I. 7:00 p.m. Call to Order Committee of the Whole Meeting

II. Pledge of Allegiance

III. Roll Call

IV. Approval of Minutes: 3-22-11

V. Governmental Affairs Liaison

1. Starved Rock Runners 11-06-11

2. Ill Valley Youth Football 9-10-11 Tag day

VI. Finance Liaison

VII. Donation Requests

VIII. Appearance Request: Angela Benstine re: Sewer clean out reimbursement

IX. Clerk’s Report

X. Park & Recreation Liaison

XI. Streets, Lights & Alleys Liaison

XII. Water & Sewer Liaison

XIII. Police Department Liaison

XIV. Maintenance Dept

1. Assessment and Update

2. Estimates on trailer & generator

XV. Engineer’s Report

1. Update- IDOT Rt. 178/Teng Streetscape -2nd phase/Project

2. Update - Neighbor’s Park

3. Update- Municipal Well Project

4. Update – entry sign easement – Lafarge

5. MFT Road Project in the Village

6. Sidewalk Project in the Village

7. Illinois Valley Excavating -Sewer Televising in the Village

8. Update – Rothrock boring

9. Update- Utilities easement

XVI. Building/Zoning Officer Report

XVII. Attorney’s Report

XVIII. President’s Report

XIX. General Discussion of Village Affairs

XX. Executive Session

1. The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees.

2. Pending/Imminent Litigation

3. Review & Discussion of Minutes of closed meetings

XXI. Possible recommendations regarding Executive Session

XXII. Adjournment

POSTED 04-22-11


At 7:04 pm the meeting of the Committee of the Whole was called to Order by Village President Fred Esmond who then led the Pledge of Allegiance. Present at the meeting were President Esmond, Village Clerk Laurie Gbur and Trustees Gloria Alvarado, Andrew Skoog, Ron Pawlak, Mary Pawlak, Kevin Stewart and Matt Jereb.

Approval of Minutes: It was motioned by Trustee Stewart, seconded by Trustee Alvarado to approve the minutes of the March 22, 2011 meeting of the Committee of the Whole.

6 Yes

Motion Carried

Governmental Affairs Liaison: Trustee Alvarado stated that the Starved Rock Runners had requested permission to complete their annual Canal Connection Race in Utica on 11-06-11. They will be starting approximately ½ hour earlier this year and will get in touch with the Village Police Department to determine parking and the course of the race due to the construction of Rt. 178. It was motioned by Trustee Alvarado, seconded by Trustee M. Pawlak to recommend approval of the request by Starved Rock Runners for 11-06-11.

6 Yes

Motion Carried

Trustee Alvarado then spoke about the request from the Illinois Valley Youth Football League to hold their annual Tag Day on 9-10-11. It was motioned by Trustee M. Pawlak, seconded by Trustee Stewart to recommend approval of the request.

6 Yes

Motion Carried

Trustee Alvarado then stated that the local Bar Association would be having a Kentucky Derby Pub Crawl on 5-7-11. They have requested a donation of $100 to help with advertising costs for the event. It was motioned by Trustee Alvarado, seconded by Trustee Skoog to recommend a donation to the Bar Association for the Kentucky Derby event in the amount of $100.

6 Yes

Motion Carried

Finance Liaison: None

Donation Requests: None


Appearance Request: Mrs. Angela Benstine re: Sewer clean out reimbursement.

Mrs. Benstine stated that she had the sewer line near her property cleaned out in January and was requesting reimbursement from the Village since it is a city sewer line located in the Village right of way. After some discussion, the motion was made by Trustee Skoog, seconded by Trustee R. Pawlak to recommend reimbursement of the cost in the amount of $350 to Angela Benstine.

6 Yes

Motion Carried

Clerk’s Report: Clerk Gbur stated that IDOT had requested use of the Village Hall from June 7 – June 10 for meetings. The Board stated that it would be fine for IDOT to use the Village Hall.

Park & Recreation Liaison: Trustee Skoog stated that regarding mowing of the ball field at Carey Memorial Park, the Village may be interested in having the field mowed by a Utica Little League member. He would bag the clippings and dispose of them and the Village would pay for the gas and for his services at a nominal fee. More information will be available at the upcoming May Board Meeting for further discussion.

Streets, Lights & Alleys: Trustee M. Pawlak stated that there are a few street lights out in the Village. Trustee R. Pawlak will determine which lights are out and notify the Office so they can be reported again to Ameren.

Water & Sewer Liaison: None

Police Department Liaison: None

Maintenance Department: Supervisor Curt Spayer stated that he would like to purchase a trailer for hauling the mowers this season. It would be better for safety because currently the mowers have to be driven up and down Rt. 178 in traffic. He would also like to purchase a generator for the department. The cost of the trailer would be approx. $2,550 and the cost of the generator would be $550. It was motioned by Trustee Skoog, seconded by Trustee R. Pawlak to recommend approval of the purchase of a Trailer and a generator at a total cost of $3,100.

6 Yes

Motion Carried

Engineer’s Report:

IDOT- There have been frequent meetings with Maintenance Supervisor Spayer and Engineer Heitz regarding the Rt. 178 realignment. Cost of phase two, beautification, still needs to be further determined.

Neighbor’s Park- Heitz has been working on the lay out for the parking lot at the park. Some additional brush and trees will need to be removed.

Municipal Well-Ted Powell, AST, will be preparing a report on the test results thus far. The running average is 4.8. Powell will also be recommending that the Village be allowed to put the well back online.

Chlorination Permit- The permit has been received and after installation, an operating permit will be needed.

Johnson St. water issues- Spayer will again test and flush the lines this week.

Locate Equipment- Trustee Skoog asked Spayer if estimates had been received for the purchase of locate equipment. Spayer stated that for the right equipment, the cost would be approximately $15,000 - $20,000. It is more cost effective to schedule a company to do the locating whenever needed. The Board agreed.

MFT Road Project- Heitz provided a map of proposed road work to be done in the Village. Highlighted areas included roads that must be repaired and those that are showing signs of needed repairs. The potential cost of the project is $328,000. President Esmond stated that it is a good time to get bids; the Board agreed. It was motioned by Trustee Skoog, seconded by Trustee M. Pawlak for Heitz to get bids on the project.

6 Yes

Motion Carried

Illinois Valley Excavating- they still need to come back to complete a few areas. The Board would also like the Flynn & Rothrock properties included. Spayer will locate the areas.

Utilities Easement-the survey crew has to stake the theoretical locations and Ameren has relocated the poles.

President’s Report: President Esmond stated that the LaSalle County Mayors Association Dinner held on April 21, 2011 at Starved Rock was very nice. The speakers were Senator Sue Rezin, a representative from Congressman Kinzingers’ Office and IDOT representatives, Julia Messina and Herb Jung.

General Discussion of Village Affairs: Trustee Stewart stated that he knows someone that would be interested in looking at the Village’s electric rates. He will provide information to the Office by Friday, 4-29-11. President Esmond stated that the contract had not been signed yet, although there doesn’t appear to be any interference with the current Gas Franchise Agreement between the Village of North Utica and Ameren.

Trustee Alvarado asked about sweeping the streets. Heitz will speak to IDOT about this.


There is also an area near Bickerman’s that floods in rainy weather. It is a handicapped accessible ramp area. Heitz will look at this to determine what needs to be done.

At 8:15 pm it was motioned by Trustee Skoog, seconded by Trustee M. Pawlak to adjourn the meeting.

All in favor

Motion Carried

Respectfully submitted,

Laurie A. Gbur

Village Clerk


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