Johnstown High School

VIETNAM WARImperialism and ColonialismFrench Indochina – By 1800’sHo Chi Minh – founded militant nationalist organization called the _____________First Indochina WarDuring World War II _______________ took controlViet Minh resistedAt the end of World War II in 1945, Ho Chi Minh’s forces declared _______________________________France refused to recognize _____________________Driving Ho’s _____________ forces into northern Vietnam Ho appealed for aid from the United States, but US refused – _________________________________1954 - French defeated at ______________________________ - peace settlementDivided Vietnam- The Geneva Accords of 1954 Set at the 17th parallelNorth Vietnam (under Ho and his Communist forces) South Vietnam (under a French-backed emperor) ___________________________ to be held in 1956The Cold War and the Domino Theory “Fall” of North Vietnam to Communism might trigger all of Southeast Asia to fallUnited States therefore began to offer support to the anti-Communist politician ___________________1955 - ____________________________________ declaredDiem canceled the elections – Ho Chi Minh popularThe Diem RegimeDiem - ________________________________________________________Some Buddhist monks protested his regime using _____________________________United States continued to prop Diem upCommunist resistance activity in South Vietnam organized by the Ho Chi Minh–backed National Liberation Front - _______________________________1962 - JFK sent American “military advisors” to train South Vietnamese army - the ______________1963 - US backed coup of Diem New leaders - corrupt and ineffectiveJohnson and U.S. EscalationLyndon B. Johnson - honored Kennedy’s commitmentsSecretary of Defense, Robert McNamara, appointed new American military commander__________________________________ – a U.S. general who advocated aggressive strategies against Viet Cong and NVA using large numbers of U.S. forces_____________________________ – 1964 North Vietnamese forces allegedly attacked U.S. Navy ships _______________________________________ Johnson was given carte blanche (blank check) – allowed “to take all necessary measure to repel any armed attack against the forces of United States and to prevent further aggression.” U.S. Air Force and Navy to begin series of air strikes called _________________________________ Increased the number of Viet Cong and NVA (North Vietnamese Army) attacks________________________________ of the war - 400,000 U.S. troops in Vietnam by the end of 1966Quagmire and Attrition1965 - ___________________________________ strategy __________________________ — inflict so many casualties on the enemy that it can no longer continueBody counts often exaggerated and inaccurate Viet Cong’s ___________________ tactics frustrated and demoralized U.S. troopsUnited States therefore used unconventional weapons_____________________ – a highly flammable jellied substance _____________________ - herbicide defoliant The Ho Chi Minh TrailRan from North Vietnam through ______________________________ into South VietnamDespite intense U.S. bombing - the trail never closed once, not even temporarilyThe “Credibility Gap”Johnson and other U.S. officials claimed to be making headway in the warReported that North Vietnamese were declining in strength and were on the brink of defeatPhotos and video footage of dead American soldiers in American media showed otherwiseU.S. spending estimated ______________________________________The Tet Offensive1968 - the North Vietnamese Army and the Viet Cong launched Tet Offensive, attacking nearly thirty U.S. targets and dozens of other cities in South Vietnam at once U.S. public support for the war and military morale ____________________________________1968 - ____________________________ – US soldiers killed hundreds of unarmed Vietnamese civilians in a villageThe Antiwar Movement student protesters, countercultural hippies, and mainstream Americans denounced the warProtests against the war and the selective service system -- ___________________________ -- grew increasingly violentPolice brutality outside the _____________________________________________________ in 1968 Deaths of four students at ___________________________ University in 1970 - Ohio National Guardsmen fired on a crowdPresident Richard M. Nixon, declared that a ________________________________ of Americans still supported the warVietnamization and U.S. WithdrawalWithdraw U.S. troops gradually and hand over management of the war effort to the South VietnameseNixon also illegally expanded the geographic scope of the war by authorizing the bombing of Viet Cong sites in the neutral nations of __________________________________________________________Pentagon Papers in US newspapers in 1971, revealed that the U.S. Army, as well as presidents Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, and Johnson, had authorized a number of covert actions that ________________ _________________________________________ in VietnamThe government tried to block the publication because of “national security”Supreme Court ruled in New York Times v. US - government must prove an _______________________ _______________________________________________ to national security to censor the papers.Congress’s Response26th Amendment - 1971 to lower the U.S. voting age from _________________ - young men serving in Vietnam should have a say in which politicians were running the war.The ______________________________________________ - November 1973 - passed over Nixon’s veto - Requires the president to notify Congress upon launching any U.S. military action abroad. If Congress did not approve of the action, it would have to conclude within sixty to ninety days. 1973 – End of draft – ________________________________ militaryThe Cease-fire and the Fall of SaigonSecret negotiations between U.S. emissary Henry A. Kissinger and North Vietnamese representative Le Duc Tho in 1972.Nixon engaged in diplomatic maneuvering with ______________________________________Stepped up _______________________________ of North VietnamThe Paris Peace Accords were finally signed in January 1973The last U.S. military personnel ___________________________ in March 1973Allowed thousands of NVA troops in South Vietnam to remain there Nixon promised to intervene if North Vietnam moved against the South North Vietnam promised that elections would be held to determine the fate of the entire countryNixon insisted that the agreement brought _______________________________________ The U.S. government continued to fund the South Vietnamese army____________________________ scandal led to Nixon’s resignation in August 1974 North Vietnamese launched an all-out offensive in the spring of 1975On April 30, 1975, the South Vietnamese capital of ___________________fell to the North Vietnamese. Country united under communist rule as the ____________________________________ of Vietnam, ending the Vietnam War. ................

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