NHS Health Checks - PSNC Main site


NHS Health Checks

Community Pharmacy Local Enhanced Service

April 2010


NHS Westminster (The PCT)


…………………………………………………………….. (The Pharmacy)

1. Agreement

This agreement is dated the 1st day of April 2010


(1) NHS Westminster of 15 Marylebone Road, London, NW1 5JD (the PCT); and

(2) ………………………………………………………………………(the Pharmacy)


1. The parties to this agreement are the parties to the Community Pharmacy Services Contract dated 1 April 2005 (the "Contract").

2. This Agreement is supplemental to the Contract.

3. The Parties have agreed to vary the Contract on the terms set out in this Agreement

2. Commencement

This agreement commences on 1st April 2010 and lasts until 31 March 2011.

3. Service description

1. The PCT wishes to commission and the Pharmacy has agreed to provide a NHS Health Checks during the financial year 2010/11 in accordance with this agreement.

2. Under this agreement the Pharmacy shall provide NHS Health Checks to registered adults aged 40 and over and under the age of 75 on the day they present for the NHS Health Checks.

3. The service is being commissioned as part of NHS Westminster care pathway for identifying, preventing and treating cardiovascular disease (CVD). As such the Pharmacy agrees to work collaboratively with other service providers, including the patient’s GP, MyAction and NHS Westminster.

4. An NHS Health Checks includes patient screening to confirm eligibility, performance of appropriate tests for each patient, reporting the results of the tests to the patient together with an assessment of the patient’s risk of CVD using a validated CVD Risk Calculator and provision of bespoke advice to the patient on how their risk can be managed and reduced and where appropriate referral to another service within the care pathway for further advice and possible treatment.

4. Service specification

2 The Pharmacy shall offer NHS Health Checks to eligible patients only. An eligible patient is one who is;

i. registered with a NHS Westminster GP (a registered patient) and

ii. who are 40 years and over and,

iii. who are aged 74 and under and

iv. who have not received a NHS Health Check within the past 5 years and

v. who are not diagnosed as having vascular disease or are not taking medication for vascular disease.

1. As part of the NHS Health Check the Pharmacy shall engage properly accredited staff, as defined in Schedule 3 , to:

i. screen the patient to confirm that they are eligible for the NHS Health Check in accordance with this agreement,

ii. gain written consent from the patient, or where appropriate the patient’s representative, to undergo the tests required for the NHS Health Check,

iii. to undertake the following tests on the patients;

a. Blood pressure

b. Random Blood glucose

c. Blood cholesterol (HDL/LDL)

d. Pulse Check

e. Body Mass Index and waist circumference

f. Risk Estimation using QRISK2

g. Lifestyle questionnaire

iv. using an IT solution commissioned by NHS Westminster (refer to schedule 12), calculate the person’s risk status i.e. the risk of a cardiovascular (CVD) effect within the next 10 years from the day of the test

v. using an IT solution commissioned by NHS Westminster(refer to schedule 12), produce bespoke advice based on the person’s assessment and percentage CVD risk on how the patient should manage and reduce their risk of developing vascular disease

vi. where appropriate refer or signpost the person to other service providers in accordance with NHS Westminster’s care pathway for CVD as defined in Schedule two.

vii. inform the patient’s GP, MyAction and NHS Westminster of the outcome of the assessment via NHSnet using the IT solution commissioned by NHS Westminster(refer to schedule 12) and in accordance with data protection.

2. The Pharmacy shall provide NHS Health Checks in a consulting area approved by NHS Westminster and in accordance with the specification set out in paragraphs 5.9 and 5.10.

3. The Pharmacy shall offer the service during at least 8 sessions, per week of which one session shall be offered on a Saturday. For the avoidance of doubt a session is period of time lasting 3 hours and 30 minutes.

4. The pharmacy shall deliver as a minimum the activity set out below:

Activity schedule

|Month |Target Number of Screens |

|April |10 |

|May |15 |

|June |20 |

|July |25 |

|August |30 (100) Minimum Activity Level |

|September |30 |

|October |30 |

|November |30 |

|December |25 |

|January 2011 |25 |

|February |30 |

|March |30 |

|TOTAL |300 |

5. The pharmacy shall advertise the service within the pharmacy and promote the service within the local community.

6. The equipment and IT solution (refer to schedule 4 & 12) may only be used to provide NHS Health Check, it can only be used as part of another service by prior agreement with the PCT. For the avoidance of doubt the equipment provided cannot be used to provide privately funded services or individual tests only e.g. cholesterol test.

5. Pharmacy obligations

Staff Requirements

1. The pharmacy shall engage, as minimum, the following performers to undertake the NHS Health Checks:

i. one suitably qualified and accredited pharmacist

ii. one suitably qualified and accredited member of the pharmacy support

2. For the purposes of this agreement “accredited” refers to staff who have undertaken recognised training in the competencies set out in Schedule 3 and met the required standards in the competencies set out in Schedule 3.

3. The Pharmacy shall notify NHS Westminster if it can not longer meet it obligations in accordance with paragraphs 5.1 (i) and (ii).

4. The Pharmacy shall ensure that staff engaged to provide NHS Health Checks undertake appropriate training, including CPD and refresher courses. Refer to Schedule 3.

5. The Pharmacy shall ensure that adequate Occupational Health arrangements are in place in the event of a needle stick injury. (refer to schedule 8)

6. The Pharmacy shall maintain records of the performers’ suitability to undertake NHS Health Checks (refer to schedule 3) and make these available for NHS Westminster to inspect as appropriate.

7. The Pharmacy shall appoint a Service Lead who is a pharmacist and who shall be responsible for all aspects of service delivery.


8. Data shall be transferred as out lined in the information flow map below


9. In providing this service the pharmacy shall comply with all national and local guidance and standards, including:

i. NHS Westminster’s standards for Infection Control in community pharmacies, see Schedule 1;

ii. NHS Information Governance: Pharmacy Contractor Workbook: (PSNC, NHS Employers, RPSGB 2010);

iii. Putting Prevention First- NHS Health Checks Vascular Risk Assessment and Management : Best Practice Guidelines; April 2009 ( DH April 2009);

iv. Practice Guidance Diagnostic Testing & Screening Services: (RPSGB March 2009);

v. NHS Westminster’s standards for management of clinical waste and sharps in community pharmacies, see Schedule 2;

vi. Good Practice in Consent – Implementation Guidelines (DH Nov 2001), see Schedule 11

Premises, facilities and equipment

10. The address of the premises to be used by the Pharmacy or any sub-Pharmacy for the provision of services under the Agreement is as follows:

|Pharmacy Name |

|Pharmacy Address |

| |

| |

| |

|Post Code |

11. The Pharmacy shall ensure that the practice premises used for the provision of services under the Agreement are—

i. suitable for the delivery of those services;

ii. sufficient to meet the reasonable needs of the Pharmacy’s patients;

iii. are able to meet any and all regulatory standards (as appropriate), together with any applicable NHS standards in force from time to time; and

iv. have been reasonably adjusted to cater for patients with disabilities

12. The obligation in paragraph 5.11 includes providing sufficient and adequate consulting area accommodation for patients. This includes a requirement for the consulting area to have a sink.

13. The Pharmacy shall ensure that the equipment provided by the PCT and as set out in Schedule 4 is used solely to provide NHS Health Checks to NHS Westminster eligible patients. As part of this agreement the PCT will provide the pharmacy with the equipment to perform a NHS Health Check.

14. The Pharmacy shall establish and undertake a planned preventative equipment maintenance programme in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and make adequate contingency arrangements for emergency remedial maintenance or the purchase of equipment.

15. The Pharmacy shall only purchase equipment approved by NHS Westminster for delivering this service, see list of approved suppliers in Schedule 5.

16. The Pharmacy shall ensure that all equipment used by the Pharmacy on or in relation to this Agreement complies with all equipment standards and is responsible for the maintenance and calibration of all equipment used to provide NHS Health Checks, including the equipment provided by NHS Westminster. For the avoidance of doubt NHS Westminster shall have no liability for the equipment used to undertake NHS Health Checks.

17. The pharmacy shall agree to fund the cost of re-commissioning this service in the event that:

i. they give notice to terminate the agreement in accordance with paragraph 13.6 within 11 calendar months of the commencement date

ii. the agreement is terminated under paragraph 13.7 within 12 months of the commencement date

18. The total amount that the Pharmacy shall be liable to pay under paragraph 5.15 shall be equal to the cost of the equipment set out in Schedule 4 and the pharmacy may offer to return all working equipment in lieu of this payment.

19. Where it is established that the Pharmacy has used equipment provided by the PCT to provide services other than NHS Health Checks to NHS Westminster eligible patients, the Pharmacy shall be liable to reimburse the PCT for the full cost of the equipment as set out in Schedule 1.

20. The Pharmacy shall provide, in relation to all of the services to be provided under the Agreement, such other facilities and equipment as are necessary to enable it to properly perform that service.


21. The Pharmacy is responsible for the purchase of all consumables required to deliver this service.

22. The Pharmacy shall store all consumables safely, appropriately and in accordance with all applicable laws, good practice guidelines and any supplier instructions (refer to Schedule 8)

Computer Software

23. The Pharmacy shall only use the software, the IT Solution (refer to schedule 12), provided by the PCT for delivering NHS Health Checks, this is provided by “Telehealth Solutions”

24. The Pharmacy shall be responsible for ensuring that the software provided by the PCT is compatible with their current computer hardware and software systems. This includes were necessary upgrading hardware or software systems.

25. The PCT has commissioned “Telehealth Solutions” to provide

i. on site training for existing and new staff and

ii. all software and technical support

26. The Pharmacy shall direct all technical queries, including installation queries, to Telehealth Solutions using the telephone numbers and e-mail provided.

27. The Pharmacy shall notify NHS Westminster of all issues with the quality the support of provided by “Telehealth Solutions”. These shall be communicated to the NHSW via email to the Services Manager ( Key Contacts schedule 7)

Complaints & Incidents

28. The Pharmacy shall have in place a complaints procedure which meets the requirements of the Local Authority Social Services and National Health Service Complaints (England) Regulations 2009.

29. The Pharmacy shall inform the PCT at such intervals as the PCT requires, of the number of complaints it has received under the procedure it has established in accordance with Clause 49 and Clause 50.

30. The Pharmacy shall manage any incidents relating to the service, in line with all other incidents as define in Essential Service 8 – Clinical Governance (Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework 2005)


31. The Pharmacy shall report all activity using the IT solution (refer to schedule 12). Activity shall be tracked and audited using the IT solution database. The pharmacy must maintain an accurate record of NHS Health Checks, failure to do so will lead to a delay in payment and possible suspension of service.


32. The Pharmacy shall submit an invoice based on the number of NHS Health Checks provided to eligible patients over the course of the previous calendar month to the PCT within 2 weeks of the end of that month.

33. The Pharmacy shall submit invoices to the following address:


Westminster PCT COM

CLC payables 6705

Phoenix House

Topclilffe Lane

Wakefield WF3 1WE

Patient Feedback

34. The Pharmacy shall collect patient feedback using the form, see Schedule 10 provided by the PCT and shall ensure that all patients are offered the opportunity to provide feedback. As a minimum the pharmacy shall ask 20% of the patients using the service to complete the form. The outcome of the patient feedback shall be shared with the PCTs.

6. PCT Obligations


1. The PCT shall nominate a named individual who shall be responsible for management of this agreement and who shall be responsible for:

i. Payment of invoices,

ii. Providing up to date contact information,

iii. Negotiation of fees and

iv. Issuing advice and guidance,


2. The PCT shall provide the equipment set out in Schedule 4 to the Pharmacy on the understanding that the maintenance, repair and replacement of the equipment are the responsibility of the Pharmacy.


3. The PCT shall provide the Pharmacy with details of the names, addresses and contact details of NHS Westminster’s GPs via the IT solution management system (refer to schedule 12).

4. The PCT shall issue updates to the details of GPs as and when necessary and make this information available on their website via the IT solution management system (refer to schedule 12).

5. The PCT shall provide details to the Pharmacy of the care pathway for CVD.

6. The PCT shall provide contact details for MyAction.

Clinical Support

7. The PCT shall ensure that the performers are not working in isolation and have access to other sources of information and support including other participating pharmacies, local GPs and MyAction, subject to the requirement for confidentiality. The PCT shall send the Pharmacy up to date contact details.


8. The PCT shall arrange payment of all valid invoices submitted to the address in paragraph with 21 days.

9. In the event that the PCT is unable to arrange payment it shall notify the Pharmacy of this and the reason why payment has been delayed. Where this is due to the submission of an invalid invoice, the PCT may refuse to pay the invoice until a valid invoice or credit note has been issued.


10. The PCT shall be responsible for providing the IT solution (refer to schedule 12) and ensuring that the Pharmacy has access to technical support but shall not directly provide the technical support.

7. Remuneration

1. The PCT shall pay the Pharmacy £35 for each NHS Health Check provided to an eligible patient. This payment includes remuneration for

i. administration of the agreement

ii. adherence to all standards and governance required to deliver safe NHS Health checks

iii. the maintenance, repair and replacement of all equipment,

iv. the purchase of consumables

v. agreement to participate in the PCT’s promotion of the service and

vi. the recruitment and training of staff to perform the service

An addition fee of £5 will be added to the fee if fasting blood glucose testing is introduced

2. The PCT shall not fund or refund the cost for equipment or consumables associated with the delivery of this service other those set provided as part of an NHS Health Check.

8. Insurance: negligent performance

1. The Pharmacy shall at all times hold adequate insurance against liability arising from negligent performance of NHS Health Checks under the Agreement.

2. The Pharmacy shall at all times hold adequate insurance against any loss, failure or malfunction of all equipment, including the equipment provided by the PCT.

3. The Pharmacy shall not sub-contract its obligations to provide NHS Health Checks under the Agreement unless it has satisfied itself that the sub-Pharmacy holds adequate insurance against liability arising from negligent performance of such services.

4. The Pharmacy or sub-Pharmacy shall be regarded as holding insurance if it is held by an employee of its in connection with clinical services which that employee provides under the Agreement or, as the case may be, sub-contract.

9. Public liability insurance

1. The Pharmacy shall at all times hold adequate public liability insurance in relation to liabilities to third parties arising under or in connection with the agreement which are not covered by the insurance referred to in paragraph 8.

10. Indemnity

1. The Pharmacy shall operate in accordance with all Acts of Parliament, statutory regulations or other such laws, recommendations, guidance or practices as may affect the provision of services specified under the Agreement.

2. The Pharmacy shall maintain insurance in respect to public liability and personal indemnity against claims, that may arise out of the terms and conditions and obligations of this Agreement and will at all times during the period of this Agreement be a member of a recognised professional organisation. The PCT reserves the right to see documentary evidence including policy renewal receipts prior to commencement of this Agreement or at any stage during the period of the Agreement. If the Pharmacy fails to maintain adequate insurance or is no longer a member of an appropriate professional organisation (for whatever reason) this Agreement may be terminated immediately by the PCT without prejudice to any other rights and remedies available.

3. The Pharmacy shall be liable for and shall indemnify the PCT, its officers, employees and agents against any liability, loss, claim or proceedings arising under statute or at common law in consequences of this agreement.

4. Any litigation resulting from an accident or negligence on behalf of the provider is the responsibility of the pharmacy who will meet the costs and any claims for compensation, at no cost to the PCT.

11. Notices

1. Any notice given under or in relation to this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be delivered personally, or sent by pre-paid first class post or recorded delivery or by fax to the addresses set out in paragraph 1. Unless expressly stated otherwise notices shall not be sent by e-mail.

2. A notice shall be deemed to have been received:

if delivered personally, at the time of delivery;

if sent by pre-paid first class post or recorded delivery, at 0900 hours on the second Business Day after posting; or

if sent by fax, on the day of transmission if sent before 1600 hours of any Business Day and otherwise at 0900 hours on the next Business Day and provided that, at the time of transmission of such fax, an error-free transmission report has been received by the sender.

12. Compliance with legislation and guidance

1. The Pharmacy shall comply with all relevant legislation and have regard to all relevant guidance issued by the PCT, the relevant Strategic Health Authority or the Secretary of State and the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain.

13. Suspension and Termination

Suspension by the Pharmacy

1. The Pharmacy shall suspend delivery of the service if they are at any time unable to meet their obligations in relation to

i. Staffing, paragraphs 5.1 to 5.7

ii. Governance, paragraphs 5.8 to 5.9

iii. Equipment, paragraphs 5.13 to 5.22

iv. Software, paragraphs 5.23 to 5.27

v. Premises, paragraphs 5.10 to 5.12

vi. Meeting the minimum activity requirements as set out in paragraph 4.5

And in not meeting these obligations the pharmacy would be unable to provide a safe and efficient service for patients.

Suspension by the PCT

2. The PCT may direct the Pharmacy to suspend services if they establish that the Pharmacy is not meeting it obligations under paragraphs

3. In the event that the Pharmacy suspends the service, either at their discretion or the advice of the PCT, they shall notify the PCT immediately but no later than 7 days after the date of the suspension.

4. Following receipt of the notice of suspension the PCT and the Pharmacy shall agree to meet to discuss measures to recommence services.

5. If after 4 weeks from the date of receipt of the notice of suspension or 6 weeks after the service has been suspended (whichever is the sooner) the PCT and the Pharmacy have been unable to agree measures to recommence the service, the agreement terminate with immediate effect.

Termination by Both Parties

6. Either party may terminate this agreement at any time without cause provided 4 weeks notice is given in accordance with paragraph 12.

Termination: failure to provide a safe service

7. The PCT shall terminate the contract immediately in accordance with paragraphs 13.2 to 13.5.

Termination: end of agreement

8. This agreement shall end on 31 March 2011.


|IC Guidelines |[pic] |

|Waste disposal Procedures |[pic] |

|Training and accreditation requirements |[pic] |

|List of Equipment provide by NHSW |[pic] |

|Approved suppliers of equipment and consumables |[pic] |

|Care Pathway |[pic] |

|Key contacts- Manager, technical support, MyAction etc |[pic] |

|Standing Operating Procedures |[pic] |

|Data and Information Governance |[pic] |

|Patient Experience Questionnaire |[pic] |

|Patient Consent Guidance |[pic] |

|Telehealth Solutions Cardio Pod manual |Insert copy of cardio pod manual for NHS Westminster |


Information Flow Map: NHS Health Checks in Pharmacies

PID = Patient Identifiable Data

N3 = Secure Connection using


Via N3

Via N3

Not using N3



Via N3



Public Health Dept








GP Practice


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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