How to get villager discounts


How to get villager discounts

This thread was marked as Locked by master801. Here's my survival world's trading hall. This is Bub He lives in a corridor behind my villager stands. Every now and then I lower a villager for him to munch on. I am always prepared to cure them however, and In return they give me awesome discounts! All you really need is a way to reliably turn your villagers into zombies (Only do this in HARD difficulty!) but I'd suggest using LogicalGeekBoy's trading hall design Here's his video-guide in case you're interested: (8 days ago) This Villager Trade Generator creates the Minecraft Java Edition (PC/Mac) 1.17 command you can use to summon a villager with a profession, name and as many custom trades as you want.. This Generator is a fun tool that is intended to help Minecraft players learn the basics of game commands and does not offer every option possible in the game.. If you need help completing a section, click on the Category: coupon codes Show All Coupons (1 days ago) Description. Cured 3 zombie villagers successfully but none of them gave discounted prices, unsure if this is a bug or a missing feature. I've seen users on Java versions of the game get the discounted prices every time, yet I can't seem to get them at all on Bedrock. I'm playing on the latest version of Minecraft on Nintendo Switch. Category: coupon codes Show All Coupons (3 days ago) Welcome to Villager Magazine Online. With classy design on thick, high-end paper, our mission is to connect advertisers with consumers by distributing the most attractive direct-mail print advertising magazine available. Get Coupons on Your Phone. Category: coupon codes Show All Coupons (Just Now) Description. When curing a zombie villager, infecting it, and curing it again, the resulting villager has stacked discounts. This exploit makes hero of the village useless (and also allows the fix of MC-153334 to be surpassed with enough curing), as you can just cure villagers multiple times to get ... Category: coupon codes Show All Coupons (9 days ago) Villager Trading Hall Tutorial with Zombie Discounts . CODES (4 days ago) This Minecraft 1.14 and 1.15 villager trading hall allows you to select the villager profession and get full discounts as you can infect and cure them multiple times from a zombie (on hard difficulty). With the release of Minecraft 1.14.4 (Java Edition) we can now work with villagers in a much easier and reliable way. Category: Trading Show All Coupons (9 days ago) If a villager is cured more than once, its discounts increase until the price reaches the minimum of one emerald. Villagers around the cured villager are also affected. In Bedrock Edition, villagers in a range of 16 blocks in a cube surrounding the cured villager also offer a small discount proportional to the number of cured villagers (up to 10). Category: coupon codes Show All Coupons (9 days ago) How do I get a villager discount on bedrock? You can get discounts by defeating a raid. By beating a raid you get the hero of the village effect and everything has a discount. How do you cure a zombie villager without potion? You can cure them by using a Splash Potion of Weakness and a Golden Apple. Once you get lucky enough to have both you Category: coupon codes Show All Coupons (1 days ago) Zombie villagers are cured by using a Golden Apple when the villager is under the spell of Weakness. Weakness can be applied by any of the following: A splash potion of Weakness thrown by either a player or a witch. A tipped arrow. An area effect cloud of Weakness from a lingering potion. An area effect cloud of Weakness from a creeper explosion. Category: coupon codes Show All Coupons (4 days ago) Time Travel Method. 1. Change the date 2 weeks forward, and look for a thinking villager. 2. Change the date one day at a time until the thinking villager is the one you want. 3. Talk to the villager and say goodbye. 4. If thinking villagers stops appearing for 2~3 days, repeat from step 1. Category: Travel Show All Coupons What are 3 ways you can cite a source in your work? Which fried chicken is healthiest? 1. Church' Why ceramic is brittle? Why are ceramics brittle. ALL POSTS0Well, both would help, but curing a zombie villager is probably more likely to get you a good deal.0I Mean,A Youtuber Did it, So I Suppose it would0You should cure a zombie villager because they give you bigger discount and its stays forever (sorry for my spelling errors)0Raids are harder but even if you leave the village and come back the Hero Of The Village Effect will still be there for a limited time Everyone has always found that one villager who has exactly what they need but is way too expensive. Is there anything you can do about it? Actually, there is! There are multiple ways to make a villager give you huge discounts like one emerald for an enchanted book. Here is how. I will show how to do them in the order from easiest to hardest. The first one depends on how long you have been in the world. You will need to convert the villager into a zombie villager and back to normal to get the trades down to one emerald. This is usually used as it is very easy to do. If you don't know how to cure a zombie villager, click here. A second way of doing it is by completing a raid. Raids happen when the player kills a pillager that has a banner on its head. Killing this mob will give the player a bad omen effect that starts a raid when entering a certain radius of the village. There are multiple waves of the raid, and you will need to complete all of them to get a hero of the village effect, which lasts as long as you are close to that village. These ways will reduce all trades to one emerald. Image Source: [1] Emeralds are the currency of Minecraft -- they're the little green gems you can trade to villagers for big rewards. With the right villagers and leveled-up professions, you can get high-tier enchanted gear before busting open a single diamond block. And there's a way you can use villagers to earn an infinite supply of emeralds. Emeralds aren't just great for buying stuff from villagers, each trade also levels up a villager's profession. Leveling up professions causes villagers to sell better quality stuff! The more emeralds the better, and with a single profession you can turn your villager into an infinite emerald producer. There's a few tricks you'll need to know to make this happen. First, you'll need a village. You'll also need a Librarian villager -- which we can make by placing the correct job site block. We'll also need to get your villager turned into a zombie so we can cure him! Cured villagers are much friendlier to you, and give you much better prices. Once we've done all that, we can begin the infinite emerald farm. No exploits here -- and you can multiply how many emeralds you earn by making even more Librarians in your village! We'll go over all the steps below. This is how to get started farming emeralds forever. More Minecraft Guides: How To Craft Netherite | All The Horse Info You'll Ever Need | How to Use Realms | Local & Xbox Live Multi Guide | How to Ride (And Control!) Pigs | How To Make A Composter | How To Cure (And Create) Zombie Villagers | How To Spawn Axolotl In Your Seed | How To Breed Goats & Get Screaming Goats Image Source: [1] How To Farm Villagers For Infinite Emeralds There's one Villager profession that can give you a profit just by trading with them. The Librarian Villager is one of the best sources for Emeralds -- sure, you can trade Fletchers for sticks or give away all your rotten meat, but this might be the simplest method so far. Here are the basics. Villager Emerald Farming | Librarian EditionFind a Librarian Villager ? or convert a Villager into a Librarian by placing a Lectern Job Site Block.Buy x1 Bookcase for x1 Emerald.Break the bookcase to gain x3 Books. Sell the books for x1 Emerald each, for a total of x3 Emeralds.That's a x2 Emerald profit for each trade. The Librarian Villager will trade 12 times before needing to refresh stock. They'll go to their job site block twice during the day to restock -- so that's a total of 36 Emeralds you can make per day with a single Librarian. Make multiple Librarians with multiple Lecterns in a village, and you can continue to multiply those numbers per day. To get the most out of your trades, you'll need to zombify and then cure the villager. To do this, switch your difficulty to Hard so there is a 100% chance a villager will zombify instead of dying. Also, make sure to trade with the librarian before zombifying him -- if you've traded at least once, the zombie villager will never despawn. A villager will zombify 100% of the time on Hard Difficulty when attacked by a zombie. To cure them, you need to apply Weakness (with a Potion of Weakness) and then use a Golden Apple. You can learn more about curing zombie villagers on our guider here. Curing a zombified villager will give you discounts when trading. Perfect for our farming needs! Villager trading is a in-game feature on Minecraft. It allows players to trade items with villagers using the currency of emerald, so players can obtain items and emeralds. How to trade First, find a villager which is not a nitwit or unemployed villager. Their appearance will be discussed later on. Java Edition Aim a villager by moving your mouse till your control points at a trading villager.Click the right button at your chosen villager. Not the left button! I make this mistake when I am still a noob.A trading interface will pop up.Select a trade offer, the offers list is in the left-hand side of the whole trading interface.Fulfill the offer by dragging your items or emerald into the left box of the right-hand side of the trading interface.Click "Enter" using your keyboard! Done! Intermission ? I am begging for viewers and subscribers :cry:, please subscribe my Youtube channel if you like my blog+videos. Here's one of my Hardcore attempt ? (Channel Link). Thanks! Bedrock Edition Step 1 Step 3 Step 4+5 ? Item to emerald Step 4+5 ? Emerald to item Aim your control at a villagerDo either of these: Press the chosen villager for a few seconds. (Recommended way, but be careful or you will accidently hit him) Press the "Trade" button, which is in the lower middle of the whole screen A trading interface will pop up.Select a trade offer, the offers list is in the left-hand side of the whole trading interface.Fulfill the offer by dragging your items or emeralds into the left box of the right-hand side of the trading interface.Click "Trade". Done! After that, drag the goods or emeralds back to your inventory. You can start a new trade by repeating the steps above. Press the right-cornered "X" to finish your trading. Your trades with the villager will increase the villager's career level. The villager may get a 10 seconds regeneration 1 effect, only when you have upgraded the villager's career level (will explain more on the trading level below). It also gives 3-6 experience points to the player, 8-11 when the villager wants to breed. Types of villager Note: The villagers' clothes may be differ from the description I provide below, because villager will have different "skins" in different biomes. I am describing the villager clothes in plain biome. For villager's clothes in other biome, please check this reddit post: All types of Villagers that exist in one pic from Minecraft Villager with straw head Farmer, who trades food likes wheat and bread. Fishy hat and apron Fishermen, who sells for example fishing rods and string. He also cooks fishes for you too. Brown hat with a white apron Shepherd ,who both buys and sells different colors of wool. He also sells shears too. Feather on hat and quiver Fletcher, who sells ropes and rope-made products like bows and crossbows. Eyeglasses with a book as hat Librarian, that buys books and sells compasses. It also sells enchanted books too. With a golden monocle Cartographer, which sell special woodland mansion and ocean tournament maps. It also has similar trade items than the librarian. Purple apron with a purple creeper cloak Cleric, which buy and sell monster drops like rotten flesh, golds and diamonds. Welding mask with a black apron Armorer, which sells mainly armor pieces. Pirate eyepatch with a black apron Weaponsmith, which sells mainly weapons. Black apron Toolsmith, which sells mainly tools. All kind of blacksmiths (Armorer, weaponsmith and toolsmith) exchange ~15 coal to 1 emerald. Red headband with a white apron Butcher, which sells meat-containing food and buy raw meat from you. Brown apron with a brown gloves Leatherworker, which sell leather item and saddle. Green Robe Nitwit, this type of villagers can't trade. Account for about roughly 10% of the total villager population Brown Robe ? Unemployed villager It has only a normal and a brown suit over them. Both nitwit and unemployed villagers will shake their head when you try to trade with them. (Only in Java edition) They will become employed after claiming a job station/ workstation. Trade Offers Chart of all Trades in 1.14 from Minecraft Villager Trade Offer List Wandering villagers Wandering villagers can spawn in everywhere and always spawn with two llamas. They also occasionally spawn in village meeting points. He will attempt to spawn after 2 in-game days, they have nearly the same AI as the villagers, you can trade with them with 1-5 emeralds, but you can not sell things to them. They will hide themselves by using potions at night to prevent monsters from attacking him. Sadly, they will despawn after a few days. You can get 2 ropes after killing a wandering villager, killing a wandering villager will not affect your popularity level. (It is quite tempting to kill him because ropes are not to be made because its original ingredient, slime ball is quite rare. :)) Actually most wandering villagers trades are useless. Look at his trades. Orange sand? Ice block? These are rubbish. But these items are quite valuable to Minecraft item collectors. Economic trade Tiers of villager will accord to career level to determine what the villager can buy and sell. Their career level can be increased by earning experiences. Experiences can be obtained when players trade with them. Novice is the default villager's career level when villager first spawns. Villager's trade career level list: Novice ? Level 1Apprentice ? Level 2Journeyman ? Level 3Expert ? Level 4Master ? Level 5 It wastes a lot of time to develop an Expert and Master villager. Try your best to protect them! My dogs once accidentally killed a Master butcher villager and I nearly cried! Each new level normally unlocks two new trades in Java Edition. While in Bedrock Edition, each new level will unlock 1-2 new trades. The villager's trade level can be seen by the badge he wears on his clothes. A black badge means he is a novice, while a blue badge means he is a master! "Up & Down" Prices There is no "fixed price" for each trade in villager trading! Trading costs vary from these event: Events that will increase trading costs: (More expensive) Trading a trade offer until a "X" appearsHurting a villagerKilling a villager Events that will decrease trading costs: (Getting a discount) Curing a zombie villagerGetting the "Hero of the Village" effect By YouTuber wattles, an image of the trading interface Trading Behaviour Offering a trade Sometimes villager will hold an item when the player holds an emerald towards them. Villager will also hold an emerald when the player holds an item which available for trading. Work/Job station Villagers usually "works" at their workstations. You can identify their jobs by their respective workstations easily, as shown below, Fisherman: barrelShepherd: loomFletcher: fletching tableCleric: brewing standButcher: smokerLeatherworker: cauldronWeaponsmith: grindstoneArmorer: blast furnaceToolsmith: smithing tableLibrarian: lecternCartographer: cartography tableStone Mason: stonecutterFarmer: compost Changing jobs Baby villagers can not change their job (they will not trade and work too), adult villagers can change their job by picking up new job stations. Villagers can only change their job stations only if they have not traded with any players before. Trading supplies They refresh their trading supplies by working in the job stations, which happens about 2 times every day per villager. Trading with a villager on the same trade for 3-16 times will make the trade became inactive. A red X will also appear. It will be renewed after the villager work in the job station again. Why trading? Some of the items that they trade with you are rare, such as chain armor (it is kind of useless), woodland mansion or ocean monument map, they can not be obtained using any other methods in survival mode, so we need to trade with villagers in order to get these kinds of rare items. As I have mentioned before, wandering villager trades seem to be useless. But most of the offers are uncollectible/very hard to obtain in survival mode. If you are a item collector, consider trading with them! How to master villager trades (Strategies & Cheats) You can get more emeralds and unlock their trade more easily by following the tips below: Trade sticks with fletchers. (The Best Strategies!) It is the best trade in villager trading and it is the easiest way to get emeralds from villagers. You can get sticks easily by chopping up trees, while one wood worths 8 sticks (1 wood -> 4 wood planks -> 8 sticks). Every 32 sticks you trade to him, you will get one emerald. Avoid trading an offer with a villager to their last slot It will increase the price of that offer. Wait until it works at their job station so they can research their trades. Good Villager Trades Trade compass to cartographer (compasses are cheap to make) and trade wheat/carrots/beetroots to farmers (can be obtained from village farms). Trade unwanted raw animal meats to butcher (Kill animals) and trade clay to stone mason. (Get clay from lakes and ponds). These kind of items are easy to get. This can help you to get emeralds easily. No attacking and killing! Don't do anything that affects your reputation like attacking and killing villagers, this may result in higher prices. "Hero of the Village" effect If you get the "Hero of the Village" effect by defeating raids, you will get a discount when trading with villagers. Make the most out of this effect! The effect will disappear after a few days. 90 minutes precisely. Curing Zombie Villagers When you successfully cure a zombie villager, you will get a forever discount by the villager you cured. Destroy the work stations and rebuild another one This will change the villager's job. You can do this when you think that villager job is unfavourable to you, mostly because you think the trade offers suck. Unfortunately, this technique can only be used on villager that wasn't traded with. It will not affect your popularity. Make the villagers breed You can trade with more villagers if you do so! Build more beds and give villager your food by throwing food to them. Food that can be given to villagers are wheat, potato, carrot, beetroot and bread. You can also give farmers seeds so they can farm food to themselves. Villager will breed once fulfill the above conditions. (Refer to the photo below for the breeding process.) Villager ? Breeding process Kill Nitwits Sorry, I know this sounds bloody. However, they are totally useless in villager trading because they occupy a bed and have no trades. I don't mean to kill them personally because you will get attacked by iron golems if you do that. Try to lure the nitwits to lava and fire OR lure them to zombies (Zombie will choose to attack villagers first rather than you, so it is safe to do that!), it is easy to do these because they sleep late. Conclusion These are all the information and strategies about Minecraft villager trading. Villager trading is fun and easy, try to trade with a villager now! Latest Update: 4/2/2020 ? Major update ? More detailed "How to trade" procedures, breaking down into Java amd Bedrock edition trading. One more villager trading tips and two updated. Image copyright infringement fixed. Also fixed some grammatical mistakes. 16/2/2020 ? Minor amendments

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