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Convedia Media Server Interoperability

Working in WebLogic Workshop with SIP based applications

Application Installation & Configuration Document

June 26th, 2006

1 Convedia Media Server Installation & Configuration 2

2 WebLogic Platform 8.1 SP5 Software download and Installation 2

3 WebLogic SIP Server installation 2

4 Streaming Application demo files 3

5 Creating and Configuring SIP Application Domain 3

6 Creating and Configuring SIP Proxy/Registrar Domain 9

7 Executing the Video Streaming Application 10

Convedia Media Server Installation & Configuration

Please refer to Convedia Media Server installation and configuration documentation.

WebLogic Platform 8.1 SP5 Software download and Installation

WebLogic Platform 8.1 with Service Pack 5 can be downloaded from:

The documentation for installing WebLogic Platform 8.1 is available at:

Please install WebLogic Platform 8.1 SP5 on the machine (say application machine) that will host the WebLogic Server SIP conferencing application.

WebLogic SIP Server installation

WebLogic Sip Server 2.2 can be downloaded from:

The documentation for installing WebLogic SIP Server is available at:

Please install the WebLogic SIP Server using the BEA HOME directory created by the WebLogic Platform installation described in the previous section.

The directory structure after WebLogic Platform and WebLogic Sip Server installation should look as follows:


Figure 3.1

The BEA home directory used to install WebLogic Platform is \bea81sp5. WebLogic Sip Server is installed in the directory wlss220 under the BEA home directory.

Streaming Application demo files

The conference application demonstration package contains the following files:

|Filename |Description |

| |Zip file containing the WebLogic Workshop based SIP Streaming Application including project |

| |and source files |

|ConvediaVideoStreamingApp.ear |SIP Streaming Application deployable archive |

|application-config.xml |Configuration file used by the SIP Streaming Application |

|proxy.war |SIP proxy and registrar used by the SIP Streaming Application |

Table 4.1

Creating and Configuring SIP Application Domain

Create a new WebLogic SIP Domain using the Start menu start→Programs→BEA WebLogic SIP Server 2.2.0→Configuration Wizard as follows:


Figure 5.1

The following window will be displayed.


Figure 5.2

Use the default selection to create a new WebLogic Configuration.

Click Next on the BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard window.

The following screen will be displayed.


Figure 5.3

Select BEA “Basic WebLogic SIP Server Domain” under the Templates section and click Next.

Select default (Express) in the following screen and click on Next. Provide the Administrative Username and Password (say weblogic and weblogic) for the WebLogic configuration in the next screen i.e. Configure Administrative Username and Password. Click on Next. The following screen will be displayed.


Figure 5.4

Select Development Mode and Sun JDK as shown above and click Next. The Create WebLogic Configuration window will be displayed. Enter a Configuration Name (say streamingapp) and click on Create to create your WebLogic Configuration or Domain.

If your BEA_HOME is C:\bea and configuration name is streamingapp, the WebLogic domain will be created under following directory:


The files contained in this directory are as follows:


Figure 5.5

The startWebLogic.cmd and stopWebLogic.cmd commands may be used to start or stop the WebLogic domain.

As the vide streaming application is built using WebLogic Workshop and a template to create such a configuration is not available out of the box, we have to modify the startWebLogic.cmd file. This is required to setup the correct CLASSPATH for WebLogic Workshop application. Please modify your WLS_HOME appropriately below.

1. Add the following lines after: set SERVER_NAME=myserver

if "%DEBUG_PORT%"=="" (

set DEBUG_PORT=8453


set WLS_HOME=C:\bea\weblogic81

set ARDIR=%WLS_HOME%\server\lib

set JAVA_DEBUG=-Xdebug -Xnoagent -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=%DEBUG_PORT%,server=y,suspend=n -piler=NONE

set JAVA_OPTIONS=%JAVA_OPTIONS% -ea -da:com.bea... -da:javelin... -da:weblogic...

2. Modify CLASSPATH as follows:




set CLASSPATH=%WLS_HOME%\javelin\lib\javelin.jar;%ARDIR%\weblogic_knex_patch.jar;%WLS_HOME%\common\lib\log4j.jar;%ARDIR%\debugging.jar;%ARDIR%\knex.jar;%ARDIR%\wlw-lang.jar; %ARDIR%\xbean.jar;%WEBLOGIC_CLASSPATH%;%POINTBASE_CLASSPATH%;%JAVA_HOME%\jre\lib\rt.jar;%WL_HOME%\server\lib\webservices.jar;%CLASSPATH%

3. Modify java execution command as follows:


%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java %JAVA_VM% %MEM_ARGS% %JAVA_OPTIONS% -Dweblogic.Name=%SERVER_NAME% -Dweblogic.ProductionModeEnabled=%PRODUCTION_MODE%"%WL_HOME%\server\lib\weblogic.policy" weblogic.Server


%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java %JAVA_VM% %JAVA_DEBUG% %MEM_ARGS% %JAVA_OPTIONS% -Dwlw.testConsole=true -Dwlw.iterativeDev=true -Dweblogic.Name=%SERVER_NAME% -Dweblogic.ProductionModeEnabled=%PRODUCTION_MODE%"%WL_HOME%\server\lib\weblogic.policy" weblogic.Server

Copy the ConvediaVideoStreamingApp.ear application which is part of the conference application demonstration package to the following location.


Copy the application-config.xml file which is part of the conference application demonstration package to the following location.


The contents of the application-config.xml is shown below: :5062

The ProxyAddress is the IP Address and SIP port number of the machine where the Proxy/Registrar domain is located. This is described in the next section. The MediaServerAddress is the IP Address and port number where the Convedia Media Server is running. Please update these values appropriately for your configuration.

This completes the creation and configuration of the SIP Application domain and deployment of the SIP application used for the video streaming demonstration.

Creating and Configuring SIP Proxy/Registrar Domain

Create a new WebLogic SIP Server 2.2 domain. This domain can be created either on the same machine as the streaming application or on another server. If deploying on the same server, just remember to change the SIP port numbers to avoid any port conflicts between the domains.

Create a new SIP domain using the Start menu: start→Programs→BEA WebLogic SIP Server 2.2.0→Configuration Wizard

Select the default options to create the new domain. If you have installed WebLogic SIP Server in C:\bea and created a WebLogic Configuration with the name proxy_registrar, your domain will be located at:

For the proxy_registrar application, there is no need to modify the startup scripts as it is not a Workshop application.


Copy the proxy.war web application which is part of the video streaming application demonstration package to the following location.


This completes the creation and configuration of the SIP Proxy/Registrar domain and deployment of the SIP Proxy and Registrar application used for the Conference demonstration.

Executing the Video Streaming Application

To run the Video Streaming Application please execute the following steps.

1. Make sure that the Media Server is operational and that the proper video clips were uploaded to its internal storage space.

2. Start the WebLogic SIP Proxy/Registrar domain: proxy_registrar using startWebLogic.cmd located in the domain directory in the proxy machine.

3. Start the WebLogic SIP Application domain: streamingapp using startWebLogic.cmd located in the domain directory in the application machine.

4. Start WM 4.7 and configure it to register with your registrar:

a. Go to Tools ( Options ( Accounts

b. Select “Communications Service” and enter your Address of Record in the “Sign-in name” field.


c. Click on “Advanced” and select “Configure Settings”, enter the Proxy/Registrar Address in the “Server name or IP address” field and make sure to use UDP as the transport protocol.


d. Click on OK on all screens and sign in. You should see a log message on the Proxy/Registrar domain console (e.g. RegistrarEngine received REGISTER request

REGISTER: Add registration. )

5. You can now test the application using its Web Service test interface by pointing your browser to the URL:


You should then see the following screen (Assuming that the server was configured on port 7001):


On the “to” field, enter the address of record you configured for the WM client, in my case, it was sip:marcelo@.

Then on the “file” field, enter one of the provisioned clips on the media server. Keep in mind that the Convedia Media server base directory for the provisioned clips is “/provisioned/” and it should be specified here as well.

6. You should see a successful result for the Web Service Invocation


7. And WM should receive a call from the streaming server:


8. And as soon as you accept it, the video should be streamed to you in QCIF format.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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