Xerograph S 1277; Y; Yaffle S 242; Yclepted TB (QP) 945; Z; Zabriskie Point D 88; Zauner D 545; Zummerzet D 61; Zzyzx Springs S Major 33

Caters: American Horse B (QP) 996; Emma (QP) 1162; Kingsclere B (QP) 1016; Sitting Bull B (QP) 820

Royal: Actium S 942; Austerlitz S 942; Beult D 1037; Bishop Stamer D 1182; Brooksby S 991; Carthage Differential S 942; Crowder S 313; Danelaw S 391; Danethorpe D 191; Denali S 87; Diamond A 1151; Double Cambridge Cyclic B 890; Dover LD 650; Dunkerque S 942; Eanam Wharf D 391; Edgehill D 942; Effingham S 942; Eleventh Hour D 1257; Ely S 525; Eskimo Nebula D 216; Fisher D 162; Flaming Star Nebula S 622; Golden A 1087; Harlesthorpe D 842; Hebden Bridge S 241; Humber LD 387; Kakadu D 1015; Khyber Pass S 942; Madison D 1085; Merengo TP 942; Morland's Original S 8; Nightingale TP 942; Nordfeld 595; Old Bill D 521; Old Light S 1038; Pilton D 889; Portland D 1038; Rams Head S 498; Riverside S 965; Stranton D 189; Subfusc D 674; Thames D 522; Ullesthorpe D 523; Vale of Belvoir D 650; Varsity S 1110; Wadworth 6X S 362; Wallingford LS (QP) 193, 501; Waynflete A 1086; Whitehall D 33; Wight D 770; Wordsley S 649; Xanthe D 1183; Yeory D 943; Youlthorpe D 391; Zodiac D 243

Cinques: Canterbury Pleasure B (QP) 1233; Crazy Horse Bob (QP) 677; Hollow Horn Bear Bob (QP) 1282; Red Cloud B (QP) 918; Spotted Elk B (QP) 1065; They-Fear-Even-His-Horses B (QP) 1162

Maximus: Balaclava Little TP 942; Balkan Little A 1256; Effingham S 890; Ferham S 9; Highclere Church S 216; Inkerman A 1256; Malakoff A 942; Nightingale TP 1256; Pride of Romsey S 1206; Scutari A 1256; Sevastopol A 942; Thrybergh S 1159; Xanthe 942

metronomes 213 (let)

Metson, Frank (obit) 735, 952

Mew, Chris (contrib & author) 309, 491 (Ed), 493–494, 542 (let), 962–963

Meyer, C Montagu (Monty) ('Tales..') 311 (let), 716–717, 740–741, 813, 983

Meyer, Gee ('Tales..') 984

Meyer, Rebecca Louise (9), first quarter peal 633

Miami Guild, hosts NAGCR AGM 1223, 1224–1225

Middlesex Belfry Recycling Centre 1121 (photo)

Middlesex County Assoc & London DG

AGM and new officers 738

inaugural 8-bell contest 741

Middlesex Open Day 496 (let)

North and East District, quarter peal day 755

Open Day 383 (let)

Southern District QP day 606

Middleton, John (architect) 182

Midsomer Murders 979

Milborne Port, Som, outing 149, 187 (let)

Miller, Mary Louisa Murray 182

Mills, Andrew B, 2000 peals (tower bells) 524

Mills, Andrew (contrib) 1125–1129, 1155–1156 (let)

Milton Keynes, Bucks, Queen's visit 175

mini-ringing taking off in Europe? 935 (Ed)

mini-rings see also light rings; mobile towers: Durrant, Roger ring restored 253, 359 (let), 375 (let), 411 (let); France 936–937, 944; hanging 1128, 1155–1156 (let); outing to Lynsted, Kent 1169; Ringing Roadshow 2008 909, 1121 (photo)

Ministry of Works booklet 380

Minnesota, 6th annual Handbell w/e 755, 779

mistakes, recovering from 51

Mitchell, Charles (19C benefactor) 564

Mitchell, Frederick M (obit) 1168, 1171

Mitchell, Martin F, 1,000 peals 772

mnemonics 31–32

mobile church bells for special occasions

mobile towers: Charmborough Ring 153–154, 212 (let), 533, 1221–1222; location ideas 277; Mobile Ringing Heritage Centre Project 1271; Woodbridge, Suffolk 351, 1178

modal scales 540 (table)

model bells 380, 381

Mold, Flints, quarter peals Jan-Jun 2008 895

Moley, Roadshow (contrib) 584, 932

Molyneux, Nicholas (inspector), 'The English Heritage Persepective' 108

money see 'Ringing & Money'

Monk, Joseph (18C author) 809

monks, Middle Ages 616

Monmouth Branch see Llandaff & Monmouth DA

Moonfleet 860

Morley, George (obit) 47, 508

Morley, W Arnold (obit) 688, 900–901

Morpeth Old Peculiar (MOP) ringing technique 1035 (let)

Morris, Frank, 60 years at Bath & Wells 432

Morris, Hilary (contrib) 786–787

Morris[on], William (Speaker of the House of Commons), 1959 on Big Ben 379

Morrison, Donald F (composer) 592, 816

Morton, Derbys, 'Deja Vu' 197

Mossop, James R (obit) 228, 262 (let)

Mothering Sunday peals 337–339

Mountjoy, Brian V (composer) 333

'Mouseholing' 1078

Much Marcle, Herefs, decorated clappers 664

muffles, Big Wilf's 1121

museums, bellfoundry, Loughborough 229

music influenced by bells 1324

music notation 566 (let)

musical instruments, bells as 106–107


Call to Prayer 151

Sharia law 183 (Ed), 232

Myers, Alfred W (Bill) (obit) 976



donation 562

e-list activity 19, 47, 211, 240, 264, 298, 322, 438, 491, 535, 544, 656, 687, 696, 790, 815, 886, 912, 937, 961, 1003, 1059, 1107, 1178, 1226, 1267, 1275

e-list origin 1300

NAGCR see North American Guild

'nag-talk' see North American Guild

National 12-Bell Striking Contest, 2008 and visit .uk; announcement 615 (Ed), 638 (ad), 640; BBC1 report 760; brief report 715 (Ed); eliminator results 376; judges comments 763; judging 742–743 (let), 789 (let), 862 (let), 886 (let), 911 (let); pignapping ordeal 376; report, detailed 761–765; results 756 (table); 'Strictly Come Ringing' 1243; test pieces 763; thank you for RW sponsorship 766 (let); view from inside the Cathedral Centre 808; website 763, 886 (let); winners, Birmingham 736; YOUTUBE Nat 12-bell 'preview' 711

National 12-Bell Striking Contest, 2009 1147 (ad)

National Federation of Music Societies 1131

National Health Service 60th anniversary, peal 844, 917

Natural Course Ends (NCE) 309

NDS Engineering (dumb bells) 1294

The Nebuly Coat see also The Nine Taylors: and the Nebuly Coat 911 (let)

neck and back, effects of ringing on 1303

Neston High School, 50th anniversary 159 (let)

Netherlands visit also wisselluiders.dse.nl

Dordrecht, 't Klockhuys bells 1129, 1159

Dordrecht Cathedral 1125, 1127, 1130

Guild of St Brigida, Geldrop 436–437

Zwart,Boudewijn, (carilloneur) 664, 909, 1123, 1129

Network for Ringing Training (NRT), e-list activity 19, 80, 240, 322, 491, 535, 544, 851, 961, 1033, 1154, 1178

New Buckenham Church, book review 429

new builds see planning applications near bells

New Campanalogia or Key to the Art of Ringing 809, 810, 811, 812

New Forest tour 783

new ring projects: Birmingham, W Mids, St Paul 833–835, 837–838; and conservation 105–128; Hartington, Derbys, St Giles 53–55; New York, Trinity Church, Wall St 121–122

new year peals 322

New York, Wall St, Trinity Church, new ring project 121–122

New Zealand see also ANZAB visit also .au

'The Butlers' Tour invades the Antipodes' 1071, 1073

Dunedin, ringer convicted of rape 1052

Newburn-on-Tyne, Northmb, St Michael & All Angels, re-hanging 897

Newcastle, Bishop of, CCCBR Welcome 563

Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Northmb

Central Council 1954 440

Central Council 2008 641–645, 656, 719 (let)

St George (Jesmond) 564

Newcombes of Leicester (bellfounder) 84

Newing, Angela, (contrib), Puzzle Corner 381, 925

Newmains, Lanarks, Coltness Mem Church, Scotland 58 (let)

Newman, George A (obit) 39, 49, 91, 200–201

Newman, Richard (refurbishing) 180

Newport, Gwent, Cathedral Church of St Woolos, goodbye to Thompsett, William ('Bill') 279

'Newspaper extracts', as a source of history 1034

Nibblett, Peter (contrib) see 'Methcom Sketch'

Niblett, Donald & Ruth, Golden Wedding anniv 1025

Nicholson Engineering (bell hangers) 104, 381, 406

Ringing Roadshow 2008 1121

West Kirby, Mers, St Bridget 590

The Nine Tailors 137, 204, 859 (Ed)

and The Nebuly Coat 860–861, 911 (let)

noise: abatement 201; British Standards (BS) guidelines on 201; Caveat emptor 439 (let), 519 (let), 567 (let); House of Commons 707; petition 939 (let); pollution 276, 979; Statutory Noise Nuisance 939 (let)

noisy belfries 75

noisy bells 103, 174

Non-Assoc peals? 767 (let)

non-ringers: Après Ringing 535; food for thought 515 (Ed); non-ringing parners 518 (let); presentation to 1131

Noone, William (bellfounder) 55 (table)


Christmas quarters 2007 397

quarter peal day 507

Norris, Beryl (contrib) 1082

North American Guild see also Canada; United States of America (USA)

AGM in Miami, Florida 1223, 1224–1225

Baltimore, Maryland, McShane Bellfoundry 896

Birmingham, Alabama new bells 384

Boston, tour 572–573

Boston & Toronto, ringing on holiday 731

Illinois, 'Bells in motion' group visit London 712

Minnesota, 6th annual Handbell w/e 755, 779

NAGCR e-list activity 47, 151, 203, 264, 635, 687, 768, 1033, 1226, 1275, 1325

'nag-talk', e-list activity 73, 322, 591, 635, 961, 1033, 1059, 1107, 1226, 1325

North American e-lists, activity 656, 696, 851, 1083, 1226

Philadelphia, QP w/e (Martin Luther King) 604

Rochester, Minnesota, carillon 516

Seattle, Washington, Gerberding Tower, University of Washington 896

update 437

Washington, Nat Cathedral School's Whitechapel Guild, ring around UK 1000–1001

websites, visit 437

North Staffs Assoc (NSACR)

competitive ringing debate 912

quarter peal week 1190–1191

tribute to Philip Gay's 30 years service 349

Northants, Leicester & Rutland, six peals in a day 730

Northants Guild

quarter peal day 1020

Wellingborough Branch QP day 605

Northchapel, Sussex, 1st peal since augm 1111

Norwich DA 104

Annual Dinner QPs 1287

Norwich, Norf, St George, Colegate 390

quarter peal week 704

Ridgman Trophy - 2008, hosts 757

Norwich Mercury (1807) 810

'Not the Nine-o'clock Chimes' 739, 784 (photo)

Nottingham University Society (NUSCR), 50th anniv 242, 588–589, 596


QP days 972, 1092

QP w/e 607

NRT see Network for Ringing Training

NSACR see North Staffordshire Assoc of Change Ringers

NUSCR see Nottinham University Society

'Nutcrackers' 372

nylon clappers see clappers: plastic shaft




Ayres, Ray: announcements 643 (Ed), 660, 676; an appreciation 852; peals rung 844; quarter peals rung 849


Bacon, Bob 1120

Baker, Philip 954

Bentley, Donald 1192

Bosworth, Philip 1266

Breslain, Lynda M 508–509

Brett, Ruby R 276

Bridges, Geoffrey 954, 1048

Bromfield, Geoffrey 684, 707


Carr, Jessie E 291

Carveth, Alan C 455, 510, 624, 636–637

Clist, Jean 454

Coleman, Denis 710

Connett, Don 176

Craycroft-Eley, Bridget K 976

Cross, Eric 351

Cubitt, Martin 1145


Dale, Jean 1334

Dalton, Christopher J: announcements 155 (Ed), 180, 203; 'Christopher Dalton 1941 - 2008' 433–435, 438; peals & quarter peals rung 444; what generosity 590 (let)

Dancey, Roger A 1074

Darmon, Jean A 978

Devenish, Peter 710, 900

Drew, Shirley 179, 428


Edwards, Gordon 732

Eele, Eva 75

Evans, Ellen 976

Everest, Edna 1072


Faircloth, John D 782

Farmer, Margaret E 428–429

Fellows, Martin D 510, 708–709

Fletcher, Bryan 780

Freeman, Brian FG 148


Gardiner, Jocelyn B 995, 999, 1000

Gibbons, Hazel 304, 391

Gibbons, William (Bill) F 710, 875–876

Gibson, W Stewart 47, 142, 243, 252

Goodwin, Peter G 23, 176

Gooneratne, Margaret 228

Green, Gillian M 48

Green, Keith 806


Hardwick, Peter JW 854, 1024, 1047, 1048

Harris, Roy T 64

Harris, Wilfred G 710, 804

Hazell, Gillian N 63, 72

Henchman, David 100, 188 (let)

Hewitt, Len 828, 876–877

Higby, Clare 11, 20–21, 23

Hilling, Margaret 326

Hough, Ronald 902

Hughes, Florence 304

Hulme, William H 756


Jackson, Frederick J 1146

Jeffrey, Brian E 852

Jeffrey, Elizabeth AM 1288

Jeffrey, Terry R 580

Johns, Phyllis 780

Jones, Jeffrey L 176

Joyce, Rita 417


Kenrick, Ronald 1170

Kershaw, Marjorie 391

Kippin, Jessie M 444, 652, 659–660, 742 (let)

Knights, Donald ER 902

Kortright, Clifford 1074, 1240, 1243


Lee, Walter A (Dick) 75, 163, 364, 371, 596, 608

Leigh, Peter J 928, 973

Lester, Ray 435 (Ed), 451

Livingston, David 1266

Longridge, Christopher F 175–176

Lovell, Alan 137

Lucas, Eileen 556


Mann, Colin D 1146

Martin, Monica 1266

Mason, Philip 1194

Metson, Frank 735, 952

Mitchell, Frederick M 1168, 1171

Morley, George 47, 508

Morley, W Arnold 688, 900–901

Mossop, James R 228, 262 (let)

Myers, Alfred W (Bill) 976


Newman, George A 39, 49, 91, 200–201

Orchard, Jenny 1146


Pargeter, A Robert 1264

Parsons, Arthur 152, 324

Perrett, John 326, 828

Phillips, Tom 804


Rance, John 1110, 1136, 1144

Reed, David R 1170, 1264–1265

Rhodes, Revd David 954

Robinson, Winston D 756

Romney, Peter F 1002, 1061, 1108 (let), 1240

Rymer, Shirley 372


Sayre, Dean FB 1127 (Ed), 1143–1144

Schofield, Brian 89, 179, 317, 324

Sherlock, Robert (Bob) P 954, 1087, 1096

Short, Audrey M 556

Shrimpton, David 917

Sly, LLewellyn T 804

Smart, John Harvey 255, 532

Smith, C Ronald (Ron) 444, 580, 828

Soar, Walter G 930

Speed, Richard FB 19, 152, 292, 299–300, 437

Stainsby, Anne 1120

Stanier, Dr Margaret (Peggy) Wilson 72–73

Sturgeon, Jack 956

Summerfield, Ted 400


Tacon, Alan 1072

Taylor, P David 1002, 1216

Taylor, Roy E 710, 949, 952

Thomas, Michael J 640, 698, 876

Thompsett, William ('Bill') 1218, 1243 (corr)

Townhill, Dennis 928

Troddyn, Elizabeth M 176

Varah, Revd Preb E Chad 399


Walpole, Keith J 267, 348, 400, 403

Ware, William (Bill) 200

Watson, Coralie F 684

Watson, David M 542 (let), 780

Webb, Christopher 276

Wilson, Alan 717

Wilson, Thomas H 100

Winter, Raymond 734, 1288

Wright, Colin E 1098, 1192

"Oddstruck" (contrib) 826, 1095, 1178

ODG see Oxford DG

Offen, Richard (bells advisor) 107

Office of Works 614

Officers of the CCCBR, 2008-2011 642

Offton, Suffolk

new year peals 322

outing to Scotland 950

Old Bailey, Bells of see London, City of, St Sepulchre ...

Oldfield, Henry (17C bellfounder) 695 (let)

Oliver, Anthony now MBE 812

Oliver, Revd Canon Philip, retires 560

Olympics 2012 see also Paralympics; Ringing Around the Olympics: 3 core values 635; artist at Bow 204; Olympic Torch 154

One Way to Teach Bell Handling 620

Ongley family 737

Onion Contest, Notts 1082, 1274 (let), 1299 (let)

open days

Middlesex Open Day 496 (let)

Open Days debate 383 (let)

Open University, bell acoustics research 615, 668

Open University Society of Change Ringers

AGM day 2007 275

spring meeting 720

summer meeting 1022–1023

Oram, Ian H, 1000 peals 79

Orchard, Jenny (obit) 1146

organ builder, Lewis, TC 31 (let), 58 (let)

Organising a Bell Restoration Project 125

Orland, Ernest, 80th birthday 547

'Orthopaedic conditions and church bell ringing' 1303–1304

Orton-on-the Hill, Leics

1st peal since augmentation 914

augmentation 898

Osborne, E J (ringing historian) 811

Osborne, Thomas of St Neots (bellfounder) 695 (let)

osteo arthritis 1303

Oswestry, Shrop, Vicar retires 432

Oswy Street Cup 231

Otterham, Cornwall, St Denis 561–562, 611 (corr), 903

OUSCR see Oxford University Society

outings see also holidays; tours: Bicester 639; Brecon 1093; Childwall, Mers 385; demise of 855; Devon, Easter Young Ringers' 591; Exe Valley & Exeter 806; France 829, 831; Isle of Wight 950–951; Liverpool 284; London 1058, 1113; Lynsted, Kent, mini-ring 1169; Milborne Port, Som 149; Peak District 859; Scotland 950; Vatican, Rome, St Peter's Basilica 277, 335 (let); Worcester Cathedral Teaching Centre 1295

'Oxbridge clerics & early ringing in South Africa' 1101–1103, 1105–1107

Oxford, Oxon, St Thomas, 600 peals 1027

Oxford DG (ODG)

3 peals in a day 706

23 Spliced S Major 943, 984 (let)

Garlick, Cliff, 50th anniv 706

Handbell Day 605

Ryhall, Rutland, first peal on the bells 290

South Oxon Branch, Diamond Wedding of Queen ... 197

young ringers raise money for Bell Fund 581

Oxford Today, The University Magazine, extract 159 (let)

Oxford University Society (OUSCR)

Freshers 2008 857–858

Hilary Term 634

'Martin the pig': back again 731; missing 376

Michaelmas Term 2007 250–251

quarter peals 802


P W O (contrib) 257–258

pace-makers, & ringing see also disabled ringers 939 (let), 961 (let)

Packhorse Lane works, Loughborough 332

Painswick, Glos, road reopened 258

painting metal 1108 (let), 1132 (let), 1155 (let), 1177 (let)

Palk, Andrew, pen picture 826

Paralympics, torch handover 2008 1148

paranormal 229

Pare, Alfred (WWI ringer) 1175 (photo)

Pargeter, A Robert (obit) 1264

parish ringing 283, 284

Parker, Alfred, remembered 805

Parker, Edith K, first all women's peal on 8 bells 212 (let)

Parkinson, Canon Richard (19C) 1197, 1199

Parry, Sheila, 70th birthday 203

Parsons, Arthur (obit) 152, 324

partials see also tunings 84

Pascoe, Paul J, 1000 peals 10

Paul, Geoff 60 years of ringing 606

Paul Hutton (bellfounder) 55 (table)

Payne, Valerie (contrib) 1077–1078

Paypal rates 879 (corr)

Peachey, Barry F (contrib) 933–935

The Peachey/LeMarechal 12+ peal series 134–135 (let)

Peacock, James (18), Young Ringer of the Year 2007 536

Peak District, new era of Mission and Ministry 427

Peak Park Planning Committee 54

Peake, Anthony R, 60th anniv of 1st peal 723

peal boards: Beverley, Queen Elizabeth II, 80th b/day 376; Camb Surprise Max 981; Kingston upon Thames, Surrey 305; Send, Surrey 1142; Sheffield University Guild 1056 (photo); St-Giles-in-the-Fields, Holborn 1077; Toller Porcorum, Dorset 1028; what form? 359 (let)

peal books: appeal for missing peal books 188 (let); World War I, memorial book for ringers 557–559

peal columns see also 'Quarter Peal Reports'

clerical titles in 1156 (let), 1203 (let), 1251 (let), 1274 (let), 1275 (let), 1298 (let); RW policy 1247 (Ed)

submitting 814 (let)

visit also peals.co.uk

peal compositions see compositions

Peal Compositions Committee, CCCBR 475–476, 645, 988; falseness 1202 (let)

'Peal Corrections & Amendments': RW 1985 219, 300; RW 1986 219; RW 2001 268; RW 2003 596; RW 2004 300; RW 2005 219, 891; RW 2006 219, 268, 300, 364, 596, 891; RW 2007 219, 268, 300, 364, 596, 891; RW 2008 219, 268, 300, 364, 596; RWs 1990 364

'Peal Reports' see also conductor milestones; 'First Peal Congratulations'; peal ringers

peal ringers see also conductor milestones; 'First Peal Congratulations'

50 peals: Arrowsmith, H 291; Balderson, NJ 1257; Bond, SA 363; Borman, S 217; Crump, DJ 1257; Davis, NG 1111; Edwards, MJ 1111; Garrard, N 1086; Griffiths, CJ 217; Grundy, D 1306; Harvey, SJ 314; Jones, MJ (York) 316; Marchbank, JC 242; Marshall, SC 241; Rider, JJ 991; Roberts, D 1231; Sanders, CA (15) 217; Thompson, LG 698; Tregillus, R 794

100 peals: Bartlett, PF 747; Beresford, HA 1306; Bosworth, WT 337; Britton, AJ 1133; Forster, JA 913; Foster, JH 441; Fulcher, KHV 889; Gibb, JR 1307; Griffiths, CJ 1307; Haggett, NMW 363; Hinks, TJ 388; Jack, DW 141; Jackson, QSA 649; Jones, JH 771; Jones, PB 674; Marshall, MF 362; Marshall, MW 362; Mattingley, DJ 241; Mills, MA 189; Rice, TM 290; Richards, DL 866; Skelly, GV 621; Smith, DS 1206; Smith, LTW 965; Talbott, DM 1181; Williamson, MP 313; Wilson, AB 622

150 peals: Bickerton, RK 10; Bryant, JF 389; Caton, R 1205; Edwards, SL 890; Harper, PW 547; Harrison, R 842; Hills, JM 1230; Hutchinson, SE 498; Jones, AD 244; Robinson, EM 697; Robinson, MA 1061; Trebble, L 747

200 peals: Bailey, PD 913; Brechin, AM 1061; Colliss, EPD 190; Johnson, KM 392; Lebon, K 570; Pailing, FN 363; Priestly, MDJ 265; Sage, FJ 521; Thackeray, A 1308

250 peals: Burton, JP 498; Colliss, EPD 866; Crocker, AR 290, 335 (let); Grainger, RM 913; Hodkin, JA 441; Hughes, JW 1232; Maynard, DG 675; Routh, RH 866; Thomas, NM 1134; Wraight, TS 1254

300 peals: Atkison, RJ 1308; Battye, RO 34; Burbidge, D 1181; Caley, CY 1307; Crocker, AR 991; Dickinson, K 745; Faull, SA 699; Hobbs, RG 819; Moore, DR 191; Pinnington, L 622

350 peals: Bright, MJ 1085; Purday, MG 723; Sheasby, RA 621

400 peals: Blight PJ 796; Constant, BD 722; Harden, PN 1062; King, K 521; Lane, CMA 1183; Mills, C 993; Parkes, NJ 9; Peachey, HLE 571; Sheppard, PWJ 60; Talbott, STB 1085; Wraight, DR 865

450 peals: Brown, CIV 1277; Dickinson, PW 387; Hall, DG 497; Wilmhurst, SJP 1111

500 peals: Broadbent, P 1184; Edwards, M 362; Fortey, AC 1181; Grant, J 745; Heppenstall, AR 339; Holden, SR 1061; Knipe, J 699; Knipe, L 1277; McClean, DR 842; Partridge, RA 244; Wright, GJ 162

550 peals: Peachey, BF 217

600 peals: Bennett, CM 571; Carey, IJ 241; Eccleston, MR 966; Hough MB 1085; Hughes, PD 191; Hutchings, RA 995; Jordan, RH 992; Larter, PH 652; Peachey, BF 1014; Sanders, BA 1307; Turner, CP 191

650 peals: Young, PT 88

700 peals: Barnes, PRJ 594; Croft, WS 499; Dowse, WH 793; Edwards, MJ 547; Field, CR 162; Hardy, RE 141; Hollins, JP 1183; Matthews, SC 361; Newman, RAM 1061; Ridley, HC 1181; Seaman, PS 746; Trumpler, D 891; Wells, JD 674; Woof, SD 995

750 peals: Andrew, C 943; Cotton, AP 363; Jopp, P 595; Matthews, SC 1157; May, Bobbie 993; Sharp, PA 569; Whiteley, M 35

800 peals: Bone, FJP 770; Brittliff, AJ 546; Hilling, DP 721; Hodge, MCE 651; Reading, SJ 241; Rogers, SP 521; Sherriff, RW 35; Thomson, N 292

900 peals: Andrews, VA 650; Avery, IW 865; Edwards, AS 289; Gardner, PH 841; Turnock, JR 1182; Wells, JD 992

950 peals: Campling, P 546; Hewitt, D 441

1000 peals: Campling, P 1230; Clatworthy, J 35; Dunbavin, ME 747; Gibbons, DA 966; Hatchett, M 772; Hughes-D'Aeth, JN (tower bells) 241; Hull, DG (tower bells) 141; McNutt, P 265; Mitchell, MF 772; Oram, IH 87; Pascoe, PJ 10; Randall, GL (tower bells) 842; Rose, Michael R 545; Scott, JR 745; Southerington, EJ 1134; Tompsett, MH 139; Town, DA 166

1050 peals: Lees, C 547

1100 peals: Birks, GR 313; Orme, CM 621; Rothera, PJ 916; Thumwood, RL 190; Towler, YA 289; Uphill, MJ 1232; Yeo, LJ 10

1200 peals: Brown, RDS 1305; Diserens, NJ 943; Lane, ND 1062; Sherriff, AD 866; Spiller, JW 1015

1250 peals: Chapman, MEL 11; Towler, JL 1253

1300 peals: Chapman, MEL 1279; Daw, RH 313; Harrold, JE 33; Pickup, JB 595; Roulstone, I 10; Sibson, AD 995; Thomas, DJ 722; Whiteley, MJ 1015

1350 peals: Furniss, PL 387

1400 peals: Atkinson, JD 571; Champion, P 569, 593; Chester, M 1231; Croft, JS 89; Mayle, AP 570; Rogers, CH 913

1500 peals: Cammiade, PA 817; Gipson, J (on Meldreth bells) 944; Holloway, C 163; Newton, PM 915; Rothera, DE 914

1550 peals: Dawson, GA 1038

1700 peals: Shallcross, F 33

1750 peals: Andrews, JE 192; Hunt, DJ 569; Saddleton, PAB 594; Shallcross, F 1157

1800 peals: Hunt, DJ 1205; Moreton, MP 699; Peake, AR 36

1900 peals: Colliss, JP 915; Randall, GW 35; Sansum, Canon DH 1182

2000 peals: Mills, AB (tower bells) 524; Pipe, RW 772; Smith, IVJ 521; Tibbetts, RJW (tower bells) 313

2300 peals: Le Marechal, R 770

2400 peals: Flood, AD 362

2500 peals: Donovan, N 443; Flood, AD 1230; Jelley, JM 819; Morton, FR 1159; Price, RE 363; Sibson, EJ 944

2550 peals: Dove, CB 699

2600 peals: Campling, GH 191; Curtis, PF 37

2700 peals: Campling, GH 1306

2750 peals: Turner, NJ 941

2900 peals: Davies, SJ 966

3100 peals: Curtis, R 37

3400 peals: Mears, MEC 697

3500 peals: Baldwin, SKM 190

3700 peals: Baldwin, R 1181

3900 peals: Bridle, P 523

4000 peals: Brown, DC 217; Dearnley, DJ 1079 (Ed), 1087, 1093 (photo), 1107; Regin, A 1079 (Ed), 1087, 1093 (photo), 1107; Sibson, Derek 1184, 1196

4500 peals: Bladon, B 889

leading ringers 335 (let)

visit peals.co.uk 'ringers' button


'41 spliced surprise minor ..' 292

Mothering Sunday 337–339

Stedman Triples, first true peal 1077–1078

peals, analysis 2007 335 (let), 645

Doubles 411 (let)

peals, commemorative: King, Martin Luther 604

90th Anniv of RAF 416, 522, 533, 1253

'Big Ben Doubles' 549

Cambridge Surprise Max, 100th anniv 993

Heathrow Terminal 5 388

Liverpool, European Capital of Culture 2008 167, 1247 (Ed), 1256, 1267, 1298–1299 (let)

Loughborough, Leics, Bell Foundry Campanile, Double Norwich CB Major 243

National Health Service 60th anniv 844, 917

New Year's Day 2009, Cathedral Church of St Paul 1318

Prince of Wales' 60th Birthday 1253, 1254, 1255

Remembrance 40–41, 1257, 1306

Warwickshire Guild Centenary 340

York Minster, 250th anniv 218

peals, Easter 259, 389, 390, 417, 453, 546, 579

peals, false see also falseness 789 (let), 834, 1132 (let), 1156 (let), 1202 (let)

peals, first on nylon shafted clapper 818

peals, first on the bells since restoration: Grimes, Alfred W, handbells 819

peals, first on the bells/new bells: Bath, St Stephen, Lansdown 389; Bredwardine, Herefs 1306; Chigwell, Essex 441; Church Lawford, Warw 1254; Dordrecht, Netherlands, 't Klockhuys 1159; East Rudham, Norf 1306; Farleigh Hungerford, Som 389; Funtington, Sussex 391; Guilsfield, Montgom, N Wales 34; Kirkby Underwood, Lincs 865; Norwich, Norf, St George, Colegate 390; Oxford Univ Soc, Christ Church (handbells) 572; Preston, Dorset 390; Rode, Som 793; Ryhall, Rutland 290; Settle, N Yorks 391; Toppesfield, Essex 337

peals, first since augmentation: Cork, Co Cork, Cathedral Ch of St Fin Barre 1085; English Bicknor, Glos 673; Great Ellingham, Norf 165; Horton Kirby, Kent 62; Lighthorne, Warw 189; Northchapel, Sussex 1111; Orton-on-the Hill, Leics 914; Scarrington, Notts 363; Thurgarton, Notts 363; Upton Magna, Shrops 1207; Wellow, Notts 140; Wick, Som 913; Winford, Som 10

peals, heaviest 8 bell 1247 (Ed), 1256, 1267

peals, historical, Africa, Coronation peal 887 (let)

peals, longest

Double Bob Major 340

Spliced Treble Dodging Minor 548

peals, Queen Elizabeth II

80th birthday peal 2006 376

Diamond Wedding anniv 9, 33, 34, 60, 61, 97, 99, 164, 165, 190, 217, 251

oldest living Sovereign 61

peals, slowest ever?, Cambridge S 1256

Peals Analysis Committee, CCCBR 476–478, 988

merged with Records Committee 587 (Ed)

'Peals on Wheels' 153–154

Pearce-Higgins, Canon John, Vice Provost of Southwark Cath 872

Pearson, Revd WMC (ringing book collector) 811, 812

Peer, Bob, 50th anniv of Chester DG membership 705

Peking (Beijing), a bell for 223

Pengelly, Rosemary (contrib) 308

Penney, Pip (contrib)

10th anniv celebration 244

Kids.Ring.Out 2008 1297–1298

The Ringing Practice Toolkit 496 (let), 539, 619 (let)

Pensnett, W Mids, new fittings 897

peregrine falcons in towers 544

The Perfect Ringer 1203 (poem)

The Performances in the Science of Change Ringing of John Henry Blease of Croydon 938 (let)

performing art 109

Perrett, John (obit) 326, 828

Perrin, George (CD compiler) 1196

Pershore Abbey, Worcs, Good Friday 579

Personal Development Zone 907 (Ed)

Ringing Roadshow 2008 909, 932

perspective correcting lenses 213 (let), 262 (let)

Perspectives Conference 2007, Worcester

Communication 110–115

competitive tender, effect on industry 456

Conservation 106–110

The Contribution of the CCCBR 125

Delivering Successful Bell Projects 115–124

Maintaining the Balance - New Work versus Conservation in Use - Case Study 125–127

meeting between CCCBR & CCC officers 79

Supplement 105–128, 179 (corr), 187–188 (let)

Perth, W Australia

'Another busy year for Perth ringers' 975

'Perthect!' 669

'Swan Bells takes on Tchaikovsky' 56, 75

Swan Tower 323, 688; augmentations 120; carillon installed 1269–1270; project 115–119

Peru, largest bell 49

Peterborough, Cambs, St Mary

Hope2008, how can it help ringing? 304

Peterborough DG

Daventry Branch: Spring Festival 582; striking competition 863

Stony Stratford, false peal 789 (let)

summer festival 1275

Peterson, Magnus (author & contrib) 1005–1007

petitions see 'Let Bells Ring' petition; 'Live with it' petition

Philadelphia, USA, QP w/e (Martin Luther King) 604

Phillips, Alan (author) 380

Phillips, Chris (dumb bell design) 157

Phillips, Jack ('Tales..') 186, 288, 303

Phillips, Tom (obit) 804

photographs see illustrations


Cornish Canon x 2? 308

correcting perspective see also converging verticals 213 (let), 262 (let)

Pickford, Chris (contrib) see also 'Forty something ringing Christmases'; 'What's up that Tower?'

'Harvest time, a special reunion' 1064

'Overview of the Balance between Conservation and New Work' 109–110

Picturesque Chester: The City in Art 874

pignapping ordeals

Oxford Univ, Christ Church 731

UK, Nat 12-Bell Striking Contest 376

Pimlico, Gr Lon, St Barnabas, funds granted 739

Pinnington, Lee (contrib) 537–538, 540

Pipe, David, 40th birthday 317

Pipe, George (contrib)

The Cambridge Surprise Maximus centenary festival 981–982

CD review 452

Early Autumn at St Mary leTower 981 (painting)

'Englands's Child - Jill Johnston' 513–515, 517

Pipe, Roderick (Rod), 2,000 peals 772, 839 (corr)(let)

pitch see scales; tunings

Place, Mark (contrib) 537–538, 540

place notation see also structure notation 80 (e–lists), 82 (let)

Darrington crib board 30 (let)

Plain Bob

& Grandsire extension question see also 'The Writtle TB Controversy' 261

Major, oldest extent 1202 (let)

Minor, first quarter 568

theory 309

Triples: 1690 80; calling 803, 807

Plain Changes, experiments with 951

Plain Hunt

interesting technique 1035 (let)

theory 309

planning applications near bells 439 (let), 567 (let)

plastic clapper see clappers: plastic shaft

Plymouth, Devon, St Andrews, looking back 351

'Poems in the Porch', lines from 1291

'Poet's Corner': Carter, Jennie, 'The Perfect Ringer' 1203; Freeman, Brian FG, 'Bristol Surprise' 148; Jacot, Mark, 'The Bells' 1228; Jones, Richard, 'H. Law-James's 7-part' 32; Little, Amy (11), 'Waterloo Tower ...' 827; Roach, Ieuan Elfed, 'Ringing the Changes' 1024; Towner, Becky, 'Chistmas is done' 1318

Poland, largest bells

Lichen Stary 408–409

Torun 781

political correctness? 1003

Poole, Dorset, St James, appeal 328

Pope, His Holiness the 277

Port Sunlight, Mers, rope lights 325

The Portrait (short story) 802

Portsmouth see Winchester & Portsmouth Guild

Post Office & Telecom Ringers, Guild of 137

Potter, David E (contrib) 881–883

Povey, Chris (contrib): CD review 666–667, 669; 'The Work of the Towers & Belfries Committee' 125

Powell, Phillip, Commonplace book 412–414

prayers before ringing 212 (let), 237, 310 (let), 544

prayers for ringers 439 (let)

Premiership Rams Delight Major (composition) 592

presentations: Bells & Bell Ringing (CD) 1032–1033; to non-ringers 1131

preservation 109–110

The preservation and use of musical instruments 106

President of the CCCBR 645

Preston, Dorset, 1st peal on the bells 390

Price, Helen, 80th birthday 973

Prince of Wales, 60th birthday 1253, 1254, 1255

Princess Anne, visit to Stepney 24

printer cartridge appeal 1151

Pritchard, Rope & Canvas, ropemakers 717

Prittlewell, Essex, Founders' Prize 658

Probell research project 896, and visit

project management strategies 115–124

'Proper Ringers' 51, 83 (let)

pub names 311 (let); The Bell 788; The Bell Hanger 322; mysterious 4 (let), 239 (let); Ring o'Bells, Marple 1132 (let)

Public Relations Committee, CCCBR

AGM 2008 Report 480–481, 645, 988

Overseas Liaison 436–437

publications, CCCBR: Fire Safety guidance leaflet 331 (Ed)

publications, early ringing 809–812

Publications Committee, CCCBR 481, 988

publications list 97, visit also .uk/pubs

publicity, Google search 232

Pudsey Surprise Major (composition) 816

Pugin & Pugin of Westminster (architects) 586

punctuation conventions 1147

'Putney Debates' 5 (let)

'Puzzle Corner' see also Christmas Puzzle solutions: Main Course 782, 879 (ans); Roadshow 925, 1026 (ans); Tower Trysts - Training 1070, 1151 (Ed), 1160 (ans); What's the time? 381, 540 (ans)


'Quarter Peal Reports' see also peal columns

submitting compositions 814 (let)

too detailed? 238 (let), 335 (let), 359 (let), 382 (let), 410 (let)

quarter peals

analysis & report for 2007 323, 350 (corr); Isle of Man (IoM) 359 (let), 410 (let), 544 (let), 590 (let)

commemorative: Royal Marines honoured 903; VSO, 50th anniv 938 (let)

leading ringers in 2007 259–261

rules for recognition 463

Queen Elizabeth I, reign of 1323–1325

Queen Elizabeth II

80th birthday peal board 376

Coronation, 55th anniv 722

Diamond Wedding aniv 9, 33, 34, 60, 97, 99, 164, 165, 190, 191, 217, 251

Heathrow Terminal 5, opening 388

oldest living Sovereign 61

oldest Monarch to sit on the English Throne 191

visit to Milton Keynes 175

Quex Society, w/e 827


Rabey, Ivan, quarters in memory of 427

Radford Semele, Warw, fire 307 (Ed), 352

Radio Nottingham's Breakfast Show see also broadcasts 491

RAF see Royal Air Force

Raggett, Stuart, (contrib) 1029–1030

Guild of Railway Ringers 853–854

Rambling Ringers ann tour 961 (let)

Rams Return Delight Major (composition) 592

Ramsbottom, Phil (contrib) 665–666

Rance, Arthur 'John' (obit) 1110, 1136, 1144

Randall, Gail L, 1000 peals 842

Rawnsley, Canon HD (1908 hymn) 1200

Rayleigh, Lord (Strutt, John William), bell experiments 84

Raynham, Lord (project manager), 'A Local Parish Perspective' on project management 123

Read, Susan, 60th birthday 1004

Reading, Alan G (composer) 340, 816

Reading, Berks, St Giles, 100th peal in the tower 24

Reading, Judith (indexer and ringer) 885

'real ale and ... bell ringing' see also beer; 'Beer Matters'; pub names 696

Reay, Muriel, 90th birthday 1176, 1302

Records Committee, CCCBR 479–480, 645, 988

merged with Peals Analysis Committee 587 (Ed)

recruiting: from congregations 237; Lincoln Guild, West Lindsey Branch, example 280; 'magazine article pays off' 226; Ringing Around the Olympics 231; Ringing Roadshow opportunities 231

recycling, Middlesex Belfry Recycling Centre 1121 (photo)

Redgrave, Suff, oldest ringer? 1091

Redundant Bells Committee, CCCBR see also Keltek Trust

large bell in Suffolk 565 (let)

Report for 2007 645, 988

redundant churches see also Church Converts consortium 834, 933

Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent, St John, restaurant 739

Retford, Notts, St Alban, arson attack 904

Reed, David R

obituary 1170, 1264–1265

Salisbury DG, Hon Life Member 808

Reeves, John (author 18C) 809, 812

Reeves, Jones and Blakemore (18C authors) 809–812

'Reflections, from old reports' 826, 1178

reform see Belfry Reform; belfry reform today?

Regan, Mark (contrib): 'Perspectives - the view from Worcester Cathedral' 110–115; 'Worcester Cathedral's Teaching Centre' 1293–1295, 1296–1298

Regin, Alan (contrib) 557–559

4000 peals 1079 (Ed), 1087, 1093 (photo), 1107

Steward for Rolls of Honour 645

registered charities & ringing societies 862 (let)

rehanging, 'The Catholic', restoration project 1–2

relations between ringers & clergy see also 'Belfry Reform today?'; clerical titles in peal reports; 'Thought for the Week': 'An ABZ of Sacred Cows' 283–284; 'boo' 1298 (let); 'ringing-chat' e-list 298, 1178; warmest welcome 563

religion see also 'Belfry reform today?'; Church, calling people to; secular: ringing; 'Thought for the Week': and marriage 566–567 (let); and ringing 1298 (let), 1299 (let), 1302 (let); spiritual 'check-up' 279; what is secular and what is sacred? 283

Remembrance peals 40–41, 1257, 1306

reordering 538, 587

Rescue Fund for Redundant Bells see also Keltek Trust 486–487, 989

restoration see also appeals; augmentations; restoration projects: definition 106; responsibilities? 565 (let); role of bellfounders 108

restoration projects see also augmentations; Bell Restoration Committee, CCCBR; Foundry Focus, Dec 2006-March 2008

'The Catholic' rehanging 1–2

Avington, Hampshire 1097

Campsea Ashe, Suffolk 808

Chediston, Suffolk 539 (Ed), 560

Cheltenham, Glouc, St Mark 181–185

Durrant, Roger, mini-ring 253, 255, 359 (let), 375 (let), 411 (let)

East Raynham, Norf, Millennium Bells Project 123

Hartington, Derbys, new ring 53–55, 897

John Barry Memorial Bell 77–78

Langton by Spilsby, Lincs 1013, 1023

London, City of, St Katharine Cree 281–282, 1325

Organising a Bell Restoration Project 125

Poole, Dorset, St James 328

Riddings, Alfreton, Derbys, tubular bells 381

Romsey Abbey, Hants 125–127

Scilly Isles, St Mary 405–407, 439 (let)

Scotland, various 103

see also Bell Restoration Committee

Southampton, Bitterne Park 537–538

Toppesfield, Essex, dedication 279, 560

voluntary work to bells 79

Waresley, Cambs, St James 332

West Kirby, Mers, St Bridget 104, 590–591

Weston-super-Mare, N. Som, St John 180

restoration projects, historical 1005–1007; Builth Wells, Powys, M Wales, St Mary 329–330; Dibden, Hampshire, All Saints 690; Eversholt, Beds 1152; Lansdown, Bath, St Stephen 129–132; Plymouth, Devon, St Andrew, 1957 351; Wimborne Minster, 1911 844

Retford, Notts, St Alban, arson attack 904

retirements: Clark, Geoff (auditor) 536, 559 (corr); Crowhurst, Revd Preb David 432; Drury, Janet (RW Admin) 376; Oliver, Revd Canon Philip 560; Stubbs, Andrew, (Rolls of Honour Steward) 645; Tarrant, Revd John 417; Warren, Father Robert 891


books: English Bells and their Tuning: A Historical Sketch 301; The Learning Curve, compilation 687; The Learning Curve Vol 4: 2006-2007 687; New Buckenham Church 429; Why Bells Sound Out of Tune 301

CDs: Bell Towers & Bell Hanging: An appeal to architects 667, 669; Bells & Bell Ringing presentation 1032–1033; Lost and Found No 2, Record peals on tower bells 452

websites: The Ringing Practice Toolkit 539

Reynolds, Laith R: Central Council 2008 645; International Perspective, Swan Bells Project 115–119

rheumatoid arthritis 1303

Rhodes, Revd David (obit) 954

Rhodes University student 741

Richardson, Christine (contrib) 1149–1150

Riddings, Alfreton, Derbys, tubular bells 381

Ridgman Trophy - 2008 757

Ridley, Simon (contrib) 181–185

The Ring o'Bells Mystery 1132 (let), 1177 (let), 1202 (let)

'Ring Out Scotland' Day 101

ringer profiles 544, 1082 (graph)

ringers, general see also relations between ringers and clergy: altruistic 2; bearded 887 (let); calling people to church 75, 103; collective name for (suggestions) 159 (let), 212 (let); excuses 179; family network 455; fictional 859 (Ed); freedom and right to pursue art 103; gift from God 563; ill-advised schemes 108; killed in the Great War 1173–1175, 1175 (Ed); lapsed 256; left-handed see left-handed ringers; mid-week 59 (let), 250; mistakes, recovering from 51; 'musical peasants' 961 (let); musical performers 109; oldest? 1091; with pace-makers 939 (let), 961 (let); perfect (poem) 1203; points for 110; praise (poem) 1291; 'Proper Ringers' 51, 83 (let); reasons for ringing 639; Service for 583; succession planning 157; view from the vicarage 236; in wheelchairs 784; as worshippers 23

Ringers, number of by age 1082 (graph)

ringers, young see also child protection in towers; learning to ring: Bedfordshire Assoc, 2008 event 1276; Bedfordshire Assoc, Melville Cup 720; Devon, round Okehampton 1268; Devon Easter outing 591; East Ilsley 1196; Founders' Prize, Encouragement of Young People.. 658; fund raising, Oxford DG 581; invade Bingley 373; Kids.Ring.Out 104, 1241, 1297–1298; Lincoln Guild, West Lindsey Branch, Young Ringers' Day 280; North Essex, barbecue 877; old records 335 (let); Ringing Roadshow 2008 536, 980; Salisbury Branch young ringers' day 1080; views on day out 1079; York Minster 584; Young Bell Ringers Cycling Tour 619 (let), 1012; young persons' co-ordinator see Child Protection in towers; Young Ringer of the Year 2007 536; Young Ringer of the Year 2008 877

Ringers' Handbook: now on Amazon 1291

Ringers' Handbook, now on Amazon 646 (let)

ringing: as an act of worship, prayer & reunion of spirit 75, 78, 106, 310 (let); declining? 111, 544, 643 (Ed), 646 (let), 814 (let); as a performing art 109; Privilege 431; raised in House of Commons 707; standards 1299 (let)

'Ringing & Money': Disappearing Funds (7) 520; Gift Aid and the Retired (8) 1252; on RW website 1247 (Ed); Tower Funds (6) 285, 303

'Ringing around England ...' 957–959, 984 (corr)

Ringing Around the Olympics 2012 see also Paralympics 935 (Ed); 2008 Beijing Torch Relay 407; can we ring all the bells in London? 154; East Festival 635; GoSouthGo festival 956; Olympic Torch 154, 231; Olympics 2012, 3 core values 635; recruiting 231; Ringing Roadshow 2008 231; scale 956; South London Cultural Festival 1148; training needs 1169

ringing books, warning to collectors 812

Ringing Centres: Barrow-upon-Humber, Lincs 933–935; Birmingham, St Paul 833; Founders' Prize 658; Keele 25–28, 51; Prittlewell, Essex, Founders' Prize 658; Southampton, Bitterne Park 538; Worcester Cathedral 52, 156–157, 1268

Ringing Centres Committee, CCCBR

AGM 2008 Report 483, 645, 988

new chairman 832

ringing courses see courses

ringing festivals see festivals

The Ringing Foundation AGM 645

'Ringing in South Africa - a personal view' 953, 955

ringing large bells 399

ringing mats 851

ringing organisations, list of 280

The Ringing Practice Toolkit 496 (let), 539, 619 (let)

Ringing Roadshow 2008: accommodation 612; Archers coming 856, 861; attendance figures 1001; Big Wilf's Muffles 1121; cartoon 1001; an exhibitor's view 1121, 1123; facilities 760; Friday seminars 640; Fun Trail prize winners 1100; handbells 873; Hayward Mills Associates 1121; history of ladies in ringing 1123; letters 59, 961, 984, 1010; mini-rings 909; Moley reports 584, 932; Nicholson Engineering 1121; programme 905–907, 908–909; puzzle competition winners 1007 (Ed); 'Ringing Around the Olympics' group 231; Saturday Seminars 784; Social Evening 663, 880; Stoneleigh Park site 904; Taylors Eayre & Smith Ltd 1121; towers open 851; transport 688; Whitechapel Bell Foundry Ltd 929, 1121; why go? 457–458; young ringers 536; 'Young ringers steal the show!' 980; Zwart,Boudewijn, carilloneur 664, 1123

ringing simulators see simulators

'Ringing the Changes' (poem) 1024

ringing times

finding the time 238 (let)

websites 158–159 (let)

ringing tours see tours

Ringing Trends Committee, CCCBR see also decline of ringing

AGM 2008 483–485, 645, 988–989

Phase 2 data collection 1082

Questionnaire 212 (let)

The Ringing World see also 'Corrections & Clarifications'; hoaxes: AGM and new officers 645; blank or missing pages? 152; Board meeting 19; Calendar 2008 3; Diary 2008 646 (let), 803; Diary 2009 280, 1031, 1199 (Ed); director needed 256; director retires 645; duplicated article 903; Index 26 (Ed), 27, 85, 885; National 12-Bell sponsorship 766 (let); peal column policy 1247 (Ed); photo captions 83 (let); Royal Mail mystery 763 (Ed); sponsors 19, 1332, 1340; 'Tales..' from 1971 336; twelve points on the 2007 edition 159 (let); website, new 959 (Ed); 'What's the Point?' 840 (let); White, TW (RW Editor, 1951) quote 1299 (let)

'ringing-chat' e-list

activity 47, 73, 151, 203, 264, 298, 322, 438, 491, 535, 544, 567, 591, 635, 656, 696, 744, 768, 790, 815, 861, 885, 912, 937, 961, 1003, 1033, 1059, 1083, 1107, 1131, 1154, 1201, 1226, 1267, 1275, 1325

origins of 1300

'ringing-theory', e-list

activity 19, 47, 73, 298, 438, 790, 815, 851, 861, 886, 912, 961, 1003, 1201, 1325

origins of 1300

Ripon Cathedral

augmentation 524

Yorkshire's latest 12 509

Roach, Leuan Elfed 1024 (poem)

roadshow see Ringing Roadshow 2008

Roberts, Daniel (contrib) 782

Roberts, Ted, 100th birthday 1124

Robinson, Marion & Douglas, 40th wedding anniv 1208

Robinson, Revd FE (author) 935

Robinson, Thomas (17C composer) 1324

Robinson, Winston D (obit) 756

Rochester, Minnesota, carillon 516

Rochester 'Great Expectations' ringing tour 141

Rode, Som, 1st peal on the bells 793

Rodliffe, Matthew, 18th [birthday] 427

Rogers, Harold (contrib)

70th anniv of 1st peal 573

on BBC1, Songs of Praise, Ipswich 760

Central Council 1954, Newcastle ... 440, 543 (let)

('Tales..') 133, 288, 303, 311 (let), 910, 984

Rogers, Olive ('Tales..') 288, 303, 312, 336, 360, 716–717, 791–792, 983–984

Rolls of Honour, CCCBR 485, 989, 1175 (Ed)

Romney, Peter F (obit) 1002, 1061, 1108 (let), 1240

rope accident, Charlbury, Oxon 563 (Ed), 567, 584

rope lights 325

rope softening 83 (let), 213 (let)

rope tails, which hand? 739 (Ed)

ropemakers, Pritchard Rope & Canvas 717

ropesight, improving 1156 (let)

Rose, Maurice, 50 years of ringing 951

Rose, Michael R, 1000 peals 545

Rotherfield, Sussex, 100 years re-dedication 560

Rotherham, All Saints 3 (engraving)

Rougham, Suffolk, celebrations 706

Rowson, Christopher I, peals rung in memory of 723

Royal Air Force (RAF) Guild

90th Anniv of RAF 416, 522, 533

Scotland tour 975

Royal Exchange clock and bells 617

Royal Mail mystery 763 (Ed)

Royal Marines honured at Taunton 903

Royalton-Kisch, Michael (contrib) 281–282

Rudhall, Abraham of Gloucester (bellfounder) 1021

Rudhall, John of Gloucester (bellfounder) 329

La Rue Helene, remembered 159 (let)

Rufforth, N Yorks

dedication 351

re-hanging 897

Rugby, Warw, tour 879

Run & Ring Marathon 1167

Runciman, Ernie (contrib) 1160

Russell, Emily (USA ringer), at Cambridge 796

Russia, Solovetsky Monastery, new zvon 1217, 1219, 1274 (let)

Rutland Surprise Major (composition) 816

Rutledge, Paul (author) 429

R.W. (contrib) see 'Methcom Sketch'; 'Methcom sketch': 'special'

Ryde, IOW, refurbishment 899

Ryhall, Rutland, first peal on the bells 290

Rymer, Shirley (obit) 372


SACR see Scottish Assoc of Change Ringers

safety precaution in towers? 567

St Agatha, Guild of, 25th anniv 529

St Alphege, life of 432

St Bees Priory, Cumbria, 150 years of ringing 1197–1199, 1200, 1274 (let)

St Buryan, Cornwall, quarter peals 755

St Clement Danes see Westminster, St Clement Danes, Strand

St David's DG, St David's Cathedral 573

St George's Day 562

St James' Guild, at Christmas 267

St Martin's Guild see also Birmingham, W Mids

250th Anniv 837–838

Henry Johnson Dinner 2008 385

National 12-Bell Contest winners 736, 761 (photo)

Southern Area QP weekend 507

Stedman Triples, an anniv 31–32, 218

Summer Meeting 735

St Neots (bellfounder) 695 (let)

St Brannock's Delight Major (composition) 592

St Paul's Cathedral, London: Easter 2008 259; Jones, Griff Rhys (TV presenter) 739; National 12-Bell, 2009 1147 (ad); New Year's Day 2009 1318; WWI Memorial Book for Ringers 557–559

Sale, John (contrib) 1196

Salisbury DG 691

125th anniversary 69

Honorary Life Memberships 808

peal week, 125th anniversary year 244

quarter peal week 1332–1333

Salisbury Branch young ringers' day 1080

Salmon, Barbara, (new RW indexer) see also The Ringing World: Index 885

Sanderson, James (17) (young ringer) 584

Sawyer, Susan, leading quarter peal ringer 2007 259

Saxilby simulator 80

Sayers, Dorothy L (author) 137, 204, 860–861, 911 (let)

50th anniv mem peal 61

Sayre, Dean FB (obit) 1127 (Ed), 1143–1144

scales (bell tone combinations) 540 (table)

Scarrington, Notts

1st peal since augm 363

augmentation 899

Schofield, Brian (obit) 89, 179, 317, 324

Schoole of Musicke 1325

Scilly Isles, Bells for "An Island Parish" 405–407, 439 (let)


Dunblane Cathedral, Perthshire, Scot, centenary 1005–1007


Edinburgh, Loth, Cathedral Ch of St Mary 101

Newmains, Lanarks, Coltness Mem Ch 58 (let)

'Ring Out Scotland' Day 101

summer holiday ringing 973

tours 950, 975

Scott, John R, 1,000 peals 745

Scottish Association of Change Ringers (SACR)

in 1953 1007

75th anniversary 101, 103

scrap values 58 (let), 205, 210

Scuola Campanaria Roncobello visit Suffolk 1060

Seage, Epaphras (19C printing engineer) 353–356, 543 (let)

Seage Silent Ringing Apparatus 353–356, 543 (let); Sketch of the Seage Apparatus 355 (drawing); striking mechanism 353 (photo)

Seaman, Paul (contrib) 1–2

seaside towers, lost 1312–1318

The Secrets of the Old Bells of Torun and Chelmno 781

secular see also Perth, W Australia, Swan Tower: activities in churches 639; belfries today! 236–237; campanile 243, 687; Luton Town Hall 516–517; ringing see also religion 116, 258, 283, 286–287 (let)

security 55

Self, Will ('Have I got News for You'), at Halesworth, Suffolk 736

Send, Surrey, 500th quarter peal 1142

On the Sensations of Tone 84

servants bells, used on mini ring 253, 411 (let)

Settle, N Yorks, first peal on the bells 391

sex, of bells? 637

Shakespeare in Love, ring of 12? 264

shape and tone see bell profiles

Shapwick, Dorset, QP day 607

Sharia law, Muslim 183 (Ed), 232

Sharpe, Frederick ('Fred'), bell collection 159 (let)

Sharpe, Neville (ringer), success at Skillington 1112

Sharpe Trust (grants) 587, 591

Shead, Sam (aged 15) (contrib) 149

Sheffield, S Yks, Christchurch, Dore, longest peal.. 340

Sheffield University Guild (SUGCR), 50 years 1056–1057, 1195

Presidents peal and meal 1309

Sheppard, Peter WJ (composer) 1084

Sherborne Teaching-aids Bell Club scheme see Bell Club Awards

Sherlock, Robert (Bob) P (obit) 954, 1087, 1096

Shipway, William (composer) 816

Shipway's Campanalogia 810

shooting, outside Guildford Cathedral 1267

Short, Audrey M (obit) 556

shoulder problems 1304

Shrimpton, David (obit) 917

Shrimpton, Emily (11) (contrib) 637

Shuttleworth, Pat & Joe, 50th wedding anniv 973

Shuttleworth College, Old Warden, Beds, clock 737–738

Sibson, Derek, 4,000 peals 1184, 1196

Sibson, E Jane, 2500th peal 944

Sibson, Leics, St Botolph, augmentation 541, 544

silencing bells using tyres 1057, 1094–1095, 1156 (let), 1203

silent ringing apparatus, Seage 353–356, 543 (let)

silent towers see also redundant churches 933

Silverdale, Staffordshire 135

Sim, Doug (contrib) 1197–1199, 1200

Simon, Nick (contrib) 429

Simpson, Canon AB, tuning 1, 301, 514, 657, 844

simulators see also Abel simulator software; dumb bells: in Ambridge 1055 (Ed); Bagley 156; Beltower 2008, version 10.11 update 884–885; on Dove? 323; lightning protection 1009; Saxilby 80; Worcester Ringing Courses 938 (let)

'singing the changes' 956

16-bells, 'not caught on' 211

Skelton, Neil O, 5,000 towers visited 1267

Skills Course, Keele 26

Sly, LLewellyn T (obit) 804

Smart, John Harvey (obit) 255, 532

Smart, Wendy, Christmas crossword winner 204

Smith, C Ronald (Ron) (obit) 444, 580, 828

Smith, Margaret, quarters in memory of 427

Smith, Ray (contrib) 1200–1201

Smith, Robert B, Director, Taylors Eayre & Smith Ltd 760

Smith, Sir John (memorial) 207 (Ed)

Soar, Walter G (obit) 930

Society for Protection of Ancient Buildings 54

The Society of College Youths 1637-1987 812

Society of Royal Cumberland Youths (SRCY)

country meeting & striking competition 867

Country Meeting, March 392

ladies perform Stedman Cinques 1040, 1051

'Not the Dinner Day' 267

peal w/e 2007 164–165

Queen Elizabeth II, 80th birthday peal board 376

Solihull, W Mids 52

Solovetsky Monastery, Russia, new zvon 1217, 1219, 1274 (let)


6-bell day 634

2008 quarters 1069

Somerset ringers go north, tour 346

Songs of Praise, Isleworth 760

sound see also acoustics; tunings: engineering 108; nature and character of 201

sound of bells: Hanbury, Worcs, superb sound 887 (let); meanings of 231, 1298; quality, Handel, GF 456, 1152

Sound Solutions (sound control experts) 132

South African Guild

AGM 2007, Grahamstown 161

AGM 2008, Durban 1124

Coronation peal 887 (let)

Johannesburg, All Saints, Fairways Gardens, dedication 379

Oxbridge clerics & early ringing 1101–1103, 1105–1107

'.. a personal view' 953, 955

Taylors Eayre & Smith Ltd report 897

'Thought for the Week' 663

update 437

website, visit scifac.ru.ac.za/cathedral/bellguild 437

South Korea, largest bell 612, 781

South London Cultural Festival, Ringing-in the 2012 Olympic Games 1148

Southampton, Hants, Bitterne Park, new ring of 12 537–538, 540

Southerington, Emma J (contrib) 292

1,000 peals 1134

Southern Daily Echo 538

Southwark, London, St Thomas 790 (let)

Southwell & Nottingham Guild see also Southwell DG

new Guild name 17 May 2008 692

Onion Contest 1082, 1274 (let), 1299 (let)

Southwell DG see also Southwell & Nottingham Guild

AGM and name change 692

Bingham District, appeal 227

new Dean of Liverpool 90

Newark District quarter peal week 197

North Notts District, Oswy Street Cup 231

Sparey, Neil (dumb bell design) 157, 1294

Sparling, David, 50th birthday 826

Speake, Eric, collection of ringing books 16

Speed, Richard FB (obit) 19, 152, 292, 299–300, 437

spiders 1145

Spinal Injuries Assoc enquiry 784

Spire & Steeples walk 1179

spirituality see religion

Spliced Surprise collection 1997 359 (let)

Spliced Surprise collection 1997 (composition) 359 (let)

Spliced Treble Dodging Minor, record length peal 548

sponsors of The Ringing World 19, 1340; page sponsored 1332

"Spriggs, Eleanor", hoaxes 6, 29, 57, 81

SRCY see Society of Royal Cumberland Youths

Sri Lanka 896

'Stainbank v Beckett', trial 381

Stainsby, Anne (obit) 1120

standards in ringing 1299 (let)

Stanier, Dr Margaret (Peggy) Wilson (obit) 72–73

Staniforth, Peter, 80th birthday 166, 443

Stanton St John, Oxon, ringing started again 542 (let)

Stanton-in-Peak, sale of bells 53–54

Starmer, WW, (author) 413

Statutory Noise Nuisance 201

Stedman, Fabian (Father of Change Ringing) 1245, 1247

Stedman Caters, first time peal by a lady 185

Stedman Cinques, SRCY ladies 1040, 1051

Stedman peals, driving ideal? 955

Stedman Triples: Birmingham 31–32, 134 (let); error in RW 07:1294 19 (corr); in the first half of the 19C 3, 7, 16–18; first true peal 1077–1078; Law-James, H 31–32; research 30 (let)

Steele, Evelyn, first all women's peal on 8 bells 212 (let)

Stepney, Gr Lon, St Dunstan

London No 1 Surprise Royal, centenary 268

Princess Anne meets ringers 24

Stevenson, Janet (National President of Ladies' Guild) 21

Stewards (CCCBR)

Carter Ringing Machine Collection 375, 485, 989

Dove Database, Steward's Report 486, 989

Rolls of Honour 485, 989, 1175 (Ed)

'Steyning bells proclaim 2000 years of Christianity', jigsaw puzzle 901, 1035

Stockton and Darlington Railway 854

Stoke-on-Trent, St John, Hanley 739

Stokoe, Jonathan JF (arranger) 816

Stoneleigh Park see Ringing Roadshow 2008

storm damage 52

Story, William (contrib) see 'From the Archives'

Strawbridge, David & Stella, Salisbury DG, Hon Life Membs 808

Street, Som

re-dedication 179

re-hanging 898

stretch tuning 668

striking competitions see competitions; National 12-Bell Striking Contest

striking today 1338–1339

'Structure Notation' see also place notation 82 (let), 214, 219, 279 (corr)

Strutt, James and sons (19C ringers) 305–307

Strutt, John William (Lord Raleigh) 84

'The Strutts of Kingston upon Thames' 305–307

Stubbs, Andrew, (Steward), retiring 645

Stubbs, Robin, bell in memory of 131 (Ed)

Sturgeon, Jack (obit) 956

subscriptions debate 411 (let), 544 (let), 565 (let), 618 (let), 670–671 (let), 961 (let)

succession planning 157


Bologna ringers visit 453, 455

Camb S Minor quarters 1068

Suffolk Guild

5 quarter peals in a day 729

chairman, new 509

North West District quarter peal week 603

Restoration Fund 718 (let)

Scuola Campanaria Roncobello visit 1060

subscriptions/bell restoration debate 411 (let), 544 (let), 565 (let), 618–619 (let), 670–671 (let)

website suggestions 718 (let), 766–767 (let)

Woodbridge, ringing demonstration 351

SUGCR see Sheffield University Guild

"Suggs' Survivors", TV programme 81

Summer Schools, Keele see also courses 25–28

Summerfield, Ted (obit) 400

Sunderland, Tyne & W, St Andrew, Roker, Diamond Jubilee of bells 1149–1150

Superlative Surprise Major (composition) 816


2008 Central Council 457–488

Perspectives Conference 2007, Worcester 105–128, 179 (corr), 187–188 (let)

Surrey Association

peal w/e 404

quarter peal week 730

Surrey Comet 306, 307

Surrey Federation of WIs, 90th anniv 544 (let), 871, 1191

Sussex County Association

four QPs in a day 399

quarter peal 'week' 146–147

quarter peal week 203 (corr)

Sutherland, Nancy Patricia ('Nan'), remembering 166

Sutton Coldfield, West Mids, refurbishment 899

Suzy sells peanuts, memory aid 1142

'Swan Bells', what is that? 688

Swan Tower see Perth, W Australia, Swan Tower

Swansea & Brecon

annual striking competition 838

Lewis, Mike, receives Leslie Evans trophy 832

new Master 832

quarter peal festival 1069

swifts in towers 213 (let)

Sydney, NSW, St Paul, Burwood, 50 peals in 45 years 723

Symondson ringing family 1077–1078

Synod, new legislation for Redundant Churches 79


Tacon, Alan (obit) 1072

Tadcaster, N Yks, centenary of bells 589, 1029–1030

'Tail Ends': banned from conducting 878–879; Best Boy, Continuity Girl 903; car drivers, old 759; 'clergyperson' 1003; Clue Deficit Disorder (CDD) 1219; Dr Who 807, 855; 'house rules' 955; ladies underwear 1099; 'The Last Conductor' 1171; management seminars 831; mantel clocks 1123; market research 1075; meals on wheels 1027; Midsomer Murders 979; 'Perchance to dream..', oiro, and Guide Price 1195; punctuation conventions 1147; reflections 878–879; taking the bells to the ringers 931; Top Gear 1051

taking the bells to the ringers 931

'Tales from the London County crypt' 58 (let), 158 (let), 311 (let), 815 (let), 840 (let), 983 (cartoon); Barker's conversion, Monty's re-election ... 813; Beyond the Crypt 288, 303; Camberwell and Southwark 872; Dinner niggles, ... Lott/Monty Feud 210–211; Disgusted of Isleworth ... 263–264; "Eleanor Spriggs" hoaxes 29, 57, 81; The Epilogue 983–984, 1010 (let); 'The extraordinary tale...' 791–792; A few interesting peals 888, 891, 939 (let); Frank Udall ... Woodlawn Road 160–161; Harold's back! 910; Ivychurch, East Pennard & Bermondsey 324; Jack Phillips senses laughing gas ... 186; Jubilee Year ... 940, 949; Monty 740–741; Nigel Thomson's Certificate ... 239–240; Olive takes control 336; Olive's great ... 360, 518–519 (let); Peace in our time 716–717; The Poem 836–837; 'Resignation and re-election' 964; reunion suggestion 212 (let), 238 (let); 1967 - Signs of turbulence 6; ... the unpaid sixpence 133; trailer 612; withdrawal symptoms 715 (Ed)

'Targets, Challenges, Housework - and Bellringing' 1095

Tarrant, Revd John, retires 417

Tasburgh, Norfolk, St Mary, re-hanging 897–898

Taunton, Somerset, St John the Evangelist (Staplegrove), 400th anniversary of casting the bells 974

Taunton Branch

annual outing 806–807

Royal Marines honoured 903

Taw, Torridge and Tamar mid-weekers 250

Taylor, Arnold Bradley, memorial bell 646 (let)

Taylor, Dennison, hauntings 229

Taylor, Ian, 80th birthday 1069

Taylor, John & Co (bellfounder): Big Ben 617; Birmingham, St Paul, ring of ten 838 (table); Cheltenham, Glos, St Mark 182, 185 (table); composite frame, early example 332; Dunblane Cathedral, Perthshire, Scot 1006, 1007 (table); Flookburgh, Cumbr 788; Goulburn, NSW 1200; Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Northmb, St George (Jesmond) 564; Shuttleworth College, Old Warden, Beds 737; Toller Porcorum, W Dorset 1028

Taylor, John & Sons of Loughborough see Taylor, John & Co: Big Ben I 614, 617; Dalton-in-Furness, Cumbria 690

Taylor, John William, of Loughborough 354, 657

Taylor, P David (obit) 1002, 1216

Taylor, Paul L see also 'Memories of P L T' 514

Taylor, Phil (contrib), 'Puzzle Corner' 1070

Taylor, Roy E (obit) 710, 949, 952

Taylors, and Simpson tuning 301

Taylors Eayre & Smith Ltd (bellfounder) see also Ayres, Ray; 'Memories of P L T': Barrow-upon-Humber, Humbs 328, 934; bell seeking new home 565 (let); Berry, Alan (Director) & wife Chris, accident 581; Birmingham, St Paul 835; Cambridge, (RC) Our Lady & English Martyrs 1; Cambridge Univ, Great St Mary's 1292; Cathedral Church of St Paul 1035 (let); Cheltenham, Glos 185; Deeping St Nicholas, Lincs 1053, 1054; developments 1268; Flookburgh, Cumbr 788; Foundry Focus, Dec 2006-March 2008 896–899, 902–903, 923–925; Hartington, Derbys, St Giles, new ring 54; Lester, Ray (obit) 435 (Ed), 451; Otterham, Cornwall, St Denis 562, 903; prize 204; Ringing Roadshow 2008 1121; Ripon Cathedral, augm 509; roof, new 1220, 1292; Smith, Robert B (Director), on gossip 760; sponsors, The Ringing World 19, 1340; Whittington, Staffs 258; York Minster 881–883

Taylors of Loughborough see Taylor, John & Sons of Loughborough

Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture 56, 938 (let), 1024

teaching 742 (let)

Teaching Centre for Bellringing, Worcester Cathedral

bells raised 1268

'blue print' for teaching centres? 1295 (Ed)

congratulations 155 (Ed)

description of 156–157, 1293–1295

testimonials 1296–1298

website 52

'The Teaching of Handling Revisited' see also handling 620, 767 (let); left-handed ringers 718–719 (let), 789 (let), 815 (let), 863 (let), 939 (let); rope tails, which hand? 671–672 (let), 694–695 (let), 739 (Ed), 742 (let); teaching in one lesson? 694 (let), 742 (let)

Teaching Unravelled 644

Tebble, Kathleen, 60 years at Diss 356–357

television see broadcasts

Tennyson, Alfred Lord (Poet Laureate) 963

Tennyson Turner, Revd Charles, bicentenary 963

Tester, Katherine (Kaffrin) (contrib) 609

Tewkesbury Abbey, Glos, fundraising 404

Tewkesbury Shield

10-bell national? 691 (Ed)

No.36 693

theories 309

Thomas, Helen (contrib) 1319

Thomas, Michael J (obit) 640, 698, 876

Thomas, Neil (contrib) 489, 492

Thomas Cooke & Sons of York (clockmaker) 737

Thompsett, Sue (contrib) 1023

Thompsett, William ('Bill')

Newport says goodbye 279

obituary 1218, 1243 (corr)

Thomson, Canon Richard I (bell enthusiast) 690

Thomson, Mike, 64th birthday 427

Thomson, Nigel, ('Tales..') 239–240

Thorne, Ron & Anne, Golden Wedding 1014, 1145

Thorrington, Essex, 75 yrs since rehanging 895

'Thought for the Week': Advent season 1291; basics of bell handling 1051; best sermons 403; calling people to church 75; calls to prayer 151; car drivers 535; celebrating one another's achievements 956; early stages of handling a bell 303; Eating Humble Pie 1099; freedom to worship 103; a hobby, fantastic 1123; importance of bells & ringing 511; 'is it true?' 1335; joy of winning 735; lost peals 1267; loyalties 1243; making no claims 455; mixed motives 639; 'My Psion' 327; Privilege 431; relations between ringers and clergy 23; religion is a nuisance? 1171; ringers as ringers 455; Ringers Service 583; secular campanile 687; 'shopping list' prayers 1219; a single note 1075; the sound of bells 231; South Africa 663; spiritual checkup 279; striking competitions 559; '..this gentle art..' 979; too artificial? 375; trust 1147; "Two John" 351; "Where are you?" 51

'3&4bell' e-list

activity 211, 298, 1201

origin of 1300

Thurgarton, Notts, 1st peal since augm 363

Thurstans, Thomas (19C composer) 3, 834

Tibbetts, Richard W, 2,000th peal 313

'Tiddlywinks' 1078

tied bells see dumb bells; silencing bells; silent ringing apparatus, Seage

The Times 380

Tintinnalogia 1668 413, 1323, 1325

Titley, Graham (contrib) 541, 544

Tiverton, Devon, Seage Silent Ringing Apparatus 353–356

Toad of Toad Hall, ringing lesson 932

Toller Porcorum, W Dorset, peal board dedication 1028

tone see tunings

Tone, On the Sensations of 84

Toolkit, Ringing Practice (website) 496 (let), 539, 619 (let)

Top Gear 1051

Toppesfield, Essex, St Margaret of Antioch

first peal on the bells 337

re-hanging 897

restored ring dedication 279, 560

Torcello bells, Italy 409

Toronto, Canada

ringing on holiday 731

wedding in a ringing room 401

Torun, Poland, largest bells 781

tours see also festivals; holidays, ringing; outings; walks: 1,000 Bell Pub 1132 (let); 'A Grandisson* Day Out' 665–666; Around Loughborough 2008 916; Australia 499–500; Boston, USA 572–573; 'The Butlers' Tour invades the Antipodes' 1071, 1073; Canada 1136; Central Council 2008 641–642; Channel Islands 1039, 1225; Chiltern Mid-Week Group 606; Cornwall 706, 1046–1047, 1113; Derbyshire 369–370, 1092–1093; Devon 227, 507, 555, 676, 706, 1091; Devon, East 507; Dublin, Ireland 609; East Meets West peal tour 548; Exonian Society 1069–1071; Gloucestershire 606, 973; 'Great Expectations' (Rochester) 141; Hampshire 597; Herefordshire 606; Ipswich/Stowmarket, Suffolk 787; Isle of Wight 1142; Kent quarters 530; L Martin Daniels Peal Tour Mark 27 548; Lake District 578; Leeds, W Yorks 853–854; Lincolnshire 2008 1118–1119; Loughborough, Leics 994–995; Lundy Island, Devon 525, 579, 771, 858, 1046, 1308; narrowboat 'Intrepid' 728; north east England 71; Perth, WA, Swan Tower 260; Rambling Ringers 961 (let); Rugby, Warw 879; Scotland 950, 975; South Cheshire 715; Southampton, New Forest 783; Suffolk 453, 455; Surrey 1119; United Kingdom 1000–1001; United States 651–652, 682, 1136, 1137; Upton on Severn, Worcs 1058; Vatican, Rome, St Peter's Basilica, visit 335 (let); Wiltshire 1311; Worcestershire 606; Young Bell Ringers Cycling Tour 619 (let), 1012

Cornwall, Fire Ring 1239

Wiltshire 1238

Tower Captaincy see The Ringing Practice Toolkit

Tower Funds 285, 303

Tower Hamlets, Gr Lon, St-George-in-the-East, quarter peal 255 (corr)

Tower Stewardship Committee, CCCBR see also Child Protection in towers 471–472, 644, 987

leaflets list 79

website .uk/tsc

towers see also child protection in towers; mobile towers; 'Ringing and Money': 5,000 visited 1267; Bell Towers & Bell Hanging: An appeal to architects (CD) 667; 'Coping with External Pressures' 154; disturbing masonry 108; emergency access 563 (Ed); fire safety 331 (Ed); peregrine falcons 544; Ringing Roadshow 2008 851; safety & risk assessment 79; safety precaution? 567; silent 933; swifts in 213 (let); Towers and Bells handbook 125; unringable 262 (let); used as nutcrackers 372; wedding in the ringing room 401

Towers and Belfries Committee, CCCBR 125, 471, 644, 987

Towers and Bells handbook 125

Town, David A, 1000 peals 166

Towner, Becky (poem) 1318

Townhill, Dennis (obit) 928

Townsend, Bernard, memorial to 257–258

training see courses; learning to ring

Troddyn, Elizabeth M (obit) 176

Trout, Ryan (contrib) 1055

Troyte, Charles (19C author & ringer) 235

true-harmonic tuning see Simpson, Canon; tunings

Truro DG see also Scilly Isles

e-list activity 1154

Northern District, festival and dedication 308

quarter peal day 199

TSL Paranormal Team 229

tubular bells 381

tuning forks, first use of 301

tunings see also acoustics; bell profiles: American method 84; Arnold and Ludlum 84; Big Ben I 617, 657; chisel 84; DAC Bell Advisor, example 108; Dunblane Cathedral analysis 1006; how far away? 718 (let); Johnston, Cyril 844; natural tones 566 (let); pitch options 438; scales (bell tone combinations) 540 (table); Simpson, Canon AB 301, 514, 657, 844; stretch 668; Tone, On the Sensations of 84; true-harmonic tuning see Simpson, Canon, tuning; 'What note do we hear? ...' 438, 668; Why Bells Sound Out of Tune 301, 301

Turner, Graham (contrib) 585–587, 589

Turner, Revd Charles Tennyson, bicentenary 963

Turret Clock Forum 742 (let)

12-Bells, National Striking Contest see National 12-Bell Striking Contest

Twenty Waies 1325

Twin-hunt extensions 261

Tyack, Revd GS (author) 656

tyres as silencers 1057, 1094–1095, 1156 (let), 1203


UBSCR see University of Bristol Society

Udal, Helen (contrib) 1121, 1123

Udall, Frank ('Tales..') 160 (photo), 160–161, 983

ULSCR see University of London Society of Change Ringers

United States of America (USA) see also North American Guild

Birmingham, Alabama new bells 384

Boston, tour 572–573

Boston & Toronto, ringing on holiday 731

Illinois, 'Bells in motion' group visit London 712

Miami Guild, hosts NAGCR AGM 1223, 1224–1225

Minnesota, 6th annual Handbell w/e 755, 779

New York, Trinity Ch, Wall St, new ring 121–122

Philadelphia, QP w/e (Martin Luther King) 604

Rochester, Minnesota, carillon 516

tours of USA 651–652, 682, 1136, 1137

Washington, Nat Cathedral School's Whitechapel Guild, ring around UK 1000–1001

University of Bristol (UBSCR)

'Day Out in London' 1113

non-residents' summer tour 1119

University of London Society (ULSCR)

peal w/e 623

quarter peal w/e 754–755

University of Wales Society of Change Ringers (UWSCR), birth of 782

unringable towers 262 (let)

Uphill, Michael (contrib) see also 'Tales from the London County crypt'

60th birthday 10, 33, 63

'"Perfect" striking today ...' 1338–1339

'What's the Point?' 840 (let)

Upton Magna, Shrops, first peal since augmentation 1207

USA see United States of America

UWSCR see University of Wales Society


Valetta, Co-Cathedral of St John, Malta 896

vandalism 55, 904

Varah, Revd Preb E Chad (obit) 399

VAT reduction 1223

Vicar of Bray, and Marston Ringers 871

Vincent, Very Revd John Ranulph (early 20C) 1101–1102

'A Voice for St Paul's' 834

Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO), 50th anniv 938 (let)

voluntary work, belfry 79, 838

Vulliamy, Benjamin Louis (Queen's clockmaker) 613, 614, 617, 657


W&P Guild see Winchester & Portsmouth Guild

Wagner family (19C) 1314–1315

Wainfleet St Mary, Lincs, St Mary, re-hanging 898

Wakefield, Gillian (contrib) 802


Builth Wells, Powys, M Wales, St Mary 329–330

Llandaff & Monmouth DA, Monmouth Branch 68, 1207, 1239

Llanfyllin, Powys, St Myllin, bell work 899

Llantwit Major, Vale of Glamorgan, Wales, St Illtud, centenary of re-hanging 1021

University of Wales Society of Change Ringers (UWCSR), birth of 782

Walker, Mark, (contrib) 713–714, 1193

walks, Spire & Steeples 1179

Wallis, Richard J (contrib) 259–260

Walmsley, Stan (contrib) 689–690

Walpole, Keith J (obit) 267, 348, 400, 403

Walthamstow, London, St Mary, 230th anniv of first peal 1011

Ware, William (Bill) (obit) 200

Waresley, Cambs, St James, restoration project 332

Warford, Ron (president of Durham & Newcastle), CCCBR Welcome 563

Warminster, Wilts, hosts Salisbury DG 691

Warner, John & Sons (bellfounder): Big Ben I 614, 615, 617, 647, 657; Big Ben's 150th anniv 379; Dalton-in-Furness, Cumbria 689

Warren, Father Robert, retires 891

Warwickshire Guild centenary see also Coventry Guild 340

Washington, USA, National Cathedral School's Whitechapel Guild 1000–1001

The Waterloo Tower, Quex Park Birchington 827 (poem)

Watson, Coralie F (obit) 684

Watson, David M (obit) 542 (let), 780

Watts, Hugh 84

Watts, PAG (RW Director), Perspectives Conf, Foreword 106

Watts and Eayre (bellfounder) 136

bell profile 84

Way, Lawrence ('Tales..') 288, 303

Webb, Christopher (obit) 276

websites see also individual Guilds/Assocs/Socs: .uk 763, 886 (let); beltower.co.uk 884–885; 59 (let); changeringing.co.uk/wiki 886; charity-.uk 304; churchcare.co.uk 107; FunderFinder.co.uk 54; 152; pealbase.co.uk 335 (let); peals.co.uk 335 (let); 896; 'Ringing & Money' 1247 (Ed); Ringing Practice Toolkit 496 (let), 539, 619 (let); The Ringing World 959 (Ed); methods 203; 932; taylorbells.co.uk museum 229; Tower Stewardship 79, 125; 52

Weddell, Jean ('Tales..') 984

weights in metric? 1059 (let), 1083 (let)

Wellow, Notts

1st peal since augmentation 140

augmentation 899

Welsh, Kieran, (young ringer) 232

Welsh Music Studies: Bearers of Song 414

Went, John, Bishop of Tewkesbury 181

Wentworth Wooden Jigsaw Company 901

Werrett, Revd Olivia, graduation celebration 973

West Australian Symphony Orchestra 56

West Country ringing weekend 1239

West Kirby, Mers, restoration 104, 590–591

West-Ham, Gr London, Big Ben prototype 1036

Westminster, Gr London

Lord Mayor's New Yr's Day Parade 153–154, 212 (let)

St Clement Danes, Strand 30 (let); and Hornchurch ringers 301, 303

Weston-super-Mare, N. Som, St John, restoration 180

Wharton, Martin, Bishop of Newcastle, CCCBR Welcome 563

'What note do we hear when a bell rings?' 438, 668

'What's the Point?', new column? 840 (let)

'What's up that tower?' 814 (corr)(let), new series; Birmingham Municipal Buildings 661; Eversholt, Beds 1152; Luton Town Hall 516–517; Marischal College, Aberdeen 1049; Shuttleworth College, Old Warden, Beds 737–738; St John's, Chester 874; St John's, Leamington Spa 926

wheelchair ringers 784

Wheeler, Jim (dumb bell design) 157, 1294

Whissendine, Rutland, refurbishment 902

White, Brian (bellfounder) see also White's of Appleton 1

White, Cec, 83rd birthday 1052

White, Edmund (contrib) 77–78

White, Frank, 89th birthday 760

White, James

40th birthday 1281

Middlesex Open Day 496 (let)

White, TW (RW Editor, 1951) 1299 (let)

White Paper, Heritage Protection see also legislation 79

Whitechapel Bellfoundry Ltd see also Mears ...: Ambridge bells - statement 543 (let); Big Ben's 150th anniv 377–381, 512; Birmingham, Alabama new bells 384; on computer game 104; Huntsham, Devon, All Saints 235; ITV "Suggs' Survivors" 81; Lansdown, Bath, Som, St Stephen 129; Perspective Conference 108–109; Red Letter Day 1321–1323; at the Ringing Roadshow 2008 929; Ringing Roadshow 2008 1121; sponsors, The Ringing World 19, 1340; Theobald, Bill 515; value for money 456; Whitechapel in 2008 1320

Whites of Appleton (bellhangers) 1, 130, 180

Whiting, Brian E, (composer) 840

Whittington, Staffs, augmentation 257–258

WI see Women's Institute

Wick, Som, first peal since augmentation 913

Wigorn, Bishop John of Worcester, Christmas message 1295

Wiki, changeringers 886

Wilby, Andrew WR (project manager), 'The Outcome Based Perspective', project management 120–122

Wilde, Henry W (Harry) (conductor/composer) 744 (photo)

William Noone, bell founders 55 (table)

Williams, Chris (contrib) 275

Williams, Michael, birthday party on Lundy 525

Williams, Rowan (Archbishop of Canterbury) 24, 183 (Ed), 232

Wilson, Alan (ropemaker), (obit) 717

Wilson, James (19C architect) 129

Wilson, Janet, 60th birthday 531

Wilson, Thomas H (obit) 100


6-bell quarter peal day 705

tour 1238

Wiltshire tour 2008 1311

Wimborne Minster, Dorset 844

cast iron frame 719 (let)

'enigma' 712

Oliver Anthony now MBE 812

Winchester & Portsmouth Guild

Alton & Petersfield District, QP fnight 197

Andover District, 80th birthday 59 (let)

Channel Islands District (CID), annual striking comp 1054

Christchurch & Southampton District 99

e-list activity 203, 744, 1003, 1059, 1201

Portsmouth District QP fortnight 1190

quarter peal month 2007 70

Winchester District QP week 1189–1190

Winchester Diocesan Guild of Bellringers (1879) 331–332, 383 (let)

wind damage 689

Windsor, Berks, Old Windsor Church, fire 330

Winford, Som, first peal since augmentation 10

Wing, Rutland, SS Peter & Paul, bell work 899

Wingfield Surprise Major (composition) 592

Wingrave Tower, Bucks, metallic voices? 1108 (let)

Winter, Daisy (13) (contrib) 1320

Winter, Raymond (obit) 734, 1288

Witten, Mr & Mrs, 70th wedding anniv 862 (let)

'Wizened of Oz' (contrib) 975, 1269–1270

'wobble', paper on 84

Woji, Ghana, Church of St Nicholas 897

Wokingham, Berks, both towers pealed in a day 624

Wolverhampton, W Mids, St Luke 298

Wolverhampton, W Mids, St Luke, 'From the Archives' 251

women see ladies

Women's Institute (WI)

quarter peals 730

Surrey Federation, 90th anniv 544 (let), 871, 1191

Woodbridge, Suffolk

1812 overture, bells section 1024

mobile mini-ring of bells coming 351

The Woodlanders 1274 (let)

Woodruffe, Brian (conservation), 'Romsey Abbey - A Case Study of Conservation in Use' 125

Woolley, Robin see 'Methcom Sketch Special'

Worcester, Bishop of 1295

Worcester Cathedral see also Teaching Centre for Bellringing, Worcester Cathedral 52, 110–111

bell work 899

Bells & Beer Festival 806

clock 784

peal listening events 2008 759

Perspectives Conference 79, 105–128

practice night, visit on 839 (let)

UK08 informal ringing competition 871

Worcester Peal 179 (corr)

Worcester Ringing Courses 938 (let)

Worcestershire, ringing holiday 960

Worgan, Gill (non ringer) 507

Workman, Trevor, (carillonneur) 881

workshops, Worcester Cathedral 1295

World War I 1175 (Ed); memorial book for ringers 557–559; Remembrance peals 40–41, 1257, 1306; 'Ringers killed in the Great War' 1173–1175

World War II: Blitz recollections - bells lost 690, 935; memorial bells, Roker, Tyne & Wear 1149

world's largest bells 408–409, 781

worship, bellringing as a form of see also belfry prayers; Church, calling people to 23, 439 (let)

Worshipful Company of Founders see Founders' Company

Worthington Cup 2008 1104–1105

Wratten, Cyril, ringing book collection 16

Wright, Colin E (obit) 1098, 1192

Wright, Tom, Bishop of Durham, CCCBR Welcome 563

wrist problems 1303, 1304

'The Writtle TB Controversy' 261, 307, 359 (let), 383 (let), 618

www see websites

Wylde, Barbara, 70th birthday 960


Xepri Surprise Major (composition) 592


YACR see Yorkshire Association

Yarkhill, Herefs, history of bells 1245–1247, 1252, 1275 (let)

YBRCT see Young Bell Ringers Cycling Tour

Yoga 264, 310 (let), 1153

York, N Yorks, All Saints, Huntington, refurbishment 899

York Minster

250th anniv peal 218

new carillon 881–883

young ringers 584

Yorkshire Association (YACR)

e-list activity 19, 47, 73, 264, 438, 544, 567, 656, 687, 1033, 1059, 1178, 1226, 1300

new president 688

Roses Trophy 1148

'Yorkshire beyond a standard composition' 692

Yorkshire Surprise Major (composition) 692, 816

Young, E Alexander (author) 301

young ringers see ringers, young

Younger, Robert KC (bell donor) 1005–1006

YOUTUBE 'preview' of Lincoln 12-bell final 711


Zennor, Corn, very late QPs 530–531

Zimbabwe Guild see Harare Cathedral, Zimbabwe, news & appeal

Zoilus (contrib) 283–284

zvonitsa ('belfry', Russian) 1217, 1274 (let)

Zwart, Boudewijn, (carilloneur) 664, 909, 1123, 1129

The Ringing World 2008

Indexed by Barbara Salmon

Society of Indexers (Student Member)

Peer reviewers: Judith Reading (Fellow of the Society of Indexers); and Tia Leschke (UC Berkeley Extension, Indexing: Theory & Application)


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