Serial Killer Name - Radford University

Serial Killer Name

“Nickname if any”


Paste picture of killer here | |

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|Information researched and summarized by |

|The names of the people in your group |

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|Department of Psychology |

|Radford University |

|Radford, VA 24142-6946 |

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|Date |Age |Life Event |

|10/03/1978 |0 |Born in Lincoln, Nebraska to Bob and Mary Smith. He was the second of three children. |

|07/03/1998 |19 |Strangled Lisa Jones (WF, 24) to death in Northridge, California. He picked her up hitchhiking. Note that |

| | |this entry contains the name, gender, race, age, location, and type of target. |

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|General Information |

| Sex |Male |

| Race |White |

| Number of victims |13 suspected, 10 convicted, none confessed to |

| Country where killing occurred |United States |

| States where killing occurred |California |

| Cities where killing occurred |Northridge |

| Counties where killing occurred |Los Angeles |

| Type of killer |e.g., Organized lust |

| Height |6’2” |

|Childhood Information |

| Date of birth |10/10/1960 |

| Location | |

| Birth order |1st of 3 |

| Number of siblings |2 |

| XYY? | |

| Raised by |Both parents, aunt, foster parent, orphanage, etc. |

| Birth category |Oldest, middle, youngest, only child |

| Parent’s marital status |Married, |

| Did serial killer spend time in an orphanage? | |

| Did serial killer spend time in a foster home? | |

| Was serial killer ever raised by a relative? | |

| Did serial killer ever live with adopted family? | |

| Did serial killer ever live with a step-parent? | |

| Family event |Divorce, death of parent, etc. |

| Age of family event | |

| Problems in school? | |

| Teased while in school? | |

| Physically attractive? | |

| Physical defect? | |

| Speech defect? | |

| Head injury? |Describe head injuries |

| Physically abused? |Describe |

| Psychologically abused? |Describe |

| Sexually abused? |Describe |

| Father’s occupation | |

| Mother’s occupation | |

| Father abused drugs/alcohol |If yes, was it alcohol, drugs, or both |

| Mother abused drugs/alcohol |If yes, was it alcohol, drugs, or both |

|Cognitive Ability |

| Highest grade in school |10 |

| Highest degree |Diploma, GED, associate’s, bachelor’s |

| Grades in school | |

| IQ |100 |

| Source of IQ information |Smith (2006, page 34) |

|Work History |

| Served in the military? | |

| Branch |Army, navy, air force, marines, coast guard |

| Type of discharge | |

| Saw combat duty | |

| Killed enemy during service? | |

| Applied for job as a cop? | |

| Worked in law enforcement? |Police, prison guard, security guard, dispatcher |

| Fired from jobs? | |

| Types of jobs worked | |

| Employment status during series |Unemployed, employed as a ? |

|Relationships | |

| Sexual preference |Heterosexual, homosexual, bi-sexual |

| Marital status |Single, married, divorced, remarried |

| Number of children | |

| Lives with his children | |

| Living with |Spouse, mother, girl friend, self, friend |

|Triad |

| Animal torture |Yes |

| Fire setting | |

| Bed wetting | |

|Killer Psychological Information |

| Abused drugs? |Yes |

| Abused alcohol? |No |

| Been to a psychologist (prior to killing)? | |

| Time in forensic hospital (prior to killing)? | |

| Diagnosis | |

|Killer Criminal History (Prior to the series) |

| Committed previous crimes? | |

| Spent time in jail? | |

| Spent time in prison? | |

| Killed prior to series? Age? | |

|Serial Killing |

| Number of victims (suspected of) | |

| Number of victims (confessed to) | |

| Number of victims (convicted of) | |

| Victim type |Prostitute, drug dealer, family, neighbors, young women |

| Killer age at start of series | |

| Killer age at end of series | |

| Date of first kill in series | |

| Date of final kill in series | |

| Gender of victims |List the number of each (e.g., 3 men, 2 women) |

| Race of victims |List the number of each (e.g., 2 White, 2 Black) |

| Age of victims |List the age of each victim from lowest to highest |

| Type of victim |e.g., prostitutes, family, patients, homeless, hitchhikers |

| Method of killing | |

| Weapon |Killer brought with him, killer found at scene, no weapon |

| Was gun used? | |

| Type |Handgun, rifle, shotgun |

| Did killer have a partner? | |

| Name of partner | |

| Sex of partner | |

| Relationship of partner |Spouse, relative, girlfriend, |

| How close did killer live? |Walking distance, drove to crime |

| Location of first contact |Victim home, killer home, street, hospital, etc. |

| Location of killing |Victim’s home, killer’s home, street, hospital, etc. |

| Killing occurred in home of victim? | |

| Killing occurred in home of killer? | |

| Victim abducted or killed at contact? | |

|Behavior During Crimes |

| Rape? | |

| Tortured victims? | |

| Intentionally went out that day to kill? | |

| Overkill? | |

| Quick & efficient? | |

| Used blindfold? | |

| Bound the victims? | |

|After Death Behavior |

| Sex with the body? | |

| Mutilated body? | |

| Ate part of the body? | |

| Drank victim’s blood? | |

| Posed the body? | |

| Took totem – body part | |

| Took totem – personal item | |

| Robbed victim or location | |

|Disposal of Body |

| Left at scene, no attempt to hide | |

| Left at scene, hidden | |

| Left at scene, buried | |

| Moved, no attempt to hide | |

| Moved, hidden | |

| Moved, buried | |

| Cut-op and disposed of | |

| Burned body | |

| Dumped body in lake, river, etc. | |

| Moved, took home | |

|Sentencing | |

| Date killer arrested | |

| Date convicted | |

| Sentence |Death, life, 25 years |

| Killer executed? | |

| Did killer plead NGRI? | |

| Was the NGRI plea successful? | |

| Did serial killer confess? |No, yes, confessed after conviction, confessed & recanted |

| Name and state of prison | |

| Killer committed suicide? |No, yes, attempted |

| Killer killed in prison? |No, yes, attempted |

|Date of death | |

|Cause of death |Natural causes, suicide, executed, etc. |

|Victim 1 | |

| Name | |

| Date killed | |

| Date body was found | |

| Gender | |

| Race | |

| Age | |

| How killed |Stabbed, bludgeoned, shot, etc |

| State killed | |

| City killed | |

| County killed | |

| Type of target |Prostitute, home invasion, husband, etc. |

| Did killer confess to this murder? | |

| Was killer convicted of this murder? | |

|Victim 2 | |

| Name | |

| Date killed | |

| Date body was found | |

| Gender | |

| Race | |

| Age | |

| How killed |Stabbed, bludgeoned, shot, etc |

| State killed | |

| City killed | |

| County killed | |

| Type of target |Prostitute, home invasion, husband, etc. |

| Did killer confess to this murder? | |

| Was killer convicted of this murder? | |

|Victim 3 | |

| Name | |

| Date killed | |

| Date body was found | |

| Gender | |

| Race | |

| Age | |

| How killed |Stabbed, bludgeoned, shot, etc |

| State killed | |

| City killed | |

| County killed | |

| Type of target |Prostitute, home invasion, husband, etc. |

| Did killer confess to this murder? | |

| Was killer convicted of this murder? | |

|Victim 4 | |

| Name | |

| Date killed | |

| Date body was found | |

| Gender | |

| Race | |

| Age | |

| How killed |Stabbed, bludgeoned, shot, etc |

| State killed | |

| City killed | |

| County killed | |

| Type of target |Prostitute, home invasion, husband, etc. |

| Did killer confess to this murder? | |

| Was killer convicted of this murder? | |

|If there were more than 4 victims, add lines below | |

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|References |

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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