Opposing Viewpoints on the War in Vietnam

Opposing Viewpoints on the War in Vietnam

|Student Objectives | |[p|[|

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|p|Students will understand the following: | | | |

|i|1. | | | |

|c|Richard Nixon’s policies concerning the Vietnam War in 1969, including “Vietnamization.” | | | |

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| |The main arguments of Vietnam veteran John Kerry and the Vietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW) in 1971 in opposition to the | | | |

| |continuation of the war. | | | |

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| |The fact that civilians held a variety of opinions regarding the war, some agreeing more with Nixon and the official United States | | | |

| |government position and some siding with Kerry, the VVAW, and other antiwar groups. | | | |

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1. Read Chapter 22 Section 5

2. Read Two Primary Source Documents

3. Complete Analysis Questions

Analysis Questions

1. Provide a 5-7 sentence summary of President Nixon’s “Silent Majority” Speech.

2. What did Nixon believe would be the consequences of immediate U.S. withdrawal from Vietnam?

3. What specific events did Nixon cite to support his arguments against “precipitate troop withdrawal”?

4. What is meant by “Silent Majority”?

5. Provide a 5-7 sentence summary of John Kerry’s Testimony Before the Senate.

6. What did John Kerry believe about the alleged threat that North Vietnam posed to the United States?

7. What did John Kerry believe were the results of Nixon’s policies as spelled out in the 1969 “Silent Majority” speech?

8. What did Nixon mean by “Vietnamization,” and what did Kerry think of this policy?

Opposing Viewpoints on the War in Vietnam Scenario Assignment


1. Select a partner to work with.

2. Get out your Analysis Questions from the Opposing Viewpoints on the War in Vietnam.

3. Complete the following assignment on a sheet of notebook paper and/or computer paper.


The two of you are good friends and are 18 year old Americans in 1971. Both of you are well educated and are very aware of the current events that are dividing the United States. Both of you have strong opinions in regards to how the United States should handle the conflict in Vietnam. Today, both of you have just received draft notifications and have been called to active duty in Vietnam. One of you supports how the U.S. is handling the war in Vietnam and the other does not.


1. Each of you needs to write a one page journal entry explaining your feelings about the war, being drafted, and what you plan to do. Cite reasons from the two primary source documents that you read yesterday. One person should write their journal entry from the point of view of someone who supports the war and the other from the point of view of someone that does not support the war.

2. Together create a propaganda poster, poem, or song that portrays your support or protest of the war in Vietnam. Be creative, but make sure that your poster is appropriate for school. If you decide to do a poster, complete it on a piece of computer paper. If you decide to do a poem or song, complete it on a piece of notebook paper.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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