Flames Curriculum for Teens and Adults with Disabilities

Flames Curriculum

Lessons for teens and adults with intellectual disabilities

This faith development and confirmation series engages and prepares people of all abilities to participate in worship and church life. These materials are free and the lessons include

0. Songs from the UMC Hymnal and videos

0. Bible verses (NRSV - reading level adapted)

0. Discussion

0. Prayer

0. Hands-on activities

Themes in the teacher’s guide illustrate United Methodist traditions and beliefs. Use these 12 lessons to help Christians relate to others at church, home, work, school and the community!

To learn more about or download this GBGM-funded series visit


Flames Curriculum

Lessons for teens and adults with intellectual disabilities

This faith development and confirmation series engages and prepares people of all abilities to participate in worship and church life. These materials are free and the lessons include

0. Songs from the UMC Hymnal and videos

0. Bible verses (NRSV - reading level adapted)

0. Discussion

0. Prayer

0. Hands-on activities

Themes in the teacher’s guide illustrate United Methodist traditions and beliefs. Use these 12 lessons to help Christians relate to others at church, home, work, school and the community!

To learn more about or download this GBGM-funded series visit



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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