The Directory of CERT Programs by State was …

The Directory of CERT Programs by State was created to list programs that offer the CERT training program and are sponsored by local government, or one of its representative like the fire or police department, or a Citizen Corps Council.

This “Other” category was created to accommodate submissions to the CERT website for programs that indicate that they use the CERT material. However, these organizations are not part of a local government jurisdiction. This listing is in alphabetical order by name of the organization. This listing is a service to the organization that has submitted information and not an endorsement of their program.


Geographic Area: WV Regions 1,2,3,4, WV

Name of Program: A.C.C. CERT

Sponsoring Agency: Allegheny Conservation Corps

Point(s) of Contact: Jeremy A. Edwards

Phone Numbers: 304-276-0266

Email address: info@

Website address:

Program Description: The Allegheny Conservation Corps is a trained group of individuals that respond to natural and man-made disasters assisting Law enforcement, EMS and Fire Departments as an additional resource for search & Rescue, evacuation and Triage and Treatment.

Geographic Area:    Indiana

Name of Program:    Community Emergency Response Team

Sponsoring Agency:    Indiana Urban Search and Rescue, Inc.

Point(s) of Contact:    Erica Taylor, EMT-P, Coordinator

Phone Numbers:    (260) 485-2016

E-mail address:          Cert1iusar@  

Website address:

Brief Description:  

IUSAR provides CERT training to groups from area Neighborhood associations and businesses in Northern Indiana. The CERT training is at no cost to the participant, with funding assistance through fundraisers and donations. IUSAR provides a mobile training simulator for skill stations. Our training staff includes firefighters, law enforcement, EMT's and Paramedics. 

Geographic Area: South Central Kansas, to include Sedgwick County and the surrounding counties.

Name of Program: Community Emergency Response Team ( CERT )

Sponsoring Agency: Rampart Search And Rescue Of South Central Kansas

Point(s) of Contact: Tom Dhooge or Robert Salas

Phone Numbers: 316-821-9393 or 316-263-5279

Email address: tdhooge@rampart-

Website address: rampart-

Brief Description:

Rampart SAR is a nationwide Not For Profit light search and rescue group. We are incorporated by the state of Kansas and we have our own liability insurance.

We will be offering CERT training to anyone that may be intrested in learning how to prepare and respond in the event of a disaster.

Geographic Area: Maryland, Delaware, Virginia (Delmarva Peninsula)

Name of Program: CERT/SAR

Sponsoring Agency: Delmarva Search and Rescue

Point(s) of Contact: Jim Jackson

Phone Numbers: 443-604-2780

Email address: jjackson@

Website address:

Program Description:

DELMARVA Search and Rescue is a group serving primarily the DELMARVA Peninsula area, but can respond anywhere in the Mid-Atlantic Region. We both have a fully trained and equipped CERT Team and offer instruction in CERT training by our certified instructors. Our lead instructors have completed the FEMA CERT TTT training course and offer a 32-hour CERT program that includes all phases of the FEMA CERT Program including the newest Terrorism section and a mock scenario at the end of the course. We also assist teams in making contact with and working through their local Emergency Management Agencies. We encourage annual refresher training for all and continuing education for every team member.



Geographic Area: El Paso (and Far West Texas), TX

County: El Paso

Date Sumbitted: 6/12/2003

Name of Program: El Paso CERT trainers

Sponsoring Agency: community coalition of Agencies

Point(s) of Contact: M. Quintanilla or H. Gehring

Phone Numbers: 915/533-0998 x 137 or 915/831-1211

Email address:

Website address:

Program Description: Trainers conduct community-centered Academy on CERT topics to facilitate Team formation. Group-specific training can be arranged.

Geographic Area: South Central Ks./NW Oklahoma

Name of Program: GSPARC/RSI Amateur Radio Club

Sponsoring Agency: RSI Educational Foundation

Point(s) of Contact: Steve Walz

Phone Numbers: 620 825-4600

Email address: sw@

Website address:

Program Description: RSI Corp in conjunction with the Great Salt Plains Amateur Radio Club (GSPARC) have combined resources and formed a HAM Radio Civilian Emergency Response Team in Kiowa, Kansas for South Central Ks/NW Oklahoma area. The club's members consist of all-class licensee HAM operators. We invite any licensed area HAM operators to participate in response team activities. The EOC station will be activated for various EC drills and other operating events. The club FCC call sign is KCØGEV. All teams are trained in radio use, aerial reconnaissance (three RSI Corp airplanes),40 hr Hazmat/Hazcom, disaster,stormwatch, high rescue/fall protection, damage assessment, discrete communications (MARS Radio),

support, qualified incident commanders, radiological monitoring, administrative support, and security. Also provide training in OSHA safety, civil defense, first aid/cpr and terrorist threat. email also see which is at NWOSU University Alva, Ok

Geographic Area: Southeast Texas, TX

County: Jefferson

Date Submitted: 6/2/2003

Name of Program: CERT Southeast Texas

Sponsoring Agency: Lamar Institute of Technology

Point(s) of Contact: Will Lyons, Program Director

Phone Numbers: 409-833-7491

Email address:

Website address:

Program Description: Lamar Institute of Technology, in cooperation with the Southeast Texas Regional Planning Commission, is offering CERT training classes in Chambers, Hardin, Jasper,Jefferson, Liberty, Newton, Orange, and Tyler counties. Lamar Institute of Technology offers the basic course, advanced CERT classes, and refresher training.

Geographic Area: Southeast Michigan, MI

County: Oakland

Date Sumbitted: 04/23/2003

Name of Program: MTROT Civilian Response Team

Sponsoring Agency: Michigan Technical Rescue Operations Team

Point(s) of Contact: Michael Brink

Phone Numbers: 248 589 0487

Email address: mtrot@

Website address:

Program Description: The Michigan Technical Rescue Operations Team is a response team based in the Midwest with Professional Responders working with Highly Trained Civilian responders working to aid First Responders in their duties. A 501(c)-3 Organization, with over a decade of service to the Midwest, using extensive training experience in Technical Rescue for both Professionals as well as civilians. We have members hailing from Northern Ohio, Southeast Michigan, and Northern Michigan. Our team has presently over six certified SAR canines, and comprehensive Tech. Rescue Capabilities, as well as a Veterinary Response Team, Structural Engineers, a Rescue Division, a Medical Division, and a Technical Search Division. We teach Confined Space, Trench, Collapse, Wilderness and other Rescues. We would be excited to work with other CERT teams to share training and ideas!

Geographic Area: Southwestern, CT

Name of Program: Norwalk Community College Public Safety Academy

Sponsoring Agency: Norwalk Community College

Point(s) of Contact: DEAN JEFFREY A. CANTOR

Phone Numbers: 203-857-7050

Email address: JCANTOR@MNET.EDU

Website address: MNET.EDU


Geographic Area: San Francisco Bay Area

County: Motorcycle Emergency Response Corps

Name of Program:

Sponsoring Agency:

Point(s) of Contact: Thomas Henning

Phone Numbers: (415) 430-2160 x 4182

Email address: info@

Website address:

Program Description: The Motorcycle Emergency Response Corps hopes to save lives by moving personnel and supplies around the San Francisco Bay Area in the event of a disaster.

MERCury will be coordinating with the Office of Emergency Services and San Francisco Fire Department to provide trained citizen volunteers who can safely and efficiently move through the congested, and possibly damaged, streets of the City after a natural disaster such as an earthquake, or an act of terrorism. They will ferry supplies and rescuers, make damage assessments, and work with the Neighborhood Emergency Response Teams.

Members of MERCury will be trained in First Aid, light search and rescue, amateur radio, and advanced motorcycling skills. They also will participate in twice-yearly disaster drills in concert with the Fire Department, Neighborhood Emergency Response Teams (NERT), and the bicycle-based Courier Disaster Response Team. In addition, they will be trained in motocycle-specific First Aid.

Geographic Area: Southern California

County: California State Military Reserve, Emergency Response Team

Name of Program: California Military Reserve, Installation Support Group

Sponsoring Agency: PA Bentsen

Point(s) of Contact: 562/400-1842 Mess.

Phone Numbers: pabentsen@email.

Email address:

Website address:

Program Description: We are currently seeking CERT trainers and trainees to volunteer 12 months service with The California State Military Reserve(State Guard).

We are an unarmed volunteer organization commanded by the Governor through the State Adjutant General who also commands the California National Guard.

We train one weekend a month in a variety of subjects including, CPR/First Aid, Military organization and operations, emergency communications, NBC Protective measures, CERT, Land Navigation and others.

Our complete training cycle takes approximately 12 training weekends(one year)

We are paid according to our military rank when activated into state duty in the case of disasters and other significant events.

No prior military service is required but is helpful.

If you desire to serve your community in time of need and would like to learn valuable life saving skills, take the time to investigate service with the California State Military Reserve.

Because we have no combat mission, our physical fitness and age requirements are much more inclusive than the National Guard.

We are currently seeking 250 volunteers and trainers to begin the next 12 month training cycle at Los Alamitos California.

Continue the tradition,

"Commit the Reserve"

Geographic Area: Eastern United States, IN

County: TEAM R&R Disaster Assistance (Trained Equiped Available Manpower)

Name of Program: TEAM R&R -privately funded/private-corp.donations

Sponsoring Agency: John Hamrick

Point(s) of Contact: Base (260) 627-3111 Cell (260) 413-6072

Phone Numbers: john@

Email address:

Website address:

Program Description: We are a privately funded all volunteer rescue team consisting of members that a variety of skills and specialized training including professional firefighters,commercial river guides,EMT's,paramedics and scuba divers. The team was formed 2 years ago by a firefighter from Ft.Wayne,IN. We have a variety of equipment such as a Humvee,a jet driven inflatable and scuba equipment.All team members are trained in a variety of skills ,such as swiftwater rescue,high angle and open water rescue and recovery. We are very much interested in becoming involved. All donations of equipment to TEAM R&R are strictly private but we would like to be aware of any other sources such as government grants that might be available.Thank you.

Geographic Area: Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, Iowa, Kentucky, Tennessee

County: Community Emergency Response Team

Name of Program: Indiana K-9 Urban Search and Rescue, Inc.

Sponsoring Agency: Erica Taylor, EMT-P, Coordinator

Point(s) of Contact: (260) 485-2016

Phone Numbers: Cert1iusar@

Email address:

Website address:

Program Description: IK-9USAR provides training to groups from area Neighborhood associations and businesses in Northern Indiana. The CERT training is at no cost to the participant, with funding assistance through fundraisers and donations. IK-9USAR provides a mobile training simulator for skill stations. Our training staff includes firefighters, law enforcement, EMT's and Paramedics.

Geographic Area: Adams County, Colorado


Name of Program: CERT

Sponsoring Agency: Rampart Search and Rescue

Point(s) of Contact: Howard Votruba and Mike Peachy Mission Coordinators

Phone Numbers: 303-227-1574

Email address:

Website address: rampart-

Program Description: We at Rampart Search and Rescue take pride in using CERT as part of our basic training for our new members. We also offer the program to the public as the full course or just the sections that they want.

Geographic Area: Avon Park, Fl (Highlands Co.)


Name of Program: Community Emergency Response Team (training)

Sponsoring Agency: South Florida Community College

Point(s) of Contact: Jerry DeJonge

Phone Numbers: (863) 784-7274

Email address:

Website address:

Program Description: New training program starting summer 2003.

Geographic Area: Baltimore, Maryland


Name of Program: Maryland Volunteer Disaster Response Team

Sponsoring Agency: Gilford Corporation - Safety Division

Point(s) of Contact: John Emminizer

Phone Numbers: 410-663-4670 or 301-602-0971

Email address: esafetyguy@

Website address:

Program Description: New DRT comprised of citizens and trained emergency personnel. Current membership 10 but hoping to grow. DRT when fully operational will be capable of disaster response in the Baltimore / Washington Area.

Geographic Area: Maryland (Northeastern Region)

County: Cecil County

Name of Program: Nehemiah's Watchmen / Cecil Emergency Response Team

Sponsoring Agency: Susquehanna Baptist Assoc.

Point(s) of Contact: Jill and Tom Lee, Coordinators

Phone Numbers: 410-658-4834

Email address: tjl@

Website address: md/watchmen

Program Description: Church Based Team that has 30 trained response personnel and can deploy in the Cecil County area as needed.

Geographic Area: Greater New York


Name of Program: Emergency Corps

Sponsoring Agency: Greater New York Safety Council

Point(s) of Contact: Bill Raisch, Carol Shields

Phone Numbers: 631-754-6252

Email address: info@

Website address:

Program Description: The goal of this program is to develop employee emergency response teams in workplace organizations. Emergencies are more than likely to occur during work hours and therefore the workplace is an appropriate place to organize and train responders to minimize injury and loss. Our strategy is to train one or more Emergency Response Team trainers in participating organizations.

These trainers in turn coordinate the training of Emergency Response Teams in their own organization in cooperation with local public safety officials.

All training reflects the FEMA Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)format and utilizes FEMA certificated trainers.

As no grant funding has been identified for this program to date, participating organizations are required to cover the cost of training for the individual sent for the train-the-trainer course.

Geographic Area: Tennessee


Name of Program: Emergency Disaster Assistance Corps - 16th Brigade

Sponsoring Agency: United States Service Command

Point(s) of Contact: BG Ray Sholar

Phone Numbers: 615-384-2596

Email address: RMS1948@

Website address:

Program Description: All Volunteer disaster relief group serving Tennessee and the South East United States. Provides trained personnel to assist any relief agency or can function independently. USSC is a member of Tennessee VOAD and non-profit, non- governmental, non-military organization. A 501C3 certified organization.

Geographic Area: Mesa County, CO

County: Mesa

Date Sumbitted: 10/9/2003

Name of Program: RSVP Homeland Defense Project

Sponsoring Agency: Mesa County Retired and Senior Volunteer Program, Inc.

Sponsoring Agency Address: PO Box 1077

Grand Junction, CO 81502

Sponsoring Agency Phone: (970) 243-9839

Point(s) of Contact: John Bruce or Mesa County RSVP

Phone Numbers: (970) 243-9839

Email address: hdproject@

Website address:

Brief description of Program and objectives: We recruit and train senior volunteers age 55 or older to become members of our local CERT. We have divided into two teams that focus on different areas. One is a field team and the other is a logistics team. After completing the 21 hour training course, volunteers continue to meet monthly to work on advanced training, working on special projects and learning to use the equipment. Our objectives are to be prepared to help first responders in event of an emergency, to man a spontaneous volunteer check in site, to assist at-risk groups like child care centers, senior residences, and the disabled.

Geographic Area for Recruiting Team members: Maryland, Delaware and Virginia

County: Talbot

State: MD

Zip Code: 21625

Date Sumbitted: 1/29/2004

Name of Program: Community Emergency Response Team

Sponsoring Agency: DELMARVA Search and Rescue, Inc.

Sponsoring Agency Address: 29720 Apple Drive

Cordova, MD 21625

Sponsoring Agency Phone: 410-820-6183

Point(s) of Contact: Robert Fries, Training Officer

Phone Numbers: 302-424-0911

Email address: rfries@

Website address:

Brief description of Program and objectives: DELMARVA Search and Rescue, Inc. is a volunteer organization. We conduct classes in CERT, CPR, First Aid and Wilderland First Responser. Our services are avaiable to all the citizens and emergency service teams of the Delmarva Area.

Geographic Area: Baltimore, Maryland


State: MD

Zip Code:

Date Sumbitted:

Name of Program: Maryland Volunteer Disaster Response Team

Sponsoring Agency: Gilford Corporation - Safety Division

Sponsoring Agency Phone:

Point(s) of Contact: John Emminizer

Phone Numbers: 410-663-4670 or 301-602-0971

Email address: esafetyguy@

Website address:

Brief description of Program and objectives: New DRT comprised of citizens and trained emergency personnel. Current membership 10 but hoping to grow. DRT when fully operational will be capable of disaster response in the Baltimore / Washington Area.

Geographic Area: Cecil County Maryland (Northeastern Region)


State: MD

Zip Code:

Date Sumbitted:

Name of Program: Nehemiah's Watchmen / Cecil Emergency Response Team

Sponsoring Agency: Susquehanna Baptist Assoc.

Sponsoring Agency Phone:

Point(s) of Contact: Jill and Tom Lee, Coordinators

Phone Numbers: 410-658-4834

Email address: tjl@

Website address: md/watchmen

Brief description of Program and objectives: Church Based Team that has 30 trained response personnel and can deploy in the Cecil County area as needed.

Geographic Area: NY, New York City

County of CERT Program: Richmond

City of CERT Program: New York City

Sponsoring Agency Name: Training Institute for Medical Emergencies & Rescue

Sponsoring Agency Address: 349 Stewart Avenue

Zip Code + four of Sponsoring Agency: 10314 + 1935

Phone Number of Sponsoring Agency: 718-948-7932 / 718-494-7936

Point of Contact of Sponsoring Agency: Dr. Raymond Schleif, MMSc, ScD

Email address (Point of contact of Sponsoring Agency): R.Schleif@

Website Address of CERT Program (if applicable):

Brief Description of Program Activities: Training for the citizens of Staten Island and the City of New York to function as a cohesive group in the event of a catastrophic event. It is intended to provide training and leadership to deal with situations in the absence of, or severe loss of Emergency Response resources.

The Instructors are all Emergency Services personel with a wide variety and extensive knowledge of dealing with Emergency and Hazardous situations.

Geographic Area: United States Chaplains Corps - Michigan

Other: Statewide

State: MI

County of CERT Program: Macomb

City of CERT Program: Eastpointe

Sponsoring Agency Name: United States Chaplains Corps, Inc.

Sponsoring Agency Address: P.O. Box 806128 St. Clair Shores, MI

Zip Code + four of Sponsoring Agency: 48080 + 6128

Phone Number of Sponsoring Agency: 877-777-4385

Point of Contact of Sponsoring Agency: Chaplain Jerry Van de Vyver - Executive Director

Email address (Point of contact of Sponsoring Agency):


Website Address of CERT Program (if applicable):

Brief Description of Program Activities: Train, coordinate and mobilize volunteer chaplains for the members of the United States Chaplains Corps.

Geographic Area: NJ, Department of Transportation CERT Program

CERT Type: Other

Other: State

State: NJ

County of CERT Program: Various

City of CERT Program: Various

Sponsoring Agency Name: Department of Transportation

Sponsoring Agency Address: 1035 Parkway Avenue, PO Box 600 Trenton NJ

Zip Code + four of Sponsoring Agency: 08618 + 2309

Phone Number of Sponsoring Agency: 609-530-5868

Point of Contact of Sponsoring Agency: Harold Neil or Lisa Webber

Email address (Point of contact of Sponsoring Agency):

Website Address of CERT Program (if applicable):

Brief Description of Program Activities: The New Jersey Department of Transportation employee CERT Team currently has 103 members trained. Our teams are broken up by physical work locations through out the State. For example we have a team at each of our headquarters in North, Central and South Regions of the State. Future classes are planned for the Fall of 2005.

Geographic Area: AL. Coffee, Dale & Geneva

County of CERT Program: Coffee, Dale & Geneva

City of CERT Program: Enterprise

Sponsoring Agency Name: First Baptist Church Level Plains

Sponsoring Agency Address: 8189 County Road 1

Zip Code + four of Sponsoring Agency: 36330 + 0000

Phone Number of Sponsoring Agency: PH: 334-347-7151

Point of Contact of Sponsoring Agency: Christopher Trumble

Email address (Point of contact of Sponsoring Agency): CERT.Ministry@

Website Address of CERT Program (if applicable): cert/cert.aspx

Brief Description of Program Activities: Provide training and assistance to local community members in disaster and emergency management.

Assist local emergency responders to the extent possible & conducting damage assessments for the three county EMAs.

Operating a Volunteer Registry Center and Emergency Shelter during emergencies.

Geographic Area: NJ, Camden County

County of CERT Program: Camden

City of CERT Program: Camden County

Sponsoring Agency Name: Camden County Races

Sponsoring Agency Address: 2311 Egg Harbor Rd., Lindenwold,NJ

Zip Code + four of Sponsoring Agency: 08021 + 1428

Phone Number of Sponsoring Agency: 856-783-4808 Ext. 6200

Point of Contact of Sponsoring Agency: Mathew Call

Email address (Point of contact of Sponsoring Agency): unknown

Website Address of CERT Program (if applicable):

Brief Description of Program Activities: n/a

Geographic Area: CA

County of CERT Program: LA County

City of CERT Program: City of Torrance

Sponsoring Agency Name: Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A. Inc.

Sponsoring Agency Address: 19001 S. Western Avenue

Zip Code + four of Sponsoring Agency: 90501 + 2991

Phone Number of Sponsoring Agency: 310 468-7412

Point of Contact of Sponsoring Agency: Chris Barbour

Email address (Point of contact of Sponsoring Agency):


Website Address of CERT Program (if applicable):

Brief Description of Program Activities: Vision: Toyota is prepared globally to insure the safety of its associates and the continuation of its business if a natural, man-make, or technological disaster occurs.

Mission: Establish and maintain the optimum state of disaster preparedness through planning, preparation, training and exercise. Our goal is for associates to be self-sufficient and business units to be self-sustaining regardless of what type of disaster occurs.

Toyota's national CERT program is designed to teach associates about search and rescue techniques, first aid, fire suppression, triage and the other elements of CERT so they are skilled and ready for action in the event of an earthquake, fire, flood, tornado or hurricane when emergency services are scarce.

Geographic Area: WA

Other: Area Agency on Aging

County of CERT Program: Jefferson & Clallam Counties

City of CERT Program: County wide

Sponsoring Agency Name: Olympic Area Agency on Aging

Sponsoring Agency Address: 107 E 8th Port Angeles

Zip Code + four of Sponsoring Agency: 98362 + 8362

Phone Number of Sponsoring Agency: 4171464

Point of Contact of Sponsoring Agency: Carolyn Lindley

Email address (Point of contact of Sponsoring Agency): clindley@ or lindlcl@dshs.

Website Address of CERT Program (if applicable):

Brief Description of Program Activities: Provide training for Independent providers, caregiversand other persons interested in support of the community.

Geographic Area: NJ

CERT Name: Higher Education Student Assistance Authority

CERT Type: Other

Other: State Employee CERT

County of CERT Program: Mercer

City of CERT Program: Hamilton

Sponsoring Agency Name: NJ Higher Education Student Assistance Authority

Sponsoring Agency Address: 4 Quaker Bridge Plaza, Trenton, NJ

Zip Code + four of Sponsoring Agency: 08619 + 1241

Phone Number of Sponsoring Agency: 609-588-8530

Point of Contact of Sponsoring Agency: Michael Ladines

Email address (Point of contact of Sponsoring Agency): Michael_Ladines@

Website Address of CERT Program (if applicable):

Brief Description of Program Activities: The NJ HESAA (Higher Education Student Assistance Authority) has a newly formed CERT Program. We are looking to recruit additional people for more classes. Interested personnel can contact Michael Ladines for additional information.

Geographic Area: FL

County of CERT Program: PASCO




Sponsoring Agency Name: M& R TREE SERVICE

Sponsoring Agency Address: 4723 RYALS

Zip Code + four of Sponsoring Agency: 33541 + 3985

Phone Number of Sponsoring Agency: 1-866-783-6966

Point of Contact of Sponsoring Agency: RAYMOND MCKINNEY

Email address (Point of contact of Sponsoring Agency):


Website Address of CERT Program (if applicable):

Brief Description of Program Activities: REMOVAL OF TREE'S BOBCAT SERVICE STORM CLEAN-UP

Geographic Area: NJ

County of CERT Program: Atlantic

CERT Name: Borgata CERT Point of Contact=Atlantic City, NJ

CERT Type: Other

Other: Business

City of CERT Program: Atlantic City

Sponsoring Agency Name: Borgata Hotel, Casino & Spa

Sponsoring Agency Address: One Borgata Way, Atlantic City, NJ

Zip Code + four of Sponsoring Agency: 08401 + 1946

Phone Number of Sponsoring Agency: 6093177462

Point of Contact of Sponsoring Agency: Patricia Neville/Borgata Security Department Training & Development Mgr.

Email address (Point of contact of Sponsoring Agency):


Website Address of CERT Program (if applicable):

Brief Description of Program Activities: CERT train all Security Management personnel, along with certain members from our Facility and Valet Department. Once the above are trained, goal is to then incorporate the training into current Borgata Emergency Operations Plan.

Geographic Area: CA

CERT Name: COAST NEST Cert program

CERT Type: Other


County of CERT Program: Mendocino/Sonoma

City of CERT Program: Timber Cove to Irish Beach

Sponsoring Agency Name: Coast Life Support District

Sponsoring Agency Address: 38901 Ocean Drive, Gualala

Zip Code + four of Sponsoring Agency: 95445 + 1056

Phone Number of Sponsoring Agency: 707-884-1829x6

Point of Contact of Sponsoring Agency: Michelle Staples

Email address (Point of contact of Sponsoring Agency): staplhorse@

Website Address of CERT Program (if applicable):

Brief Description of Program Activities: COAST NEST teaches CERT classes to all residents of the Mendonoma area, covering Timber Cove to Irish Beach. We provide a series of 7 free classes of 2-1/2 hrs. each. Our area is remote and sparsely populated, and our first responders are few. We need to care for ourselves for up to 2 wks. in a widespread disaster.

Geographic Area: TX

CERT Name: Harris County - Aldine High School TEEN CERT

CERT Type: County


County of CERT Program: Harris

City of CERT Program: Houston

Sponsoring Agency Name: Harris County Citizen Corps

Sponsoring Agency Address: 1001 Preston Suite 911

Zip Code + four of Sponsoring Agency: 77002 + 1817

Phone Number of Sponsoring Agency: 713-755-4077

Point of Contact of Sponsoring Agency: Mark Sloan

Email address (Point of contact of Sponsoring Agency):

Website Address of CERT Program (if applicable):

Brief Description of Program Activities: The the local point of contact for the CERT Team and can be contacted at

Geographic Area: TX

CERT Name: Harris County - C.E. King High School TEEN CERT

CERT Type: County


County of CERT Program: Harris

City of CERT Program: Houston

Sponsoring Agency Name: Harris County Citizen Corps

Sponsoring Agency Address: 1001 Preston Suite 911

Zip Code + four of Sponsoring Agency: 77002 + 1817

Phone Number of Sponsoring Agency: 713-755-4077

Point of Contact of Sponsoring Agency: Mark Sloan

Email address (Point of contact of Sponsoring Agency)

Website Address of CERT Program (if applicable):

Brief Description of Program Activities: The the local point of contact for the CERT Team and can be contacted at

Geographic Area: TX

CERT Name: Harris County - North Shore High School TEEN CERT

CERT Type: County


County of CERT Program: Harris

City of CERT Program: Houston

Sponsoring Agency Name: Harris County Citizen Corps

Sponsoring Agency Address: 1001 Preston Suite 911

Zip Code + four of Sponsoring Agency: 77002 + 1817

Phone Number of Sponsoring Agency: 713-755-4077

Point of Contact of Sponsoring Agency: Mark Sloan

Email address (Point of contact of Sponsoring Agency):

Website Address of CERT Program (if applicable):

Brief Description of Program Activities: The the local point of contact for the CERT Team and can be contacted at jyoung@.

Geographic Area: TX

CERT Name: Harris County - C.E. King Middle School TEEN CERT

CERT Type: County


County of CERT Program: Harris

City of CERT Program: Houston

Sponsoring Agency Name: Harris County Citizen Corps

Sponsoring Agency Address: 1001 Preston Suite 911

Zip Code + four of Sponsoring Agency: 77002 + 1817

Phone Number of Sponsoring Agency: 713-755-4077

Point of Contact of Sponsoring Agency: Mark Sloan

Email address (Point of contact of Sponsoring Agency):

Website Address of CERT Program (if applicable):

Brief Description of Program Activities: The the local point of contact for the CERT Team and can be contacted at

Geographic Area: MI

County of CERT Program: Montcalm

City of CERT Program: Greenville

Sponsoring Agency Name: United Way Montcalm

Sponsoring Agency Address: 1656 S. Greenville Rd, P.O. Box 128

Greenville, Michigan

Zip Code + four of Sponsoring Agency: 48838 + 0128

Phone Number of Sponsoring Agency: 616-225-1082

Point of Contact of Sponsoring Agency: Deb Steed or Denise Hubbard

Email address (Point of contact of Sponsoring Agency):


Website Address of CERT Program (if applicable): Coming Soon

Brief Description of Program Activities: Community awareness on how to

better take care of themselves and their neighborhoods in the event of a

disaster(manmade or natural).

Geographic Area: PA


Name of Program: Allegheny County Dept. of Emergency Services

Sponsoring Agency: Allegheny County Dept of Emergency Services

Point(s) of Contact: David Johnson

Phone Numbers: 412-473-2550

E-mail address:

Website address:

Brief Description: The Allegheny County Department of Emergency Services (ACES)assists the municipalities and non-profit response agencies within the county by educating CERT program instructors.

ACES also supports the ongoing effort by these organizations to organize and maintain CERT teams.

Geographic Area: NY

CERT Name: CERT of Chautauqua County

County of CERT Program: Chautauqua

City of CERT Program: Jamestown

Sponsoring Agency Name: Salvation Army

Sponsoring Agency Address: 83 South Main St.

Zip Code + four of Sponsoring Agency: 14701 + 6630

Phone Number of Sponsoring Agency: 716-6644108

Point of Contact of Sponsoring Agency: Leslie Vattimo

Email address (Point of contact of Sponsoring Agency): Leslie@

Website Address of CERT Program (if applicable):

Brief Description of Program Activities: The goal of the proposed CERT training Program in Chautauqua County is to train and involve members of the community in emergency response using CERT curriculum as a means to accomplish this goal.

Annticipated Accomplishments: Individuals within our county will be better prepared in the event of a disaster by proper training and dissemination of information.

Our first team was trained in July of 2004. Our second team in September of 2005. We also have trained a Campus Emergency Response Team at SUNY Fredonia in October of 2005. This Campus Emergency Response Team is one of the first at a SUNY college.

Many individuals of both teams have responded to the hurricanes in the South due to their CERT training. Not-For-Profit agencies have reconized the value of such training, and have used them accordingly.

We are planning two more trainings in 2006 in Chautauqua County.


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