“The Effects of Violent Computer Games on Children”

“The Effects of Violent Computer Games on Children”

Children of the twenty first century are spending an increasing amount of time on computers playing games. In fact research shows that as much as 92% of children between 4 and 17 years of age play video games on the computer (Zvezdan, 1). Most of these computer games are violent. These violent computer games cause physical and mental problems in children.

Computer games that are played excessively can damage a person’s health. They can cause epilepsy, damage to a child’s posture, and damage to joints, skin irritation and sight deterioration. Flashing of lights and the radiant energy of the images from the screen can trigger seizures (Randall, 1). Seizures can lead an individual to develop epilepsy. Epilepsy causes a kind of electrical storm in the brain. The most common type of epilepsy is called grand mal (“Epilepsy,” 194). It causes a sudden loss of consciousness and wild jerking of arms, legs and other parts of the body. Another adverse effect of playing computer games is crooked posture. Crooked posture is one of the most common medical problems connected to playing video games. In fact there is a huge number of children in junior high and high schools that have a crooked posture as a result of playing computer games (Zvezdan, 1). Having a crooked posture can lead to permanent spinal damage. Damage to joints or tendonitis is just another factor that comes with playing computer games excessively. The constant repetition of the same movements to hands induces damage to joints and skin irritation (Zvezdan, 1). Another effect of playing computer games is deterioration of eyesight. Hours staring at the screen, which displays rapidly flashing pictures, can impair sight.

Some other physical problems caused by computer games are lack of exercise and psychomotor disorders (Setzer, 3). With lack of exercise, the buildup of fat increases causing a person to become obese. Recent news articles claim, “some children addicted to electronic games spoke too fast with limited sense, feeling or contents in their speech.”(Setzer, 3) Unable to speak properly would hold children back from excelling in their studies.

The mental effects of playing violent games are just as numerous as the physical effects. Excessively playing violent computer games over along period of time can contribute to “obsessive, addictive behavior,” the player will be dehumanized, and feelings will be desensitized (Setzer, 1). Children play computer games to get a thrill. If the thrill is worthwhile then they will want to play over and over again to achieve that same thrill. Also computer games provide entertainment and a chance to get away from the humdrum of everyday life. They are very interactive; therefore they are able to cast the player into a virtual world. The player can become so immersed in that world that he will begin to identify himself with the main character, whose actions control what happens. The greatest problem here is that whatever violent action performed by the main character is often rewarded rather than punished (Zvezdan, 2). If this is true young children will become dehumanized and desensitized to violence. They will see it as being all right and will not be as affected by violent acts, such as murder and rape. This fact may cause them to become violent in behavior because they have become so desensitized and dehumanized by playing violent video games that they will be unable to see anything wrong with violence.

Some examples of violent computer games are “Mortal Kombat,” “Resident Evil,” and “Flashpoint Kosovo.” “Mortal Kombat” depicts a fight between two opponents. The winner is the player who is the first to kill the opponent. A player can murder his opponent by decapitating him, or by electrocution, or he can rip out his opponent’s heart with his bare hands or he can tear off the head of his opponent with his bare hands. “Resident Evil” is a game in which the player kills zombies by shooting at them and chopping their heads off. “Flashpoint Kosovo” is a game in which the player’s objective is to kill as many Serbs as possible. Most of these games have three-dimensional scenarios; this makes violence much more realistic.

Violent computer games, although fun to play are causing children to become more condoning of violent acts. This acceptance is very disturbing. Not only do these games destroy their rational thinking, but playing them can also cause them serious health problems. Children do not need health problems when they have their whole life ahead of them.

To protect children, parents should set up a definite schedule of activities to be done at home. Dinner, homework, T.V. time, Net surfing, and video games should have their own set time. Parents should also monitor what their child does on the computer. A list should be made on what games are permitted and what games are not permitted. Parents should discuss with their child why they cannot play certain games. They should help children understand and use the classification system when it comes to picking an appropriate game. Parents should help children avoid computer games, which focus on violence. Instead they should choose games that have positive themes. The most important thing a parent can do is spend time with their child. Parents should be emotionally nurturing and attentive to their kids because there can be no substitute for human interaction.

Works Cited

“Epilepsy”. The New Book of Knowledge. D. 4th Ed. 1984.

Randall, Keith. “Texas A&M Prof Studies Video Games’ Effects On Kids.”


Setzer, Valdemar. “The Risks to Children Using Electronic Games.”


Zvezdan. “Computer Games: How Dangerous Are They?” 11 May 2002.



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