Lab Safety Videos

Lab Safety Videos


Students will work in groups of 4 or 5 to write, produce and star in lab safety videos for class. I will provide you with Flinn Scientific’s Safety Contract as well as my safety power point for you to use as a reference. The video should show a lab scene in which lab safety rules are either being followed or not followed. The video should NOT show a student simply stating a list of safety rules. This must be taken seriously and I do not want students giggling and flubbing their way through the video. In order to prevent this, each group must adequately plan their video and practice reading through the script before they shoot the video. Do not read straight from the script while you are shooting your videos.


On Monday, you will be meeting in your group to initially plan your video. By the end of the day Monday, you should have a script prepared that you will turn in for me review and approval. You will also need to turn in a list of equipment to me that you may need during your video. If you have any questions on what you can or cannot do during the video taping, please let me know.

Important points to remember:

• The better planned your script, the better your video.

• Somebody will have to record your video. Plan on switching out at some point during the video because I would like to see each student on tape.

• Include as many rules as you would like.

• The video needs to be between 3 and 4 minutes. Plan accordingly.


On Tuesday, your group will be shooting the video. I will be providing Flip cameras for your use. You will use the script that you made on Monday to shoot the video. Plan to allow time after you shoot your video to edit it. You will need to view the video and maybe join multiple clips together. Videos need to be completed by the end of class on Tuesday! E-mail videos to We will be showing these in class on block day!

Block Day

Video-watching day! We will sit back and watch the other videos made by our classmates. While you watch each video, you will have to record the lab safety rules that were included on the other students’ videos.


There will be a grade associated with this project. First half of the grade will be the group work and video portion. The second part of the grade will be individual. This individual component will require you to record safety rules as you watch each video in class (including your own!) Please see the back side for the group rubric.

Lab Safety Video Rubric

Group Grade _______ / 50 points

• Completed script was turned in on Monday _______ / 5 points

• Equipment list was turned in on Monday _______ / 5 points

• Video is between 3 and 4 minutes long _______ / 3 points

• Video is a story, not a list of safety rules _______ / 4 points

• Every person in the group stars in the video at some point _______ / 3 points

• Safety rules involved are valid safety rules _______ / 5 points

• Safety rules involved are easily identifiable _______ / 5 points

• An adequate number of safety rules are shown for length of video _______ / 5 points

• No giggling, cutting-up or goofing off on video _______ / 5 points

• Storyline has an even flow _______ / 10 points

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