PARISH OF STEEPLE MORDENNotice of Parish Council Meeting I hereby give notice that Steeple Morden Parish Council will meet remotely On Monday 13th July 2020 at 7.00pm All members of the Council are hereby summoned to attend for the purpose of considering and resolving upon the business to be transacted at the Meeting as set out hereunder.To members of the Public: You are invited to remotely attend a meeting of Steeple Morden Parish Council on 13th July 2020 at 7.00 pm for the purpose of transacting the following business. The meeting will be conducted by a video conferencing link. If you wish to remotely attend please use the link:Join Zoom Meeting ID: 844 9048 1596Password: 135094If you also wish as a remote attendee to make any comments or raise any questions under Standing Order 3(e), about an item on the Agenda the Council would prefer you to do this by sending the text of your comments and questions in the email or letter to the Clerk in advance of the meeting. The further arrangements are noted below in the item “Public Participation”Sally Walmesley, Clerk7/7/20BUSINESS TO BE TRANSACTED7.00 PM REMOTE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING1.Apologies for absence, declarations under the code of conduct and requests for dispensations 2.County and District Councillors’ ments and observations from parishioners and members of the public To members of the Public:You are invited to remotely attend the meeting for the purpose of transacting the following business. The meeting will be conducted by a video conferencing link. If you also wish as a remote attendee to make any comments or raise any questions about an item on the Agenda please include the text of your comments and questions in an email or letter to the Clerk in advance of the meeting. 4.To approve the minutes of 4.1The Parish Council Meeting held on the 28th May 20204.2The Parish Council Planning Meeting held on the 22nd June 2020 5.Matters arising and carried forward from last meetings 5.1Update on new website5.1.1Renewal of easyspace annual hosting5.2Coronavirus Volunteer Group Update5.3Odsey Scrapyard update 6.Finances6.1To receive the financial statement and to approve the payment of bills6.2Internal Audit Report 2019/20 7.Recreation Ground/Conservation Area7.1Car Park Light Repair7.2Village Tree Planting Update7.3Play Area7.3.1RoSPA Report 2020 7.3.2Play Area Grasscutting7.4Reopening of Reading Room/Pavilion8. Maintenance8.1Footpaths /Footways 8.1.1Craft Way Footway8.2Update on Litter Pick Situation8.3Update on Bogs Gap Lane Litter Bin installation 9. Traffic9.1MVAS/Solar Panel Update9.2LHI Applications 2021/22 –Update on Application for 40mph buffer zones 10. Planning/Tree work Applications 10.1Planning Applications10.1.1Planning Ref 20/02112/HFUL74 Station Road –Single storey front and rear extensions10.1.2Planning Ref 20/02084/HFUL1 The Green –Single and two storey rear extensions plus front canopy10.1.3Planning Ref 20/02638/FULPaddocks, Land off North Brook End –Erection of a Stable Block10.1.4Planning Ref S/3585/19/COND3 and S/3585/19/NMA147 Cheyney StreetApproval of detail reserved by conditions (Materials) and non material amendment for information only.10.2Planning Appeal to Secretary of State (Ref S/3624/19/FL)2A North Brook End –Change of use of garage/gardeners store to dwelling and external alterations to fenestration and doors 11.Review of Standing Orders12.To consider correspondence received including;12.1Website communication regarding the mowing around the tennis courts12.2Greater Cambridge Green Infrastructure Opportunity Mapping Project13.Councillors' items for information and requiring the urgent attention of the Clerk 14. Date of next meeting -14th September 2020 ................

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