'Bacteria vs Viruses'

"Bacteria vs. Viruses"

(for #1-12)


1. What is bacteria plural for?

2. What is a bacterium?

3. What is a microbe?

4. Where can microbes be found (give examples)?

5. List 3 useful functions for bacteria.

6. How many species of bacteria can be found in the human mouth?

7. Is a bacterium unicellular or multicellular?

8. List 6 diseases listed on the website caused by bacteria. (Common names)

*** What are the 3 shapes of bacteria??? (Not on this website…search around!)


9. Are viruses bigger or smaller than bacteria? By how much?

10. What do viruses consist of and what is it covered with?

11. When viruses come into contact with the ___________ cells, they trigger the cells to _______________ them and connect themselves so they can release their ____________ into the cell. Once a host cell, viruses take over its “machinery” to ____________________. Once this occurs, the virus then overrides the host cell’s normal functions with their own set of instructions which shuts down the production of the host’s ___________________ and directs the cell to produce ______________ proteins to make new _______________ particles! Some viruses insert their genetic material into the host cell’s _____________, where they begin directing the copying of their genes. The host cell does all the actual work; the viruses simply provide the _________________________!

12. List 4 diseases listed on the website caused by viruses. (Common names)

(for #13-19)

13. Click Overview – Where is West Nile Virus commonly found?

14. Overview – Who can the virus infect?

15. Overview – Since when has the West Nile been in the US?

16. Click back & Transmission – What is the main route of human infection?

17. Click back & Symptoms – List 5 possible symptoms of West Nile.

18. Click back & Preventing West Nile Virus – List 3 preventative measures.

19. Click back & vaccine – Is there a vaccine for West Nile Virus?

(for #20)

20. Sketch virus (include head, tail, protein coat, heredity material, tail fiber) and bacteria (include flagella, cytoplasm, heredity material, cell membrane, cell wall, capsule)


(for #21-31)

Click on HIV/AIDS Basics; HIV/AIDS 101…

21. HIV infection can lead to ___?

22. Can you get HIV through casual contact such as shaking hands or hugging a person with HIV/AIDS?

23. Can you get HIV from being coughed or sneezed on by a person with HIV/AIDS?

24. What 5 body fluids is HIV spread through?

25. List 4 other ways HIV can be passed from person to person.

26. What are the ABCs that can help protect you from AIDS?

27. What does HIV stand for?

28. What does AIDS stand for?

29. How does HIV cause AIDS?

30. How many American are newly affected with HIV each year?

31. So…is this a viral or bacterial infection?



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