William the Conqueror - Weebly

William the Conqueror

- Viking

- France gave the Vikings the area of Normandy to stop further invasion

- William became the Duke of Normandy (leader)

- Viking settlement under English Channel

- Battle of Hastings – 1066

o A War with England and the new King Harold

o Killed King Harold of England (who just got the throne) and became the King of England

o Pope Alexander II okayed the crown

- Reforms

o Ordered many castles and moats built for protection

▪ Including Tower of London

o Ordered French official language of ruling class

▪ Lasts 300 years

- Strong Royal Power

o Taxes – “Domes day Book”

o Decisions were made for the upper class (This will change under the future Kings with Magna Carta and Common Law)

- Died trying to seize Paris

o Sons divided Kingdom (William II got England)

o Grave defiled during the French Revolution

▪ Only his thighbone and dust remain in his tomb

****Byzantine Empire did not like the Western side of Europe OR the Middle East

--Pope needs to unify his Christians against rising Muslim numbers

Crusades 1095 – 1291


- Christians / Franks and the Holy Roman Empire


Muslims (Seljuk Turks) and Pagans

- This was a series of campaigns to regain the “Holy Land” in the Middle East

o 5 of these campaigns were blessed by the Pope, 4 were not


- “Holy Land”

o Jerusalem - Place of ministry, crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus; Mohammed’s prophecy; Holy City of Judaism

o 310 - Byzantine Empire controlled the Holy Land (Christian)

▪ Changed in 600 = Muslims took control, conquered, and burned Christian churches and symbols

• Church of the Holy Sepulcher


- Muslims first killed the Christian visitors, then they wanted money, so they kept them alive and taxed them heavily

o Destroyed Christian churches every now and then (Rebuilt some churches if they brought enough money from visitors)

- Christian warriors unorganized since Charlemagne died

o Pope Urban II (1095) saw war with the Muslims as a way to unify the troops and to stop the split between the Catholics and the Orthodox Christians (West and East)

Prior Info

- 1071 – Byzantine Empire crushed by Turks

o They asked Western Europe for help BUT

o They were told no - It took about 20 years to reunite warriors from other battles

o French and Spanish had a large amount of success fighting off the Muslims (Reconquista)

- 1095 – Holy Land gone to Muslims

o Pope blessed all soldiers who would join crusade in Holy Land

▪ Your sins will be forgiven if you are a soldier who is willing to die in the crusade according to the Pope – especially if you die

First Crusade 1095 -1099

- Pope promised all soldiers who died would get relief from all sins (many joined)

o France and Italy were the main suppliers of warriors

- Took Nicea in 1097

- Took Antioch after a long battle

o Massacred all Muslims inside the city

o Crusaders took a major hit, losing many warriors

▪ Reached Jerusalem with a fraction of soldiers in 1099

- 1099 = Jews and Muslims fought together against Christians to keep Jerusalem

o Christians took Jerusalem

o Tortured / killed all Muslims and Jews (Including live cannibalism)

- 4 Christian Kingdoms in 1099

o Jerusalem

o Edessa

o Antioch

o Tripoli


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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