What is Electircity made of

Bill Nye: The Science Guy- Electricity (full episode) YouTube video

1. What is Electricity made of?

2. What direction is the Electricity flowing and which item does the electricity flow through first?

3. When all of this is connected it is called a what?

4. What is the closed path of the water called by Bill?

5. What kind of work does the boy do with the jet of water?

6. What is one fact that “did you know that” told you?

7. Example how an electric train makes a circuit?

8. Who figure out how to make electricity?

9. How does Faraday show the force in the wires?

10. What does a solar cell do?

11. Whats is electricity?

12. How did the kids build a tester?

13. What are things called that let electricity travel though them?

14. What are things called that don’t let electricity travel though them called?

15. What are things in the middle called?

16. What is the pressure called in electricity?

17. What do we have with more amps?

18. Whats is a combination of both?

19. What in a battery to make the reaction?

20. How many volts does the electric ell give off?

21. How does the dam make water into electricity?

22. Name the two types of Electricity?

23. How does the monster make a circuit?

24. What Christmas classic is the parody making fun of?

25. Why are the plugs different?

26. How are they the same and why?


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