Vietnam War Webquest/Packet

Vietnam War Webquest/Packet Name:

Directions: Locate the following websites and answer/write the questions for each corresponding site

Go to

Browse the partial list of terms and create a fictional account of radio correspondence between two soldiers in the heat of battle against the Vietcong. Be as accurate as possible and use ten of the terms in the correspondence.


Part 2

For your class assignment you all will be searching for what happened during the Vietnam Conflict which happened between 1965 and 1973.  There will be a series of questions that you will have to look up and find.  This exercise is to help broaden your minds about this conflict and a better understanding of what happened on both sides of the conflict.


               The Task

Here are the questions for which you need to answers to:

1. What started the whole conflict?

2.  Who was involved in the War?  Were other countries allied with America?

3.)  What was Agent Orange?  What were the long term affects on soldiers exposed to Agent Orange, if any?

4.) Who was the president of North Vietnam at the time?  Also who was the president of South Vietnam? What happened to the President of South Vietnam and who replaced him as leader?

5.)  How many Casualties were there from the American side, South Vietnamese, North Vietnamese?  How did America honor those who have fallen?

6.) What year did John F. Kennedy order more help for the South Vietnamese government in its war against Vietcong Guerillas?

7.)  By whom was the Vietnamese communist or Vietcong commanded?

8.)  What happened during the protest at Kent State?  What year was the incident? Who was called in to settle the protests? 

9.)  When was the Vietnam Wall put up?  How are the rows figured, are they put by day, month, group?  How long is the wall?  Who designed/built the wall?

10.)  For the last exercise think about what it was like to be a soldier over in Vietnam for months to years, then coming home to a country that did not support you.  How did it make you feel, and think about what it did to the real soldiers who were over there?  Think about the young soldiers who are over in Iraq or Afghanistan right now, most of them pretty close to your age.  How would you feel coming back if this were you? Write one paragraph to summarize your thoughts.


The Process

1. For questions 1 and 2 go to the History Channels website.  We have provided the link so just answer the questions.  For question 1 and 2 go to the link below:

2. For question number 3 use this link to get the definition:

3. Once you are done with questions 1, 2, 3 move on to questions 4 and 5 which is the Vietnam War site.  Which we have provided the link to. For question 4 you will have to go under the History section of the webpage. 

4. For question 5 go back the home page and look under Casualties.                               

5. For questions 6 and 7 look on the PBS link provided:   

6. For question (8) you are going back to the history channels website but for the Kent State site: 

7. For question (9) you will again go back to the History Channel website but for information on the Vietnam War Memorial:     


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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