FEBRUARY 14, 2011

PRESENT: Vice President James Chewens

Trustee Joseph Kozloski

Trustee Patrick McCulloch

Trustee Brian Kehoe

ABSENT: President Vincent Seeley

The meeting was called to order by Vice-President Chewens, and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Motion by McCulloch, second by Kozloski to approve payment of audited bills. AYES: All Trustees present. Motion carried.

Motion by Kozloski, second by McCulloch to approve Treasurers report and DPW report. AYES: All Trustees present. Motion carried.

Motion by Kozloski, second by McCulloch to approve payment of audited bills. AYES: All Trustees present. Motion carried.

Nancy Richards presented a letter from Amy Walsh, NYSDEC, asking permission to cut down 3 trees at Dutchman’s Landing for delimitation survey which will determine the density and distribution of the Emerald Ash Borer, which has been sighted in Greene County. Lew O’Connor, DPW, and the Board were okay with the removal of the trees from Dutchman’s Landing.

Nancy Richards mentioned that the Brownfield Clean-up Program will be holding a Public Information Meeting and Availability Session on February 24, 2011 starting at 6:30 PM at Catskill High School Cafeteria. Public is encouraged to attend.

Other dates mentioned by Nancy Richards:

• “Go Blue” on Main Street in March for colon cancer awareness. Village offices are on board with respect to displaying blue lights for this cause.

• Cornell Cooperative is having weatherizing programs; call for courses. Sign up by February 19th.

• Clean Sweep Day is scheduled for Saturday, April 30, 2011 8:30am– 12:30pm.

• Cancer 5K Walk/Run is for May 14, 2011. Same route as last year. Able to increase assistance to families this year.

• Community Gardens – working on various programs to be presented. Able to get free mulch from tree service contractor.

• Wacky Raft Race is August 7, 2011. Fortnightly Club will be partnering with Nancy Richards on this event and volunteering services along with First Niagara Bank. Monies raised will be donated to the Fortnightly Elliott Park Playground Project.

Patrick Milbourn presented the Board with a letter and photographs of the corner of his sidewalk located at Franklin and William Streets. His letter stated that this past summer at a Village Board meeting he asked for a sign banning load-bearing trucks from Franklin Street; and a ‘no-parking’ area located on the north side of William Street across from Franklin Street. Mr. Milbourne showed photos of where the ‘no-parking’ sign should be moved to in order for trucks to be able to make a left turn onto William. The problem has become worse. The Board was asked if a sign prohibiting ‘load-bearing’ trucks could be placed at the corner of Bridge and Franklin Streets; and that the ‘no-parking’ area be moved to the proper location that was discussed at the August 9, 2010 Village Board meeting. Motion was made by Kozloski, second by Kehoe to put up ‘no trucks’ sign; and to swap the ‘no parking’ space at the William and Franklin Street. AYES: All Trustees present. Motion carried.

Letter from Bob Phibbs, The Retail Doctor, promoting May 1, 2011 as “Lemonade Day” in Greene County. This project is helping promote kids become better citizens and entrepreneurs. Motion made by Kozloski, second by McCulloch to make May 1, 2011 “Lemonade Day”. AYES: All Trustees present. Motion carried.

Public Hearing to be held at the March 14, 2011 Village Board meeting with respect to rezoning West Main Street from Forlini’s (tax map # 172.05-5-11) to Captain Kidd’s (172.05-6-57) from an “R-1” zone to an “R-3” zone.

Dana Hanusik of Greene County Federation of Sportsmen, presented a letter to the Board from NYSDEC. The letter was asking permission to do a survey on the Village’s reservoir. The study would be to collect information on the different species of fish in the reservoir. The fish are electroshocked from a generator and stunned so netting is allowed. Fish are weighed and measured and returned to the reservoir. This survey will be done in the warmer weather. Dana Hanusik also mentioned the possibility of stocking the reservoir with fish that will clean it; and also the issue of allowing ice fishing in the winter months.

Motion made by McCulloch, second by Kozloski to approve the volunteer firefighter Service Award Program (LOSAP) list of all 2010 active volunteer firefighters of the Village of Catskill Fire Department. AYES: All Trustees present. Motion carried.

Nancy Richards mentioned that the Zoning Board will hold a meeting on February 23, 2011 with respect to E. Westbrooke’s Bannor issue at 75 Division Street.

Motion made by Trustee Kozloski, second by McCulloch for President Seeley to sign the Memorandum of Understanding with respect to a countywide study being done regarding a Public Water Efficiency Grant Application wherein the County pays for 10% of the Study and the State the other 90%. AYES: All Trustees present. Motion carried.

Trustee Kozloski is looking to form a committee for Christmas Decorations on Main and West Bridge Streets. Needed to look into funding and asked about the money from last year’s Wacky Raft Race and was told by N. Richards that there is some money for Christmas Decorations and that she find out how much.

Motion made by Trustee Kozloski, second by McCulloch for DPW to hire a part-time laborer. AYES: All Trustees present. Motion carried.

Trustee McCulloch went on to thank the Fire Department for their excellent job at a major water leak at The Elliot Nursing Home and at a house fire in Jefferson Heights.

Trustee Chewens read letter from the Town of Catskill denying the Village’s use of the Senior Center for Village Board and Zoning/Planning Board meetings. Inquiry will be made to the Office for Community Renewal in this regard.

Motion made by McCulloch, second by Kehoe, to go into executive session and the Village Board meeting was closed.

Respectfully submitted,




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