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[Pages:336] GRE" CAT


to the

Real Essay Questions

2nd Edition

Mark Alan Stewart, J.D.

GRE is a registered trademark of Educational Testing Service (ETS).This book is not endorsed or approved by ETS.









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2nd Edition


COPYRIGHT 02003 by Mark Alan Stewart

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Mark Alan Stewart (J.D.; B.A.,Economics and Business) is a former university and law school professor,an attorney,and one of today's bestselling GRE authors.

Also by the Author for GRE Essay Prep

Writing Skillsfor the GRE/GMAT Tests (published by Peterson's). For details, see the book's Internet edition (-stewart/ws).


We Have All the Answers! .................................................................................................. vii


Getting Ready for GRE Analytical Writing ................................................1

GRE Analytical Writing-At a Glance ................................................................................2 The Issue-Perspective Writing Task ................................................................................... 3 The Argument-AnalysisWriting Task ................................................................................10 DOsand DON'TSfor Writing Style.....................................................................................24 The Analytical Writing Computer Interface......................................................................25 Scoring. Score Reporting. and Score Evaluation ............................................................. 28 Making the Most of the Time You Have to Prepare for the Essays ................................. 30

PART TWO Sample Responses to the

Real Issue-Perspective Questions ..........................................................35

PART THREE Sample Responses to the

Real Argument-AnalysisQuestions.......................................................185

As of October 2002, all GRE test takers must compose two essays as part of their testing experience.Specifically,the GRE now includes the following two"AnalyticalWriting"tasks.

+ Present Your Perspective on an Issue (45 minutes)

+ Analyze an Argument (30 minutes)

The computerized testing system will randomly select your GRE essay questions from an official "pool."

Here's the Good News:

EducationalTestingService (ETS),the test maker,has predisclosedits complete pool of GRE essay questions;so you can be ready for any of them-if you're willing to make the effort!

Here's Even Better News:

Top-scoring sample responses to more than 200 official GRE essay questions are right here in this book! (You'll find them in Parts 2 and 3.) In addition,in Part 1 the author has given you all the tools you need to compose your own high-scoring GRE essays.

For Online Updates on the GRE Essay Topics

Be sure to check the author's online supplement to this book.From time to time,the test maker (ETS) alters the sequence of questions in its official pool as well as adds questions to the pool. For updates, point yourWeb browser to:

west. net/-stewart/grewa Also visit the author's main GRE page, where you'll find tutorials and mini-tests for every section of the General GRE-plus book reviews, links, and more:



Getting Ready for GRE Analytical Writing

AnalyticalWriting is new on the GRE GeneralTestas of October 2002.If you plan to take the GRE General Test, this book will teach you everything you need to know to write high-scoring GRE essays. Here in Part 1 you'll learn:

+ How to organize and compose a high-scoringIssue-Perspective essay + How to organize and compose a high-scoringArgument-Analysis essay + What thehalyticalWriting computer interface looks like + What to expect of the exam's special word processor

+ How GRE essays are scored and evaluated + How to make the most of the time you have to prepare for the test

In Parts 2 and 3,I've provided my sample essay responses to more than 200 of the

questions appearing in the official test pool. I recommend that you download via the Internet the official pool of GRE questions.Theylreavailable free of charge at the official ETS (EducationalTestingService)Web site.Althoughyou don't need the official question pool to benefit greatly from this book,you'll get more out of the book if you have the official pool of questions in hand.

To obtain the question pool,follow the instructions and links at this book's supplementary Web site (-stewart/grewa).

2 Part One: Getting Ready for GRE Analytical Writing

GRE Analytical Writing-At a Glance

What's Covered

GREAnalyticalWriting consists of two distinct writing tasks:

Task 1: Present Your Perspective on an Issue (45 minutes). You

respond to a statement concerning an issue of broad intellectual interest. (I'll refer to this task simply by the word "Issue"from now on.)

Task 2: Analyzean Argument(30 minutes).Youcritique a stated argu-

ment.(I'll refer to this task simply by the word"Argument"from now on.)

The Pool of Essay Topics

The computerized testing system stores a total of more than 200 Issue topics and more than 200Arguments in aUpool.D" uring your test, the system will randomly select two of the Issue topics,from which you'll choose either one for your Issue essay (Task 1).However,you won't have a choice when it comes to the Argument task (Task 2); the system will randomly select only one Argument,to which you must respond.

Time Allowed

75 minutes altogether (45 minutes for the Issue writing task, and 30 minutes for the Argument writing task)

Ground Rules

1. No break is provided between the two writing tasks. 2. The testing system does not allow you to spend more than 45 minutes on the Issue

writing task, nor does it allow you to spend more than 30 minutes on the Argument writing task.

3. The testing system does not allow you to return to the first writing task once

you've moved on to the second task.(But if you've finished the first one early,you can proceed immediately to the second one, at your option.)

4 . Scratch paper and pencils are provided (just as for the multiple-choicesections of

the exam).

5. To compose your essays, you may either use the word processor built into the

testing system or provide handwritten responses.

NOTE: If you wish to provide handwritten responses, you must elect to do so at the time you make your appointment to sit for the exam.

Skills Tested



. Your ability to present cogent,persuasive,and relevant ideas and

arguments through sound reasoning and supporting examples


GRE CAT-Answers to the Real Essay Questions


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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