|AIDS |HIV retrovirus - reverse transcrption of RNA |transmission of body substances conttaining infected cells |ELISA - enzyme linked immuno? essay |
| |cytoplasm DNA extra chromosone part of host DNA |(blood, plasma, saliva) |western block immunoelectrophoresis assay |
| |viral genes replicate with normal expression of viral |mucus membrane exposure | |
| |genes & can be oncogenic (pathogenic |infected needles | |
| |HIV affects lymphocytes |( 5-10 year incubation period | |
|AMEOBIASIS |Entamoeba histolytica |feces ingestion (yuck) |stool tests check for trophozoites or cysts |
| |A protozoan parasite |gay males |corticosteroids may exacerbate amebic colitis |
| |infection of colon |poor sanitation | |
|CANDIDIASIS |Candida albicans |Contact with secretions or excretions of mouth, skin | |
| |C. tropicalis |vagina, and feces from patients or carriers. | |
| |C. dubliniensis |Variable 2-5 day incubation for thrush in infants | |
|CHICKEN POX |Herpes virus 3 (varicella-zoster virus, VZV) |Person to person, direct contact, droplet or airborne |Frequent antecedent of Reye syndrome with aspirin |
| | |spread of vesicle fluid or secretions of resp tract. |Herpes zoster = shingles |
| | |week incubation time, usu 14-16 days | |
|CHLAMYDiAL INFECTION |Chlamydia trachomatis |STD, incubatiuon time poor defined… 7-14 days or |Most common STD in US today |
| |NGU non-gonococcal urethritis |longer | |
|ENCEPHALITIS (Mosquito borne) |Inflammation of the brain |Transmitted by mosquitos |most frequent during Summer & early Fall |
|ENTEROHEMORRHAGIC E.COLI |The strain of E.Coli. that causes a diarreal syndrome |Present in the intestinal tract of humans |maintain fluid & electrolyte balance & use |
|(EHEC) |in which the bloody discharges are copious Without | |appropriate antibiotics |
| |fever | | |
|FIFTH DISEASE |Erythema infectiosum |contact with infected respiratory secretions |Slapped face appearance |
| |Human parvovirus | | |
|German Measles |Rubella virus, Togaviridae rubivirus |Contact with nasopharyngeal secretions of infected person |Can produce anpmalies in developing fetus |
| |A mild febrile viral disease |14-17 days incubation |Highly communicable |
| |shows as a rash resembling measles or scarlet fever | | |
| |Leukpenia is common, and thrombocytopenia can occur | | |
|Gonerrhea |An STD disease |2-7 days, sometimes longer |in gays, pharyngeal and anorectal infections common |
| |Neisseria gonorrhoeae, the gonococcus |sex, contact with exudates of mucous membrane | |
| |in male, can cause urethritis and burning pee | | |
| |in female, asymptomatic!, mucopurulent cervicitis | | |
|Giardiasis |A flagellate protozoan, infections pricipally of upper|3-25 days or longer |diagnosis made by id cysts or trophozoites in feces |
| |small intestines |hand to mouth transfer of cysts (from feces, due to poor |children infected more often than adults, especially|
| |Giardia lamblia, G. intestinalis, G. duodenalis |sanitary ways) |due to poor sanitation, and day care centers |
| |symtoms often asymptomatic | | |
| | | | |
|Herpes Simplex |HSV, a viral infection characterized by a localized |Contact in HSV 1 saliva of carriers |Lasts forever (so be careful who you have sex with) |
|Type 1 |primary lesion, latency and tendency to recur at the |2-12 days | |
| |same place |usually spread via sex | |
| |Herpesviridae family, subfamily alphaherpesviridae | | |
| |milder than type 2 | | |
|Herpes Simplex |HSV 2 mainly an adult STD |type 1 & 2 differ immunologically | |
|Type 2 |(same as above) | | |
|Hepatitis A |HAV, a 27-nm, picornavirus family |person to person fecal route (yuck) |diagnosis demonstrated by IgM antibodies against HAV|
| |onset usually abrupt with fever, malaise, anorexia, |15-50 days, avg 28-30 days | |
| |nausea and abdominal discomfort, followed by jaundice.| | |
|Hepatitis B |HBV, a 27 nm |blood, saliva, CSF… | |
| |onset usually insidious, w/ anorexia, and vague |45-180 days, avg 60-90 | |
| |abdominal discomfort; leads to jaundice |sex, household contact, perinatal | |
|Hepatitis |Inflammation of liver | | |
|Non A, non B | | | |
|Influenza, Viral |Acute vural disease of the respiratory tract, char by |airborne spread, esp in crowded area |important in its rapidity of spread |
| |fever, headache, myalgia, prostration, coryza and sore|direct contact |responsible for many epidemics over the years |
| |throat |short 1-3 days |potential severe effects on young, old, and |
| |H1N1 | |immunosuppressed |
|Lyme Disease |A recurrent inflammatory disorder acccompanied by a |Transmitted by a very small tick “ixodid” |Onset is usually summer |
| |distinctive skin lesion , polyarthritis, heart |Incubation is 3 -32 days & tick must stay attached for at |Major symptom is “Bull’s Eye” skin lesion |
| |involvment & nervous system involvement |least 24 hours | |
| |Agent is spirochete borellia burgdorferi | | |
|Malaria |May be acute & sometimes chronic infectious disease |Transmitted in humans by the bite of the infected female |#1 protozoan disease in the world |
| |due to the presence of protazoan parasites within the |anophles mosquito |Identification of parasite in RBC is the major |
| |RBC. |Incubation period is 12, 14, 30 days |factor for diagnosis |
| |Agent is plasmodium (4 species) | | |
|Measles |A highly communicable childhood disease characterised |Transmission is via airborne droplet spread via direct |Common in school aged children with major outbreaks |
| |by Fever, general malaise, conjunctivitis, |contact from nasal or throat secretions of infected person |occuring in the winter months. |
| |maculo-papular eruptions over entire body |Incubation time is 10-21 days |The detection of measles specific IgM antibodies or |
| |Agent is Rubeola virus | |a significant rise in antibody [ ] confirms |
| | | |diagnosis of measles |
| | | |Also check oral cavity for “Koplik” spots |
|Meningitis-Bacterial |Inflammation of the membranes of the spinal cord & |Transmission is through the air |Susceptibility to clinical disease is low & |
|(Meningococcal) |brain |Incubation time is 2-10 days (more commonly 3-4 days) |decreases as age increases |
| |Agent is Neisseria meningitidis | | |
|Meningitis-Bacterial |Meningitidis caused by the pneumococus |Transmission by droplet infection from nose & throat during|Common in young children, & haemopjius influenza is |
|(non Meningococcal) |Agents are: streptococcus pneumonia, Haemophilias |the infectious period. |most common cause of meningitis in children below 5 |
| |influenzae |Nasopharynx is the most common portal of entry |yrs. |
| | |Incubation is unknown but thought to be 2-3 days | |
| | | | |
|Meningitis- |Non purulent form of meningitidis usually running a | |Specific identification can be made in about 1/2 |
|Non Bacteria |short benign course with good recovery | |cases using serological & isolating techniques. |
| |Usually due to a Viral infection & Agents are: | |Viral agents can also be isolated from the throat, |
| |enterovirus, coxsackie virus, Group A/B | |stool & CSF |
| |leptospira virus | | |
|Mononucleosus, |An acute infectious disease that affects the lymhoid |Transmission is person to person via oropharynx route via |Abnormal liver function test will be found. |
|Infections |tissue primarily. |saliva |In 90% of cases splenomegaly & adenonitis will be |
| |There is presence of an abnormally high qqunatity of |In young children it is via hands of nurses, toys, |seen with tender lymph nodes. |
| |leukocytes in the blood |prechewed baby foods. | |
| |Agent is Epstein Barr virus |Kissing facilitates the spread in young adults | |
| | |Incubation period is 4-7 weeks | |
|Mumps |An acute febrile contagious disease characterized by |Transmitted by droplets spread & by direct contact with |The most common complication is in post-pubertal |
| |inflammation of the parotid & other salivary glands |saliva of an infected person. |males & may lead to “orchitis” |
| |Agent is mumps virus, member of the paramyxoviridae |Incubation is 12-15 days & commonly 18 days | |
|Pneumonia |Inflammation of the lungs by pneumococci. Begins |Trnasmitted by droplets spread by direct oral contact or |Mortality is high unless treated with antibiotics |
|(pneumococcal) |suddenly with chills, high fever, chest pains, cough &|indirectly through respiratory discharge |Accompanies AIDS |
| |bloody sputum |Incubation period is 1-3 days | |
| |Agent is Streptococci pneumoniae | | |
|Pneumonia |Febrile bacterial lower respiratory infection |droplet inhalation |Accompanies acute viral respiratory disease & |
|(mycoplasmal) |Agent: Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Mycoplasmataceae |direct contact w/ infected people |infectious mononucleosis |
| | |6-32 days |sporadic epidemics, esp in institutions |
| | | |5 to > 50/1,000/year in military |
|Pneumonia |An acute systemic disease caused by a variety of | |Prognosis is influenced by the type of viral agent, |
|(viral) |viruses including those that cause childhood | |age of patient, extent of pulmonary involvement & |
| |exanthemas | |underlying systemic disease |
| |Symptoms range from those of cold to those of | | |
| |progressive respiratory insufficiency | | |
| |Agent is viruses, adenoviruses, rhinoviruses, | | |
| |coxsackieviruses | | |
|Pneumonia |Can be caused by species of chlamydia, rickettsia, | | |
|(other) |legionella, enteric gram (-) bacilli (e.coli, | | |
| |pseudomonas, proteus) | | |
|Rabies |Acute viral encephalomyelitis, fatal if not fixed |virus laden saliva of infected animal |- whats his name was saved by Pastueur |
| |rhabdovirus, genus=lyssavirus |3-8 weeks | |
|Rocky Mountain |Ricketettsia, prototype disease of spotted fever |infected tick | |
|Spotted Fever |Rickettsia rickettsii |3-14 days | |
|Staphylococcal |Toxins from the bacteria, due to C. botulism, S. |ingestion of food | |
|Food poisoning |aureus, or B. cereus |30 min to 8 hours | |
|Staphylococcal |Impetigo & scalded skin syndrome |Transmitted by hands of hospital personel; rarely airborne |#1 nosocomial infection |
|Infections | |Incubation period 4-10 days | |
|Salmonellosis |A bacterial disease commonly manifested by acute |Transmitted by ingestion of the organisms in food derived |Serological tests are not useful in diagnosis |
| |enterocolitis, with sudden onset of headache, |from infected food/animals or contaminated by feces of | |
| |abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea & vomitting. |infected animals or person | |
| |Dehydration especially among young children & elderly |Incubation period is 6-72 hours & usually 12-36 hours | |
| |may be SEVERE. Fever is almost always present. | | |
| |Agent is salmonella typhimurium or enteritidis | | |
|Shingles |Unilateral vesicular eruption with a dermatomal |Transmitted from person to person by direct contact, | |
| |distribution. Thoracic & lumbar dermatomes most |droplet or airborne spread of vesicle fluid or secretion of| |
| |commonly involved |respiratory tract | |
| |Agent is Herpes-zoster virus |Incubation period is 2-3 weeks commonly 15-17 days | |
|Streptococcal Inf. |Streptococcal sore throat, skin infections, scarlet |Transmitted by respiratory droplets or direct contact with |Casual contact rarely leads to infection |
| |fever, puerperal fever, septicemia, ersipelas, |patients or carriers. Rarely by indirect contact through | |
|(Group A - Beta) |cellulitis, masatoiditis, otitis media, pneumonia, |objects. Nasal carriers are particularly likely to transmit| |
| |wound infections, necrotizing facitis, rheumatic fever|the disease | |
| |& TSS |Incubation period is 1-3 days | |
| |Agent is streptococcus pyogenes | | |
|Streptococcal Inf. |Important disease of newborn infants (childbirth |Transmitted by respiratory droplets or direct contact with |Group B streptococci are sensitive to penicillin G &|
| |fever) characterized by sepsis & memingitis. High |patients or carriers. Rarely by indirect contact through |ampicillin |
|(Group B - Beta) |fatality rate |objects. Nasal carriers are particularly likely to transmit|There are penicillin resistant strains |
| |Agent is streptococcus agalactiae |the disease | |
| | |Incubation period is 1-3 days | |
|Syphilis |An acute and chronic treponemal infection |Transmitted by direct contact with infected exudate from |Chancre usually appears 3 weeks after the exposure |
| |characterized by 1( lesion, a 2( eruption, long |obvious or concealed, moist early lesions of the skin, | |
| |periods of latency & 3( lesion of CNS, & |mucus membranes, body fluids (saliva, blood, vaginal | |
| |cardiovascular system |discharges) sexual contacts. Rarely by kissing | |
| |Agent is Treponema palladium |Incubation is 10 days - 3 months | |
|Tetanus |An acute disease induced by an exotoxin characterized |Transmitted by into body by Tetanus sporesthrough puncture |Lock jaw is one of the main characteristics |
| |by painful muscular contractions |wounds contaminated by nails, soil, street dust & |Very common in older adults because it is been long |
| |Agent is Clostridium tetani that grows anaerobically |animal/human feces |time since they had a booster shot |
| |at site of injury |Incubation period is 3 -21 days | |
|Toxic Shock |An acute illness characterized by sudden onset of high| |Only 55% of cases now reported have to do with |
|Syndrome |fever, vomiting, profuse watery diarrhea followed by | |Tampons (originally due to tampon use) |
| |hypertension & shock | |Risk factors include contraceptives, diaphrams, |
| |Agent is S. aureus | |sponges, infections following abortions or birth |
| | | | |
|Trachoma |A chlamydial conjunctivitis of insidious or abrupt |direct contact w/ infectious ocular or nasopharyngeal |rare in US |
| |onset; may last a few years if untreated |discharge |common in poor hygene, poverty, and crowded living |
| |Char by presence of lymphoid follicles |indirect contact from contaminated fomites, ie towels |conditions, esp in dry dusty regions |
| |C. trachomatis of serovars |5-12 days | |
| | | | |
|Trichomoniasis |Trichomonas vaginalis, a flagellate protozoan |STD |Be aware of any genital discharge |
| |can be seen on pap smmear |4-20 days, avg 7 | |
| | |many are symptom free carriers for years | |
|Trichinosis | same as Trichomoniasis | | |
|Trypanosomiasis |Systemic protozoal disease |bite of tsetse fly | |
|(African) |painful chancre, nodule may be found at tsetse fly |3 days to a few weeks | |
| |bite site | | |
| |trypanosoma brucei gambiense and T.B. rhodesciense, | | |
| |hemoflagellates | | |
|Tuberculosis |Deadly pulmonary disease |tubercle bacilli in airborne droplet | |
| |Mycobacterium tuberculosis |nosocomial | |
|Typhoid Fever |Systemic bacterial disease, char by insidious onset of|food and water contaminated by feces or urine | |
| |fever, headache, malaise, and anorexia |3 days to 1 month | |
| |ulceration of peyer’s patch | | |
| |S. typhi | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
|Bacillary |Shigellosis, S. dysenterie, flexneri , boydii |1 - 3 days, usually only 4 - 7 days |rarely fatal |
|Dysentry |involves large & small distal intestine |poor hygiene and crowded conditions (fecal route) | |
|Balantidiasis |Protozoan infection of the colon |fecal route |diag: trophozoites and/or cysts |
| |Balantidium coli | | |
|Botulism |Clostridium botulinum - exotoxin/neurotoxin | |floppy baby syndrome |
| |foodborne (classic type) | |visual problems and dyphagia are 1st signs & |
|Food Poisoning |wound | |symptoms |
| |intestinal | |improperly canned/processed foods |
|Infant | | | |
|Botulism | | | |
|Wound | | | |
|Botulism | | | |
|Brucellosis |Brucella abortus | | |
| | | | |
|Chancroid |Haemophilus ducreyi |3-5 days |most prevalent in tropical and subtropical regions |
| |bact infection in genital area |sex route | |
|Cholera |Vibrio cholerae |a few hours to 5 days |Pandemic potential, really bad stuff |
| |acute bact enteric disease causing severe dehydration,|fecal contaminated water |rice water stools |
| |really bad stuff (you don’t want it) | |has a significant history |
| | | | |
|Clonorchiasis |A trematode disease of the bile duct | | |
| |Clonorchis sinensis, the Chinese liver fluke | | |
|Conjunctivititis |Pink Eye; Haemophilus Influenza, Strep pneumonia, |Contact with discharges from conjunctival or upper |Frequently epidemic associated with cold seasons |
|(Bacterial) |Moraxella lacunata, corneybacterium diptheria, |respiratory tract, contaminated fingers, clothing, shared |Communicable during active infection |
| |pseudomonas aeruginosa (in infants) |eye makeup, multi. dosed eye meds. | |
| | |Incubation 24-72 hours | |
|Conjunctivitis |Adenoviruses & p. cornaviruses |Direct or indirect contact with discharges from infected |Diagnosis is by isolation of virus in cell culture &|
|(Viral) | |eyes. |detection of viral antigens by IF |
| | |Adenovirus can be transmitted in poorly chlorinated pools |Detection of viral nucleic acid with DNA probe |
| | |Adenvirus incubates 4-12 days | |
| | |P. cornavirus incubates 12 hrs. to 3 days | |
|Diphtheria |Corynebacterium diptheria gram + |Contact with person or carrier, contact with soiled |Acute bacteria disease of tonsils, pharynx, larynx, |
| |Toxin production results when bacteria are infected |articles, discharges from lesions of infected person |nose & other mucosa |
| | |occassionally |Disease of colder months |
| | |Incubation is 2-5 days | |
|Enterobiasis |Enterobius vermicularis (intestinal nematode) |Direct transfer of infected eggs by hand from anus to mouth|Perianal itching, disturbed sleep, irritability |
|(Pinworms) | |of same or another person or indirectly through clothing, |Diagnosis made with transparent tape to anus and |
| | |bedding, food or articles containing eggs |examing tape for eggs or worms (TAPE TEST, NBCE) |
| | |Life cycle is 2-6 weeks | |
|Food Poisoning |produces 1 heat labile (diarrhea) & 1 heat stable |Bacteria redproduce & multiply in food; give off toxins |Not communicable from person to person |
|Intox. C. Cereus |(vomiting) toxin |during metabolism. Especially food kept at ambient | |
| | |temperature after cooking. | |
| | |Incubation 1-6 hours | |
|Food Poisoning |Usually anaerobic conditions cause typical food |Ingestion of food which was contaminated by soil or feces |Diagnosis supported by cultures of food & patient |
|Intox. C. Perfringens |poisoning (also gas gangrene) disease produced by |& associated with reheated foods such as stews |stools |
| |toxins of this organism |Incubation 6-24 hours | |
|Food Poisoning |Holophilc vibrio |Ingestion of raw or inadequately cooked foods (seafood, |Not communicable from person to person |
|Intox. V. |Pathogenic strains capable of producing hemolytic |cross contamination by handling raw seafood) | |
|Parahaemolyticus |reaction |Incubation 12-24 hours (but may be from 4-96 hours) | |
|Gas Gangrene |Caused by Closridium novyi & perfringens | | |
|Legionellosis |Legionellae (GRAM-) bacilli |airborne transmission via aerosol producing devices |Diagnosis depends on isolation of causative organism|
| |L. pneumphilia, l. longbeachae, L. micdadei, L. |Legionnaires incubation 2-10 days |on special media |
| |dumoffi, L. bozemanii |Pontiac fever incubation 24-48 hours | |
|Pertussis |Bordatella pertussis (GRAM -) bacillus |Pertussis toxoid produces neurotoxin that causes fever, |Common to children everywhere |
| |B. parapertussis causes para pertussis |rash, coughing & possibly death |Mortality ( in females than males |
| | |Direct contact with discharges from resp. mucous membranes |Diagnosis is recovery of etiologic organism from |
| | |& airborne |nasopharyngeal swabs or on cough petri |
| | |Incubation is 7-10 days | |
|Plague— |Yersina pestis (SAFETY PIN APPEARANCE) |Transmitted by a flea (xenopsylla cheopis) & by handling |Diagnosis is by visualizing bi-polar staining ovoid,|
|Bubonic |AKA black plague 70-80% fatal |tissues of dead infected animals or airborne droplets of |GRAM - organism upon direct microscopic exam from |
| | |infected people or pets |aspirated material of a Bubo |
| | |Incubation is 2-6 days | |
|Plague— |Yersina pestis (pneumonia plague) |person to person airborne droplets |Sputum or CSF |
|Pneumonic |almost 100% fatal (quick acting) |Bite of rat that is orginal carrier |ELISA test used in Acute cases |
| | | |Broad spectrum antibiotics as preventative |
|Polio |Polio virus - small RNA virus |Transmitted easily in water or feces & areaas such as |Not a problem due to vaccines now |
| |If in blood causes viremia |closed pools, lakes etc |Salk is dead vaccine |
| |In meminges casues polio meningitis - paralytic |1st stage in infants causes fever, malaise & diarrhea & |Sabine is attenuated vaccine |
| | |found in mouth, throat & feces | |
|Q Fever |Coxiella burnetii (rickettsial disease) |Airborne dissemination of rickettsial in dust from areas |Causes cold like or flu like symptoms with high |
| |Pulmonary disease |contaminated by placental tissues & birth fluid |fever & rash |
| | |Incubation depends on size of person 2-3 weeks | |
|Ringworm |Tinea capitis, microsporum, trichophyton, |May be by direct skin to skin or indirect (incub 10-14days)|Diagnosis is made by taking scrapings from lesions &|
| | |may be contaact skin to nails (incub. unknown) |performing microscopic exam with potassium hydroxide|
| |T. unguuim?, Epidermophytum, Floccusum |direct/indirect skin to scalp lesion (incub. 4-10 days) | |
| |T.cruris, corposris |direct/indirect contact with skin contaminated from floor, | |
| |T.pedis, T.rubrum, T. mentagrophytes, Epidermophylum |shower stalls (unknown) | |
|Scarlet fever |Streptococcus pyogenes |Direct or indirect contact with person carriers (rarely by | |
| |Disease characterized by a skin rash infecting strain |fomites) | |
| |produces erythrogenic toxin |transmitted thru ingestion of contaminated food | |
| | |Icubation 1-3 days | |
|Scrub Typhus |Rickettsial tsutsugamsuhi |Infection by bite of infected larval mites |Diagnosis made by inoculating persons blood into |
| |Causes a punched out skin ulcer near mite bite |Incubation 10-12 days |mice |
|Shigelloasis |Bacillary dysentry |Direct/indirect contact fecal/oral route |Diagnosis is made by isolation of shigella from |
| |Pathogenic GRAM - Bacilli; S. dysenterae, S. flexneri,|Transmission from a pertson or carrier by ingestion of |feces or rectal swab |
| |S. sonnei |organism |Infection associated with presence of cells in the |
| | |Incubation is 12-96 hours |stool |
|Tetanus |An acute disease induced by an exotoxin characterized |Transmitted by into body by Tetanus sporesthrough puncture |Lock jaw is one of the main characteristics |
| |by painful muscular contractions |wounds contaminated by nails, soil, street dust & |Very common in older adults because it is been long |
| |Agent is Clostridium tetani that grows anaerobically |animal/human feces |time since they had a booster shot |
| |at site of injury |Incubation period is 3 -21 days | |
|Toxic Shock |An acute illness characterized by sudden onset of high| |Only 55% of cases now reported have to do with |
|Syndrome |fever, vomiting, profuse watery diarrhea followed by | |Tampons (originally due to tampon use) |
| |hypertension & shock | |Risk factors include contraceptives, diaphrams, |
| |Agent is S. aureus | |sponges, infections following abortions or birth |
| | | | |
|Trypanosomiasis | | | |
|(So. America) | | | |
|Tularemia | | | |
|Typhus Fever | | | |
|Tick Borne | | | |
|Typhus Fever | | | |
|Louse Borne | | | |
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