Avustralya piyasasında büyük perakende firmaları önemli bir yer tutmaktadır. Bu mağazaların listesi ve firma hakkındaki ayrıntılı bilgiler ilişikte yer almaktadır. Bu firmaların çalışma şekli aşağıda anlatılmaya çalışılmıştır.

Avustralya’daki en büyük perakende zinciri Coles Myer Grubudur. Bu grup 22.300.000.000 AV$ yıllık geliriyle dünya çapındadır. Grupta toplam 155.000 personel çalışmaktadır.

Gruba ait bu mağazalar, pazarda birbirleriyle de rekabet etmektedirler. Her mağazadaki alıcılar tamamen ayrı kişiler olup, kendi alımlarından ve mal seçimlerinden sorumludurlar.

İkinci en önemli grup Woolworths grubudur. 95.000 personelin çalıştığı grubun yıllık geliri AV$ civarındadır. Bu grup içinde yer alan mağazaların da kendi alım politikaları ve görevlileri vardır.

Coles Myer ve Woolworths grupları çok geniş supermarket zincirlerine sahiptirler ve bu supermarketlar toplam gelirler içinde büyük yer tutarlar. Woolworths son senelerde pazar içindeki payını artırmıştır.

Orta büyüklükte department storelar içinde David Jones, Aherns ve Harris Scarfe sayılabilir. Bu zincirler giyim, mobilya, ev ve mutfak eşyası, oyuncak vs. satarlar.

Bu mağazalara ilave olarak Avustralya’da ihtisaslaşmış zincirler de bulunmaktadır. Bunlar, ev eşyası ve mobilya, hırdavat, giyim ve aksesuar, ayakkabı vs. konularında çalışmaktadırlar. Fakat en büyük gruplar bağımsız supermarket zincirleridir. Bu supermarketlar gıda üzerinde yoğunlaşmakla beraber, tuvalet malzemesi, iç giyim, bahçe malzemesi vs. gibi malları da satarlar.

Büyük Avustralya perakende zincirleri ihtiyaçlarının çok büyük bir bölümünü yerli üreticilerden veya satıcılardan karşılarlarken, küçük satıcılar çok nadiren kendi hesaplarına ithalat yaparlar.

Yerli piyasanın büyük ölçüde tercih nedenleri aşağıda gösterilmiştir:

Değişen moda ve tüketici tercihlerine kısa zamanda adaptasyon, problem doğması halinde daha rahat irtibat imkanı, teslimatta genelde daha güvenilir olması, ilan verme açısından üretici ile beraber en uygun yolu geliştirmek, dövizdeki oynamalardan etkilenmemek ve yurt dışı işlemlere oranla akreditif vs. paranın daha hızlı dönmesi sayılabilir.

Genel olarak satıcılar içerde üretilen malı tercih ederler ancak, içeride üretilen mala çok benzeyen bir ürün içeridekine oranla en az % 15 ucuz ise doğrudan ithalat yapabilirler. Diğer bir ifade ile ithal edilecek malın maliyeti nakliye, gümrük ve teslimat dahil Avustralya’da üretilenden en az % 15 ucuz ise ithalatı düşünebilirler.

Avustralya’lı büyük mağazalar genelde diğer ülkelerde bulunan kendi alım temsilcileri kanalıyla mal aldıkları için bu temsilcilerle temasa geçmek yararlı olur.


Australya’da iş yapmanın ve bilhassa işçilik maliyeti yüksek olduğu için ithal malları dağıtım kanallarında da bu görülür.

Diğer ülkelerde olduğu gibi Avustrlaya’lı ithalatçı/toptancı ve perakendecilerin uyguladığı kar oranları sadece rekabet seviyesine değil firma tarafından yapılan satış miktarına da bağlıdır.

Örneğin, hediyelik eşya toptancı ve perakendecilerinin uyguladıkları kar oranları, giyim satanların aralarındaki rekabetten dolayı daha az kar koymaları nedeniyle bunlara oranla daha yüksektir.

Çeşitli sektörlerdeki kar oranları şöyledir:

Yurtdışı alım temsilcileri/Avustralyalı komisyoncular : FOB değerin % 3-6’sı

Büyük çapta satılan tüketici malları ithalatçı/toptancıları : ürüne bağlı olarak dükkana giriş maliyetinin % 40 ila 80’ı

Discount department stores : satış fiatının % 35 ila 40’ı

Department stores : satış fiatının % 40 ila 75’ı

Küçük dükkanlar : satış fiatının % 50 ila 100’ü

Supermarket zincirleri : satış fiatının % 15 ila 35’i.

Bu durumda, örneğin, ithal malı bir normal giyimin perakende satış fiatı çoğu zaman giyimin FOB değerinin dört misli olmaktadır. Buna karşın ithal malı şık bir giyimin department store veya butikteki perakende satış fiatı FOB değerinin 6 veya 8 katıdır.

İhracatçıların bu yüksek perakende fiatlarını Avustralya’da rekabet olmadığı anlamında almamaları gerekir. Avustralya perakende piyasası gerçekte büyük rekabetin olduğu ve alıcıların en iyi fiatı buldukları ülkeden alım yaptıkları bir piyasadır.

Özetle, Avustralya perakende fiatları genellikle ABD’den daha yüksek olmasına karşın, Avustralya’lı alıcıların ihracatçıdan kabul edeceği fiat genelde ABD’li alıcıdan daha düşüktür.


İhracatçıların dikkat edeceği hususlar arasında Avustralya’nın mevsimlik malları alımlarındaki değişik dönemler ve daha küçük alım miktarlarıdır.


Unutulmamalıdır ki Avustralya ile Kuzey Yarımküredeki mevsimler tamamen terstir. Avustralya’da yaz Aralık/Şubat arasında, kış Haziran/Ağustos aylarındadır.

Bu tabii ki giyim gibi mevsimlik mallardaki alım alışkanlıklarını değiştirmektedir. Aslında bu Avustralya’nın neden çok rekabet edilen bir ülke olduğuna bir açıklama getirmektedir çünkü, bir çok ihracatçı Kuzey Yarımkürede işlerin yavaş olduğu bir dönemde daha ucuz fiatlar teklif etmeye hazırdırlar.

Ayrıca, Avustralya’nın yumuşak iklimi nedeniyle ABD veya Avrupa pazarları için geçerli olan dört mevsim yoktur. İthalatçılar ve perakendeciler genellikle yaz veya kış için alım yapmayı düşünürler, baharlar için özel bir alım yoktur. Perakendeciler yaz başı veya sonu diye bir ayırım yapsalar da alımlar tüm yaz sezonu için fazla bir değişiklik göstermez.

Giyim gibi mevsimlik bir malın alım dönemleri aşağıdadır:

* Yaz : Avustralya’ya Mayıs/Haziran aylarında teslimi beklenen mallar için

siparişler Ekim ayından Ocak ayına kadar yapılır.

* Kış : Aralık/Ocak aylarında teslimi istenen mallar için siparişler Nisan

ayından Temmuza kadar yapılır.

Diğer bir ifade ile yaz için yapılacak siparişler, bir önceki yazdan kış aylarında teslim edilmek üzere yapılır. Yaz malları genellikle kışın en soğuk olduğu dönem olan Temmuz sonu ve Ağustos başında vitrinlerde gözükmeye başlar. Kış siparişleri de aynı şekilde yazın teslim edilmek üzere kış aylarında yapılır.

Avustralya’nın diğer önemli alım dönemleri de diğer batı ülkelerinde olduğu gibidir :

Christmas (Aralık) : hediyelik eşya, oyuncak vs satışı için önemli bir dönemdir. Bu döneme ait bir çok sipariş Eylül ayında teslim edilmek üzere Ocak/Şubat aylarında verilir.

Anneler Günü (Mayıs) ve Babalar Günü (Eylül) : perakendeciler bu günler için özel satışlar düzenlerler ve teslimatın en fazla iki ay öncesinden yapılmasını beklerler.

Easter ( Mart/Nisan) : Şekerleme ve oyuncak satış dönemi, ancak Avustralya Sonbaharına rastladığı için önemli giyim satışı olmaz.

Aralık/Ocak ayları yaz tatiline rastladığı için bir çok işyeri Ocak ortalarına kadar tatile girer. Ayrıca, Avustralya mali yılı 30 Haziranda bittiği için Haziran ortalarından, Temmuz ortalarına kadar ziyaret için iyi bir zaman değildir.


Avustralya’nın 20 milyon olan küçük nüfusu nedeniyle, ithalatçılar ve perakendeciler tarafından yapılacak siparişler de ABD ve Avrupa’ya oranla düşüktür. Ancak, bazı aranan mallar için nispeten büyük miktarda siparişler verilebilir.

Avustralya’lı ithalatçılar tarafından genelde verilen sipariş miktarları:

Giyim: her model için 300 düzine, 3 renkte ancak bu 50 düzineye kadar düşebilir.

Gömlek kumaşı : her renk için 1000 metre veya her desen için 3000-4000 metre, 3-4 renk

Yatak örtüleri: yeni bir desen için 3000 metre, eski desen için 800 metre. Büyük ithalatçılar 6000 ila 10000 metre alabilirler.

Havlular : 3000-5000 adet, tek ölçü, 4-5 renkte

Yastık örtüleri : her sipariş başına 3000-4000 adet

Spor ayakkabıları : deneme için 4500-5000 çift. Normal sipariş 10000 çift 2-3 renkte

Oyuncaklar : küçük ithalatçılar 20 ila 200 düzine, büyük ithalatçılar 10000 düzine

Bu miktarlar ihracatçılar için az olabilir ancak, ithalatçı ile bir iş ilişkisi başladıktan sonra daha büyük miktarlara ulaşılabilir.





Adres:66 Ocean St. Tel :(61) (2) 9327 6639

Woollahra NSW 2025 Australia Faks :(61) (2) 9362 4730

E-Posta:dtsid@.au Web : dtsidney2001

Avustralyalı Büyük Mağazaların Listesi, bütün ayrıntılarıyla birlikte aşağıda yer almaktadır. Ataşeliğimiz tarafından derlenen ve sürekli güncellenmeye calısılan bu bilgilerin ihracatçılarımıza faydalı olmasını diliyorum.

Ataşeliğimizce hazırlanan 2001 Yılı Avustralya Ülke Notu’na, yukarıda belirtilen Ataşeliğimiz web sayfası ile Dış Ticaret Müsteşarlığı’nın Pazar Araştırması web sayfası olan .tr/pazaragiris/ilkgiris.htm adresindeki “Ülke Bilgileri” kısmındaki Avustralya bölümünden ulaşılabilmektedir. Bu adresten, Avustralya Aylık Ekonomi Raporlarının son beş tanesine de ulaşılabilmektedir.


Hakkı Karabörklü

Sidney Ticaret Ataşesi

A B C Enterprises

D-U-N-S: 757201785 ABN: 52429278345

Year Established: 0

Street Address: L10 700 Harris St Ultimo NSW 2064

Postal Address: Gpo Box 994 Sydney NSW 2001

Registered Office: L10 700 Harris St Ultimo NSW 2064

Ph: (02) 8333 3999

Fax: (02) 8333 3867

E-mail: abc.enterprises@.au


Line of Business

Retail Head Office For A B C Shops


Mr Grahame Grasby (Acting Director)


General Manager: Mr Doug Walker

Employees: 100 ( )

Top 5000 Ranking by Employees: 4040

Annual Revenue: $0


Product Range

Head Office For A B C Shops

Abalcom Pty Ltd

ACN: 002 571 780 D-U-N-S: 751854027 ABN: 55699099829

Year Established: 1983

Street Address: 2/116 Russell St EMU PLAiNS NSW 2750

Postal Address: 2/116 Russell St EMU PLAiNS NSW 2750

Registered Office: 2/116 Russell St EMU PLAiNS NSW 2750

Ph: (02) 47352911

Fax: (02) 4735 2933

Line of Business

Retailer Of Clothing.


Mr Ken Ang

Mrs Carmel Ang


General Manager: Mr Ken Ang

Employees: 50 ( )

Annual Revenue: $0


Product Range

mens and ladies clothing.

Aherns (Suburban) Pty Ltd

ACN: 008 749 675 D-U-N-S: 757954565 ABN: 49008749675

Year Established: 1922

Street Address: 622 Hay St Perth WA 6000

Postal Address: GPO Box D152 Perth WA 6840

Registered Office: 622 Hay St Perth WA 6000

Ph: (08) 9323 0101

Fax: (08) 9221 1572

Toll Free: (1800) 199 111

E-mail: aherns@.au


Line of Business

Retail department store

Importing From

Europe, South East Asia


Mr John Joseph Ahern (Chairman)

Mr Roger Leonard Day (Deputy Chairman)

Ms Robyn Margaret Ahern BA MBA


Chief Operating Officer: Ms Robyn Margaret Ahern BA MBA

Manager, Corporate Services: Mr Alan McCamish

General Manager, Human Resources: Mr Tony Dunn

Financial Controller: Mr Frank Friedman

Company Secretary: Mr Tim Campbell

Administration Officer: Mr Jim Kelly

Marketing Manager: Ms Leone Anderson

Visual Merchandise Manager: Mr Stephen Hunter

IS Manager: Mr David Collins

Parent Company: Aherns Holdings Pty Ltd


WA Aherns (Suburban) Pty Ltd 622 Hay St Mall Perth 6000

Ph: (08) 9323 0101

Branch Manager : Mr T Carlton

Aherns (Suburban) Pty Ltd Claremont Shopping Centre Bay View Tce Claremont 6010

Ph: (08) 9384 8300

Branch Manager : Mrs K French

Aherns (Suburban) Pty Ltd Karrinyup Shopping Centre Karrinyup Rd Karrinyup 6018

Ph: (08) 9445 1177

Branch Manager : Mr D Atkinson

Aherns (Suburban) Pty Ltd Garden City Shopping Centre Riseley St Booragoon 6154

Ph: (08) 9364 8666

Branch Manager : Mrs M Wilson

Aherns (Suburban) Pty Ltd Rockingham City Shopping Centre Read St Rockingham 6168

Ph: (08) 9527 2711

Branch Manager : Mr S Hewett


Bank of Western Australia Ltd - t/a BankWest





Insurance Broker

Aon Risk Services Australia Limited

Employees: 850 (G)

Top 5000 Ranking by Employees: 701

Annual Revenue: $100,000,000 (G)

Top 5000 Ranking by Revenue: 1079

Issued Capital: $93,500

Accounts Close: 30AUG

Annual Meeting: NOV



Product Range

Ladies', men's & children's apparel; fashion accessories - shoes, handbags, jewellery, cosmetics, hosiery, scarves, hats; homewares - manchester, china, glass, silver; gifts; travel goods

Allens Management Australia Pty Limited - t/a Allens Stores

ACN: 001 606 631 D-U-N-S: 751119777 ABN: 67001606631

Year Established: 1913

Formerly: ;Allens Stores Pty Limited

Street Address: 120 Wollongong St FYSHWICK ACT 2609

Postal Address: PO BOX 328 FYSHWICK ACT 2609

Ph: (02) 6280 7400

Fax: (02) 6239 1261

Line of Business

Department Store Chain & Holding Co


Mr Robert Frank Allen (Director & Company Secretary)


Financial Controller: Mr Martin Allen

Parent Company: Tasmarc Pty Limited

Employees: 220 ( )

Top 5000 Ranking by Employees: 2166

Annual Revenue: $32,188,888

Top 5000 Ranking by Revenue: 2287


Product Range

Department Store Chain & Holding Co

A. Laver Pty Ltd - t/a Australian Store Collins Place

ACN: 079 884 021 D-U-N-S: 743883121 ABN: 92079884021

Year Established: 1981

Formerly: Laver & Lindsay Pty Ltd

Street Address: 20/45 Collins St Melbourne VIC 3000

Ph: (03) 9650 2075

Fax: (03) 9650 2301

E-mail: alan@


Line of Business

Retailer of a broad range of quality Australian goods; delivered gift service for all occasions


Manager: Mr Alan Laver

Accountant: Mr Jim Babbage

Manager: Jan Caton-Thomas


VIC A. Laver Pty Ltd Shop 20 Collins Place (Sofitel Hotel) 45 Collins St Melbourne 3000

Ph: (03) 9650 2075


Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited - t/a ANZ

Employees: 4



Product Range

Clothing, toys, coats, hats, sterling silver, pewter, bronzes, ceramics, native timbers, super wool products in knitwear, slippers, scarves, Australian made gifts, handblown glass, timber boxes, wooden platters, titanium jewellery


BARMAH ( squashy hats )

KAKADU ( coats )

Berpaid Pty Ltd

ACN: 002 802 100 D-U-N-S: 750683567 ABN: 61002802100

Year Established: 1984

Street Address: 165 Lachlan Street FORBES NSW 2871

Postal Address: PO Box 185 FORBES NSW 2871

Registered Office: 165 Lachlan Street FORBES NSW 2871

Ph: (02) 6851 2535

Fax: (02) 6852 2377

E-mail: bernardi@.au

Line of Business

Ret Supermarket & Discount Variety Store


Mr Antonio Bernardi (Managing Director)


Managing Director: Mr Antonio Bernardi

Sales Manager: Mr David Bernadi

Employees: 30 ( )

Annual Revenue: $11,000,000

Top 5000 Ranking by Revenue: 4384


Product Range

discount variety store

Best Buys Pty Ltd

ACN: 005 382 810 D-U-N-S: 753931047 ABN: 36006233665

Year Established: 1971

Street Address: 5 Austral Ave PRESTON VIC 3072

Postal Address: Po Box 272 PRESTON VIC 3072

Ph: (03) 94168671

Fax: (03) 9416 8621

Line of Business

Retail Softgoods Manchester & General Clothing; Trustee Company


Mr Douglas Edward Zappelli


Managing Director: Mr Douglas Edward Zappelli

Employees: 300 ( )

Top 5000 Ranking by Employees: 1655



Product Range

Softgoods Manchester & General Clothing; Trustee Company

A W Birchall & Sons Pty Ltd

ACN: 009 475 567 D-U-N-S: 755545563 ABN: 82009475567

Year Established: 1867

Street Address: 118-120 Brisbane St Launceston TAS 7250

Postal Address: PO Box 170 Launceston TAS 7250

Registered Office: 118-120 Brisbane St Launceston TAS 7250

Ph: (03) 6331 3011

Fax: (03) 6331 7165

Toll Free: (1800) 806 867

E-mail: gtilley@.au


Line of Business

Departmental store specialising in books, stationery, toys, art materials, newspapers & magazines, educational books & teaching aids, computers


Mr Graeme Tilley (Chairperson)

Mr Martin Tilley

Ms Yvonne Tilley

Mr Phillip Tilley


Managing Director: Mr Graeme Tilley

Chief Executive Officer: Mr Graeme Tilley

Company Secretary: Mr Dean Crawford


TAS A W Birchall & Sons Pty Ltd TAFE Tasmania Burnie Campus Mooreville Rd Burnie 7320

Ph: (03) 6433 3602 Fax: (03) 6433 3716

Branch Manager : Ms Beverley Gabbedy

A W Birchall & Sons Pty Ltd (Birchalls Student Bookshop) TAFE Tasmania Devonport Campus Devonport 7310

Ph: (03) 6424 2581 Fax: (03) 6424 7642

Branch Manager : Ms Elizabeth Perkins

A W Birchall & Sons Pty Ltd (Birchalls Student Bookshop) Don College Watkinson St Devonport 7310

Ph: (03) 6424 4072 Fax: (03) 6424 4072

Branch Manager : Ms Bernadette Reece

A W Birchall & Sons Pty Ltd TAFE Tasmania Clarence Campus Bounty St Warrane 7018

Ph: (03) 6244 9412 Fax: (03) 6244 2913

Branch Manager : Ms Jan Thompson

A W Birchall & Sons Pty Ltd (Birchalls Education Centre Hobart) 147 Bathurst St Hobart 7000

Ph: (03) 6234 2122 Fax: (03) 6234 8719

Branch Manager : Ms Donna Walker

A W Birchall & Sons Pty Ltd TAFE Tasmania Alanvale Campus Alanvale Rd Newnham 7248

Ph: (03) 6336 4284 Fax: (03) 6336 4284

Branch Manager : Mr Kylre

A W Birchall & Sons Pty Ltd (TAFE Bookshop) Campbell St Hobart 7000

Ph: (03) 6233 7405 Fax: (03) 6234 8719

Branch Manager : Ms Sally Tanner


NSW Grolier Australia Pty Ltd 14 Mars Rd Lane Cove 2066

Ph: (02) 9428 3722 Fax: (02) 9427 2252


Westpac Banking Corporation


Ritchie & Parker Alfred Green & Co


Camerons Chartered Accountants

Employees: 102

Top 5000 Ranking by Employees: 4019

Annual Revenue: $10,000,000

Top 5000 Ranking by Revenue: 4535

Issued Capital: $1,234,180

Accounts Close: 30JUN

Annual Meeting: DEC


Wholesaler Retailer Distributor

Product Range

Stationery, books, toys, art material, newspapers & magazines, educational books, teaching aids, gifts & cards, pens

B.I.S. Wynnum

D-U-N-S: 758759708 ABN: 19908527074

Year Established: 1984

Street Address: Cnr Bay Tce & Berrima St Wynnum QLD 4178

Postal Address: PO Box 124 Wynnum QLD 4178

Ph: (07) 3893 1744

Fax: (07) 3393 5777

E-mail: bis@.au

Line of Business

Retail & repair of welding & industrial equipment


Ms Maureen Harrison

Mr Neville Harrison


Managing Director: Mr Neville Harrison

Service Manager: Mr Steven Harrison

Administration Manager: Mrs Martine Scanlan


Bank of Queensland Limited

Employees: 8

Annual Revenue: $1,200,000


Product Range











Bowral Co-op (Trading) Ltd

ACN: 055 352 531 D-U-N-S: 750247454 ABN: 53055352531

Year Established: 1972

Street Address: 32 Kirkham Rd Bowral NSW 2576

Postal Address: PO Box 110 Bowral NSW 2576

Registered Office: 32 Kirkham Rd Bowral NSW 2576

Ph: (02) 4861 1500

Fax: (02) 4861 3165

E-mail: bdavis@bowralco-.au

Line of Business

Stock food manufacturer; retailer of rural merchandise & hardware


Mr Stanley Schofield (Chairman)

Mr John Wattman (Deputy Chairman)

Mr Wilfred Schofield (Deputy Chairman)

Mr Noel Snowdon

Mr Ernest Keith Alcorn

Mr Bruce Churchill

Mr Phillip Morrow

Mr George Schofield


CEO/General Manager: Mr Brian Davis

General Manager/Company Secretary : Mrs Bernadette Brown OAM

Produce Manager: Mr Alan Anderson

Merchandising Manager : Mr D A Richards

Produce Manager : Mr G H Neich


Commonwealth Bank of Australia


Haille Paine


Doherty & Harwood

Employees: 19 ( )

Annual Revenue: $6,000,000

Issued Capital: $2

Manufacturer Retailer Distributor Producer

Product Range

Hardware, rural merchandise, stock foods, fertilisers, chain saws, pumps, veterinary supplies.


DAVEY ( pumps )

THRIFTY LINK ( hardware )

Burton Stores (Euroa) Proprietary Limited

ACN: 004 413 325 D-U-N-S: 753100858 ABN: 78004413325

Year Established: 1930

Formerly: ;Burton Stores (Euroa) Pty Ltd Proprietary Limited

Street Address: 75 Binney St EUROA VIC 3666

Postal Address: PO Box 3666 EUROA VIC 3666

Registered Office: 75 Binney St EUROA VIC 3666

Ph: (03) 5795 2004

Fax: (03) 5795 3444

E-mail: burtons@.au

Line of Business

Department Store


Mr Collin Burton

Mr Andrew Burton

Mr Bruce Burton


Managing Director: Mr Collin Burton


Employees: 50 ( )

Annual Revenue: $8,460,185

Accounts Close:  


Product Range

Supermarket, clothing, liquor and hardware

Charlestown Canvas Pty Ltd

ACN: 002 486 366 D-U-N-S: 751794702

Year Established: 1982

Street Address: 3/276 Macquarie Rd Warners Bay NSW 2282

Ph: (02) 4956 6183

Fax: (02) 4956 6993

Line of Business

Manufacturer of canvas & retailer of camping equipment


Mr Glenn Raymon Dickson

Ms Annette Kaye Dickson


Managing Director: Mr Glenn Raymon Dickson

Manufacturer Retailer

Coles Myer Ltd

ACN: 004 089 936 D-U-N-S: 753170117 ABN: 11004089936

Year Established: 1914

Formerly: G J Coles & Coy Limited

Street Address: 800 Toorak Rd Tooronga VIC 3146

Postal Address: PO Box 2000 Glen Iris VIC 3146

Registered Office: 800 Toorak Rd Tooronga VIC 3146

Ph: (03) 9829 3111

Fax: (03) 9829 6787

E-mail: info@.au


Line of Business



Mr Stanley David Martin Wallis (Non-Executive Chairman) AC BCom LLD(Hon)Monash FCPA FCIS FAIM FCIM

Mr John Fletcher

Mr Mark Matthew Leibler (Non-Executive) AO LLB(Hons)(Melb) LLM(Yale)

Mr Richard McKenzie Charlton (Non-Executive) AM BE(Mining) MESc FTSE AO

Mr Solomon Lew (Non-Executive)

Ms Helen Ann Lynch (Non-Executive) AM AAIB

Mr Richard Allert (Non-Executive) AM FCA

Mr William P Gurry (Non-Executive) LLB AO

Mr Martyn Kenneth Myer (Non-Executive) BE ME MSc MIT

Ms Patty Akopiantz BA MBA


Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer: Mr John Fletcher

Company Secretary: Mr Kevin J Elkington

Chief Operating Officer, Food Liquor & Logistics: Mr Alan Williams

Managing Director, Bi-Lo: Mr Peter Merritt

Managing Director, Target: Mr Larry Davis

Managing Director, Kmart: Mr Hani Zayadi

Managing Director, e.colesmyer: Mr Jon Wood

Managing Director, Liquorland: Mr Craig Watkins

Managing Director, Integrated Merchandising & Retail Services: Mr Geoff Sadler

Managing Director, Automotive Group: Mr John Sink

Acting Managing Director, Myer Grace Bros: Mr Warren Flick

Chief Financial Officer: Mr John Peter Schmoll

Chief Officer Corporate & Shared Services: Mr Tim Hammon

Company Secretariat Manager: Mr Rob Bennett


Penneys Pty. Limited

Grace Bros Holdings Ltd

Fulthom Pty Ltd

CMPQ (KM) Pty Ltd

Officeworks Superstores Pty Ltd

Tyremaster (Wholesale) Pty Ltd


Market Street Investments Pty Ltd

Australasia Wide Distribution Pty Ltd

Market Street Investment Trust

Coles Myer Properties Management Ltd

Fosseys (Australia) Pty Ltd

Eastland Shopping Centre Pty Ltd

W4K.World 4 Kids Pty Ltd

Coles KMR Pty Ltd

Amalgamated Food & Poultry Pty Ltd - t/a Red Rooster

CMPQ (Coop) Pty Ltd

Coles Myer Ansett Travel Pty Ltd

Penneys Pty Ltd

Coles Myer Finance Ltd

K Mart Australia Ltd

Coles Myer Properties Holdings Ltd

Katies Fashions (Aust) Pty Ltd

Liquorland (Australia) Pty Ltd

Coles Myer International Pty Ltd

Retail Investments Pty Ltd

Retail Distribution Management Pty Ltd

Financial Network Card Services Pty. Ltd.

Coles Myer International Pty Ltd

Coles Myer New Zealand Holdings Ltd

Bi-Lo Pty Limited

Coles Supermarkets Australia Pty Ltd

Porters Liquor Management Pty Ltd

Target Country Pty Ltd

Target Australia Pty Ltd

Orzo Pty Ltd

Pty Ltd

Vintage Cellars (Australia) Pty Ltd

Osmond Hotel Pty Ltd

Coles Myer Investments Pty Ltd

.au Pty Ltd

CMFL Services Ltd

Price Point Pty Ltd

Direct Fulfilment Pty Ltd

CMPQ (TWB) Pty Ltd

Tickoth Pty Ltd

Outfront Liquor Services Pty Ltd

Liquorland Direct Pty Ltd

E.services(Colesmyer) Pty Ltd

MMS (Colesmyer) Pty Ltd

Comnet Pty Ltd

Barmans Liquor Group Pty Ltd

General Merchandise & Apparel Pty Ltd

Coles Myer Deposit Services Ltd

Multimedia Services Pty Ltd

E.Colesmyer Pty Ltd

Coles Myer Asia Pty Ltd

CMPQ (CML) Pty Ltd

Coles Myer Logistics Pty Ltd

Myer Melbourne Ltd

Mycar Automotive Pty Ltd

Esare Pty Ltd

Market Street Property Trust

Coles Myer Properties Ltd

CMFL Holdings Pty Ltd

Grocery Holdings Pty Ltd

C.M.T.I. Pty Ltd

Broadway Property Holdings Pty Ltd

Coles Myer Property Developments Ltd

E.Tailing (Colesmyer) Pty Ltd

Australian Retail Financial Services (Holdings) Pty Ltd

Coles Myer N.S.W Ltd

Clarkson Shopping Centre Pty Ltd

Label Developments Pty Ltd

Arana Hills Properties Pty Ltd

Bi-Lo Pty Ltd

Ofs (Colesmyer) Pty Ltd

Coles Myer Finance (USA) Ltd

E.Trading (Colesmyer) Pty Ltd

Liquorland (QLD) Pty Ltd

Procurement Online Pty Ltd

FNCS Pty Ltd

HT (Colesmyer) Pty Ltd

O D (Colesmyer) Pty Ltd

Knox Liquor Australia Pty Ltd

Pacific Liquor Wholesalers Pty Ltd

Tooronga Shopping Centre Pty Ltd

CMNZ Investments Pty Ltd

Sanco Insurance Pte Ltd

Officeworks Superstores N.Z Ltd

.au Pty Ltd

Investment Development Funding Pty Ltd

Coles Myer Queensland Ltd

now@colesmyer Pty Ltd

CMPQ (PEN) Pty Ltd

Portal Co (Colesmyer) Pty Ltd

G.J. Coles & Coy Pty Ltd

The Myer Emporium Ltd

Coles Online Pty Ltd

Charlie Carter (Norwest) Pty Ltd

Coles Supermarkets Australia Pty Ltd

Tyremaster Pty Ltd

Financial Network Card Services Pty Ltd

Consolidated Realties Pty Ltd

Myer Properties W.A.

Morley Shopping Centre Pty Ltd


UK The Royal Bank of Scotland Caxton House Redcliffe Way Bristol BS99 7NH UK


National Australia Bank Limited





Insurance Broker

Sedgwick Limited

Employees: 162000 (G)

Top 5000 Ranking by Employees: 1

Annual Revenue: $13,837,300,000 (G)

Top 5000 Ranking by Revenue: 11

Issued Capital: $1,973,700,000

Accounts Close: 29JUL

Annual Meeting: NOV

Public Company Listed

Principal Share Register: Computershare Investor Servs Lvl 12 565 Bourke St Melbourne



Product Range

Groceries, apparel & accessories, homewares, liquors, gifts & flowers, music & DVD, computer & office supplies

Colonel Clint's Crazy Bargain Stores Pty Ltd

ACN: 003 038 702 D-U-N-S: 750586356 ABN: 65003038702

Year Established: 1978

Street Address: 11-21 Forge St Blacktown NSW 2148

Registered Office: 11-21 Forge St Blacktown NSW 2148

Ph: (02) 9830 6700

Fax: (02) 9830 6722

Line of Business

Retailer of domestic merchandise


Mr Norman David O'Neill

Ms Kerry Anne Rickards

Mr David Phillip Rickards

Ms Susan Jane O'Neill


Chief Executive Officer: Mr Norman David O'Neill

Company Secretary: Mr David Phillip Rickards

Marketing Manager: Ms Kim Mosman

Buying Manager: Ms Kerry Anne Rickards

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Rob Wilson

IT Manager: Mr Garry Hallams

Human Resources Manager: Ms Susan Jane O'Neill

Parent Company: Volandu Pty Ltd

Associated Companies

Volandu Pty Ltd


ACT Colonel Clint's Crazy Bargain Stores Pty Ltd 203-205 Crawford St Queanbeyan 2620

Colonel Clint's Crazy Bargain Stores Pty Ltd Area 4 First Floor Bonner Crt Woden 2606

Colonel Clint's Crazy Bargain Stores Pty Ltd 101-102 Tuggeranong Hyperdome Tuggeranong 2900

Colonel Clint's Crazy Bargain Stores Pty Ltd Shop 62 Westfield Shoppingtown Figtree 2525

NSW Colonel Clint's Crazy Bargain Stores Pty Ltd 169 Carp St Bega 2550

Colonel Clint's Crazy Bargain Stores Pty Ltd 244-250 Macquarie St Liverpool 2170

Colonel Clint's Crazy Bargain Stores Pty Ltd 210 Baylis St Wagga Wagga 2650

Colonel Clint's Crazy Bargain Stores Pty Ltd 114 Mann St Gosford 2250

Colonel Clint's Crazy Bargain Stores Pty Ltd Shop 1 420 High St Maitland 2320

Colonel Clint's Crazy Bargain Stores Pty Ltd 91B Westfield Shoppingtown Burwood 2134

Colonel Clint's Crazy Bargain Stores Pty Ltd 175-181 Auburn St Goulburn 2580

Colonel Clint's Crazy Bargain Stores Pty Ltd 150-154 Summer St Orange 2800

Colonel Clint's Crazy Bargain Stores Pty Ltd Shop 92 Westfield Shoppingtown Warrawong 2502

Colonel Clint's Crazy Bargain Stores Pty Ltd T79 Westpoint Shopping Centre Blacktown 2148

Colonel Clint's Crazy Bargain Stores Pty Ltd 272-276 Clarinda St Parkes 2870

Colonel Clint's Crazy Bargain Stores Pty Ltd 191 Queen St Campbelltown 2560

Colonel Clint's Crazy Bargain Stores Pty Ltd Griffith City Plaza 130 Banna Ave Griffith 2680

Colonel Clint's Crazy Bargain Stores Pty Ltd 54-56 Kendal St Cowra 2794

Colonel Clint's Crazy Bargain Stores Pty Ltd 75 Katoomba St Katoomba 2780

Colonel Clint's Crazy Bargain Stores Pty Ltd Shop 36 Narellan Town Centre Narellan 2567

Colonel Clint's Crazy Bargain Stores Pty Ltd 92-94 Belmore Rd Randwick 2031

Colonel Clint's Crazy Bargain Stores Pty Ltd 52 Vincent St Cessnock 2325

Colonel Clint's Crazy Bargain Stores Pty Ltd Shop 9-11 Market Sq Hunter Mall Newcastle 2300

Colonel Clint's Crazy Bargain Stores Pty Ltd 26-28 Old Town Centre Plaza Bankstown 2200

Colonel Clint's Crazy Bargain Stores Pty Ltd Shop 25 Lithgow Valley Centre Lithgow 2790

Colonel Clint's Crazy Bargain Stores Pty Ltd 155-157 Hoskins St Temora 2666

Colonel Clint's Crazy Bargain Stores Pty Ltd 169 Macquarie St Dubbo 2830

Colonel Clint's Crazy Bargain Stores Pty Ltd Shop 10MA Westfield Shoppingtown Parramatta 2150

Colonel Clint's Crazy Bargain Stores Pty Ltd 82 Queen St St Marys 2760

VIC Colonel Clint's Crazy Bargain Stores Pty Ltd Shop 19 Height Shopping Centre Paringa Blvd Meadow Heights 3825

Colonel Clint's Crazy Bargain Stores Pty Ltd 2-26 Mair St Ballarat 3350

Colonel Clint's Crazy Bargain Stores Pty Ltd 3 Clifton St Moe 3825

Colonel Clint's Crazy Bargain Stores Pty Ltd The Co-Store Ovens St Wangaratta 3677

Colonel Clint's Crazy Bargain Stores Pty Ltd 126-128 Market Square Mall Geelong 3220

Colonel Clint's Crazy Bargain Stores Pty Ltd Shop 83 Easthills Shopping Centre Cnr Heatherton & M Flinderd Dr Endeavour Hills 3802

Colonel Clint's Crazy Bargain Stores Pty Ltd 72 Seymour St Traralgon 3844

Colonel Clint's Crazy Bargain Stores Pty Ltd Cnr Beverage & McCrae Sts Swan Hill 3585

Colonel Clint's Crazy Bargain Stores Pty Ltd 106-112 High St Shepparton 3630

Colonel Clint's Crazy Bargain Stores Pty Ltd Shop 1 56-60 Evans St Sunbury 3429

Colonel Clint's Crazy Bargain Stores Pty Ltd 25-29 Devonshire Rd Sunshine 3020

Colonel Clint's Crazy Bargain Stores Pty Ltd Shop 11 Northcote Central Northcote 3070


Commonwealth Bank of Australia

National Australia Bank Limited


Gray & Thomas


Ernst & Young

Insurance Broker

GIO Australia Holdings Limited

Employees: 1000

Top 5000 Ranking by Employees: 581

Annual Revenue: $150,000,000

Top 5000 Ranking by Revenue: 809

Issued Capital: $12

Accounts Close: 30JUN


Product Range

George Crocker Pty Ltd

ACN: 004 075 503 D-U-N-S: 753013135 ABN: 64004075503

Year Established: 1876

Street Address: 4 Armstrong St North Ballarat VIC 3350

Postal Address: 4 Armstrong St North Ballarat VIC 3350

Registered Office: 4 Armstrong St North Ballarat VIC 3350

Ph: (03) 5331 3222

Fax: (03) 5331 7979

Line of Business

Retail men's & boy's clothing, school & college wear.


Mr John Crocker

Mr Robert Crocker


Managing Director: Mr Robert Crocker

Company Secretary: Mr John Crocker


Commonwealth Bank of Australia

Employees: 5 ( )

Annual Revenue: $600,000



Product Range

Men's & boy's clothing, school & college wear.

Cronshaw's Pty Ltd

ACN: 008 696 133 D-U-N-S: 757506688 ABN: 45008696133

Year Established: 1920

Street Address: 84 Victoria St Bunbury WA 6230

Postal Address: PO Box 425 Bunbury WA 6230

Ph: (08) 9721 1233

Fax: (08) 9721 7195

Toll Free: (1800) 812 536

Mobile: (018) 915438

Line of Business

Department store


Mrs Ida Griffin (Chairperson)

Mr Peter Battle

Mr Paul Neville Griffin

Mr Peter Griffin

Ms Margaret Macintosh

Mr Jamie Cronshaw

Mr Milton Cronshaw


Managing Director: Mr Peter Battle

Finance Manager: Ms Jan Smith

Personnel Manager: Mr Michael Ivey

Assistant Manager: Mr Les Deoman

Company Secretary: Mr Des Griffin

Associated Companies

Cronshaws Properties


National Australia Bank Limited


Slee Anderson & Pidgeon


Eastman & Co


Eastman & Co

Insurance Broker

Sarre Insurance Broking Services

Employees: 65

Annual Meeting: NOV



Curlewis Farmers Co-operative Ltd

D-U-N-S: 750339004 ABN: 85241625917

Year Established: 1936

Street Address: 222 Conadilly St Gunnedah NSW 2380

Postal Address: PO Box 126 Gunnedah NSW 2380

Registered Office: 222 Conadilly St Gunnedah NSW 2380

Ph: (02) 6742 0544

Fax: (02) 6742 3788

E-mail: curlewiscoop@.au

Line of Business

Retailer of general merchandise


Mr W L Weakley (Chairman)

Mr D P MacPherson

Mrs G J Lemon

Mr M J Keating

Mr N F Vickery

Mr O E Jones

Mrs C E Heath

Mr W Lightfoot


General Manager: Mr B D Sommerlad

Financial Controller: Mr Richard Budden


Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited - t/a ANZ


Walker Beer & Associates


K J Ormiston Mason & Co


K J Ormiston Mason & Co

Insurance Broker

Aon Risk Services Australia Limited

Employees: 64

Annual Revenue: $7,000,000

Accounts Close: 30JUN

Annual Meeting: OCT


Danlenare Pty Ltd

ACN: 065 640 388 D-U-N-S: 756395778 ABN: 48065640388

Year Established: 1994

Street Address: 45 Grove Ave Marlseton SA 5033

Ph: (08) 8351 4422

Fax: (08) 8351 4488

Line of Business

Retailer of printing products


Financial Administration Controller: Mr Tony Aloisi


National Australia Bank Limited

Employees: 8

Annual Revenue: $2,600,000

David Jones Limited

ACN: 000 074 573 D-U-N-S: 750593592 ABN: 75000074573

Year Established: 1838

Formerly: David Jones (Australia) Pty Limited

Street Address: 86-108 Castlereagh St Sydney NSW 2000

Postal Address: GPO Box 503 Sydney NSW 2001

Registered Office: 86-108 Castlereagh St Sydney NSW 2000

Ph: (02) 9266 5544

Fax: (02) 9261 5717


Line of Business

David Jones operates as a department store retailer. Company was floated as a new listing on the Sydney Stock Exchange on 27.11.95


Mr Richard Francis Egerton Warburton (Non-Executive Chairman) FAICD

Mr Peter Wilkinson

Mr Robert Murray Savage (Non-Executive)

Mr John Dowling Coates (Non-Executive) AO LLB

Ms Katie Lahey (Non-Executive) BA(Hons) MBA

Ms Elizabeth Ann Nosworthy (Non-Executive) BA LLB LLM

Mr Reginald John Clairs (Non-Executive) AO


Chief Executive Officer: Mr Peter Wilkinson

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Stephen Goddard

Company Secretary: Mr John Simmonds

Stores Director: Mr Don Grover

Operations Director: Ms Julie Coates

Merchandise & Marketing Director: Mr Mark McInnes

Director of Human Resources: Ms Teresa Gallow

Chief Information Officer: Mr Lawrie Turner

General Manager, Securiing Our Future Program: Ms Felicity Herron

General Manager, Womenswear, Childrenswear, Shoes and Accessories: Ms Colette Garnsey

General Manager, Home and Food: Mr Patrick Robinson


David Jones Properties Pty Limited

David Jones Properties (Victoria) Pty Limited

David Jones Insurance Agency Pty Limited

Aherns Holdings Pty Ltd

David Jones Finance Pty Limited

John Martin Retailers Limited

David Jones Credit Pty Limited

Helland Close Pty Limited

Buckley & Nunn Pty Limited

David Jones Financial Services Limited

David Jones (Adelaide) Pty Limited

David Jones Properties (Queensland) Pty Limited

David Jones Properties (South Australia) Pty Limited

Speertill Pty Limited

299-307 Bourke Street Pty Ltd

Akitin Pty Limited


Arthur Andersen

Employees: 7000 (G)

Top 5000 Ranking by Employees: 86

Annual Revenue: $903,971,000 (G)

Top 5000 Ranking by Revenue: 195

Issued Capital: $315,013,000

Accounts Close: 31JUL

Annual Meeting: DEC

Public Company Listed

Principal Share Register: Computershare Investor Servs Level 3 60 Carrington St Sydney



Dimmeys Stores Pty Ltd

ACN: 073 979 781 D-U-N-S: 756921748 ABN: 35841946393

Year Established: 0

Street Address: 240 Geelong Rd FOOTSCRAY VIC 3011

Postal Address: 240 Geelong Rd FOOTSCRAY VIC 3011

Registered Office: 240 Geelong Rd FOOTSCRAY VIC 3011

Ph: (03) 9362 7366

Fax: (03) 9396 1154

E-mail: bargains@.au

Line of Business

Retail Department Store


Mr Brian Swersky

Mr Douglas Edward Zappelli


Managing Director: Mr Brian Swersky

Financial Controller: Mr Murray Taylor

Marketing Manager: Mr Jeff Croft

IT Manager: Ms Rachel Johnston

Director: Mr John Maguire

Employees: 50 ( )

Annual Revenue: $0


Product Range

clothing and accessories

Discount Variety Group Pty Limited - t/a Chickenfeed Bargain Stores

ACN: 096 097 719 D-U-N-S: 755532447 ABN: 63096097719

Year Established: 1994

Formerly: ;Chickenfeed Bargain Stores

Street Address: 1066 Cambridge Rd CAMBRIDGE TAS 7170

Postal Address: 1066 Cambridge Rd CAMBRIDGE TAS 7170

Registered Office: 1066 Cambridge Rd CAMBRIDGE TAS 7170

Ph: (03) 6248 5767

Fax: (03) 6248 5771


Line of Business

Variety Retail Store


General Manager: Mr Ashleigh Wilson

Parent Company: Miller's Retail Limited

Employees: 240 ( )

Top 5000 Ranking by Employees: 2080


Product Range

Variety store

Domestix Pty Ltd

ACN: 007 397 980 D-U-N-S: 745263095 ABN: 96007397980

Year Established: 1990

Street Address: Shop 234 Doncaster S/Town DONCASTER VIC 3108

Postal Address: Shop 234 Doncaster S/Town DONCASTER VIC 3108

Registered Office: Shop 234 Doncaster S/Town DONCASTER VIC 3108

Ph: (03) 98488451

Fax: (03) 9591 0982

Line of Business

Retailer Of Gifts, Kitchenware, & Homeware


Ms Kathleen Margaret Giles (Managing Director)


Managing Director: Ms Kathleen Margaret Giles

Area Manager: Mr Martin Harkin

Employees: 45 ( )

Annual Revenue: $0

Product Range

Gifts, Kitchenware, & Homeware

Fairleys Pty Ltd Fairleys IGA

ACN: 005 912 747 D-U-N-S: 753280726 ABN: 88807040086

Year Established: 1926

Street Address: 177-193 Numurkah Rd SHEPPARTON VIC 3630

Postal Address: PO Box 3632 SHEPPARTON VIC 3630

Registered Office: 177-193 Numurkah Rd SHEPPARTON VIC 3630

Ph: (03) 58221555

Fax: (03) 58217218

E-mail: fairshep@.au

Line of Business

Retail groceries - supermarket


Mr John Gaylard


Managing Director: Mr John Gaylard

Store Manager: Mr Vince Camera

Accountant : Ms Julie Hughes

IT Manager: Ms Thelma Beaton

Employees: 200 ( )

Top 5000 Ranking by Employees: 2306

Accounts Close:  


Product Range


Fidler & Webb Limited

ACN: 007 870 153 D-U-N-S: 756055919 ABN: 11007870153

Year Established: 1858

Street Address: 60-66 Commercial St East Mount Gambier SA 5290

Registered Office: 60-66 Commercial St East Mount Gambier SA 5290

Ph: (08) 8725 3038

Fax: (08) 8723 1478

Line of Business

Operation of a retail department store


Mr John Lionel Brookes

Mr Alexander Haig

Mr Paul David Gazzard

Mr Robert Wayne Clark

Mrs Edna Grace Scott

Mr Archibald Allan Scott OAM


Managing Director: Mr Archibald Allan Scott OAM

Company Secretary: Ms Patricia Anne Croker

Store Manager: Mrs Grace Scott


Adelaide Bank Limited


Johnson Winter & Slattery


Galpin Engler Bruins & Dempsey

Employees: 46

Annual Revenue: $5,100,000

Issued Capital: $1,560,000

Accounts Close: 30JUN

Annual Meeting: NOV

Public Company


Garners Pty Ltd

ACN: 000 055 130 D-U-N-S: 740005587 ABN: 91000055130

Year Established: 1926

Street Address: 25 Church St Gloucester NSW 2422

Ph: (02) 6558 1853

Fax: (02) 6558 2179

Line of Business

General store; Garners IGA; franchise; home hardware franchise; instore westpack banking


Mr Walter Garner

Mrs Patricia Garner

Mr Stephen Mark Garner


Managing Director: Mr Walter Garner

Purchasing Manager: Mr Stephen Mark Garner

Company Secretary: Mrs Patricia Garner

Sales Executive: Ms Jane Deen


National Australia Bank Limited


Bowen-Thomas & Barlow


Donovan Allman & Co


Donovan Allman & Co

Employees: 29

Accounts Close: 31JUL

Annual Meeting: NOV


Youngdown Pty Ltd - t/a Go-Lo

ACN: 003 393 548 D-U-N-S: 750398109 ABN: 63003393548

Year Established: 1987

Street Address: 5 Inglis Rd Ingleburn NSW 2565

Registered Office: Level 6 Lisgar House 30 Carrington St Sydney NSW 2000

Ph: (02) 9618 6067

Fax: ()

Line of Business

Retailer of general merchandise. Retails clothes, confectionery & variety of items such as kitchenware, electronics etc at bargain prices

Importing From

China, Europe, Hong Kong, Taiwan


Mr Harold Samuel Neumann

Mr David Alan McSeveny

Mr Eddie Kam Shing Yip

Mr Joel Leon Bloom


Managing Director: Mr Joel Leon Bloom

Parent Company: Miller's Retail Limited

Associated Companies

Go-Lo Variety Stores Pty Limited

H & H Corporation Pty Limited

Go-Lo Management Pty Limited

Go-Lo Distribution Pty Limited


ACT Youngdown Pty Ltd Tuggeranong, Weston, Woden

NSW Youngdown Pty Ltd Fairfield, Glendale, Hinchinbrook Hornsby, Ingleburn, Lismore, Maroubra Penrith, Port Macquarie

Youngdown Pty Ltd Riverwood, Wollongong

Youngdown Pty Ltd Merrylands, Penrith, Wallsend Tamworth, Bateau Bay, Baulkham Hills Bonnyrigg, Campbelltown

Youngdown Pty Ltd Seven Hills, Miller, Top Ryde, Campsie Casula, Chester Hill, Bankstown Bondi Junction, Emu Plains


Westpac Banking Corporation



Gowing Bros Limited

ACN: 000 010 471 D-U-N-S: 750496531 ABN: 68000010471

Year Established: 1868

Street Address: Level 8 Gowings Building Cnr Market & George Sts Sydney NSW 2000

Registered Office: Level 8 Gowings Building Cnr Market & George Sts Sydney NSW 2000

Ph: (02) 9264 6321

Fax: (02) 9264 6240

Toll Free: (1800) 803 304

E-mail: gowings@.au


Line of Business

Department store, investor in listed equities & real estate


Mr Willis Antony Salier (Non-Executive Chairman) BA LLB LLM

Mr Keith Preen (Non-Executive Deputy Chairman)

Mr John Edward Gowing

Mr John Denis Black (Non-Executive)

Mr Michael Alscher (Non-Executive)


Managing Director: Mr John Edward Gowing

Company Secretary: Mr Michael Faulkner

Merchandising Manager: Mr Paolo Gnecchi


Gowing Wholesale Pty Limited

Gowings Pty Limited

Laurelco Pty Limited

Gowing Leichardt Pty Limited

Reysharn Pty Limited

Gowing Properties Pty Limited

Toes On The Nose Pty Ltd

Associated Companies

Healesville Holdings Pty Limited

Oneita Australia Pty Limited


Westpac Banking Corporation


Pigott Stinson Ratner Thom


Scott Waine & Mitchell


HLB Mann Judd

Insurance Broker

D.H.B. & Associates Pty Limited

Employees: 150

Top 5000 Ranking by Employees: 2956

Annual Revenue: $15,728,000 (G)

Top 5000 Ranking by Revenue: 3618

Issued Capital: $5,490,000

Accounts Close: 31JUL

Annual Meeting: NOV

Public Company Listed

Principal Share Register: BT Registries Pty Ltd Chifley Tower 2 Chifley Sq Sydney NSW


Product Range

Men's & boyswear including hats, shoes, suits, trousers, shirts, knitwear, underwear, travelgoods, bowlswear, tennis, cricket, football & printed T-shirts, corporate clothing, barber salon & fishing tackle, accessories & hardware (Mitre 10)

Guardian Timber & Joinery Pty Ltd

ACN: 000 319 120 D-U-N-S: 750574816

Year Established: 1974

Street Address: 89 Ferry Rd Windsor NSW 2756

Ph: (02) 4577 4056

Fax: (02) 4577 4112

Line of Business

Wholesale & retail farm supplies


Mr John McCall

Mr Andrew McCall

Mr David McCall

Ms Susan McCall


Managing Director: Mr John McCall


Commonwealth Bank of Australia

Employees: 6 ( )

Annual Revenue: $1,500,000

Wholesaler Retailer

Hamerfox Pty. Limited - t/a AMR Hewitts Consolidated Printing

ACN: 006 394 814 D-U-N-S: 740782511 ABN: 22006394814

Year Established: 1985

Formerly: ;A V R Hewitts

Street Address: 29 Garden Drv TULLAMARINE VIC 3043

Postal Address: 29 Garden Drv TULLAMARINE VIC 3043

Ph: (03) 9330 3133

Fax: (03) 9338 9535


Line of Business

Carton Printing


Mr Matt Mimma

Mr Lou Mimma


General Manager: Mr Matt Mimma

Financial Controller: Mr Herbert Fernando

Purchasing Manager: Mr Tony Chapman

Employees: 40 ( )

Accounts Close:  


Product Range

Carton Printing

Harris Scarfe Holdings Limited (Under External Administration and/or Controller Appointed)

ACN: 009 476 073 D-U-N-S: 753826148 ABN: 25009476073

Year Established: 1847

Formerly: Charles Davis Limited

Street Address: 81 Rundle Mall Adelaide SA 5000

Postal Address: GPO Box 452 Adelaide SA 5001

Registered Office: C/- Harris Scarfe Limited 81 Rundle Mall Adelaide SA 5000

Ph: (08) 8203 4444

Fax: (08) 8223 4206


Line of Business

Holding company for group comprising retailing & motor vehicle distribution. Branches in VIC, TAS & SA


Mr Adam John Trescowthick (Chairman) BBus(Monash)

Mr John Maurice Patten (Deputy Chairman) BEc FCA

Mr Mark Charles Trescowthick

Mr Roger Andrew Curtis LLB

Mr Ross Graham Oakley BEc MBA

Mr Robert David Mattingly


Chief Executive Officer: Mr Robert Atkins

Chief Financial Officer & Secretary: Mr Alan Hodgson ACIS MNIA

Parent Company: C.D. Staff Nominees Pty Ltd


ACN 009 480 013 Pty Ltd

Harris Scarfe Limited (Under External Administration and/or Controller Appointed)

Tasmanian Retail Services Pty Ltd

CDL Finance Pty Ltd

G P Fitzgerald & Co Ltd

Investment & Merchant Finance Corporation Limited (Under External Administration and/or Controller Appointed)

ACN 009 476 153 Pty Ltd

Harris Scarfe Wholesale Pty Ltd

C.D. Staff Nominees Pty Ltd


Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited - t/a ANZ



Employees: 1300

Top 5000 Ranking by Employees: 459

Annual Revenue: $421,887,000 (G)

Top 5000 Ranking by Revenue: 375

Issued Capital: $56,422,000

Accounts Close: 31JUL

Annual Meeting: NOV

Public Company Listed

Principal Share Register: BT Registries Pty Ltd Level 9 600 Bourke St Melbourne VIC



Harris Scarfe Limited (Under External Administration and/or Controller Appointed)

ACN: 007 870 886 D-U-N-S: 756126157 ABN: 65007870886

Year Established: 1850

Street Address: 81 Rundle Mall Adelaide SA 5000

Postal Address: GPO Box 452 Adelaide SA 5001

Registered Office: 81 Rundle Mall Adelaide SA 5000

Ph: (08) 8203 4444

Fax: (08) 8223 4206


Line of Business

Department store; 11 stores in SA, 8 stores in TAS, 8 stores in VIC, 6 stores in WA, 2 stores in Qld, 1 store in NSW


Mr Mark Charles Trescowthick

Mr Adam John Trescowthick BBus(Monash)


National Marketing Manager: Mr David Brooks

EDP Manager: Mr Geoff Rich

Parent Company: Harris Scarfe Holdings Limited (Under External Administration and/or Controller Appointed)


Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited - t/a ANZ


J M Fitzpatrick





Insurance Broker

G.I.S. Pty Ltd

Employees: 3000

Top 5000 Ranking by Employees: 185

Annual Revenue: $379,000,000

Top 5000 Ranking by Revenue: 405

Issued Capital: $4,089,594

Accounts Close: 31JUL

Annual Meeting: NOV

Public Company



Product Range

Full line department store retailer; mail & telephone order services: credit provider

Trade Names


Harvest Seed Company Pty Limited - t/a Harvest Seeds & Native Plants

ACN: 059 101 558 D-U-N-S: 755001096 ABN: 33059101558

Year Established: 1986

Street Address: 325 McCarrs Creek Rd Terrey Hills NSW 2084

Postal Address: PO Box 325 Terrey Hills NSW 2084

Ph: (02) 9450 2699

Fax: (02) 9450 2750

Mobile: (0415) 610292

E-mail: harvest@.au

Line of Business

Seed merchant; promotional seed products, retail seed packs, native grass, tree & shrub seedlings & plants

Exporting To

Europe, Japan, New Zealand, United Kingdom

Importing From

France, Germany, New Zealand, United States of America


Ms Marina Grassecker AAIH

Mr Franco Belgiorno-Nettis


Managing Director: Ms Marina Grassecker AAIH

Sales & Office Manager: Ms Bev Harrold

Export Manager: Ms Marina Grassecker AAIH

Horticultural & Field Services Manager: Mr James Dutton


Commonwealth Bank of Australia

Employees: 5


Manufacturer Wholesaler Retailer Distributor Producer Contractor

Product Range

Native & exotic seed supply, provenance seed collection, seedling & plant supply, contract propagation & planting out, landscape & revegetation consultancy, native grasses & wetland species consultancy

Trade Names


Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd

ACN: 003 237 545 D-U-N-S: 750551178 ABN: 54003237545

Year Established: 1982

Formerly: Caviton Limited

Street Address: A1 Richmond Rd Homebush West NSW 2140

Postal Address: Locked Bag 2 Silverwater DC NSW 1811

Registered Office: A1 Richmond Rd Homebush West NSW 2140

Ph: (02) 9201 6111

Fax: (02) 9201 6250


Line of Business

Franchisor of retail stores, property owner & landlord & credit provider


Mr Gerald Harvey (Chairman)

Ms Kay Lesley Page

Mr Raymond John Skippen

Mr Arthur Bayly Brew

Mr Michael John Harvey (Non-Executive)

Mr Christopher Herbert Brown (Non-Executive) LLM

Mr John Slack-Smith

Mr Ian John Norman (Non-Executive)

Mr Stephen Hauville


Managing Director: Ms Kay Lesley Page

Executive Director: Mr Gerald Harvey

Finance Director: Mr Raymond John Skippen

IT Director: Mr Arthur Bayly Brew

Human Resources Manager: Ms Renee Jackson

Assistant to Finance Director: Ms Donna Katsoolis


Derni Pty Ltd

Arlenu Pty Limited

Kita Pty Limited

Misstar Pty Limited

Norman Ross Pty Limited

Rosieway Pty Limited

Wadins Pty Limited

Calardu Warrnambool Pty Limited

Harvey Norman Commercial Your Solution Provider Pty Limited

Harvey Norman Export Pty Limited

Harvey Norman Gamezone Pty Limited

Harvey Norman (NSW) Pty Limited

Harvey Norman Stores (WA) Pty Limited

Lesandu S.A. Pty Limited

Webzone Pty Limited

Achiever Computers Pty Ltd

Aubdirect Pty Limited

Barrayork Pty Ltd

Calardu Auburn Pty Limited

Calardu Ballarat Pty Limited

Calardu Bathurst Pty Limited

Calardu Berrimah Pty Limited

Calardu Broadmeadow Pty Limited

Calardu Bunbury (WA) Pty Limited

Calardu Caringbah Pty Limited

Calardu Chatswood Pty Limited

Calardu Gordon Pty Limited

Calardu Guildford Pty Limited

Calardu Hobart Pty Limited

Calardu Hoppers Crossing Pty Limited

Calardu Horsham Pty Limited

Calardu Joondalup Pty Limited

Calardu Kalgoorlie Pty limited

Calardu Loganholme Pty Limited

Calardu Marion Pty Limited

Calardu Maryborough Pty Limited

Calardu Melville Pty Limited

Calardu Morayfield Pty Limited

Calardu Noosa Pty Limited

Calardu North Ryde Pty Limited

Calardu Nowra Pty Limited

Calardu Rockingham Pty Limited

Calardu Roselands Pty Limited

Calardu Taree Pty Limited

Calardu Tweed Heads Pty Limited

Calardu Warrawong Pty Limited

Galardu West Gosford Pty Limited

Calardu Wivenhoe Pty Limited

Cropp Pty Limited

D.M. Auburn Franchisor Pty Limited

D.M. Auburn Leasing Pty Limited

D.M. Kotara Franchisor Pty Limited

D.M. Kotara Leasing Pty Limited

D.M. Liverpool Franchisor Pty Limited

D.M. Liverpool Leasing Pty Limited

Domain Holdings Pty Limited

Domayne Holdings Limited - New Zealand

Domayne Pty Limited

Edbrook Everton Park Pty Limited

Geraldton WA Pty Limited

Gestco Greensborough Pty Limited

H.N. Albany Franchisor Pty Limited

H.N. Armidale Franchisor Pty Limited

H.N. Armidale Leasing Pty Limited

H.N. Aspley Franchisor Pty Limited

H.N. Aspley Leasing Pty Limited

H.N. Auburn Franchisor Pty Limited

H.N. Auburn Leasing Pty Limited

H.N. Balgowlah Franchisor Pty Limited

H.N. Balgowlah Leasing Pty Limited

H.N. Ballarat Franchisor Pty Limited

H.N. Ballarat Leasing Pty Limited

R. Reynolds Nominees Pty Limited

Signature Computers Pty Limited

Waggafurn Pty Limited

Harvey Cellars Pty Limited

Harvey Liquor Pty Limited

Harvey Norman (ACT) Pty Limited

Harvey Norman Burnie Franchisor Pty Limited

Harvey Norman Burnie Leasing Pty Limited

Harvey Norman Computer Club Pty Limited

Harvey Norman Computer Training Pty Limited

Harvey Norman Devonport Franchisor Pty Limited

Harvey Norman Devonport Leasing Pty Limited

Harvey Norman Fitouts Pty Limited

Harvey Norman Glenorchy Franchisor Pty Limited

Harvey Norman Glenorchy Leasing Pty Limited

Harvey Norman Hobart Franchisor Pty Limited

Harvey Norman Hobart Leasing Pty Limited

Harvey Norman Home Cellars Pty Limited

Harvey Norman Launceston Franchisor Pty Limited

Harvey Norman Launceston Leasing Pty Limited

HNL Pty Limited

Harvey Norman Loughran Plant & Equipment Pty Limited

Harvey Norman Rosney Franchisor Pty Limited

Harvey Norman Rosney Leasing Pty Limited

Harvey Norman Tasmania Pty Limited

Harvey Norman Technology Pty Limited

Harvey Norman Ulverstone Franchisor Pty Limited

Harvey Norman Ulverstone Leasing Pty Limited

J.M. Auburn Franchisor Pty Limited

J.M. Campbelltown Franchisor Pty Limited

J.M. Campbelltown Leasing Pty Limited

J.M. Caringbah Franchisor Pty Limited

Arisit Pty Limited

Calardu Alexandria DM Pty Ltd

Calardu Alice Springs Pty Ltd

Calardu Ballina Pty Limited

Calardu Berri (SA) Pty Ltd

Calardu Bowral Pty Limited

Calardu Campbelltown Pty Limited

Calardu Caringbah (Taren Point) Pty Limited

Calardu Frankston Pty Limited

Calardu Fyshwick DM Pty Limited

Calardu Launceston Pty Ltd

Calardu Mt Gambier Pty Limited

Calardu Munno Para Pty Limited

Calardu Noarlunga Pty Limited

Calardu Whyalla Pty Limited

Domayne Pty Limited

Harvey Norman Energy Pty Limtied

Harvey Norman Europe d.d.o.

Harvey Norman Leasing Pty Limited

Harvey Norman Music Pty Limited

Harvey Norman . Pty Limited

Harvey Norman Rental Pty Limited

Harvey Norman Singapore Pte Limited

J.M. Caringbah Leasing Pty Limited

J M Contracting Services Pty Limited

J M Leasing Pty Limited

J M Plant & Equipment Hire Pty Limited

J M Share Investment Pty Limited

Lightcorp Pty Limited

Setto Pty Limited

Tisira Pty Limited

Arpayo Pty Ltd

Calardu Armadale WA Pty Ltd

Calardu Belrose DM Pty Ltd

Calardu Bundall Pty Ltd

Calardu Milton Pty Ltd

Calardu Milton Pty Ltd

Calardu Perth City West Pty Ltd

Calardu Thebarton Pty Ltd

Calardu Warwick Pty Ltd

Calardu Tweed Heads Traders Way Pty Ltd

D.M Penrith Franchisor Pty Ltd

D.M. Penrith Leasing Pty Ltd

D.M. Warrarong Franchisor Pty Ltd

Domayne P.E.M. Pty Ltd

Domayne Plant & Equipment Pty Ltd

Forgetful Pty Ltd

H.N. Ayr Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Ayr Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Bairnsdale Pty Ltd

H.N. Bathurst Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Bathurst Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Belmont Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Belmont Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Bendigo Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Bendigo Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N Bernoth Leasing Pty Ltd

H. N. Bernoth Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Bernoth Plant & Equipment Pty Ltd

H.N. Blacktown Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Blacktown Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Broadway (Sydney) Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Broadway (Sydney) Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Broadway on the Mall Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Broadway on the Mall Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Browns Plains Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Browns Plains Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Bunbury Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Bundaberg Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Bundaberg Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Bundall Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Bundall Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Busselton Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Cairns Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Cairns Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Campbelltown Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Campbelltown Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Cannington W.A. Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Cannington W.A. Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Caringdale Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Carindale Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Caringbah Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Caringbah Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Chatswood Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Chatswood Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. City West Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. City West Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Coffs Harbour Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Coffs Harbour Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Cranbourne Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Cranbourne Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Dalby Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Dalby Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Dandenong Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Dandenong Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Darwin Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N Darwin Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N Deniliquin Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Deniliquin Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Dubbo Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Dubbo Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Enfield Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Enfield Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Everton Park Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Everton Park Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Fairfield Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Fremantle Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Fremantle Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Fyshwick Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Fyshwick Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Geelong Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Geraldton Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Geraldton W.A. Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Gladstone Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Gladstone Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Gordon Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Gordon Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Gosford Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Grafton Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Grafton Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Greensborough Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Griffith Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Griffith Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Hamilton Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Hamilton Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Hervery Bay Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Hervey Bay Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Indooroopilly Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Indooroopilly Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Innisfail Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Innisfail Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Inverell Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Inverell Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Joondalup Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Joondalup Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Kalgoorlie Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Kalgoorlie Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Karratha Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Karratha Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Kawana Waters Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Kawana Waters Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Knox Towerpoint Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Knox Towerpoint Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Lismore Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Lismore Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Liverpool Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Liverpool Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Loughran Contracting Pty Ltd

H.N. Mackay Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Mackay Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Maddington Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Maddington Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Maitland Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Maitland Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Mandurah Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Mandura Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Maribyrnong Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Maribyrnong Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Marion Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Midland Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Midland Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Mildura Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Mildura Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Moe Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Moorabbin Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Moorabbin Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Moore Park Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Moore Park Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Morayfield Franchisor pty Ltd

H.N. Morayfield Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Moree Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Morley Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N Morley Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Mossvale Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Moss Vale Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Mt Gambier Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Mt Gravatt Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Mt Gravatt Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Mudgee Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Newcastle Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Newcastle Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Noarlunga Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Noarlunga Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Noosa Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Noosa Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Nowra Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Nowra Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Nunawading Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Nunawading Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. O'Connor Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. O'Connor Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Orange Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Orange Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Osborne Park Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Osborne Park Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Osborne Park Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Parkes Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Parkes Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Penrith Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N Penrith Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Port Hedland Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Port Hedland Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Port Kennedy Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Port Kennedy Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Port Macquarie Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Port Macquarie Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Preston Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Preston Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Riverwood Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Riverwood Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Rockhampton Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Rockhampton Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Sale Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Sale Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Shepparton Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. South Tweed Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. South Tweed Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Southland Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Southland Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Swan Hill Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Swan Hill Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Tamworth Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Tamworth Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Taree Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Toowoomba Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Toowoomba Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Townsville Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Townsville Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Traralgon Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Traralgon Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Wagga Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Wagga Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Wangaratta Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Wangaratta Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Warragul Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Warragul Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Warrawong Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Warrawong Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Warrnambool Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Warrnambool Leasing Pty ltd

H.N. Warwick Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Warwick (WA) Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Warwick (WA) Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. West Gosford Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Whyalla Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Whyalla Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Wiley Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Wiley Park Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Windsor Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Woden Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Woden Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Wonthaggi Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Wonthaggi Leasing Pty Ltd

H.N. Young Franchisor Pty Ltd

H.N. Young Leasing Pty Ltd

Harvey Norman (Qld) Pty Ltd

Harvey Norman Contracting Pty Ltd

Harvey Norman Home Loans Pty Ltd

Harvey Norman Mortgage Service Pty Ltd

Harvey Norman P.E.M. Pty Ltd

Harvey Norman Plant & Equipment Pty Ltd

Harvey Norman Superlink Pty Ltd

J.M. Marrickville Franchisor Pty Ltd

J.M. Marrickville Leasing Pty Ltd

J.M. Newcastle Franchisor Pty Ltd

J.M. West Gosford Franchisor Pty Ltd

J.M. West Gosford Leasing Pty Ltd

Joyce Mayne Home Cellars Pty Ltd

Joyce Mayne Kotara Leasing Pty Ltd

Joyce Mayne Liverpool Leasing Pty Ltd

Joyce Mayne Penrith Pty Ltd

Kalinya Development Pty Ltd

Lesandu Albany Pty Ltd

Lesandu Ayr Pty Ltd

Lesandu Bairnsdale Pty ltd

Lesandu Balgowlah Pty Ltd

Lesandu Bathurst Pty Ltd

Lesandu Belmont Pty Ltd

Lesandu Brisbane City Pty Ltd

Lesandu Broadway Pty Ltd

Lesandu Browns Plains Pty Ltd

Lesandu Busselton Pty Ltd

Lesandu Carindale Pty Ltd

Lesandu Castle HIll DM Pty Ltd

Lesandu Chatswood Pty Ltd

Lesandu Cheltenham Pty Ltd

Lesandu Cranbourne Pty Ltd

Lesandu Dalby Pty Ltd

Lesandu Deniliquin Pty Ltd

Lesandu Engadine Pty Ltd

Lesandu Fremantle Pty Ltd

Lesandu Grafton Pty Ltd

Lesandu Griffith Pty Ltd

Lesandu Hamilton (Vic) Pty Ltd

Lesandu Hamilton Pty Ltd

Lesandu Hervey Bay Pty Ltd

Lesandu Indooroopilly Pty Ltd

Lesandu Innisfail Pty Ltd

Lesandu Knox Towerpoint Pty Ltd

Lesandu Leichardt M Pty Ltd

Lesandu Light Street DM Pty Ltd

Lesandu Lismore Pty Ltd

Lesandu Maddington Pty Ltd

Lesandu Mandurah Pty Ltd

Lesandu Marion Pty Ltd

Lesandu Melbourne City DM Pty Ltd

Lesandu Midland Pty Ltd

Lesandu Moe Pty Ltd

Lesandu Morley Pty Ltd

Lesandu Mornington Pty Ltd

Lesandu Moss Vale Pty Ltd

Lesandu Mt Gravatt Pty Ltd

Lesandu Noarlunga Pty Ltd

Lesandu Noosa Pty Ltd

Lesandu Nowra Pty Ltd

Lesandu Orange Pty Ltd

Lesandu Penrith DM Pty Ltd

Lesandu Perth City West Pty Ltd

Lesandu Richmond (Vic) Pty Ltd

Lesandu Sale Pty Ltd

Lesandu Stanmore Pty Ltd

Lesandu Swan Hill Pty Ltd

Lesandu Sydenham Pty Ltd

Lesandu Tamworth Pty Ltd

Lesandu Tasmania Pty Ltd

Lesandu Townsville Pty Ltd

Lesandu Tweed Heads Pty Ltd

Lesandu Underwood Pty Ltd

Lesandu WA Pty Ltd

Lesandu Wagga Wagga Pty Ltd

Lesandu Wangaratta Pty Ltd

Lesandu Warragul Pty Ltd

Lesandu West Gosford Pty Ltd

Lesandu Wonthaggi Pty Ltd

Murray Street Development Pty Ltd

Network Consumer Finance Pty Ltd

Nomadale Pty Ltd

Oslek Developments Pty Ltd

Stonetess Pty Ltd

Superguard Pty Ltd

Swanpark Pty Ltd

Tessera Stone & Tiles Pty Ltd

Charmela Pty Ltd

Space Furniture Pty Limited

Carlando Pty Limited

Clambruno Pty Limited

Farane Pty Limited

Ganoru Pty Limited

Jondarlo Pty Limited

Kambaldu Pty Limited

Korinti Pty Limited

Lamino Pty Limited

Lesandu Pty Ltd

Manutu Pty Limited

Maradoni Pty Limited

Swaneto Pty Limited

Tatroko Pty Limited

Wanalti Pty Limited

Warungi Pty Limited

Calardu Pty Limited

Zavarte Pty Limited

Waytango Pty Limited

Yoogalu Pty Limited

Zirdano Pty Limited

Zirdanu Pty Limited

Edbrook Pty Limited

Lexeri Pty Limited

Durslee Pty Limited

Loreste Pty Ltd

Solaro Pty Limited

Charmela Pty Limited

Harvey Norman Stores Pty Limited

Osraidi Pty Limited

Bradiz Pty Limited

Malvis Pty Limited

Harvey Norman Retailing Pty Limited

Marinski Pty Limited

Sarsha Pty Limited

Jartoso Pty Limited

Aloku Pty Limited

Plezero Pty Limited

Flormonda Pty Limited

Hoxco Pty Limited

Nedcroft Pty Limited

Balwondu Pty Limited

Havrex Pty Limited

Oldmist Pty Limited

Koodero Pty Limited

Lodare Pty Limited

Joyce Mayne Shopping Complex Pty Ltd

Hodberg Pty Limited

Hodvale Pty Limited

Strathloro Pty Limited

Anwarah Pty Limited

Braxpine Pty Limited

Zabella Pty Limited

Ventama Pty Limited

Bestest Pty Ltd

Wytharra Pty Ltd

Calardu Queensland Pty Ltd

Calardu Victoria Pty Ltd

Gestco Pty Ltd

Stupendous Pty Ltd

Bossee Pty Limited

Calardu Cannington Pty Limited

Calardu Richmond Pty Limited

Calardu Maribyrnong Pty Limited

Calardu Penrith Pty Limited

Calardu Port Macquarie Pty Limited

Calardu Preston Pty Limited

Calardu South Australia Pty Limited

Calardu Vicfurn Pty Limited

Hardly Normal Discounts Pty Limited

Hardly Normal Pty Limited

Harvey Norman Net Works Pty limited

Harvey Norman Shopfitting Pty Limited

Harvey Norman Stores (NZ) Pty Limited

Harvey Norman Victoria Pty Limited

Associated Companies

Bossee Pty Limited

Hardly Normal Pty Limited

Misstar Pty Limited

Domayne Holdings Limited - New Zealand

Space Furniture Pty Limited

Arisit Pty Limited

Harvey Norman Europe d.d.o.

Harvey Norman Singapore Pte Limited


ACT Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd Shop 5 Mezzanine Level Woden Plaza Woden 2606

Ph: (02) 6282 2511

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd Cnr Barrier & Ipswich Sts Fyshwick 2609

Ph: (02) 6280 4140

NSW Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd 195 Cobra St Dubbo 2830

Ph: (02) 6884 4977

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd Jondaryn Ave Griffith 2680

Ph: (02) 6961 0300

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd 321 Frome St Moree 2400

Ph: (02) 6752 7531

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd 35-43 Lambton Rd Broadmeadow 2292

Ph: (02) 4962 1770

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd Level 2 North Supacenta Cnr South Dowling St & Dacey Ave Moore Park 2021

Ph: (02) 9662 9888

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd 1st Floor 802-808 Pacific Hwy Gordon 2072

Ph: (02) 9498 1499

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd Shop 4 274-276 Argyle St Moss Vale 2577

Ph: (02) 4868 1039

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd Unit C5 St Martins Shop Centre Cnr Blacktown & Bungaribee Rds Blacktown 2148

Ph: (02) 9831 2155

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd Harvey Norman Shopping Complex Karalta Lane Erina 2250

Ph: (02) 4365 9500

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd Shop 8 Girraween Shopping Centre Queen Elizabeth Dr Armidale 2350

Ph: (02) 6771 3788

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd 557 High St Maitland 2320

Ph: (02) 4934 2423

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd 125 Princes St Grafton 2460

Ph: (02) 6643 3266

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd Shop 119 Broadway Bay St Broadway 2007

Ph: (02) 9211 3933

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd Harvey Norman Hardware 1155 Canterbury Rd Roselands 2196

Ph: (02) 9740 1153

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd 43 The Ringers Rd Tamworth 2340

Ph: (02) 6765 1100

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd (Lighting Showrooms) 241 Parramatta Rd Auburn 2144

Ph: (02) 9202 4888

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd Liverpool Mega Centre Orangegrove Rd Liverpool 2170

Ph: (02) 9600 3333

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd 2 Sydney Rd Kelso 2795

Ph: (02) 6332 3399

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd 140 Lake Rd Port Macquarie 2444

Ph: (02) 6581 0088

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd Shop 1 Saleyards Rd Parkes 2870

Ph: (02) 6862 2800

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd Cnr Oporto & Lisbon Rds South Mudgee 2850

Ph: (02) 6372 6514

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd Cnr Loe Pine Ave & Mitchell Hwy Orange 2800

Ph: (02) 6361 4111

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd (Lighting Showroom) Spectrum Building Podium Level 220 Pacific Hwy Crows Nest 2065

Ph: (02) 9929 3833

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd 250 Parramatta Rd Auburn 2144

Ph: (02) 9202 4888

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd 1018 Canterbury Rd Wiley Park 2195

Ph: (02) 9740 6055

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd Level 2 Chatswood Chase Cnr Archer & Victoria Ave Chatswood 2067

Ph: (02) 9419 1100

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd (Appliances Showroom) 233-239 Parramatta Rd Auburn 2144

Ph: (02) 9202 4888

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd Cnr Vivian & Evans Sts Inverell 2360

Ph: (02) 6721 0811

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd 7 Abdon Cl Bennetts Green 2290

Ph: (02) 4948 4555

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd 211 River St Maclean 2463

Ph: (02) 4934 2423

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd Level 1 Caringbah SupaCenta 220 Taren Point Rd Caringbah 2229

Ph: (02) 9542 7088

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd 252 Coffs harbour Hwy Coffs Harbour 2450

Ph: (02) 6651 9011

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd 430 Wilson St Albury 2640

Ph: (02) 6041 1944

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd Cnr Central Ave & Princess Hwy Nowra 2541

Ph: (02) 4421 5755

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd Cnr King St & Shellharbour Rd Warrawong 2502

Ph: (02) 4275 2722

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd 176-190 Condamine St Balgowlah 2093

Ph: (02) 9948 4511

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd Shop 5 Marrickville Metro Shopping Ctr Cnr Smidmore & Murray St Marrickville 2204

Ph: (02) 9557 7344

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd Cnr Mulgoa Rd & Wolseley St Penrith 2750

Ph: (02) 4737 5111

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd 29-41 Greenway Dr Tweed Heads 2486

Ph: (02) 5524 0111

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd (Lighting Showroom) 168-170 The Entrance Rd Erina 2250

Ph: (02) 4365 9500

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd 4 Blaxland Rd Campbelltown 2560

Ph: (02) 4628 4088

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd 9 Mill Cl Taree 2430

Ph: (02) 6551 3699

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd 326 Boorowa St Young 2594

Ph: (02) 6382 5744

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd (Computers) Shop 1, 10 Clarence St Moss Vale 2577

Ph: (02) 4869 4561

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd 75 Morgan St Wagga Wagga 2650

Ph: (02) 6921 7100

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd Cnr Hardinge & Harfleur Sts Deniliquin 2710

Ph: (03) 5881 5499

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd 17 Zadoc St Lismore 2480

Ph: (02) 6621 8888

VIC Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd 8-12 Murphy St Wangaratta 3677

Ph: (03) 5721 6377

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd 420 South Rd Moorabbin 3189

Ph: (03) 9555 1222

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd Cnr High & Furness Sts Kangaroo Flats 3555

Ph: (03) 5447 2333

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd 147 Gray St Hamilton 3300

Ph: (03) 5572 5333

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd 396-408 Whitehorse Rd Nunawading 3131

Ph: (03) 9872 6366

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd 169 Rosamond Rd Maribyrnong 3032

Ph: (03) 9318 2700

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd Cnr Fifteenth St & Etiwanda Ave Mildura 3500

Ph: (03) 5051 2200

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd Shop 227 25 Main St Greensborough 3088

Ph: (03) 9433 5555

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd 33 Victoria St Warragul 3820

Ph: (03) 5623 1533

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd 128 Graham St Wonthaggi 3995

Ph: (03) 5672 1490

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd 420 Princess Hwy Corio 3214

Ph: (03) 5274 1077

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd 40 George St Moe 3825

Ph: (03) 5127 1143

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd 294 Main Rd Bairnsdale 3875

Ph: (03) 5153 9700

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd 84 Raglan Pde Warrnambool 3280

Ph: (03) 5562 9177

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd 363-373 Raymond St Sale 3850

Ph: (03) 5144 3677

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd 123 Argyle St Traralgon 3844

Ph: (03) 5174 8177

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd 155 Campbell St Swan Hill 3585

Ph: (03) 5032 2901

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd Cnr Melbourne Rd & Goulburn Valley Hwy Shepparton 3630

Ph: (03) 5823 2530

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd Cnr Howitt & Gillies Sts Wendouree 3355

Ph: (03) 5332 5100

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd Shop M2, Westfield Southlands Cnr Nepean & Bay Rds Southland 3196

Ph: (03) 9585 6500

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd Cnr Frankston-Dandenong & Greens Rds Dandenong 3175

Ph: (03) 9706 9992

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd 121 Bell St Preston 3072

Ph: (03) 9269 3300

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd Shop 4 Knox City Centre, 9 Melbourne St Wantirna South 3125

Ph: (03) 9881 3700

QLD Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd 74 Edith St Innisfail 4860

Ph: (07) 4061 1433

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd Lot 8 Cnr Morayfield and Station Rds Morayfield 4506

Ph: (07) 4783 3188

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd 2098 Ipswich Rd Oxley 4075

Ph: (07) 3332 1100

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd 29-45 Ashmore Rd Bundall 4217

Ph: (07) 5538 3111

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd Big Top Showrooms 1290 Logan Rd Mount Gravatt 4122

Ph: (07) 3347 4111

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd 60 Hanson Rd Gladstone 4680

Ph: (07) 4972 9900

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd 407 Yaamba Rd Rockhampton 4701

Ph: (07) 4926 2755

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd Shop 2044 Westfield Shoppingtown Indooroopilly 4068

Ph: (07) 3327 1300

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd Cnr Bruce Hwy & Heath's Rd Glenella Mackay 4740

Ph: (07) 4942 2688

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd Lot 28 Nicklin Way Minyama Gardens Kawana Waters 4575

Ph: (07) 5444 8277

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd Cnr Victoria & Palmerin Sts Warwick 4370

Ph: (07) 4666 9000

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd Homemaker Centre Cnr Carindale St & Old Cleveland Rd Carindale 4152

Ph: (07) 3843 1700

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd Unit 3 24-28 Browns Plains Rd Browns Plains 4118

Ph: (07) 3809 3277

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd 125 Takalvan St Bundaberg 4670

Ph: (07) 4151 1570

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd Lot 897 Gibson Rd Noosa 4567

Ph: (07) 5473 1911

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd Shop SF01 170 Queen St Brisbane 4000

Ph: (07) 3013 2800

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd 101 Spence St Portsmith Cairns 4870

Ph: (07) 4051 8499

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd 1411-1419 Gympie Rd Aspley 4034

Ph: (07) 3834 1100

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd 429 Southpine Rd Everton Park 4053

Ph: (07) 3550 4444

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd Cnr 101 Queen & Edward Sts Ayr 4807

Ph: (07) 4783 3188

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd 238-262 Woolcock St Townsville 4810

Ph: (07) 4725 5561

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd Cnr Boat Harbour Drive & O'Rourke St Hervey Bay 4655

Ph: (07) 4124 3870

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd 910-932 Ruthven St Toowoomba 4350

Ph: (07) 4636 7300

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd 58 Patrick St Dalby 4405

Ph: (07) 4662 2429

SA Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd Seaman Drive Noarlunga 5168

Ph: (08) 8329 5499

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd 444 Main North Rd Enfield 5085

Ph: (08) 8342 8700

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd Cnr Jamieson & Kelly Sts Whyalla 5600

Ph: (08) 8645 6100

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd 822-826 Marion Rd Marion 5043

Ph: (08) 8375 7777

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd Jubilee Hwy East Mt Gambier 5290

Ph: (08) 8724 6899

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd Shop 80 Belmont Forum, Abernathy Rd Belmont 6104

Ph: (08) 9479 4377

WA Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd 400-402 Saltaire Way Port Kennedy 6168

Ph: (08) 9524 0111

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd 136 Lockyer Ave Albany 6330

Ph: (08) 9841 1628

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd 25 Sutherland St West Perth 6005

Ph: (08) 9481 4188

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd 252-254 Great Eastern Hwy Midland 6056

Ph: (08) 9274 5811

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd 5/Lot 3818 Balmoral Rd Karratha 6174

Ph: (08) 9144 1589

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd 40 Rudloc Rd Morley 6062

Ph: (08) 9375 0200

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd 133 Garling St (Cnr Stock Rd) O'Connor 6163

Ph: (08) 9337 0888

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd Mandurah Forum 6/318 Pinjarrah rd Mandurah 6210

Ph: (08) 9535 6166

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd 34 Denning Rd East Bunbury 6230

Ph: (08) 9721 4811

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd 28-34 Bussell Hwy Busselton 6280

Ph: (08) 9752 1336

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd Shop 80 Maddington Shop Centre Atfield St Maddington 6109

Ph: (08) 9459 5222

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd 1363 Albany Hwy Cannington 6107

Ph: (08) 9311 1100

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd 38 Chapman Rd Geraldton 6530

Ph: (08) 9921 1910

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd Shop 4, Warwick Grove S/Centre Beach Road Warwick 6024

Ph: (08) 9447 6000

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd (Computers) 3 Anzac Tce Geraldton 6530

Ph: (08) 9964 0111

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd 13-19 William St Fremantle 6160

Ph: (08) 9335 6266

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd 36 Clarke Cres Joonadulup 6027

Ph: (08) 9301 3311

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd C/- South Shopping Centre Oswald St Kalgoorlie 6430

Ph: (08) 9021 1400

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd 469-475 Scarborough Beach Rd Osborne Park 6017

Ph: (08) 9441 1100

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd Boulevarde Shopping Centre Anderson St Port Hedland 6721

Ph: (08) 9173 1497

TAS Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd 313 Main Rd Glenorchy 7010

Ph: (03) 6272 5555

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd Cnr Best St & Fenton Way Devonport 7310

Ph: (03) 6424 5155

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd 64 Mount St Burnie 7320

Ph: (03) 6431 9133

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd 5-7 Reibey St Ulverstone 7315

Ph: (03) 6425 1944

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd 33 Bligh St Rosny 7018

Ph: (03) 6210 4444

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd 171 Murray St Hobart 7000

Ph: (03) 6234 3361

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd (Bedding Specialist) 151 York St Launceston 7250

Ph: (03) 6334 6222

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd 115 Wellington St Launceston 7250

Ph: (03) 6331 8588

NT Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd 644 Stuart Hwy Darwin 828

Ph: (08) 8922 4111


Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited - t/a ANZ


Gillis Delaney Brown


Arthur Andersen


Arthur Andersen

Employees: 652 (G)

Top 5000 Ranking by Employees: 886

Annual Revenue: $521,566,000 (G)

Top 5000 Ranking by Revenue: 322

Issued Capital: $187,792,000

Accounts Close: 30JUN

Annual Meeting: NOV

Public Company Listed

Principal Share Register: Registries Limited Level 2 28 Margaret St Sydney NSW



Product Range

Franchises sell hardware, furniture, electrical appliances, computers, floorcoverings, bathroom & kitchen renovations, office equipment, cellular phones, manchester

Holbrook Stores Pty Ltd

ACN: 000 025 785 D-U-N-S: 750343964 ABN: 32000025785

Year Established: 1903

Street Address: 155 Albury St Holbrook NSW 2644

Postal Address: PO Box 1 Holbrook NSW 2644

Ph: (02) 6036 2111

Fax: (02) 6036 3141

Line of Business

Supermarkets (licensed) & hardware


Mr Roger Brian Geddes (Chairman)

Mrs Margaret Geddes

Mr Aubrey Shaw


Chief Executive: Mr Peter Wornes

Grocery Manager: Ms Margaret Williams

Employees: 18


Hong Yuen & Co Pty Ltd

ACN: 000 038 693 D-U-N-S: 752494955 ABN: 18000038693

Year Established: 1899

Street Address: 99-119 Byron St Inverell NSW 2360

Postal Address: PO Box 30 Inverell NSW 2360

Registered Office: 99-119 Byron St Inverell NSW 2360

Ph: (02) 6722 2511

Fax: (02) 6722 4314


Line of Business

General merchants


Mr Harry Fay (Snr) (Governing)

Mr Harry Fay (Jnr)

Mr Rodney Stuart Loy

Mr Brian Charles Cum

Mr Stuart Mar


General Manager: Mr Harry Fay (Jnr)

Company Secretary: Ms Lyn Gordon

Store Manager: Mr Rodney Stuart Loy

Occupational Health Officer: Mr Wayne Loy


QLD Hong Yuen & Co Pty Ltd High St Texas 4385

Ph: (07) 4653 1499 Fax: (07) 4653 1531

Manager : Mr Stuart Mar


Commonwealth Bank of Australia


C W Stirling & Co

Insurance Broker

Bill Sutton & Associates

Employees: 60

Annual Revenue: $10,000,000

Top 5000 Ranking by Revenue: 4535

Issued Capital: $175,000

Accounts Close: 30JUN


Product Range

Isma Pty Ltd

ACN: 005 189 328 D-U-N-S: 754648475

Year Established: 1976

Street Address: Murray Valley Hwys Cobram VIC 3644

Ph: (03) 5872 2535

Fax: (03) 5872 2528

Line of Business

Packing services for orchards


Executive Officer: Mr Peter Gattuso


National Australia Bank Limited

Employees: 20

Annual Revenue: $1,500,000


Product Range

JTG Pty Ltd - t/a Five Star Supermarket

ACN: 087 921 695 D-U-N-S: 756674602 ABN: 47269569294

Year Established: 1999

Formerly: ;Jtg Pty Ltd

Street Address: 82 Beach St WOOLGOOLGA NSW 2456

Postal Address: 82 Beach St WOOLGOOLGA NSW 2456

Registered Office: 82 Beach St WOOLGOOLGA NSW 2456

Ph: (02) 6654 1666

Fax: (02) 6654 1939

E-mail: fivestar@.au

Line of Business



Mr Ronald Stephen Thomas

Mr Daryl Gear


Managing Director: Mr Ronald Stephen Thomas

Managing Director: Mr Daryl Gear

Employees: 52 ( )

Annual Revenue: $0


Product Range


K Mart Australia Ltd

ACN: 004 700 485 D-U-N-S: 753178482 ABN: 73004700485

Year Established:

Street Address: 800 Toorak Rd Tooronga VIC 3146

Postal Address: PO Box 350 Glen Iris VIC 3146

Ph: (03) 9829 4111

Fax: (03) 9829 6860

Line of Business

Retail discount department store


Mr Geoff Sadler

Mr Peter Lawrence Calder

Mr John Peter Schmoll

Mr Kenneth Arthur Latchford

Mr Kevin J Elkington


Managing Director: Mr Geoff Sadler

Company Secretary: Mr Keith Lindsay Irvine

General Manager, Information Technology Services: Mr Gary Campbell

Parent Company: Coles Myer Ltd


Tyremaster (Wholesale) Pty Ltd


National Australia Bank Limited



Accounts Close: 31JUL

Public Company


W Kellett & Sons Pty Ltd

ACN: 000 004 820 D-U-N-S: 750405672 ABN: 71000004820

Year Established: 1859

Street Address: 72-78 Market St Mudgee NSW 2850

Postal Address: PO Box 135 Mudgee NSW 2850

Registered Office: 72-78 Market St Mudgee NSW 2850

Ph: (02) 6372 1555

Fax: (02) 6372 1510

Line of Business

General retailing


Mr A M Kellett (Chairperson)

Mr R J Rope

Mr J A Kellett


Managing Director: Mr J A Kellett

Administration Manager: Mrs Sue Franco


Westpac Banking Corporation


Hannaford Cox Connellan & McFarland


Baker & Brindley

Insurance Broker

Dowdy Insurance Brokers Pty Ltd

Employees: 35

Annual Revenue: $6,000,000

Issued Capital: $1,140,000

Accounts Close: 28FEB

Annual Meeting: JUN


Product Range

Ladies' wear, men's wear, shoes, manchester, haberdashery, cosmetics, giftware, hardware, liquor, produce, building materials, stock feed, rural products

McDonalds Fashions Pty Ltd

ACN: 001 814 731 D-U-N-S: 754548139 ABN: 49001814731

Year Established: 1979

Street Address: 126 Maitland St Narrabri NSW 2390

Ph: (02) 6792 3936

Fax: (02) 6792 2809

Line of Business

Clothing department store


Mr John Gordon McDonald


Managing Director: Mr John Gordon McDonald


Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited - t/a ANZ

Matchbox Australia Pty Ltd

ACN: 074 264 243 D-U-N-S: 752989285 ABN: 83467360019

Year Established: 1996

Street Address: 1055 High St ARMADALE VIC 3143

Postal Address: 1055 High St ARMADALE VIC 3143

Registered Office: 1055 High St ARMADALE VIC 3143

Ph: (03) 9824 6446

Fax: (03) 9824 6448

E-mail: fortuna@.au

Line of Business

Retail Sales Of Homeware


Mr Ross Cohen


Managing Director: Mr Ross Cohen

Administration Manager: Ms Fortuna Christopoulos

Employees: 80 ( )


Product Range


Mount Barker Co-operative Limited

D-U-N-S: 757527502

Year Established: 1918

Street Address: 14 Lowood Rd Mount Barker WA 6324

Postal Address: PO Box 147 Mount Barker WA 6324

Ph: (08) 9851 1011

Fax: (08) 9851 1905

Line of Business

Retailers of farm merchandise, chemicals, drapery, hardware, meat, seeds (agriculture) & fuel, supermart


Mr Elwyn Taylor (Chairman)

Ms Anne Mackie (Vice-Chairman)

Mr Keith Offer

Mr Ross Pickles

Ms Susan Slade

Mr Mark Adams

Mr Anthony Riggall


General Manager: Mr Warren York


Bank of Western Australia Ltd - t/a BankWest


Munro & Wyllie


Donald F Munro & Associates

Employees: 40

Annual Revenue: $15,800,000

Top 5000 Ranking by Revenue: 3616

Issued Capital: $3,200,000

Accounts Close: 30SEP

Annual Meeting: FEB


Product Range

Seed cleaning & seed sales

Murray Goulburn Trading Pty Ltd Murray Goulburn Farm and Hardware

ACN: 004 515 744 D-U-N-S: 753196575 ABN: 57004515744

Year Established: 1961

Formerly: ;Murray Goulburn Trading Pty Limited

Street Address: 140 Dawson St BRUNSWICK VIC 3056

Postal Address: GPO Box 4307 Melbourne VIC 3001

Registered Office: 140 Dawson St BRUNSWICK VIC 3056

Ph: (03) 93876211

Fax: (03) 9389 6588

E-mail: mgc@.au

Line of Business

Retailer General Merchandise


Mr Ian William Macaulay

Mr Stephen O'Rourke


General Manager: Mr Peter Dazkiw

Marketing Manager: Mr Michael Orr

Parent Company: Murray Goulburn Co-operative Co. Limited


Product Range

General Merchandise

W Kellett & Sons Pty Ltd

ACN: 000 004 820 D-U-N-S: 750405672 ABN: 71000004820

Year Established: 1859

Street Address: 72-78 Market St Mudgee NSW 2850

Postal Address: PO Box 135 Mudgee NSW 2850

Registered Office: 72-78 Market St Mudgee NSW 2850

Ph: (02) 6372 1555

Fax: (02) 6372 1510

Line of Business

General retailing


Mr A M Kellett (Chairperson)

Mr R J Rope

Mr J A Kellett


Managing Director: Mr J A Kellett

Administration Manager: Mrs Sue Franco


Westpac Banking Corporation


Hannaford Cox Connellan & McFarland


Baker & Brindley

Insurance Broker

Dowdy Insurance Brokers Pty Ltd

Employees: 35

Annual Revenue: $6,000,000

Issued Capital: $1,140,000

Accounts Close: 28FEB

Annual Meeting: JUN


Product Range

Ladies' wear, men's wear, shoes, manchester, haberdashery, cosmetics, giftware, hardware, liquor, produce, building materials, stock feed, rural products

Woolworths Ltd

ACN: 000 014 675 D-U-N-S: 750523284 ABN: 88000014675

Year Established: 1924

Street Address: 5th Floor 540 George St Sydney NSW 2000

Postal Address: PO Box Q70 Queen Victoria Building Post Office Sydney NSW 2000

Registered Office: 5th Floor 540 George St Sydney NSW 2000

Ph: (02) 9323 1555

Fax: (02) 9323 1599

Internet: ; ;

Line of Business

Chain store retailer with 1178 outlets in all states & territories & New Zealand


Mr James Strong (Non-Executive Chairman)

Mr William Paul Renton Wavish CMANZ ACANZ ACIS ANZIM

Professor Adrienne Elizabeth Clarke (Non-Executive) AO FTS FAA BSC(Hons) PhD

Mr Roger Campbell Corbett BComm FAIM FRMIA

Mr Leon Michael L'Huillier (Non-Executive) BComm(Hons) MBA MPhil

Mrs Diane Jennifer Grady (Non-Executive) BA(Hons)(Mills) MA(Hawaii) MBA(Harvard) FAIM

Mr John Charles Ballard (Non-Executive) MBA FAICD

Dr Roderick Sheldon Deane PhD BCom(Hons) FACA FCIS FNZIM


Group Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer: Mr Roger Campbell Corbett BComm FAIM FRMIA

Chief General Manager, Supermarket Operations: Mr Naum Onikul

General Manager, Corporate Services: Mr Rohan Kenneth Stretton Jeffs BA LLB LLM FCIS

General Manager, Petrol: Mr Hans Sidler

Corporate Manager, IT: Mr Steve Bradley

General Manager, Crazy Prices: Mr Bob Newey

General Manager, Business Development: Mr Gary Reid

General Manager, Property: Mr Peter Thomas

Managing Director, Dick Smith: Mr Jeffrey Ian Philip Grover

General Manager, Supply Chain: Mr Michael Luscombe

General Manager, Human Resources: Ms Judy Howard

Group Financial Controller: Mr David Freiman

Chief General Manager, Supermarket Buying & Marketing: Mr Bernie Brookes

General Manager, NSW/ACT Supermarkets: Mr Tony McFadzean

General Manager, AIW: Mr Brian Edwards

General Manager, VIC Supermarkets: Mr Tom Flood

General Manager, QLD Supermarkets: Mr Marty Hamnet

General Manager, TAS Supermarkets: Mr Michael J Kent

Chief General Manager, General Merchandise: Mr Dick McMorron

Chief Financial Officer: Mr William Paul Renton Wavish CMANZ ACANZ ACIS ANZIM

General Manager, SA Supermarkets: Mr Tim Orgias

General Manager, WA Supermarkets: Mr Len De Noover


Woolworths (WA) Pty Ltd

Woolworths Staff Superannuation Scheme Pty Limited

Fabcot Pty Ltd

Woolworths Insurance Pte Ltd - Singapore

Australian Independent Retailers Pty Ltd

Charmtex Pty Ltd

Grocery Wholesalers Pty Ltd

Australian Liquor & Grocery Wholesalers Pty Ltd

Woolworths (Wa) Pty Ltd

Barjok Pty Ltd

Woolstar Investments Ltd

SPAR Australia Pty Ltd

Universal Wholesalers Pty Limited

Woolworths (South Australia) Pty Ltd

Nalos Pty Ltd

Woolworths (Victoria) Pty Ltd

DSE Investments Inc - SA

Woolstar Pty Ltd

DSE Merge Corporation - USA

Woolworths (Q'land) Pty Ltd

Barmos Pty Ltd

Woolworths (Publishing) Pty Ltd

Josona Pty Ltd

Dick Smith Electronics Holdings Pty Ltd

Australian Independent Wholesalers Pty Ltd

Australian Safeway Stores Pty Ltd

Woolworths (R&D) Pty Limited

Australian Independentwholesalers Pty Ltd

Woolworths Properties Pty Ltd

Woolworths Custodian Pty Ltd

Woolworths Managers Superannuation Scheme Pty Limited

Associated Companies

Shellbelt Pty Ltd


Commonwealth Bank of Australia

Westpac Banking Corporation


Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu

Employees: 125000 (G)

Top 5000 Ranking by Employees: 3

Annual Revenue: $13,077,800,000 (G)

Top 5000 Ranking by Revenue: 13

Issued Capital: $476,200,000

Accounts Close: 28JUN

Annual Meeting: NOV

Public Company Listed

Principal Share Register: Computershare Investor Servs Lvl 3 60 Carrington St Sydney


Wholesaler Retailer

Product Range


2 COOL ( softdrinks )

ACME ( audio-video tapes, alarm clocks, wall clocks, batteries, electricals )

AMY CLARE ( towels, bedsheets, curtains, manchester )

ART-RITE ( stationery, printed matter )


BANBRIDGE ( glassware )

BEATTIE'S LOLLY SHOP ( confectionery )

BEDROOM SECRETS ( clothing )

BLUERIDGE ( clothing )

BLUSTER ( clothing )

BRUINS ( clothing )

CASCADE ( towels, bed sheets, manchester )

CHARLES STURT ( alcohol beverages )

CHEF CRAFT ( kitchen utensils )

CHEVRON ( kerosene heaters, paints, instruments, lighting goods, furniture, paper, etc )

CLASSICS BY TANIA ( cosmetics )

CLOVER HILL ( flowers & natural plants )

COBB DESIGNERS ( bedsheets, towels, manchester )



CREAM O' THE HEATHER ( scotch whisky )

CREATE N' CARE ( yarns, threads, embroidery )

DAN MURPHY'S ( retail store, wines & spirits )

DICK SMITH ELECTRONICS POWERHOUSE ( electronic/retail store )

DIGITOR ( computer & electronic equipment )

DSF ( retailing services, electronic & computer equipment )

GARDEN GREEN ( hand tools & garden implements )

GOLD CROSS ( foot wear )

GRANDWAY ( shirts & clothing )

INFINITI ( watches & clocks )

KID'S KORNER ( towels, curtains, bedsheets, rugs )

KID'S WAY ( clothing )

LEISURE 7 ( sportswear, clothing )

LITTLE WISHES ( clothing, nappies )

MAC'S LIQUOR ( liquor store )

MARKET PLACE ( shopping centre )

MARKETTA ( foodstuffs )

MR PICKWICK'S BAKERY ( retailing )

PARK AVENUE ( towels, bedsheets, manchester )

PICK-O-THE-CROP ( retailing services )

PRINCESS ( toys )

PURITY ( food retailer )

SANTA'S HELPER ( greeting cards, christmas decorations )

ST MARK ( clothing, toiletries, games, cleaning products, hand tools, utensils, paper, etc )

STITCH & SEW ( thread )

TANIA ( cosmetics, paper tissues, sanitary napkins )

TENDER-JOY ( foodstuffs )

TIMBERLINE ( tents & related accessories, camping accessories )

TRAVELITE ( bags )

TRIPPLE TAKE ( biscuits, confectionery )

XY2 CLUB ( clothing )

ZING ( non-alcoholic drinks )

Yenda Producers Co-operative Society Ltd

ACN: 064 495 558 D-U-N-S: 750786311 ABN: 63064495558

Year Established: 1925

Street Address: 59/61 Mirrool Ave Yenda NSW 2681

Ph: (02) 6968 1011

Fax: (02) 6968 1480

Line of Business

Truck transportation; general merchandising


Mr T McFarlane

Mr W Carver

Mr Thomas Condon

Mr Luigi Cremasco

Mr Alan Favero

Mr Paul Gribble

Mr Peter Dickie

Mr Thomas Harmer


Managing Director: Mr Thomas Harmer

Company Secretary: Mr Peter Calabria

Operations Manager: Mr Trevor Piva


NSW Yenda Producers Co-operative Society Ltd 1 Canal St Leeton 2705

Ph: (02) 6953 2788 Fax: (02) 6953 4871

Branch Manager : Mr Chris Butler

Yenda Producers Co-operative Society Ltd Hillston Rd Griffith 2680

Ph: (02) 6964 0444 Fax: (02) 6964 0236

Officer-In-Charge : Mr Peter Taprell


Westpac Banking Corporation


Noyce Salmon & Daquino


Birdanco Nominees Pty Ltd practising as RSM Bird Cameron


Birdanco Nominees Pty Ltd practising as RSM Bird Cameron

Employees: 42

Annual Revenue: $30,000,000

Top 5000 Ranking by Revenue: 2351

Issued Capital: $4,800,000

Accounts Close: 30JUN

Annual Meeting: SEP

Retailer Contractor

4212 4213 5399

4212 4213 5399


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